orqtdq $Trrftq q-{rEo.rfi o-mgi tdrd q.q cqrq, o.mgq t-6rd Il;tffi', 3\r3l r<-r ffi{., s'Hgi t6rfl, z8 erila' zozt fr'qr q. 5q {l tT{HiF, OI{g{ Iusd, ,5T15{ I qrf qs ttro i smq ntsr rl.,o +g ft-rq Ertr 3roflg{-t;-{-ffi ftqq:- ** -"5. 4r ffi G + ndq q ttq o t r.oo fuofio no A qra rwrfio oz to dstsn qd'r geti qrdq tn1 criqfi d qq+r tl (Proposal Tft d n-* srffi \ii iltro ra $ 46495 2020) No :-FPlU P/APPro achI I qffi dadq sn q-l s-

porta I (https://www.parivesh.nic.in)

ongq t6rd {r c1{I-'1 YongsL- iErd

Kanpurdehatdfo@gmail com D:/Gen Letter/Prin celA?til 2021 [email protected], t-dr *, ctTFfrc fiTIffi firds{ tfrd a'jT mndr,+"rf,T{ f6ra

Eq-q -t;Fr{ fl;itr i6ra H joso, rw E B-+r r,+m 31q-+r:l +lr -fttqff arat w 3w4rfi E + ffiq rt +fJ 0 t 1.0 EEfro a+ * at-q rsarftd-0.7 i. sifta {4 eIE' qd qrerfi fi 18 EeTt + crdfl *' nT arffiI rql+ fr 3tgafr' + sF6Fq di i q<{ - qf{d rr.6 f{ qqlq{q, sE gs qrrctg qMq {amq, etsq orqtdq (rta) or r*ro so-afr7qdt 7o6 / 1s7 /2o2o /\tr.d)./i336 f{+io ro.os.zozt l

5r.No. Conditions Status of Compliance The legal status of the land shall remain As per compliance 1, UP Sate Bridge unchanged. Corporation Ltd., Regional office Kanpur hereby undertakes that as per Forest (Protection) Act, 1980 legal status of the land will remain unchanged. Enclosed@ Page No. 1 2 Compensatory afforestation shall be taken up As per compliance 2 UP State Bridge by the Forest Department over on 1.40 Ha. Corporation Ltd., Kanpur hereby undertakes Degraded forest land in Sargaon Compartment that the cost 253240.00 Rs. incurred in No. 1, Bujurg Forest Block, Derapur Range, and plantation of 280 trees by the Forest District-Kanpur Dehat at the cost of the user Department paid to the Forest Department

agency. As far as practicable a mixture of local by the UP Sate Bridge Corporation Ltd . indigenous species will be planted and Enclosed @ Page No. 2,3,4 monocu ltu re of a species has to be avoided. 5 The cost of Compensatory afforestation at the As per compliance 3, UP State Bridge prevailing wage rates as per compensatory Corporation Ltd., Regional Office Kanpur afforestation scheme for plantation 280 of hereby undertakes that the cost of plants and the cost of survey, demarcation and compensatory afforestation at the erection of permanent pillars if required on the prevailing wage per CA land shall be deposited in advance with the rates as compensatory Forest Department by the project authority- afforestation has been submitted to CAMPA The CA will be maintained for 10 years. The Fund by the UP State Bridge Corporation scheme will be for plantation of 280 trees and Ltd. And challan copy for the same has may include appropriate provision for been attached. Enclosed @ Page No.2,3,4 anticipated cost increase for works scheduled for subsequent years. Revised scheme to be submitted to this office. The State Government shall charge the Net As per compliance 4, UP State Bridge Present Value (NPV) for the 0.7 ha. forest area Corporation Ltd. Regional Office Kanpur has to be diverted under this proposal from the been submitted the payment of 562100.0C user agency as per the orders of the Hon'ble Rs. for the net present value (NPV) of the Supreme Courr of lndia dated 3O/1O/2O02, diverted forest land at the rates approv6d 01/08/2Oo3, z8/o3/2oo8, 24/a4/2oo8 and by the ministry and challan copy receipt for 09/Os/2O08 in lA No. s66 in WP (C) No. the same has been attached. Enclosed @ 202/1995 and as per the guidelines issued by Page No. 2,3,4 the Ministry vide letters No.5-1/1998-FC (Pt.ll) daled t8/09/20O3 as well as letter No.5- 2/2Oo6-Fc dated O3llOl2OOG and 5-3|2OO7-FC dated 05/02/2009 in this regard. 5 Additional amount of the NPV of the diverted As per compliance 5 UP State Bridge forest land, if any, becoming due after Corporation Ltd., Regional Office Kanpur finalization of the same by the Hon'ble hereby undertakes that Additional amount Supreme Court of lndia on receipt of the report of the NPV of the diverted forest land, if from the Expert Committee, shall be charged any, becoming due after finalization of the by State Government from the User Agency. same by the Hon'ble Supreme Court of lndia The User Agency shall furnish an undertaking on receipt of the report from the Expert to th is effect. Committee, has been submitted to the State Government by the UP Sate Bridge Corporatlon Ltd. Enclosed @ Page No.5 User agency shall restrict the felling of trees to As per compliance 6, UP State Bridge minimum number in the diverted forest land Corporation Ltd., Regional Office Kanpur and the trees shal! be felled unde!. the strict hereby unde!-takes that !"estr!ct the fe!ling of supervision of the State Forest Department trees to minimum number in the diverted and the cost of felling of trees shall be forest land and the trees shall be felled donncitarl hv rha llc6r Adoh.\, \r,irh rh6 (+.+6 ,,h.l6r rh6

