
Pass-Fail - No Cuts -New Grad ing Po licy CoCo Passes Proposals

The CoCo committee took Grades of Pass will be course on his second attempt a degree and he must report attempt is successful, action on three Studen t recorded on the Student's (successfully meaning either to the Dean or Assistant whether in the same elective Senate Proposals this week in permanen t r ecord card. A, B, C, or D) the second Dean of the college for any or one chosen in its place, a meeting held on Monday. Pass/Fail will not be entered grade will appear on the guidance and counseling the second grade will also The committee, with into the cumulative average, studen t's record and will be deemed necessary by the appear on his record and be Profe ssor William Sweeney as but Pass wil be credited also included when arriving Scholastic Standing included when arriving at his Chairman, will now submit toward graduation. at his cumulative average. Committee. cumulative average. the proposals to the entire ATTENDANCE If the student's seeond If the course is an elective, If the student fails the two faculty for approval. If they REQUIREMENTS attempt also fails he must go the d udent has the option of consecutive electives, he approve, the proposals wiIJ There w ill be no before the "Scholastic repeating the same course or must go before the Scholast.ic go to' Dr. Manion for final attendance requirements for Standing Committee" for a choosing another elective in Standing Committee for approval. any student whose judgement as to whether or its place that will also fill his judgement on his eligibihty The proposals are as classificahon is more t hat 1 not he may repeat the course elective requirements. for a degree and he most fo llows: and who has a cumulative again and still be eligible for U the student's second continued page 5 PASS /FA IL average of 2.0 or more. Each sLUdent will have the Fre s hmen with a option of electing the cJassificntion of 1 must Pass/ Fail option for any follow the existing cu t policy general studies elective- not (6 or 12) unless waived by to exceed one coune per se. the instructor. sion - Spring Semester, Fall Ins tructors reserve the Semester, Win tersession, righ t to reco rd daily S ummer Session, and attendance and record the Summer School. The total number of absences on the number of Pass/Fail courses grade reports. which may be taken is set by GRADING POLICY curriculum. rr a student fails a course, The student will notify the the designation No Credit regist rar's office of hjs will appear on his record, deci s ion during however, the grade of NC Dean William Smith Resigns pre-registration. will not be included when The registrar's office will arriving at his cumulativc nobfy the instructor of the average. as VP of Student Affairs student. 's pass/fail option by If the course is required in WILLIAM C. SM ITH, su b mitting the duplicate the prescribed curriculum of [or the past two years Vice form s ubmitted by the the student's major field or President for Students student at. pre-registration_ A concentration, he must then Affairs at Bryant College, has letter grade of "C" or above repeat the course. If he tendered his resignation to will constitiute Pass_ successfully completes the College President, Dr. Harry F. Evarts. Presiden t Evarts announced Dean Smith's resignation yesterday. Arson Strikes Unistructure Dean Sm i th , a retired Three suspicious fires took Chief Robbie of the Commander in the Un ited place in the unistructure last Bryant security police and States Navy, joined Bryant in Sunday between 6:30 and Smithfield police are still September of 1965 when he 10 :30 p.m. All three fires investigating the matter. A was named Dean of Men. In were small, confined to waste general description of a 1968 he became Dean of paper can tainers and towel " possible" suspect was given Student Affairs, to head this dispensers of two men 's as a man about thirty years newly created division of the rooms and one ladies' room. old, 6'2" tall, about 250 College, and in April, 1970, Damage was negligible pounds, with reddish hair, he was elected Vice President resulting mostly from the and long sideburns. Do to the for Student Affairs, smo ke generated by the location of the fires, it seems In paying tribute to Dean burning plastic liners in the that the fires are being set as Smith , President Evarts trash can. The heat build-up a pran k rather than as a I a u d e d his significan t a lso caused so m e malicious outburst.. Another contribution as part of the discoloration o f the stainless fire was reported Wednesday, team that planned the steel containers. The three however, it is thought that dramatic transfer of the fires were dIscovered and this one may be attributed to Bryant campus fr o m extinguished by M. & S. c areless d iscarding of Providence to Smithfield, security guards during t.heir smoking materials. Rhode Isalnd. President p:ltrol. Evarts said, "Dean Smith has worked tirelessly on behalf Dcan Will iam Smith, Vice President of Sludent Affajrs of the students and directed " It is time for a change," he Warwick, Rhode Island. They Campus Highlight his efforts toward develo ping said, " ... someone with new have three children. • and coordinating the many ideas and a new philosophy." President Evarts reports activities and extracurriculaar A native of Georgia, Dean that a committee to search services available to the Smith is a graduate of Mercer for a replacement [or Dpan student body," University. He earned his Smith will be formed, In his statement, Dean graduate degree (Ed.M.) at including representatives o f Smith expr e ss ed his Rhode Island College. the faculty, administration , ph ilosophy that changing Mr. and Mrs. Smith reside and student body. times reqUire changing ideas, at 145 Shtmandoah Road, =------l--o--y~ea-r,....,o l".d and a registered voter in 'ghts For n communities could vote for bond Atty•• Gen FI ..L ~ ;"ues ofthe st.te o( R. 1. "It coold be, said Mr_ Israel, that an 18 year 'orl'ty old could obligate credlt for $100 As Ag e of Mal. mn!;on (or the state o( R I., but 'Today we will see if we can get ference o( student leaders from could not get one hundred dollars something done in the ~stem . area colleges and hl$cb schools. in his own name simply because of Really that's what It's all about. Mr, b rael remarked that his own age. Hecouldn' t pledgeh[S That's what I hope we are really :.hnnll"h thft 1R-2I\ "flAr nlrlj;. cnu.1 d o..... n credit", goiog to be able to do". vote, they did not enjoy the (uJl Second the Attorney General Photo by wood Those were the opening remarks rights an d responsibilities of said, " A person 19 years of age, (or by Richard J. lsrael, Attorney citizenship. He explained three example, might select a governor, In the jungle. the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight. A General lor the state of Rhode inconsistencies. an attorney general, pick a mayor, view of Bryant's already famed Rotunda. Island as he addressed a con- FirsfMr. Israel noted lhat an 18 cont.inued page 5 March 3, 1972

