Form and Formalism in Linguistics
Form and formalism in linguistics Edited by James McElvenny language History and Philosophy of the Language science press Sciences 1 History and Philosophy of the Language Sciences Editor: James McElvenny In this series: 1. McElvenny, James (ed.). Form and formalism in linguistics. Form and formalism in linguistics Edited by James McElvenny language science press McElvenny, James (ed.). 2019. Form and formalism in linguistics (History and Philosophy of the Language Sciences 1). Berlin: Language Science Press. This title can be downloaded at: © 2019, the authors Published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Licence (CC BY 4.0): ISBN: 978-3-96110-182-5 (Digital) 978-3-96110-183-2 (Hardcover) DOI:10.5281/zenodo.2654375 Source code available from Collaborative reading: Cover and concept of design: Ulrike Harbort Typesetting: James McElvenny Proofreading: Agnes Kim, Andreas Hölzl, Brett Reynolds, Daniela Hanna-Kolbe, Els Elffers, Eran Asoulin, George Walkden, Ivica Jeđud, Jeroen van de Weijer, Judith Kaplan, Katja Politt, Lachlan Mackenzie, Laura Melissa Arnold, Nick Riemer, Tom Bossuyt, Winfried Lechner Fonts: Linux Libertine, Libertinus Math, Arimo, DejaVu Sans Mono Typesetting software:Ǝ X LATEX Language Science Press Unter den Linden 6 10099 Berlin, Germany Storage and cataloguing done by FU Berlin Contents Preface James McElvenny iii 1 Visual formalisms in comparative-historical linguistics Judith Kaplan 1 2 Alternating sounds and the formal franchise in phonology James McElvenny 35 3 On Sapir’s notion of form/pattern and its aesthetic background Jean-Michel Fortis 59 4 Linguistics as a “special science”: A comparison of Sapir and Fodor Els Elffers 89 5 The impact of Russian formalism on linguistic structuralism Bart Karstens 115 6 The resistant embrace of formalism in the work of Émile Benveniste and Aurélien Sauvageot John E.
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