16 The forest land proposed to be diverted shall As per compliance 16, UP State Bridge under no circumstances be transferred to any Corporation Ltd., Regional Office Kanpur other agencies, department or person without undertakes that The forest land proposed to prior approval of Govt. Of lndia. be diverted shall under no circumstances be transferred to any other agencies, department or person without prior approval of Govt. Of lndia. Enclosed @ Page No. 17 17 Violation of any of these conditions will As per compliance 17, UP State Bridge :m^llnt r^ vialrti^n nf Fn.a

3trgD orffiffi,s",ido$o UP State trdd8*Corporation Ltd. rdBe rro.-l Condition No. 1

I IlaRa-FrFi tra- UI\lUtrK I AK'iT\I

Pi-otected Foi'est !and proposed to be divei'ted construction Ovei' Bi'idge at

Akbarpur-Rura- Marg from Km.O to Km. 1 (1000 Mtr) near Rura Railway

Station Kanpur Dehat (UP) As pei'compliance 1, UP State Bridge Coi'poi'ation Ltd. hereby undertakes that as per Forest (Protection) Act, 1980 legal status of the l^-l .,,:ll ..-^L^--^r lcll lu wrr r-^-^:- trr llcllll ullLt tdl lE;Etl.

Y^e tAu Lr rur rzEu JrB dLrrl y,

(dclno stsT) D;'.f.c@!:ffiger u e stat&srfu$E @oration Ltd. c., {,r{W

6Fr-S Da-- ai.;.i{ " tifl 4t20t?021 NEFT RTGS CHALLAN

AGENCY COPY BANK COPY gA***W @ Unian Benk *tvi%{6 lgil Union Benk

EFT, RTGS CHALLAN lor CAMPA Funds tiEFl, RTGS CHALLAN for CAiTPA Fund! Date | 2044-2021 Date | 20-04-2021


Application No 7046rO5837 Application *o. 7044495837

i.fioEF,SG File No.


Address Bridge Construction Unit, Address B.idgs Construction Unit , Viahnupuri,KanpurKanpur Mshnupuri,Kanpur Kanpur Nagar Nagar

Amount(in Rs) 815341)/- Amour(in Rs) 8r5340/-

Amount in Words:Eght lakh Fifieen Thousand Three HundEd Amount in Words :Eight Lakh Fifteen Thousand Three Hundred and Fony Rupees Only and Forty Rupees Only

NEFT/RTGS to be made as per following NEFT/RTGS to be made as perfollowing details; details;


Pay to Account No, 1 511907046i&95837 Pay to Account No. l5tlg)70454958:t7 Val;e 6nly ,or th;s Valid only for thiE ehallan am6{iit. challan amourt.

