
Odonatological Abstracts

1987 1993

(15761) SAIKI, M.K. &T.P. LOWE, 1987. Selenium (15763) ARNOLD, A., 1993. Die Libellen ()

in aquatic organisms from subsurface agricultur- der “Papitzer Lehmlachen” im NSG Luppeaue bei

al drainagewater, San JoaquinValley, California. Leipzig. Verbff. NaturkMus. Leipzig 11; 27-34. -

Archs emir. Contam. Toxicol. 16: 657-670. — (US (Zur schonen Aussicht 25, D-04435 Schkeuditz).

Fish & Wildl. Serv., Natn. Fisheries Contaminant The locality is situated 10km NW of the city centre

Res. Cent., Field Res, Stn, 6924 Tremont Rd, Dixon, of Leipzig, E Germany (alt, 97 m). An annotated

CA 95620, USA). list is presented of 30 spp., evidenced during 1985-

Concentrations of total selenium were investigated -1993.

in plant and samplesfrom Kesterson Reser-

voir, receiving agricultural drainage water (Merced (15764) BEKUZIN, A.A., 1993. Otryad Strekozy -

— Co.) and, as a reference, from the Volta Wildlife (Odonata). [OrderDragonflies —

km of which Area, ca 10 S Kesterson, has high qual- Odonatoptera(Odonata)].Insectsof Uzbekistan , pp.

ity irrigationwater. Overall,selenium concentrations 19-22,Fan, Tashkent, (Russ.). - (Author’s address

in samples from Kesterson averaged about 100-fold unknown).

than those from Volta. in and A rather 20 of higher Thus, May general text, mentioning (out 76) spp.

Aug. 1983, the concentrations (pg/g dry weight) at No locality data, but some notes on their

Kesterson in larval had of 160- and vertical in Central Asia. Zygoptera a range occurrence

220 and in Anisoptera 50-160. In Volta,these values

were 1.2-2.I and 1.1-2.5, respectively. In compari- (15765) GAO, Zhaoning, 1993. Ningxia nongyekun-

son, A.K. Furr et al. (1979, N. Y. Fish Game J. 26: chong shilu. — [Agricultural of Ningxia].

154-161)reported selenum content of the Plathemis [Transliteration of publisher’s name and address

larvae from control 1.5 while vi+336 lydia a pond as pg/g, notavailable], pp. Paperback (18.5 x26.0 cm).

in the specimensfrom a nearbypond, contaminated ISBN 7-80559-055-9. Price: US $ 23.- net. (Chin.).

by coal ash, it was 4.1 pg/g. A catalogue of insects, arachnids, crustaceans, chi-

lopods and gastropods of the autonomous region

1989 of China. 32 odon. listed Ningxia, spp. are on pp.


(15762) KORDIS, X, 1989. Mlaka. - [The pond\.

Mladinska knjiga, Ljubljana. Fold, cardboard bro- 1996

6 x 22.7 ISBN 86-11-03426-0. chure, pp. (20.5 cm).

(Slovene). (15766) COOPER, J.M.. 1996. Merlin (Falcocolum-

A of directed Columbia presentation pond life, at children, batius) preys on flying . Br.

with some hints on observation techniques, and Birds 6: 15-16. — (Sirius Envir. Res., 1278 Laurel

some references to the odon. Rd, R.R. 3, Sidney, BC, V8L 5K8, CA).

A juvenile marlin was observed to catch and eat 90 Odonatological Abstracts

G.K. & R.G. a large (Aeshna sp.?) and chase others (15769) RODERICK, GILLESPIE,

— of white on migration; North Saanich, ca 25 km 1998. Speciation and phylogeography Hawaiian

- N of Victoria, BC, Canada; 10-IX-1996. Based on terrestrial . Mol. Ecol. 7: 519-531.

the literature, it is stated that dragonfly “hawking” (Cent. Conserv. Res. & Training,Univ. Hawai’i, 3050

be Made Gilmore HA appears to very common among young-of-the- Way, 409, Honolulu, 96822,

-year marlins (L.W. Oliphant& S. McTaggert, 1977, USA).

FldNat. and be With reference the available information Can. 91:190-192) may an important to on pat-

practice in learningtohunt (D. Dekker, 1985, Wild terns of speciation and phylogeography, the Ha-

hunters. Can. Wolf Defenders, Edmonton). The waiian Odon. are categorized as follows: (1) single

importance of large insects in the diet of marlins representatives of a lineage throughout the islands

further duringmigrationwarrants investigation. (Anax strenuus, Nesogoniablackburni); (2)

radiations with multiplespecies on each volcano or

(15767) MILLS, A.P., J.F. RUTTER & L.J. ROSEN- island (Megalagrion), and (3) widespread species

BERG, 1996. Weather associated with spring and within radiations of localized species (M. hawai-

summer migrations of rice pests and other insects iense). - A phytogeny based on morphological and

in south-eastern and eastern Asia. Bull. ent. Res. ecological characters showed that the Hawaiian ra- — 86: 683-694. (Third Author: Nat. Resour. Inst., diation of Megalagrion(22spp.) cluster according to

Central Ave, Chaltham Maritime, Kent, ME4 4TB, ecological affinity (gill shape and breedingecology).

UK). Based onthis analysis, species initially differentiated

Trajectory analysis of the windfields at 10 m and on Kaua’i, or a preceding high island, and repre-

1.5 km was used to determine direction and ex- sentatives of each of these then progressed

tent of windbome movements of insects trapped independently down the island chain. This would

in spring and summer; 1968-1985. Approximately suggestthat diversification itself cannot be explained

2500 trajectories, depictingthe movements of air- on the basis ofecological shifts in this . — M.

hawaiiense all but exhib- borne particles, were constructed where tempera- occurs on high volcanoes,

tures were high enough (a 10°C) to allow flightand its different colour morphs on different volcanoes.

where wind speeds (2 5km/h) were expected tolead This suggests that populations of this apparently

to downwind displacements. (specific widespread taxonare much more differentiated than

names not stated) were represented in trap catches they appear based on gross morphology. It may in

in May (1 specimen), June (25), July (35) and Aug. fact represent a complex of species.


(15770) ROGERS, C, 1998. Aquatic macroinver-

1998 tebrate occurrencesand population trends in con-

structed and natural vernal pools in Folsom, Califor-

(15768) IZQUIERDO, L, C. MARTIN, M. PARIS nia. In'. C.W Witham etal., [Eds], Ecology, conserva-

1998. La coleccion de and vernal & C. SANTOS, entomologia tion management of pooI ecosystems, pp.

del Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (CSIC). 224-235, Calif. Native Plant Soc.,Sacramento/CA.

Graellsia 53[1997]; 49-85. (With Engl, s.). — (Mus. — (Jones & Stokes Associates, 2600 V St., Suite 100,

Nac. Cien. Natur., Jose Guttierrez Abascal 2, ES- Sacramento,CA 95818, USA).

-28006 Madrid). Macroinvertebrate populations from constructed

Information is presented on the volume and taxo- and natural vernal pools on the same land forms and

nomic and faunistic composition of the Entomol- in close proximity were compared quantitativelyto

Collection ofthe MNM, Madrid. A determine colonization and temporaltrends. Sam- ogy catalogue

is There 6670 odon. for not provided. are specimens pling averages are given Coenagrionresolutum,

(3024 of the Iberian fauna, 334 from other palae- Aeshna interruptanavadensis, Belonia saturata and

arctic regions, 1763 non-palaearctic). Much of the Libellula sp.

R. material was studied or provided by Martin and

E, de Selys-Longchamps. The Collection harbours (15771) SMITHERS, C.N., 1998. A species list and

of the insects recorded holotypes of 14 spp., described by A. Compte, R. bibliography from Norfolk

Martin and F.J. Ocharan. Island. Tech. Rep. Ausl. Mus. 13:1-55. ISBN 0-7313-

9500-X. — (Ent. Dept, Aust. Mus., 6 College St., Odonatological Abstracts 91

Sydney, NSW-2000, AU). are listed from 7 springs located across Oklahoma,

Agriocnemis exudans, Ischnura aurora, Aeshna USA. Detailed descriptions of the localities are

brevistyla and Hemicordulia australiae are the sole provided.

odon. known the island. spp. to occur on Compre-

hensive bibliography is presented. (15775) GILLOOLY, J.F. & S.I. DODSON, 2000. The

relationshipof egg size and incubation temperature 2000 to embryonic development time in univoltine and

multivoltine aquatic insects. Freshw. Biot. 44: 595-

(15772) BUCKLEY, T.R.,C. SIMON, P.K. FLOOR -604. — (First Author: 10413th Ave, StPete Beach,

& B. MISOF, 2000. Secondary structure and con- FL 33706, USA).

served motifs ofthe domains Published data 34 of 7 orders 6 odon. frequently sequenced on spp. (inch

IV and V of the mitochondrial subu- all used the large spp., univoltine)were to investigate com-

nit rRNA Insect Mol. Biol. 565-580. - bined influence of size and incubation gene. 9(6); egg tem-

(First Author: Zool. Dept, Duke Univ., Durham, perature on embryonic development time (EDT)

NC different incubation 27708-0325, USA). at 4 temperatures (10, 15, 20,

insect mitochondrial subunit Over 400 partial large 25°C). EDT was positively correlated with egg size

in order iden- each of the 4 but with different (mit LSU) sequences are analysed to at temperatures,

tify motifs and secondary structures for domains IV relationships for univoltine and multivoltine spp.

and V of this from 13 insect The of EDT size in gene. Aligned sequences relationships to egg expressed

orders (inch Odon.; Aeshna cyanea) and 9 structure degree-days did not significantly differ in slope (P

These conserved > > for either univoltine diagrams are presented. sequence 0.50) or intercept (P 0.05)

motifs and their elements multivoltine each of the 4 secondary structure can or spp. at temperatures.

be used facilitate the of other in- The of EDT now to alignment relationships (degree-days)to egg mass

mit LSU in multivoltine sect sequences. spp. is similar in slope and intercept

to that for other oviparous (i.e. zooplank-

(15773) [COCKERELL, T.D.A.] WEBER, W.A., ton, fish, amphibians and reptiles), and to the re-

[Ed.], 2000. The American Cockerell: a naturalist’s lationship of EDT to neonate mass in mammals.

1866-1948. Univ. Press Boulder/CO. Univoltine 3-5 times life, Colorado, spp. on average require longer

xxiii+352pp., 11 plsinci. Hardcover(16.0x23.5cm). to develop than most other animals of equivalent

0-97081-544-X. Price: - of ISBN €37.60 net. (Publish- egg mass, but the relationship EDT to egg mass

ers: 5589 Arapahoe Ave, Suite 206 C, Boulder, CO is similar in slope to that of most other animals.

80303, USA). Togetherthese relationshipsprovide a basis for eva-

Based Cockerell’s differences in insects. on autobiographic papers (here luating EDT among aquatic

reprinted and annotated) the Author pulled togeth-

er pieces of the life of this well-known naturalist, (15776) KAZANCI, N. & M. DUGEL, 2000. An eva-

Professor at the Univ. of Colorado, Boulders. His luation of the water quality of Yuvarlak, a stream

bibliography(3904titles)was published by the same in the Koycegiz-Dalyan Protected Area,SW Turkey.

Author separately (1965, Univ. Colorado Stud. [Bibli- Turk. J. Zool. 24: 69-80. (With Turk. s.). - (Dept

ogr.] I: 1-124). In the odonatol. world, T.D.A.C. is Biol., Fac. Sci., Hacettepe Univ., Beytepe, Ankara,

known for his work on the Tertiary (and also other Turkey).

fossil) taxa of Colorado (Florissant), Rocky Mts, The longitudinal and seasonal macroinvertebrate

— distribution and the and chemical Wyoming, Britain, Mongolia, etc. (1907-1939). physical proper-

For a book review, see A. Goertz,2001, Young Ent. ties of the Yuvarlak Stream, studied during Apr.

Soc. Q. 18(2): 47. 1992-Apr. 1993, are reported. The paper includes

information on the odon. genera Calopteryx, Pla-

(15774) GASKIN, B. & D. BASS, 2000. Macroin- tycnemis, Coenagrion,Aeshna, Gomphus, Onycho-

vertebrates collected from sevenOklahoma springs. gomphus,Ophiogomphus and Orthetrum.

Proc. Okla. Acad. Sci. 80: 17-23. - (Dept Biol.,

Univ. Central Oklahoma, Edmond, OK 73034, (15777) KNAB, N„ C. COCKING, D. KNAB, A.


Anax junius and 6 other odon. taxa (gen. only) Verbreitung von Gomphus vulgatissiraus (L.) im 92 OdonatologicalAbstracts

Ems im Einzugsgebiet der Kreis Warendorf (Odo- signal trait and animmune effector system responsi-

nata; ). NUA [= Natur- und Umwelt- ble for parasite resistance rely on the same melanin-

schutzakademie Nordrhein-Westfalen] Seminarber. -producing enzyme cascade (phenoloxidase, PO).

6: 76-81. — (Second Author: Zum Hiltruper See 9, Observations and experiments on 3 d Calopteryx

D-48165 Munster). splendens xanthostoma revealed that resistance to

in basin in The occurrence of G. vulgatissimus the Ems the prevalentparasite the study system (a eugrega-

rine (Warendorf distr., Germany) was studied in 1999; protozoan infectingthe mid-gut) was correlated

the rivers Ems, Werse, Axtbach, Elessel, Angel, El- with quantitative aspects of the sexually dimorphic

and The melanized of trait that is tingmiihlenbach Bever were surveyed. sp. wingspot males, a produ-

occursthroughoutthe Ems, and at least locally in its ced and fixed before the host comes into contact

tributaries. The factors that be for with the of the of may responsible sporozoites parasite. Regulation

PO the recent increase of its localities are discussed. duringexperimentalimmune challengeshowed

that 6 i with dark, homogenous melanin distribu-

(15778) REECE, B.A., 2000. Early inslar growth and tion in their wings showed no change in PO levels

survivorship in the commonbaskettail dragonfly Epi- 24 h after challenge. By contrast 6 6 with lighter

theca M.Sci. melanin distribution in cynosura (Anisoptera: ). and/or more heterogenous

Thesis, Dept Biol. Sci., East Tennessee St. Univ., their wings tended to show higher PO levels 24 h

Johnson City, viii+50 pp. — (do Dr D.M. John- after immune challenge. The changes in PO levels

son, Dept Biol. Sci., East Tennessee St. Univ., Box occur despite the lack of a relationship between

Johnson TN distribution and the cellular 23590A, City, 37614-0002, USA), wing-pigment encap-

Egg masses were collected from Bays Mountain sulation response. These results suggest a shared,

park, Tennessee, USA, in June 1999. Newly hat- limitingresource may form the mechanistic basis of

individuals into enclosures ched were placed and the trade-off between a condition-dependentsignal

scheduled time intervals the trait and immune function in this sampled at throughout system.

summer. Enclosures wereexposed to combinations

of high and low densities and presence/absence ofa (15780) STAY, G, L. BLAUSTEIN & Y. MARGA-

E. second-year class cynosura predator. Survivor- LIT, 2000. Influence of nymphal Anax impera-

ship, mean head widths, and mean dry masseswere tor (Odonata: ) on oviposition by the

Due Culiseta Culici- compared across treatments. to poor recovery mosquito longiareolata (Diptera:

of showed early-instar larvae, survivorship no sig- dae) and community structure in temporary pools.

nificant differences in mortality among treatments. J. Vector Ecol. 25(2); 190-202. - (First Author:

The predatorpresenttreatment caused significantly Inst. Desert Res., Ben-Gurion Univ., Sede Boqer

smaller head widths and dry masses only on days Campus, 84990, Israel).

55. 42 and The density treatment had a significant The overall (consumptive plus non-consumptive)

effect on larval growth from day 28 through day 86 and non-consumptive effects ofA. imperatorlarvae

(end of the experiment). Larvae from low density on experimental pond communities were assessed

treatments: treatments had larger head widths and dry masses. by comparing 3 (1) control (no Anax);

The treatments not effects observed within the density (2) free Anax (Anax was constrained); and (3)

have resulted in cohort Those Anax enclosed within could were likely to a split. caged (Anax, a cage,

individuals in the low followed outside the but could density treatment a not consumeprey cages, pos-

univoltine life history, and high density individuals sibly influence them via perceived risk of preda-

followed semivoltine life is Fewer C. rafts found a history. Density proba- tion). longiareolata egg were

factor the voltinism in the free Anax the other bly a very important influencing treatment compared to

of E. cynosura at Bays Mountain Lake. 2 treatments. There was no statistically significant

difference in the number of egg rafts between con-

(15779) SIVA-JOTHY, M.T., 2000. A mechanistic trol and caged Anax pools. Thus, while Culiseta 2 2

link between parasite resistance and expression of apparently oviposit fewer egg rafts in the presence

not to a sexually selected trait in adamselfly. Proc. R Soc. of unconstrained Anax, they did respond

Land (B) 267: 2523-2527. — (Dept Anim.& Plant predationrisk from the caged Anax. Larval Culiseta

Sci., Univ. Sheffield,Sheffield, S10 2TN, UK). densities were drastically reduced by free Anax; there

A field-based insect system is examined in which a was nearly a 100% reduction in the number reaching Odonatological Abstracts 93

metamorphosis (pupae) and a 100% reduction in & Astronautics, Beijing-100083, PR. China).

emergence (pupalexuviae). There wereno significant Aerodynamicforce and flow structures of 2 airfoils

treatment effects on densities ofcrustaceans, Daph- in tandem configuration,performingflapping mo-

nia and chironomid tions studied in unnamed odon. magna Heterocypris sp, or on were an sp., using

pupalexuviae. Ceratopogonidpupalabundance was the method of solving the Navier-Stokes equations

higher in free Anax pools than in the other 2 treat- in moving overset grids. 3 typical phase differenc-

ments toward the end of the experiment.Free Anax es between the fore- and aft-airfoil flapping cycles

caused a trophic cascade, presumably by strongly are considered. The following has been shown. (1)

Culiseta of interaction the reducing the dominant periphyton grazer, In the case no (single airfoil),

larvae; periphyton mass was greaterin the free Anax time average of the vertical force coefficient over

treatment than in the control. However, there was the downstroke is 2.74, which is about 3 times as

no behavioral trophic cascade, i.e., no difference large as the maximum steady-state lift coefficient

in abundance between the control and of the time of the hori- periphyton a dragonflywing, average

caged Anax treatment. zontal force coefficient is 1.97, which is also large.

