La Chiesa del Santo Rosario Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary • Indianapolis, Indiana Easter Sunday April 21, 2019

The Resurrection of Christ, Noel Coypel, 1700, Musée des beaux-arts de Rennes 2 Liturgical schedule for the week

Saturday, April 20, 2019 9 p.m...... EF (Sung) ...... Great Paschal Vigil & First Mass of Easter 1 ...... For those entering the Church Sunday, April 21, 2019 S 8 a.m...... AU (Sung) ...... Easter Sunday ...... Celebrant‟s intention S 9:30 a.m...... OF (Sung) ...... Easter Sunday ...... Celebrant‟s intention 1 11:30 a.m...... EF (Sung) ...... Easter Sunday ...... Pro populo Monday, April 22, 2019 7:30 a.m...... OF ...... Easter Monday S ......  Michael T. Bayt 1 9 a.m...... EF ...... Easter Monday ...... Francie O‟Mahony 9:30 a.m. — St. Monica Guild rosary and prayer for the return of fallen-away Catholics Tuesday, April 23, 2019 7:30 a.m...... OF (Sung) ...... Easter Tuesday S ......  Mary Jo Buker 1 5:45 p.m...... EF ...... Easter Tuesday ......  W. Adam Brown Wednesday, April 24, 2019 S 7:30 a.m...... OF (Sung) ...... Easter Wednesday ......  Sharon Huehls 12:30 p.m. — Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, followed by Adoration 5:30 p.m. Benediction 5:45 p.m...... EF ...... Easter Wednesday 1 ......  Ester Pafford 7:30 p.m. — Women’s Holy Hour & Confession Thursday, April 25, 2019 S 7:30 a.m...... OF ...... Easter Thursday ......  Thomas A. Caito 9:30 a.m. — Mother’s Holy Hour 5:45 p.m...... EF ...... Easter Thursday 1 ......  Susan Wirts Scott Friday, April 26, 2019 7:30 a.m...... OF ...... Easter Friday S ......  Michael T. Bayt 1 5:45 p.m...... EF ...... Easter Friday ......  John & Laverne Mercurio

Saturday, April 27, 2019 9 a.m...... OF ...... Easter Saturday S (First Communion Mass) ...... First Communicants 10:30 a.m. — Faithful Citizens Rosary Walk 11:30 a.m...... EF ...... Easter Saturday 1 (First Communion Mass) ...... First Communicants 4:30 p.m...... OF ...... Octave Day of Easter 1 ...... Natalie Miles Sunday, April 28, 2019 — Divine Mercy Sunday S 8 a.m...... AU (Sung) ...... Octave Day of Easter ...... Pro populo S 9:30 a.m...... OF (Sung) ...... Octave Day of Easter ......  Frank Kern 11:30 a.m...... EF (Sung) ...... Octave Day of Easter 1 ......  Jack Garvey 3 p.m. — Divine Mercy Service — This is NOT a Mass

OF: Ordinary Form EF: Extraordinary Form AU: Anglican Use (Ordinariate Form) 1: 1st-class feast 2: 2nd-class feast 3: 3rd-class feast Opt: Optional memorial M: Memorial F: Feast S: Solemnity

