Act Declared Unconstitutional
WHERE TO GO TO-NIGHT WEATHER FORECAST Royal—The Sea Hawk. < 'auitol—In Love With Love, For $6 hours ending 5 p m.. Wednesday ttW*0 (’ollaeum—I>avid Copperfield. Columbia—Hot Water. Victoria end vicinity—Strong winds iMiininlon—lie Who Gets Slapped. or gales, mostly southerly to westerly, Playhouse—Fashion Row. unsettled and mild, with rain. -t= PRICE FIVE CENTS VOL. 66 NO. 17 VICTORIA, B.C., TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1925 —16 PAGES. 7887 act declared unconstitutional NEW MEMBER OF CANADA'S EXPORTS McGEER CALLED LOGGING IMIS ON UPPER C00LIDGE CABINET; \ IN 1924 SHOWED A HERE TO CONFER CAM OF CANADA CONSHŒCSmiJTlON CHARLES B. WARREN SUBSTANTIAL GAIN ON RATE FIGHT G. G. McGeer, K.C.. British Co CREATED BY DECISION OF PRIVY COUNCIL IN VANCOUVER ISLAND BOUGHT Ottawa, Jan. 20.—Official lumbia Government rate counsel, trade figures for the calendar will be called here Immediately to confer with Premier Oliver on veer show Canadian exports plans for presenting this Prov totaled $1,058,057,898 in 1924,. ince's case before the Supreme/ - LONDON RULING OOT LABOR CONCILIATION ACT FOR DEVELOPMENT PURPOSES Court of Canada when it takes up as against $1,014,944,274 in freight rate questions early in 1923. The imports were $808,- February: The Premier explained 185,573, as against $903,030, to day that he wants to discuss Appeal in Toronto Hydro Electric Case Led to Declara Bloedel, Stewart and Welch Corporation Buys Interests READ JUDGMENT . 515. the whole rate situation with Mr. tion Passing of Industrial Disputes Investigation of Eastern Owners in Campbell River District; McGeer before he goes to Ottawa for the Supreme Court hearing.
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