Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru = The National Library of Wales

Cymorth chwilio | Finding Aid - Sweeney Hall Estate Records, (GB 0210 SWEALL)

Cynhyrchir gan Access to Memory (AtoM) 2.3.0 Generated by Access to Memory (AtoM) 2.3.0 Argraffwyd: Mai 05, 2017 Printed: May 05, 2017 Wrth lunio'r disgrifiad hwn dilynwyd canllawiau ANW a seiliwyd ar ISAD(G) Ail Argraffiad; rheolau AACR2; ac LCSH This description follows NLW guidelines based on ISAD(G) Second Edition; AACR2; and LCSH https://archifau.llyfrgell.cymru/index.php/sweeney-hall-estate-records archives.library .wales/index.php/sweeney-hall-estate-records

Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru = The National Library of Wales Allt Penglais Aberystwyth Ceredigion SY23 3BU

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Tabl cynnwys | Table of contents

Gwybodaeth grynodeb | Summary information ...... 3 Hanes gweinyddol / Braslun bywgraffyddol | Administrative history | Biographical sketch ...... 3 Natur a chynnwys | Scope and content ...... 3 Trefniant | Arrangement ...... 4 Nodiadau | Notes ...... 4 Pwyntiau mynediad | Access points ...... 5 Llyfryddiaeth | Bibliography ...... 5 Disgrifiad cyfres | Series descriptions ...... 5

- Tudalen | Page 2 - GB 0210 SWEALL Sweeney Hall Estate Records,

Gwybodaeth grynodeb | Summary information

Lleoliad | Repository: Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru = The National Library of Wales Teitl | Title: Sweeney Hall Estate Records, ID: GB 0210 SWEALL Virtua system control vtls004250309 number [alternative]: GEAC system control (WlAbNL)0000250309 number [alternative]: Dyddiad | Date: 1563-1876 / (dyddiad creu | date of creation) Disgrifiad ffisegol | 0.286 cubic metres (10 boxes, 10 volumes) Physical description: Dyddiadau creu, golygu a dileu | Dates of creation, revision and deletion: Nodyn | Note Title supplied from contents of fonds. [generalNote]:

Hanes gweinyddol / Braslun bywgraffyddol | Administrative history | Biographical sketch

Nodyn | Note The Sweeney Hall estate is located in , .

Natur a chynnwys | Scope and content

Estate and family records of Baker and Browne of Sweeney Hall, Oswestry, Leighton of Loton Park, Shropshire, Parker of Whitehouse, Worcestershire, and Charlton of Ludford, Herefordshire, including title deeds, 1563-1854, a volume of important papers relating to Major-General Thomas Mytton (1608-56), who served the Parliamentary cause in during the civil war; papers of Edward Lloyd of Llanforda, [c. 1660]-1681; account books of the estates of the Charlton family of Park, Shropshire, 18 cent., letter-books of Sir Henry Watkin Williams-Wynn (1783-1856), British Ambassador to Denmark,

Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru = The National Library of Wales Tudalen | Page 3 GB 0210 SWEALL Sweeney Hall Estate Records, 1831-1851, and a bundle of papers and notebooks relating to the estate of Miss Fanny Williams-Wynn who died in 1857.

Nodiadau | Notes

Nodiadau teitl | Title notes

Ffynhonnell | Immediate source of acquisition Deposited by B. E. Parker Leighton of Sweeney Hall in October 1932. Further deposits were made in 1934 and 1949.

Trefniant | Arrangement The 1932 deposit has been arranged into two groups: manuscript volumes and deeds and documents.

Cyfyngiadau ar fynediad | Restrictions on access Readers consulting modern papers in the National Library of Wales are required to sign the 'Modern papers - data protection' form.

Amodau rheoli defnydd | Conditions governing use Usual copyright laws apply.

Rhestrau cymorth | Finding aids Hard copies of the catalogue of the 1932 group are available at NLW and HMC. The remainder remains uncatalogued.

Disgrifiadau deunydd | Related material Further records are held by the Shropshire Records and Research Centre.

Ychwanegiadau | Accruals Accruals are not expected.

Nodiadau eraill | Other notes • Statws cyhoeddiad | Publication status: Published

Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru = The National Library of Wales Tudalen | Page 4 GB 0210 SWEALL Sweeney Hall Estate Records,

Pwyntiau mynediad | Access points

• Loton Park () • Whitehouse Estate (England) • Ludford Estate (England) • Sweeney Hall Estate (England) • Williams-Wynn, Henry Watkin, Sir, 1783-1856 -- Correspondence. (pwnc) | (subject) • Baker family, of Sweeney Hall -- Archives (pwnc) | (subject) • Mytton, Thomas, 1608-1656 (pwnc) | (subject) • Edward Lloyd, of Llanforda (pwnc) | (subject) • Williams-Wynn, Henry Watkin, Sir, 1783-1856 (pwnc) | (subject) • Williams-Wynn, Frances, 1773-1857 (pwnc) | (subject) • Browne family, of Sweeney Hall -- Archives • Baker family, of Sweeney Hall • Parker family, of Whitehouse • Leighton family, of Loton Park • Charlton family, of Ludford • Administration of estates -- England -- Shropshire (pwnc) | (subject) • Great Britain -- History -- Civil War, 1642-1649 (pwnc) | (subject) • Great Britain -- Foreign relations -- Denmark (pwnc) | (subject) • Denamrk -- Foreign relations -- Great Britain (pwnc) | (subject)

Llyfryddiaeth | Bibliography

Owens, B. G., 'Deposited collections, 22. Sweeney Hall manuscripts and documents', National Library of Wales Journal, vol. VI (1950-51), pp. 299-300.

Disgrifiad cyfres | Series descriptions

Cod cyfeirnod | Ref Teitl | Title Dyddiadau | Statws mynediad | Cynhwysydd | code Dates Access status Container A1-19. vtls005517181 Otherlevel - Manuscript volumes, 1597-1877. A1-19. ISYSARCHB72 Cyfres | Series A1-2. vtls005517182 ISYSARCHB72: Mytton, Charlton, Browne and Parker MSS, and early deeds, Dyddiad | Date: 1597-1785. (dyddiad creu) | (date of creation) Lleoliad ffisegol | Physical location: ARCH/MSS (GB0210) Nodyn | Note:

Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru = The National Library of Wales Tudalen | Page 5 GB 0210 SWEALL Sweeney Hall Estate Records,

Preferred citation: A1-2.

Ffeil / rhestr eitemau | File / item list Cod cyfeirnod | Ref Teitl | Title Dyddiadau | Statws mynediad | Cynhwysydd | code Dates Access status Container A1. vtls005517183 File - Mytton MSS, 1597-1690. A1. ISYSARCHB72 A2. vtls005517184 File - Charlton, Browne and Parker MSS; 1659-1785. A2. ISYSARCHB72 and five early deeds, Cyfres | Series A3-7. vtls005517185 ISYSARCHB72: Edward Lloyd's letters and memoranda, Dyddiad | Date: 1662-81. (dyddiad creu) | (date of creation) Natur a chynnwys | Scope and content: Papers mounted, interleaved, and bound in five white vellum volumes; gilt lettering; folio. It appears that the papers were acquired by Mr Stanley Leighton in one volume. Note. Some of the documents relating to Oswestry in theses volumes have been printed in Byegones and offprints have been pasted on the interleave opposite the text.

Lleoliad ffisegol | Physical location: ARCH/MSS (GB0210) Nodyn | Note: Preferred citation: A3-7.