MASS INTENTIONS: The standard stipend for Masses in the Archdiocese of Indianapolis is $10. Requests should indicate whether people are living or de- ceased, and must be typed or written legibly. We will attempt to honor requested dates, but cannot guarantee they will be available. We recommend such requests be made at least eight months in advance. Except in the year of an individual’s death, no more than 12 Saturday evening/Sunday Masses may be requested or offered for the repose of his/her soul in a calendar year. Intentions that cannot be offered here within a year of reception are, at the pastor’s discretion, subject to being sent to the archdiocesan Mission Office. Make checks payable to Holy Rosary Church. 3 Announcements BY THE NUMBERS  We will take up a second collection next weekend for Catholic Home Missions. Sunday Collections (includes Online Giving)  Café Rosario is closed today. Regular collection, April 6-7* $ 9,422.99 Regular collection, April 13-14 8,840.60  The parish office will be closed Easter Monday. Holy Places 1,295.01  We congratulate and welcome all those who are Church in Africa 1,497.03 planning to enter the Church this weekend: Courtyard repair project 900.00 Catechumens: Lucas Coleman and Christine Kuo; Society of St. Vincent de Paul 655.00 Easter Flowers 105.00 Candidates: Holli Brandt, John Brandt and Jeffrey Building & maintenance 40.00 Passow. Youth ministry 20.00 We also congratulate Melanie Perello, who will be Servers pilgrimage to Rome 20.00 receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation. Pro-Life Ministry 20.00  Next Sunday is Divine Mercy Sunday. We will host Catholic Relief Services 20.00 a Divine Mercy Service (NOT MASS) at 3 p.m. Other donations 250.00 Parish operating expenses/week 12,747.78  In order to help sustain all who may be staying here Collection budgeted/week 9,000.00 next Sunday for our Divine Mercy Service, the Con- fraternity of the Most Holy Rosary will be offering Weekly collection profit, April 6-7 * 422.99 lunch (pizza, chili, etc.) in addition to the usual cof- Weekly collection deficit, April 13-14 (159.40) fee and doughnuts at Café Rosario. Fiscal Year (began July 1)  Please pray for our sick and shut-in friends: Deb- Regular/holy day collections $ 359,431.53 bie Barry, Pam Berry, John Caito, Verna Carr, Katie Parish operating expenses 535,406.76 Cecil, Son Hui Christensen, Joshua Cobb, Sharon Collections budgeted 378,000.00 Conrad, Nancy Duffy, Annette Dybas, Paquita Fallas, Total collections deficit (18,568.47) Sharon Feldman, Jody Gassert, Sam Gorsage, Marga- Confessions ret Hanaway, Robert Hanaway, Andra Ignas, Krista Week of April 7 67 Jones, Greg Latz, Caden Leary, Josephine Lombardo, Amy Mauck, Sidia Mora, Tony Navarra, Nathan Attendance Oliver, Lena Peoni, Brittnay Raab, Tammy Rader- Daily Masses, week of April 7 811 storf, Jennifer Rivera, Gus Sansone, Mike Schott, Sunday Masses, April 13-14 691 Simeon Scull, John Thomas, Phil Vierneisel, Sr. Rita Approximately 30% of the operating budget comes from Vukovic, Kay Waterloo, Fr. James Wilmoth and Italian Street Festival revenue and other fundraisers. Jenifer Zehner. * The collection figures for April 6-7 were not available for publication in last week‟s bulletin.  The next Faithful Citizens Rosary Walk at Holy Rosary will be on Saturday, April 27, at 10:30 a.m. Continued on page 7 The lector schedule for the Ordinary Form is on Page 7

Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary Catholic Church 520 Stevens St. • Indianapolis, IN 46203 • 317-636-4478 Off-hours emergency telephone number: 317-636-4478, ext. 3 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Facebook: • Twitter:

Parish Staff and Leadership: The Rev. C. Ryan McCarthy, STD ...... Pastor Very Rev. Joseph L. Newton, JCL ...... Sacramental Minister Elizabeth Welch ...... Music Director David Walden ...... Director of Communications Diane Fricker ...... Parish Council President The Italian Parish of Indianapolis Marcus Shutta ...... Finance Council President 4 Appunti del Parroco: a Message from the Pastor Embracing the Resurrection of Jesus Christ aster is the high point of the year for us as alive and that He has made eternal life a real possi- E Christians. We celebrate that Christ is indeed bility for us. Let us turn to God in love and thanks- arisen. The old, traditional greeting for Easter among giving as we sing in our hearts and lives the eternal Christians was an affirmation of this holy Mystery, “ALLELUIA.” “Christ is Risen.” The response is, “Indeed, He is For each of us, it should be a time in which we per- Risen.” sonally embrace the Resurrection. Whether it be Christians greet each other with the joyful news of from past sins, neglect or just a general apathy in re- our living God and Savior‟s Resurrection. After hav- gards to things spiritual, we should reflect during this ing left it behind for the 40 days of Lent, we, during Easter Season on ways in which we can open up our this great Easter Season, bring back the ancient word lives more fully to the Good News. Whether we have of praise, “ALLELUIA.” This Hebrew word meaning, been slumbering in a nightmare of sin or dragged “all praise He Who Is,” is almost never translated down into a general malaise of indifference, we because we, and Christians of all ages, can feel in it should awaken with the confidence that Christ has the very sense of prayer and rejoicing that it brings. Arisen and that all things are possible with Him. May we all find great Hope during this Easter Sea- son in the knowledge that our God and Savior is

