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bindex.qxp 6/12/07 10:47 AM Page 267 Index Page numbers in italics indicate illustrations Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein (film), 135 The (book), 220 About Last Night (film), 195 Asther, Nils, 76 Act, The (play), 138 Astin, John, 18–19 Addams, Family, The (TV series), 13 At Close Range (film), 90 Adventures of Robin Hood, The (film), 227 Atomic Kid, The (film), 242 After the Fox (film), 94 Atonement of Gosta Berling, The (film), 76 Air America (film), 110 Ava, My Story (book), 231 Airport 1975 (film), 203 Aykroyd, Dan, 101–2 Alfie (film), 234 All About Eve (film), 31, 87, 89 Babes in Arms (film), 117 All Ashore (film), 123 Bacall, Lauren, 243, 245, 253 Allen, Woody, 60–63, 61, 92 Back to Broadway (record album), 55 All the King’s Men (film), 236 Bad and the Beautiful, The (film), 250 Ally McBeal (TV series), 111 Bain, Conrad, 10, 11 Almost Heroes (film), 113 Baldwin, Alec, 67–68 Altered States (film), 5 Ball, Lucille, 18, 137 America’s Got Talent (TV series), 121 Bananas (film), 62 Anchors Aweigh (film), 244 Band Wagon, The (film), 86 Anderson, Loni, 24, 47, 49 Barrymore, Diana, 99–100 Angel (film), 225 Barrymore, Drew, 4, 4–6, 100 Anna and the King of Siam (film), 33 Barrymore, Ethel, 4, 98, 100 Anna Christie (film), 77 Barrymore, John, 4, 98, 98–100, 228 Anne of the Thousand Days (play), 33 Barrymore, John, Jr., 4, 99–100 Annie Get Your Gun (play and film), 80, 118 Barrymore, Lionel, 4, 98 Another Evening with Harry Stoones (play), 54 Basinger, Kim, 66–68, 67 Another World (TV series), 20 Batman (film), 67 Apocalypse Now (film),
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