From The Editor's I)('sk The Challenge

If Powerful

[ thought that going to another rehabilitation center, You see an play about junkies put on by a group interview, a seminar, encounter, take of ex-junkies would probably be a dull part in a symposium, and finally see evening. I was wrong. and take part in an encounter. As Monday afternoon grew towards This last encounter--group evening, I began to change my mind th e rapy--is so involving that the The Election Stunk . a bout t he "C hallenge." Dr. P's audience came away either sullen or . --1 Greek enthusiasm helped bring me around, out and out bowling. To The Edi tor along with comments from many who Professor McAloon provides some had seen the afternoon performance. comment on the play, elsewhere in As a concerner student at Bryant College, it was my Dr. Evarts mentions it as "powerful" the pap e r, but a typical student decision to run at 1 p.m. on the day of the Student Senate and others said "incredible." opinion comes in the fonn of the elections. for the simple purpose of having some sort of Greek represen tation on this council. My method was by di rect confrontation and I managed to secure 87 v ot('~. juou 23 voLes behind the winner. To trail by a mere 23 vot.es does not say much fo r thi s st.udent body us a whole. Pu blicity (or th e election stunk. 'l'he whole election was based not on issues, but on persona lities, and by a sheer turn out of 19 percent o[ the student body, one cannot say that th is was a true school election. With a treasury of $22,000, how can the student houy be so naillP ::IS to all ow on ly less than 1 oul of 5 ~ t.udents vote. It is my sheer desi re that the newly elected treasurer wil l realize the imporlance of th e Grf'eks on cJ'.tmpus and allot funds for their us(' . For example, on the Greek weekends, Lht> Student Senal.e should bf' responsible for the renting out and maintenan ce of the Bryant College auditoriu m. Finally, I as k you-·who really won the election? No body! Very Lruly yours, Seeven R. Silverberg Graduate Studies As part of its program of b ecause fu ture grad uate . I study and the Bryant MBA keeping tentative graduates By far "The Challenge" i~ the best foDowing manuscript. presented lo'me in formed of the desi rabili ty Programs may be of interest activity to appear at Bryant this year, by an unusually quiet student. o f g radu ate stud y , an to o ther undergraduates, the far s urpas s ing Julian Bond, the explanatory letter was mailed Gradua te Office requested Sunday and Wednesday night movies, . 0 ' virile homo.... pien by the Graduate Office to all The Archway to reprint this and even the Yes . Tau Kappa Do 1 see you cry???????????? seniors. At the same time, letter. Those salty drop8 on your cheeks, Epsilon and Mr. P should be thanked a are they tears, WHY????????? thousand-fold for :lrirging The Dear Seniors: Challenge to Bryant. I do not cry . I am MALE Ma y w e c ongra t u late you for your four years of For those who missed the play It must be the rain that undergraduate study. We know that it required considerable moisten. ~y face (only 200 attended), [ suggest you I will not let emotions take hold of my place efCort. We also know that now you are most impatient to find out where it is now or where it enter the competitive world of business and to earn your will be performed or better yet talk Girls, babie., they· but males must not show liv1ng by full-time em ployment. On the other hand, if you their emotions ...... the cast into coming back so you can They must not allow themselves to a.r:e thin king of advanced graduate education that would add see it for yourselves. to become human .. .They are MALE to your potential as an individual or as an employee, may we The play begins as a commentary suggest that you apply for admission to our new MBA Humans have humanity on the typical youth ~unkie--over humanity is displayed b y sensitive programs. As you may know, we offer both day and evening lenient parent, spoiled kid-although it emotional truth pro g ra ms with concentrations in Managemen t or goes deeper than this. The kids are Accounting. These programs provide the candidate with a OOP...... my emotioll$ are showing busted and the story of Spectrum Fuck IT ...... cry professi onal education leading to the Master of Business House begins. The play is somewhat a Administration degree. They develop both problem solving look into this particular drug "P." and friends Thank!; for a good cry and decision making capabilities. Yo u, as a Bryant graduate, w o·u ld meet. mos t o r all of the graduate founda t ion requirements, thus leaving you free to concentrate on the graduate advanced core of the programs. If you meet all the foundation prerequisites, you can complete the full time Editorial program in an extended year. If not, the fulltime program \lp • may take two years. For the parttime programs, you have Building Bodies and Minds to six years to complete the graduate degree requirements. Because of the need to take the ATGSB examination and attain acceptable scores, early application is recommended. In the past students of Bryant College have not had the facilities available to fully You could be admitted as early as the Summer Sessions or pursue any athletic endeavors other than basketball. rolf, volleyball, tennis, baseball , for the Fall or Spring Semesters. If you would like to know soccer, and football. The new campus and gymnasium have helped to enable more more about these programs, call or visit the Graduate Office. participation in these sports as well as weightlifting, wrestling, and general exercise. We wiIJ be more thWl pleased to discuss them with you. However, our gymnasium still lacks a great deal of equipment whkh is desired by Cordially yours, many students. Dr. Sol Lebovitz Since it is budget time, we suggest to the Athletic Department and Mr. ______D_o_an--'- , _G.:.:raduate Programs Delmonico, Vice President of Financial Affairs, that new equipment be included in the expansion of facilities within our gymnasium. Students have voiced the opinion TO THE BRYANT COLLEGE SOCIETY that the following be added: climbing ropes, rings, even parrallel bars, a horse, a " My good friends, you are citizens of Athens. a city which balance beam , and one or more trampolines, as wellas formal wrestling mats. We also is very famous for its wisdom and power-·are you not suggest that in its effort to serve the students. the Athletic Department survey ashamed of caring so much for the making of money and for students for possible future expansion of athletic facilities and eq uipmenc which fame and prestige, when you neither think nor care about may include courts (handball?), equipment, and courses such as techniques in tennis, wisdom and truth and the improvement of your soul?" golf, swimming, scuba diving, wrestling. and any number of other areas to help build PLATO (ray) our bodies as well as our minds. March 1972 THE ARCHWAY INSIGHT WeUare In R.I. : Incident On Skid Row by Richard S. Woolf This is a true story, devoid of exaggerations and subtle by Rick Mitz untruths. It. deals with what is considered one of the lowest stratas of human existence, It is a crime perpetrated by a careless system. This story deals with human lives, yet t he Success Story facts and experiences related here will ·,seem foreign and removed, unless you too have been an observer of this great I used to be 8 nothing. a And then it came in the " avoid lawyers. to eat my social injustice . little short, fat, whine.y kid m a i I . A pam phi e t way out of fatigue, cast It is approximately twelve-thirty on a chilly Monday from Milwaukee with a proclaiming: "Instant astrological horoscopes, write morning. Thoughts of many kinds clouded my thinking as articles that ·sell" and,. • running nose. I was a real Learning -- courses that turn we arrived at our destination. I had been here before, but "Throught The Magic 't>f thorn in my mother Rose's your tape recorder into an never did I have a definite purpose in coming. Now, however, Push · Button s i q. e ; are g u r a-r automatic learning