‘Doubting Thomas’ gives Church gift of faith ‘put to the test’ by Christ’s Passion The following is an excerpt from the ‘Urbi et Orbi’ message that Benedict XVI delivered on Easter Sunday 2007: esus came and stood among them and said to many Christians today, the fears and disappointments ‘J them, „Peace be with you!‟” (Jn 20:19). of many of our contemporaries, with him we can also At these words their faith, which was almost spent rediscover with renewed conviction, faith in Christ within them, was rekindled. The Apostles told Thomas dead and risen for us. … who had been absent from that first extraordinary en- We may all be tempted by the disbelief of Thomas. counter: Yes, the Lord has fulfilled all that He foretold; Suffering, evil, injustice, death, especially when it He is truly risen and we have seen and touched Him! strikes the innocent such as children who are victims of Thomas however remained doubtful and perplexed. war and terrorism, of sickness and hunger, does not all When Jesus came for a second time, eight days later in of this put our faith to the test? Paradoxically the disbe- the Upper Room, He said to him: “Put your finger here lief of Thomas is most valuable to us in these cases be- and see My hands; and put out your hand and place it cause it helps to purify all false concepts of God and in My side; do not be faithless, but believing!” The leads us to discover His true face: the face of a God Apostle‟s response is a moving profession of faith: who, in Christ, has taken upon Himself the wounds of “My Lord and my God!” (Jn 20:27-28). injured humanity. Thomas has received from the Lord, “My Lord and my God!” We too renew that profes- and has in turn transmitted to the Church, the gift of a sion of faith of Thomas. I have chosen these words for faith put to the test by the Passion and Death of Jesus my Easter greetings this year because humanity today and confirmed by meeting Him risen. His faith was al- expects from Christians a renewed witness to the resur- most dead but was born again thanks to his touching rection of Christ; it needs to encounter Him and to the wounds of Christ, those wounds that the Risen One know Him as true God and true man. If we can recog- did not hide but showed, and continues to point out to nize in this Apostle the doubts and uncertainties of so us in the trials and sufferings of every human being.

7:30 P.M. WEDNESDAY, APR. 24 Sips & Snacks will follow Adoration in church with opportunity for confession Adoration. Ladies, please join us for this special Holy Hour Bring a treat to usually on the LAST THURSDAY of each month. share and enjoy Questions? Call Diane Fricker at 317-459-5326 with friends! 5 Are you ready for Holy Rosary Parish Divine Mercy Sunday? Easter Egg Hunt ay we adore the Risen M Christ today as we cele- brate His Resurrection. Next Sunday, Sunday, April 28, is the Feast of Divine Mercy. We will cele- brate it at 3 p.m. with a special APRIL 28 service (NOT a Mass). To prepare for Divine Mercy Sunday, continue Approximately 4 p.m. praying the novena and chaplet of Mercy. Remem- (After the Divine Mercy Service, ber to receive Reconciliation. We also are to re- which begins at 3 p.m.) ceive Holy Communion on the Feast of Divine Mercy.