The reasons for the large force coefficients are the

of 2001 acceleration at the beginning astroke, the delayed

stall and the “pitching-up”motion near the end of

(15781) BAPTISTA, D.F.,D.F. BUSS, L.F.M. DOR- the stroke. (2) In the cases of two-airfoil, the time-

VILLE & J.L. NESSIMIAN, 2001. Diversity and -variations ofthe force and moment coefficients on

preference of aquatic insects along the lon- each airfoil are broadly similar to that of the single

gitudinalgradient of the Macae river basin, Rio de airfoil in that the vertical force is mainly produced

Janeiro, Brazil. Revta hrasil. Biol. 61(2): 249-258. in downstroke and horizontal force in upstroke, but

Port. - Author: differences exist due the interaction. (With s.). (First Depto Biol., IOC, very large to (3)

Fiocruz, Av. Brasil 4.365, BR-21045-900 Manguin- For in-phase stroking, the majordifferences caused

hos, RJ). by the interaction are that the vertical force on FA

The samples were taken at 5 stations, in Apr. (end in downstroke is increased and the horizontal force

of the and Oct. FA in decreased. As the rainy season), July (dry season) (be- on upstroke a result, mag-

In ginning of the rainy season). Odon., there was a nitude of the resultant force is almost unchanged

the marked preferencefor areas of low velocity, and but it inclines less forward. (4) For counter strok-

for the reaches. The dominant He- the differences arethat the vertical force upper taxa were: ing, major

horizontal force taerina (inApr,), (July) and Limnetron (Oct.). on AA in downstroke and on FA

taxa not magni- A list of is provided. in upstroke are decreased. As a result, the

tude of the resultant force is decreased by about

(15782) GALDEAN, N., M. CALLISTO & F.A.R. 20%, but its direction is almost unchanged. (5) For

BARBOSA, 2001. Biodiversity assessment of ben- 90°-phase-differencestroking, the majordifferences

thic macroinvertebrates in altitudinal lotic that the vertical force AA in downstroke and ecosys- are on

tems of Serra do Cipo (MG, Brazil). Revta brasil. horizontal force on FA in upstroke are decreased

Biol. 61(2); 239-248. (With Port. s.). - (SecondAu- greatlyand the horizontal force on AA in upstroke

thor: Lab. Limnol./Ecol. Bentos, Depto Biol. Geral, increased. As a result the magnitudeof the result-

Univ. Fed. Minas Gerais, C.P. 486, BR-30161-970 ant force is decreased by about 28% and it inclines

Belo Horizonte, MG). more forward. (6) Among the 3 cases of phase an-

5 lotic systems were investigated in order to assess gles, in-phase flappingproduces the largest vertical

the existing diversity of benthic macroinvertebrates, force (also the largestresultant force); the 90°-phase-

habitats/microhabitats, and the available trophic -difference flappinghas the largest horizontal force,

resources. Only generalreferences are made to the althoughit produces the smallest resultant force.

odon. occurrence at various sampling zones.

(15784) LAU, M., 2001. Interesting odonates from

(15783) LAN, S.L. & M. SUN, 2001. Aerodynamic Hong Kong Island. Porcupine 23: 4. - (c/o Ms E.

force and flow structures of two airfoils in flapping Tam, Dept Ecol. & Biodiv.,Univ. HongKong, Hong

motions. Acta median, sin. (Engl. Ser.) 17: 310-331. Kong, China).

— Fluid (Inst. Mechanics, BeijingUniv. Aeronautics A note on, and records of Calicnemia sinensis, 94 OdonatologicalAbstracts

Drepanosticta hongkongensis and Sinosticta oga- poles (the lethal effect). Treatments in which lethal

tai. and nonlethal effects of Anax were manipulated

independently indicated that this result was robust

(15785) MICHIGAN ODONA TA SURVEY TECH- for a large range of different combinations of lethal

effects. if NICAL NOTES (ISSN none). Nos 1 (June 1999), 2 and nonlethal Because many, not most, ,

(June 1999),3(May 2001). — (c/o Mus. Zool., Univ. prey modify traits in response to predators, the re-

Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 49109-1079, USA). sults suggest that the magnitudeof interaction co-

adult efficients between 2 often be [No. I]: O'Brien. M. ; Preserving Odonata spec- spp. may dynamically

imens for the MOS (2 pp.); - [No, 2]: Bright. E.: related to changes in other community members,

Sampling protocol for Odonata larvae (5 pp.); — and thatmany indirect effects previously attributed

M.F: Hine’s emerald the lethal effects of instead be due [No. 3]: O’Brien, dragonfly, to predators may

Somatochlora hineana Williamson (2 pp.). to shifts in traits of surviving prey.

(15786) O’MEARA, M., 2001. The dragonfliesof Wa- (15788) REELS, C.T., 2001. Two HongKong ‘endem-

th and - terford city county, Waterford Wildlife, Water- ics’ sunk atWutongshan.Porcupine 23:5. (26,6

ford. 16 pp. [Fauna of Co. Waterford, No. 4: Odona- St, Section C, Fairview Park, Yuen Long, New Ter-

ta]. ISBN 0-9540303-3-8. — (Availablefree from the ritories, Hong Kong, China).

publishers: 153 St John’s Park, Waterford, Eire). Sinosticta ogatai and Drepanosticta hongkongensis,

A catalogue and distribution atlas of the Waterford hitherto only known from Hong Kong, have been

,h in odon. (17 spp.) to the end of the 20 century, with discovered on the slopes of Wutongshan Shen-

7 other Irish All Waterford zhen. notes on spp. spp. are

mapped(10 km squares of the National Grid), and

notes on habitats and habits are provided. Also in- (15789) WALSH, S.J., 2001. Freshwater macrofauna

cluded is achecklist of the Odon. of Ireland. of Florida karst-habitats. In: E. Kuniansky, [Ed.],

Proceedings U.S. Geological Survey Karst Interest

(15787) PEACOR, S.D. & E.E WERNER, 2001. Group, St Petersburg, Florida, Feb. 13-16, 2001,

The contribution of trait-mediated indirect effects pp. 78-88. [USGS Water-Resources Invest. Rep. 01-

Proc. — to the net effects of a predator. natn. Acad. -4011]. (US Geol, Surv., Florida-Caribbean Sci.

st Sci. 98(7): 3904-3908. - (First Author: Dept Biol,, Cent,, 7920 NW 71 St., Gainesville, FL 32653,

Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA). USA).

in Many prey modify traits response to predation No odon. are listed from caves and springs, but 6

risk and this modification of traits influence have limited distribution can Anisopt. spp. near seep

the prey’s resource acquisition rate. Apredator thus areas and their habitat requirements appear to be

have “nonlethal” that lead confined viz. fas- can a impact onprey can toseepages, Cordulegasterobliqua

to indirect effects on other community members. ciata, C. sayi, provocans, Dromogom-

Such indirect interactions are termed trait-medi- phus armatus, Progomphusbelief and Tachopteryx

ated indirect interactions because they arise from a thoreyi.

predator’s influence on prey traits, rather than prey

density. Because such nonlethal predator effectsare (15790) WILSON, K.D.P., 2001. Orthetrumpoecilops

influence the entire marine of conservation immediate, can prey popula- Ris, a dragonfly priority.

and the entire it 22: 5-6. — Chatsworth Rd, tion, can occur over prey lifetime, Porcupine (18 Brighton,

is argued that nonlethal predator effects are likely BN I 5DB, UK).

to contribute strongly to the net indirect effects of The sp. occurs in inter-tidal mudflats amongst Kan-

predators (i.e., nonlethal effects may be comparable delia mangroves in NE Hong Kong, where 3 sub-

in magnitude to those resulting from killing prey). populations have been located at Starling Inlet, 2

at Nam at A This prediction was supported by an experiment in Chung and 1 Hoi Pui Leng. single

which theindirect effects of a larval dragonfly(Anax specimen has also been recorded from Shuen Wan.

sp.) predator on large bullfrog tadpoles (Rana cat- Along with the New World Erythrodiplax berenice,

esbeiana), through nonlethal effects on competing O. poecilopsis to be considered amarine dragonfly.

small bullfrogtadpoles, werelargerelative to indirect It isonly found in Hong Kongat sites below the high

effects reduction of of caused by density the small tad- water mark. Although parts these areinfluenced OdonatologicalAbstracts 95

small freshwater trickles and low dacious Aeshna larvae isolated in enclo- by seepages at palmata

tide, at high tide all the Hong Kong sites are fully sures. In the artificial pond study, R. aurorawere

covered by seawater. During the wet season salini- significantly larger at metamorphosis (12%) and

ties of surface seawater at Starling Inlet drop to as exhibited only slightly longer larval periods when

low 18%o R. as or less, but during the winter dry sea- exposed to Aeshna. In the presence of pretiosa,

son surface water salinities are typically fully saline they significantly decreased time to metamorpho-

33%o. As far the of the is and at as known, biology sp. sis, were significantly larger at metamorphosis

briefly outlined and its range is stated. O. p. poeci- (12%) than those reared alone. Rana pretiosa in

lops Asahina, 1970,0.poecilops ssp. Saito & Ogata, treatments with R. aurora were somewhat larger

Yuki & and O. when non-lethal 1995,0. miyajimaensis Doi, 1938, p. at metamorphosis a predator was

miyajimaensis Asahina, 1970 are synonymised with present, and in treatments where R. pretiosa were

O. poecilops Ris, 1919. In view of the globalrarity alone with a predator tadpolemass at metamorpho-

and its unusual biology, the conservation of the sp. sis was smaller than those in the absence of Aeshna,

in should be considered Hong Kong a high priority. but these results were not statistically significant.

Further to determine its life its Both study cycle, quantify spp. reduced activity and moved away from the

tolerance and ascertain its habitat in the of enclosed odon. larva salinity require- predator presence an

ments is recommended. in the laboratory. Most tadpole mesocosm experi-

ments have found that the trade-off between size and

(15791) YANOVIAK, S.P., 2001. Container color timingof metamorphosisisextremely important to

and location affect macroinvertebrate community amphibians, but it is suggested here that the trade-

in artificial treeholes in Panama, Fla Ent. -off discussed in traditional models structure amphibian may

265-271, - St. like R. that 84(2): (With Span. s.). (Evergreen not apply to spp. pretiosa are exposed

Coll., Lab WA to the 1, Olympia, 98505, USA). same gape-limitedpredators upon reaching

The effects of habitat colour and location on com- metamorphosis.

munity structure in artificial water-filled treeholes

were investigated in the forest of Barro Colorado (15793) CORDERO RIVERA, A., 2002. Influencia

Panama. Island, The macroinvertebrate fauna of 9 de la selection sexual sobre el comportamiento re-

replications (5 in understory, 4 in tree-fall gaps) of productor de los odonatos. In: M. Soler, [Ed.], Ev-

black, blue, red and 650 ml was olution, la base de la biologia 497-507, Editorial green plastic cups ,pp.

censused weekly for 7 weeks. Macroinvertebrate Proyecto Sur, Granada. (Span.). - (Depto Ecol. &

abundance and species richness were greater in un- Biol. Anim., Univ. de Vigo, EUET Forestal, Campus

than in black in derstory cups gap cups, and cups Universitario, ES-36005 Pontevedra).

attracted than other colours. understory more spp. A book chapter,reviewing the subject and suggest-

Amongthese was the single Mecistogaster sp. speci- ing the avenuesof a future research.

men collected during this investigation.


2002 2002, Male coercion and convenience polyandry in

J. Insect Sci. 7 a calopterygid . 2: 14; pp.;

(15792) BARNETT, H.K. & J.S. RICHARDSON, online; insectscience.org/2.14. — (Depto Ecol. &

2002. Predation risk and competitioneffects on the Biol. Anim., Univ. de Vigo, EUET Forestal, Cam-

characteristics oflarval ES-36005 life-history Oregon spotted pus Universitario, Pontevedra).

frog and larval red-legged frog. Oecologia 132:436- Copulationin odon. requires 9 cooperationbecause

444. — (Dept Forest Sci., Univ. Br. Columbia, 3041- 9 9 must raise their abdomen to allow intromission.

2424 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4, CA). Nevertheless, in Calopteryx h. haemorrhoidalis S

An artificial pond experiment was conducted to test commonly grasp ovipositing 9 9 and apparently

hypotheses about the effects of competition and force copulation. This has been interpreted as a

non-lethal charac- of and predator cues on metamorphic consequence extreme population density

teristics of S-S sympatric Rana pretiosa and R. aurora competition. This behaviour was studied at

in SW British Canada. 2 sites the river Columbia, Tadpoles were on Forma Quesa (Frosinone prov.,

the absence of central that had different densities exposed to presence or oneanother, Italy) over 3 yr.

As densities 2 density levels and to presence or absence of pre- predicted, at high most matings were 96 OdonatologicalAbstracts

forced (i.e. not preceded by courtship), but at low incorporation of biopesticides into classical plant

most In context density werepreceded by courtship. Courtship breeding. the of pesticide usage in pest

matings wereshorter at high density, but density did control, natural enemies of herbivores have received

not affectthe duration of forced matings. 9 $ coop- increasing attention, since carnivorous arthropods

erated in forced matings even if they had very few arean important componentof insect pest control.

9 9 mated times The 3 endotoxins Bacillus mature eggs. Furthermore, more produced by thuringiensis

if 6 harassment ovi- the best known and they experiencedhigher during (Bt) are example, genes encoding

and at low second and these have been transferred In tab. position, density subsequent tomajorcrops. a

matings were more likely to be forced. This could review of the Bt effectsonbiologicalcontrol agents,

that 9 in “convenience mean 9 engage polyandry”, the results of the work on Erythemis simplicicollis,

because they gain more by accepting copulation as presented in the paper listed in OA 10890, are

than 6 S The observations to by resisting ■ also suggest stated, but no other reference the Odon. is made

that S $ might trade copulations for 6 protection, in this publication.

because under extreme populationdensity harass-

ment by 3 6 is so intense that they can impedeovi- (15798) HOFFSTEN, O., 2002. Slandor Iran Rog-

position. enomridet i Harjedalen. — [Aquatic insects from

the Rogen areain Harjedalen]. Naturi Non, Umei

(15795) CRAVES, J.A., 2002. A preliminary list of 21(1); 1-4. (Swed.). — (Ekologi och geovetenskap.

the Odonata of Wayne Co. Mich. Birds nat. Hist. S-901-87 Umc;\ Universitet).

7-16. — River Bird Ar- checklist 5 8 9(1): (Rouge Observ., Nat. A of 69 spp. of orders, incl. odon. spp.,

eas Dept, Univ. Michigan-Dearborn, Dearborn, MI collected in this area(Sweden) during29 June-1 July

48128, USA). 2001.

An annotated and commented list of 75 - SE spp.;

Michigan, USA. (15799) HOSHIDE, K. & J. JANOVY, 2002. The

structure of the nucleus of Odonaticola poiyharaa-

(15796) FURNISH, I, J. McIVER & M. TEISER, tus (Gregarinea: Actinocephalidae), a parasite of

and 2002. Algae invertebrates of a Great Basin Mnais strigata (Hagen) (Odonata: ).

Desert hot lake: adescription ofthe Borax Lake eco- Acta protozoal. 41: 17-22. — (First Author: Biol,

system of southeastern Oregon. Proc. Conf. Spring- Inst., Fac. Educ., Yatnaguchi Univ., Yamaguchi,

Wetlands 25 fed (http://www.wetlands.dri.edu), pp. 753-8513, JA).

— SW (First Author: Pacif. Region 5, US Dept The host Mnais specimenswere collected atInunaki

Agric., Forest Serv., Vallejo, CA, USA). Gorge, Yamaguchi city, Japan; June 1994.

