Journey Through the Bhagavad Gita

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Journey Through the Bhagavad Gita PREVIEWCOPYS E E K E R 2 0 1 1 PREVIEWCOPYJOURNEYTHROUGHTHE PREVIEWCOPYBHAGAVADGITA PREVIEWCOPY PREVIEWCOPY GKMPRESSPREVIEWCOPY PREVIEWCOPY PREVIEWCOPY PREVIEWCOPY PREVIEWCOPY PREVIEWCOPY PREVIEWCOPY PREVIEWCOPY PREVIEWCOPY PREVIEWCOPYCopyright © 2013 Seeker 2011 published by gkm press Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. FirstPREVIEWCOPY printing, April 2013 PREVIEWCOPY PREVIEWCOPY PREVIEWCOPY PREVIEWCOPY PREVIEWCOPY Contents Arjuna Vishaada Yoga 21 1.1 Dharmakshetre kurukshetre.................. 22 1.2 Dhristvaa tu........................... 24 1.3 Pashyaitaam paanduputraanaamaachaarya......... 26 1.4-6 Atra shoora.......................... 28 1.7 Asmaakam tu.......................... 30 1.8 Bhavaanibheeshmashcha karnashcha............. 31 1.9 Anye cha............................. 33 1.10 Aparyaaptam tadasmaakam................. 34 1.11 Ayaneshu cha......................... 35 1.12 Tasya sanjanayanharsham.................. 36 1.13 Tataha shankashcha...................... 37 1.14 Tataha shvetair......................... 38 1.15-18 Paanchajanyam hrishikeesho............... 39 PREVIEWCOPY1.19 Sa ghosho............................ 41 1.20 Atha vyavasthitaandhristhva................. 42 1.21-22 Senyorubhyormadhye ratham.............. 43 PREVIEWCOPY1.23 Yotsyamaanaanaveksheaham ya............... 44 1.24-25 Evamukto hrishikesho................... 45 1.26 Tatraapashyatsthitaanpaarthaha pitrinaatha........ 46 1.27 Taansameekshya sa...................... 47 PREVIEWCOPY1.28-30 Jaatasya hi.......................... 48 1.31 Nimittaani cha......................... 49 1.32 Na kangshe........................... 50 1.33 Yeshaamarthe kaankshitam................. 52 PREVIEWCOPY1.34-35 Aachaaryaaha pitaraha.................. 53 1.36 Nihatya dhaartaraashtraanaha................ 54 1.37 Tasmaannarhaa vayam.................... 55 PREVIEWCOPY1.38-39 Yadyapyete na....................... 56 1.40 Kulakshaye pranashyanti................... 57 1.41 Adharmaabhibhavaatkrishna pradushyanti........ 58 1.42-43 Samkaro narakaayeiva................... 59 PREVIEWCOPY1.44-45 Utsannakuladharmaanaam manushyaanaam..... 60 PREVIEWCOPY PREVIEWCOPY PREVIEWCOPY PREVIEWCOPY PREVIEWCOPY 4 1.46 Yadi maamaprateekaaramashastram............ 61 1.47 Evamuktaarjunaha samkhye................. 62 Saankhya Yoga 65 2.1 Tam tathaa............................ 66 2.2 Kutastvaa kashmalamidam.................. 67 2.3 Klaibyam maa.......................... 68 2.4 Katham bheeshmamaham................... 69 2.5 Guroonahatvaa hi........................ 70 2.6 Na chaitvidmaha........................ 71 2.7 Kaarpanyadoshopahatasvabhaavaha pricchaami...... 72 2.8 Na hi............................... 74 2.9 Evamuktvaa hrisheekesham.................. 76 2.10 Tam hrisheekeshaha...................... 77 2.11 Ashochyaananvashochastvam pragnyaavaadaamshcha. 78 2.12 Na tvevaaham......................... 80 2.13 Dehinosminyathaa dehe................... 82 2.14 Maatraasparshaastu kaunteya................ 84 2.15 Yam hi.............................. 86 2.16 Naasato vidyate........................ 88 2.17 Avinaashi tu.......................... 90 2.18 Antavanta ime......................... 91 2.19 Ya enam............................. 93 2.20 Na jaayate............................ 94 2.21 Vedaavinaashinam nityam.................. 95 PREVIEWCOPY2.22 Vaasaamsi jeernaani...................... 96 2.23-24 Nainam chindanti..................... 97 2.25 Tasmaadevam viditvainam.................. 98 PREVIEWCOPY2.26 Atha chainam......................... 99 2.27 Jaatasya hi........................... 100 2.28 Avyaktaadeeni bhootani................... 101 2.29 Aashcharyavatpashyati kashchidenamaashcharyavadva- PREVIEWCOPYdati............................... 103 2.30 Dehi nityamavadhyooyam.................. 104 2.31 Svadharmamapi chaavekshya................ 105 2.32 Yadrichchayaa chopapannam................ 107 PREVIEWCOPY2.33 Atha chetvamimam...................... 108 2.34-36 Akeertim chaapi...................... 109 2.37 Hato vaa............................ 110 PREVIEWCOPY2.38 Sukhaduhkhe same...................... 111 2.39 Eshaa tebhihitaa........................ 113 2.40 Nehaabhikramanaashosti pratyavayo............ 115 2.41 Vyavasaayaatmikaa buddhirekeha.............. 116 PREVIEWCOPY2.42-44 Yaaimaam pushpitaam.................. 118 PREVIEWCOPY PREVIEWCOPY PREVIEWCOPY PREVIEWCOPY PREVIEWCOPY 5 2.45 Traigunyavishayaa vedaa................... 120 2.46 Yaavaanaartha udapaane................... 122 2.47 Karmanyevaadhikaaraste maa................ 123 2.47 Karmanyevaadhikaaraste maa................ 125 2.48 Yogasthaha kuru........................ 127 2.49 Doorena hyavaram...................... 129 2.50 Buddhiyukto jahaateeha................... 