Ffeil / rhestr eitemau | File / item list Cod cyfeirnod | Ref Teitl | Title Dyddiadau | Statws mynediad | Cynhwysydd | code Dates Access status Container A3. vtls005517186 File - Edward Lloyd's letters etc, 1676-78. A3. ISYSARCHB72 A4. vtls005517187 File - Edward Lloyd's letters etc, 1662-76. A4. ISYSARCHB72 A5. vtls005517188 File - Edward Lloyd's letter books, 1674-75. A5. ISYSARCHB72 A6. vtls005517189 File - Copies of Edward Lloyd's letters, 1679-80. A6. ISYSARCHB72 A7. vtls005517190 File - Edward Lloyd's letter book, 1681. A7. ISYSARCHB72 A8. vtls005517192 File - Rent rolls and memoranda, 1690-1767. A8. ISYSARCHB72 A9. vtls005517193 File - Account book, 1729-39. A9. ISYSARCHB72 A10. vtls005517194 File - Account book, 1736-65. A10. ISYSARCHB72 A11. vtls005517195 File - Inventory, 1761, April 2-3. A11. ISYSARCHB72

Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru = The National Library of Wales Tudalen | Page 6 GB 0210 SWEALL Sweeney Hall Estate Records, A12. vtls005517196 File - Bundle of papers and notebooks 1857. A12. ISYSARCHB72 relating to the estate of Miss Fanny Williams-Wynn, A13. vtls005517197 File - Roman inscriptions, 1877. A13. ISYSARCHB72 A14-15. vtls005517198 File - Letter books, 1831-37. A14-15. ISYSARCHB72 A16. vtls005517199 File - Letter book, 1849. A16. ISYSARCHB72 A17-19. vtls005517200 File - Sir H. Wynn's public dispatches to 1849-51. A17-19. ISYSARCHB72 the foreign secretary, B1-136. vtls005517201 Otherlevel - Deeds and documents. B1-136. ISYSARCHB72 Cyfres | Series vtls005517202 ISYSARCHB72: Deeds and documents, Dyddiad | Date: 1562/3-1620. (dyddiad creu) | (date of creation)

Ffeil / rhestr eitemau | File / item list Cod cyfeirnod | Ref Teitl | Title Dyddiadau | Statws mynediad | Cynhwysydd | code Dates Access status Container B17. vtls005517203 File - Deed (copy) to lead the uses of 1562/3, Jan. 16. B17. ISYSARCHB72 a fine of a capital messuage called The Ferme or Parke of Whittington ..., B19. vtls005517204 File - Copy of No. 17, 1562/3, Jan. 16. B19. ISYSARCHB72 B21. vtls005517205 File - Exemplification of the fine 1562/3, March B21. ISYSARCHB72 specified in No. 17, 12. B57. vtls005517206 File - Grant of two parcels of land called 1563, May 28. B57. ISYSARCHB72 Coytkay Wirgloth Egnion (twelve acres) in a field called Mayes y brynn glybe ..., B18. vtls005517207 File - Feoffment of the property specified 1571, June 15. B18. ISYSARCHB72 in No. 17, B22. vtls005517208 File - Copy of No. 18, 1571, June 15. B22. ISYSARCHB72 B87. vtls005517209 File - Grant of messuages and lands 1571, July 20. B87. ISYSARCHB72 in Porkington and Whittington alias Whittington, being a parcel of the manor of Whittingdon alias ..., B88. vtls005517210 File - Copy of No. 87, 1571, July 20. B88. ISYSARCHB72 B86. vtls005517211 File - Mortgage for £26 of a close of land 1587/8, Jan. 9. B86. ISYSARCHB72 called Erw y Bvarth in the township of Porkynton, B85. vtls005517212 File - Bond for the quiet enjoyment and 1587/8, Jan. 9. B85. ISYSARCHB72 for the further assurance of the property specified in No. 86, B84. vtls005517213 File - Mortgage (counterpart) for £56 of 1588, Oct. 1. B84. ISYSARCHB72 two closes of land called Cae Mawr and Cae'r Pwll, being parcel of a farm ..., B79. vtls005517214 File - Final Concord in a fine levied 1588/9, Hilary B79. ISYSARCHB72 between David Hanmer and George term. Spurstowe, plaintiffs, and Hugh ap John Wynne, gent,. deforciant ...,

Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru = The National Library of Wales Tudalen | Page 7 GB 0210 SWEALL Sweeney Hall Estate Records, B80. vtls005517215 File - Counterpart of No. 79, 1588/9, Hilary B80. ISYSARCHB72 term. B82. vtls005517216 File - Mortgage for £169. 6s. of eight 1589/90, Jan. B82. ISYSARCHB72 closes called Cae Mawre, Cae'r Pwll, 24. Cae'r Pante, Cae'r lloye, Cae'r Berllan, Cae Gwyn ..., B81. vtls005517217 File - Declaration of the uses of the fine 1589/90, March B81. ISYSARCHB72 specified in no. 79, 1. B83. vtls005517218 File - Counterpart of No. 81, 1589/90, March B83. ISYSARCHB72 1. B59. vtls005517219 File - Grant of a messuage in the 1590, Aug. 30. B59. ISYSARCHB72 occupation of Margaret Veghan, a garden and parcels of lands (three acres) adjoining thereto ..., B58. vtls005517220 File - Power Of Attorney from David 1590, Aug. 30. B58. ISYSARCHB72 Edwards of Oswestry, co. Salop, gent., to David ap John ap Richard of Weston, yeoman ..., B91. vtls005517221 File - Grant of a capital messuage and 1591, April 26. B91. ISYSARCHB72 parcels of land called Square Leasowe, Brromy Leasowe, Cay Gwyn, Cay Pont, Vaygh Raymell ..., B89. vtls005517222 File - Grant of the property specified in 1591, Sept. 25. B89. ISYSARCHB72 No. 91, B60. vtls005517223 File - Counterpart of No. 89, 1591, Sept. 25. B60. ISYSARCHB72 B93. vtls005517224 File - Bond of the observance of 1591, Sept. 95. B93. ISYSARCHB72 covenants contained in No. 89, B92. vtls005517225 File - Grant of the property specified in 1591, Sept. 26. B92. ISYSARCHB72 No. 89, B90. vtls005517226 File - Grant of the property specified in [1591], Dec. 17. B90. ISYSARCHB72 No. 91, B95. vtls005517227 File - Exemplification (copy) of the 1591/2, Feb. 7. B95. ISYSARCHB72 recovery suffered between Michaell Chamber and Richard Owen, gentlemen, demandants, and Edward Owen, gent., tenant, of ..., B94. vtls005517228 File - Grant, with the reservation of a fee- 1593, May 1. B94. ISYSARCHB72 farm rent, of the property specified in No. 91, B78. vtls005517229 File - Probate of the will of Edward 1597, Oct. 4. B78. ISYSARCHB72 ap David ap William of the parish of Syllatin, co. Salop, yeoman, B146. vtls005517230 File - Assignment of a lease of a close of 1602, June 29. B146. ISYSARCHB72 land called Longfeilde Crosse, situate in Longefeilde, B77. vtls005517231 File - Release of a messuage called 1602, Dec. 14. B77. ISYSARCHB72 Brynybara or John Wynne Meredythes house or ferme with appurtenances in the townships of Porkinton ..., B145. vtls005517232 File - Grant of messuages and lands 1603, Oct. 13. B145. ISYSARCHB72 in Coates, Rushbyrue, and Eaton alias Eyton, B76. vtls005517233 File - Instructions of Mr Albany in his 1606-27. B76. ISYSARCHB72 business with Mr Atkyns, consisting

Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru = The National Library of Wales Tudalen | Page 8 GB 0210 SWEALL Sweeney Hall Estate Records, of the abstract of a number of deeds relative ..., B65. vtls005517234 File - Grant of special livery to Richard 1608, Dec. 3. B65. ISYSARCHB72 Blunden, gent., son and next heir of Andrew Blunden, esq, B161. vtls005517235 File - Covenant (copy) to stand seised of 1610, Aug. 26. B161. ISYSARCHB72 messuages and lands in the township of Kyneyston, B159. vtls005517236 File - Grant of a tenement and two 1611, April 5. B159. ISYSARCHB72 parcels of land called Stodsoke and Swyneleazowe in Petowe, formerly appertaining to the moanstery ..., B61. vtls005517237 File - Lease for 13 years of three parcels 1613, June 22. B61. ISYSARCHB72 of land called Reesfyelde, Whitfyelde, and litle moore, situate in Sweney, B62. vtls005517238 File - Lease for 80 years of a messuage 1613, Sept. 24. B62. ISYSARCHB72 and parcels of land called the litle leasowe, the litle Moore, Kay yr ..., B63. vtls005517239 File - Grant of two leasows called Rees 1616, Sept. 1. B63. ISYSARCHB72 fylde and Whyte feilde in Swynney, B64. vtls005517240 File - Mortgage of a capital messuage in 1617, July 4. B64. ISYSARCHB72 Measbury aforesaid, with appurtenances in Measbury, Pentre Coyed, Sweney, Weston, and Cotton, together with ..., B49. vtls005517241 File - Mortgage for £140 of a tenement 1617, Aug. 19. B49. ISYSARCHB72 in Swynney, with appurtenances in Swynney and Llynklis, and two parcels of land called ..., B35. vtls005517242 File - Counterpart of No. 49, 1617, Aug. 19. B35. ISYSARCHB72 B50. vtls005517243 File - Grant, in consideration of the 1618, Nov. 4. B50. ISYSARCHB72 marriages of the said Robert Kyffin and Anne, daughter of the said Edward ap Hughe ..., B104. vtls005517244 File - Exemplification of judgement in 1620, Nov. 28. B104. ISYSARCHB72 the plea of Thomas Baker, tithe-farmer of the town of Sweney in the parish of Oswestry ..., Cyfres | Series vtls005517245 ISYSARCHB72: Deeds and documents, Dyddiad | Date: 1621/2-1663. (dyddiad creu) | (date of creation)