As part of the recovery plan for the endangered

endemic chub,Gila boraxobius (Cyprinidae), a de- (15800) NEUMANN, M. & D. DUDGEON, 2002,

of and invertebrate of scription algal populations was The impact agriculturalrunoff on stream benthos

undertaken at Borax Lake in 1991 and 1992. The in Hong Kong, China. Water Research 36: 3103-

lake is the only known habitat for G. boraxobius. -3109. - (Second Author: Dept Ecol. & Biodiv.,

It is a warm, alkaline water body, ca 10 ha in size, Univ. Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China).

with surface of 30°C. 3 small in the New Territories of an average water temperature streams Hong

36 individuals, referable to 14 odon. spp. were col- Kong were investigated. Information is presented

lected. Their occurrenceand seasonal abundance at onrelative abundance and on the frequency of oc-

the lake are shown. currenceat sampling sites of 7 odon. taxa (mostly

genera). The physiological tolerance is stated for

(15797) GROOT, A.T. & M. DICKE, 2002. Insect- each taxon.

-resistant transgenic plants in a multi-trophic con-

text. Plant J. 31(4): 387-406. - (First Author; Lab. 2003

Ent., Wageningen Univ., P.O. Box 8031, NL-6700

EH Wageningen). (15801) ADELMAN, T.L., W. BIALEK & R.M. OL-

Genetic engineering of plants in the context of in- BERG, 2003. The information contentof receptive

sect pest control has involved insertion of genesthat fields. Neuron 40: 823-833. — (First Author: Dept.

code for toxins, and may be characterized as the Mol. Biol., Princeton Univ., Princeton, NJ 08544, OdonatologicalAbstracts 97

venation characters. In all USA). wing spp. tested, spanwise

Thenervoussystem must observe a complex world FS is 1-2 orders of magnitude larger than chord-

and produce appropriate, sometimes complex, be- wise FS. A finite element model of an insect wing

havioural the demonstrates that veins crucial in responses. In contrast to complexity, leadingedge are

neural often characterized this responses are through generating spanwise-chordwise anisotropy.

such fields very simple descriptions as receptive or

Do DE De tuningcurves. these characterizations adequately (15804) KNIJF, G. & A. ANSELIN, 2003. li-

reflect the reduction that takes bellenfauna de Damvallei: of true dimensionality van vergane glorie nog

place in the nervoussystem, or are they merely con- steeds waardevol? — [Dragonfly fauna ofthe Dam-

venient oversimplifications?Flere this questionis ad- vallei: past glory or still valuable?]. Gallinago 2(3):

dressed for the target selective descendingneurons 21-30. (Dutch). — (Inst. Nat. Consent, Kliniek-

(TSDNs) of a non-specified “dragonfly”. Using straat 25, B-1070 Brussel).

extracellular multi-electrode of The odon. fauna of the Damvallei fen in the recordings a popu- area,

In lation of TSDNs, the completenessof the receptive vicinity of Gent, Belgium, is described. 1967, a

field description of these cells is quantified and it highway cloverleaf was constructed there, therefore

is concluded that the information in of the habitats and lost. Out ofthe independent many spp. were

instantaneous position and velocity receptive fields 40 recorded odon. spp., 33 occurred there prior to

for 70-90% of the total information in sin- the evidenced accounts construction,and 32 spp. were recent-

gle spikes. Thus, it is demonstrated that this simple ly. The locality (surface ca 355 ha, with ca 60 fish-

receptive field model is close to a completedescrip- ponds) still supports a valuable odon. assemblage.

tion of the features in the stimulus that evoke TSDN

response. (15805) ENGLUND, R.A., K. RAKAKI, D.J. PRES-


(15802) BAUER, P., 2003. Carlsbad Caverns National 2003. Systematic inventory of rare and alien aquatic

in Park a hotspot for dragonfly enthusiasts? Canyons& species selected Oahu, Maui, and Hawaii island

Caves 2%: 3-5. — (c/o Carlsbad Caverns Natn. Park, streams. Hawaii Biol. Surv., Honolulu [Contrib.No.

3225 National Park Hwy, Carlsbad, NM 88220, 2003-017], ii+!4pp. - (Hawaii Biol. Surv., Bishop

USA). Mus„ Honolulu, HA 96817, USA).

General onodon. life, with emphasis on the Carlsbad The Hawaii Biological Survey of the Bishop Muse-

Caverns National Park fauna; New Mexico, USA. um collected and identified aquaticinsects and other

So far 63 cf. OA invertebrates in selected Hawaiian spp. (incl. Argia leonorae; 15813) stream streams

known but checklist is of of native and alien are to occur there, a not pre- as part an inventory rare new

sented. 3 each of the 3 islands spp. remote streams on were

assessed this 14 odon, listed during study. spp. are

(15803) COMBES, S.A. & T.L. DANIEL, 2003. along with the locality data, altitude and informa-

Flexural stiffness in insect wings. 1. Scaling and the tion on the status of each sp.

influence Biol. of wing venation. J. exp. 206: 2979-

-2987. — (Dept Biol., Univ. Washington, Seattle, (15806) EVANS,J.D.& D.GUNDERSEN-RINDAL,

WA 2003. Beenomes future directions in 98195, USA). to Bombyx: ap-

The between venation and insect Genome Biol. 107:4 relationship pattern wing plied genomics. 4(3) pp.

flexibility is addressed by measuring the flexural stiff- (http://genomebiology.eom/3/4/107. — (First Au-

ness (FS) and quantifyingwing venation in 16 spp., thor: USDA-ARS Bee Res. Lab., Beltsville, MD

referable Odon. Ischnura Aeshna to (Lestes sp., sp., 20705, USA).

multicolor,Pachydiplax longipennis),Isoptera, Neu- Traits are described in 11 insect orders that make

roptera, , Diptera and . them important candidates for genomic projects,

The measurements show that FS scales strongly with and several recent workshops aimed at uniting re-

the cube of whereas cordwise FS scales searchers with insect reviewed. wing span, working spp. are

with the of chord size From the 4 criteria used square length.Wing accounts among many possible, are to

for some 95% of variability in measured FS; the compare the merits ofinsects. While valuable from

residuals of this relationship are small and uncor- the standpoint of phylogenetic breadth, Odon. are

related with standardized independentcontrasts of poorly comparedto other orders. 98 Odonatological Abstracts

(15807) KAI, K.H., 2003. [Rhodothemis rufa and is described. The booklet also provides a brief out-

29: Rhyotherais t. triangulare records]. Porcupine line of dragonflybiology and advocates the conser-

21. — (c/o Ms E. Tam, Dept Ecol. & Biodiv., Univ. vation of the local habitats.

Hong Kong. Hong Kong, China).

R. 1 From Hong Kong are brought onrecord: rufa, (15812) WARK.ENTIN, I.G., A.L. FISHER, S.P.

S, fishpond nr Shenzhen R., 10-IV-2003; — and R. FLEMMING & S.E. ROBERTS, 2003. Response to

t. triangulare, 1 S , abandoned fishpondnr the Tol clear-cut loggingby northern waterthmshes. Can J.

Plaza Rte Both For. Res. — on 3,5-V-2003. spp. are uncommon 33: 755-762. (With Fr. s.). (FirstAuthor:

in Hong Kong. Envir. Sci.-Biol., Memorial Univ. Newfoundland,

Comer Brook, NL, A2H 6PB, CA),

(15808) MENG, X.-W., 2003, Name-list of insects The distribution and foraging behaviour of Seiu-

from Anhui province of China. Univ. Sci. & Tech- rus noveboracensis in recently harvested and intact

nol. of China Hefei, vi+239 Softcover of Press, pp. landscapes Newfoundland, Canada were exam-

ISBN 7-312-01604-9. with ined. Numbers (18.5x26.5 cm). (Chin., and biomass ofprey of the bird are

Engl, title & taxon, nomencl.). given for 13 orders (incl. Odon.) occur-

A checklist of 26 odon. spp. appears on pp. 2-3. ring in its diet across intact and disturbed riparian

and upland habitats.

(15809) OLTHOFF,M. & D. IKEMEYER, 2003. Zur

Libellenfauna der Moore und Heiden im Westmiin- (15813) WEST, R., 2003. Rare damselfly found in

sterland: Untersuchungenin ausgewahlten Schutz- CCNP. Canyons & Caves 29: 8-9. — (c/o Carlsbad

gebietendes Kreises Borken. LOBF- [= Landesan- Caverns Natn. Park, 3225 National Park Hwy,

stalt fur Okologie, Bodenordnungund Forsten Nord- Carlsbad, NM 88220, USA).

-Mitt. 12-17. -

Author; Bahrfeldstr. 2, D-31135 Hildesheim). by Dr J. Abbott at Rattlesnake Springs in Carlsbad

The odon. fauna (43 spp.) of 9 moors and fens in Caverns Natn. Park, New Mexico, USA. A phot, is

Borken W is de- included. The known from distr., Westmiinsterland, Germany sp. was previously only

scribed. of 9 out 10 endangeredmoor- and fen spp. Texas and Mexico. Federally it is listed as “species

are autochthonous. of concern”. Its Natural Heritage Program global

ranking is “G3 Vulnerable”. Using Natural Herit-

2003, The evolution of insect criteria for (15810) SIROT, L.K., age a conservation designationin New

matingstructures throughsexual selection. Fla Ent. Mexico, itwould be placedas “Critically Imperiled”

86(2): 124-133. (With Span. s.). - (Dept Zook, in the state.

Univ. Florida, 223 Bartram Hall, Gainesville, FL

32611, USA). 2004

The reproductive isolation and sexual selection hy-

R. potheses are reviewed (considerations on the Odon. (15814) ADES, G., KENDRICK, P. CROW,

are based onthe works listed in OA 2498 and 13216), A. HAIG, L. CHEUNG, P. CHOW & R. GRIF-

and the of is that description asystem provided may FITHS, 2004. Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden:

allow the establishment of a connection between wildlife updates and sightings. Porcupine 31: 18-22.

sexual selection within — Ecol. on mating structures a sp. (c/o Ms E. Tam, Dept & Biodiv., Univ.

and diversification of mating structures between Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China).

victor and spp. Idionyx Gynacantha subinterrupta are

recorded from eastern Frontier Closed Area, Hong

M. & G. BORSTEL- VI/XII-2003. Both of “Local Con- (15811) STRNADOVA, Kong, spp. are

MANN, 2003. "FliegendeEdelsteine": die Libellen cern” in Hong Kong.

der Schlattsim Landkreis Diepholz. Stift. NatSchutz

Landkr. Diepholz, Diepholz. 22 pp. ISBN none. — (15815) APODACA, C.E. & L. J. CHAPMAN, 2004.

(Distributor: J. Kanzelmeier, Niedersachsenstr. 2, Larval damselfiies in extreme environments: behav-

J. D-49356 Diepholz). ioral and physiological response tohypoxic stress.

Directed at generalreadership, the odon. fauna (28 Insect Physiol. 50: 767-775. — (First Author; Fair-

spp.) of the Diepholz distr., Lower Saxony, Germany banks Fish & Wildl. Fid Office, 101 12th Ave, Box Odonatological Abstracts 99

17, Room 222, Fairbanks, AK 99701-6236,USA). est. One or several high-quality photographic por-

extensive traits for each and the exhaustive The papyrus (Cyperus papyrus) swamps are given sp., fairly

E useful. The of and central Africa form a habitat of great eco- regional bibliographywill be certainly

due their the is and logical importance to extent, extreme spp. are not described, a key not included,

and chronic of the interior and the fortaxonomic identification the reader is adviced hypoxia swamp, to

uniqueassemblages of water-breathinginsects that refer to someof the works listed in the References. —

characterize these communities, including zygop- A concisely styled and beautifully produced book,

teran larvae. The major goal of this study was to presenting much valuable information.

and behavioural quantify physiological responses

P. / of gilled and gill-less larvae of a papyrus swamp (15817) BUCZYNSKI, / BERNARD, R.

specialist, Proischnura subfurcatum, to low-oxygen MIELEWCZYK, S. /TONCZYK,G, 2004. [Odo-

conditions. Gill autotomization was common in P. nata].In: Z.Glowacinski & J. Nowacki, [Eds], Polish

subfurcatum of the Rwembaita in Kibale Red book animals: Swamp Data of invertebrates, pp. 52-60,

National Park, Uganda, with 1 to 3 gills missing Inst. Nat. Consent, Pol. Acad. Sci., Cracow & A.

from 56% of the specimens surveyed. Behaviour- Cieszkowski Agric. Univ., Poznan; ISBN 83-88934-

al (ventilation activity and vertical migration) and -60-0. (Pol., with Engl. s’s).

5 listed and the relevant information their physiological (metabolic rate) response to hypoxia spp. are on

in and larvae examined. Behav- is viz. Coena- gilled gill-less were status, range, habitats, etc. provided,

ioural indicated Nehalennia response to progressive hypoxia grion armatum (by P.B., pp. 52-54),

that gill-less individuals rely more on use of wing speciosa (R.B., pp. 54-55), Cordulegaster boltonii

Somatochlora sheaths (lifting and spreading) than gilled larvae. (R.B., pp. 56-57), alpestris (S.M.,pp.

However, both morphs migrated to the surface to 57-58)and S. arctica (P.B. & G.T., pp. 59-60). Their

EN gain contact with atmospheric air under extreme status in Poland is marked asCR, EN, VU, and

On the of hypoxia. average, rate oxygen consump- VU, respectively.

tion ofgill-less individuals was 51% lower than that

of gilled individuals. This metabolic depression in (15818) CHEN, X.-L., 2004. An annotated list of

larvae be attributed the loss of the of gill-less may to ma- namebearing type specimens species-group

in in insect collection of the jor respiratory appendages. However, the apparent names Odonata the

ability of both gilled and gill-less individuals to Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Scienc-

maintain their metabolic rates to a similar critical es. Pan-Pacif. Ent. 80(1/4); 81-90. - (Insect Coll.,

tension suggests other mechanisms may compen- Inst. Zool., Chin. Acad. Sci., Beijing-100080, P.R.

sate for loss of gills, though not enough to mediate China).

metabolic listed depression. Species-groupnames are alphabeticallyby spe-

cies names published originally, alongwith the refer-

(15816) BELDEN, P.A.,VJ. DOWNER, J.C. LUCK, ence to the original description,museum specimen

H.D.V. PRENDERGAST & D. SADLER, 2004. number, sex, localitydata, collector, collecting date,

where The dragonfliesof Sussex: a guide to their distribu- specimen condition and remarks appropriate.

tion and conservation. Essedon Press, Forest Row. The type collection includes 71 name-bearingtypes

81 Softcover ISBN 0-9525549- 10 1 pp. (21.0x25.0 cm). (39 holotypes, allotypes, 12paratypes, neotype

/ - of described -1-7. Price: UK £ 7.95 € 27.59 net. (Publishers; and 9 syntypes) 50 spp. by L. Navas,

Spylaws, Wych Cross, Forest Row, E.Sussex, RH18 H.F. Chao and M.A. Lieftinck.

5JP. UK).

With 39 recorded since 1818 which 29 K.& E. 2004. Sham spp. (of spp. (15819) CHING, CHAN, Chung:

arecurrently resident), Sussex is considered one of a revisit. Porcupine 31: 16-17. - (do Ms E. Tam,

Britain’s richest counties for dragonflies.The known Dept Ecol. & Biodiv., Univ, Hong Kong, Hong

distribution of the resident is each spp. mapped.For Kong, China).

sp. information is providedunder the headings:“Na- Agriocnemis pygmaea, Pseudagrion microcepha-

tional status”, “Status in Sussex”, “Flabitat”,“Flight lum and Rhyothemistriangularisare recorded from

times”, “Flistorical records”, and “Conservation”. Sham Chung, Hong Kong, 13-VI-2004.

The information on threats and on the required con-

A. A. 2004. The servation measures will be also ofextralimital inter- (15820) DOLNY, & MISZTA, oc- 100 OdonatologicalAbstracts

currence of dragonflies (Odonata) in the Czech and advocated.

Polish parts of the Upper Silesia. tViad ent. 23(3):

133-152. (Pol.,with Engl. s.). - (First Author: Inst. (15824) KJAERSTAD, G., 2004. Dammer med nas-

Biol. & Univ. Chitussiho verdi Verdal. - of Ecol., PfF, Ostrava, 10, jonal i Levanger og [Ponds na-

CZ-710-00 Slezska Ostrava). tional importancein Levanger and Verdal], NTNU

review of from A the 68 spp. ever recorded Upper Vitenskapsmus. zool. Notat 2004(3): 1-14. ISBN 82-

Silesia; 61 spp. occur there currently. The fauna is -7126-688-8. (Norw.), — (NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet,

analysed and its highlights are emphasized. An ex- Seks. Naturist., N-7491 Trondheim).

haustive regional bibliographyis appended. 4ponds in the Trondheim area, Norway (alt. 30-130

m)are described and their macroinvertebrate inven-

(15821) FONTANARROSA, M.S., P.L.M. TORRES tory (inch 6 identified odon. spp.) is listed.