machine." I am to take color photographs of an apartment which had Self.Hypnotism," started to down-and-outer; a wipe-out; Shaking with excitement, I been ransacked by welfare clients who had previously lived shed pound after .pound. a has-been who never was, read on. there. " You'll be More Alive, More and not at all beloved in the "Now! Electro ni c Strewn on the Cloor of the living room are parts and entire Alert, More Attractive to the neighborhood. Technology gives you a New chasis' of radio and television sets, possibly stolen from other Opposite Sex." And all for Then something happened. Way to Learn Any Skill You empty apartments in the building. There is no carpet on the only $9.98. I became educated. Wish - so easily·· so quickly Cloors, only pieces of linoleum covering the swelled Cl oor It all began in high school·· so automatically - so In one tape I found the boards. In varied places. the holes in the wall plaster are when I dropped out of P.B. perfectly and permanently secret of perfect living • covered by cheap, paper·thin paneling. The few messily 184 and enrolled m what that it will take your breath In.stant Sleep· and learned to pieces ot furniture are covered with dried ketchup as are the must have been the first away." skyrocket my child's grades walls. It is much like someone grabbed the bot.tom of the Alternative School. In the I gasped. Could this be in school, as well as become a bottle and swung in a circular manner_Clothes, most Ukly swamps of Milwaukee, true? Could this be from successful secretary, learn courtesy of the Salvation Army, also decorate the immediate everyday after school, we those nice people who "the new science to area. Glass crunches under nervous footsteps as ] enter the guys used to smoke alfalfa on brought me Matchbook High command persuasion" and kitchen. Fruitcakes from a church fundraising which are the shores of lovely Lake School? And, would I, as the win "unlimited power and partially eaten sit on the counters. More foodstuffs stick to Michigan. One afternoon, I pamphlet promised, " be control. .. the walls and add to the culinary confusion. noticed my friend, Norman, turned into a walking All this in two quick How, or better yet why. did this mess occur? The welfare lighting up. On the cover of encyclopedia to whom your weeks. caseworkers in Rhode Island are only concerned with making his matchbook it said " Finish frien,ds and t1u ' $~e ss sure that their clients have a roof over their heads. These High School." associates will twn as 8 Now I can do anything. I caseworkers issue one-hundred dollar cash vouchers which "Le t me see that, aut hority on virtually any am the American Dream. I'm are sent to the landlords as security deposits. Once the Norman," 1 said to Nonnan. point?" I decided to sign up happy, I'm rich , I have welfare supported people move in, the welfare caseworker "Okay, " Norman said to then and find friends and control over people, I know expects them to carry on with the rent payments. In this me. business associates later. everything you always instance,however;such was not to be the case. At the end of And as I lit my weed, I wanted to know about the month, the family left the house a shambles. and wel1are opened the book of matches I dropped out of college. I everything - just ask .. and I put up the entire family of seven for two weeks in the and read on: "Are you tired sold my dorm contraci, a m beloved in th e Holiday Inn of Downtown Providence. It took two weeks for bought myself a tape of being a nothing, a little neighborhood. I am the welfare to find a new abode, and the average taxpayer, who recorder and ordered learning short, fat, whiney kid from perfect human being incidentally could not afford two weeks of such luxury, tapes on each su bject. I Milwauk¥ .with a running picked up the tab. learned "At Last! Speak And now I'm in business nose, a real thorn in your to Nothing was solved. No one was reprimanded for the for myself. With all of my mother Rose's side, a regular fluent Spanish, French, damage. This sad saga will be rewritten again and again in German in exactly vast experience in down·and·outer, a wipe-out, Italian, 24 case histories. educational alternatives, 1m a has·been who never was, hours!" I started, as the ad As if the landlord hadn't had enough, minimum housing opening up what I call and not at all beloved in the said, "chatting away like a dragged him into court for not making proper repairs. The "Knowledge College" under neighborhood? Then finish native." For $9.98. fact stiU stands that the essential repairs were made, and the a new, novel and unique High School in your spare welfare clients ripped the completed work apan. The records principle: you arrive at my time. You can't get anywhere I obtained a "Power show the landlord was fined one·hundred dollars. The building at about 8 a.m. and without a High School Personality II - and got "all records don't show the crime commited by the welfare spend the day sitting at diploma. Write away right the friends you ever clients. something called a desk as a away." wanted." I " regained Are you abhorred, shocked, or dismayed by this true tale? teacher lectures to you and So right away I wrote acc ounts that wer e Don't be. It will reoccur time and time again. Until honest you take notes. Then you're away. A few weeks later my considered lost." I won "the people make a sincere attempt to change the existing tested and you give back the info arrived in a plain brown unconditional approval, circumstancessurrouncHngour archaie system of handouts. A information to the teacher wrapper. respect, and admiration of good chunk of your taxes will continually be squandered by rot.e. This learning •• What's in that plain everyone I came in con tact unless reform becomes the order of the day. Until then, we program should take about brown wrapper?" my Mother with." And I revitalized, as will continue to foot the bill, and look the other way. four years. It is a radical asked. the ad promised, " my " Just some obscene marriage into a thrilling daily plan, I know, but it just literature." 1 told her. experience." It all worked . might work. As for cost, just "Okay," she said, " Just as And ] wasn't even in business send me $9,998. long as it isn't any of that or married. Only $9.98 per • correspondence school tape. Mr. Robert Fain of the stuff." I promised. her it Professional Planning I learned how to develop wasn 't and the next day Association, Providence, R.I., my "Creative Mind Powers" dropped out of schooL will give a talk on the selling as I began to "Liberate the Everyday. between the hours of intangibles. A question Creative Flow Seething of 7:45 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., and answer period will Within you'" I learned " How I'd sit on the banks of the follow, Tuesday, March 7, To Defend Yourself Against Mi c higan and do my 1972, at 12 noon in the The Human Parasites Who assignments diligently, taking auditorium. AI! welcome. only an hour out for lunch. Want to Rule Your " A few months later, my and, before you could say diploma (rom Matchbook $9.98, I forgot my "feelings Clubs and Organizations High School with my name of inadequacy" and learned In order for a club or organi z ati o n to request magic marketed in arrived. how to " pry open the clenched flsts of control t hat m oney from the Student And it now hangs proudly Senate, they must file a over my Father's pipe rack. people wrap around you! " request form (obtainable in Upon discovering there Night after night. while I the Senate Office) with the was asleep, I began to double ~ was no Matchbook College, I Treasurer of the Senate, 'FILE TIllS I.tJUNG N\AN5 REGUME enrolled at t.he state my power to learn (In Just A Barry Gerall. AU requests will university and look classes in Single Weekend). J broughl be dealt with immediately Wt1li TIlE OTHERS , MISS F/ NNEI'! . bio-physics, freshman English the "Magic of Mystic Power" and payments will be made and animal husbandrv. into my life. I learn(od how Lo the follOWing week_ ... THE ARCHWAY March 1972