Ffeil / rhestr eitemau | File / item list Cod cyfeirnod | Ref Teitl | Title Dyddiadau | Statws mynediad | Cynhwysydd | code Dates Access status Container B102. vtls005517246 File - Lease for 21 years of a messuage 1621/2, March B102. ISYSARCHB72 and parcels of land called the Little 23. Leasowe, the Little moore, Kay yr ..., B43. vtls005517247 File - Grant of parcels of land called 1622, April 8. B43. ISYSARCHB72 Maes y kyvie (twenty acres), kay yr gwythell (eight acres), Dole y Cavnye (eight ...,

Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru = The National Library of Wales Tudalen | Page 9 GB 0210 SWEALL Sweeney Hall Estate Records, B101. vtls005517248 File - Grant of a capital messuage and 1623, Sept. 20. B101. ISYSARCHB72 three other messuages in Swynney, B103. vtls005517249 File - Exemplification of the final 1623, Oct. 9. B103. ISYSARCHB72 concord in a fine levied between Thomas Baker, plaintiff, and Arthur Chambre the elder, esq., and ..., B100. vtls005517250 File - Grant of two closes of land called 1623/4, March B100. ISYSARCHB72 kay vch pen vellin, together with an acre 13. and a half in a ..., B99. vtls005517251 File - Bond for the observance of 1623/4, March B99. ISYSARCHB72 covenants, 22. B66. vtls005517252 File - Note of lands in the town filed in 1625, March 31. B66. ISYSARCHB72 Bishops Castle, [co. Salop]. Endorsed 'Charles Bright', B54. vtls005517253 File - Mortgage for £200 of the property 1633, May 9. B54. ISYSARCHB72 specified in No. 49 (Aug. 1617), B98. vtls005517254 File - Probate of the will of Thomas 1629, Oct. 31. B98. ISYSARCHB72 Baker of Sweeney, co. Salop, and diocese of St. Asaph, gent, B197. vtls005517255 File - Grant (in consideration of the 1640/1, Feb. 6. B197. ISYSARCHB72 marriage of the said Edward Vaughan and Elizabeth Kyffin, one of the daughters of the ..., B44. vtls005517256 File - Mortgage for £100 of a parcel of 1646/7, Feb. 23. B44. ISYSARCHB72 land called y cae Coch (six acres) in Llynck[lis], and two parcels of ..., B118. vtls005517257 File - Grant of a coat of arms by William 1649, Oct. 14. B118. ISYSARCHB72 Ryley, esq., Norroy King of Arms, to Thomas Baker of Swaney, co ..., B198. vtls005517258 File - Lease for 21 years of a messuage 1650, Nov. 23. B198. ISYSARCHB72 and parcels of land in Llincklis, B75. vtls005517259 File - Abstract Of Title to the farm and 1652-1716. B75. ISYSARCHB72 demesne land of Parkhall, co. Salop, B158. vtls005517260 File - Final Concord in a fine levied 1655, Trinity B158. ISYSARCHB72 between Richard Walker, plaintiff, term. and James Hill and Joane, his wife, deforciants, when the ..., B41. vtls005517261 File - Mortgage for £80 of three parcels 1655, Nov. 8. B41. ISYSARCHB72 of land called y Coppy vcha, y kay Crwnn, and y kay kannol, situate ..., B42. vtls005517262 File - Counterpart of No. 41, 1655, Nov. 8. B42. ISYSARCHB72 B38. vtls005517263 File - Mortgage of five closes of land 1657, June 6. B38. ISYSARCHB72 called the vauch, kay ffynnon vcha, kay ffynnon issa, the coppie, and weirglodd goch ..., B39. vtls005517264 File - Counterpart of No. 38, 1657, June 6. B39. ISYSARCHB72 B37. vtls005517265 File - Receipt from Robert Kyffin of 1657, June 6. B37. ISYSARCHB72 Sweeney, co. Salop, gent., to Andrew Lloyd of Aston, esq., for the sum of £100 ..., B181. vtls005517266 File - Final Concord in a fine levied 1657, morrow B181. ISYSARCHB72 between Andrew Lloyd, esq., plaintif, of St. Martin.

Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru = The National Library of Wales Tudalen | Page 10 GB 0210 SWEALL Sweeney Hall Estate Records, and Robert Kyffin, gent., and Elizabeth, his wife, deforciants ..., B182. vtls005517267 File - Counterpart of No. 181, 1657, morrow B182. ISYSARCHB72 of St. Martin. B157. vtls005517268 File - Grant of the moiety of a messuage 1658, Oct. 24. B157. ISYSARCHB72 and two closes of land called Stodsoke and Swines leasowe in Peytoe aforesaid ..., B1-2. vtls005517269 File - Lease And Release (mortgage for 1658, Dec. B1-2. ISYSARCHB72 £500) of messuages, tenements, and 21-22. lands in Trehellige, co. Montgomery, B3. vtls005517270 File - Counterpart of No. 1, 1658, Dec. 21. B3. ISYSARCHB72 B4. vtls005517271 File - Bond for the observance of 1658, Dec. 22. B4. ISYSARCHB72 covenants contained in No. 2, B56. vtls005517272 File - Mortgage for £100 of a watercorn 1658/9, March B56. ISYSARCHB72 mill and a parcel of land called y 12. llannerch in Sweeney, B55. vtls005517273 File - Mortgage for £100 of a mansion 1658/9, March B55. ISYSARCHB72 house and a close of land called Croft y 12. Scubor in Sweeney, B201. vtls005517274 File - Counterpart of No. 200, 1658/9, March B201. ISYSARCHB72 12. B199. vtls005517275 File - Bond for the observance of 1660/1, Jan. 19. B199. ISYSARCHB72 covenants contained in No. 200, B51. vtls005517276 File - Grant of a tenement and parcels of 1662/3, Jan. 21. B51. ISYSARCHB72 land called Croft y Skybor, kay tan y ty, and errw yr tir ..., B53. vtls005517277 File - Assignment of a mortgage of three 1662/3, Jan. 21. B53. ISYSARCHB72 closes of land in Sweeney aforesaid, B52. vtls005517278 File - Bond for the observance of 1662/3, Jan. 21. B52. ISYSARCHB72 covenants contained in No. 53, B47. vtls005517279 File - Lease for six months of five parcels 1662/3, Feb. 15. B47. ISYSARCHB72 of land called vauch, kay ffynnon vcha, kay ffynnon issa, the coppie, and ..., B48. vtls005517280 File - Grant of the property specified in 1662/3, Feb. 18. B48. ISYSARCHB72 No. 47, B46. vtls005517281 File - Bond for the observance of 1662/3, Feb. 18. B46. ISYSARCHB72 covenants contained in No. 48, B36. vtls005517282 File - Grant of a capital messuage or 1662/3, Feb. 28. B36. ISYSARCHB72 dwelling-house called Sweeney halle, and closes of land called kay dan y ty, groft ..., B67. vtls005517283 File - Mortgage, by way of demise, of a 1662/3, March B67. ISYSARCHB72 messuage and several parcels of land in 19. the parish of Eaton Socon, co ..., B40. vtls005517284 File - Grant of a parcel of land called 1663, May 9. B40. ISYSARCHB72 kay Coch in Llynklis, and two parcels of meadow called dol dwmlin (four ..., B202. vtls005517285 File - Grant of a parcel of land called Kay 1663, May 23. B202. ISYSARCHB72 coche (six acres) in Llyncklis, and two meadows called dol dwmlin (four ..., B120-21. File - Lease And Release, (to provide 1663, July 1-2. B120-21. vtls005517286 a jointure for Elizabeth Baker, wife of ISYSARCHB72 Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru = The National Library of Wales Tudalen | Page 11 GB 0210 SWEALL Sweeney Hall Estate Records, the said Thomas Baker), of a capital messuage ..., B5. vtls005517287 File - Receipt from Richard Herbert, 1663, Dec. 2. B5. ISYSARCHB72 husband of Florence Herbert, to Sir JoBCharlton of Ludford, co. Hereford, kt., Chief Justice of Chester ..., Cyfres | Series vtls005517288 ISYSARCHB72: Deeds and documents, Dyddiad | Date: 1667-94. (dyddiad creu) | (date of creation)