& M.C. MICHAT, 2004. Comunidades de insectos

acuaticos de charcos temporaries y lagunas en la (15825) LIBELLULA. Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft

dudad de Buenos Aires (Argentina). Revla Soc. deutschsprachiger Odonatologen (GdO) (ISSN

ent. argent. 63(3/4): 55-65. (With Engl. s.). - (Lab. 0723-6514), Vol. 23 No. 3/4 (15 Dec. 2004). (With

Ent., Depto Biodiversidad & Biol. Exp., Fac. Cien. Engl. s’s). — (c/o Mrs G. Peitzner, Hamfelderedder

Exactas, Univ. Buenos Aires, Ciudad universitaria, 71, D-21039 Bdmsen).

C1428EHA, Buenos Aires, Argentia). Lissak. W.: Larve von sylvicola erbeutet

3436 rain pools and 6 permanentponds wereexam- ein Mannchen von Orthetrum brunneum (Cole-

ined in the Aires and total of Buenos city area, a optera: Cicindelidae; Odonata: Libellulidae) (pp.

85 taxa were recorded. These include 4 odon. taxa, 89-92); - Petzold, F. & P. Martin : Limnochares

identified tothe suborder and/or fam. level only. aquatica als Parasit von Leucorrhinia albifrons (Hy-

drachnidia: Limnocharidae;Odonata: Libellulidae)

(15822) GERAEDS, R. P.G. & V.A. VAN SCHAIK, (pp. 93-97);- Wildermuth. H. : Nehalennia speciosa

for 2004. Onychogomphus forcipatus, a new species in der Schweiz: ein Nachruf (Odonata: Coenagrio-

the Netherlands? Natuurh. Maandbl 93(2); 33-35. nidae) (pp. 99-113); — Burbach, K. & F.-J. Schiei.

(Dutch, with Engl. s.). - (FirstAuthor: Julianalaan BeobachtungenzurAusbreitungsfahigkeit vonNe-

46, NL-6042 JH Roermond). halennia speciosa (Odonata: )(pp.

4 exuviae were found (2003) at 3 localities in the 115-126); - Zimmermann, IV. & J. Kipping: Zur

Melick environs on the Roer R, (5 & 12-VII,9-VIII). Frage des Vorkommens von Nehalennia speciosa

The records but the in 127- previous are listed, sp. was so Thiiringen (Odonata:Coenagrionidae)(pp.

far considered as non-autochthonous in the Neth- 130); - Voigt. H., J. Wolf&J. Zinke: Somatochlora

erlands, arctica in der Dresdner Heide, Sachsen (Odonata;

Corduliidae) (pp. 131-136); - Mauersberger, R.:

(15823) GROENEND1JK, D„ 2004. Dragonflies and Bibliographicder Odonatologenin der DDR: die

in Natuurh. Dutch limestone querries. Jahre 1984-1990 und Beitriigezur Libellenfauna an-

Maandbl. 93(4): 95-99. (Dutch, with Engl. s.). — dererLander(Odonata)(pp.137-151); — Bohm, K.\

P.O. AM (De Vlinderstichting, Box 506, NL-6700 Zur Entwicklung und Phanologievon Crocothemis

Wageningen). erythraea in Nordrhein-Westfalen: Nachweis einer

The odon. fauna (37 recorded spp.) of marl pits in zweiten Jahresgeneration? (Odonata:Libellulidae)

the of Zuid is described. Due the — D.J., K.G. prov. Limburg to (pp. 153-160); Mikolajewski, Leipelt,

peculiar habitat properties of these, many of the re- A. Conrad. S. Giere & J. Wyer: Schneller als gedacht:

corded spp. are relatively rare elsewhere in the Neth- einjahrigeLarvalentwicklung und ‘slow life style’ bei

erlands. Most of them arecharacteristic of poorly Leucorrhinia caudalis (Odonata: Libellulidae)(pp.

vegetated seepage habitats, or have a southern dis- 161-171); - Lohr, M.. R. Proess, M. Schorr & M.

tribution. Sympecma fusca, Erythromma lindenii Zimmermann ; Reproduktionsnachweise fur Oxyg-

and Crocothemis erythraea breed in ponds with a astra curtisii am Luxemburgisch-deutschenGrenz-

rich vegetation,while Ischnura pumilio, Orthetrum fluss Our (Odonata: Corduliidae) (pp. 173-178); -

brunneum and O. coerulescens reproduce in seep- Fliedner, H. : Fliigel als Sonnenreflektoren bei Lestes

age areas, with shallow ponds and small streams. viridis? (Odonata: ) (pp. 179-187).

Conservation of the marl pit habitats is strongly Odonatological Abstracts 101

(15826) MARINOV, M.,2004.Dragonflies(Insecta: (15830) SAMWAYS, M.J. & S. TAYLOR, 2004. Im-

Odonata) of the eastern Rhodopes (Bulgaria and pact of invasive alien plants on red-listed South

Greece). In: P. Beron & A. Popov, [Eds], Biodiver- African dragonflies (Odonata). S. Afr. J. Sci. 100:

sity of Bulgaria, 2: Biodiversity of eastern Rhodopes 78-80. — (First Author; Dept Ent., Univ. Stellen-

and Pensoft &Natn Private ((BulgariaBulgaria Greece).Greece), pp. 221-235, bosch, Bag XI, Matieland-7602,SA).

Mus. Nat. Hist,,Sofia. (With Bulg. s.). - (P.O. Box An overview is given ofthe threats to odon., globally

134, BG-1000 Sofia). and nationallyred-listed by IUCN, in S. Africa. All

A review of 46 spp. from 118 localities, with a bio- the globallyred-listed spp. are endemic in S. Africa.

geographic analysis and abrief characterisation of Invasive alien plants, especially Australian Acacia

habitat types importantfor conservation. trees along water-courses, are by far the most im-

portant threat to these endemic spp. Removal of

(15827) PARDEY, A., H. RAUERS, K. VAN DE the invasive alien trees is likely to increase consid-

WEYER & B. THOMAS, 2004. Graben in Nord- erablythe prospects for their long-termsurvival. In

rhein-Westfalen. LOBF[= Landesanstalt fur Okolo- contrast, the nationally red-listed spp. that are not

gie, Bodenordnung und Forsten Nordrhein-West- globally red-listed are threatened overall more by

falen] Mitt. 2004(4): 40-46. - (First Author: Bio- natural vagaries of weather than by invasive alien

topschutz & Biotopverbund, Castroper Str. 30, plants. — (see also OA 15387).

D-45665 Recklinghausen).

Based on own research and on literature assessment, (15831) SIMAIKA, J.P. & R.A. CANNINGS, 2004.

detailed suggestions areoutlined foranature-friend- Lestes disjunctus Selys and L. fordpatus Rambur

ly managementof drainageditches in North Rhine- (Odonata: Lestidae): some solutions for identifica-

Westphalia, WGermany. References to Coenagrion tion. J. ent. Soc. Br. Columbia 101:131-139. - (Sec-

Br. mercuriale and C. ornatum are included. ond Author: Roy. Columbia Mus., 675 Belleville

St., Victoria, BC, V8W 9W2, CA).

D.E & R. DA GAMA 2004. 5 Lestes live in British and (15828) PEIRO, ALVES, spp. Columbia,Canada,

Levantamento L. L. preliminar da entomofauna asso- of these, forcipatusand disjunctus arethe most

ciada a macrofitas aquaticas da regiao litoral de similar and most difficult to separate morphologi-

ambientes lenticos. Revta uniara 15:177-188. (Port.). cally. 9 9 can be readily distinguishedby the size of

— (Authors’ addresses not stated). the ovipositor, but

data the best method for the 2 the Quantitative are family-wise presented on separating spp. uses length

abundance of 8 insect orders at 2 lotic localities in of the anterior lamina as a uniquecharacter or as

the central Sao Paulo state, Brazil (Sept. 2001 and part of ratios using other measurements. In addi-

Dec. 2002, resp.). The odon. are represented by 3 tion, in at least western N. Amer., forcipatus S S are

fam. more pruinose than those of disjunctus, especially

on the thorax. Identification using the pruinescence

(15829) RAAB, R„ 2004. Die Libellen (Insecta: pattern was tested in the field and is recommended

Odonata) des dynamischen Altarmsystems der as a simple and accurate method. Soaking odon.

bei Abh. in Donau Regelsbrunn (Niederosterreich). specimens aceton, commonly used to preserve

zool.-bot. Ges. Osterreich 34: 99-122. (With Engl, colours, damagessurface pruinescence and should

— A-2232 Deutsch- be used adults. s.). (Anton-Briicknergasse 212, not to preserve mature, pruinescent

-Wagrara). To identify disjunctusand forcipatus 6 <5 treated in

Between the odon. fauna of the it be calculate ratios based 1992-2000, (41 spp.) acetone, may necessary to

Regelsbrunn oxbow system on the Danube (down- onvarious character measurements. Future research

32 streamVienna, Austria) was examined. spp. were should investigate spatial and temporal differences

evidenced before the connected with the between the well modes of system was spp., as as interspecific

Fischa and 37 after the construction of the communication. R., spp.

channel. The connecting typical rheophile spp. sig-

nificantly benefited from the established connection. (15832) STATE OF CONNECTICUT, 2004. Con-

Its effects are described in detail,and an adequate necticut’s Endangered, Threatened and SpecialCon-

management of this large oxbow system is advo- cern species, 2004. Conn. Dept Envir. Prot., Hart-

cated. ford/CT. ii+16pp. — (Publishers: 79 Elm St., Hart- 102 OdonatologicalAbstracts

CT contributed the ford, 06106-5127, USA). mainly by aerodynamic power.

The checklist includes 1 “endangered”, 7 “threat-

ened” and 10 concern" odon. VALLADARES F. GAR- “special spp. (15835) DIEZ, L.F.,


(15833) STRAKA, V, 2004. Dragonflies (Odonata) MIGUELEZCARBAJO, 2004. Estudio de lafauna

in the Vel'ka Fatra mountains. Ada Rer. nat. Mus. de odonatos de los humedales de Salhurua ( Vitoria-

nation, slovaci 50:64-66. (With Slovak s,). - (SNM -Gasleiz). Centro Est. Ambient., Vitoria-Gasteiz.

v Marline,Odd. prir. zbierok, Ul. A. Kmeta 20, SK- 42 pp, ISBN none. - (First Author; Depto Biol.

-03601 Martin). Anim,, Univ. Leon, Leon, Spain).

A commented list of 19 spp., recorded in the region The odon. fauna (27 spp.) of the Salburua Natural

the 1974-2001 - Slova- Park surface 173 is during systematic surveys; (Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain; ca ha)

kia. described with reference to the habitats, flightperi-

ods, status and conservation requirements.

(15834) SUN, M. & S.L. LAN, 2004. A computa-

and 2004. tional study of the aerodynamic forces power (15836) VIGLIOGLIA, V., Note prelimi-

requirements of dragonfly (Aeschna juncea) hover- nari sull’entomofauna del Parco degli Acquedot-

- Boll. ing. J. exp. Biot. 307:1889-1901. (Inst. Fluid Me- ti (Roma). Ass. romana Ent. 59(1/4): 1-18.

chanics, Beijing Univ. Aeronautics & Astronautics, (With Engl. s.). — (via Flavio Stilicone 92,1-00175

Beijing-100083, PRC). Roma).

force and mechanical 4 odon. recorded the 1991-2004 Aerodynamic generation pow- spp., during surveys,

er requirements in hovering flight are studied. The are listed from the Park; Rome, Italy.

method of numerically solving the Navier-Stokes — equations in moving overset grids is used. When (15837) WARFE, D.M. & L.A. BARMUTA, 2004.

the midstroke angles of attack in the downstroke Habitat structural complexitymediates the foraging

and the upstroke are set to 52° and 8° respectively success of multiplepredator species. Oecologia 141;

(these values are close to those observed), the mean 171-178, - (First Author: Water Res. Div., Dept

vertical force equals the insect weight,and the mean Primar Industries, Water & Envir., 13 St John’s Ave,

thrust isapproximately zero. There are2 largeverti- New Town, Tasmania, 7008, AU).

cal force peaks in one flapping cycle. One is in the The role of freshwater macrophytes as refuge was

first half of the cycle, which is mainly due to the investigatedby testing the hypothesis thatpredators

hindwings in their downstroke; the other is in the capture fewer prey in more dense and structurally

second half of the cycle,which is mainly due tothe complex habitats. Also tested was the hypothesis that

forewingsin their downstroke. Hoveringwith a large habitat structure not only affects the prey-capture

stroke plane angle (52°), the dragonflyuses drag as success of a single predator in isolation,but also the

a major source for its weight-supportingforce (ap- effectiveness of 2 predators combined, particularly

proximately 65% of the total vertical force is contrib- if it mediates interactions between the predators.

uted by the drag and 35% by the lift of the wings). A fully crossed 4-factorial laboratory experiment

- The vertical force coefficient of a wing is twice was conducted using artificial plants to determine

as large as the quasi-steady value. The interaction the separate quantitative (density) and qualitative

between the fore- and is of the hindwings not very strong (shape) components macrophyte structure on

and is detrimental to the vertical force generation. prey-capture success of Ischnura heterosticta tas-

Comparedwith the case ofa single wingin the same manica and the perch Nannoperca austrakis, both

motion, the interaction effect reduces the vertical collected from macrophytebeds in the Macquarie R.

to forces on the fore- and hindwings by 14% and 16% in the midlands of Tasmania, Australia. Contrary

respectively, of that of the corresponding single the expectations, macrophyte density had no effect

vertical force is the the of either but wing. The large due to unsteady on prey-capture success predator,

in flow effects. The mechanism of the unsteady force both predators weresignificantly less effective the

is that in each downstroke of the hindwing or the structurally complex Myriophyllumanalogue than

forewing, a new vortex ring containing downward in the structurally simpler Triglochin and Eleocharis

momentum is generated, givingan upwardforce. — analogues. Furthermore, the greater structural com-

W of Thebody-mass-specific power is 37 kg ', which is plexity of Myriophyllum amplified the impact OdonatologicalAbstracts 103

the negative interactions between the predators on Editor, Ecoloxia, Univ. Vigo, EUETForestal, Cam-

the habitat Ischnura larvae ES-36005 prey numbers; use by pus Universitario, Pontevedra).

to meant Oral contributions: in response the presence of perch they Corbet, PS.: Forests as habi-

less in These results for — On, A.G.: captured prey Myriophyllum. tats dragonflies(Odonata) (p. 15);

demonstrate habitat structure can influence multi- Odonata in Bornean tropical rain forest formations:

ple predator effects, and support the mechanism of diversity, endemicity and implicationsfor conserva-

increased in tion — M.J.: prey refuge structurally more complex management (pp. 15-16); Samways,

macrophytes. Threat levels to odonate assemblages from invasive

alien tree canopies (p. 16); - Sahlen, G: Specialists

the of (15838) WOLSKI, L.F., J.C. TREXLER, E.B. NEL- vs. generalists among dragonflies; importance

SON, T. PHILIPPI& S.E. PERRY, 2004. Assess- forest environments toform diverse species pools (p.

ing researcher impacts from a long-term sampling 17); - Taylor, P. D.: Movement behaviors of odo-

ofwetland communities in the in forest — program Everglades nates heterogeneous landscapes (p. 18);

National Park, Florida, U.S.A, Freshw. Biol. 49: Paulson, D. ; The importanceof forests to neotropi- — 1381-1390. (SecondAuthor: Dept Biol. Sci Flor- cal dragonflies (p. 18); - Fincke, O.M.: Habitat ,

th ida Int. Univ., 11200 SW 8 St., Miami,FL 33199, use by pseudostigmatid damselflies: their future in

USA). fragmentedforests (p. 19); — Clausnitzer, V. & K-

D. B. Long-term monitoring requires repeated visits to a Dijkstra: What matters to tropical forest drag-

study site, greatly increasingthe potentialfor cumu- onflies? African impressions (p. 20); — Hadrys, H.:

lative visitation effects. communities Historical and Here,aquatic at recent population genetics: any news

long-termsamplingplots (9 sites, each with 3 plots), to tell us about the impact of fragmentationon afro-

studied continuouslyfrom 6 to 22 yr, are compared tropical forest odonates? (pp. 20-21); — Thompson,

to previously unsampled reference plots adjacent D.J.&P.C. Watts: The structure of the Coenagrion

to them toassess the effects of researcher visitation mercuriale populationsin the New Forest, southern

on the flora and fauna. The odon. were represented England (p. 21); — Watanahe, M: Mate location

by coenagrionids, larval ingens, Li- and competition for mates in relation to sunflecks

bellula needhami and Pachydiplaxlongipennis. No of forest floors (p. 22); — Fincke, O.M.: Lack of

of researcher effects macroinver- innate of in evidence on any recognition species or morph identity

tebrates was found, which is probably due either to Enallagma damselflies (p. 23); - Van Gossum, H.,

to K. M. & T. low visitation rate or the dynamic nature of the Beirinckx, Forbes Sherratt: Large-scale

wetlands studied. variation in female morph frequencies of the poly-

chromatic damselfly Nehalennia irene (pp. 23-24);

(15839) WOO, T.K., 2004. New record site of Nan- Hilferl-Ruppell, D. : Documenting odonate behav-

in the heart of Tai Lam iour from films — nophya pygmaea Country by drawing (p. 24); Matushkina,

Park [Hong Kong],Porcupine 30: 3-5. - {do Ms N.: Ovipositor and egg-laying behaviour of Odona-

E. Tam, Dept Ecol. & Biodiv., Univ. Hong Kong, ta: phylogenetic implications(p, 25); - Riippell, G:

Hong Kong, China). Flashes in flight: communication between odonate

2 new sites, discovered in 2002, are brought on males (p. 26); - Sanchez-Guilten, R.A. &A. Cordero

Fu Rivera: record, viz. Tin Tsai and Luk Keng. Both are Pre- and postmatingmechanisms of repro-

swampy marsh areas of long abandoned paddy ductive isolation between Ischnura graellsii and I. el-

fields. The Tin Fu Tsai habitat 220 is believed — (alt. m) egans (Odonata: Coenagrionidae)(p.26); Schenk,

of the N. ovaries between to support one largest pygmaea popula- K.: Does compositionvary species — tions in Hong Kong. Various field observations on with different mate-guarding intensities? (p. 27);

adults and larvae R & A. are provided. Olherg, Worthington: Dragonfly prey cap-

ture: vison, decision, and flight (p. 27); — Cordero

2005 Rivera. A.: Copulatorybehaviour in hybrid matings

between Calopteryx haemorrhoidalis and C. splen-

(15840) ABSTRACTS BOOK[of the] WDA IN- dens (p.28); — Cordoba-Aguilar, A.: Spermejection

TERNA TIONALSYMPOSWMOFODONA TOL- as a cryptic female choice mechanism in odonates

OG Y, Pontevedra 26-30 July 2005. Ed.: A. Cordero (p. 29); - Serrano-Meneses, M.A., T. Szekely & A.

