ISSN 1836-6813 1 2 ECA Office Bearers Message from the President 2009-2010 Dr Stephen Ambrose 5th January 2010 President: A Year in Perspective Stephen Ambrose
[email protected] In recent years I’ve used (a small) part of the Christmas/New Year break to reflect on the overall nature of ecological consultancy st 1 Vice-President: opportunities of the previous 12 months and, if necessary, how my Judith Rawling
[email protected] own business can service those trends. I am sure that many of you do the same. nd 2 Vice-President: Martin Denny
[email protected] As part of this year’s analysis, I’ve referred to some of the many ECA Information Emails that we received over the last 12 months, Secretary: as well as news and comments from other internet sources. One Deryk Engel
[email protected] trend that seems to be growing is the number of community groups initiating court challenges against government approvals Treasurer: of seemingly controversial development or activity applications. Public Officer: Paul Burcher The community action group is alive and well!
[email protected] Web Master: Some of the community challenges that were before the NSW Stefan Rose Land and Environment Court in 2009, and which had an ecological
[email protected] basis for the challenge, included: Councillors: Red Gum Forest Action Inc –v- Forests NSW. Mark Couston
[email protected] The Rivers SOS Alliance Inc –v- NSW Minister of Planning Michael Murray and Helensburgh Coal Pty Ltd.
[email protected] Liz Norris Newcastle and Hunter Valley Speleological Society –v- Upper
[email protected] Hunter Shire Council and Stoneco Pty Ltd.