Ffeil / rhestr eitemau | File / item list Cod cyfeirnod | Ref Teitl | Title Dyddiadau | Statws mynediad | Cynhwysydd | code Dates Access status Container B298. vtls005517289 File - Abstract Of Title of Mrs Ann 1667-1801. B298. ISYSARCHB72 Carver to an estate called Nant in the parish of Oswestry, co. Salop, B20. vtls005517290 File - Final Concord in a fine levied 1667. B20. ISYSARCHB72 between Rees Haynes, plaintiff, and Edward Powys, gent., and Mary, his wife, deforciants, when ..., B219. vtls005517291 File - Probate Of THE will of Wiliam 1669, May 4. B219. ISYSARCHB72 Gough late of Sweeney, co. Salop, gent., deceased, B203. vtls005517292 File - Articles Of Agreement respecting 1669, May 13. B203. ISYSARCHB72 the marriage of 1 and 3, B191. vtls005517293 File - Receipt from Will. Yates to Sir 1673. June 26. B191. ISYSARCHB72 JoBCharlton for the sum of £1000, to the use of Thomas Hanmer, esq., being ..., B72. vtls005517294 File - Lease (counterpart) of two 1673, Dec. 26. B72. ISYSARCHB72 messuages and several parcels of land in the parish of Bishops Castle, B110. vtls005517295 File - Articles Of Agreement for the lease 1674/5. B110. ISYSARCHB72 of a house and smith's shop in Bishops Castle. Enclosed is a bond of ..., B119. vtls005517296 File - Probate of the will of Thomas 1675, July 17. B119. ISYSARCHB72 Baker of Swinney, co. Salop, esq. will dated July 8, 1663, B187. vtls005517297 File - Grant of four acres of land in 1675, Oct. 21. B187. ISYSARCHB72 Cowhorne parva, B122. vtls005517298 File - Survey (copy) of the manor of 1677, May 2. B122. ISYSARCHB72 Knockin, [co. Salop], B284. vtls005517299 File - Decree in chancery in the suit 1677, May 3. B284. ISYSARCHB72 of Mary Carne, widow and execturix of Thomas Carne, junior, dec., and Elizabeth Carne ..., B185-86. File - Lease And Release of a capital 1680, April B185-86. vtls005517300 messuage called Sweeney hall, and one 9-10. ISYSARCHB72 other messuage, a water corn mill, and parcels ..., B45. vtls005517301 File - Bond for the observance of 1680, April 10. B45. ISYSARCHB72 covenants, B178. vtls005517302 File - Final Concord in a fine levied 1680, morrow B178. ISYSARCHB72 between Richard Salter, gent., plaintiff, of Holy Trinity.

Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru = The National Library of Wales Tudalen | Page 12 GB 0210 SWEALL Sweeney Hall Estate Records, and Robert Owen, kt., deforciant when the deforciant acknowledged ..., B195. vtls005517303 File - Lease for one year of the manor of 1680, Aug. 26. B195. ISYSARCHB72 Ludford, a capital messuage in Ludford, messuages and lands in the parish ..., B69. vtls005517304 File - Lease for one year of messuages 1680, Oct. 4. B69. ISYSARCHB72 and lands in the parish of Churchstoake, co. Montgomery, B111. vtls005517305 File - Attested Copies of two receipts, 1680, Oct. 22. B111. ISYSARCHB72 dated Oct. 22, 1680, and Aug. 7, 1684, from Henry Charlton, citizen and merchant of ..., B188. vtls005517306 File - Exemplification of the recovery 1681/2, Feb. 13. B188. ISYSARCHB72 suffered between William Bridges, gent., demandant, and Thomas Twittey the younger, gent., tenant, of one messuage ..., B281. vtls005517307 File - Declaration of the uses of a 1682, April 1. B281. ISYSARCHB72 recovery of a messuage and lands in Little Cowarne aforesaid, B189. vtls005517308 File - Receipts (2) from Susanna 1682, Sept. B189. ISYSARCHB72 Charlton to Sir JoBCharlton, one of the Justice of the Court of Common Pleas, for two ..., B268. vtls005517309 File - Statute Staple for the sum of £1600 1684, June 21. B268. ISYSARCHB72 from Thomas Browne the younger of Sweeney, co. Salop, gent., to Elizabeth Dowglas ..., B266. vtls005517310 File - Agreement to make void the statute 1684, June 21. B266. ISYSARCHB72 staple specified in No. 268 on payment of the sum of £840, B233. vtls005517311 File - Articles Of Agreement respecting 1684, Nov. 26. B233. ISYSARCHB72 the intended marriage of the said William Grifith and Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the said Daniel ..., B168-69. File - Lease And Release of a messuage 1685, April B168-69. vtls005517312 and a little house in Kynaston, 13-14. ISYSARCHB72 B160. vtls005517313 File - Assignment of a bond for the 1685, April 14. B160. ISYSARCHB72 payment of the sum of £5, with power of attorney to receive the said ..., B204-05. File - Lease And Release of a close 1685/6, Feb. B204-05. vtls005517314 of land called Kae yr ffynnon in the 2-3. ISYSARCHB72 township of Llyncklis, B6. vtls005517315 File - Letters Of Administration of 1686, April 23. B6. ISYSARCHB72 the estate of William Charlton late of Lincolnes Inne, co. Middlsex, and of Ludford, co. Hereford ..., B7. vtls005517316 File - Letters Patent granted to Sir 1686, May 3. B7. ISYSARCHB72 JoBCharlton, kt., serjeant at law, dispensing with part of the oath of attendance at the ..., B13. vtls005517317 File - Quietus to Sir JoBCharlton of 1686, May 31. B13. ISYSARCHB72 Ludford, co. Hereford, bart., for the sum

Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru = The National Library of Wales Tudalen | Page 13 GB 0210 SWEALL Sweeney Hall Estate Records, of £1095 for the maintenance of thirty soldiers ..., B162. vtls005517318 File - Deed to lead the uses of a fine of a 1686, Oct. 4. B162. ISYSARCHB72 messuage and lands in Kynaston, B190. vtls005517319 File - Receipt from Thomas Bright to Sir 1686, Oct. 25. B190. ISYSARCHB72 JoBCharlton for the sum of £20, to the use of Mary Charlton, B194. vtls005517320 File - Letter: Will. Oakeley at Oak[? 1687/8, Feb. 7. B194. ISYSARCHB72 ley] to the Hon. Sir JoBCharlton, bart., Chief Justice of Chester, requesting the delivery of a ..., B163. vtls005517321 File - Lease, to indemnify (2) against 1688, July 11. B163. ISYSARCHB72 certain obligations, of the property specified in No. 162, B232. vtls005517322 File - Assignment of a capital messuage 1690, May 2. B232. ISYSARCHB72 called Nant together with parcels of land in Sweeney, co. Salop, held in lieu of ..., B239. vtls005517323 File - Assignment of a messuage called 1691, Sept. 5. B239. ISYSARCHB72 Nant and parcels of land in the parish of Oswestry, co. Salop, held in lieu ..., B184. vtls005517324 File - Deed to lead the uses of a fine of a 1692, April 8. B184. ISYSARCHB72 messuage in Swiney, with appurtenances in Swiney aforesaid and in ..., B179. vtls005517325 File - Final Concord in a fine levied 1692, Easter B179. ISYSARCHB72 between Peirce Reignalde and John term. Oliver, gentlemen, plaintiffs, and Thomas Browne the elder, gent ..., B180. vtls005517326 File - Counterpart of No. 179, 1692, Easter B180. ISYSARCHB72 term. B183. vtls005517327 File - Exemplification of the recovery 1692, June 15. B183. ISYSARCHB72 suffered between Edward Owen and Peirce Lloyd, esquires, demandants and Peirce Reignelde and John Oliver, gentlemen ..., B196. vtls005517328 File - Exemplification of the final 1694, June 8. B196. ISYSARCHB72 concord in a fine levied between Thomas Hanmer, esq., and Thomas Hunt, gent., plaintiffs, and JoBCharlton ..., B237. vtls005517329 File - Assignment of a judgement for the 1694, Dec. 24. B237. ISYSARCHB72 payment of the sum of £400, Cyfres | Series vtls005517330 ISYSARCHB72: Deeds and documents, Dyddiad | Date: 1695-1713. (dyddiad creu) | (date of creation)

