PREPRINT NOTICE This is a PREPRINT of an article to be published in Journal of Pragmatics. Copyright © Elsevier 2011. For citation, please consult the published version. ↓ P U B L I S H E D Full reference: VERSION Taverniers, Miriam (2011) The syntax–semantics interface in Systemic Functional Grammar: Halliday’s interpretation of the Hjelmslevian model of stratification. Journal of Pragmatics 43(4): 1100–1126. DOI:10.1016/j.pragma.2010.09.003 F U R T H E R INFORMATION & C ONTACT
[email protected] The syntax–semantics interface in Systemic Functional Grammar: Halliday’s interpretation of the Hjelmslevian model of stratification Miriam Taverniers (Ghent University) English Department Ghent University Rozier 44 9000 Gent Belgium
[email protected] Phone: + 32 9 264 3789 Fax: + 32 9 264 4179 PREPRINT. Taverniers, Miriam (2011) The syntax–semantics interface in Systemic Functional Grammar: Halliday’s interpretation of the Hjelmslevian model of stratification. Journal of Pragmatics 43(4): 1100–1126. Abstract The aim of this article is to explore how exactly the idea of distinguishing different coding levels in language has been theorized in different stages of Hallidayan systemic functional grammar (SFG), focusing on its view of the syntax–semantics interface. This is done by juxtaposing the levels of the Hallidayan model and the various components of Hjelmslev’s model of stratification, on the basis of Halliday’s re-interpretation of Hjelmslev’s theory at various stages in the development of SFG. In this exploration, specific attention is paid to two important theoretical aspects of the design of Hjelmslev’s and Halliday’s models: (1) the different dimensions along which semiotic distinctions are made in the two models, i.e.