Odonatological Abstract Service

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Odonatological Abstract Service Odonatological Abstract Service published by the INTERNATIONAL DRAGONFLY FUND (IDF) in cooperation with the WORLDWIDE DRAGONFLY ASSOCIATION (WDA) Editors: Dr. Martin Lindeboom, Landhausstr. 10, D-72074 Tübingen, Germany. Tel. ++49 (0)7071 552928; E-mail: [email protected] and Martin Schorr, Schulstr. 7B D-54314 Zerf, Germany. Tel. ++49 (0)6587 1025; E-mail: martinschorr @onlinehome.de Published in Rheinfelden, Germany and printed in Tübingen, Germany. ISSN 1438-0269 ters influence vision, because they change the spectral 1997 composition of visual stimuli. Results of transmission measurements of cornea lenses of Heptatoma pellu- cens FABRICIUS (Diptera: Tabanidae) and Poecilobo- 3804. Jansen, W.; Steiner, R.; Peissner, T.; Hövel, S.; thnis nobilitatus Linné (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) are gi- König, A.; Rahmann, H. (1997): 4.3 Libellen. In: Böcker, ven." (Authors).] Address: Lunau, K., Institut fur Zoolo- R. (Ed.): Erfolgskontrolle im Naturschutz am Beispiel gie, Universitätsstr. 31, D-93040 Regensburg, Germany des Moorkomplexes Wurzacher Ried. Agrarforschung in Baden-Württemberg 28: 142-172. (in German). [Bad 3806. Matthews, J.V.; Telka, A. (1997): Insect Fossils Wurzach (9.53E 47.54N), Baden-Württemberg, Germa- from the Yukon. In: H.V. Danks and J.A. Downes ny; this fen bog ist one of the most important in the (Eds.), Insects of the Yukon. Biological Survey of Ca- middle range mountain region of Germany. Many habi- nada (Terrestrial Arthropods), Ottawa. 1034 pp: 911- tat management measures have been realised to im- 962. (in English). [Verbatim: [...] Odonata. Despite the prove habitat quality. In spite of the importance of this thickly sclerotized character of certain parts of adult fen bog, quite few older data on Odonata are available. damselflies and dragonflies, the only fossils identified to Contraryly, in the 1990th, data on Odonata were exten- date are the distinctive mandibles. The odonate man- sively collected. To assess the measures and to make dibles are so distinct that there may be a potential for a prognosis on population development in the near futu- identification at least to the family level. Their occurren- re, key stone species (e.g Aeshna subarctica elisabe- ce in Yukon samples is rare mainly because many of thae, Somatochlora arctica, Lestes virens, Nehalennia the samples studied to date represent treeline or tundra speciosa, Coenagrion hastulatum, Leucorrhinia pecto- environments, not the types of habitat in which dragon- ralis, L. dubia, L. rubicunda) were monitored. Without flies and damselflies are abundant. One of the samples open water surfaces, many typical species will disap- from Rock River (Table 2) contains a fragment of the pear. Konflicts between the management task to resto- genital apparatus of an odonate, but such fossils are re an undisturbed high bog (with a close sphagnum- very rare. Odonate larvae possess sclerotized and very vegetation and few typical odonate species) and a high distinctive mouthparts which one might expect to pre- bog with (small) peat ponds exploited by hand (high serve as fossils, but to date none has been recovered odonate diversity) are discussed. It is proposed to crea- from Yukon samples. [...].] Address: Matthews, J.V., te suitable water bodies by peat cutting realising the so- Ohana Productions, 23 Sherry Lane Nepean, Ontario, called 'rotation model' of H. Wildermuth.] Address: Canada K2G 3L4 Rahmann, H., Inst. Zool., Univ. Stuttgart, Garbenstr. 30, D-70599 Stuttgart, Germany 1998 3805. Knüttel, H.; Lunau, K. (1997): Farbige Augen bei Insekten. Mitteilungen der deutschen Gesellschaft für allgemeine und angewandte Entomologie 11(1-6): 587-590. (in German with English summary). ["Conspi- 3807. Bergeson, D.G. (1998): Whooping Crane moni- cuous, bright colorations of insect compound eyes may toring in Wood Buffalo National Park. Research Links be caused by two different mechanisms resulting in dif- 6(3): 1, 10. (in English). [Odonata sampled in feeding ferent functions: 1) A thin layer of bright, light scattering ponds of Whooping Cranes (Grus americana) are pigment inside the pigment cells bordering cornea and Aeshna sp. and Ophiogomphus sp. For more details crystalline cones may determine the eye's outer appea- see: Bergeson, D.G.; Bradley, M.; Holroyd, G. (2001): rance when seen through the transparent dioptric appa- Food items and feeding rates for wild Whooping Crane ratus. The insect's vision is not influenced by this phe- colts in Wood Buffalo National Park. Proc. North Ameri- nomenon (STAVENOA 1979). The cornea transmits can Crane workshop 8: 36-39.] Address: not stated light equally well for all wavelengths involved in vision. As examples Ischnura elegans (Odonata: Coenagrioni- 3808. Costa, J.M.; Araújo, B.J. de (1998): Catalogue dae) and Lathyrophthaltmis aeneus (Diptera: Syrphi- of the types of Odonata in the Museu Nacional, Rio de dae) are presented. 