~ FILM REVIEW Stev.ens Keeps Trying New Things

The Hospital strongly flavored his own material. by david t. pandozzi On stage and in the studio. Hav~ you ever teared the silence of a doctor examining he's backed by a second you with a perplexed loo k upon his [ace? Are you afraid of acoustic guitar, bass and the surgeon's scalpel? To reaffirm these fears of those men in drums. He also plays a bit of white within t.heir sterile walls of medicine, George C. Scott . and his incompetent staff of studs, swindlers, and bodies, " You 've got to take a give w enough confidence not to ever enter the portals of a diffe r e n t attitude t o 'HOSPITAL' again. recording and performing. In As a resident doctor George C. Scott, exhibits his calm a studio, you're there to attention to his duties between bottles of Vodka and make a record. It's got to be f~equent thoughts of suicide. Being accused of having a limp clean and precise. But when dmgus, he extols the fact of hjs impotence to a certain Miss you perform, you're actually Drummon, whom he later ravishes with his newly awaken coming into contact with • • love [or her. people who are there to hear The movie cl1che of '72 should prove to be, "It you liked you and see you. There's got MASH, you'll love HOSPITAL. Yes, it is true that the antics to be a more lively Photo by Sidoruk of Hospital's military counter-part was a hilarious mad~ap spontaneous feeling to it. I ~isadv enture at the medical corps, but Hospital ~il1 strike ~ " You know I don't think younger generation is going love performing. but there lit~e ~lo~ to home this time. By no means should you view about myself as being a pop through things at 12 thaI. are some drawbacks. You th.. film If you are due to have a major operation in the near star, It told Tom didn't happen 10 yean ago have people applauding and future, or tor that matter, if you are jwt scheduled for a Zito of The Washington until you were 17 or 21. So cheering. even if you're just yearly routine check-up. Post. it's a hard q uestion to erac. talking to yourself. You have As interns are found dead, nurses mistakenly operated on, " 11 you think of yourself as "One thing I do know is people constantly and doctors left to die in corridors, one may wonder if a pop star yOll thin k in that my audience definitely approaching you, yet there's anybody ever gets out alive. abstract tcnns of Cat Stevens has an eUect on me and my rarely a chance to meet any To insure the right amount of confusion, the director doing a concert. I approach writing. Before I started of them. Young people bring keeps the audience informed on all the current everyday it on a more individual and making it, I was alone. Now me gifts and I never know problems of thiS institution of legal killing. Along with the personal level." I (eel that my music is being who's behind what's being strange happenings of the hospital 's staff, we are given The composer· performer has affirmed and my work is given." sc.a ttered details of a demonstration, pilferage ot two million selling to being encouraged by the The Stevens plans call Cor mIcroscopes, and a medicine man who may have the answer his crcdit(most all of his people who tum out to sec " ho ling up for a few to the HOSPJTAL's bizzare problems. music is published in the me. Before that, my music months " to write new Hypochondriacs should find 'The Hospital' as a necessary United States by Irving was inward. Now it's more material and learn how to cure-all for their Imagined illnesses and everyone else Music, Inc., Herb Alpert's about things that I see play an electric guitar. should ... well laugh themselves sick. ' company. And recorded on happening around me." " If there 's anything you Currently showing at the Four Seasons Cinemas in East Herb Alpert's A&M Record Born Steven Georgiou 23 have to be careful of in being Providence at Gansett Shopping Center. label.) and he's also a sellout years ago, Cat's Cather was a performer, it's making sure 011 the concert circuit. Cat Greek and his mother that your style doesn't Slevens has noted that his Swedish. The family lived in stagnate. The challenge is to This Tuesday, Marcb 7. at Fain w ill g ive a talk on audie nces are ge tting London, where his parenta keep trying new things. It's 12.00 in the Auditorium "Selling Intanglble8" after younger dnd younger, ran a luncheon re.taurant easy to coast. along on what I.ilerl" will be a .peaker from w h i c h there wil1 be a especially the young girls. called the ~I ouhn Rouge. you've already done - and tthe Profeuiona l Pla nning question and answer period. "May be it's my face or my When he became old enough that's probably an important ASIa iat es o C Provide nce, AU are invited to attend this hall or my beard. But I he'd sometimes stand in as a part of being a pop star. But Rhod e Island . Mr . Robert talk. suppose there's something in short order cook, and Irl his It 's lime Cor me to do some my music that's attractive to off hours wo uld visit experimentmg and try some them - perhaps simplicity or nigh tclubs in the Saho lhmgs I e not dove before. I Th e STUDENT SENATE maybe little phrases that district where he became don't know et,acfJ y whal. it Presents they can catch on 1.0 and interested in Wesllndian and Wi ll be but I think It wilL be identify with . Still, this calypso rhythms which have excit ing. THE SELLlNG OF TJlE PENTAGON Bryant Wins CBS Documentary Film And Lecture United Fund By DON GUREWITZ College Bowl·

