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EITIBPBIS Marshall Crenshaw, Allen Was Conducted by the Junior Jones, Linda Roby, Jul Ie Se·Ssions C1ass Also

EITIBPBIS Marshall Crenshaw, Allen Was Conducted by the Junior Jones, Linda Roby, Jul Ie Se·Ssions C1ass Also

Officers Plan Boys Finally Spring Prom ·t Top Honor Roll Planning for the Jun ior-Senior

Prom to be held in May are Jun­ - ~ y -- Men's Liberation is here!! The ior Class officers: President Roc! / males outnumbered the females Foppe; Girl's Vice-President lee eleven to ten on this six weeks Ann Goodwin; Boy's Vice-Presi­ Til Honor Roll. dent Charles Gilbert·; Secretary Seniors achieving a 4.0 aver­ Co'"'·' Jra Gant; and Treasurer age were Susan Dellacca, Linda Par.. Fredrick, · along w ith the Fannon, Lin da Gill , Mark Grubb, Junior Committee which is made Laurie Kelley, Sam McDaniels, up of · representatives from each Billy Ra ttler and Gwen Washing­ En g !is h 3 class. ton. A \;(;tory dance was sponsor­ Senio rs who took one course ed hv the Junior Class, January and made an "A" in it were 26, after the Booker T. Washing­ Charles Patterson and Lucille Tis­ ton basketball game. by. The traditional "Flower Hour" EITIBPBIS Marshall Crenshaw, Allen was conducted by the Junior Jones, Linda Roby, Jul ie Se·ssions C1ass also. Different colored and Gale Snow were the juniors flowers were sold for 75c as a receiv ing straight "A's". token of Valentine's Day and Volume VI Shreveport, louisiana, March 21, 1973 Number 6 Sophomores getting a perfect were distributed first period. Al­ average were: Robert McMillan, most 400 flowers were sol d. Kenneth Rig by, Ken Simmons, Also planned to help ra ise Outstanding Scholars- and Helen Tindal. money for the prom is a basket­ For the f irst time this year ball game March 26 between t• he some freshmen made the Honor KE8L Dirty Dribblers and Jun ior Rcil. They are Ronald lepow Class me mbers. The girls will Students Garner Academic Honors and Darrell Blevins. host the Dribblers the first half and the boys the second half. The following students at Cap­ There were about 15 entries Sandra Grady, jun·ior, was se­ Game time will be 7 p.m. tain Shreve have be·en named to in his d ivision. out of 339 in the lected the outstanding student the Society of Outstanding High The prom itself will be formal whole fa i·r. Bill is als-o a member from Caddo Paris h i·n al·l areas. Showboat '73 School Students. for girls with coat and tie requir­ of the ROTC "B" Rifle Team, Gail Anderson wa'S awarded first Senio rs inducted are Vanessa ed fo'r boys. Although the entire Science Club, and Computer p la ce in the Dairy Poster Conte·st. court will be formal dress, boys Bowden, Jeannie Campbell, Marc Club at Capt a in Shreve. Her poster will compete with T~ Be Staged Elwinger, Lind a Fannon, Kevin attending the prom wil·l have a other winners in the •state. Franklin, Tannie Fr ie rson, Carolyn e 4-H Club Places choice about wearing 1uxedos. The 4-H Club is now preparing The sixth annual Talent Show, Galloway, Li.nda Giii,Mark Grubb. One person d the couple must Several 4-H Club- members for an activ it y day in April. Stu­ spor)sored by the debat.e ream, Pa try Helland, Laura Jayne, Mar­ be a Shreve st•udent. Boys and participated in a paris h-wide con• dents will compete in different will be presented on April 12-13 ti n Kliin, Nick Lang, Sa m McDan­ girls are encouraged to invite test. parish wide contests. in the auditorium at 7:30 p .m. iel , St~zy Priddy and Jul ie Kay d ates. Tickets for "Showboat '73," All sug'gestions for fund rais-· Watkin~·· Nine juniors were also asked which go on sale April 4, can be ing ideas, bands or prom themes to join the national honor organ­ Grace Y()ung/JI()()r/ Wins purchased from Mr. Jack Bogan are welcome. Turn them into ization. They are Nancy Cooper, in ·Room 208 or from any debat­ any Junior Class Comm'