Bank Name & Union Bank Of lndia Ba.k Name & llnion Bank Of lndie Address: Lodhi Complex Branch, Address: Lodhi CornplBx Branch, Block 'll,CGO Complex, Bloqk 1l,CGO Complex, Phase I, Lodhi Road. New Phase l, Lodhi Road, New Delhi -!r0003

. This Challan i6 Btrictly to be used tor making . This Challan is stricdy to be used for making paynentto CA PAbyNEF RTGS only payment to CAMPA by NEFTIRTGS only

After making succesiful payment, User Agencies may send a line of confirmalion through Email: [email protected]

Note:Atter making the required payment thrcugh challan, ifthe payment status has not been updated even after 7 ryorking days, then kindly mail a copy ofyour challan with transac{ion date to Email : cb037l @unlonbankofi ndia.com

fo!.estsclearance.nic.in4-JserAccounUNet_ChallanCorp.aspx?pid=APPROACW64952A20A37 4122t2021 Untitled Pa!e

Onllne payment histo.y hade by User Agency und€r aAMPA


P.ldlAlldnt Paid (in 13)

F P / t)P l rapt a.

6 t€&u (HrrPs://DArA.Gov.rN/) .oov ln (HTTPS://rNDrA.cov.rNl) (" rrrt,//***.Mycov.rN/) MeitY (HTTPT//MErrv.Gov rN/) (HTTp://www.pMtNDta.cov.tN/EN/) (HrrP://www.Nrc.rN/) - EEEG=

ocont-antowned, updoted o.d Moiniained by l,linistry of EnvironflenLForest ond climote chongq Gove.nment oi tndio Iern s e conditions (httpsr/po rivssh.njc.in/rarmsondcondit,ons-ospx) I Privocy Policy (httpsr/porivesh.nic.in/Privocypoltcy ospx) I copyrig ht polcy (https://porivesh.nicin/copyrightPolicy.ospx) I Hypedinking Policy (https://porivesh.nic.inlHype,l inkingpolicy.ospx) t accessibiliry srorement

For ony Tochnicol suppon, P,ecse contoct EFCctD Ntc, NewDethi, monitorirg-1c(or)nic(ctorin

f orestsclearance.ntc. in,/UserAccounyPavment historv.asox 1t1 rdEe rru,-+ Yrd Tiqt 2, 3 q

fizl-lcidEdi yfllul r{? vHlq+ lqAldl Sccl{ 9q{l tl.tt{ +iE laldld qql{l ,rldqq +lalqt q6lcl }l $+S{q{ -${l -lllqdl ar4 qt srftznff +g + ffiq d trid 0.0 t *in 1.0 Brfr. (1000 #.{) as'+ qta cFafta 0.7 ao s.tfi-d +a q@ e fu qrB-& e-qi+ *r 3rdafr + sFEFq C r.an TArr ma, *E fu E+ac:q H fr W +d-aw'qa' 6ra" fr" *.t afiqm gsfu fr iffii (.d 3t;q .;rd-rrq aq-fr, ffi dqrtcur ftfr gdeffi azn qlqar yrfu+-rrr ff tr+nFt ro

81s340.00 f-urara rqru *-rqr qq fr'ilrn fir & aTff t'qd a€-+T qrara afr +iara +-* ter' zm il=i ,[q lFug ftstis 3nJ tqq\ut / qq tl-l$tll (*r0+t, EiEiDt lqilq) itrI 9iDl{ s

1 2 3 4 5 7

1 rrd wcor z/: zao dtii d itqor \..r ro uq .fi q6r{€flq7 (froVo) 253240.00 5o

i* , +,-vr * d. .".,L.: \rfro fo PUN]BR5202,1 "A r -t ,,1i "A- 20.04.2021 (FFo 442010683324 aaffi 6.7fo or g< r{xr a"u (s.o: 562100.00 5. ffo qft to of Ei t)// (\.{offoffo) "ner dFr- 815340,00 5o

