COMMUNITY AND ECOSYSTEM ECOLOGY Seasonality and Lure Preference of Bark (: Scolytinae) and Associates in a Northern Arizona Ponderosa Pine Forest


Environ. Entomol. 35(1): 37Ð47 (2006) ABSTRACT Ponderosa pine forests in northern Arizona have historically experienced limited bark -caused tree mortality, and little is known about the community in these forests. Our objectives were to describe the ßight seasonality and lure preference of bark beetles and their associates in these forests. We monitored bark beetle populations for 24 consecutive months in 2002 and 2003 using Lindgren funnel traps with Þve different pheromone lures. In both years, the majority of bark beetles were trapped between May and October, and the peak captures of coleopteran predator species, Enoclerus (F.) (Cleridae) and Temnochila chlorodia (Mannerheim), occurred between June and August. Trap catches of Elacatis (Coleoptera: Othniidae, now Salpingidae), a suspected predator, peaked early in the spring. For wood borers, trap catches of the Buprestidae family peaked in late May/early June, and catches of the Cerambycidae family peaked in July/August. The lure targeted for brevicomis LeConte attracted the largest percentage of all Dendroc- tonus beetles except for D. valens LeConte, which was attracted in highest percentage to the lure targeted for D. valens. The lure targeted for Ips pini attracted the highest percentage of beetles for all three Ips species [I.pini (Say), I. latidens (LeConte), and I. lecontei Swaine] and the two predators, Enoclerus and T. chlorodia. The lures targeted for D. valens and I. pini attracted the highest percentage of beetles in the Elacatis genus and the Cerambycidae family. Beetles in the Buprestidae family showed no strong preference for any lure type.

KEY WORDS Dendroctonus, Ips, lure preference, phenology,

BARK BEETLES (CURCULIONIDAE:SCOLYTINAE) have vice Region 3, 1924Ð1952, Flagstaff Forest Health Pro- caused landscape-level mortality in many conifer for- tection, 1976Ð2000, and Disease Condition ests across North America (e.g., Miller and Keen 1960, Reports 2001Ð2003, Sanchez-Martinez and Wagner Furniss and Carolin 1977, Massey et al. 1977, Thatcher 2002). et al. 1980, Schmid and Amman 1992, Holsten et al. Between 1995 and 2003, annual precipitation in 1999) and have been studied extensively in many Arizona was below the long-term mean for all but 1 yr regions (e.g., Miller and Keen 1960, Stark and Dahl- (1998), and 2002 was the driest of these years (Na- sten 1970, Waters et al. 1985). However, mortality tional Climate Data Center 2003). Across the state of from bark beetles in the ponderosa pine (Pinus pon- Arizona, tree mortality attributed to bark beetles in- derosa Douglas ex. Lawson) forests on the Colorado creased from 29,000 ha in 2001 to 283,000 ha in 2003 Plateau in northern Arizona has been low historically. (Insect and Disease Condition Reports 2001Ð2003). Previous large-scale outbreaks in this region have During this same time period on the Coconino Na- been largely conÞned to the Kaibab Plateau in far tional Forest in northern Arizona, ponderosa pine northern Arizona (Blackman 1931, Parker and Stevens mortality increased from 127 to 29,063 ha, with most 1979). Overall, little is known about the bark beetle of the mortality attributed to Ips spp. beetles (Insect community in the Southwestern ponderosa pine for- and Disease Condition Reports 2001Ð2003). ests (Sanchez-Martinez and Wagner 2002). In the Previous bark beetle research in the ponderosa pine 100 yr before 2002, no large-scale mortality attributed forest near Flagstaff has been limited in duration, to bark beetles in the ponderosa pine forests surround- type of pheromone lures used, and by low beetle ing Flagstaff, AZ, was documented (USDA Forest Ser- population levels. Although the climate in northern Arizona can include extended periods of warm weather at any time of the year, monitoring of bark 1 School of Forestry, Northern Arizona University, PO Box 15018, beetle ßights has only occurred between May and Flagstaff, AZ 86011. September (Sanchez-Martinez and Wagner 2002, 2 Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected]. 3 Oregon State University, Department Forest Science, Richardson Steed 2003). It is well established that several species Hall, Corvallis, OR 97330. of bark beetles use mass attack, mediated by unique