One of Shreveport's Largest and Oldest Happiness Jo,ok to the Commercial . .. not only for up-to-the-minute time IS g1vmg a and temperature rea'dings,but for the most 422-9311 McCary's Diamond modern banking services. SHREVEPORT, LOUISIANA I MEMBER FEOERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORA TJON 718 MARSHALL SHREVE CITY JEWELERS 1 :£~5 Shreve City Page Four CAPTAIN SHREVE ENTERPRISE March 21, 1973 Mrs. Martin Discusses Social Studies Enjoys Unusual Hobby- by Craig Miller patriotic to desecrate the land, Sophomore Finds Beauty in Flowers "A concerned citizen IS a good the streams, and the air as it is by Nancy Kauss American citizen," says social to desecrate the flag. The flag is " Flowers symbol ize peace, ing h;;r wire hoop earing, I no- 5tudies teacher Mrs. Hazel Mar­ the symbol of America , but th e good times, fresh air, and ticed her long brown hair pulled tin. seas, the air, and the f iel ds are streams of happiness," sa id Pam back by a small strand of lilacs. America.'' "First, he must have concern Walker, a sophomore who finds I asked Pam just exactly w 'lat for his country. I do not believe her hobby in collecting f lowers . she d1d w1tn the flowers she col- Regarding Ieday's society, like Decator, 'My country - right "! went to Nortr Carol ina lected. Mrs. Mart'n states, "I feel that or wrong, but my country.' I feel awhil e back and f.O\\ ~rs oNere "\Nell , ·,J chuckled, "I use contemporary society is more as Carl Schurz did when he said, everywhere. Th e beauiy sur- flowers as a theme in my bed­ honest than previous generation. 'Our country .. . when right, to rounded by ti--Jem alv:ays 1~a de ~oom. Flowers I've collected or Students today are shocki1ng, be­ be kept right. When wrong to 'me t!-J ink of fio'//E rs be;nJ a created .. ll n1y walls and add a cause they are saying aloud and be put right.' We must be watch­ good thing in life". feeling cf c.h eerfu!ness and joy. doing what earlier generations. ful of cur government and see I t hen asked Pam of what he r Tha r qives me a whole new out- only thought in secret." that it does not harness domestic creations cons isted. :ook ;n life! resources for foreign involve­ One cf the most important pro ;" Last Christmas i (' ~ ' \i..:c:i to Wh:;n a~kc::l about her plans ments. We must not allow mis­ blems facing this soc iety, she take up embroidering, It was for 1he fuiure , Pam summed it deeds to be done abroad under feels, is the constitutional crisis. fun and came in handy for mak- up l'kil th i5: the guise cf patriotism." "Becouse if our present form of ing Christmas presents. Since "Well, perhaps someday flow­ "Second, we must be con­ government fa ils to operate as then, il's becc:me my hobby. I ers w::;n't be my main hobby, cerned about our fellow man. the founding fathers envisioned embroider f lowers on burlap, but until that day I'll continue We are indeed 'our brother's it, we will no longer have a re­ Mrs. Hazel Martin lamp shade,s, pillows, hats, pants collecting and crea t;ng flowe~s keeper.' We must work to end public- we may have a dictator­ that each branch of government and even purses! A lso, I make for mybelf an d ethers . By giving poverty, di5crimination, greed ship. We could end up with an large papier mache flowers to fit flowers away, I feel I am sha r­ do what it is supposed to do to and corruption that will dim the oligarchy, if we do not maintain keep the other branches in check into vases. I always use bright ing a feeling of happiness and American dream." that important principle of the Congress must be aware of it's colors for a happy loo-k !" be-auty in l1fe that mos~ pGople "Third, we must be concerned constitution - separa tion of pow­ responsi bility. The Executive As Pam sat in her chair twist- never real ized existed." about the environment. 'This ers.