ITALIAN STREET FESTIVAL: CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS The Italian Street Festival — Friday and Saturday, June 14-15 — will be here before we know it. We are looking for volunteers, especially parishioners, to work at food booths and the kitchens one night or even both nights. It takes more than 200 volunteers to properly staff the festi- val! We also need many hands to assist in the kitchen June Want to do more for the unborn? 8-15. These volunteers will make sauce, cut vegetables, Are you called to peacefully and lovingly reach prepare cannoli cream, pasta, sausage, meatballs, etc. out to mothers-in-crisis and help save lives? To volunteer for the kitchen: Sidewalk Advocates for Life is an international sidewalk counseling organization that teaches To volunteer for food booths: ordinary men and women to peacefully and ef- fectively offer loving, life-affirming alternatives to those who are entering abortion facilities. The Indianapolis chapter offers help to those Lifesavers Needed coming into the Planned Parenthood at 86th Street and Georgetown Road. Performing more than 3,000 abortions annually, it is Indiana‟s largest abortion facility. BLOOD DRIVE Sidewalk Advocates for Life does not protest, and there is no yelling or condemning — just Holy Rosary Church prayerful servants of God peacefully offering Sunday, May 5 • 9AM-2PM help and resources to women in need. Bloodmobile in the parking lot Volunteers commit to 2½ hours per week dur- ing normal business hours to stand outside of the To volunteer to donate, visit facility and reach out to those coming into it. The next training session will be Saturday, May 4, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 5455 W. 86th St. To Not sure if you are eligible to donate? Contact [email protected] register, go to and search for More Questions? “Sidewalk Advocates Training, Indianapolis,” or Contact: Courtney Howay, [email protected] contact Sheryl Dye at [email protected]. or Frank Oliver, [email protected], 317-946-4280 There will be a $10 fee for lunch on the day of Sponsored by Santo Rosario Knights of Columbus Council 14449 training. 6 Easter Flowers We thank all who donated to the parish’s Easter flower fund. Please, in your charity, pray for the living and deceased for whom the donations were made: For those who have passed: Kiel family Irene Rushenberg Aborted babies Kenny Kissick Antonino Sansone Baldauf & Willen families Leo & Marion Koren Joseph & Edna Sansone Mary Yoder Bentley Jerry & JoAnn Lake Hedwig Scanlon Harry & Ruth Brinkmann John & Dorothy Lake John & Mary Schubert John C. Buechler Richard & Laura Latimer Souls in Purgatory Gus & Mary Ann Caito Ned Startzman John B. & Caito Kiley Lewellyn James & Norma Strunk Thomas A. Caito Anthony & Trieste Maio Jim & Julia Thunell Alfred Carr John Maio Patrick Thunell Raymond & Carrie Casabella Sam & Rose Maio Irma Tobiassen Antonio de Castro-Mayer Janice Mann Brandon Gene Turner Ann & John Chapinski Johnnie & Joann Martin Angelo Venezia Carol Craig Cotty & Mag Mascari Frank & Josephine Venezia Margaret Craig Sal & Mary Mascari Al Vollmer Maria DiPietro Tom Mascari Ruby Wagner Evanich & Bullock families Msgr. Phil Maxwell Florence Wallis Gatto/Purpura family Mr. & Mrs. V. Maxwell Henry Birch Wallis Vince Gatto Tom Mayernik Loy, Jr. & Ruth Willen Genco family Donn Miles Wisenberg family Merc & Connie Giuliano Morone family Roseann Zielinski Alton & Pauline Griffin Bob Murphy Bruce Griffin Don W. & Janis Murphy For those still with us: Matt Griffin Charles & Frances Navarra Raymond Cardinal Burke Hackler family Michael A. Navarra Frances Caito-Navarra Tammy Hasler James J. O‟Brian Dear friends & family Hazelett/Knotts family Robert & Wilma O‟Brian Evanich & Bullock families Gerald Francis Heppner Gene & Marge O‟Mahony Bishop Hitzeman family Ester Pafford Bishop Don & Rose Hogan Abraham Patrus Kempf family Donna Hupp Donna Patrus Michael & Mary Maio Raymond Hupp John & Lois Patrus Noah, Luke, Zelie-Marie, Kiersten Carl & Mary Jensen John Peoni Neil & Francie O‟Mahony Ferlin Jensen John & Nancy Peoni FSSP, ICK & SSPX Priests Denver & Lucille Jones Anthony & Rosemary Pietro Bishop Bernard Tissier de Mallerais Virginia Kelly Reed & Risley families Kay Waterloo Darryl Kemerly Phillip A. Reed Bishop Richard Williamson Gerald & Madelyn Kenney Julius Rosko