ABSOLUTELY, On Wednesday afternoon, Bryant College was awarded DEFINITEL Y, the United Fund College Bowl by the United FUnd of Southeastern New England at POSITIVELY a lun cheon at Brown University. The bowl is Ph oto try Sidoru" presented each year to the Left to right: Jon Frede, Doctor Evarts, and Peter Campbell THURSDAY, MARCH 9. college that exceeds its with United Fund College Bowl. • United Fund campaign soal accepted the bowl on behalf (acuity-student football game by the highest percentage. In of the college community. and a talent show. years past it was won by Admission 2 5~ RIC. Johnson and Wales, and Aside from pledges and Barrington. collec tio ns. Bryant held Student NEA-OPEN various types of inventive MEETING, Tuesday, March 7:30p.m. Room 386 lecture hall Joseph H. Hagan, Vice fund raising activi ties. These 7,1972, at 12 noon, in room '-----.;..--...;;.;...;....;;.;;;",;..;,;;;",;=~.;.:.:::::-.1 President (or Pu blic Affairs a ctiv ities included a 245 . \Iarch 3, 1972 THE ARCHWAY Page 5 Age of Majority CoCo Proposals I (rom page 1 from page 1 a town councilman, a school Sound Recordings law. This is what you use the law r eport to the Dean or 1 co mmitteeman, elect probate for. This is why you vote, to by Rich Cbarnack oC Assistant Dean o ( the College judges, a secretary state, a de term ine the future conduc t of the JlM CAPALDI OH HOW WE UANCED island SW 9314 general (relSurer or a government. This IS the f o r

look on a ,.e invUeJ to beconte a m em be,. of cast you r fate finanCially THE ARCHWAY our way carry on 5he,.e a ,.e immediate openingj Ln a ,.eaj secure your future finanCially our program insurance jnvest • ADVERTISING AGENTS • SPORTS REPORTERS costs less now means security later come in • OUTPUT OPERA TORS • NEWS REPORTERS our office on campus no hassling • BOOKKEEPERS rap • INPUT OPERATORS

PROVIDENT .,MUTUAL • TYPISTS eLAYOUT STAFF "'-llf'e~~ Bob Osborne • CARTOONISTS Campus Representative Page 6 THE ARCHWAY March 3, 1972

! STUDENT EMPLOYMENT The Challenge -- Do You Love Me ?

Spectrum Houst: carne emotional cripple, bound by fashioned and they have The Student Employment infonnation appearing below is alive Monday on Bryant the iron law of Obedie.nce. youth on their side. a summary of all jobs phoned into the Student Employment campus. Their production, Service in the laIt month. A Student Employment Directory " Challenge," performed by Challenge, if perceptively At the play's end the listing 90,000 summer jobs throughout the U.S. is available members of this drug rehab viewed, is rewarding in the actors and ac tresses moved for students to review in the Financial Aid Office The center in Massachusetts was feeling that here are people into the audience asking the Student Employment Service recommends that you .begin simple, moving, provocative, consciously ~ing to help audience member " Do you applying for summer positions now, in order that you may irritating. "They have the themselves out of a very deep love me?" It's a bit of a be asaured of a lob next summer virtues of their defects and pit, really trying hard (too shocker, and meant to be, old cliche, but in this case, hard?) to be " normal," but but all the same, somewhat !ill OlCAJIIUTIIIII apt. Personally, they have an not quite attaining that goal. false, certainly non-aesthetic. 1/1I1I •• ..,.,u Cu_.,. V.dOll. to b. 4 lac.... d tIr. J. d. '10...... almost, wide eyed candor; as It may lie in the difference How can we love without .. t · to70 hood Strut. rr"". opoo.! .... a drama group they immerse between the artist and the knowing? And do we love O... n la. t .. b.