~~ b ra nch has been growing more land is your· land, this land is "I would not presume to stea dily in power since FDR." my land!' I feel it is just as un- know the answer. I only suggest Bicycling Provides fun With regard to the actual field by Susan Roeger of social studies, Mrs. Marti n Springtime is almost here and cycles throughout the country Spring Brings Tryouts: feels, " We must update socia l with it comes the problem of and ahroad. ~tudies departments, which we f inding something to do outside If you are just interested, are trying to do on the pa ris h, in the great weather. Here is my though, in spending a Saturday 19 Drummers Practice state, and national level. There solution: Bicycling! afternoon bicycling around town must be a new social studies.' The sun will be shin ing and pack a lunch, call some friends W ith the arrival of spring pep rall ies, and being present 'like there was a new math.' I rid ing a bike will be just the and tour the city. comes the Pep Squad drum corp everyday for two weeks summer think social awareness comes thing to use to see the city. If Bicycl ing is not only a great practice ·i n August. tryouts in which about 19 junior from the study of anth ropology, you're really ambitious, you can sport, it also is regarded as gooci girls will take part. "Senior Girl s are judged on soci·alogy, politicai sc ience, geo­ see the country. One of the best exercise. Many doctors agree A cc-ording to Salley Ph il-l ips, their ability to play a drum and graphy, history and (l ist ed by grc-ups to contact, if you are in- that running or jogging, sw.im­ Drum Corps Commander, during 1on their good standing in the some) psychology. All of these te rested in touring, is American ming and cycling are the three the next few weeks the girls will group. In addition they must be disciplines are essential to a de­ Youth Hostels. They sponsor top sports for developing mus­ leam how to play the drums and capable of working and getting mocratic society." long d istance grc:up trips by bi- cles and keeping up good health. how to march while playing the along with a small group," sai d drums. At the end of the six Salley. weeks, tryouts will be held with New Drum Corps members Styron Engraving Co. Mr. Donald Horton and Mr. Mike are announced at the Pep Squad Griffith's Nursery Creators of Fine Sta tionery Since 1903 Raleigh judging performances. banquet held the f ir!!t par'.t of 861-6746 Invitations Visiting Cards Duties of the drum corps for May. Soon after the banquet the Announcements Letterheads next year are playing during new members will get together 1800 E. 70th St reet 2414 Line Avenue Shreveport, La . performances, at games and at for practice in the gym.

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1302 Shreveport I Barksdale Hwy. March 21, 1973 CAPTAIN SHREVE ENTERPRISE Page Five news briefs

• f'ebaters Win Defect Center, which JML mem­ e Workshop Attended to Fort Worth, spend the day at • Play Is !»uccessful The Captain Shreve debate bers recently toured and in which the amusement park, and to eat Seven members of the ENTER­ leutn took first place in Individu­ senior Paula O'Neal works. Wf}pe r at a famous German res­ "Roomful of Roses," a play re­ PRISE staff and advis-er Mrs. Eliz­ cently put on by drama students al Events Sweepstakes and third Members saw doctors doing abeth Lawson recently att-ended taurant located in Dallas. in Overall Sweepstakes at the blood, skin and amniotic fluid ·Studlents a11e traveli ng e ither drew more than 200 people a Journalism Day at Northwestern n1ght for its three performances. Nor th e~st Lou isiana University studies, growing cultures from on a cnartered bus or in cars. The State Un iversity. According to Mrs. Dorothy Sib­ H1g h ;;,chool Forensics Tourna­ the samples, taki·ng p ictures of d at~ has not bee n d ecided on yet, Delegates attended a lecture mert February 23-24. ohromosomes, and studying but the trip wi ll probably be in ley, director, the crowd turnout by Bernard Ka lb, CBS Correspon In debate, the senior teams of these pictures. Dr. Richard Ju­ late Apri l or early May. was as expected: "Because of dent for Indoch ina, and "The Old the largeness of the auditorium John Jopling and Wayne Rigby, berg spoke about the work ac­ Al~o on the agenda for the Ger­ tadies," a