8th International Symposium of Ayurveda and Health Health, Immunity & Inflammation: Integrating Ancient Approaches with Modern Concepts MAY 6-7, 2016 KELLER AUDITORIUM & ARB EG-013 UCONN HEALTH, SCHOOL OF MEDICINE FARMINGTON, CT For Information Pl Contact-
[email protected] PROVIDED BY THE DEPARTMENT PRESENTED IN COLLABORATIO WITH Of IMMUNOLOGY UConn School of Medicine The International Society for Connecticut Children’s UConn Health Ayurveda & Health (ISAH) Medical Center http://casc.uchc.edu www.ayurvedahealth.org www.connecticutchildrens.org Symposium Chair and Course Director Amala Guha, PhD, MPH, MA UConn Health & ISAH, CT Co Chair Anthony T. Vella, PhD UConn Heath School of Medicine, CT Advisory Committee Directions to UConn Health from Greater Hartford: Mary E. Dansinghani, MDiv Route 84 to Exit 39. Yale School of Medicine Turn right onto Route 4-East (Farmington New Haven, CT Avenue). Vatsala Kucharski, PsyD Drive about 1-1/2 miles Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services Middletown, CT and ISAH Melissa Root, PhD UConn, CT Suzy Torti, PhD UConn Health, CT Locations: Organizing Committee For Keller Auditorium: Turn right into UConn Health. Caryn Christensen, PhD At first stop sign continue ahead veering off to the left-up the hill University of Hartford, CT Go to first stop sign, and continue into the gate. Melissa Bray, PhD UConn, Storrs, CT Fir For Conference Room EG013: Amala Guha, PhD, MPH Turn right into UConn Health. Passing the rotary, continue ahead veering off to UConn Health & ISAH, CT the right . At the stop sign turn to left into academic entrance, use AB parking lot at your right with unrestricted parking on Saturday and Sundays.