0046-225X/06/0037Ð0047$04.00/0 ᭧ 2006 Entomological Society of America 38 ENVIRONMENTAL ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 35, no. 1 pheromone signals, to kill trees (Wood D. L. 1982). 1991, Schmid and Mata 1992, Kegley et al. 1997, Ne- Bark beetle predators and associated wood borers gro´n 1997, Negro´n et al. 2000, Negro´n and Popp 2004). exploit these pheromone signals to locate their prey The aspect is generally east, with an average slope of (Wood D. L. 1982, Miller et al. 1997, Raffa 2001, 13%. Soils at the study site are Ͼ80 cm deep (Simonin Allison et al. 2004). However, I. pini (Say) is the only 2003) and are composed of 65% typic Argiborolls, Þne species of bark beetle or predator that has been stud- montmorrillonitic, deep gravelly loam, 20% Mollic Eu- ied for pheromone speciÞcity in northern Arizona troboralfs, clayey-skeletal, montmorrillonitic, moder- (Steed 2003). Knowledge about the ßight season- ately deep cobbly loam, 10% Mollic Eutroboralfs, Þne ality and effectiveness of lures for monitoring bark montmorillonitic, moderately deep cobbly clay loam, beetle populations and predator populations is needed and 5% Typic Argiborolls, clayey-skeletal, montmoril- by resource managers (Raffa 1991, Aukema et al. lonitic moderately deep cobbly clay loam (Miller et al. 2000a, b). 1995). Our objectives were to describe the year-round ßight seasonality of the major bark beetles and their Study Design associated predators and wood borers in the pon- derosa pine forest near Flagstaff, AZ. Additionally we To assess bark beetle ßight activity, we used 50 sought to describe the general pattern of lure prefer- Lindgren funnel traps (Phero Tech, Delta, Canada) ence for the bark beetle complex in this region of (Lindgren 1983) arranged in 10 clusters distributed northern Arizona. We trapped for 2 yr using a range across Ϸ417 ha. Each cluster was located 50Ð430 m of commercially available pheromone lures. from the other clusters and had Þve eight-unit traps in a pentagon-shaped arrangement with a different lure type for each trap in a cluster. Lures, purchased from Materials and Methods Phero Tech, were standard lures targeted for Den- droctonus ponderosae Hopkins, D. brevicomis Le- Conte, D. frontalis Zimmermann, D. valens LeConte, Site Description and Ips pini. Lure components were: D. ponderosae Our study site was located in the core area of the (three-component lure; myrcene, exo-brevicomin and Northern Arizona University Centennial Forest, lo- trans-verbenol), D. brevicomis (three-component cated Ϸ10 km west of Flagstaff, AZ (latitude 35Њ10Ј N, lure; exo-brevicomin, frontalin and myrcene), D. fron- longitude 111Њ45Ј E, elevation 2,080 m). Four distinct talis (frontalin), D. valens (three-terpene blend of seasons occur in this area, and it is considered to be in a-pinene, beta pinene, and 3-carene), and I. pini HoldridgeÕs cool temperate steppe/moist forest life- (50/50 blend of ipsdienol and lanierone). Lures were zone class (International Research Institute 2003). changed using Phero Tech guidelines (Ϸ50 d for I. pini Average annual precipitation for Flagstaff is 54 cm lure, 90 d for D. brevicomis, D. valens, and D. frontalis (1950Ð2003), of which Ͼ50% falls as winter precipi- lures, and 120 d for D. ponderosae lure at 20ЊC ambient tation and the rest occurs as late-summer rain (Na- air temperature) and observation was made of the tional Climate Data Center 2003). The frost-free sea- contents of vials. Therefore, lures were replaced less son averages 115 d. frequently at cold temperatures and more frequently The Þrst year of our study occurred during an ex- when temperatures exceeded 20ЊC. Traps were hung ceptional drought year. In 2002, Flagstaff received on conduit and placed a minimum of 50 m apart and only 65% of normal precipitation (National Climate at least 1 m from the closest tree. The base of each trap Data Center 2003). The majority of this deÞcit was was Ϸ1 m above the ground. Open areas were avoided caused by lack of winter precipitation (16% of average to minimize dispersal of pheromone plumes. The traps precipitation in JanuaryÐApril, 53% in MayÐAugust, were rotated within each cluster on a regular basis and 128% in SeptemberÐDecember). Year 2, 2003, was (once every 1 or 2 wk depending on beetle ßight also dry (84% of normal precipitation); however, the activity) to minimize location impacts. deÞcit was distributed more evenly throughout the Beetles were collected from traps every 1Ð2 wk year (95% in JanuaryÐApril, 91% in MayÐAugust, and from January 2002 to December 2003 (24 mo). Beetles 65% in SeptemberÐDecember of normal precipita- and their associated predators and wood borers were tion). taken back to the laboratory and sorted to species The overstory at the study site is comprised mainly according to Furniss and Carolin (1977) and Wood S. of ponderosa pine (99%) and Gamble oak (Quercus (1982). Species identiÞcations were conÞrmed using gambellii Nutt.) (1%), and the understory is sparse voucher specimens in the laboratory and from samples (10.8% average ground cover) and composed of shipped to Dr. John Moser, USDA Forest Service, bunch grasses with low (Ͻ5%) forb and shrub cover. Southern Research Station. There is no evidence of recent logging. Trees at the study site range from seedlings to old-growth. The Statistical Analysis range of tree size classes and high stand density (av- erage basal area of 36.7 m2/ha) of ponderosa pine Beetle Flight Seasonality. For each species we suggests an abundance of suitable hosts for several summed the total beetles captured across all Þve lures species of beetles (Miller and Keen 1960, Sartwell and per