1;11> ..... to b. dlu.. ...d doubt that they know the " talk." In this they are very few a udience members • l/lnl au"",, un "'ltb I •• 110 . ,..... 1...... internal horrors of psychic much part of their own reac ted warmly, others struggle, generation; if all the campus cooly, still others , J/311l Dol .. TIorI. "'ro o<, 5.1 .. 1,60 to .. an 16)0 Do~ .l .. Avo. talk were applicable we confusedly. The means that 110 . r ...... l ...... A college audience is attuned to depths of feeling would lack even the minute art uses are always less than IIUIIl !(y. 0·... . 10 f)opln, .M • _""rot ...I.~ 'r. I)' ....ul .. 2U IIo rrh ...... fflco _r~ . "".rl ...cc ]S I"ZII Or and longings which were problem. explicit. How else to f._ld...... U <-.14 I .." .0 ..... •. 942-1)"" r .. lI ct.. Job) captured by the players; The play itself, therefore, distinguish between poetry 1/23/n .. ""11.",,,. aU1' " C•• ,ll t moln•• nd Mr. 0.. . .. Co fl' .•1 14 T .... tOft ...... ","ono _rk opm 3)1\ -10 )0 though the latter were reflected their own and prose, between painting S ••"""k. 1'1.0 .. certainly removed formally per c'eptions, but and illustration, between l/nnz "_Of< C•• _17 1. pu •• lao ..r • . I.'~I'o""r from the level of sustained idiomatically they reflected narrative or dialogue, that Hl ' ....""'k. t h •• 2. Illtchn . <111 effort toward abstraction the class, TV culture in "shows" and the kind that 2/ 14 /11 (;ro._o·. Kol .. _ ,.111 •• 1 .001'0 .. ". pi ... II• • !lcll1tr ...... '3; ".l... ~... IIA ...~lrI. pOOh c_I .. lon 617-34e-ol?O IreqUired of the college group. which we are forced to live. merely " teUs ;" in short, .... .~ 1 The play's eoncentration, Their personality problems between Meaning and almost preoccupation, with are not the fault only of TV, Information. self·analysis bespeaks the after all genes have their Meaning came through, addict's problem in a way influential role. filtered with a degree of that can be luminous for the maudlin leeling about THE BIG APPLE sufferer, though it does Watching Challenge was parents not needing to feel so RTS." & S· GREENVILL E weaken the power of' the rewarding and also irritating_ quilty. but it was thinned out message. Very much children As so often found in leaders by too much protestation of Boutique + Tape + Record Center of their age, they acutely of Women's Lib, the play "not" loving enough. Withal JEANS INCENSE represent the denial of the depended too much on lung this the play was stimulating, POSTERS PIPES mind in our informal and ventilation, too much on vivid, gutsy, it shook the IEWELRY PAPERS formal educational process. protestation, all too much on audience as an earthquake City ltel1)s At Country Prices. We are..a pragmatic people. a shrill encounter. Like sends tremors··deep, unseen 040urs ,., Dally Thur. & Fri. "I/'p.m. We like things to work, and having Germaine Greer to power, felt with fear, Sat.l0 · 6 Sun. 1 - 5. fast. It has infected the dinner. But for quick challenged to think about teaching profession whose clarification, these young people in trOUble, better still, CHAMPION TERMPAPERS lack of flexibility is best actors do avoid the hysterics encouraged by the nerve and 636 Beacon Street (605) noted on the high school of Women's Lib. Perhaps the resiliency of the young Boston, MA 02115 level, where authority demon of their hysteria has actor.;.· You felt that they RESEARCH MATERIAL FOR TERMPAPERS. REPORTS governs overtly and gradually passed away or has had seized the hour and HESES. ETC. LOWEST PRICES, QUICK SERVlCE. insidiously, leaving the been exorcised by ennobled it. Congratulations INFO MATION WRITE OR CALL, 617 00. college-bound student an community living and to all who made it possible. therapeutic acting out. A short note: $60 will be Certainly, it was latently given to the student who present imperceptible, but sends in the best answer to 50,000 JOBS definitely felt. Comparison the question, How can the between the Challenge Talent Search Committee players and Women's Lib is raise $1,000 by June 1. not meant to be invidious. Letters should be sent to: A. SUMMER EMPLOYMENT What elicits the two is a J. McAloon, Room 320, certain shrillness of tone, Psychology Counselling CAREER OPPORTUNITY almost of ritUal. Yet out of Center. Next week the PROGRAMS such efforts dramas are phoniness of Playboy.

The National Agency Of Student Employment Has Recently THEATER TRIP Completed A Nationwide Research Program Of Jobs Available To College Students And Graduates During 1972. Catalogs Which Wednesday March 22, 1972 Fully Describe These Employment Positions Nv:Jy Be Obtained As Follows: . The LENNY BRUCE Story ( ) Catalog of Summer and Career Positions Available Throughout the Un ited States in Resort Areas, Notional Corporations, and Regional Employment $11.00 For Bus And Ticket Centers. Price $3.00. To And ( ) Foreign Job Information Catalog Listing Over 1,000 Employment Positions Available in Nv:Jny Foreign From New York Countries. Price $3.00. Leave At 2:00 - ( ) SPECIAL, Both of the Ahove Combined Catalog, With Rptl At 12:00 A Recommended Job Assignment To Be Selected For You . Please State Your Interests. Price $6,00.

