Field Bioassays of Synthetic Pheromones and Host Monoterpenes for Conophthorus Coniperda (Coleoptera: Scolytidae)

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Field Bioassays of Synthetic Pheromones and Host Monoterpenes for Conophthorus Coniperda (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) PHYSIOLXICAL AND CHEMICAL ECOLOGY Field Bioassays of Synthetic Pheromones and Host Monoterpenes for Conophthorus coniperda (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) PETER DE GROOT,’ GART L. DEBARR,3 AND GORAN BIRGERSSON’,* Environ. Entomol. Z(2): 38-W (1998) ABSTRACT Four major monoterpenes, (i-)-cu-pinene, 1 (S)-( -)-/3-pinene, (R)-( t )-limonene, and myrcene are found in the cones of eastern white pines, Pinusstrobus L. Mixtures ofthese, as well as. u-pinene or P-pinene alone. increased catches of male white pine cone beetles, Conophthorus coniperda (Schwartz). in traps baited xvith the female sex pheromone, ( z)-trans-pityol. The mono- terpenes by themsekes as mistures or individually (a-pinene, /3-pinene) were not attractants for males or females. Traps baited with I r )-tram-pityol and wpinene caught as many, or significantly more beetles than those baited with pity01 and a four monoterpene mixture (1:l:l:l) used in seed orch‘ards in North Carolina, Ohio. and Virginia. Three beetle-produced compounds, conophthorin, tram-pinocarveol. and myrtenol did not enhance catches of males or females in ( z)-trans-pityol- baited traps. Racemic E-(k)- conophthorin. E-( -)- conophthorin, and E-( +)- conophthorin sig- nificantly reduced catches of males in traps baited with ( -c)-tran.s-pityol alone. Female C. coniperda were not attracted to any ofthe host- or beetle-produced compounds tested. The study demonstrated that traps \vith baits releasing (z)-t,ans-pityol at about lmgiwk with ( z)-a-pinene (98%pure) are potentially valuable tools for C conipwda pest management. Baited traps can be used to monitor C. cmipwdn populations or possibl>. to reduce seed losses in a beetle trap-out control strategy. N3 IVORDS Cor1oyl1fho17r.~ oniprr-da. pheromone. monoterpenes EASTERX WHY PISE. Pinu.sstr-obc~~ L.. is high]! desirable construct galleries. Evidence for a female-produced as lumber. To produce genetically improved planting pheromone for Conophthorus resinosae Hopkins and C. stock. forestr!- organizations ha\-e established seed or- coni~crda was presented by de Groot et al. (1991). In chards. The most destructke cone pest in these or- laborator!. bioassays with walking beetles. male C. chards is the \r,hite pine cone beetle. CU~X~~/~~~~O~~~S car~il~-rla showed strong responses to volatiles from coni~~~rcfa (Hedlin et al. 19SO: DeBarr et al. 19% de cones infested with female beetles or pairs of beetles. Groot 19%. 1990: Turgeon and de Groot 19921. \vhich while females reacted strongly to volatiles from pairs occurs throughout the range of eastern \\.hite pine of beetles in cones and to cones with male beetles. In (Wood 19S2) Current control options for C. cc~r~ilx~do the related species. Colzoplllhoruspo,lderosac~ Hopkins. in seed orchards are se\-erel!- limited. The En\-iron- males responded to odors from female-infested cones mental Protection Agene!. (EP.4) registration for car- ofponderosapine. Pinusponderosa Laws. in laboratoq bofuran, the onI!. insecticide \vith demonstrated effi- bioassavs, while females reacted to odors from male cat!. for C. cortipcrda control (DeBarr et al. 19S2). \vas beetlesin cones (Kinzer et al. 1972. Kinzer and Ree\.es recently canceled. Adult beetles ovellvintering in old 1976). cones on the forest floor can be killed b!. prescribed Pheromones from male and female C. conipcrda and fire. but this technique requires adequate fuel ;md C. rrsiwstre and volatiles from their host cones ha\-e ideal burning conditions to be successful (\f‘ade et al. been identified (Birgersson et al. 1995; Pierce et al. 1989). Development of effective semiochemical- 1995). The principal compound produced by female based pest manqement techniques to monitor and C. coni~~~Ia is ( + ) -trans-pityol, (2R,5S) -2- ( l- h!.- control C. corti/)c,r-t/o in seed orchards is highI!, desir- dros!.-l-methyletllyl)-5-methyltetrahydrofuran (Bir- able. gersson et al. 1995). The major compound produced In early spriq. female C. ccltti/Jc,r-t/o fl!, to the crowns b!. C. cmipcwla males is the spiroacetal, (XYS)-Y- oftrees to initiate cone attacks. The females nrejoined methyl-1.6-dioxaspiro [ 4.51 -decane hereafter called by nxtles (God\ ;lild Ode11 1965) once the! begin to conophthorin (de Croot 1992). Conophthorin is also produced by the females. Both pityol and conoph- thorin have 2 geometric and two optical isomers. Both sexes also produce lesser ~11~~0~11~tS Of t,~/JJW~iI~O- car\-eol. (-)-myrtenol, trams-verbenol and perilla ‘II- cohol (unpublished data). The major host \.olntiles released by beetle-infested I’. sfrol~rrs cones included the Inolmterpene Il!,dl-ocarl,ons, a-pinene. P-pinene. ni!.rcrne. linlonc~ne ;u~d ;L monoterpene ester. born! I April 19% DE Gnoor ET AL.: FIELD BIO.A~S.AU OF SYSTHETIC PHEROMONES 383 acetate. For other scolytids, particularly bark beetles. of conophthorin are reported in Pierce et al. (1995). host monoterpenes such as a-pinene and myrcene are The trams-pinocarveol was a gift from W. Francke and kno\vn to enhance the capture of beetles in traps ~X.S prepared from P-pinene (Aldrich, Milwaukee, baited \vith pheromones (Borden 1953. Borden et al. WI) according to Joshi et al. (1968). Myrtenol, bornyl 1987. Byers et al. 19%). acetate and the monoterpene hydrocarbons. (?)