cluster (n ϭ 10) and divided by number of days in Stevens 1975, DeMars and Roettgering 1982, Parker each sample period to obtain a mean number of bee- February 2006 GAYLORD ET AL.: SEASONALITY AND LURE PREFERENCE OF COLEOPTERA IN ARIZONA 39 tles captured per cluster per day for each sampling Flight Seasonality of Ips Bark Beetles period. Trap catches were summed across lures in Ips pini. We captured 631 beetles in 2002 and 3,268 each cluster by species because of the lack of lure speciÞcity in some species. in 2003. In 2002, beetles were captured from April Lure Preference by Beetle Species. To test if there through October, and in 2003, the Þrst capture oc- was a difference in lure preference for each beetle curred in the Þrst trapping period in January and, species, we used only those trapping periods in which other than the months of February, December and we captured 10 or more beetles of a species. For each the last 3 wk of November, we consistently captured of these trap periods, we summed the total number of at least one beetle per trapping period (Fig. 2a). In beetles captured for each lure type, divided the sum 2002, the highest capture occurred in August and by the total number of beetles captured across all lure September, and in 2003, the highest capture was in types for the same beetle species and trapping October. period, and multiplied by 100 to obtain the percent- Ips latidens (LeConte). In 2002, we caught a total of age captured by each lure type. We summed the per- 382 I. latidens, and in 2003, we caught 587. Beetles were centages for each trap period by lure type to obtain a captured from April or May through September (Fig. mean and SEM for percentage capture for each lure 2b). Peak capture in 2002 was in April and was in May type. To test for signiÞcant differences in lure pref- in 2003. erence by each beetle species we used a ␹2 analysis. Ips lecontei Swaine. In 2002, we captured only 6 The null hypothesis was no difference in attraction to beetles, and in 2003, we caught 130. In 2002, beetles the different lure types, i.e., 20% of total capture per were not captured until August. In 2003, we caught the each of the Þve lures. SigniÞcance was established at Þrst beetle in March and, in both years, the last beetles ␣ ϭ 0.05. were caught in October (Fig. 2c). Peak captures in Occasionally, because of small sample sizes (Ͻ10 both years were in October. beetles captured per species per sample period), we were unable to perform statistical analysis for some years and species. Additionally, for some species, we only obtained data from two or three sample periods; Flight Seasonality of Predators in these instances, P values that are close to 0.05 should Enoclerus Species (Coleoptera: Cleridae). We cap- be interpreted with caution. tured a total of 135 Enoclerus in 2002 and 365 in 2003. Enoclerus were captured from April through Septem- ber or October (Fig. 3a). The highest capture of Eno- Results clerus was in June for 2002 and July for 2003. Temnochila chlorodia (Mannerheim) (Coleoptera: Flight Seasonality of Dendroctonus Bark Beetles Ostomidae). In 2002, we caught 32 T. chlorodia, and in 2003, we caught 241. These beetles were captured Dendroctonus brevicomis. We caught a total of 1,651 from May through September (Fig. 3b). The highest D. brevicomis in 2002 and 2,834 in 2003. Beetles were capture was in July and August. caught from April to late October or early November Elacatis (Coleoptera: [Othniidae, now Salpingi- (Fig. 1a). The highest trap catches in 2002 were in dae]). In 2002, we caught 1,874 beetles, and in 2003, we August and October, but in 2003, the peak was in June. caught 3,725. In 2002, beetles were captured from Dendroctonus frontalis. Initial yearly ßights, num- March through September, and in 2003, from January ber of beetles caught, and temporal distribution of peak captures for D. frontalis were remarkably similar through December (Fig. 3c). Highest captures were to D. brevicomis in both years. In 2002, we caught a early in the spring in April or May in both years. total of 1,274 D. frontalis and in 2003, 2,650. In both years, beetles were caught from April through No- vember (Fig. 1b). The highest trap catches in 2002 Flight Seasonality of Associates were in August and October and in 2003 in June. Dendroctonus adjunctus Blandford. In 2002, we Cerambycidae. In 2002 we captured 213 wood bor- caught a total of 592 beetles and in 2003, 519. Beetles ers from the family Cerambycidae, and in 2003, we were captured from March through November (Fig. captured 547. In 2002, beetles were captured from 1c). In both years peak captures occurred in October. June through October, and in 2003, from April through Dendroctonus approximatus. In 2002, we caught September. Peak weekly capture occurred during July only 9 beetles, and in 2003, we caught 75. In 2002, in both years. beetles were caught from April through July, and in Buprestidae. In 2002, we caught 348 wood borers in 2003, from April through October (Fig. 1d). The the family Buprestidae, and in 2003, we caught 156. highest trap catch for 2002 was in July and in 2003 Beetles were captured from April through September in May. and October (Fig. 4b). Highest captures occurred in Dendroctonus valens. We captured a total of 163 May in both years. D. valens in 2002 and 358 in 2003. Beetles were caught Other Scolytinae species captured in our traps and from March or April through October. Peak capture in identiÞed included Hylurgops spp., Hylastes spp., and 2002 was in May and was in July in 2003. carinulatus. However, because of very low 40 ENVIRONMENTAL ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 35, no. 1