dramatic productt ion people still made it look em: Robert Johnson and Jim Reeves complished at t:he Center and man Club is a Mardi Gras party, 200 by NSU students. both won t heir semi-final rounds some genetic defects of people. wh1ch w ill be held in early pty. Naturally, we would have Mini-workshops were held in liked to have more nights and in debate, thereby closing out When asked what she learned March. Although the date of the radio and television. Students at­ more people." first and second places. from the trip, Suzy Priddy ans­ party w ill be d ifferent from the tend ing the conference tou.red When asked why th is play was . In individual events John Jop- wered, "I learned about different real Mardi Gras, .the celebration the NSU radio station and made chosen, Mrs. Sibley commented 1 tng. f inished in first place in ori­ ge'netic defects, their character­ w ill be basically the same. a v id iotape at KNSU television. "I selected it because of its g inal oratory and received a su­ i&t.i cs, and how they occur. It chal~ To conclude the act iv ities were • JCL Convenes lenge, lit erary value, aud ience peri0 r rating. Anna Asl in reach­ was really interesting and would panel d iscussions about various Jun ior Classical League held its appeal and the availability of ta­ ed finals in poetry reading and be ~ worthwhile trip for anyone aspects of journal ism led by a nnual State Convention on March le.nt." She added that the cast al so received a superior spot. interested in med icine." leaders of. the journal ism field in 16-17,. ~! Centenary College. loved presenti11g it and had the Other individual rankings were "JML is changing its· meeting Acttv ln les for the convention Louisiana. traditi~nal tears OR closing night. laura Jayne, superior in oratory, day to the first Thursday of the were seminars, contests, and Nox Prof1ts made fro m the pi ay Janine Clausen, superior in prose month after school. Members are • Computers Studied Romana, which · means Roman were spent in two ways. Over reading; Robert Johnson, excel­ urged to trv to attend the meet­ night. Nox Romana included the Are you i nt~rested . tn compu­ $50 was used to supply refresh­ l~n t in after-dinner speaking; ings," sa id Mrs. Ascension Smith, lighting of the torch, a chariot ments for intermission during the J1m Reeves, excellent in extem­ dub s-ponsor. ters? New this year is a compu­ race, a bazzar, and a slave auc­ play. The rest of the money poraneous speaking;. and Pam ter Club sponsored by Miss San­ e Rifle Team Scores dra McCalla. tion. Also included was a ban­ bought new equipment for the Butterfield, exce•llent in extem­ CS rifilemen defeated North• Club members study Fortran­ quet. drama club. poraneous speaking and poe•try wood March 6 1266 to 1184. ' Everyone wore costumes. The 1 scie~tific computer langvage, • Sororities Plan Rush reading. Don Bullock was the Gator high boy that looked most like Apollo wh1cn IS taught by Mr. W ill iam According to Mrs. Harold Ros­ shooter w ith a 262, foi lowed by and the g irl that looked most like e $16,000 Awarded Scriber, a professional program­ bc.ttom, cha irman of Pa nhellenic Woody Childress w ith a 258 Venus won prizes. Martin Klijn, senior ROTC er. The Computer Club runs its Recommendations, Panhel · l,~nic Ronald Schwartz with a 257, Patty Holland, JCL State Cor­ Shreve student, has been award­ tprogram at Gentenary College. Rush cards must be turned in by Richard Thomas with a 248, Lar~ responding Secretary, said, "All ed a Naval ROTC Schol­ March 30. $16,000 ry Holt w ith a 241, and drop man awards were presented at the This new organization's J 5- The cards are in Miss Fran.z's arship. Rob Rayner with a 234. Marc banquet." member officers are: Chairman, office and are d~signed for sen­ Kl ijn, u Cdet Major Adjutant in El.winger and Ronald Kennedy Shreve's ROTC Cadet Battalion Bob Morris; Vice-Cha irman, Linda • Rifles Beat Fair Park ior girls to register for rush .at d 1d not compete in this match. Fannon; Secretary, Laurie