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[email protected] Asad 29, 1398 HS Tuesday, August 20, 2019 Int’l community USD GBP 01 INR 1000 PKR 1000 EUR 01 IRR 1000 AED 01 01 should not remain AFN 78.43 AFN 93.87 AFN 1133 AFN 509 AFN 87.15 AFN 5.50 AFN 21.84 silent to any act of terrorism President Ghani vows to crush IS “Afghanistan people want peace havens after Kabul wedding attack and republic,” President Ghani KABUL: President Moham- try. The fight against Deash mad Ashraf Ghani participated will be intensified,” the presi- and delivered speech in an dent said. He argued that the evening banquet arranged on Taliban can’t avoid the respon- the occasion of 100th anniver- sibility by denying being be- sary of Afghanistan Indepen- hind this attack. He said that, dence at presidential palace to Taliban laid the foundation for honor foreign ambassadors to such attacks and carried out Kabul and officials of the in- numerous such barbaric at- ternational organizations. tacks on mosques, schools and In the banquet attended public places. also by the country’s First Lady, While assuring that they Princess Hendia and Princess will not have mercy and the Najia, daughters of King Aman- fight against ISIS will contin- ullah Khan, and a number of ue fiercely, he expressed that, high-ranking government offi- they will take revenge and up- cials, deputy minister of for- root them. He also called out eign affairs Idress Zaman spoke the Taliban and said that if they and said: “Today, we’re cele- are true Afghans then they brating not only the 100th anni- should join other Afghans in versary of Afghanistan Inde- hammad Ashraf Ghani spoke tity,” President Ghani said, protecting the blood of citizens pendence but the capability for and said they have renovated praising the international com- with them, otherwise they are serving and protection of our and rebuilt part of the coun- munity in particular US, EU KABUL: President Moham- Advisor and a number of gov- but added that “we will take not part of this land.