,/t..+L^-:-^, 4c:--^.--..1 rr,v.,.sq J'6r rd.si y, C. t' r^v i,lrmo@ - * :;r'tff+ fe-ffi- ^-uy. !:-LsI5_!!Y,!g-u,EE-- r- u e statjEJffiSrr[oration ttd. g.EF 6F,$ D-^^ il^ E r (,6,t r rwi J Condition No. 5

a rraE Ui.{UE]T I AKII\l(3 r)-^+^^+^.J r^-^-+ I^^,.1 TrrJLELr"ELr TUr tr)t rdrrLr ptUpr.r5trU^.^--.^,{ +^t{_, Utrl.^ UiVCIt.U.Ji,,^-+^.J LUiirLiULaauii^^^-+-..^+;^- UVeia\,,^- DiiUBeD-il-^ dt^+

Akbarpur-Rura-Shivli Marg from Km.O to Km. l" (1000 Mtr) near Rura Railway

Station Kanpui' Dehat {UP). As pei'compliance 5, UP State Bridge Corporation Ltd. hereby undertakes that Additional amount ofthe NPV ofthe diverted forest land, L^-^.-i^^ J,,^ ii^-li-^+i^- i{rr arry,--!, rJELrJrrllrrE, \.ruE clrlc:r^f+^- rrrra ZoLrtJrr ur^f +h^Lrie 5.jiiic-^*^ uyL.,. +h^LiaE iluiiLt^^/}.t^ uiu .fuijieii:tC,,^r^.-^ LUUi,^^,.-+ i of lndia on receipt of the report from the Expert Committee, has been submitted to the State Government b'1; the UP State Bridge Corporation Ltd.

1,"& {Authorized Signatcry}

iaogm ot''*t) ",-,ifi4-ff{-ffi!9^--.- r 'ti'tEfq E{fi!" 6c ' U P StateBr+4€Etcorporation Ltd. c'\'

fiqc{ t€H trI SliFi [+r'-igr ae'-e rdBe r\ru.-o Condition No.- 5

I a-aRFFr.F i araaaA U l\ UE it i AKi i\iir

Pr t,iected Foiesi iarrd pr upused i"u i.;e divertecl corrstiucliur-r Over Br icige at

Akbarpur-Rura-Shivli Marg from Km.O to Km. 1 (1000 Mtr) near Rura Railway

. l. r /r rh\ .- 6-:J_- JLdr.ru,r Ndllpur ue^. dt turi. As^ pet cUrttpiiaitce o, Ur 5aAIe-t_r- irfiqBe Loiiiofation Liq. hereby undertakes that restrict the felling of trees to minimum number in the cjiver'i.er-i [ure:i iar-rd ar'rtj i-lre iiees siiaii i:e [eiieci urrdei Iire sLriui super'visiurr ui the State Forest Department and the cost of felling of trees shall be deposited by In r!-.!J-^ +!.Lre - ur! Jtd[ee+-+- Drr(IBe Lurpulduu-^...- --- Ll.u, vviII aitE JIar-e FCfeSI iiepai-IilreirI.


lAu Lflur r.eu 5rB,ardLUiy,

(drcro sf-i{r) ^..qB$u{I.Etrd-^^- UP StateS#fft Coiporation Ltd.

qqi:l D-d^r qEE rrv.[l^ 7, Condition No.-7

l !.\FF.F.ll'taaA uttuEl( I AKai-{u

Pr otecteLi Foi'est iand proposed to be ciiverted corrsti'uctioir over Bricige at

Akbarpur-Rura-Shivli Marg from Km.0 to Km. 1 (1000 Mtr) near Rura Railway station Kanpur Dehat (uP). As per compiianceT,u? state Bridgc corporatioir Ltd. the complete compliance of the FRA, 2006 has been submitted with proposal.

iiote: FRA Copy Attacheli (Page iio. 3i

iAuthorized"J 5i5natory'i

, .J0 -. ,- . s]-sr) n- d$sn fftffi- L,9, ,rtrl,8{ffiS oration Ltd.

qF,gt tEI( fl*ftli{rf : ifii+&f. fi{}.i*rt !!#t.eri'ljt*. lrarlq k1.{el **i+r,. Eanp*r