2) Interference filters in the cornea Janeiro, Brazil. Publçoes avuls. Muse. nac., Rio de Ja- cause colorful, metallic reflections. Transmission mea- neiro 76: 1-30. (in Portugese, with English summary). surements of single cornea lenses revealed that the in- [Holo- or paratype material referring to 87 species and terference filters act as color filters by reducing trans- subspecies are deposited in the odonatological collecti- mission of light in a small limited waveband. These fil- on of the Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil and Odonat. Abstr. Service 14 (July 2004) - page 1 are documented in detail. A gazetteer with coordinates experiences gained in the project. The suggestions are of the collection localities is listed in an appendix.] Ad- explicitely designed to minimize the reporting efforts as dress: Costa, J.M., Deparlamento de Entmologia, Mu- far as possible." (Authors) On pages 378-380 the stan- seu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, dards refering to the Odonata are outlined.] Address: Quinta da Boa Vista, São Cristóvão, BR-20942-040 Rio Rückriem, C., c/o Bundesamt für Naturschutz, Konstan- de Janeiro, Brazil. E-mail: [email protected]. br tinstr. 110, D-53179 Bonn, Germany 3809. Hänggi, A. (1998): Bewertungen mit Indikatorar- 3813. Vonwil, G. (1999): Jahresbericht 1998. Kontroll- ten versus Erfassung des gesamten Artenspektrums - programm Natur und Landschaft Kanton Aargau. Libel- ein Konfliktfall?. Laufener Seminarbeiträge 8/98: 33-42. len. Aargau, Baudepartement, Sektion Natur und Land- (in German). [The author demonstrates significant diffe- schaft, Grundlagen und Berichte zum Naturschutz 19: rent results in assessing the nature conservation value 13. (in German). [Switzerland; the paper briefly reports of exact the same habitat when using either spiders, on surveys to control the efficiency of habitat restoration Carabidae, amphibs, Odonata, and the vegetation, re- or improvment measures for dragonflies. Some empha- spectively.] Address: Hänggi, A., Naturhist. Mus. Basel, sis is given to the Odonata of running waters, the drift of Abt. Zool., Augustinergasse 2, CH-4001 Basel, Switzer- Ophiogomphus cecilia, Leucorrhinia caudalis, impacts land of weather conditions on the species dwelling tempora- ry ponds, the occurence of mediterranean species, and 3810. Torralba Burrial, A.; Ortega Martínez, M. (1998): the duration of flood to ensure the succesful develop- Libélula comedora de ranas. Boletin de la Sociedad En- ment of Sympetrum-species. But, no detailed results tomologia Aragonesa 21: 14. (in Spanish with English are given.] Address: Baudepartement des Kantons Aar- summary). [Miramón, Spain, 13.09.1997; a larva of A- gau, Abteilung Landschaft und Gewässer, Sektion Na- nax imperator got a firm hold with a leg of an adult Ra- tur und Landschaft, Entfelderstr. 22, CH-5001 Aargau, na perezi.] Address: Torralba Burrial, A., Av. Menéndez Switzerland Pidal no 9, 2F, ES-22003 Huesca, Spain 2000 1999 3814. Cham, S. (2000): Proof of breeding. Darter 20: 3811. Houpert, G. (1999): Excursion entomologique 14. (in English). [Sympetrum striolatum is used as e- au lieu-dit "les Pontances", pelouse calcaire de Jezain- xample to map and demonstrate the differences in the ville (54) le 6 juin 1998. Bull. Soc. Lorraine Ent. 6: 23- distribution in UK if differend between "proven / pro- 25. (in French). [Lorraine, France, Calopteryx splen- bable breeding", "possible breeding / adults only".] Ad- dens, C. virgo are recorded] Address: not stated dress: Cham, S., 24 Bedford Avenue, Silsoe, Bedford, MK45 4ER UK. E-mail: SteveCham1@compuserve. 3812. Rückriem, C.; Roscher, S. (1999): Empfehlun- com gen zur Umsetzung der Berichtspflicht gemäß Artikel 17 der Fauna-Flora-Habitat-Richtlinie. Angewandte Land- 3815. Costa, J.M.; Machado, A.B.M.; Lencioni, F.A.; schaftsökologie 22: 456 pp. (in German with English Santos, T.C. (2000): Diversidade e distribuçao dos O- and French summary). ["Recommendations on the donata (Insecta) no estado de Sao Paulo, Brasil: Parte implementation of the reporting obligations according to 1 - Lista das espécies e registros bibliográficos. Publ. article 17 of the Habitats Directive of the EU. "This work Avul. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro 80: 1-27. (in Portugese, consists of two major parts: The first part deals with the with English summary). [The checklist of Sao Paulo to- requests on the implementations of the reporting obliga- tals to 251 odonate species. Information is organized tions as they can be derived from the Habitats Directi- family wise, and notes to some selected species are ve. The different levels involved are mentioned, as the included. The paper
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