Ffeil / rhestr eitemau | File / item list Cod cyfeirnod | Ref Teitl | Title Dyddiadau | Statws mynediad | Cynhwysydd | code Dates Access status Container B257. vtls005517331 File - Release, to make a tenant to the 1695, Oct. 2. B257. ISYSARCHB72 preacipe for the suffering of a recovery of parcels of land called Ye ..., B231. vtls005517332 File - Exemplification of a recovery 1695/6, Feb. 12. B231. ISYSARCHB72 suffered between John Cotes and Francis Hayes, gentlemen, demandants, and

Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru = The National Library of Wales Tudalen | Page 14 GB 0210 SWEALL Sweeney Hall Estate Records, Robie Sherwin and Henry Morrice, gentlemen ..., B164. vtls005517333 File - General Release from Edward 1695/6, March B164. ISYSARCHB72 Jones of Treprennoll, co. Salop, gent., 13. son and heir of Edward Jones late of Trepennoll, gent ..., B112. vtls005517334 File - Release from Gilbert Charlton, 1697, Oct. 7. B112. ISYSARCHB72 esq., one of the sons of Sir JoBCharlton, late of Ludford, co. Hereford, kt., and bart ..., B113. vtls005517335 File - Transferrence of the sum of £2,737. after 1697. B113. ISYSARCHB72 10s. 7d., being a moiety of the said Sir JoBCharleton's credit in the General ..., B15. vtls005517336 File - Letters Patent appointing Francis 1698, Dec. 22. B15. ISYSARCHB72 Charlton, bart., to be sheriff of co. Salop, B16. vtls005517337 File - Letters Patent being a mandate to 1698, Dec. 22. B16. ISYSARCHB72 the inhabitants of Shropshire to support Francis Charlton, bart., as sheriff, B8. vtls005517338 File - Covenant for the security of the 1698/9, Jan. 23. B8. ISYSARCHB72 said gaol, B9. vtls005517339 File - Bond for the observance of the 1698/9, Jan. 23. B9. ISYSARCHB72 covenants specified in No. 8, B11. vtls005517340 File - Appointment by Sir Francis 1698/9, Feb. 3. B11. ISYSARCHB72 Charlton of Ludford, co. Hereford, bart., sheriff of co. Salop, of Benjamin Karver of , co ..., B165-66. File - Lease And Release (to provide 1699/1700, Jan. B165-66. vtls005517341 a jointure for Elizabeth, wife of the 29-30. ISYSARCHB72 said William Jones), of a messuage and several ..., B167. vtls005517342 File - Final Concord in a fine levied 1699/1700, B167. ISYSARCHB72 between Simon Hanmer and Roger morrow of the Gethyn, plaintiffs, and William Jones, Purification deforciant, when the deforciant ..., of the Virgin Mary. B131. vtls005517343 File - Articles Of Exchange of lands in 1700, May 28. B131. ISYSARCHB72 the township of Kynaston. Subscribed is a bond of even date from the said ..., B192. vtls005517344 File - Receipt for a legacy of £50, 1700, Nov. 16. B192. ISYSARCHB72 B193. vtls005517345 File - Receipt for a legacy of £50, 1701/2, Jan. 24. B193. ISYSARCHB72 B267. vtls005517346 File - Assignment of the statute staple 1702, June 19. B267. ISYSARCHB72 specified in No. 268, B260-61. File - Lease And Release, (in 1702, Dec. B260-61. vtls005517347 consideration of the marriage of the 17-18. ISYSARCHB72 said Edward Lloyd and Elizabeth, sole daughter and child of ..., B263. vtls005517348 File - Duplicate copy of No. 261, 1702, Dec. B263. ISYSARCHB72 17-18. B129. vtls005517349 File - Articles Of Agreement executed 1703, June 2. B129. ISYSARCHB72 between the inhabitants and freeholders of the township of Kynaston, co. Salop, for the enclosyure of ...,

Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru = The National Library of Wales Tudalen | Page 15 GB 0210 SWEALL Sweeney Hall Estate Records, B170. vtls005517350 File - Will of Richard Salter of the town 1703, July 6. B170. ISYSARCHB72 of , co. Salop, esq, B216. vtls005517351 File - Will (copy) of Thomas Browne of 1703/4, Jan. 22. B216. ISYSARCHB72 Sweeney Hall, co. Salop, esq, B74. vtls005517352 File - Lease (counterpart) for 99 years of 1704, March 25. B74. ISYSARCHB72 a messuage in Berghill in the parish of Whittington, B270. vtls005517353 File - Assignment of the statute staple 1704, May 19. B270. ISYSARCHB72 specified in No. 268, B269. vtls005517354 File - Bond for the observance of 1704, May 19. B269. ISYSARCHB72 covenants contained in No. 270, B115. vtls005517355 File - Receipt to Sir Francis Charlton for 1704, June 20. B115. ISYSARCHB72 the sum of £24. 5s., being a fine suffered in respect of manors, messuages ..., B272. vtls005517356 File - Release, by way of assignment of 1705, Aug. 4. B272. ISYSARCHB72 mortgage, of parcels of land in Sweeney, B271. vtls005517357 File - Assignment of the statute staple 1705, Aug. 4. B271. ISYSARCHB72 specified in No. 268, B273. vtls005517358 File - Covenant to make void the statute 1705, Sept. 29. B273. ISYSARCHB72 staple specified in No. 271, on the payment of the sum of £547. 10s ..., B262. vtls005517359 File - Exemplification of a recovery 1706, May 6. B262. ISYSARCHB72 suffered between Daniel Browne, Nathaniel Browne, Edward Lloyd, gent., and Richard Atcherley, gent., demandants, and Edward ..., B172. vtls005517360 File - Will (copy) of Richard Salter of the 1706/7, March B172. ISYSARCHB72 town of Shrewsbury, co. Salop, esq, 15. B173. vtls005517361 File - Copy of the original of No. 172, 1706/7, March B173. ISYSARCHB72 15. B314. vtls005517362 File - Schedule of deeds and documents 1707-63. B314. ISYSARCHB72 necessary for the preparation of a title to the estates of John Kinchant, esq., and ..., B171. vtls005517363 File - Will (copy) of Edward Salter of 1710, Dec. 9. B171. ISYSARCHB72 the town of Shrewsbury, co. Salop, merchant, B285. vtls005517364 File - Will (copy), with codicil dated 1710/11, March B285. ISYSARCHB72 March 7, 1710/11, of Edward Turnor, 2. rector of Ernesbury, co. Huntingdon, B274. vtls005517365 File - Assignment in trust of the statute 1711, April 23. B274. ISYSARCHB72 staple specified in No. 268, B114. vtls005517366 File - General Release from John 1712, Dec. 22. B114. ISYSARCHB72 Baldwyn of Ludlow, co. Salop, gent., to Sir Francis Charleton of Ludford, co. Hereford, bart, B174. vtls005517367 File - Probate (copy) of the will of 1713, April 9. B174. ISYSARCHB72 Richard Salter of Shrewsbury, co. Salop, merchant, B175. vtls005517368 File - Copy of the original of No. 174, 1713, April 9. B175. ISYSARCHB72 Cyfres | Series vtls005517369 ISYSARCHB72: Deeds and documents, Dyddiad | Date: [?1717]-40. (dyddiad creu) | (date of creation)

Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru = The National Library of Wales Tudalen | Page 16 GB 0210 SWEALL Sweeney Hall Estate Records, Ffeil / rhestr eitemau | File / item list Cod cyfeirnod | Ref Teitl | Title Dyddiadau | Statws mynediad | Cynhwysydd | code Dates Access status Container B292. vtls005517370 File - Letter: Cha. Knipe, [husband of [?1717], Dec. B292. ISYSARCHB72 Ann Powel, Thomas Powell's daughter], 27. at Park, to Sir Francis Charleton, requesting the payment of ..., B289. vtls005517371 File - Letters (2): Francis Charlton to 1718, July 2-7. B289. ISYSARCHB72 the bailiffs and the gentlemen of the corporation of Ludlow, concerning fishing rights on the ..., B116. vtls005517372 File - Affidavit of Sir Francis Charlton of 1721/2, March B116. ISYSARCHB72 Ludford, co. Hereford, bart., touching his 13. intended disposal of his estate, B306. vtls005517373 File - Memoranda relative to the Park 1723-27. B306. ISYSARCHB72 estate, B282. vtls005517374 File - Codicil to the will of Sir Francis 1723, Sept. 6. B282. ISYSARCHB72 Charlton, bart., touching two meadows called the Castle Meadows in the parish of ..., B230. vtls005517375 File - Will of Sir Francis Charlton of 1725, July 17. B230. ISYSARCHB72 Ludford, co. Hereford, bart, B294. vtls005517376 File - Bond for the payment of the sum of 1725, Sept. 1. B294. ISYSARCHB72 £2400, being part of the purchase money of the Park estate, to ..., B295. vtls005517377 File - Copy of No. 294, 1725, Sept. 1. B295. ISYSARCHB72 B291. vtls005517378 File - Statement of account due from 1725, Oct. 2. B291. ISYSARCHB72 Sir Francis Charlton to H. Jenks, for the purchase of the Park estate and other ..., B293. vtls005517379 File - Power Of Attorney from Sir 1725/6, Feb. 15. B293. ISYSARCHB72 Francis Charlton of Ludford, co. Hereford, bart., to James Marsh of Ludlow, co. Salop, writing ..., B283. vtls005517380 File - Will (draft) of Mary Carne of 1726. B283. ISYSARCHB72 Ludford, co. Hereford, widow, B287. vtls005517381 File - Will (copy) of Sir Drancis Charlton 1726, Sept. 30. B287. ISYSARCHB72 of Ludford, co. Hereford, bart, B288. vtls005517382 File - Another Copy of the original of 1726, Sept. 30. B288. ISYSARCHB72 No. 287, B229. vtls005517383 File - Will of Sir Francis Charlton of 1726, Sept. 30. B229. ISYSARCHB72 Ludford, co. Hereford, bart. proved May 12, 1729, B244-45. File - Lease And Release (mortgage) of 1726, Dec. B244-45. vtls005517384 a capital messuage called Nant in the 12-13. ISYSARCHB72 township of Sweeny, parcels of land called the ..., B242-43. File - Lease And Release, by way of 1729, June 2-3. B242-43. vtls005517385 assignment of mortgage, of the property ISYSARCHB72 specified in Nos. 244-5, B264. vtls005517386 File - Mortgage, by way of a demise for 1729, July 11. B264. ISYSARCHB72 100 years, of the property specified in No. 260-1 (Dec. 17-18, 1702),

Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru = The National Library of Wales Tudalen | Page 17 GB 0210 SWEALL Sweeney Hall Estate Records, B176-77. File - Lease And Release of a capital 1730, July 1-2. B176-77. vtls005517387 messuage in Swinney and Kunuklas, ISYSARCHB72 B296. vtls005517388 File - Articles Of Agreement for the lease 1730, July 22. B296. ISYSARCHB72 for nine years of veins of coal under two parcels of land called Cay ..., B275. vtls005517389 File - Articles Of Agreement (copy) for 1730, Nov. 16. B275. ISYSARCHB72 the conveyance of freehold messuages and lands in Swiney, Weston Cotton, Measbury, and Oswestry, B276-77. File - Lease And Release (the lease 1731, Oct. 1-2. B276-77. vtls005517390 being a copy) of a capital messuage, ISYSARCHB72 messuages, cottages, and lands in Sweeney, Weston Cottonm ..., B73. vtls005517391 File - Lease (counterpart) for 21 years of 1734/5, Feb. 4. B73. ISYSARCHB72 parcels of land called Kai Glishans and a croft in the parish of Ifton ..., B246-47. File - Lease And Release, to make a 1735, Oct. B246-47. vtls005517392 tenant to the preacipe for the suffering of 15-16. ISYSARCHB72 a recovery, of a capital messuage ..., B248. vtls005517393 File - Exemplification of a recovery 1735, Nov. 28. B248. ISYSARCHB72 suffered between Robert Morris, gent., demandant, and Samuel Wilkinson, gent., tenant, of one messuage, two gardens ..., B70. vtls005517394 File - Power Of Attorney from the 1736/7, Jan. 8. B70. ISYSARCHB72 plaintiffs and Sir Blunden Charlton to Benjamin Karver of Ludlow, co. Salop, gent., to recover ..., B71. vtls005517395 File - Lease for 99 years of a messuage 1738, Oct. 14. B71. ISYSARCHB72 called New House in Broad Street, Ludlow, B105-06. File - Lease And Release of the estate 1739/40, Feb. B105-06. vtls005517396 of the said Robert Lloyd, deceased, in 18-19. ISYSARCHB72 the parishes of Oswestry, Whittington, Elesmere, Llanyblodwel ..., B107. vtls005517397 File - Bond for the observance of 1739/40, Feb. B107. ISYSARCHB72 covenants contained in No. 106, 17. B32. vtls005517398 File - Memoranda extracted from a 1740-56. B32. ISYSARCHB72 number of deeds (copies) relating to the Garth estate in co. Montgomery, and including a pedigree ..., B29. vtls005517399 File - Marriage Settlement (copy) of the 1740, Dec. 8. B29. ISYSARCHB72 said Gilbert Jodrell and Mary Cradock, Cyfres | Series vtls005517400 ISYSARCHB72: Deeds and documents, Dyddiad | Date: 1741-61. (dyddiad creu) | (date of creation)

Ffeil / rhestr eitemau | File / item list Cod cyfeirnod | Ref Teitl | Title Dyddiadau | Statws mynediad | Cynhwysydd | code Dates Access status Container B215. vtls005517401 File - Probate of the will of Sarah Brown 1741, June 15. B215. ISYSARCHB72 late of Oswenstry, co. Salop, widow, deceased,

Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru = The National Library of Wales Tudalen | Page 18 GB 0210 SWEALL Sweeney Hall Estate Records, B307. vtls005517402 File - Opinion of R. Wilbraham of 1741, Oct. 14. B307. ISYSARCHB72 Newport on mortgage by Sir Francis Charlton of the Park estate, B308. vtls005517403 File - Receipt from Francis Edward 1742, Sept. 29. B308. ISYSARCHB72 Charlton of The Six Clerk's Office, co. Middlesex, gent., to his brother, JoBCharlton of Park Hall ..., B240. vtls005517404 File - Will (probate copy) of William 1743, June 24. B240. ISYSARCHB72 Griffith of the town and county of the town of Nottingham, gent, B286. vtls005517405 File - Will (copy) of Francis Edward 1744/5, Feb. 6. B286. ISYSARCHB72 Charlton of the Abbey Forgate, one of the suburbs of the town of Shrewsbury, co ..., B97. vtls005517406 File - Probate of the will of Francis 1745, June 18. B97. ISYSARCHB72 Edward Charlton of the Abby Foregate, one of ht suburbs of the town of ..., B207. vtls005517407 File - Will (copy) of Richard Povall of 1746, July 24. B207. ISYSARCHB72 Oswestry, co. Salop, gent, B24. vtls005517408 File - Settlement (copy) of trusts, in 1747. June 25. B24. ISYSARCHB72 consideration of the intended marriage of the said Gilbert Jodrell and the said Ann Vanderplank ..., B12. vtls005517409 File - Letters Patent appointing 1747/8, Jan. 14. B12. ISYSARCHB72 JoBCharlton of Park, esq., to be sheriff of co. Salop, B14. vtls005517410 File - Letters Patent being a mandate to 1747/8, Jan. 14. B14. ISYSARCHB72 the inhabitants of Shropshire to support JoBCharlton of Park, esq., as sheriff, B10. vtls005517411 File - Election of Henry Bridgeman, esq., 1748, Dec. 7. B10. ISYSARCHB72 a burgess of the said borough, to serve in Parliament, B258-59. File - Lease And Release (mortgage) of a 1750, Dec. B258-59. vtls005517412 capital messuage called Pentrecoed, and 10-11. ISYSARCHB72 a water corn mill and mill house called Pentrecoed ..., B301. vtls005517413 File - Papers relative to the financial 1753-1808. B301. ISYSARCHB72 problems, and to the disposal by Thomas Netheron Parker of Sweeney, esq., of the estate ..., B108. vtls005517414 File - Articles Of Agreement for the 1753, April 17. B108. ISYSARCHB72 levying of a fine of the property specified in No. 106, B109. vtls005517415 File - Covenant, for the securing of 1754, Jan. 18. B109. ISYSARCHB72 an annuity of £200, to levy a fine of the castle of Whittington otherwise Whittingdon ..., B309. vtls005517416 File - Letter: Edward Jeffreys at Salop, 1754, June 10. B309. ISYSARCHB72 to Mr Bolas, attorney, touching the conveyance, pursuant to a decree in Chancery, of property ..., B31. vtls005517417 File - Conveyance (attested copy) of 1755, Jan. 8. B31. ISYSARCHB72 the manor of Hardwick, co. Salop, and messuages and lands in cos. Salop, Flint, and Montgomery ...,

Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru = The National Library of Wales Tudalen | Page 19 GB 0210 SWEALL Sweeney Hall Estate Records, B225. vtls005517418 File - Abstract Of THE Title of Mr 1755, April 1. B225. ISYSARCHB72 Thomas Williams to a messuage in Melverley and to land in Edgerley, [co. Salop] ..., B127. vtls005517419 File - Lease for one year of parcels of 1755, April 4. B127. ISYSARCHB72 land called Cae Newidd's Dewdith ffield and the little ffield, situate in Edgerley ..., B124. vtls005517420 File - Assignment of the mortgage, to 1755, April 5. B124. ISYSARCHB72 await the inheritance, together with the release of the property specified in No. 127, B143-44. File - Lease And Release of messuages 1755, July B143-44. vtls005517421 and lands in Kynaston, Edgerley, and 28-29. ISYSARCHB72 Oswestry, B227. vtls005517422 File - Acknowledgement of John 1755, Sept. 23. B227. ISYSARCHB72 Chambre of Petton, co. Salop, gent., that the deeds of lease and release by Ales Lloyd of ..., B126. vtls005517423 File - Final Concord in a fine levied 1755, morrow B126. ISYSARCHB72 between John Chambre, gent., and of All Souls. William James, plaintiffs, and Ales Lloyd, widow, deforciant, when ..., B128. vtls005517424 File - Counterpart of No. 126, 1755, morrow B128. ISYSARCHB72 of All Souls. B34. vtls005517425 File - Mortgage (attested copy) of 1756, June 19. B34. ISYSARCHB72 property specified in deeds dated Dec. 18-19, 1753, to secure £14,500 and interest. This document is ..., B208. vtls005517426 File - Will (copy) of Thomas Browne of 1756, Nov. 6. B208. ISYSARCHB72 Sweeney, co. Salop, gent, B213. vtls005517427 File - Copy of the original of No. 1756, Nov. 6. B213. ISYSARCHB72 208, with the opinion thereon of John Madocks of Wrexham (April 2, 1763), B265. vtls005517428 File - Assignment of the mortgage 1758, Jan. 23. B265. ISYSARCHB72 specified in No. 264 (July 11, 1729), B26. vtls005517429 File - Mortgage of messuages and lands 1758, June 2. B26. ISYSARCHB72 in the parish of Pool, co. Montgomery to secure an additional sum of £2,500, B310. vtls005517430 File - Articles Of Agreement executed 1758, Sept. 5. B310. ISYSARCHB72 between JoBCharlton of Park, esq., and Mr Edward Jones, his tenant, for the further lease of ..., B241. vtls005517431 File - Will (copy) of Samuel Wilkinson 1760, Feb. 22. B241. ISYSARCHB72 of Arnold, co. Nottingham, gent, B27-28. vtls005517432 File - Lease And Release (copies) of 1760, May 1-2. B27-28. ISYSARCHB72 messuages and lands in the towns, townships, and parishes of Welch Pool Guilsfield, Buttington, Castle ..., B30. vtls005517433 File - Copy of the original of No. 28, 1760, May 2. B30. ISYSARCHB72 B155. vtls005517434 File - Final Concord in a fine levied 1760, Trinity B155. ISYSARCHB72 between John Basnett, plaintiff, and term. Robert Lloyd, Anne his wife, and Elizabeth Lloyd, spinster ...,

Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru = The National Library of Wales Tudalen | Page 20 GB 0210 SWEALL Sweeney Hall Estate Records, B156. vtls005517435 File - Counterpart of No. 155. Nos. 155 1760, Trinity B156. ISYSARCHB72 and 156 are inserted in No.154, term. B297. vtls005517436 File - Power Of Attorney from Andrew 1761, Jan. 5. B297. ISYSARCHB72 Owens of Oswestry, co. Salop, perukemaker, to Francis Chambre, John Loche, John Muckleston, and Edward ..., B224. vtls005517437 File - Schedule of title deeds (1657-1760) 1761, March 17. B224. ISYSARCHB72 relating to Mr Wilkinson's estate at Nant, [p. Oswestry], co. Salop, B255-56. File - Lease And Release of a capital 1761, April B255-56. vtls005517438 messuage and lands called the Nant (86 28-29. ISYSARCHB72 acres) together with a coalmine thereon, in ..., B254. vtls005517439 File - Grant (copy) of two annuities of 1761, May 4. B254. ISYSARCHB72 £44 and £40 respectively, issuing from a coal mine specified in Nos. 255-256, B251-52. File - Lease And Release, to make a 1761, May 6-7. B251-52. vtls005517440 tenant to the praecipe for the suffering of ISYSARCHB72 a recovery of a capital messuage ..., B253. vtls005517441 File - Exemplification of a recovery 1761, June 10. B253. ISYSARCHB72 suffered between John Wilkinson, demandant, and Henry Wilmot, esq., tenant, of one messuage, two gardens, and ..., B249. vtls005517442 File - Lease for 7 years of a capital 1761, Aug. 8. B249. ISYSARCHB72 messuage and parcels of land called The Nant ffarm (86 acres) in the ..., B250. vtls005517443 File - Counterpart of No. 249, 1761, Aug. 8. B250. ISYSARCHB72 B214. vtls005517444 File - Will (copy) of Alice Lloyd of 1761, Nov. 24. B214. ISYSARCHB72 Oswestry, co. Salop, widow, B125. vtls005517445 File - Lease for 7 years of a messuage 1761, Nov. 28. B125. ISYSARCHB72 with appurtenances in the township of Kynaston in the parish of Kinnerley, Cyfres | Series vtls005517446 ISYSARCHB72: Deeds and documents, Dyddiad | Date: 1762-99. (dyddiad creu) | (date of creation)

Ffeil / rhestr eitemau | File / item list Cod cyfeirnod | Ref Teitl | Title Dyddiadau | Statws mynediad | Cynhwysydd | code Dates Access status Container B238. vtls005517447 File - Will (attested copy), with three 1762, Oct. 12. B238. ISYSARCHB72 codicils, of John Griffith of Eckington, co. Derby, DD. Codicils dated April 11, 1764; June ..., B33. vtls005517448 File - Incomplete Deed relating to [post 1762]. B33. ISYSARCHB72 property in co. Montgomery, B228. vtls005517449 File - Agreement between the freeholders 1763, Feb. 26. B228. ISYSARCHB72 of Kynastion in the parish of Kinerley, co. Salop, for the measurement and division of waste ..., B34. vtls005517450 File - Memoranda relative to the estate of [pre March B34. ISYSARCHB72 Miss [Mary Gertrude] Jenkins, [daughter 1763].

Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru = The National Library of Wales Tudalen | Page 21 GB 0210 SWEALL Sweeney Hall Estate Records, of Richard Jenkins and Emma (nee Charlton)], B312. vtls005517451 File - Receipt for a legacy of £500 1763, March 18. B312. ISYSARCHB72 bequeathed by the will of the said Francis Edward Charlton, B23. vtls005517452 File - Release in trust, pursuant to the 1764, May 13. B23. ISYSARCHB72 marriage articles of the said Gilbert Jodrell and Mary Cradock, his late wife, deceased ..., B25. vtls005517453 File - Deed (attested copy) to lead the 1764, May 14. B25. ISYSARCHB72 uses of a fine of the property specified in No. 23, B313. vtls005517454 File - General Release from Edwaed 1764, Sept. 19. B313. ISYSARCHB72 Browne, clerk, archdeacon of Ross in the Kingdom of Ireland, and Mary Gertrude, his wide, only ..., B135. vtls005517455 File - Schedule of title deeds (1610-1755) 1766. B135. ISYSARCHB72 to estates in Kynastonm Oswestry, and Edgerley, co. Salop, late the estates of Mrs Alice ..., B302. vtls005517456 File - Receipts (17) from Margaret Lloyd 1768-85. B302. ISYSARCHB72 to Edward Browne and Mrs Owen for annuities due from the personal estate of the ..., B142. vtls005517457 File - Agreement of the freeholders of 1769, June 12. B142. ISYSARCHB72 Kynaston in the parish of Kynerley, co. Salop, to measure and divide certain waste lands ..., B133. vtls005517458 File - Case, with the opinion of Gryffydd 1769, Aug. 2. B133. ISYSARCHB72 Price of Salop on the enclosure of waste land in the manor of Knockin ..., B209. vtls005517459 File - Letters Of Administration of 1770, June 21. B209. ISYSARCHB72 the goods of Thomas Browne late of Sweeney in the parish of Oswestry, co. Salop, esquire ..., B315. vtls005517460 File - Memoranda relative to the [c.1770]. B315. ISYSARCHB72 purchase by J. Mytton of Halston, [co. Salop]. esq., of John Kinchant [of Park Hall], of ..., B316. vtls005517461 File - Schedule of deeds (1757-72) in 1772, April 10. B316. ISYSARCHB72 the hands of John Kinchant, esq., for securing the sum of £1000 on mortgage of ..., B147-48. File - Lease And Release (mortgage for 1772, July B147-48. vtls005517462 £600) of the moiety of a capital messuage 26-27. ISYSARCHB72 called Pentrecoed, a watercorn mill called Pentrecoed ..., B150. vtls005517463 File - Bond for the payment of the sum of 1772, July 27. B150. ISYSARCHB72 £600 mentioned in No. 148, B239. vtls005517464 File - Acknowledgement by Ann Carver 1773, May 3. B239. ISYSARCHB72 of Chesterfield, co. Derby, spinster, of a legacy of £210. 10s. under the will of her ...,

Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru = The National Library of Wales Tudalen | Page 22 GB 0210 SWEALL Sweeney Hall Estate Records, B151. vtls005517465 File - Lease for 14 years of a messuage 1774, Jan. 29. B151. ISYSARCHB72 called Pentrecoed in the parish of Oswestry, B220. vtls005517466 File - Particulars and conditions of the 1774, Aug. 16. B220. ISYSARCHB72 sale of a freehold estate called The Nant, to be conducted at Queenshead, Oswestry, B235-36. File - Lease And Release of a messuage 1775, March B235-36. vtls005517467 called Nant and lands in Sweeney and in 24-25. ISYSARCHB72 the parish of Oswestry, co. Salop ..., B96. vtls005517468 File - Bargain And Sale of a fee-farm 1777, April 25. B96. ISYSARCHB72 rent of £20 issuing from a capital messuage and parcels of land called the ..., B139. vtls005517469 File - Map of the township of Kynaston, [c.May 1779]. B139. ISYSARCHB72 B140. vtls005517470 File - Agreement of Edward Browne, 1779, May 18. B140. ISYSARCHB72 Edward Thornes, William Thomas, John Davies, John Canlin, and Thomas Roberts, owners and proprietors of lands ..., B141. vtls005517471 File - As In No. 140, with power 1779, May 18. B141. ISYSARCHB72 of attorney to Mr David Robert of Loppington, co. Salop, attorney at law, B136. vtls005517472 File - Opinions (copies) of Mr Kenyon, [c.1779]. B136. ISYSARCHB72 Mr Lee, and Mr Lambe, on an incroachment made upon a waste in abridgement of ..., B138. vtls005517473 File - Letter: Wm. Lambe at Pontrefact, 1779, Sept. 28. B138. ISYSARCHB72 to Mr Cartwright at Greys Inn, , and forwarded by him to David Roberts, esq ..., B137. vtls005517474 File - Receipts (2) From John Pugh to 1779, Sept.-Oct. B137. ISYSARCHB72 Edward Browne, esq., for the payment of the expenses of meetings of the freeholders ..., B278-79. File - Lease And Release, to make a 1780, Jan. B278-79. vtls005517475 tenant to the preacipe for the suffering of 17-18. ISYSARCHB72 a recovery, of a messuage and ..., B280. vtls005517476 File - Exemplification of a recovery 1780, Feb. 12. B280. ISYSARCHB72 suffered between William Clive, esq., demandant, and Thomas Mainwaring, gent., tenant, of one messuage and 110 ..., B218. vtls005517477 File - Probate of the will of Edward 1783, March 7. B218. ISYSARCHB72 Browne late of Oswestry, co. Salop, esq., deceased, B211. vtls005517478 File - Will of Sarah Owen, wife of the 1785, Dec. 15. B211. ISYSARCHB72 Rev. Owen Owen of Oswestry, co. Salop, clerk, B152. vtls005517479 File - Lease (counterpart) for seven years 1789, Nov. 9. B152. ISYSARCHB72 of a messuage called Pentrecoed in the parish of Oswestry, B154. vtls005517480 File - Release (mortgage for £1000) of a 1794, March 28. B154. ISYSARCHB72 capital messuage and a water corn mill

Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru = The National Library of Wales Tudalen | Page 23 GB 0210 SWEALL Sweeney Hall Estate Records, in Maesbury, together with parcels of land ..., B217. vtls005517481 File - Probate of the will of Edward 1794, Nov. 12. B217. ISYSARCHB72 Browne late of Oswestry, co. Salop, gent., deceased, B153. vtls005517482 File - Release of a messuage called Bryn 1795, July 29. B153. ISYSARCHB72 Glais in the parish of Llanrhaiadr, co. Montgomery, a messuage in Church street in ..., B221. vtls005517483 File - Certificate of the amount of land 1799, March 19. B221. ISYSARCHB72 tax payable by the Rev. Owen Owen of Oswestry, and Sarah, his wide, in ..., B222. vtls005517484 File - Certificate of the contract for the 1799, April 8. B222. ISYSARCHB72 redemption of the land tax specified in No. 221, Cyfres | Series vtls005517485 ISYSARCHB72: Deeds and documents.

Ffeil / rhestr eitemau | File / item list Cod cyfeirnod | Ref Teitl | Title Dyddiadau | Statws mynediad | Cynhwysydd | code Dates Access status Container B149. vtls005517486 File - Final Concord in a fine levied 1806, morrow B149. ISYSARCHB72 between Whitehall Whitehall Davies, of All Souls. clerk, plaintiff, and Thomas Netherton Parker and Sarah, his wife ..., B134. vtls005517487 File - Act of Parliament for inclosing 1807. B134. ISYSARCHB72 lands in the manor of Knockin, co. Salop, B132. vtls005517488 File - Map of a farm belonging to 1808. B132. ISYSARCHB72 the Rev. O. Owen in the township of Kynaston in the parish of Kynnerley ..., B130. vtls005517489 File - Valuation (copy) by Henry 1809, June 5. B130. ISYSARCHB72 Bowman of Knockin, of an estate at Kynastion and Edgerley in the parish of Kinnerley, co ..., B223. vtls005517490 File - Plan of three parcels of land at 1810, Aug. B223. ISYSARCHB72 Nant in Sweeney, parish of oswestry, to be given by Rowland Hunt, esq ..., B225. vtls005517491 File - Opinion of Rowland Hunt of 1815, Sept. 25. B225. ISYSARCHB72 Lincoln's inn on the title to the Nant estate; with observations thereon by M. Hurleston ..., B212. vtls005517492 File - Accounts and memoranda relative 1816, [post B212. ISYSARCHB72 to the administration specified in No. July]. 211, B303. vtls005517493 File - Plan of a part of Pentrecoed farm, 1822, July 29. B303. ISYSARCHB72 [parish of Oswestry], co. Salop, B210. vtls005517494 File - Will (copy) of the Rev. Owen 1826, Jan. 5. B210. ISYSARCHB72 Owen of Bodowen, co. Merioneth, clerk, B304. vtls005517495 File - Statements (copies) taken from old 1831, April- B304. ISYSARCHB72 persons respecting the boundary between May. Sir T. Jones's and Thomas N. Parker's farms at Pentrecoed ..., B305. vtls005517496 File - Papers relative to a dispute between 1845, May B305. ISYSARCHB72 Thomas N. Parker and certain millers 20-28.

Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru = The National Library of Wales Tudalen | Page 24 GB 0210 SWEALL Sweeney Hall Estate Records, concerning the flood-gates on the Morda Book at ..., B206. vtls005517497 File - Will (copy) of Sarah Parker of 1849, Oct. 8. B206. ISYSARCHB72 Sweeney Hall, co. Salop, widow, B123. vtls005517498 File - Grant (copy) of a messuage and 1866. B123. ISYSARCHB72 farm called Gilfach (71a. 3r. 26p.), situte at Tregynford, B117. vtls005517499 File - Schedule of deeds received by 1876, Oct. 7. B117. ISYSARCHB72 J.C.C. of Mr Charles [--] of Wallehouse, B68. vtls005517500 File - Survey of the twenty acres of land [1676x1700]. B68. ISYSARCHB72 in Midleton [co. Salop], purchased by Sir JoBCharlton, Kt., and Bart., of John ..., B290. vtls005517501 File - Memoranda of the settlement [by B290. ISYSARCHB72 Sir Francis Charlton] of messuages and lands in Bishop's Castle. B299. vtls005755529 File - Papers relating to the pedigree of B299. ISYSARCHB72 the Charlton family. B300. vtls005755530 File - Table of the pedigree of the Vilett B300. ISYSARCHB72 and WebBfamilies.

Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru = The National Library of Wales Tudalen | Page 25