Ke llyi The Captain Shreve Hi9h is a member of the Ge·rman and Northwood scores were Phil­ any local college. Treasurer, Kathy Mitchell. The School Rifle team also defeated The Panhel enic is an organiza·· Science clubs, drill team and has lip Buckalew, 255; Jim Oxner, club's meetings vary from weekly Fa ir Park la st m'onth by 187 pts. tion representing all sororities earned several academic and a­ 246; J im Baker, 227; Gerald Har­ chievement awards. Some of ones to monthly ones. Team scores were 1294 to 1107. and holds an annuall'ea in April. rison, 219; and drop man Chuck Ro nald Schwartz scored 267 these are: the Legion of Valor Mattheys, 188. • German Club Travels Bronze Cross, Superior Cadet de­ Woody Ch il dress a 258, Larry Gator riflemen also traveled to Look out Six Flags, here they Hot! a 257, Richard Thomas a corations, American legion Houston, Texas for the weekend Bronze Medals and the Omega come! The German Club is com­ 257, Rob Rayner a 255, and drop matches at the University of pl·eting their plans to make a trip man Don Bullock a 246. Psi Phi Citizenship Award. Houston recently. Accord ing to Sergeant Major Shreve shooters travel to other Henry Ch iasson, Shreve• ROTC cities at their own expense. The Shreveport Bank & Trust Co. leader, the decision was based trip to Houston is being partially on SAT-ACT sc'Jres, academic Four Loc ations To Serve You f inanced by three local business grades, ROTC activit ies, and ex­ firms. MAIN OFFICE 635-7511 tra-curricular activities. Sgt. Chi­ 5836 Mansf ield Road Member of FDIC asson also said that word of the • FHA Plans Dinner award was rece,'ved from the Future Homemakers of Ame· Ch ief of Naval Operations Wash- rica are planning a banquet at ington, D. C. ' the Barn Dinner Theater in April. The exact date will be announced • JML Tours WOODY~~ Behind Confederate Memorial later. Hospital, along with o~ her LSU­

It carries a lifetime guarantee and of course it will be in your A Friend 4 nlacli & White Pr.oofs FREE KIRK'S p~ ~ We !Furnish Ca1ps ~ TEXACO TH. •WI!I!THI!AIOIT •TOIOII! and Gowns for SIO Tl.US STflUT ...... , 4l? sm SERVICE STATION SIMS£T Vll.A&f ,._( llS l"SS2 Don't Get left Out in the Dry Most Schools 861-13151 As long as you're going to spe nd the Summer elsewhere FAIRFIEL.D AT PIERREMONT why not spend it on "vacation" i r. your own Morehead Pool. ' GRJAPHIC ARTS Call now and you can be in tine WET SET th' ELLERBE ROAD UNITED METHODIST CHURCH · t d f · IS summer STUDIO tns ea o gett1ng left out in the dr · ~§ Ellerbe Road at Pecan Dr ive Fo rbing, La. jrn 1457 Murphy Street AND TRINITY UNiTED METHODIST CHURCH Pbonc 424-422X 4 1 40 Greenwood Road 631-78 7 4 mOREHERO POOLS'ff;J ('lo•;cd \\l ed. and Sun. SHREVEPORT BA TON ROUGE N E ~ ORLEAN \ Re v. Th omas A. W dso r> (Pnstorl - 616-2470 f)0:,11 LofW' AVf''"'"· Ptt l:lu~ 1421 jl ___~rs : I 0 - 6 ·~ ff·vql('fl·, [, •W lvloUf'1 jll()ol8,,11 1dC"O Page Six CAPTAIN SHREVE EN TERPRISE March 21 , 1973 Art Students Eni oy Night Class by Sherrie Crow cvci ing and h-::rseback riding. S<1uad , Secretary of the Germa n One ot the b.;;st opportunities She plans to attend the Career Club, and a Leo Club sponsor. around, according to juniors Bec­ Center next year and srudy Com­ Hor nlans include going out for ky Ziegenbein and D'Ann mercial Art "I enioy expressing cheerlo0de r next vea: unc.: stJdy­ Spearman, is a newly-organized, myself through drawing, paint­ ing Commercial Art at the Ca ree r night-time art class fer specially inq, and stitchery. Stitchery is Center. "The most exciting thing talented young people. mv favorite, because it requires l\1 ~ ~ - • · ~ 1 .~u : .. ;dt:llll, wh.th is The class was organized by a lot of creativ;ty a .a ·nvolh.S •h '! se o• tJ :>.: .:. rr.o -~ p:ctures. the School Board for thirty stu­ working w'th textil"" 1 3 ~o .:: , J J: and : footba:l dents selected from Captain Berkv is a member of h"' ep "li ayer " Shreve, Byrd, Woodlawn, Fair Park, Green Oaks, and South­ wood. Students are selected on fi the basis d their ability and in­ terest in art. If you ever wonder what ii's Fr'd~y .r . o~,;t-of-towners ml: The class meets Tuesday and like to work in tl- -. u· ' ~ a r r:-.l '""'.