- 1 FILE: 98insect_pmrr.wpd TITLE: 1998 PEST MANAGEMENT RESEARCH REPORT SECTIONS: A - H REPORT #s: 1 - 62 PAGES: 1 - 173 ENTOMOLOGY/ENTOMOLOGIE - SECTION A - G A FRUIT - Insect Pests of Tree Fruits Insectes des arbres fruitiers - Insect Pests of Berry Crops Insectes des petits fruits B VEGETABLES and SPECIAL CROPS Légumes et cultures spéciales C POTATO INSECTS Pommes de terre D MEDICAL and VETERINARY Médical et vétérinaire E CEREALS, FORAGE CROPS and OILSEEDS Céréales, cultures fourragères et oléagineux F ORNAMENTALS and GREENHOUSE Plantes ornementales et de serre G BASIC STUDIES (Entomology) Études de base (entomologie) PEST MANAGEMENT METHODS - Section H (a-c) Ha BIOLOGICAL CONTROL - Weeds Lutte biologiques - mauvaises herbes Hb BIOLOGICAL CONTROL Lutte biologiques - Insects, Mites, Nematodes - insectes, acariens, nématodes Hc SEMIOCHEMICALS Sémiochimiques - Insect Pheromones and Natural Products - Phéromones des insectes and prodruits naturelles SECTION A: TREE FRUIT AND BERRY CROPS /ARBRES FRUITIERES ET PETITS FRUITS - REPORTS /RAPPORTS # 1 - 16 - PAGES 1 - 37 EDITORS A. Tree Fruits J. Mike Hardman Email:
[email protected] Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Tel: (902) 679-5730 Atlantic Food & Horticulture Research Centre Fax: (902) 679-2311 32 Main Street, Kentville, Nova Scotia B4N 1J5 A Berry Crops Dr. Bruce Neill Email:
[email protected] PFRA Shelterbelt Centre Tel: 306) 695-2284 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Fax: (306) 695-2568 - 2 Indian Head, Saskatchewan S0G 2K0 - 3 1998 PMR REPORT # 1 SECTION A: INSECT PESTS OF FRUIT STUDY DATA BASE: 9207 CROP: Apple cv. Jonagold PEST: Fruittree leafroller, Archips argyrospilus European leafroller, Archips rosanus Eyespotted budmoth, Spilonota ocellana Apple-and-thorn skeletonizer, Choreutis pariana NAME and AGENCY: COSSENTINE JE, AND JENSEN LBM Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Pacific Agri-Food Research Centre, Summerland, B.C.