Univ. 88 ISBN — the Survival and of Rivera, Vigo. pp. none. (do Cordoba-Aguilar: mating success 104 Odonatological Abstracts

American rubyspots in relation to body size (Odo- V.Fichefet, R. de Schaelzen, J.-Y Baugnee, P. Lebrun

nata, Calopterygidae)(pp. 29-30); - Szdllassy. N, & M. Dufrere: Southern dragonflies expanding in

Z.D. Szabo & H.B. Differences in survival of Nagy. Wallonia (South Belgium): a consequence of global

mated and unmated males of Libellula fulva: a four warming? (p.44); — Bouwman, J.. D. Groenendijk&

year study (p. 30); - Gunther. A.: Female reproduc- C. Plate: The Dutch Dragonfly MonitoringScheme:

tive behaviours of different chlorocyphid species in results and trends (p.44); - K.-J. Conze: Dragonfly

the Oriental-Australian — region (p. 31); Speclor, monitoring in Northrhine-Westfalia,Germany (p,

S. & P. Naskrecki: - A. The global dragonfly assessment 45); De Knijf, G. Anselin: When South goes - 31-32); Karube. H. \ are endemic odo- North: mediterranean Odonata Flanders (pp. Why conquer

nates endangered in oceanic islands Ogasawara? (North Belgium) (p. 46); — Kalkman, V: Towards

- (p. 32); Riservalo, E. & G. Bogliani: Dragonflies an atlas of European odonates (p. 47); — Tsuhaki,

of riverine habitats: assessment as indicators of Y.: Mappingpotentialhabitats using environmental

biodiversity and environmental integrity (p. 33); — surrogatemeasures:importance of forests for drag-

Kadoya, T, S.-i. Suda. I. Washitani & Y. Tsuhaki: onflies in Japan (p. 48); — Giere, S. & H. Hadrys:

Spatial heterogeneity ofthe dragonfly assemblages Genetic consequences of habitat specialisationand

in the scale: landscape assessments usingnewly cre- cryptic speciation in the genus Trithemis (pp. 48-

ated small ponds as traps in the catchment area of 49); - On. J.: The effects of climatic changes for

lake Kasumigaura (pp. 33-34); — Lorenzo Carballa. the distribution of dragonfliesin Europe and their

O. & A. Cordero Rivera: Fecundity and fertility in possible effects on the biocoenosis of the waters

parthenogenetic Ischnura hastata (pp. 34-35); - (p. 49); - Ubukala. H. & T Sakoda: Optimization

Koichi, S. <£ M. Watanabe: Habitat selection and of environmental monitoring schedule using adult

egg production in Sympetrum infuscatum females dragonflies (p. 50); — Matthews, J.H.: Climate im-

in field — Mar- American living aforest-paddy complex (p. 35); pacts on a North dragonfly: evolution-

A. & F. of Odonata inhabit- - tens, Suhling: Ecology ary vs ecological responses (pp. 50-51); Dijkstra,

Namibian desert - K.-D.B.: ing permanent springs (p. 36); Flying colours: five years of research on

Watanabe. Y.: Artificial parthenogenesisin Aeshna Odonata in tropical eastern Africa (p. 51); - Kjer,

nigroflava Martin (p. 37); — Weihrauch. F, M. Olios, K.M..F.L. Carle & L. M. May: A preliminary phy-

M. M. Marinov A. Bedjanic, & Salomon: Distribu- logenetic hypothesis of Odonata, based on multiple

tion and overlap of ranges of Lestes parvidens and molecular and morphological data sets (p. 52); —

L. viridis in southeastern Europe (Odonata: Lesti- Leipelt, K.G.: Ecomorphology of legs in larval and

- dae) (pp. 37-38); Hawking, J. H.: Odonata larvae adult Anisoptera (pp. 52-53); — Dijkstra. K.-D.B.:

and in Australia: Critical drought ecological development and consequent in Odonata; the

for life in an unpredictableclimate (p. 38); — Suh- Europeanperspective (p. 53); — Fursov, V: Aquatic

ling, F. & G. Sahlen: The influence of environment egg-parasitoids (Hymenoptera) of dragonfliesand

and phylogenyon the determination of morphologi- other arthropods: uniquelife and flight under wa-

cal, behavioural and life history traits in dragonfly ter (p. 54); - Carvalho, A.: On some paintings of

th larvae (p. 39); — Marais. E.: Quaternary environ- Odonata from the late Middle Ages (14 and 15th

mental change along the Western Escarpment of centuries) (p. 55); - Salhe, TV. M. Mundale, Y.A.

Africa and the distribution & of Namibian Odonata Bhosale G.S. Margaj: Impact of dragonflies on

40); - Holusa, O. : The occurrence of Cordule- (p. populationsuppression of paddy pests in agroeco-

gaster sp. in Czech Republic: results of influence of system of Kolhapur district, India (p. 56); - Kar-

habitat factors in different N. ecological biogeographi- ube. H., Katatani & K. Kitagawa: On the genus

cal regions? (p. 41); — Khrokalo, L. & G. Prokopov: Dubitogomphus Fraser, 1940, the true status and

Notes on Crimean Odonata (Crimea, Ukraine) (p. characters (p. 56); - Thomas. M., [ ] Gunasekaran

- 42); Schulte. K: Biogeography and habitat affin- & D. Mohan: Comparativestudies on the genital

ofthe odonate fauna of SE 42- and ity Madagascar (pp. sub-genital abdominal segments of five species

- A. 43); Contreras-Garduho, J. & Cordoba-Aguilar: of dragonflies (Anisoptera: Odonata) (p. 57); -

Population differences in sexual selection intensity Graya, M.A.S.: Allochthonous organic matter as a

and in food immune response two contrasting forest en- resource for aquatic invertebrates in forested

vironments in the damselfly Hetaerina americana streams (pp. 57-58). - Poster presentations; 33

- (Zygoptera: Calopterygidae)(p. 43); Goffart, P. abstracts (pp. 59-79). — Informal presentation: Odonatological Abstracts 105

Hawking, J.H.: reflection on the 2003 International & bibliography); — Cruden, B.: Orin “Bud” Code

Odonatology Symposium, Beechworth, Australia (10 Oct 1924-1 May 2005) (pp. 3-4); - DuBois, B.,

— The and (p. 80). Symposium program (pp. 3-9) B. Smith, J. Pleski & M. Reese: Wisconsin Odonata

the e-mail directory of the participants (pp. 84-88) highlights in 2004 (pp. 4-6); — Beckemeyer, R.:Aero-

are also included. batic Anisoptera & zooming Zygoptera: Odonata

flight from A to Z (pp. 6-9); - Sibley. F.C.: Notes

(15841) AGRION, PURLEY. Newsletter of the onthe odonates of the Lower Keys (pp. 10-12;Flor-

Worldwide Association — Dragonfly (ISSN 1476- ida); Escaping winter by chasingcounty records

- -2552), Vol. 9, No. 2 (July 2005). (c/o J. Silsby, 38 in Florida (pp. 12-13); - Meurgey, F: Tauriphila

Astoria 116 CR8 House, High Str., Purley, Surrey, australis (Hagen, 1869) new for Lesser Antilles (p.

2XT, UK). 13); - Daigle. J.J: Southern comfort (p. 14; Loui-

J. 4- — [Selected articles:] Silsby, : The impossibility of a siana records); Beckemeyer. R.: Miscellaneous

-sided triangle(pp, 14-15; on Tetratherais pollemi); notes on Robin J. Tillyard (pp. 15-16); - Ware, J.:

Taylor, J.:Waitingfor the wet in northern Austra- Wing venation patterns; due to flight behaviour or

lia — — (pp. 17;records); Clausnilzer, V:Observations familial relationship? (pp. 17-18); Beatty, CD. &

on seasonality in coastal afrotropical dragonflies T.N. Sherralt: Conspicuous colouration in males of

(pp. 18-19); - Svengren, H. : Asophisticated feeding Nehalennia irene (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae):do

behaviour in Aeshna cyanea (p. 20). — Appended males signal their unprofitabilityto other males? (p.

to the issue are “Phaon” (newsletter of the Pinhey’s 18);- Rashed, A., C.D. Beatty, M R Forbes & T.N.

African Odonata Sherralt: Heritage Network, compiled by Mimicry through dragonfly eyes (p. 18).

“ ” K.-D.B. Dijkstra; pp. 22-24), — and Echo (news-

letter compiledby V. Kalkman; pp. 25-28). (15843) BATZER, D.P., S.E. DIETZ-BRANTLEY,

B.E, TAYLOR & A.E. DeBIASE, 2005. Evaluating

(15842) ARGIA. The news journal of the Dragonfly regional differences in macroinvertebrate communi-

Society of the Americas (ISSN 1061-8503),Vol. 17, ties from forested depressional wetlands across east-

1 - Dr No. (5 Apr. 2005), No. 2 (10 June 2005). (c/o ern and central North America. Jl N. Am. henthol.

& Mrs T.W. Donnelly, 2091 Partridge Lane, Bing- Soc. 24(2): 403-414. — (First Author: Dept Ent.,

hamton, NY 13903, USA). Univ. Georgia, Athens, GA 30602, USA).

[Scientific articles:] J [No. 1]: Laswell, : Curtis “Curt” Includes a family-wise review of presence/absence - Williams (p. 1); Johnson. P.G., //: Odonata sur- of 7 odon. fam. in forested depressional wetlands

of Pinnacles National California vey Monument, in Minnesota and South Carolina (both based on

(P- 4); - De Maynadier, P. & J. Hudson: First na- own study), and (based on literature) in Wisconsin,

tional records for Leucorrhinia patricia in the USA Ontario, Michigan, Georgia and Florida.

(pp. 5-6); - Bried, J. & S. Krotzer: New species re-

cords for Mississippi (pp. 6-7; Arigornphus lentulus, (15844) BERENGER-LEVEQUE, P„ 2005. A pro-

Lestes — Bree, D. : Predation of Ladona de I’insectofaune de Paris. forficula); pos Entomologiste61(2):

Julia by crab-spider (Thomisidae)(p. 8); - Roble, 85-91. — (Elater, 24 bis, rue Jean-BaptisteGilbert,

Observations S. M.: on anaggregation of Gomph- F-76300 Sotteville-les-Rouen).

aeschna furcillata in southeastern Virginia(pp. 8-9); In 1990 the Author commenced the work on an in-

Daigle, J.J: The hunt for Red October, 2 (p. 10; sect inventory of the parish of Paris, France. Here

Orthemis); — Bried, J. T.: Species of adult Odonata are presented some of his noteworthy records of

from three natural areas in Mississippi (pp. 10-12); taxa referable to various orders. Of interest is the

R.A. : New state records ofOdonata record of Macromia in Behrslock, splendens, 2000, on the Tam

from eastern — Mexico (pp. 13-15); Hunt. P: Addi- R. The precise locality and date are not stated, and

tional notes on the Odonata of the Islands other odon. mentioned. Cayman no spp. are

(p. 16); - Beckemeyer, R. : Afrikaan Anisoptera

and Zulu Zygoptera: a trip to South Africa (pp. (15845) BROCKHAUS, T. & U. FISCHER, [Eds],

17-18); - Donnelly, N.: Is there life after acetone: a 2005. Die Libellenfauna Sachsens. Natur & Text,

“cool” method for odonates — preserving (p. 18). Rangsdorf. 427 pp. Hardcover (17.0x24.0 cm).

[No. 2]: Anonymous: Nomination of Carl Cook as ISBN 3-9810058-0-5 and 987-3-98100-580-6. Price:

Honorary member of the DSA (pp. 1-2; portrait € 49.90 net. — (Publishers: Friedensallee 21, D- 106 OdonatologicalAbstracts

-15834 Rangsdorf). na (alt. 450 m) Spain.

This comprehensive work on the odon. fauna of

Saxony, Germany (68 spp.) is organised into 5 main (15848) CARNIER, T, 2005. Gemeine Winterlibelle

chapters; the texts were contributed by 24, and over Sympecma fusca und Gebanderte Heidelibelle Sym-

300 col. illustrations by 28 authors. In the introduc- petrum pedemontanum im Kreis Wesermarsch.

Beitr. - tory general part (pp. 14-50), the chapters on the Naturk. Niedersachs. 58(1): 41-42. (Haasen-

odon. evolution and general distribution history, str. 2, D-26919 Brake).

and on the history of odonatol. investigations in The 2 spp. are recorded from Brake, Lower Saxony,

of interest. Saxony are particular The main part Germany.

of the book (pp. 52-301) deals with the Saxonian

For each there historical spp. sp. areparagraphs on (15849) CLAUSNITZER, V. &K.-D. B. DIJKSTR A,

faunistics, current distribution,threats and the re- 2005. The dragonflies(Odonata) of Ethiopia, with

quiredconservation measures, brief descriptions of notes on the status of endemic taxa and the descrip-

the adult and larva, habitat and biology. Portraits, tion of anew species. Ent.Z. 115(3): 117-130. (With

distribution maps, vertical distribution graphs and Germ. s.). - (First Author: Graefestr. 17, D-06110

for In phenology graphs are provided all spp. the Halle/Saale).

concluding reviews are of the odon. In March 2004 the Authors undertook of chapters, given a survey

faunae of various topographicregions, the general Odon, in the highlands of central and SW Ethio-

conservation aspects are dealt with in some detail, pia, as well as along some Rift Valley lakes. The

and a glossary and an exhaustive regionalbibliogra- endemic spp. were the main target, as almost no — phy are provided. This is a monumental work, the information other than descriptions existed. Some

importanceof which extends far beyondthe political type localities were visited, as were other habitats,

boundaries of to Saxony, For the careful and concise gatherinformation onthe spp. distribution,habi-

presentation, wealth of well-organisedinformation tat requirements and conservation status. 29 sites

and, last but for the well-se- and 69 recorded. Of 11 known not least, exceptionally were sampled spp.

9 lected and presented illustrations, the book ranks endemics, were found, all at sites other than their

in the of the odonatol. localities, very top European regional type Paragomphus crenigomphoides sp.

literature. n., assumed to be endemic, is described (holotype

S'. “Harrar[= Harer],Abessinia. Kristensen 1911”,

(15846) BULLETIN OFAMERICANODON A TOL- deposited in ZFMK, Bonn). A revised checklist of

OGY Vol. No. 1 Odon. is 96 have been (ISSN 1061-3781), 9, (5 Apr. 2005), Ethiopian presented; spp.

No. 2 (10 June 2005). - (do Dr & Mrs T.W. Don- reliably recorded. Ischnura hilli Pinhey, 1964 and

nelly, 2091 PartridgeLane, Binghamton,NY 13903, Enallagma caputavis Terzani & Carletti, 1998 are

considered of USA). synonyms I. abyssinica Martin, 1907

[No. 1]: Catling, P.M., R.A. Cannings <£ PM. and Pseudagrion niloticum Dumont, 1978 respec-

Brunelle: An annotated checklist of the Odonata tively. The taxonomyand nomenclature of an unde-

of Canada 1-20; 208 with extensive bibli- scribed Aeshna A. meruensis 1909 (pp. pp., sp. (near Sjdstedt,

ography). - [No. 2]; Mauffray, B. &G. Beaton: The and A. yemenensis Waterston, 1985), Notogomphus

N. distribution of dragonfliesand damselflies (Odona- ruppeli (Selys, 1857) (frequently spelt as ruep-

ta) in Georgia (pp. 21-66; 170 spp.; 4 spp. are newly peli) and Orthetrum kollmannspergeri Buchholz,

8 removed from the confused with added, spp. are list; synonyms 1995 (probably Asian O. taeniolatum

and unsupportable older records are discussed; [Schneider, 1845]) are discussed. Ethiopia’s odon.

comprehensivebibliography). fauna is compared with that of other E African

highlands: It is impoverished(especially forest spp.)