;ri:I:Fliiria€:st { E6lr,5ift: Ef lnvbEirrEalf en6. $$t*.Ft{ dE{,Fi, #*+*n:gl*r-! fl:lr1{1a:r iatiBr es, ;J': ..:,.:,!i trc:*i-fs'rj"6 kEd' *n E# +C[9,€] 'di*le*i . *L*f= rdi8eB, lt is tErtEed that D.is ,1669rl .e*ii*eir gHh:igEke Ruri-lhiufr Boad nClBf f,urcif,aitn**y Stsr*n lir'raFur, Distrr.rl (' rprrr Ilohal

l :l4r] r}1t,Enilp$lP$te-rt dis?iffd *rlr 1t!+ fsr:+tEii{&qri i}t *ir: &aju4Edift :e,he :,+'+{ t*rid${ +r+i3r;. ftt iif +t$i *:n**,66;ugiils:*#lil:':,:r,:,:,.:,:. . .1..'I

-!!*! L,*t*,3,1S iir:, Fcr+at i+Bd'&rs$*i€d',9s.&eridi?.gfi'3li:;t.Fb'1t;iisn *Fli*]f,. r.*t*+:r:i ;l-'i "Fsge-f' !4*:

!r}?a{1 {jr;*.r r* r}:e,t::l dirc,af ':Ereqi*,#ilE**:;i#,*ed *,t{?ftliiij xl **':':,'e*" i }d\lrFdr'f" i, r.i "Sl-t,, li ia:ra. r.rt.ir fil:r.t Ri:l{..aL 9{.'lt.)n td1dl.fiEraPu!', t}r

[ ]] i;,il r"er t?":i*{r?6rs:} 'r-ter1i,3,t+u< .ffffise!@oa??&€{:B5 1=5 Tlt*n5 &c,,'pp6ss11.i:1r.:-'r i5 Ft tlrl'fi tre !l"at *'e rfu;q*rdrxstl*: ig ti'€!1tlh8.#*r *i*,p!,*Aegd #im t 'ltrE?

r I d*':*,r r*q :i$v*+*:.::**t*&Ebr$dr.8!€r}-.t5 r st',f.f:miii,e Trl&x! '6r.!:uFr. as'i*l llic. frx &glie*tflii*

!{. 'fi 4*4 ,!de*@ +!/-* #f,$tttEr.ffi {Etq n#*ffi*ffi*o, i*:r;,rr i1*ll*.s.:t{ii is-p *6rB E{{dE€. *r.s*#ta{1 Stre*iif*regr"rtr- mr;*ir:cr, ,,:, l{an*atir:s*tlst, ,,ff' ffi,w t hl*{* rdBe rru.-:, Condition No.-8

a a-aAFFt-F a ara. a A UITUE,K I AK"\|II

ProtectecJ Forest land proposed to be diverterl construction Over tsr"idge at

Akbarpur-Rura-Shivli Marg from Km.O to Km. 1 (1000 Mtr) near Rura Railway

Station Kanpur Dehat (UP). As per compiiance 8, UF State Bridge Corpoi.ation Ltd. hereby undertakes that No violation of FCA Certificate from concerned DFO shall tJe pIovrueu.

I^,& ,,t..+L--:-^l tAu Lr rer r.Ev J,5,,a.ur y,

(dcqm 3rrfl) n., di*tr*Era^^" , r t;:;Btmffiffi lr-ation r-ta. a,9.

qr-qEr ,.. \TY €* Page iio.-10 Condition No.-9


n-^r^-.^.J Tl uLtrL(cu rurtr>Lr^-^-. rdllul^.^J prupu>eu.^-^----J.^ [U UeL^ UlVeaaeUJ:..--!-l CUilSIiUCIiOlr----.-..^r:^- UVetn..^- ijtiuggD-:J-^ aI^-

