Table of Contents
Magill's Guide to Military History Table of Contents Publisher's Note, ix Introduction, xi Contributors, xiii List of Maps, xix A Abbās the Great, 1 Abbāsid Revolution, 2 Abd el-Krim, 3 Abdelkader, 4 Abdullāh et Taāisha, 4 Abenaki Wars, 5 Abercromby, Ralph, 6 Aboukir, 7 Abrams, Creighton Williams, Jr., 8 Abū al-Abbās, 9 Abū Bakr ibn Umar, 9 Abu Klea, 10 Acre, 11 Actium, 12 Adowa, 12 Adrianople, 13 Aegospotami, 14 Æthelbald, 14 Æthelbald's Wars, 15 Aetius, 16 Afghan Expansion, Wars of, 17 Agathocles, 18 Agesilaus II, 19 Agincourt, 20 Agricola, Gnaeus Julius, 21 Aguinaldo, Emilio, 22 Air Force, U.S., 23 Aircraft, military, 25 Aircraft carrier, 29 Akbar, 29 Alamo, 29 Alanbrooke, First Viscount, 31 Alaric, 32 Albanian-Turkish Wars, 33 Albuquerque, Afonso de, 34 Alcibiades, 35 Alesia, Siege of, 35 Alexander of Tunis, 36 Alexander I, 37 Alexander the Great, 38 Alexander's Wars of Conquest, 39 Alexandria, 43 Alexius I Comnenus, 44 Alfonso VIII, 46 Alfred the Great, 47 Algiers, 48 Aliwal, 48 Allen, Ethan, 49 Allenby, Lord, 49 Allied Intervention in Russia, 50 Alma, 51 Almohad conquest and rule of Muslim Spain, 52 Almoravid Empire, 53 Alp Arslan, 54 Alva, duke of, 55 Amazons, 56 Ambuila, 57 American Civil War, 58 American Indian wars, 67 American Northwest Indian wars, 71 American Revolution, 72 Amiens, 78 Amin, Idi, 79 Amoaful, 80 Amr ibn al-Ās, 80 Amritsar Massacre, 81 An Lushan's Rebellion, 82 Anawrahta, 82 Ancient warfare, 83 Angles, Saxons, and Jutes, 86 Anglo-Dutch Wars, 87 Anglo-French Wars, 88 Anglo-Irish War, 89 Anglo-Scottish Wars of 1290-1388, 91 Anglo-Scottish Wars of 1513-1560, 93 Anglo-Spanish War, 94 Angolan Civil War, 96 Angolan War of Independence, 97 Animals in war, 99 Ankara, 102 Antietam, 102 Antioch, 104 Antwerp, Siege of, 105 Anzio, 106 Apache Wars, 107 Appeasement, 108 Arabi Pasha, 109 Arafat, Yasir, 109 Archery, 111 Argentine Dirty War, 111 Armada, Spanish, 112 Armenian Massacres, 114 Armies: Organization and tactics, 116 Armistice, 120 Armor, 120 Arms race, 120 Army, 121 Army, U.S., 121 Arnhem, 123 Arnold, Benedict, 125 Arnold, H.
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