-a- We report the results of field experiments designed pinene (98% pure). (lS)-( -)-P-pinene (99%), (R)- to examine the response of C. coni~er~ln to traps baited (?)-limonene (97% pure). and myrcene (technical with \.arious combinations of the beetle-produced grade) were purchased from Aldrich. and n-octane compounds (i)-E-conophthorin, (+)-E-conoph- (>99% pure) was purchased from Sigma, St. Louis, thorin. ( - ) -E-conophthorin. ( i ) -cis-pityol, ( 2) - MO. tmns-pit!,ol. truns-pinocarveol, and myrtenol: the In experiment 1, cone oil was extracted from eastern host-produced compound borynl acetate; extracted white pine cones with pentane. The extract was fil- white pine cone oils. and the synthetic monoterpenes, tered through a column of silica gel to exclude resin cu-pinene. fl-pinene. myrcene. and limonene. acids. using pentane as the mobile phnse. The purified pine oil fraction was concentrated prior to use. In experiment 2. cone oil was obtained by steam distil- Materials and Xlethods lation (Pierce et al. 1995). Treatments. Nine experiments were conducted to Chemical Release Devices. Releasers for volatiles in test the effects of various compounds. alone or in esperiments 4 and 5 consisted of 5-cm lengths of combination. on the attractiveness of pityol in traps. 1.6-mm i.d. nonstick tubing, with cotton wicks, in- Experiment 1 compared beetle catches for (2)-E- serted through a hole cut in the screw-top of 2-ml glass conophthorin. ()_)-tmns-pityol (hereafter referred to vials (Birgersson et al. 1995). A spring clip was used to as conophthorin and pityol, respectively) and white attach the vial to one of the plastic rods between pine cone oils alone or in combination. The (+ ), (-) funnels 6 and 7 on each trap. Each vial contained isomers of -E-conophthorin and ( f )-E-conophthorin. volatiles formulated in a final volume of 2 ml of n- combined with pityol were examined in experiment 2. octane. with a release rate of 0.3 ml/24 h at 25°C. in the and in experiment 3. three ratios of trmwcis pityol laboratory. All baits for experiments 4 and 5 contained were compared. Experiment 4 was a subtractive bio- synthetic pheromones or host monoterpenes formu- assay where trap catches were compared for single lated in n-octane, and released at rates from lo-1,000 component deletions from treatments containing cone-equivalents, or beetle-equivalents per hour, (+)-truns-pityol, truns-pinocarveol, myrtenol, bornyl where 1 cone-equivalent or beetle-equivalent is the acetate and a mixture of (?)-a-pinene. (lS)-( -)-p- quantity of volatiles collected during aerations of one pinene. (R) - ( 2 ) -limonene, and myrcene (tech.) in a cone or beetle-infested cone for one h (unpublished 1:l:l:l mis. Different release rates of pity01 and host data). For experiment 4, the baits contained 66.7 pg monoterpenes were studied in experiment 5. In ex- (+)-trun.s-pity01 diluted in n-octane to achieve a re- periment 6. pityol and single deletions of monoter- lease rate of 10 female-equivalents/h. Treatments with penes from a mixture of o-pinene, P-pinene, limonene, monoterpenes contained cu-pinene, /3-pinene, myr- and myrcene were compared. Experiments 7,8, and 9 cene and limonene (1:l:l:l) or various combinations compared catches for pity01 alone or pity01 combined of three of the four monoterpenes (1:l:l). For each with cr-pinene or P-pinene. Experiments contained bait, 10 k liter of monoterpenes were diluted in n- the same unbaited traps as their controls, except ex- octane to achieve a release rate of 1.4 mg/d. For periments 4 and 5 where vials containing only n-oc- experiment 5, (2) -tram+pity01 was released at 10 fe- tane were used. male-equivalents/h (0.01 mg/d), 100 female-equiva- Study sites. The experiments were conducted from lents/h (0.1 mg/d) and 1,000 female-equivalents/h April to June 1990-1993, in the Beech Creek Seed (1.0 mgid). For experiment 6, baits released (k)- Orchard. 10 km south of Murphy, NC (experiments 1, trun.s-pity01 at 100 female-equivalents/h (0.1 mgi d) 4), and in ON, Canada, at the Orono Seed Orchard, and monoterpenes at 14.3 mg/d. The monoterpenes Orono (experiments 7-9)) and Pancake Bay Provincial were released at 1.4, 14.3, and 142.8 mgid. Park, 80 km north of Sault Ste. Marie (experiments 2, For all other experiments, capillary tubes 1.04mm 3, 6).
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