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IMPORTANT THINGS TO KNOW ALTAR MEMORIAL CANDLES ABOUT HOLY ROSARY CHURCH This week, the candles on either side of our high altar burn for: Weddings: +Tudie Sansone Weddings can be scheduled only after meeting with +Michael A. Navarra the pastor at least six months in advance of the cere- To have the deceased remembered for a week, send mony. $5 and his or her name to the parish office. No more Baptisms: than 12 candles may be requested per calendar year Please contact Sally Kaufman at the parish office or by any family or person. PLEASE NOTE: there are no openings on the calendar until September 2019. [email protected] to schedule baptisms and required baptismal instruction. Joining the parish: ORDINARY FORM LECTORS Parish Registration Forms can be found in the rotating rack in the vestibule. Completed forms can be placed 4:30 Saturday 9:30 Sunday in the collection basket or mailed to the office. Apr. 20: No O.F. Mass Apr. 21: TBD Electronic donations: Apr. 27: Bob Collins Apr. 28: Diane Fricker Online Giving, a convenient way to donate electroni- cally, makes it easy for you to fulfill your financial commitments to the parish even when you are unable Announcements to attend Mass. You do not need Continued from Page 6 to write a check or have cash They will recite the rosary and Divine Mercy Chap- available at church. Giving elec- let as they process through the neighborhood in wit- tronically also helps the parish staff budget more ef- ness of Life, Family, Holy Matrimony and Reli- fectively. You can make one-time or ongoing contri- gious Freedom. For information contact Eric at butions, the timing and amount of which can be [email protected] or 317-408-0528. changed at any time. Learn more by visiting holy- and clicking on the “Online Giving”  Lumen Christi Catholic School’s “Light in the icon. Apps are available for your phone; go to OL- City Annual Dinner” will be Friday, April 26, at 6 and register with the parish. p.m. at The Montage, 8580 Allison Pointe Blvd, with musical guest, “The Doo!” To register and pur- Schools: chase tickets, visit and click Lumen Christi Catholic School (PreK-12) the “Annual Dinner” link at the top of the page. 317-632-3174 580 Stevens St., Indianapolis, IN 46203  A bungalow on Merrill Street (one street north of our church) will be available for rent in July. Catholic Schoolhouse South Indy 317-201-5815 Holy Rosary parishioners would receive a discount. 717 S. East St., Indianapolis, IN 46203 For information, call John Venezia between 9 a.m. Aquinas Classical Education Cooperative (PreK-12) and 11 a.m. Monday-Friday at 317-632-5544. [email protected]  Catholic Radio invites all of its supporters to the 717 S. East St., Indianapolis, IN 46203 station‟s Annual Golf Outing on Tuesday, May 21, Lumen Christi, Catholic Schoolhouse and ACE use facilities that are either at Ironwood Golf Club in Fishers. Information on owned by or adjacent to our church. Although their students often attend Mass here, they are independent academic institutions which have no formal rela- sponsorship and golf registration is at tionship with our parish or the Archdiocese of Indianapolis., or call Valerie at 317- Central Catholic School 870-8400. 317-783-7759  The Marian Center of Indianapolis is going on 1155 E. Cameron St., Indianapolis, IN 46203 pilgrimage to the home of the Servant of God Roncalli High School Rhoda Wise, in Canton, Ohio, June 28-29. To sign 317-787-8277 up, call 317-888-0873. For more information about 3300 Prague Road, Indianapolis, IN 46227 the pilgrimage, contact [email protected]. To Central Catholic and Roncalli are the officially designated archdiocesan schools supported by Holy Rosary Parish. learn more about Rhoda Wise, visit  1972 Honda CB750K motorcycle SHELBYVILLE ROAD VETERINARY HOSPITAL FOR  1981 Honda GL1100 Goldwing Timothy J. Thunell, D.V.M. standard motorcycle SALE 5120 Shelbyville Road 317-784-ARRF (2773)  8.9 acres of land in Necedah, Wisc. corner of Shelbyville Rd & Emerson Ave Call Paul Neuendorf at 317-412-5067 1 mi. south of I-465 Emerson Ave exit 317-784-MEOW (6369)

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