Akbarpur-Rura-Shivli Marg from Km.0 to Km. 1 (1000 Mtr) near Rura Railway c.^.i^^ t/^^^.,- n-L^! /r ln\ JLdLrull r\drpur rr=!rd!. (Ur,/. A)A- ptrt--- LU--*-t;---^ tpfldtiLU r, Ui- JlaLe DaiUBerr-!J-- LOrpOfaIiOii..^-----r:-.^ LIU.trJ

hereby undertakes that speed regulating signage will be erected along the road at

e^-.,1^-:-r^-..-l^ :- .L^ n-^.--.^l rEtsurc llrLtrrvdr) llr r-uE rtuteLLtru Atcd5/^-^--lr^-^-. rvt E)Lftt^-^^- trd5.

e.# tAu rflur r.Eu Jrtsfldaut y,

(do!m 3rtsr) ^.,,trrtffitrHs- ,rt;;;ig,ffiSfi.oration ltd.


v-$lrii{ N.- " rdE,c t\t o.-J.r. Condition No.-10

a altAFFt.F i ara^aA Ui\iUEK I AKII\IIJ

Fr'otecter-i For-est iarrd proposeci to ire clir,erted constructiorr Ovei- Bricige at

Akbarpur-Rura-Shivli Marg from Km.0 to Km. 1 (1000 Mtr) near Rura Railway

Station Kai-rpur Dehat (UP). As per compiiaiice 10, UP State Bi.idge Corpoi-ation

Ltd. hereby undertakes that Environmental Clearance as per the provisions of the tnvrr ullll tertLdr Iri uteLUUHi ALt, ty6o, - NOI apBiicaOie

hfi lA'.+h^,i.^.1 Ci-^-+^..,1

(aov.[ q)sD *rimarrm--^- UP Stat s*"ffi5,=,,,"""0.


\'hi',1,\<.- rd6e rru.-te Condition No.-11


Pi'otected Foi'est land pi'oposed to be divei'ted consti.uction Cve:- Bi-idge at

Akbarpur-Rura-Shivli Marg from Km.0 to Km. 1 (1000 Mtr) near Rura Railway Station l(anpur Dehat (UP). As per compliance l.L, UP State Bridge Corporation

Ltd, hereby undertakes that the layout plan of the proposal shall not be changed 'uvithout pi'ior appi'oval of Central Govei'nment.


(Authoiized Sigiiatoryi

(aocD *sr) .c. n., Hlllinll [*?JP^-^- ",' tflHdfq'lbtlt"6-'-1 UP State Br#gg€orPoration Ltd.


6T;[J (Ei{ \firig{ rdE,e rY(J.-l.5 Condition No.-12


h-^!--!-l r----! l--,J .^ L- J:.,^-.-l /.\.,-- .1-lJ-^ Tr ULELLEU aurE)L rdrU PrUPU)eU--^---^.J rU Utr UtVtrtLCU LU----!-..-!:-- )ttULLtU| (JVtrt DttUE,tr dL^. Akbarpur-Rura-Shivli Marg from Km.O to Km. L (1000 Mtr) near Rura Railway c+-+;^- t/^--..- n^L^. lrrnl A- --*-l:---^ 1't rt^ fr-r^ rt-:J-^ a------r:-- JLdr-rurr l\clllpUl L,/trlldL IUr,i. ft5 Ptrl-^- LUlllFrlldllLC LZ, Ur Jldl€ oII1IEE r-ulPl'rldttt ll Ltd, hereby undertakes that the No Labour camp shall be established on the

lut tr) t" tdt tu, )r* ,lt,,+L^.i,^.t ci-6^+^,t,1 l^vUrv,,c!r J,6r, e lvr t,

, rcqm eil-gD ^..+M.ryjqt--^- U P StateBri*qiCorporation Ltd.


qrIT Vtr1.;5{ trj{ d-_-- rdBe rru.-r+ Condition No.-13

a alaAFFr.F ara),aA ut\tuEK I AKil\ro^

HrUreCIeu rOr=eSI iailU piutJUseU iO De Litver i-eLi LUrtSir uLttuit UVei' ijridge ai

Akbarpur-Rura-Shivli Marg from Km.O to Km. L (1000 Mtr) near Rura Railway

_r ,r rh\ station Kafrpur Dei-rat (UF;. ,.rs^- per LUrrprdnLe r:, UP State Bridge Corporatior-!