<-''" Wednesday from 6-8 p.m. Teach­ modern high school, Mrs . ...;v:v­ Mrs. Sav.:..ny also has to take ers are Mr. Fred Goza, Mrs. Ha­ thy Savony, in the front office, care o~ '1• _ .:.:::!: roam and the in2 zel Harris and M'ss Land. Mrs. cculd write you a book. terc.om sys·rarr r. SruJcnb sc in -Layton, the art co-ordinator for As Mrs. Savony puts it, "The and out rhe sick room all day. Caddo Paris h Schools, checks on Mrs. Savony recalls o ne incide -1 the students progress. phone starts ringing at 7:30 and when a boy came in early ifr th.: Becky says, "The class is real­ doesn't stop until after 4." Pa r­ ents call to say, "Johnny's sick; afternoon and slept through the A HAIR-RAISING MATTER-General Science student Beth ly great. I can accomplish so 3 p.m. bell. " No o ne knew he Baney watches as Joe Debacker experiments with Mr. Bobby much more in two hours than Mary is at the doctor's; Harry has to meet his uncle at the airnl"lrt; was in there, and he slept until Horne's static electricity genera tor. (Photo by Eschenfelder) in a regular one-hour class." D' :'lfter 4.'' Ann adds, "I enjoy the class be­ Susie is on a d iet, and she has .cause it gives me a chance to to come home for lunch," pl us a And such g oe s a typical day work with students from other dozen more every hour. Whe n b the office . So w hy does Mrs. 'War' Unit Studied schools." asked what was the strang est Savony go home w ith a sp li tting Students in this class have call she ever received, Mrs. Sa­ headache each day? Maybe not studied units in still-life drawing vony replied, "We get bom b everyday, but w ith a schedule figure-sketching, and water color threats every once in a while, like tha t, who could b la me her? By Carleton's Classes and ink, and a ceramics unit. but they usually just hang u p in Beth grrls have had their work ou r faces." Mini-Courses Begun "Young people today are be­ half of Mr~ . Ca rleton's unit in exhibited at school. An abstract in g offered the hope of a gener­ war. Studen~s have been going still life of D'Ann 's is one dis­ Mrs. Savo11y spends a large Juniors and seniors at Byrd part of the day checkrng students ation of peace. A study of war to the libra ry three times a week play in the cafeteria. Becky had may register for f irst-come-f irst in and out of school. She gets through literature ca n hel p them ar.d have been w orking on their a watercolor and ink exhibited serve "mi ni-courses" to be sche­ to f ully apprecia te a period of own time. Some of the subjects in the office foyer. many reasons from t he stude nts d'u!led during acti.vity pe riods peace ," sa id Mrs. Linda Carleton, chosen w e re "The Psycholog ical D'Ann enjoys playing softba ll some of the strange r ones be­ twice a month. Junior English teacher. Stress Placed o n the Viet Nam and basketball for her church, bi- ing: "Going to pay traff ic ticke;s, O n February 2, four of Mrs. Vetera n," "The My La i Massacre" army physicals, going to pay The program, the fi rst offered Carleton's English classes began and " Doe s Anyone Ever Really brlls, deadly diseases, and every by a high school in Caddo Pa r­ a unit about w a r, which included W in a War?" Council Works ish, is d esig ned to give the stu­ the reading of three books con­ Most of the students reacted Student Council has taken on d e nt an o pportunity to learn cernirg the subject of war, the favorably to Mrs. Ca rleton's several projects. Beginning Counselor's Corner about something wh ich interests w riting of war "ci nqua i· ns", t he study unit. "I lihd reading t he March 17 was a "Spring Spi rit him at his own pace with no reading of one play a bout war, books," said Ru th Ann Francis. Week." With le ss than three months ho mework or grad es. The cours­ and the w riti ng of a research pa­ "Besides that, we d id n't have as The