A Field Guide to Diseases and Insect Pests of Northern and Central

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A Field Guide to Diseases and Insect Pests of Northern and Central 2013 Reprint with Minor Revisions A FIELD GUIDE TO DISEASES & INSECT PESTS OF NORTHERN & CENTRAL ROCKY MOUNTAIN CONIFERS HAGLE GIBSON TUNNOCK United States Forest Service Department of Northern and Agriculture Intermountain Regions United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service State and Private Forestry Northern Region P.O. Box 7669 Missoula, Montana 59807 Intermountain Region 324 25th Street Ogden, UT 84401 http://www.fs.usda.gov/main/r4/forest-grasslandhealth Report No. R1-03-08 Cite as: Hagle, S.K.; Gibson, K.E.; and Tunnock, S. 2003. Field guide to diseases and insect pests of northern and central Rocky Mountain conifers. Report No. R1-03-08. (Reprinted in 2013 with minor revisions; B.A. Ferguson, Montana DNRC, ed.) U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, State and Private Forestry, Northern and Intermountain Regions; Missoula, Montana, and Ogden, Utah. 197 p. Formated for online use by Brennan Ferguson, Montana DNRC. Cover Photographs Conk of the velvet-top fungus, cause of Schweinitzii root and butt rot. (Photographer, Susan K. Hagle) Larvae of Douglas-fir bark beetles in the cambium of the host. (Photographer, Kenneth E. Gibson) FIELD GUIDE TO DISEASES AND INSECT PESTS OF NORTHERN AND CENTRAL ROCKY MOUNTAIN CONIFERS Susan K. Hagle, Plant Pathologist (retired 2011) Kenneth E. Gibson, Entomologist (retired 2010) Scott Tunnock, Entomologist (retired 1987, deceased) 2003 This book (2003) is a revised and expanded edition of the Field Guide to Diseases and Insect Pests of Idaho and Montana Forests by Hagle, Tunnock, Gibson, and Gilligan; first published in 1987 and reprinted in its original form in 1990 as publication number R1-89-54. This 2013 reprint, easily identified by the buff-colored text box at the top of the front cover, contains numerous minor revisions to the 2003 field guide. These include corrections to the keys; corrections of typos, spelling, and formatting errors; updates to scientific and common names for diseases and insects; and updated reference lists. Revisions were identified and carried out by staff of the Montana DNRC, Forestry Division (Brennan Ferguson, Lorie Palm, and John Driessen); with input and advice from the Idaho Department of Lands and the U.S. Forest Service, Forest Health Protection, Regions One and Four. ABSTRACT Field guide contains descriptions and color photographs of diseases, insect pests, animal, and abiotic damages common on forest conifers in the northern and central Rocky Mountains. Diagnostic keys, comparative tables, line drawings, and indices by host and subject aid in the identification of damaging agents. Book is organized in color-coded sections according to the part of the tree affected. General references and a glossary of technical terms are provided. 197 pages; 320 illustrations, 11 tables. ii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This book was made possible by the generous contributions of many people. We wish to thank Carma Gilligan and Linda Hastie for organizing, layout, and typesetting of the original edition in 1987. We’d also like to thank Loren Iverson and Terri Johnson for development of the web version which provided the HTML text on which the revision is based. We are also grateful to Wayne Bousfield, James Byler, Jed Dewey, Lionel Hall, Robert James, Jack Thompson, Larry Stipe, Ladd Livingston, John Schwandt, and Steve Kohler for review of the original edition and John Guyon, Sandra Kegley, Lee Pederson, and John Schwandt for review of this edition. Several individuals kept careful track of errors and ideas for improvement as they used the original edition of this field guide. We are especially appreciative of John Schwandt, Sandra Kegley, Jed Dewey, Ladd Livingston, Brennan Ferguson, and James Hoffman for their many helpful suggestions for revision. Expanding the content of the guide to include several new diseases and insects from the central Rocky Mountains was helped along by Liz Hebertson, Beverly Bulaon, John Guyon, and James Hoffman. They provided information, suggestions, and photos for insects and diseases added to this revision. We also wish to thank the many contributors of photographs and illustrations. They are listed on page 151 with a list of contributions by figure number. The photos these individuals and organizations have contributed are the cornerstone of this field guide. It would not have been possible without them. We are grateful to Bill Walsh of Walsh Graphic Design in Missoula, Montana, for his help in producing the table of contents and preparation of the final publication production artwork. Funding was provided by United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, State and Private Forestry organizations in the Northern and Intermountain Regions. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................. ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................................................... iii TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................. iv ABOUT THIS FIELD GUIDE ..................................................................................................... vi KEY TO DISEASES, INSECT PESTS, AND OTHER COMMON DAMAGES OF FOREST CONIFERS ............2 DESCRIPTIONS CEDAR LAMINATED BUTT ROT ...............................................................................................26 CEDAR BROWN POCKET ROT .................................................................................................27 RED BELT FUNGUS ................................................................................................................28 QUININE CONK ....................................................................................................................29 INDIAN PAINT FUNGUS .........................................................................................................30 POUCH FUNGUS ....................................................................................................................31 PINI OR RED RING ROT .........................................................................................................32 ATROPELLIS CANKER .............................................................................................................36 BLUE STAIN OF SAPWOOD ......................................................................................................37 WHITE PINE BLISTER RUST ...................................................................................................38 WESTERN GALL RUST ...........................................................................................................40 OTHER GALLS AND BURLS .....................................................................................................41 COMANDRA BLISTER RUST ....................................................................................................42 STALACTIFORM BLISTER RUST................................................................................................42 PERIDERMIUM LIMB RUST ......................................................................................................43 SEQUOIA PITCH MOTH...........................................................................................................44 PINE PITCH MASS BORER ......................................................................................................45 FIR AND SPRUCE CANKER ................................................................................................46 LACHNELLULA CANKER .........................................................................................................47 BALSAM WOOLLY ADELGID ..................................................................................................48 ANIMAL DAMAGE .................................................................................................................50 ABIOTIC STEM DAMAGES ......................................................................................................52 SPRUCE BEETLE ....................................................................................................................54 RED TURPENTINE BEETLE ......................................................................................................55 WESTERN PINE BEETLE .........................................................................................................56 ROUNDHEADED PINE BEETLE .................................................................................................57 MOUNTAIN PINE BEETLE .......................................................................................................58 JEFFREY PINE BEETLE ...........................................................................................................59 PINE ENGRAVER BEETLES ......................................................................................................60 PINYON ENGRAVER BEETLE ...................................................................................................61 DOUGLAS-FIR BEETLE ...........................................................................................................62 CEDAR BARK BEETLES ..........................................................................................................63 FIR ENGRAVER ......................................................................................................................64 WESTERN
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