Notional Agency o f Student Employment . Anyone Interested Student Services Division 135 Erkenbrecher Contact Dr. D. Nordin Cincinnati, Ohio 45220 Dorm 1 Room 123 THE ARCHWAY Page- 7 Rock ' N Roll Trivia Intramural Hockey Swings Into Seco nd Week Here are the answers to last week's Tnvia quiz: by Peter LockateU 1. Where d oes James Taylor Live? Martha 's Vineyard 2. Whal.. Group was John Sebastian in? Lovin Spoonful The fir st game o f this opportunities to score and Bob Bush started the rout 3. Who wrote "Jesus Christ, Superstar?" Rice & Weber wee k's Intra m u ral Hockey prevent the ever dangerous by blasting a slap shot past a 4. Name at least three people who recorded Blue Suede doublehead er at Burriville Mr. Suhr from using hard help lessly screened Walsh pitted Delve cc hio 's Bar & Shoes? Carl Perkins, , , Chuck shot at the other end of the goaltender . T h e c ount Grill against the team of Jeff Berry, and Johnny Winter i ce. Even though the jumped to 2-0 a short time Goldbe r g. Since Mr. 5. Who produces Grand Funk? Terry Knight Goldbe rg team had a big later, as Bob Malachowski 6. Who did Blueberry Hill? Goldberg 's team had the lead, they continued to skate collected a loose puck and "bye" last week, they did 7. What is Elvis Presley's wife name? Priscilla and check. Goldberg's efforts beat a surprised Walsh goalie 8. Who did Poison Ivy & Charlie Brown? Coasters not wasle much time in were not to be wasted as from clos e in. Bob Bus h 9. Name five people in the now defunct Mad Dogs & maki n g thei r debut a Jimmy Teixeira picked up his came back with his second of Englishmen? , , , successful one. In the first second and third goals of the the period as he backhanded Don Preston, Bobby Keys, , Carl Radle, Jimmy period, Goldberg's Jim night to make it a 9-0 hockey one in from the right side. So Teixeira got his team " off Gordon, Rita CooUdge and Claudia Linnear . game. Thus, Jimjoined the score stood at 3-0 at the 10. What did Joe Cocker do before he became a Rock and running" with his fi rst teammate Dave Sutherland in period break, with the real tally of the season and later & Roll singer? Plumber recording his first hat trick of flreworks yet to come. in the period Dave •Las t Week's winner was Frank Eaton. Ule season and Goldberg's Here are this week's Rock & Roll Trivia questions. The Sutherland scored the first of second of the night! There In the second period, the first person to bring the correct answers to the following his four goals. Thus, the was no further scoring in the Fish put the game away with questions, will receive a special prize. All answers should be score at the end of period of period as the team of Jeff four goals. Scoring for the submitted to the ARCHWAY, top floor of the Rotunda. play was 2-0. Goldberg won the first game Fish were Bob Serrechia, 1. AI Kooper was originally in what group? of the night 9-0 and also Barry Crossley. J im Kielly, 2. Glenn Cornick & Mike Abraham were in what Band? In the second period the recorded t he first shutout of and Bob Antigano. Thus, at 3. Who gave Don McLean his big break? game, fo r a ll intensive an opposition team this the end of two periods the 4. Who record'ed " Peggy Sue? " pu r pos es ended as the season. score stood a.t 7-0. The lo'ish 5. Who is Sylvester Stuart? G o ld berg team fi ll ed the con t inued to pepper the 6. Who is McKmley Morgan fi eld'? Delvecchio n e ts with five Fish Wins 11-0 Walsh g oa lte nd e r , an d goals . L eading the scoring succeeded in sconng four 7. Who produced & directed Elvis Presley'! parade in the second for the In the second game, the more times. Leading the way 8. Who is R.ichard Penniman? Goldb e rg team was Dave Walsh team wished it had f o r t.he F ish were B ob 9. Where was the largest amount of money made by one Sutherland, who scored the stayed home, as the Fish Malachowski (his second or group'? (Where did they perform) first three goals of the period walked away wi th a 11·0 the night), Barry Crossley 10 . Who was the brrouP (see question 9) already. For the second time victory. From the cpening (his second of the night), this season, a four goal hat faceof!, one could tell the Kocon and J im Kelly, who Am eri can Indians Up In Arms trick has been completed in F ish t ea m w oul d also added his second of the (CPS)· R usseli C , Means, the symbol. the league. Hank Suhr did immediately take the play La night to make it 11-0 at the executive director of the "How long d o you think the honors for the first time the Walsh team. The Walsh end or the game. American Indian Movement the stadium would stand if last week against Walsh and team rarely cleared the puck (AIM) and director of the the team were c alled the now Mr. Sutherlandv.s. out of their defensive zone, Cleveland American Indian Cleveland Ne groes with a Delvecchio. Dave Stone and as the Fi s h c ons ta ntly The Fish, also held their Ce nter say s the " Chief caricature of Aunt Jemina or Bob Carrone also added goals forchecked to steal clearing opposition sco reless , t he Wahoo" sym bol used by the Littl e B lack Sambo, and of the i r own to up the bids wh i ch they usually second shutout recorded that Cl eveland baseball team every time a ball was hit some margin to 7-0, as the period converted into good scoring night and the second shutout degrades and demeans the guy would come out and do came to a close. oppor tunities, Though the recorded in the league this American Indian. Means said a soft shoe?"-Means asked_ SfOre .. does not ren~t his season. ,J, llogal Md · SOci~tY ·.ttdh\ ey 1l1'Tl16 w'fi ole vtewpoili f­ play, the Walsh goaltender will file a 9 million dollar suit America takes of the Indian One of the big factors in kept the score from being a Next Week agai ns t owner, Vernon is that we don ' t count," the Goldberg onslaught in lo t worse. Time and time Sto u ffer, Tuesday in Means said. the second period was t heir again. Fish forwards broke Next week 's action will pit Cayahoga County Common "Can you envision the fine display of forechecking through a paper·thin Walsh the team of Jay Walsh against Pleas Court and will seek an Washington Rednecks instead and backchecking. They kept defense o n t heir way to the team of Gold berg and injunction to stop the use of of the Redsk i ns?" the Delvecchio team and in two-an-none, two- on-one, Sutherland at 10:00 and the Lenten Mass Schedule particular, Hank Suhr. three-on·one situations and 1] :00 game will featur e pinned in their own defensive breakways on l y to be Delvecchio's Bar and Grill Father Don Barrette, the noon and Tuesday, Friday, zone, which gave the stopped by a great piece of against Kulaga and Bvers. Bryant College Chaplain, has Saturday at 4:30 p.m. in Goldberg team the goa1tending. made it known that Mass will Room 386. • This Wednesday is Ash be held during the season of Wednesday and Mass will be Lent at the following times: at 12:00 noon at which ashes M o nday, Wednesday, wil l be distributed Thursday, Sunday at 12:00 afterwards. Original "JIMMY"

Is Here On Campus With His Truck

He Is Here To Serv e You:

