The Maritime Dimension of Csdp

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The Maritime Dimension of Csdp DIRECTORATE-GENERAL FOR EXTERNAL POLICIES OF THE UNION DIRECTORATE B POLICY DEPARTMENT STUDY THE MARITIME DIMENSION OF CSDP: GEOSTRATEGIC MARITIME CHALLENGES AND THEIR IMPLICATIONS FOR THE EUROPEAN UNION Abstract The global maritime security environment is in the midst of an important transformation, driven by a simultaneous intensification of global maritime flows, the growing interconnectedness of maritime regions, the diffusion of maritime power to emerging powers, and the rise of a number of maritime non-state actors. These changes are having a profound impact on the maritime security environment of the EU and its member states and require an upgrading of the maritime dimension of the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP). This study analysis the impact that the changing maritime security context is having on the EU’s maritime neighbourhood and along the EU’s sea lines of communications (SLOCs) and takes stock of the EU’s existing policies and instruments in the maritime security domain. Based on this analysis, the study suggests that the EU requires a comprehensive maritime security strategy that creates synergies between the EU’s Integrated Maritime Policy and the maritime dimension of CSDP and that focuses more comprehensively on the security and management of global maritime flows and sea-based activities in the global maritime commons. EP/EXPO/B/SEDE/FWC/2009-01/Lot6/21 January 2013 PE 433.839 EN Policy Department DG External Policies This study was requested by the European Parliament's Subcommittee on Security and Defence. AUTHORS1: Timo BEHR, Research Fellow, FINNISH INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS, FINLAND Erik BRATTBERG, Research Fellow, SWEDISH INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS, SWEDEN Jyrki KALLIO, Research Fellow, FINNISH INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS, FINLAND Mika AALTOLA, Programme Director, FINNISH INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS, FINLAND Charly SALONIUS-PASTERNAK, Research Fellow, FINNISH INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS, FINLAND Andreas RASPOTNIK, EXACT Marie Curie ITN Research Fellow, TRANS EUROPEAN POLICY STUDIES ASSOCIATION, BELGIUM Maija SALONEN, Coordinator, FINNISH INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS, FINLAND ADMINISTRATOR RESPONSIBLE: Ulrich KAROCK Directorate-General for External Policies of the Union Policy Department ASP 03 F 374, rue Wiertz 60, B-1047 Brussels Editorial Assistant: Elina STERGATOU LINGUISTIC VERSIONS Original: EN ABOUT THE EDITOR Editorial closing date: 29 January 2013. © European Union, 2013 Printed in Belgium. ISBN: 978-92-823-4083-7 DOI: 10.2861/30045 The Information Note is available on the Internet at If you are unable to download the information you require, please request a paper copy by e-mail : [email protected]. DISCLAIMER Any opinions expressed in this document are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the European Parliament. Reproduction and translation, except for commercial purposes, are authorised, provided the source is acknowledged and provided the publisher is given prior notice and supplied with a copy of the publication. 1 This study is the result of collaborative research undertaken between researcher from the Finnish Institute of International Affairs (FIIA) and the Swedish Institute of International Affairs (SIIA). Sections 2, 3, and 4 have been authored by FIIA researchers, while sections 5 and 6 have been authored by SIIA researchers; introduction and conclusion represent joint products. The authors would like to extend their gratitude to Stefan Eklöf Amirell and Mark Rhinard for providing helpful comments on an early draft of the study. 2 The Maritime Dimension of CSDP TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF ACRONYMS 7 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 10 1. INTRODUCTION 12 2. THE GLOBAL MARITIME CONTEXT 13 2.1 CONTESTED MARITIME COMMONS 13 2.2 EVOLVING MARITIME BALANCE OF POWER 16 2.3 EMERGING MARITIME SECURITY THREATS 19 2.4 FUTURE MARITIME GOVERNANCE SCENARIOS 21 3. THE EU’S MARITIME NEIGHBOURHOOD 25 3.1 THE MEDITERRANEAN SEA 25 3.1.1 Significance 25 3.1.2 Security Challenges 26 3.1.3 Future Challenges & Implications 29 3.2 THE BLACK SEA 31 3.2.1 Significance 31 3.2.2 Security Challenges 31 3.2.3 Future Challenges & Implications 33 3.3 THE BALTIC SEA 33 3.3.1 Significance 33 3.3.2 Security Challenges 34 3.3.3 Future Challenges & Implications 35 3.4 WEST AFRICA 35 3.4.1 Significance 35 3.4.2 Security Challenges 36 3.4.3 Future Challenges & Implications 37 3.5 CONCLUSIONS 38 4. SEA LINES OF COMMUNICATIONS (SLOCS) 40 4.1 THE SOUTHERN CORRIDOR 40 4.1.1 Significance 40 3 Policy Department DG External Policies 4.1.2 Security Challenges 41 4.1.3 Future Challenges & Implications 45 4.2 THE EASTERN CORRIDOR 