13F O1 Lz-*Z-O
\- ;rr##..-r, ?.#prft;?-?s+YfI .f,*6ft. O F' T.' I C I] O F T I I E (] II I Ii I' E L ECTO R A I, O I,' T' I C E R. D T] I, II I OI,D S1', STI,PlIEN'S COI,I,EGF] BTIII,DING. KASIIMF]RE GATE. DEI,}{I I IOOOq No.CF.O/COE/1 02( I 0,1y 201 e/ 86 C)-A--8669 Dated 13f o1 lz-*z-o To J'hc RctLrrning O1'ficers of all 70 A(ls. Govt. ol'NC'l- of I)clhi. Sub; U Peoplc Act. 195 I . Madarn/Sir. I am directccl to lbru rrcl he rovitlr a copy of' letter no. 116lt:.(:llF.EM/CEMS- l/trLJN/DISQl2}20-l dated 1310112020 rcce ivcd liorn thc [-.lcction Commission of lrrdia on the sLrb.iect citcd abovc along with the updatcd list ol'pcrsons disqualified under Scction l0A of the Representatiorr of tlre Pcoplc Act. l95l lbr vour kind inlbrmation and necessarv action. 'l'he list of disqualilicd pcrsons is also available on thc (lorrrnission's wcbsite wrvlv.cci.gov.in and can be viervcd undcr thc hcading Judicial Rcfere ncc - List of Disqualified Persons. Yours fully. Errcl: As abovc (-r'. MISAO) Lrl,flc'llON OIIFIC t1R (COE) I qffiMffi ffiEfrrr e@-rc,"ffi*-S *::*wx vi* x*l*M,r**qr{-r*$qqqqp-tywra*.yry6m/ww4 rgaim: 13 EffiTI& ftnee -k-* $ t"ir{t +i. w41 qMr**.8ffiqffiffi tpeeqM i qrq &xrq$;* ffi3w Hffiftfu adeftqq ls** * wql lfi?s 4 e*q ffi ffier?"qi ffi ffifr q* - flnrr-H* ! qsrqql/Edrqq: q g*.
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