council is hopin g to make to go in school, counselors a re es w ill be d irected b y peop le in per of approx·i mately 1500 m uch homework!" students more aware of sprin'g busy preparing tests a nd d istri­ the comm unity along with stu­ words. sports and other activities includ­ buting test scores. cients and teachers w ho have The f irst two w eeks of the un it " Re ading books and doing re ­ ing tennis, baseball, golf, swim­ Mrs. Ruby Powell has stated special knowledge about a par­ were spent r~'Kli ng A Sepa ra te search on w a r has he lpe d me to ming, etc. Other clubs are join­ that freshmen will take the Iowa t ic ul a r course . Peace, Bill y Budd, and A Fare­ understa nd' our country's situa­ ing in the spirit week also. Education and Develop ment Test well to Arms. Students read t he tiof1' in w a r ti me," said Ka ren Student Council is also work­ during the last two weeks o f Ap­ Topics include: black literature, books· in class to tc ok tests im­ Mills. " I !really like d it.'' ing on the upcoming elections. ril and sophomores will be give n budgeti ng, choosing a career, mediately upon finishing. Beth Roby, a n0ther of Mrs. 8uring the week of March 19 back their results from the Cali­ contemporary scene, cre ative The p lays, wh ich included Ar­ Carle'rton's stud entls, commented through 29, juniors will be able fornia Achievement Test. writing, fi lm criticism, football thur Mil:er's A ll My Sons and "I've neve r actua ll y stud:ed war to sign up to run for Student According to Miss Inez Franz, game films, how to mave a fi lm, George Be rnard Shaw's Bury the c.nd its results before . I got a lot Council officers and for cheer­ information cards will be passed how to p lay chess, how to w in Dead, were read by stude nts on out of it." Some of the cinquains leaders. The final elections will cut to ali juniors in their Eng lis h a fl argument in five easy lessons, their own ti me. They were re­ that the students made a re : be held April 13. All juniors in­ classes this rMnt h. "Seniors in­ futurology, ma king your way quired to read o ne of the plays Soldiers terested in eilher position should terested in the Armed !=orces Ac­ with clay, need lepoint, photo­ to m ake a n 'A' for the si x weeks. Young, scared sign up in room 204. ademy should apply now and graphy, playing the guitar, pre­ Cinquains, sho rt f ive-l ine po­ Shooting, hurting, killing A new pol icy has been started all college catalogs should be re­ marriage and marriage, pretty ems, were w ritten by st udents Burn-ing up a v illage by the council. They now must t·urned to the guidance room/' p lease, reporting the news, and on the subject of w a r. Most of War charge for the use cf the pop­ said Miss Franz. ~ hootin g a nd gun care. t'he pupils e njoyed writ ing the -Pam Boersig corn machine. In the past, the poems. Two of the cinquains Men machine could be borrowed by appear be low. Concerned, scared different clubs, but it must be Phil's Doing extensi ve research for Fighting, kill ing, praying rented from now on. Because ~ Construction Co. Fighting for their lives the council owns the machine, a - a paper has taken uo the last Pierremont Mall Rt. 1, Bo x 1 73 Brothers member must also be present to -Janet Ga lloway run it. Downtown Shreve City Keithville, La. Riser's Barber Shop Sales - Repai r - Parts a nd Accessorie s 868-8834 GALILEE BAPTIST CHURCH 1218 Shreveport-Barksdale Sunday School 9:30 a .m. Worship 10:45 a.m. and 7 p.m. Shreve Island Bicycle Center 1-10 Speed Racing and To u ri ng - Adult 3 Wheeler '!'he Church Where Everybody Is Somebody Tandem - Un1cycles Highland Florist 108 E. Preston Avenue Phone 865-5251 · ~ 423-7'189 it's the real thing II 1803 Marshall . .... SI,rtutporl ~.ournlll Service Station GOT A QUESTION .. Supply, Inc. ASK Automotive Parts ? 865-2319 • 5 1 7 East 70th Street "Action Line"

Schexnaidre Da ily in Your Journal PAINTERS & DEC()RATORS 1717 Edwa rds .Street 422-2750 El68-3117

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