0/ eve,." va,.iely Special Offer For Bryant Students Bring this ad with you and two people wilJ be adm itted ror the price of one_ Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday Johnston Jerry Le.wis Cinema 1530 Hartford Avenue phone: 751-3017 Shows 7 & 9:15 9: 00p m - 1:00am Page 8 TIiEARCHWAY March 3, 1972 Bryant •• Naismith Conference Co . Champs NAIA Tournament Here Fri. and Sat. by Jeff Doppelt The Bryant College Babson now in the lead. 37 - This game wou ld be no Indians will be going to the 36, Bryant began to come diffe r ent. With Ray N . A . I.A. Di s trict32 alive. Depelteau hit for two ,Depel teau and Bruce Stewari Tournament. They did it giving Bryant the lead again. dominating the boar ds, with a t'h r illing 78·65 After Babson came back with Bryant outscored Babson IS victory llfSt Friday night over a basket of their own , - 5 in a span covering the Babson. Although Bryant Depelteau scored again, this final seconds of the game. tied for first with St. Francis, time eleven secondt before When Coach Follia r d Bry~n t beat' St. Francis twice the half ended. giving Bryant emptied the bench, Bryant and there(ore gets th e a 40 . 39 lead at intermission. had a 17 point lead, 78 - 61, au ~oma tic tournament bid. The second half started off and the Naismith Conference The two teams fi nished 8 . 2 more like the first ended. Ct scoring and John Westman sparked by the big difference as Bryant Babson was; when Bryant Stewart's basket scored eight outshot their formet Photo by Sidorllk was throwing the ball away of the next ten points. co-champions 55% to 51%. and Babson started to press; However, Bryant was forced Bohan feeds to Westman as McCormack looks on when Bryant stopped fast to call time out when Babson For Bryant, it marked th€ un known who and where NAISM ITH CONFERENCE breaking and Babson started. closed to within four points tenth consecu tive game in Bryant would be playing in Final Standings Babson cut the lead to two 60 " 56, with 7:50 left in the which they he l d theil the tournament. However, as Bryant ...... 8 2 points, 33 . 31. Depelteau, game. opposition to under 70 indicative of the Bentley St. Francis ...... 8 2 who scored a career high 30 points. In that span they game, Bryant is capable of Nasson ...... 6 4 points made good on· a three Bryant has not allowed 8 allOWed an average of 59.6 beating any sm all college Gordon ...... 5 5 point play but Babson scored team to score over 70 point~ points a game. At the end of team in New England. Only Babson .... _ . .. " ..2 8 the next six points. With in nine consecutive games. the game it was still time will tell! Barrington . .. . . '1' . • 1 9

J.v. Season Was A Success NOTI~E : by Tod Allen Track Team meeting There will be a special REWARD--Sales Book and Monday, March 6, 1972, in The Bryant JV Basketball The others, in succession, meeting of The Veterans' Radio Station notes the Conference Room of the team finished the 1971-1972 were: Tracy Richardson, 196 Club on Monday. MDich 6, at borrowed . See Stephen Gymnasium at 3: 30 pm. All Season with an 8-9 record. points, 16 games and a 13.5 3:00 p.m. ' in Room 260. Balter Donn 11, Room 423. Impressive victories include average; Jim Healy , 177 candidates for the spring Important: All members the last three games of the points, 17 games and 10.6 track team should attend. attend! season in which they average; Ernie Crowell. 130 defeated Barrington, 89·60, points in 10 games for a 13.0 Bentley 77-72, and Babson average per contest; Joe 68·66. C ooney . 105 points. 16 Higb Scorers in those games and 6.2 average per contests were as follows: Joe game, and Kenny Bowman, C oo ne y. Tod Allen. and 96 points in 15 games for a Ernie Crowell with 15 points 6.06 per game average. Other MENU each against Barrington; Jim members of the 1971-1972 Heal y with 25 ve rsus B r yant Ju nior Varsity BIGMAC .SS Bentley, and Joe Cooney Basketball Team, were as OO\.eL..ECHEEN IIU RGEII M LARGE ""EHC" fRlU.35 with 15 opposing Bapson. follows: Paul Fitzgerald , OOUllLE HAMlIUI'IQER .. FR£N(:H ""lEI .. The Lo p six scprers for the Norm Trahan, Danny Martia, F1urr 0' FISH .311 API'I.E PIE .211 JV 's were Billy Goudailler CHHNlIURGER ZJ MILK .15 Tod Allen, and Jeff Zweibel. KAMlIURQOI .. COFnE .1' with 222 points, in 1? games The season, overall. was a COCA..cou-OAANGE- ROOT lIRA .1 ..... for a 13.51 average per game. success. SHAKU- CHOCOLATE, STRAWHl'IRY. VANIllA, COf'f'U .. N.A.I.A. Regionals: A First At Bryant by Michael Kata The Bryant Indians, who Eastern Nazarene College at clinched T he Na i smith 9 p.m . with the winners Co n ference 's Automatic • meeting Saturday night in N.A.I.A. berth with a 78-65 vic tor y over Ba bson last the semi-finals also at Bryant. Friday night, was chosen by The N . A.I.A. Re gi ona l Up at Keene State, Rh ode Executive Committee to be I sl a n d C o llege will pla y %odfor tlfpught one of the two host teams in QUi n n ipiac C ollege a n d the N.A. l. A . Di str ict 1 Keene State will play the Regional Playoffs. 'The other othe r Naismith Conference host team will be Keen e co·champion, St. Fra n cis. State College of New Hnmpshire. T he N. A. I. A. F r iday night w i t h t he winners m eeti n g in t he Regional Playoffs will consist semifinals up at Keene State of eight teams, four will be playing here at Bryant and on Saturday. The winners of the remaining four will play the two semifinals will meet at Keene State. on March 7 to decide who will represent District 1 (New . f0{Jln On Friday night, here at UMC'80n ~~. England) in Kansas City for 1350 HARTFORD AVE. Bryant, Boston Slate will be The National Tournament. matcbed a gainst Eastern (RT. 6), JOHNSTON, R. I. Ticket Prices are $1.50 lor 0,.0" _ .!!ttl! ,"",n . 1',,, _ ·11 'MlF.!. .. I0I0'. flU MI.. "" t Connecticut at 7 o'clock and Students with ID's and $2.50 th .. Rru",nt Inr1'an_1II. ..,;11 rar~ (",,. annlt.: