Middle Tennessee's Growing Reputation for Innovation Is
ARTS Shades of Brown Nashville artist Anne Blair Brown finds success after rediscovering her calling. METRO History on Nashville P16 the march Metro’s archives, with its 5 million pieces of Nashville DaviLedgerDson • Williamson • sUmnER • ChEatham • Wilson RUthERFoRD • R history, is leaving Green Hills. P18 oBERtson • maURY • DiCkson • montGomERY | March 22 – 28, 2013 www.nashvilleledger.com The power of information. Vol. 39 | Issue 12 F oR Desperatelymer lY WESTVIEW sinCE 1978 seeking Page 13 techies Dec.: Middle Tennessee’s Dec.: Keith Turner, Ratliff, Jeanan Mills Stuart, Resp.: Kimberly Dawn Wallace, Atty: growing reputation for Mary C Lagrone, 08/24/2010, 10P1318 In re: Jeanan Mills Stuart, Princess Angela Gates, Jeanan Mills Stuart, Princess Angela Gates,Dec.: Resp.: Kim Prince Patrick, Angelo Terry Patrick, Gates, Atty: Monica D Edwards, 08/25/2010, 10P1326 innovation is hindered by In re: Keith Turner, TN Dept Of Correction, www.westviewonline.com TN Dept Of Correction, Resp.: Johnny Moore,Dec.: Melinda Atty: Bryce L Tomlinson, Coatney, Resp.: Pltf(s): Rodney A Hall, Pltf Atty(s): n/a, 08/27/2010, 10P1336 In re: Kim Patrick, Terry Patrick, Pltf(s): Sandra Heavilon, Resp.: Jewell Tinnon, Atty: Ronald Andre Stewart, 08/24/2010,Dec.: Seton Corp shortage of tech talent 10P1322 Insurance Company, Dec.: Regions Bank, Resp.: Leigh A Collins, In re: Melinda L Tomlinson, Def(s): Jit Steel Transport Inc, National Fire Insurance Company, Elizabeth D Hale, Atty: William Warner McNeilly, 08/24/2010, Def Atty(s): J Brent Moore, 08/26/2010,
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