131 2.51 Karmajam buddhiyukta................... 133 2.52 Yada te............................. 135 2.53 Shrutivipratipanna te..................... 137 2.54 Sthitaprajnasya kaa...................... 138 2.55 Prajahaati yadaa........................ 140 2.56 Duhkeshvanudvignamanaah sukheshu........... 141 2.57 Yah sarvatraanabhisnehastattatpraapya........... 143 2.58 Yada samharate........................ 144 2.59 Vishayaa vinivartante..................... 146 2.60 Yatato hyaapi.......................... 148 2.61 Taani sarvaani......................... 149 2.62-63 Dhyayato vishayaanpumsaha............... 151 2.64-65 Raagadveshaviyuktaistu vishayaanindrayaishcharan. 154 2.66 Naasti buddhiryuktasya................... 155 2.67 Indriyaanaam hi........................ 156 2.68 Tasmaadyasya mahaabaaho................. 157 2.69 Yaa nishaa........................... 158 PREVIEWCOPY2.70 Samudraamaapah pravishanti................ 159 2.71 Vihaaya kaamanyah...................... 160 2.72 Eshaa braahmee........................ 161 PREVIEWCOPY2.S Summary............................. 163 Karma Yoga 165 3.1 Jyaayasee chetkarmanaste................... 166 3.2 Vyaamineva vaakyen...................... 167 PREVIEWCOPY3.3 Lokesmindvividhaa nishthaa................. 168 3.4 Na karmanaamanaarmbhaannaishkarmyam........ 170 3.5 Na hi............................... 171 3.6 Karmendriyaani saiyamya................... 173 PREVIEWCOPY3.7 Yastvindriyaani manasaa.................... 174 3.8 Niyatam kuru.......................... 176 3.9 Yajnyaarthaarkarmanonyatra lokoyam............ 178 PREVIEWCOPY3.10 Sahayajnah prajaah...................... 179 3.11 Devaanbhaavayataanena te.................. 180 2.12 Ishtaanbhogaanhi vo..................... 181 3.13 Yajnashishtaashinah santo.................. 182 PREVIEWCOPY3.14 Annaadbhavanti bhootaani.................. 184 PREVIEWCOPY PREVIEWCOPY PREVIEWCOPY PREVIEWCOPY PREVIEWCOPY 6 3.15 Karma brahmodbhavam................... 185 3.16 Evam pravartitam....................... 186 3.17 Yastvaatmaratireva syaadaatmatruptashcya........ 187 3.18 Naiva tasya........................... 189 3.19 Tasmaadasaktah satatam................... 190 3.20 Karmanaiva hi......................... 191 3.21 Yadyadaacharati shthastattadevetaro............ 192 3.22 Na me.............................. 193 3.23 Yadi hyaham.......................... 194 3.24 Utseedeyurime lokaa..................... 195 3.25 Saktaah karmanyavidvaanso................. 196 3.26 Na buddhibhedam...................... 197 3.27 Prakruteh kriyamaanaani................... 198 3.28 Tattvavittu mahaabaaho................... 200 3.29 Prakritergunasammoodhaah sajjante............ 202 3.30 Mayi sarvaani......................... 204 3.31 Ye me.............................. 206 3.32 Ye tvetadabhyasooyanto................... 207 3.33 Sadrisham cheshtate...................... 208 3.34 Indriyasyendriyasyaarthe raagadveshau.......... 210 3.35 Yaansvadharmo vigunaha.................. 212 3.36 Atha kena............................ 214 3.37 Kaama esha........................... 215 3.38 Dhoomenaavriyate vahinyarthaadarsho.......... 217 PREVIEWCOPY3.39 Aavaritam jnyaanametena.................. 219 3.40 Indriyaani mano........................ 220 3.41 Tasmaattvamindriyaanyaadau niyamya.......... 222 3.42 Indriyaani paranyaahurindriyebhyaha........... 223 PREVIEWCOPY3.43 Evam buddheh......................... 225 3.S Summary............................. 227 Jnyana Karma Sanyaasa Yoga 229 PREVIEWCOPY4.1 Imam vivasvate......................... 230 4.2 Evam paramparaapraaptamimam.............. 231 4.3 Sa evaayam............................ 232 4.4 Aparam bhavato......................... 233 PREVIEWCOPY4.5 Bahooni me........................... 234 4.6 Ajopi sannavyayaatmaa.................... 235 4.7 Yadaa yadaa........................... 237 PREVIEWCOPY4.8 Paritraanaaya saadhoonaam.................. 238 4.9 Janma karma........................... 239 4.10 Veetaraagabhayakrodhaa manmayaa............ 241 4.11 Ye yathaa............................ 243 PREVIEWCOPY4.12 Kaankshantaha karmanaam................. 244 PREVIEWCOPY PREVIEWCOPY PREVIEWCOPY PREVIEWCOPY PREVIEWCOPY 7 4.13 Chaaturvarnyam mayaa................... 245 4.14 Na maam............................ 247 4.15 Evam jnaatvaa......................... 248 4.16 Kim karma........................... 249 4.17 Karmeno hyaapi........................ 250 4.18 Karmanyakarma yaha..................... 252 4.19 Yasya sarve........................... 254 4.20 Tyaktvaa karmaphalaasanga................. 256 4.21 Niraasheeryatachittaatmaa tyaktasarvaparigraha..... 258 4.22 Yadricchaalaabhasantushto dvandvaateeto......... 259 4.23 Gatasangasya muktasya................... 260 4.24 Brahmaarpanam brahma..................
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