(15847) CANO VILLEGAS, F.J.. 2005. Localizada but rich in endemics.

Lestes unanuevazona de cria de dryas Kirby, 1890

ziemi (Odonata: Lestidae) en Andalucia. Boln Soc. ent. (15850) DARAZ, B., 2005. Owady Dubieckiej

36:262. - Cien. Area - the Dubietcko aragon. (Depto Ambientales, w ohiektywie. [Insects of country

Zool„ Univ. Pablo de Olavide, ES-410I3 Sevilla). in the lens]. Tow. Przyjaciol Ziemi Dubieckiej, Du-

L. 47 ISBN The description of a newly discovered dryas biecko. pp. Softcover (15.0x 15.0 cm), none.

breeding site (and its odon. fauna) in Sierra More- (Pol.). — (Publishers: ul. Krasickiego 3, PO-37-750 Odonatological Abstracts 107

Dubiecko). calibration. Divergence time based onthe ribosomal

A of otherwise interest- and and fossil constraints indicate that presentation some typical or genes spacers

ing spp. in the territory of the village of Dubiecko, Calopteryginae(10 gen.) approx. 50% of all Calop-

situated in the San Valley, ca 30 km W of Przemysl, terygid taxa studied here), Vestalinae (1 gen.), and

SE Poland. The odon. appearonpp, 4-15;Nehalen- Hetaerinidae (1 gen. out of 4 studied here) started

nia speciosa is of particular interest. radiating around 65 My (K/T boundary). The S.

American Iridictyon (without distinctive morphol-

(15851) DIGESTOFJAPANESEODON A TOLOGI- ogy except for wingvenation) and SE Asian Nogu-

CAL SHORTCOMMUNICATIONS, No. 18 (Aug. chiphaea (with distinctive morphology) are older

— translated and K. 86 and be survivors of old clades 2005). Compiled, produced by (about My) may

Ishizawa Saita- with Gondwanian that extinct the (1644-15,Yamaguchi,Tokorozawa, a range went at

ma, 359-1145, JA). K/T boundary. The same reasoning (and an even

H. & I. Noritada: The 1st instar older 150 the Naraoka, nymph age, ca My) applies to amphipterygids

of a dragonfly, superstes Selys, was Rimanella and Pentaphlebia (S. America-Africa).

found crawlingin the snow in early spring (p. 1); - The extant Calopterygidaeshow particular species

H.: Naraoka. Larval development of Coenagrion and genus richness between W China and Japan,

terue (Asahina) (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) at a with genera originating between the early Oligocene

Aomori — lowland in prefecture, Japan (pp. 1-5); and Pleistocene. Much of that richness probably ex-

Kano, K. \ Notes on flight of dragonflies(pp. 5-6). tended much wider in preglacial times. The Holarctic

of Miocene affected Calopteryx, age, was deeply by

(15852) DUMONT, H.J., J.R. VANFLETEREN, J.F. the climatic cooling of the Pliocene and by the Pleis-

DE JONCKHEERE & RH.H. WEEKERS, 2005. tocene glaciations. Its N American and Japanese

time estima- of Miocene and Pliocene Phylogeneticrelationships, divergence representatives are age,

tion, and global biogeographic patterns of calop- respectively, but its impoverished Euro-Siberian taxa

terygoid damselflies (Odonata, Zygoptera) inferred are late Pliocene-Pleistocene, showing reinvasion,

from ribosomal DNA sequences. Syst. Biol. 54(3): speciation, and introgression events. The 5 other

347-362. — (FirstAuthor; Dept Biol., Ghent Univ., calopterid fam. combine with the Calopterygidae

Ledeganckstraat 35, B-9000 Gent). and Hetaerinidae to form the monophyleticcohort

The calopterygoid superfam. (Calopterygidae + Caloptera, with , , and

is of than 20 sister Hetaerinidae) composed more gen. Amphipterygidae group to .

2 in fam.: the Calopterygidae (at least 17) and the The crown node age of the latter 3 fam, has a age of

Hetaerinidae (at least 4). Here, 62 calopterygoid about 157 My, but the Dicteriadidae andPolythori-

(ingroup) taxa representing 18 genera and 15 out- dae themselves are of Eocene age, and the same is

group taxa are subjected to phylogenetic analysis true for the Euphaeidaeand . The

the ribosomal 18S and 5.8S and internal cohort with of using genes Caloptera itself, about 197 My age,

transcribed fam. back the . spacers (ITS1, ITS2). The 5 other goes to early

of calopterid affinity (Polythoridae, Dicteriadidae,

Amphipterygidae,, and Chlorocyphi- (15853) DUNN, R. &D. BUDWORTH, 2005. Drag-

in dae)are included in the outgroup. For phylogenetic onflies Derbyshire: status and distribution 1977-

inference, maximum parsimony, maximum likeli- -2000. Derbyshire & Nottinghamshire Ent, Soc. 51

hood, and the Bayesian inference methods are ap- pp. ISBN 0-9511141-3-1.

plied, A molecular phylogenycombined with a geo- Basically, this is a commented and annotated col-

lection of distribution km national graphicanalysis produced awell-supported phyloge- maps (1 grid

netic hypothesisthatpartly confirms the traditional square) of the 22 spp. recorded in the county dur-

taxonomy and describes distributional patterns. A ing 1977-2000. It provides concise information on

of the the localities and for all monophyleticorigin calopterygoids emerges, habitats, status regional spp.

revealing the hetaerinid as to the duringthis period.

7 Calopterygidaes.s. Within Calopterygidae, clades

ofsubfam. rank 2005. arerecognized. Phylogenetic dating (15854) DYATLOVA, E.S., Strekozy yugo-za-

i wasperformed with semiparametricrate smoothing pada Ukrainy: fauna populyacionnaya ekologiya.

by penalizedlikelihood, using 7 reference fossils for — [Dragonflies of the southwestern Ukraine: fauna 108 OdonatologicalAbstracts

and population ecology], Magister Diss., Fac. Biol., (15857) FLECK, G., 2005. Contribution a la connais-

Natn. Univ. Odessa. 125 - des odonates de Nouvelle-Caledonie: Odessa, pp. (Russ.). sance notes

bul’var kv. UKR-65044 la larve de ariadne Lief- (Author: Frantsuzkij 37, 3, sur supposee Synthemis

Odessa). tinck, 1975 (Odonata, Anisoptera, ).

The fauna of SW Ukraine is reviewed (51 spp.), Bull. Soc. ent. Fr 110(2); 165-166. (With Engl. s.).

new localities for the nationally red-listed Eryth- — (Villa Juanita, 32, avenue du Marechal Joffre,

romma lindenii and Anax imperator are stated, 8 F-31800 Saint-Gaudens).

and Red List Based fresh material rare spp. are emphasized, suggestions on (F-0 to F-5), complemen-

are made. Population features and polymorphism tary information tothat originally presented by A.J.

in Coenagrion pulchellum and Ischnura elegans Winstanley (1984, Odonatologica 13: 159-164) is

are examined. The morphology of Calopteryx s. provided on S. ariadne morphology and biology.

splendens and C. s. ancilla is described. Orthetrum

c. coerulescens does not occur in the region studied. (15858) GARRISON, R.W. & N. VON ELLEN-

The characters it from O. RIEDER. 2005. separating c. anceps are Neuragrion mysticum (Odonata:

The of the stated. phenology common spp. and the )demystified.Can. Ent. 137(2):

biogeographic composition of the regional fauna 169-173. (With Fr. s.). - (First Author; 1030 Fon-

aredealt with in some detail. Last but not least, the dale St., Azusa, Ca 91702-0821, USA).

anomalies in venation of some spp. are addressed. Based on circumstantial evidence, N. mysticum

— A useful work the that has far 1891 is considered of on region so re- Karsch, a junior synonym

ceived a rather inadequateattention. Fleteropodagrion sanguinipes Selys, 1885. Anno-

tated wingscans for H. sanguinipes and Mesagrion

ERJAVECIA.Bulletin of the Slovene Odona- leucorrhinum 1885, (15855) Selys, spp. originallycompared

tologicalSociety (ISSN 1408-8185),No. 19(30Apr. with N. mysticum, are provided.

2005).(Slovene). — (c/o M. BedjaniC,Kolodvorska

21b, SI-2310 Slovenska Bistrica). (15859) GASSMANN, D„ 2005. The phylogeny of

In the feature article, by M. Bedjanic (pp. 1-6), are Southeast Asian and Indo-Pacific Calicnemiinae

presented brief biographies and the inventory of (Odonata, ). Bonn. zool. Beitr.

odon. collections of Dr J. Staudacher (1876-1945) 53(1/2): 37-80. - (Naturalis, P.O. Box 9517, NL-

and J. Stussiner (1850-1917). A preliminary review 2300 RA Leiden).

of of the occurrence Chalcolestes parvidensin Slov- Phylogenetic relationshipsare examined by cladistic Salamm enia was contributed by A. & M. Bedjanic analysis using morphologicalcharacters. The strict

M. (pp. 9-13). Bedjanic reports on Sympecraa fusca consensus cladogram of the resulting equallymost

in VipavaValley (pp. 16-17), and on new records of parsimonious trees supportsthe ofthe

lindenii in the 17- Idiocnemis the Erythromma Posavje region (pp. Papuan genus Selys, Philippinegenus

19). The minutes of the 2004 Plenary Business Meet- Risiocnemis Cowley and its subgenera, but leaves

of the Slovene Odonatol. Soc. the of the African and ing were prepared relationships genera

A. Skvarc by (pp. 7-9). In addition to various an- the Palawan genus Asthenocnemis Lieftinck partly

nouncements 2 and the reports on topics published unresolved. A preferred phylogenetic hypothesis is

in different the additions the recently periodicals, to presented showing a well supported “Indo-Pacific

odonatol. bibliographyof Slovenia (by M. Bedjanic, clade” consisting of Philippine, New Guinean and

Nos conclude the issue. Solomon island sister pp. 23-24, 565-581) taxa, and as group Asthen-

ocnemis. Risiocnemis turns out to be a sister group

(15856) FERREIRA, S., J.M. GROSSO-SILVA & P. of Lieftinckia/Salomocnemis (Solomon Islands), the

SOARES-VIEIRA, 2005. Miscellaneous records of sister taxon of those being the central New Guin-

dragonfliesand damselflies (Insecta, Odonata) from eanArrhenocnemis Lieftinck. Together, these form

continental Boln Soc. 36:275- with the Portugal. ent. aragon. a monophyletic group remaining Papuan

277. (With Span. s.). — (First Author: Cent. Invest. taxa. Idiocnemis leonorae Lieftinck is transferred

Biodiv., Univ. Porto, Campus Agrario de Vairao, to Rhyacocnemis Lieftinck comb.nov. The possible

PT-4485-661 Vairao). effects of taxon samplingare discussed.

of from National Records 20 spp, Peneda-Geres

Park and from other Portuguese localities. (15860) GONZALEZ LAZO, D.D., A TRAPERO Odonatological Abstracts 109

QUINTANA & NARANJO LOPEZ, 2005. Insec- K. Grabow, G. Vick & F. Suhling:Description ofthe

tos acuaticos del Parque Nacional “Alejandro de final stadium larvae of African Gomphidia(Odona-

Humboldt”,Cuba. Boln Soc. ent. aragon. 36: 257- ta: Gomphidae)(pp. 233-241); — Oppel, S.: Habitat

261. (With Engl. s.). — (DeptoBiol., Fac. Cien. Nat., associations of an Odonata community in a lower

Univ Oriente, Patricio Lumumba s/n, Santiago de montane rainforest in Papua New (pp. 243-

Cuba-90300,Cuba). 257); - Pfau, H.K.: Structure, function and evolu-

Hypolestes trinitatis, capillaris, Micra- tion ofthe ‘glans' of the anisopteran vesica sperma-

thyria aequalis and Scapanea frontalis were recorded lia (Odonata) (pp. 259-310); — von Ellenrieder, N.:

from the Park. of South American (March-Apr. 2003) Taxonomy genus

(Odonata: ) (pp. 311-352).

(15861) HUTCHINGS, G.E., 2005. A list of the Odo-

nata of Athabasca Sand Dunes Provincial Wilder- (15864) ISHIDA, K., 2005. Reclassification of Rhipi-

ness Park, Saskatchewan. Blue Jay 63(2): 87-91. - dolestes okinawanus Asahina, 1951, occurring in

(971 Arundel Dr., Victoria, BC, V9A 2C4, CA). the Ryukyus (Odonata, Megapodagrionidae).Jap.

A checklist of 34 recorded in 2002 and J. Ent. 167-181. — spp., 2004, syst. 11(1); (Seisho High Sch.,

associated with site descriptions of 18 collecting 50-1, Nakauzura, Gifu, 500-8288, JA).

localities (alt. 213-289 m) in the Park; - Canada. The following taxa are recognized, described, il-

lustrated and R. R. shozoi keyed: okinawanus, sp.

IDF-REPORT. Newsletter of the Interna- (15862) n. (holotype

tional Fund Vol. amamiensis Dragonfly (ISSN 1435-3393), 6 (8 sp. n. (holotype 6 : Amami-Oshima, 14-

Vol. 7 June - M. and tokunoshimensis Sept. 2004); (14 2005). (do Schorr, VI-1986), R. a. ssp. n. (holo-

Schulstr. 7B, D-54314 Zerf). type S : Tokuno-shima, 3-VII-2004).

[Vol. 6]: Tchibozo, S. & K.-D.B. Dijkstra: Rapport

d’inventaire preliminaire des libellules des zones (15865) JOURNAL OF THE BRITISH DRAGON-

humides du Sud- (pp, 1-6); - Garcia, G. & FLY SOCIETY(ISSN none), Vol. 21, No. 1 (Oct.

K.-D.B. Dijkstra: Odonata collected in the Anka- 2005). — (c/oDrW.H. Wain, Haywain, Hollywater

rafantsika National Park, Madagascar (pp. 7-22); Rd, Bordon, Hants, GU35 OAD, UK).

Dijkstra. K. -D. B. ; Dragonflies (Odonata) of Mu- Jeffries, M.. H.T. Eales & G. Storey: Distribution and

lanje, Malawi (pp. 23-29); — Reinhardt. K. & K.-D.B. habitat of Calopteryxsplendens (Harris) in North-

Dijkstra : Auf der Jagdnach Libellennamen in Ma- umberland (pp. 1-7); — Jenkins, D.K. : Population

lawi (pp. 31-34). — [Vol. 7]: Oppel, S.: Odonata of studies of Coenagrionmercuriale (Charpentier)in

the Crater Mountain Wildlife Management Area, the New Forest, pt 9: The Crockford streams, 20

Papua New Guinea (pp. 1-28). years on(pp. 8-13); — Parr, A.J: Migrant and dis-

persive dragonflies in Britain during 2004 (pp. 14-

(15863) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ODO- 20); - Brownett, A. : A re-examination of the status

NATOLOGY (ISSN 1388-7890), Vol. 8, No. 2 (1 of Coenagrion armatum (Charpentier): a species

Oct. 2005). of Odonata now presumed extinct in Britain (pp.

Clausnitzer, V &K.-D.B. Dijkstra: Honouring Nobel 21-26); - Crick, K. : Variations in key features of

Peace Prize winner Wangari Maathai: Notogom- the final instar larva and exuviae of Enallagma cy-

maathaiae threatened of phus sp. nov., a dragonfly athigerum (Charpentier)(pp. 27-36).

Kenya’s forest streams (Odonata: Gomphidae)(pp.

177-182); - Fincke, O.M., R Jodicke, D. R. Paulson (15866) LANDMANN, A., G. LEHMANN, F.

&T.D. Schultz'. The evolution and frequency of fe- MUNGENAST & H. SONNTAG, 2005. Die Li-

male color in Holarctic Odonata: bellen Tirols. morphs why are Berenkamp,Innsbruck. 324 pp. Hard-

male-like females typically a minority? (pp. 183-212); cover(24.5x28.5 cm). ISBN 3-85093-185-4. PriceE

— — May, M.L. & F.L. Carle: Pamita hannahdalto- 41.87 net. (Publishers: Universitatsstr. 17, A-6020

from Baltic amber nae gen. n., sp. n. (Odonata: Innsbruck).

