Imagine All the People: Characterizing Social Music Sharing on Reddit Veniamin Veselovsky, Isaac Waller, Ashton Anderson University of Toronto
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[email protected] Abstract munities or pieces of music, in order to deeply understand the social and cultural contexts they are embedded in. Music shapes our individual and collective identities, and in turn is shaped by the social and cultural contexts it occurs Computational approaches to the study of music, on in. Qualitative approaches to the study of music have uncov- the other hand, have largely been dedicated to process- ered rich connections between music and social context but ing musical data. Millions of songs can be categorized are limited in scale, while computational approaches process into fine-grained musical genres using automated and semi- large amounts of musical data but lack information on the so- automated techniques, signal processing methods can per- cial contexts music is embedded in. In this work, we develop form complex tasks on acoustic data, and higher-level se- a set of neural embedding methods to understand the social mantic qualities of songs can be extracted from the music contexts of online music sharing, and apply them to a novel alone. However, the social contexts in which music is in- dataset containing 1.3M instances of music sharing in Reddit voked has not been subject to the same level of analysis. communities. We find that the patterns of how people share music in public are related to, but often differ from, how they Detailed audio signals corresponding to millions of pieces listen to music in private.