Ltd. hereby unciertakes that the sufficient firewood., preferably the alternate fuel,

.-!... rr I sHdll ue ptuvtueu uy r e user dBe Ly ao Iite iaDoui-ei'aTIei purLilasing i.ite Saitte from the State Forest Department or the Forest Development Corporation or any uLleI teBdt 5uuILe ut dtlet ItdLe tt]el.

, r'+h^ri.^.1"*

ry--''$ Y-s qIi(] rdte rru.-lJ Condition No.-14

i,ioiecreoDy-+-^+^-l ioi'estI-----+ ian0l--.J pi'oposec--^-^-^l io!^ DeL- oivei-te0J:..^.-!^J construction Ovei- Bi-idge at

Akbarpur-Rura-Shivli Marg from Km.0 to Km. 1 (1000 Mtr) near Rura Railway Statlon i(anpui' Dehat (UP). As pei.compliance i4, Up State Bridge Corporation

Ltd., hereby undertakes that No additional or new path will be constructed inside the foi'est ai'ea ,{o i' ti'anspoitation of construction matei'ials foi^ execution of the project work.


6I.8 \trsu eerfl' rdE,e tru.-Lo Condition No.-15

! alaAFFr.Fa trttlA ut\utrK I Anii\iu

Piotecteci Foi'esi. iai-rd piuuused io be tiiverieci colstructiorr Over Br'ieige ai.

Akbarpur-Rura-Shivli Marg from Km.0 to Km. 1 (1000 Mtr) neai' Rura Railway

Statiofr Kai-rpui Dehat (UP). As pei cornpliaiice 15, UP State Biidge Corporation Ltd., hereby undertakes that the forest land shall not be used for any purpose

uIne, IHdll LndL 5peu teu t U1e ptuJeLt ptupu5dt,

h# (Aijthoiiz=d S;gnatoi'yi

(.roqqo Gfsr) qfldrw{I q-{qfi L rrro rdEs' q( HtiEIE?rE: ' ' UP $Fqr Bridge Corporation Ltd.


\.rfi9.4- rdge rru.- r / Condition No.-16

t lllAFFr-F i ,ra^aA Ui\iUE,K I AKiiTU li'Oteateai ioaesi. idIlrj proposeLi i.u ire drvefteci co itst i'irL iioir (jvei. iii itige ai

Akbarpur-Rura-Shivli Marg from Km.O to Km. L (1000 Mtr) near Rura Railway

_r /rrh\ .__.- __.__._t:_.__ rrdLrur r\dIlpt-rl ue dL [Urr. A5^- pea CoinpiiaitLe J,o/ UF 5IaIe iifiqge Lofpofaiion Ltd., hereby undertakes that the forest land proposed to be diverted shall under

HU LrrLUrnsLdllCes oc r.rd ste eu LU drry urarer agei-raies, oeparli gill oi-peisur-l without prior approval of Govt. Of lndia.

)",t [r+urrrur tzeu JtBfid Lury,

(aoc-{o s}sr) cR{ffril B;-. c. \. ffiffiwfr;"':",01,,,., uo.

ai.T{ )5s{ rdE,e r-{u.-J.o Condition No.-17

I tlat\arFr-F a raalaA Ui'rtUtr1( I ARll\iir

Pi-oteLled Foi-esI iarrti pi-oposed iu be ciivertecj coiistrueiioii Ovei Bi'icige ai

Akbarpur-Rura-Shivli Marg from Km.O to Km. 1(1000 Mtr) near Rura Railway

.- /r rA\ n- *-.- a^-r- h_:J_- rLdLru| Nd lrur ue^-L-r dt Iuri. As per co--.--.-t:--- lpiiance i/, Up staig ijiiugg Loipofation Ltd., hereby undertakes that the Violation of any of these conditions will amount iu vioialiur'r uI Foi'est (Currservai.iurr) Act. i930 ancj actiorr wouid i:e iaken as pei

The MoEF&CC Guideline F.No. 11-42/2017-FC dt 29/01,12018.