Amphipterygidae) (pp. 213-221); — McCauley, S. : Since ca 1850, 65 spp. were recorded from North

Differential between individu- and East Tirol the of 57 dispersalpropensities (Austria), occurrence spp.

als in male Leucorrhinia Intacta (Odonata: Libel- was confirmed since 1975, inch Coenagrion hylas,

— lulidae)(pp. 223-232); Muller, O., V. Clausnitzer, the known European occurrence of which is pres- 110 Odonatological Abstracts

ently restricted to some localities in NW Tirol. The which is the first commercially available book on

of is show clear Brazilian odon. The book with brief status 26 spp. stabile, 13 spp. a or opens a chapter

the followed probable increase and 11 spp. are clearly or prob- on collecting and handling specimens,

ably declining. The fauna of South Tirol (Italy) is by a pictorial presentation of damselfly morphology,

not the subject of this book. The treatment of the giving topographicpositions of all diagnostic char-

species coversthe same aspects as in most regional acters used in Zygopt. taxonomy and systematics. In

works of this kind. A considerable emphasis is given combination with the Glossary (pp. 237-245 & 315-

the between the and this will be useful. A and to relationships topography 324), very well-styled nicely

the respective odon. assemblages, and to habitat illustrated key to the families of Brazilian Zygopt.

requirements of each sp. In the outline of the his- precedes the spp. treatments. The genera arebriefly

of odonatol. ofTirol included described and Each tory exploration are characterised, concisely keyed.

the portraits of Carl Ausserer (1844-1920) and Fritz sp. is treated on asingle page. The information is pro-

Prenn (1878-1964). Much attention is given to the vided on the original description, type locality and

conservation and Red List is and the in S. America and a regional provided. type depository, on range

The is divided into 2 viz. Brazil. The and references the revisions bibliography pts, general synonymy to

and non-regional references, and the regional bib- aregiven where applicable, and it is indicated wheth-

liography. The latter is fairly exhaustive. The book er d, 5 and larva were described. The diagnostic

is luxuriously produced and richly illustrated, all in figs (mostly of anal appendages and/or wingscans)

for the full colour (portraits, distribution maps and graphs are supplied almost all spp. Keys to spp. are

of vertical for all of included in this work. The biblio- occurrence spp., photographs not appended

numeroushabitats and “classical” localities,etc.). — graphy is comprehensive. - The book is one of the

The reviewer assumes, the wealth of the presented results of a decade of Author’s work on Brazilian

information is certainly to make the book akey work Zygopt. It will not make the identification of the

for students of the odon. fauna and of the but it will facilitate ecology regional spp. easy, enormously

Eastern Alps. the work by providing within asingle volume all the

essential information that is scattered in often not

(15867) LECONTE, M., L. LECONTE & J. LE- easily available periodicals. This applies also to the

CONTE, 2005. Constatacion de la repruccion de diagnostic illustrations, of which ca 700 are repro-

Somatochlora metallica (Van der Linden, 1825) duced from primary publications, whereas almost

la Peninsula Iberica. Bain 300 of the latter contributed (Odonata:Corduliidae)en are original, many by

Soc ent. aragon. 36: 240. — (Quartier du Cau, F- R.W. Garrison. This circumstance additionallyen-

64260 Arudy). hances the value of this work. The Author is to be

So far, S. m. metallica was known in Iberian Penin- congratulated on this achievement, and the readers

sula from 1 3 and 2 taken 19-VII-I986 be forward the of the only 5, at are to looking to appearance

nd Valle del Ruda, Pirineo de Lerida (alt. 2100 m), pub- 2 (i.e. Coenagrionidae)vol.

lished by J. Dantart & R. Martin (1999, Boln Asoc.

Ent. the is LIBELLULA. Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft esp. 23; 147), Here, emergence reported (15869)

of a 9 (20-VII-2004)in Valle de Aran, Pirineos (alt. deutschsprachiger Odonatologen (GdO) (ISSN

2050 m). The habitat and the exuviae are described 0723-6514), Vol. 24, No. 1/2 (15 Aug, 2005). (With

and the biogeographical importance of the record Engl. s’s). — (c/o Mrs G. Peitzner, Hamfelderedder

is emphasized. 7a, D-21039 Bornsen).

Wildermuth, H. : Beitrag zur Larvalbiologie von

(15868) LENCIONI, F.A.A., 2005. Damselflies of Boyeria irene (Odonata: Aeshnidae) (pp. 1-30); -

I: B. Brazil an illustrated identification guide, Vol. Schmidt, : Erste Beobachtungenvon Boyeriairene

Non-Coenagrionidaefamilies. All Print Editora, am Bodensee (Odonata: Aeshnidae)(pp. 31-37); —

Sao Paulo, iv+324 Hardcover irene in Tunesien Aesh- pp. (17.2x24.0 cm). Kunz. B.: Boyeria (Odonata:

ISBN 85-98310-56-5. (Engl., with anabridged text nidae) (pp. 39-46); — Beutler, H.: Libellenfunde in

of the book in Port., on pp. 255-324). - (Orders to: einigen CORINE-Biotopgebieten Estlands (Odo-

[email protected]). nata) (pp. 47-53); — Gohmert, J. &A. Martens: Dcr

In 10 fam..there areover 300 Zygopt. spp. in Brazil; Sonnenbarsch Lepomis gibbosus als Pradator von

of fam. of the Kleinlibellen bei Centrarch- 155 spp. 9 are subject present work, der Eiablage (Teleostei: Odonatological Abstracts 111

idae; Odonata: Coenagrionidae) (pp. 55-62); — Univ., Honjo 1, Saga, 840-8502, JA).

B. & A. Martens'. Eine Hofmann, Fang-Wiederfang- The hindwinglength, the wing areasand the aspect

-Studie zur Ortstreue und ratio did not differ classes Kurzstreckenausbreitung significantly among age

von Sympetrum sanguineum (Odonata: Libelluli- duringthe pre-reproductiveperiod, while the body

- & A. dae) (pp. 63-72); Schneider, T, O. Brauner mass in 3 3 increased about 2.5 times. This is pri-

Reichling: Entwicklungsnachweis von Crocothemis marilydue to the increase in mass ofthorax and ab-

erythraeaund Funde von Aeshna affinis im Odertal domen. The flightmuscle mass accounted for most

Siidostbrandenburgs(Odonata:Libellulidae, Aesh- of the thorax mass and was increasing from early

nidae) (pp. 73-82); — Pastier, W. Pastier & N. pre-reproductiveperiod until sexual maturity. The

Kilimann: Entwicklungsnachweise von Gomphus average flight muscle mass in mature 3 3 was about

im Datteln-Hamm-Kanal und im Rhein- flavipes 2.4 larger than in the youngest immatures. The abdo-

-Heme-Kanal (Odonata: Gomphidae) (pp. 83-86); menmass and the total lipids increased remarkably

Lohr, M. : Libellenbeobachtungenin Sudportugal duringthe second half of the pre-reproductive pe-

(Odonata) (pp. 87-107); - Ferreira, S. & F. tVeih- riod. The average total lipid content in mature 6 6

rauch: Annotated bibliography of odonatological was about 10-fold of that in the youngestimmatures. literature from continental Madeira, Portugal, and The maximum liftcapacity waspositively correlated the Azores (Odonata) 109-128). with the (pp. flight muscle mass and total lipid content.

The increase in flight muscle mass and lipid reserves

(15870) LIBELLULA (SUPPL.) (ISSN 0723-6514), resulted in the increase of maximum lift force and

Vol. 6 (15 March 2005): Studien zur Libellenfauna probably enhanced flight performance.

Griechenlands, 3). 104 pp. (With Engl. s’s). — (c/o

Mrs G. Peitzner, Hamfelderedder 7a, D-21039 (15872) NEL, A. & J.F, PETRULEVICIUS, 2005. A

Born sen). new genus and species of damsel-dragonflyfrom the

Grebe, B.. B. Baierl & E. Baierl: Libellen der Early Liassic of Germany(Odonata, Liassophlebii-

Flusstaler Nordost-Griechenlands: Erstnachweis dae).Bull. Soc ent. Fr. 110(2): 185-188. (WithFr.s.).

Somatochlora borisi - von fur Griechenland (Odo- (First Author: Lab. Ent., Mus. natn. Hist, nat.,

nata: — Corduliidae) (pp. 1-14); Jddicke, R.: Be- 45 rue Buffon, F-75005 Paris).

intermedium merkungenzu Coenagrion (Odonata; Bavarophlebiaschmeissneri gen. n., sp. nis described

Coenagrionidae)(pp. 15-24); — Kalkman, V.J.: On from Hettangianof the Sandpit Kiifner, S of Pech-

the distribution of the genus Ceriagrion in the Bal- graben,Kulmbach distr, Bavaria. Holotype speci-

kans, includingC. georgifreyi, a species new for the men G 753/02 is deposited in coll. S. Schmeissner,

4th European fauna (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) (pp. Kulmbach. This is the genus in this small fam-

25-32); - Laister, G.: Pantala flavescens auf Rho- ily.

des, mit einem Uberblick iiber den Status der Art

in Europa (Odonata; Libellulidae) (pp. 33-40); - (15873) NEL, A., J.F. PETRULEVICIUS, G. GEN-

Mauersberger,R.: Erste Libellennachweise von der TILINI & X. MARTINEZ-DELCLOS, 2005. Phy-

Insel Aigina(Odonata) (pp. 41-42); - Olias, M. & logeneticanalysis of the Cenozoic family Sieblosi-

A. Gunther: Erster Nachweis Lestes idae with von (viridis) (Insecta: Odonata), description of new

viridis fur Griechenland (Odonata: Lestidae) (pp, taxa from Russia, Italy and France. Geobios 38(2);

43-47); - Lopau, IV: Bisher unveroffentlichte Libel- 219-233. (With Fr. s.). — (First Author; Lab. Ent.,

lenbeobachtungenaus Griechenland, 3 (Odonata) Mus. natn. Hist, nat., 45 rue Buffon,F-75005 Paris).

— (pp. 49-84); Lehmann. A. W.: Annotated biblio- The following Sieblosiidae taxa are described: an

graphy of the dragonfliesof Greece unnamed & A” of for the (Odonata) (pp. “gen. sp. (Miocene Italy; 85-104). name and systematic affiliation see OA 15874), Mi-

ostenolestes zherikhini gen. n., sp, n.,Paraoligolestes

(15871) MATSUBARA, K„ S. TOJO& N. SUZUKI, Stenolestes fasciata stavropolensis sp. n., sp. n. (all

2005. Age-relatedchanges in flight muscle mass, li- from the Miocene of N. Caucasus), Stenolestes (?)

pid reserves and flight capacity duringadult matura- adygeianensis sp. n, (Oligocene of N. Caucasus),

tion in males ofthe territorial and S. cerestensis damselfly Calopteryx sp. n. (Oligocene of France). The

atrata Zool. Sci. Sieblosia 1906 is restored and (Odonata: Calopterygidae). 22(5); genus Handlirsch,

587-592. - (Dept Appl. Biol. Sci., Fac. Agric., Saga a new phylogenetic analysis of the Sieblosiidae is 112 OdonatologicalAbstracts

proposed. The family seems to be restricted to the ROMAN, 2005. Los odonatos de los Parques Nat-

of urales de Corhalvo Oligocene-Miocene Europe. y Monfragiie (Extremadura,

Espaiia). Boln Soc. ent. aragon. 36: 247-249. (With

(15874) NEL, A., J.F. PETRULEVlClUS, G. GEN- Engl. s.). — (Area Zool., Fac. Cien., Univ. Extre-

TILINI & X. MARTINEZ-DELCLOS, 2005. Un madura, ES-06071 Badajoz).

nouvel odonate du Miocene d’ltalie (Odonata). Bull. A commented checklist of 32 spp. recorded in 2004

Soc. ent. Fr. 110(2): 188. - (First Author: Lab. from Cornalvo (22 spp.) and Monfragiie (28 spp.)

Ent., Mus. natn. Hist, nat, 45 rue Buffon, F-75005 Natural Parks, Extremadura, Spain.


The taxon, “gen. & sp. A”, described in the paper (15878) RUPPELL, G, D. HILFERT-RUPPELL, G.

OA listed in 15873, is here defined and named as REHFELDT & C. SCHUTTE, 2005. Die Prachtli-

Italolestes The hellen Wis- stroppaigen. n., sp. n. holotype(No. Europas: Gatlung Calopteryx. Westarp

1734) is in Museo di Pesaro, Pesaro, Italy. Itsfamily senschaften, Hohenwarsleben. 255 pp. [Neue Brehm

affiliation is unknown. Biicherei 654], Softcover (14.5x20.5 cm). ISBN 3-

-89432-883-5. Price: € 35.95 net. - (Publishers:

(15875) ODONATOLOGICAL ABSTRACT SERV- Kirchstr. 5, D-39326 Hohenwarsleben).

ICE (ISSN 1438-0269), No. 16 (Aug. 2005). Com- This is the fifth vol. in the family-wise treatments

piled by Dr M. Lindeboom (Landhausstr. 10, D- of the EuropeanOdon.; see OA 6147,10878,11311

72074 Tubingen), Dr K. Reinhardt (Dept Anim. & and 11584,for the works on the Aeshnide, Platyc-

Plant Sci,, Univ. Sheffield,Sheffield, S10 2TN, UK) nemididae, Gomphidae and Lestidae, respectively.

— In & M. Schorr (Schulstr. 7B, D-54314 Zerf). the 7 main chapters, most aspects of the sys-

Abstracts Nos 70 of the works life and 4655-5005, on pp., tematics, cycle, flight, feeding predators,

published 1997-2005. reproduction and conservation are dealt with. All

to adults spp. are described and keys the and larvae

(15876) ODONATRIX. Bulletin of the Odonatologi- are provided.An appreciable bibliographyconcludes

cal Section of the Polish Entomological Society the volume,which is richly illustrated, largely with

(ISSN 1733-8239), Vol. 1, Suppl. (June 2005), No. col. phot, from G. Rilppell’ssplendid movies on the

2 (July 2005). (Pol., with Engl. s’s). — (do Dr P. biology of the fam. Althoughthe emphasis is given

Buczyhski, Dept Zool., UMCS, Akademicka 19, to the calopterygid flight, activity phenomena and

PO-20-033 Lublin). energetics, the treatment is perfectly balanced and — [Suppl.]: Wendzonka, J.\ Identification key to the the literature is considered up to early 2005. A

of Polish recommended in its and imagines dragonflies (Odonata) (pp. 1-26); warmly book, unique scope

- [No. 2]: Bernard, R. : Buffer protection zonesfor presentation, a vademecum synthesis, valuable to

Nehalennia speciosa: vision, law and problems (pp. the professionals and dragonfly students in general

21-24); - Cios, S. : Further accounts of fish preying alike.

on adult Odonata (pp. 24-25); - Mielewczyk, S.:

Origins of the words wazka, Libellula, Odonata (p. (15879) SCHER, O. & A. THIERY, 2005. Odona-

25); - Serafin, E. : Feeding strategies of dragonfly ta, Amphibia and environmental characteristics in

larvae, or how to get a from its case (pp. motorway stormwater retention ponds (southern

25-26); - Tonczyk, G: The observations of the France). Hydrobiologia 551:237-251. - (Biodiv. &

foraging of hawkers (Aeshna spp.) in the urban Envir., Lab. Biol. Anim., Univ. Provence, Case 18,

lh conditions (pp. 26-27); — Buczynski, R. The 24 F-13331 Marseille),

Annual Meetingof the Society of German speaking 6 retention ponds in Mediterranean France were - Odonatologists,Freising (pp.28-29); Tonczyk, G: investigated during March 2002-March 2003 for

Database of Polish odonatological literature (pp. their chemical and biological features. These vari-

- R. P. 29-30); Literature and reviews, by Bernard, ables were correlated with species richness of odon.

& G. — Buczynski Tonczyk fpp. 30-40); Varia, by communities. Stormwater retention pondsshowed a

P. & E. Serafin concentration of and zinc in sedi- Buczynski (pp. 40-43). high copper top

ment layer and herbicides in watercolumn. 29 odon.

J.M. JIMEN- (15877) PEREZ-BOTE, J.L., GARCIA spp. were recorded (10-21 per pond). These habitats

fa- EZ, F. FERRIYANEZ & J.M. TORREJON SAN- appear to be very attractive to odon. and tend to Odonatological Abstracts 113

vorize uncommonspp. in the survey region, such as stream (sex role reversal). In N. caerulescens and N.

viridulum and Ischnura 6 e.g. Erythromraa pumilio. flavostigma, the S are unknown and were never

Odon. richness in with was higher ponds a natural seen, risingthe possibility that parthenogenesismay

bottom than in those with artificial bottom. in these well. an occur spp. as

(15880) SCHIESS, H., 2005. SchmetterlingemdLibel- (15883) SO, S. & F. CHEUNG, 2005. Labrogom-

in len der Schwantenau. Kalin, Einsiedeln. 135 pp. phus torvus and other Hong Kong odonate records.

Softcover (18.0x18.0cm). ISBN 3-9523062-0-7. - Porcupine 32: 25. — (c/o Ms E. Tam, Dept Ecol. &

(Publishers: Kornhausstr. 22, Postfach 241, CH- Biodiv., Univ. Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China).

-8840 Einsiedeln). The rare L. torvus is recorded from Hok Tau Res-

42 A picture book, covering butterfly and 20 odon. ervoir (4-IX-2004); 3 other spp. are listed from Mai

spp. of the Schwantenau bog nr Einsiedeln, canton Po Nature Reserve.

