Holmes Rolston III Endowed Chair in Environmental Ethics AOS: Environmental Ethics/Philosophy. AOC: open; Philosophy of Science (especially Biology), Science and Religion, or Philosophy of Technology desirable. The Department of Philosophy at Colorado State University invites nominations and applications for the newly inaugurated Holmes Rolston III Endowed Chair in Environmental Ethics. Rank: Associate Professor. Required qualifications: Ph.D. in Philosophy; AOS in Environmental Ethics/Philosophy; strong record of research; national and international scholarly recognition and reputation; demonstrated excellence in teaching; demonstrated commitment to service; ability to work collegially with others. Preferred qualifications: AOC in Philosophy of Science, Science and Religion, or Philosophy of Technology; ability to advance the department’s commitment to diversity and multiculturalism through research, teaching, and outreach with relevant programs, goals, and activities. Teaching load currently is 4 courses per academic year (2 courses per semester). Effective starting date is August 2016. Salary is commensurate with qualifications. Funding for research and conference travel will be available annually. To apply, go to http://jobs.colostate.edu/postings/17356 and create an account. Please submit a complete dossier, including a letter of application detailing qualifications, curriculum vitae, evidence of successful teaching (such as sample teaching evaluations or reviews), writing sample, and three current letters of recommendation. Please contact Gaylene Wolfe at
[email protected] if you have questions about the application process. To submit a nomination, send a letter detailing the nominee’s qualifications and promise to Katie McShane at
[email protected]. Applications and nominations will be accepted until the position is filled; however, to ensure full consideration nominations should be submitted by October 15, 2015 and applications by November 15, 2015.