ANNELINN – PAST and PRESENT the Development of Annelinn and the Experience of the Residents

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ANNELINN – PAST and PRESENT the Development of Annelinn and the Experience of the Residents Estonian University of Life Sciences Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Department of Landscape Architecture Laura Andla ANNELINN – PAST AND PRESENT The Development of Annelinn and the Experience of the Residents Master Thesis in Landscape Architecture Supervisor: Simon Bell, PhD Tartu 2015 ABSTRACT Large housing estates were constructed during 1960s and 1980s in the former Soviet Union. At the present day these areas are seen as unpleasant living environment. However, block housing estates have still significant impact on the Central and Eastern European cities. Although there is number of researches investigating the changes in post-socialist panel housing areas, little is known about the changes in the quality of the environment. This thesis is analysing the development of Annelinn, a block housing area in Tartu, Estonia and the experience and perception of its long-term residents. The focus is on Annelinn as a living environment in the Soviet period and at the present day. It is based on face-to-face interviews with long-term residents. The main findings suggest that the most important diffrences in the environment compared to Soviet period are appearant in minor social decline, more greenery in the courtyards and improved accessability to facilities. Generally, residents feel Annelinn is a good living environment and do not believe it is turning into a slum or a ghetto in the near future. LÜHIKOKKUVÕTE Endises Nõukogude Liidus ehitati suuri paneelelamurajoone peamiselt 1960ndatest 1980ndateni. Tänasel päeval nähakse neid piirkondi tihti ebameeldiva elukeskkonnana. Siiski elamurajoonid avaldavad ka tänapäeval suurt mõju Kesk- ja Ida-Euroopa linnadele. Kuigi on terve hulk uurimusi, mis keskenduvad muutustele postsotsialistlikes paneelelamurajoonides, teatakse vähe muutustest nende elamurajoonide elukeskkonna kvaliteedis. Antud magistritöö analüüsib Annelinna, Tartus asuva paneelelamurajooni, arengut ning pikaaegsete elanike kogemust ja keskkonna taju. Töö keskendub Annelinnale kui elukeskkonnale nõukogude perioodil ja tänapäeval. Tulemused põhinevad näost-näkku intervjuudel Annelinna elanikega. Peamiste tulemuste põhjal on olulisemad erinevused võrreldes nõukogude perioodiga mõningane sotsiaalne allakäik, rohkem rohelust hoovides ja paranenud ligipääs teenustele. Vastupidiselt üldlevinud arvamusele tunnevad Annelinna elanikud, et see linnaosa oli nõukogukogude perioodil ning on ka praegu elamiseks hea keskkond ning nad ei usu, et oleks ohtu, et see piirkond hakkaks lähitulevikus getostuma. CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 5 1. BACKGROUND AND PREVIOUS RESEARCH ........................................................... 8 1.1. Development of housing estates in Central and Eastern Europe ................................ 8 1.2. Development of the apartment blocks ........................................................................ 9 1.3. Micro districts and the landscape of block housing areas......................................... 11 1.4. Large block housing areas in Soviet Estonia ............................................................ 12 1.5. Prefabricated block housing in post-socialist cities .................................................. 13 2. METHODOLOGY AND DATA COLLECTION .......................................................... 15 2.1. Methods .................................................................................................................... 15 2.2. Data collection .......................................................................................................... 15 3. RESULTS ........................................................................................................................ 17 3.1. Development of the General Plan of Annelinn ......................................................... 17 3.1.1. Housing areas ..................................................................................................... 18 3.1.2. Pedestrian streets and parking ............................................................................ 19 3.1.3. Social centre and park area................................................................................. 20 3.1.4. Changes in the General Plan of Tartu ................................................................ 20 3.2. Implementation of the General Plan of Annelinn ..................................................... 21 3.2.1. Housing areas ..................................................................................................... 21 3.2.2. Pedestrian streets and parking ............................................................................ 22 3.2.3. Social centre and park area................................................................................. 23 3.3. Experiences of Annelinn from beginning to the present plan .................................. 26 3.3.1. Moving in to Annelinn ....................................................................................... 26 Getting the apartment .................................................................................. 26 3.3.2. Everyday facilities .............................................................................................. 30 Shops in Annelinn ....................................................................................... 30 Kindergartens, schools and other facilities .................................................. 32 3.3.3. Greenery and public spaces ................................................................................ 34 Green spaces and free time spending facilities ............................................ 34 Sporting facilities and playgrounds ............................................................. 37 3.3.4. Parking and traffic .............................................................................................. 41 Cars and parking problems .......................................................................... 41 Road network and bridges ........................................................................... 42 Public transport ............................................................................................ 44 3.3.5. Housing .............................................................................................................. 44 3 Layout of the houses .................................................................................... 44 Appearance of the houses and future perspective of the residents .............. 47 3.3.6. Social situation ................................................................................................... 48 Local social relations ................................................................................... 48 Ethnic minorities and social decline ............................................................ 50 4. DISCUSSION .................................................................................................................. 52 4.1. Development and implementation of Annelinn ........................................................ 52 4.2. Perception of residents and changes in the landscape of Annelinn .......................... 53 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................... 56 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................... 58 APPENDIX ......................................................................................................................... 63 Appendix 1. Transcription of the interview with Helmi Sakkov (19.11.2014) ............... 64 Appendix 2. Categorized quotes from the interviews ...................................................... 75 4 INTRODUCTION Central and Eastern European countries were under the influence of Soviet Union for decades. Central planning system that was implemented by the authorities at that time has left its marks into the landscape and even after more than two decades since the collapse of Soviet Union, the influences of that era are still visible. One characteristic feature of the former Soviet Union countries in the Central and Eastern Europe are the large housing areas, which was a result of massive building programs intitiated by Khrushchev in the 1950s to relieve the housing shortage (Steiner, 2012). However, large housing estates were built all over Europe, not only in the Soviet Union. From 1960 to the mid 1970s over 45 million dwellings were built in estates, from which 34 million are to be found in Central and Eastern Europe. These numbers show an important material difference between Western Europe vs Central and Eastern Europe (Hall et al., 2005). A lot of people all over Europe still live in these block housing areas, which were built after the Second World War (Dekker et al., 2005). These estates were inspired by the ideas of Le Corbusier, which meant that they were supposed to be pleasent, spacious, green and light places in which to live in (Dekker & Van Kempen, 2005). However, at the present day these areas are often described as negative and unpleasant living environment (e.g. Kovács & Herfert, 2012; Uuring “Tartu ja..., 2013), because due to radical changes that have been taking place in the late 20th century, many problems have emerged in the
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