Schwyz, Switzerland, with concise, informative texts

DE for each sp. A month-wise review of flightperiods (15884) STOKS, R„ M. DE BLOCK, F. VAN

is appended. MEUTTER & F. JOHANSSON, 2005. Predation

cost of rapid growth: behavioural coupling and

(15881) SHEFFIELD, K„ 2005. Riverbend Park’s physiological decoupling. J. Anim. Ecol. 74: 708-

dragonfly study. Resources Fairfax/VA 5(3): 9. — -715. - (First Author; Lab. Univ. , Aquat. Ecol.,

(c/o Publishers: Fairfax. Co. Park Authority, 12055 Leuven, Ch. de Beriotstraat 32, B-3000 Leuven).

Government Center Parkway, Fairfax, VA 22035- Despite its prominent role in life-history theory,

-1118, USA). there is no direct empirical evidence for a behav-

The 4-yr systematic inventarisation of the odon. iourally mediated predation cost of rapid growth

fauna of the Park yielded more than 10% of the and little is known how digestive physiology may

American of influence N. spp. Some are listed; 30% the re- also the shape of the growth/predation

corded spp. are considered rare in Virginia (USA) risk trade-off function. Here, the role of behaviour

or are watch-listed. The Riverbend Dragonfly Sur- and digestive physiology was determined in experi-

and other volunteers continue the ments in which to vey Group some Lestes sponsa larvae were induced

work this on project. grow slowly or rapidly by manipulatingphotoperiod

and fish (timestress) exposure to a predator (perch).

T.N. & C.D. It (15882) SHERRATT, BEATTY, 2005. is shown that larvae under time stress grew more

Island of the clones. Nature, Load. 435 (23 June): rapidly. Rapid-growing larvae had a higher foraging

1039-1040. — (Dept Biol., Carleton Univ., 1125 activity and a higher growthefficiency. Under preda-

Colonel By Dr., Ottawa, ON, K1S 5B6, CA). tion risk, larvae not only had a lower foragingactiv-

Triggeredby the publicationof A. Cordero Rivera ity but also a lower growth efficiency. Rapid-grow-

et al. (2005) in Odonatologica 34(1): 1-9, some con- inglarvae (i.e. those under time stress) balanced the

siderations are presented on the recently discovered growth/predationrisk trade-off differently and took

parthenogenesis in Ischnura hastata in the Azores more risk in the presence of a predator, which re-

OA (see 7617), and on the possibility of the occur- sulted in a behaviourallymediated higherpredation

rence of this phenomenon in natural populations cost compared toslow-growing larvae. Their higher

of some other spp. (for the artificially induced de- growth efficiency, however, made this cost smaller

velopment of unfertilized eggs see, e.g. OA 13158). comparedto a completely behaviourally mediated

A microbial agent responsible for driving the ab- rapid-growth strategy. These results provide the first

sence of S 3 is unknown, Wolbachia was ruled out explicitexperimental proof of a behaviourally me-

its occurrencein some odon. OA diated of In addition (for spp. see, e.g. predation cost rapid growth.

15042). Of considerable interest is the involving to a behavioural coupling of growth and predation

into this discussion the evidence onNesobasis spp. risk, resulting in the well known trade-off, a partial

fromFiji, another isolated With refer- of these 2 archipelago. decoupling processes by digestive physi-

ence to the paper listed in OA 7395, the attention is ology was also found.

drawn to the circumstance that N. rufostigma 3 3

arevery rare and 5 9 defend territories over aquatic (15885) TERZANI, F, 2005. Richerche odonato-

habitats,whereas 6 3 reside somedistance from the logiche in Toscana, 9. Nuovi dati sull’Arcipelago 114 Odonatological Abstracts

Toscano. 2: 6-8, - — Biol. Univ. Onychium (With Engl. s.). (Via s.). (Depto Organismos y Sistemas,

Cigoli 12,1-50142 Firenze). Oviedo, ES-33071 Oviedo).

A. 10 11 spp. are listed. Some of these are for the first An emerging cyanea 9 was found dead ca m

time recorded for various islands, and Sympetrum off the shore of lake Ordicuso (alt. 2090 m), Penti-

sanguineumis new to the Archipelago, Italy. cosa, Huesca,NE Spain. It is said this is the greatest

known distance from water traveled by an aeshnid

A.& OCHA- (15886) TORRALBA BURRIAL, F.J. prior to the emergence.

RAN, 2005. Catalogo de los odonatos de Aragon

(Odonata). Cat. Entomofauna aragon. 32: 3-25. (15890) TORRALBA BURRIAL, A. & F.J, OCHA-

— Biol. Sis- 2005. Primera cita de Ischnura (With Engl. s.). (Depto Organismos y RAN, elegans (Van

temas, Univ. Oviedo, ES-33071 Oviedo). der Linden, 1820) y Ceriagrion tenellum (Villers,

The literature records are reviewed and Teruel critically 1789) (Odonata: Coenagrionidae)para (NE

for Soc. - 58 spp. are listed Aragon, Spain. Platycnemis de Espana). Boln ent. aragon. 36:284. (Depto

pennipes, Coenagrion pulchellurn, Paragomphus Biol. Organismos y Sistemas, Univ. Oviedo, ES-

genei and Sympetrumdepressiusculum areremoved -33071 Oviedo).

from the list. The available data The first records ofthe 2 from Teruel NE regional are mapped spp. prov.,

(UTM 10x10 km grid). Spain, with precise locality and capture data and a



RAN, 2005. Comportamiento de busqueda de hem- (15891) TORRALBA BURRIAL, A. & F.J. OCHA-

bras inmaduras corno estrategia reproductiva en RAN, 2005. Primera cita de Sympetrum vulgatum

machos de Aeshna juncea (Linnaeus, 1758)(Odo- ibericum Ocharan, 1985 (Odonata; Libellulidae)

Boln Soc. 36: 123- Boln nata: Aeshnidae). ent. aragon. para la provincia de Zaragoza. Soc. ent. aragon.

-126. — Biol. 36: 350. — Biol. (With Engl. s.). (Depto Organismos (Depto Organismos y Sistemas,

Univ. ES-33071 Univ. ES-33071 y Sisteraas, Oviedo, Oviedo). Oviedo, Oviedo).

A In a Pyrenean population (Spain) A. juncea 6 S 9 is reported from Rio Regalio, and all known

for immature $ 9; localities of the in were seen searching (emerging) sp. Spain are mapped.

they were hovering over aquaticvegetation,attempt-

is ing to grasp 9 9 prior totheir maiden flight. This (15892) TRAPERO QUINTANA. A.D., 2005. Gy-

interpretedas a mate-searching behaviour and it is nacantha ereagris (Gundlach, 1888), un endemico

discussed with reference to the evidence published antillano (Odonata). Boln Soc. ent. aragon. 36:353-

by S.W. Dunkle (1979, Odonatologica 8: 123-127). -354. (With Engl. s.). - (Depto Biol., Univ. Oriente,

At the nearby ponds the usual mating behaviour Patricio Lumomba s/n, Dantioago de Cuba-90300,

was observed. Cuba).

The occurrenceof the sp. in Cuba is outlined, some

(15888) TORRALBA BURRIAL, A. & F.J. OCHA- morphometric data onthe adults are presented, and

2005. Deformidad abdominal the behaviour is RAN, en Coenagrion a note on provided. In Cuba, G.

mercuriale (Charpentier, 1825) (Odonata: Coena- ereagris occurs throughout the yr, except in Febr. It

grionidae).Boln Soc. ent. aragon. 36; 369-370. (With is not merely a crepuscular, but rather a nocturnal

— Biol. the late 23.30-02.10 h. Engl. s.). (Depto Organismos y Sistemas, sp., being on wing as as

Univ. Oviedo, ES-33071 Oviedo).

A 6 with a misshaped abdomen is described. (15893) TRAPEROQUINTANA, A.D., Y. TORRES

Though hindered, this individual was still able to CAMBAS & E. GONZALEZ SORIANO, 2005.

,h fly. The sharp bending of the abdomen at the 4 Estudio del comportamentode oviposicion de Pro-

lh and 5 segments is assumed to have occurred dur- toneura capillaria (Rambur, 1842) (Odonata: Pro-

ing emergence. toneuridae). Folia ent. mex. 44(2): 225-231, (With

Engl. s.). — (First Author: Depto Biol., Univ. Ori-

(15889) TORRALBA BURRIAL, A. & F.J. OCHA- ente, Patricio Lumumba s/n, C.P. 90500, Santiago

RAN, 2005. Larga distancia recorrida enuna emer- de Cuba, Cuba).

fallida Aeshna Aesh- The conducted N. of gencia en cyanea (Odonata: study was ata stream Santiago

Soc. nidae). Boln ent. aragon. 36: 220. (With Engl. de Cuba, 9-20 June 2004 (08.00-16.00 h). The peak Odonatological Abstracts 115

of oviposition activity occurred between 12.30-13.30 (15896) VAN TOL, J., 2005. Revision of the Platy-

h. The oviposition lasts on average 54 min, in tan- stictidae of the Philippines (Odonata) excluding the dem, 3 3 continuously Wind and intra- flapping. Drepanosticta halterata group, with descriptions of

and interspecific interference affect the oviposition twenty-onenewspecies. Zoo/. Med. Leiden 79-2(10):

behaviour. 195-282. - (Naturalis, P.O.Box 9517, NL-2300RA


(15894) TUNO, W. N. 31 i.e. all N„ OKEKA, MINAKAWA, spp. are revised, spp. recognised, excluding

M. TAKAGI & G. YAN, 2005. Survivorship of those ofthe Drepanostictahalterata-group. The fol- Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto (Diptera: Culici- lowingnewtaxa aredescribed: Drepanosticta acuta

larvae in western forest. med D. dae) Kenya highland J. sp. n., D. aurita sp. n., centrosaurus sp. n., D.

Ent. 42(3): 270-277. — (First Author: Vector dados D. flavornaculata D. furcata Dept sp. n., sp. n., sp.

Ecol. & Inst. hermes Envir., Trop. Med., Nagasaki Univ., n., D. sp. n., D. krios sp. n., D. luzonica sp.

D. malleus D D. Nagasaki, 852-8523, JA). n., sp. n., myzouris sp. n., parua-

The deforestation is considered of the tia D. one reasons sp. n,, pistor sp. n., D. quadricomu sp. n., D.

responsible for malaria in African D. trachelocele Protosticta epidemics high- rhamphis sp. n., sp. n„

lands. In this the effects of forestation/defor- P. Sulcosticta striata study, lepteca sp. n„ plicata sp. n.,

estation on the survivorship of A. larvae S. and S. viticula gambiae gen. n., sp. n., pallida sp. n. sp.

and colonization of other aquatic insects were ex- n. The status of 11 previously described nominal

amined experimentally in Kakamega Forest (alt. taxa is established. D. septima Needham & Gyger,

1500-1700 m). It was found that in habitats, is considered of D. open doubtfully a synonym mylitta

fully exposed to sunlight, the survivorship was 55- Cowley. — Based on a preliminary phylogenetic

while in habitats with full forest the of 57%, canopy cover- analysis, spp. Drepanosticta are divided into

and in those with informal ofthe age (forest habitats) partialcanopy species groups. Most spp. Philippines

(forest habitats) it amounted 1-2% have affinities of the Moluccas coverage edge to to spp. Sulawesi, and

only. The odon. also colonized the larval New Guinea. Several confined Palawan have mosquito spp. to

habitats and contributed to the mortality of mos- sister-group relationships with spp. from Borneo.

larvae. The affinities of various other confined quito spp., to

the Sulu archipelago,are unsettled as yet. The spp.

VAN L. DE BRUYN & R. here (15895) GOSSUM, H„ assigned to Protosticta Sel. are presumably

STOKS, 2005. Reversible switches between male- not related the P. closely to type sp., simplicinervis

-male and male-female mating behaviour by male Sel., from Sulawesi. However, a better placement

damselflies. Biol. Lett. 1(3); 26B-270. - (First Au- has to await a more detailed phylogenetic study of

thor: Evol. Biol. Univ. Groenen- the For 3 the Sulcosticta Gr., Antwerp, family. spp. new genus gen. borgerlaan 171, B-2020 Antwerpen). n. is erected. These are closely allied, based on the

For animal both many groups, sexes have been re- structure of the appendages, but should have been

ported to to mate with members of their different if based the attempt assigned to genera on present

own sex. Such behaviour theories of sex- definitions. — here described challenges generic Many spp.

ual selection, which of have small distributional predict optimization repro- ranges, a common phe-

ductive success. Here,

site- and members tested in Ischnura under same-sex was Philippines areheavily threat or have already

elegans. Binary choice experiments were conducted disappearedin the last 50 yr, several taxa described

in insectaries with in this should be considered followingexposure periods only paper under threat of

6 S with or both sexes present. It is shown that immediate extinction.

switches in choice between the opposite sex and

the same sex can be induced and reversed again by (15897) VAN WIELINK, P„[Ed.], 2005. Nalmrstudie

changing the social context. It is argued that the in De Kaaistoep: versing 2004. We onderzoeksjaar.

observed in 3-3- and 3-9- directed — reversibility [Nature study in De Kaaistoep: report 2004, the

'* mating behaviour is maladaptiveand aconsequence 10 investigationyear],TilburgseWaterleiding Maat-

of strong selection on a

between different 5 colour morphs. seum Brabant, ii+84 pp. ISBN none. (Dutch).

Heeffer, J.: Dragonflies in De Kaaistoep in 2004, 116 OdonatologicalAbstracts

1996 cies and host and a review of the species recorded since (pp. composition, biotope plant prefer-

— 23-27); - Swinkels, M.. J. Heeffer, H. Spijkers & P. ences. Wetland Sci. 3(3): 167-175. (First Author:

Biol. Sci. & van H'ielink: Dragonfly exuviae and larvae recorded Dept Sci., Fac. Technol., KUSTEM,

1996-2004 (pp. 29-30); - Van Wielink. P, M. Swin- MengabangTelipot,Kuala Terengganu-21030,Ter-

kels and & H. Spijkers'. Aquatic dragonflies engganu, Malaysia).

in PI and P6 29 identified in the odon. communities of 3 pools (pp. 31-33). spp. were

selected tributaries of the Kerian R., viz. the Salah,

(15898) VIS1NSKIENE, G., 2005. Biodiversity, Setu and the Serdang. Their occurrenceis analysed

distribution and ecology of macrozoobenthos in with reference to the biotope- and microhabitat

rivers. small Lithuanian Ekologija2005(2): 15-21. types.

(With Lithuanian s.). - (Inst. Ecol., Vilnius Univ.,

Akademijos 2, LT-08412 Vilnius-21). (15901) WARD, L. & P.J. MILL, 2005 Habitat factors

The aim of the estimate the distribu- the of adult study was to influencing presence Calopteryx splend-

Ent. i tion, abundance,ecology and biodiversity of macro- ens (Odonata:Zygoptera). Ear. J. 02(1);47-51.

zoobenthos in 4 rivers in the Vilnius and Anyksciai — (Second Author: 8 Cookridge Grove, Cookridge,

districts duringV-XI2003. Theemphasis is given to Leeds, LS16 7LH, UK).

In the Trichoptera. Quantitative data for the Odon. are Great Britain the distribution of this riverine sp.

presented for the Riese R. only. There, in open land- ispredominantlysouthern. However, the last decade

2 2 individuals/m and in wooded has records in in scape, 10 (1.31 g/m ) seen previously unoccupied areas

2 2 landscape 27 individuals/m (0.63 g/m ), in both the NE of England, promptingspeculationregard-

occurred. northward The cases referable to 2 unnamed spp., ing range expansion. current study

is the first to quantify the physical features of the

VON N.& R.W. GARRI- habitat that influence the of C. (15899) ELLENRIEDER, presence splendens.

2005. 1842 and Triacan- A field carried the char- SON, Gynacantha Rambur, survey was outon physical

thagyna Selys, 1883 (Insecta, Odonata): proposed acteristics ofhabitat supportingC. splendensalong

conservation of usage by designationof Gynacan- a section of the Wharfe R„ W. Yorkshire. Adults

tha nervosa Rambur, 1842 asthe type species of Gy- were marked for individual identification in order

- the of the within different nacantha. Bull. zoo!. Nom. 62(1): 14-17. (Second to assess occurrence sp.

Author: 1030 Fondale Str., Azusa, CA 91702-0821, habitat patches of the study area,A multiplelogistic

USA). regression was used to identify the significant habi-

The of this under Article 70.2 variables in the of adults. purpose application, tat explaining occurrence

of the Code, is to conserve the accustomed usage The most importanthabitat factor in determiningits

of the names Gynacantha Rambur, 1842 and Tria- presence was the heightof the vegetationat the edge

1883 for of aeshnid of the river. canthagyna Selys, two genera Significant negative relationships were

The but found between the of C. and dragonflies. names are objective synonyms presence splendens tree

in for distinct of the and between its are currently use two groups spe- coverage along bank, presence

cies. It is proposed that Gynacanthanervosa Ram- and increased bank height. The distribution of C.

is affected the natural features bur, 1842 should be designated as the type species splendens by physical

of Gynacantha. of the habitat,anthropogenic disturbance and the

behaviour of the species itself. The importance of

(15900) WAHIZATUL, A.A. & M.R. CHE SAL- quantitative habitat data in species conservation,

Adult communities in with is dis- MAH, 2005. dragonfly tropi- particularly regard to range expansion,

cal rivers ofthe northern Peninsular Malaysia: spe- cussed.