R tAur ur r.Eu JrB drur Ii

idoqfl ct-sD rmv-fl.f*E-fr--- TId fifr,jl'+dtfl'"' uPffib Biidge Corporation Ltd. C. f'

$FTg{ lsFiS rdBe rru.-r:, Condition No.-18

T II'AFFt'FA T,.' UI\IUE,K i AK!NU rlUteLLeu rUIe5r rdfiu pruliuseu IO Oe OivefleO COitSti'UCriOil UVea biiLige aa

Akbarpur-Rura-Shivli Marg from Km.0 to Km. 1 (1000 Mtr) near Rura Railway .- rr r^\ .--.- Jr.dLrun r\d put ue^-L-r dL IUrr. As^- per c(]lrtpiiailce.r6,--.--_t:-_-_ Ua Jlate UfidEe LOr por-aaioil

Ltd., hereby undertakes that the boundary of the diverted forest land shall be surLduty uerndrLdreu uil truu o at t e pioJeal cosr a5 per I e rjii.ectioils oI ti'te concerned Divisional Fo rest Officer.

}J t]lru Lr rur rzeu rrBfld rur y l

(do\r{D sitflI) cMtrI mrE.". nr^n-aa, w ;.,.0i,.,'" ffi€Imfr;; "r-,0.

.ia.rl( )ys !-dBe tru.-zu Condition No.-19


Fi'otected Forest iai'rtj proposed to i:e ciivei.teci co i rsti'uctio i-r over tsi.iLige at

Akbarpur-Rura-shivli Marg from Km.0 to Km. 1 (1000 Mtr) near Rura Railway statiorr Kai-rpui- Dehat (uP). As pei'coi-r.ipiiance i9, Up state Bridge corporation

Ltd., hereby undertakes that the period of diversion under this approval shall be co-ter mii'rus witir the pei'ioci of iease to be grairteci in favoui. of tire user ageir!y o' the project life, whichever is less.


(Aijthoiized Signatoi-yi

(do(a srM qctq-O.tr# q{.rffiFHriae":=.t i,4a n 3 !e r corpiration Ltd. c. t,

!e',FI trr{ rdE,e rvu.-2.!. Condition No.-20

a alaAFFi.F araa a A U IU UE I( I AKi^ itir rr ureLreu iur esI td u pr u[.,useu LU ue utvei Leo aoitslr ualioit uvgr brtLige at

Akbarpur-Rura-Shivli Marg from Km.O to Km. 1(1000 Mtr) near Rura Railway rr-dr-rufl r\dllpur ue dr. lurr./' rn\ A54- pea aoinpiiance ZU, U? ilale.r^r^ irfiaiggh-!l-- Lo-ipofation Ltd., hereby undertakes that the any other conditions that the Ministry of EnvrlOrrrue r, FUresr 6{ L r ate Litaitge may sIipUiale liO l t lle tO tirne t tne interest of conservation, protection and development of forest & wildlife.

*.4 laurrur r.cu JrBr rdLUr y,

(d*rfi cisl)

dge Corporation Ltd. 1'5

6'mg{ SqFT \\ +t\\\ til€ L-- rdge rriu"-zz Condition No.-21

a al I AFFt-F araja^ ut\tutt( I AKilulr^ rr ureLLe(] rur csL tdt tu FI upuseu LU ue utverleo coitStt uctioit uvei ui-iuge at

Akbarpur-Rura-Shivli Marg from Km.O to Km. 1 (1000 Mtr) near Rura Railway

JLdLTUll NdIlPUI t-rtrIldL lUr/. l\5 peI LUIIlplldIlLe ZL, Ur JLd[e DrruSE LUtpuldl,luii

Ltd., hereby undertakes that all the funds received from the UP STATE BRIDGE

L(Jnr\JnA r rur\ L r rJ. urluer rne pt OJeLr nd5 Oeeit SUDittit"reu rO LAiViPA IUnU Oiliy thorough e-portal (http://parivesh.nic.in/) and challan copy for the same has

L J utre- -.- d--r- t tdL-t- eu.-

(Aijthoiized"& SiEnatoiyi c.\' .,J ,3lBTl r r:i3 rc#s-- +:r ft?frT'j#iJi.. ,''- "-5" ' U? ffiEiiage Corporation Ltd.

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