46 4.2.1 Significance 46 4.2.2 Security Challenges 47 4.2.3 Future challenges & Implications 51 4.3 THE NORTHERN CORRIDOR 52 4.3.1 Significance 53 4.3.2 Security Challenges 56 4.3.3 Future Challenges & Implications 58 4.4 CONCLUSIONS 58 5. THE EU AS A MARITIME SECURITY ACTOR 62 5.1 POLICY FRAMEWORK 62 5.1.1 CSDP after Lisbon 62 5.1.2 European Security Strategy (2003) 63 5.1.3 Implementation Report on the European Security Strategy (2008) 63 5.2 SECONDARY LEGISLATION 64 5.2.1 Commission Communication on an Integrated Maritime Policy (2007) 64 5.2.2 Resolution of the European Parliament on piracy at sea (2008) 64 5.2.3 EU Council conclusions on Maritime security strategy (2010) 64 5.2.4 Strategic Framework for Horn of Africa (2011) 64 5.3 OVERVIEW OF ACTORS INVOLVED IN SHAPING EU'S APPROACH TO MARITIME SECURITY 65 5.3.1 European External Action Service (EEAS) 65 5.3.2 European Union Military Committee (EUMC) 66 5.3.3 EU Military Staff (EUMS) 66 5.3.4 Crisis Management and Planning Directorate (CMPD) 66 5.3.5 EU Operations Centre for the Horn of Africa 66 5.3.6 The Committee for Civilian Aspects of Crisis Management (CIVCOM) 67 5.3.7 Civilian Planning and Conduct Capability (CPCC) 67 5.3.8 Political and Security Committee (PSC) 67 5.3.9 EU Delegations 68 5.3.10 European Commission 68 5.3.11 European Parliament 68 5.4 EU INSTRUMENTS 68 5.4.1 Financial Instruments 69 4 The Maritime Dimension of CSDP 5.4.2 Instrument for Stability (IfS) 70 5.4.3 European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI) 71 5.4.4 European Development Fund (EDF) 71 5.4.5 Partnership Instrument for cooperation with third countries (PI) 72 5.4.6 Development Cooperation Instrument (DCI) 72 5.4.7 European Commission’s Joint Research Centre 73 5.4.8 CSDP/CSFP budget 73 5.5 OTHER RELEVANT EU AGENCIES 74 5.5.1 European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) 74 5.5.2 Frontex 74 5.6 EU MILITARY CAPABILITIES 75 5.7 OTHER EUROPEAN BILATERAL INITIATIVES AND JOINT FORCES 76 5.7.1 Franco-British security and defence cooperation 76 5.7.2 Nordic Defence Cooperation (NORDEFCO) 76 5.7.3 European Amphibious Initiative (EAI) 77 5.7.4 European Carrier Group Interoperability Initiative (ECGII) 77 5.7.5 European Maritime Forces (EUROMARFOR) 77 5.8 ALLIANCES & PARTNERSHIPS 77 5.8.1 NATO 77 5.8.2 African Union (AU) 78 5.8.3 ASEAN 79 5.8.4 United Nations 79 5.8.5 Contact Group on Piracy off the Coast of Somalia (CGPCS) 80 5.8.6 United States 81 5.8.7 Bilateral agreements 81 5.8.8 Political dialogues 82 6. EU MARITIME SECURITY OPERATIONS 83 6.1 EU NAVFOR OPERATION ATALANTA 83 6.1.1 Legal mandate 83 6.1.2 Operational implementation 84 6.1.3 Lessons learned 85 6.2 EUCAP NESTOR 85 6.2.1 Legal mandate 85 6.2.2 Operational implementation 86 6.2.3 Lessons learned 87 6.3 FILLING THE GAPS 87 5 Policy Department DG External Policies 6.3.1 Inter-institutional coordination 87 6.3.2 Intra-institutional coordination 89 7. CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS 91 8. BIBLIOGRAPHY 96 9. ANNEX 104 9.1 WORKSHOP SUMMARY REPORT - 'THE MARITIME DIMENSION OF THE COMMON SECURITY AND DEFENCE POLICY'- 27 NOVEMBER 2012, BRUSSELS 104 6 The Maritime Dimension of CSDP LIST OF ACRONYMS A2/AD Anti-access and area-denial capabilities AAR air-to-air refuelling ABM Anti-Ballistic Missile ABR Arctic Bridge Route AC Arctic Council AGS air-to-ground refuelling AMSA Arctic Shipping Assessment Report AMISOM African Union Mission to Somalia ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations AU African Union bbl Barrels bbl/d Barrels per day BMD Ballistic Missile Defence C3 control, command, communications CFSP Common Foreign and Security Policy CGPCS Contact Group on Piracy off the Coast of Somalia CISE Common Information Sharing Environment CIVCOM Committee for Civilian Aspects of Crisis Management CMF Combined Maritime Forces CMPD Crisis Management and Planning Directorate CONOPS Conduct of Operations CPCC Civilian Planning and Conduct Capability CSDP Common Security and Defence Policy DCI Development Cooperation Instrument DG ECHO European Commission Directorate General of Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection DG MARE European Commission Directorate General of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries DRTC Djibouti Regional Training Centre EAI European Amphibious Initiative ECGII European Carrier Group Interoperability Initiative EDA European Defence Agency EDF European Development Fund EEAS European External Action Service EEZ Exclusive Economic Zone EMSA European Maritime Safety Agency 7 Policy Department DG External Policies ENPI European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument ESS European Security Strategy EUMC European Union Military Committee EUMS EU Military Staff EUROMARFOR European Maritime Force EUROSUR European External Border Surveillance System EUSR EU Special Representative GCTF Global Counter-Terrorism Forum GDP Gross
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