Fig. 1. Mean Ϯ SEM number of (a) D. brevicomis, (b) D. frontalis, (c) D. adjunctus, (d) D. approximatus, and (e) D. valens caught in baited Lindgren funnel traps using Þve different lures in 10 clusters (n ϭ 10) for each trapping period in 2002 and 2003. Scale of y axis differs among graphs.

numbers, these data were not analyzed. We captured Dendroctonus frontalis. Captures differed among no D. ponderosae in our traps. lures (P Ͻ 0.0001, n ϭ 45, total number of beetles ϭ 3,877). D. frontalis was attracted in the highest per- centage to the lure targeted for D. brevicomis (Fig. 5a). Lure Preference of Dendroctonus by Species Attraction to other lure types was minimal. Dendroctonus brevicomis. Captures differed among Dendroctonus adjunctus. Captures differed lures (P Ͻ 0.0001, n ϭ 50, total number of beetles ϭ among lures (P Ͻ 0.0001, n ϭ 16, total number of 4,448). D. brevicomis was attracted in the highest per- beetles ϭ 1,015). The highest percentage of this centage to the lure targeted for D. brevicomis (Fig. 5a). species was attracted to the lure targeted for D. The other lure types (D. frontalis, D. valens, D. pon- brevicomis (Fig. 5a). However two other lure types, derosae, and I. pini) attracted only a small percentage D. frontalis and D. ponderosae, were also attractive of the total D. brevicomis caught. to this species. February 2006 GAYLORD ET AL.: SEASONALITY AND LURE PREFERENCE OF COLEOPTERA IN ARIZONA 41

Fig. 2. Mean Ϯ SEM number of (a) I. pini, (b) I. latidens, and (c) I. lecontei caught in baited Lindgren funnel traps using Þve different lures in 10 clusters (n ϭ 10) for each trapping period in 2002 and 2003. Scale of y axis differs among graphs.

Dendroctonus approximatus. Because of a small proximatus was attracted to the lure targeted for sample size (total of nine individuals), lure preference D. brevicomis (Fig. 5a). The D. ponderosae lure also was not analyzed in 2002. Captures differed among attracted Ϸ30% of the total beetles caught. lures in 2003 (P Ͻ 0.0001); however, because of small Dendroctonus valens. Captures differed among trap catches, there were only two trapping periods lures (P Ͻ 0.0001, n ϭ 18, total number of beetles ϭ that could be analyzed (n ϭ 2, total number of bee- 438). The highest percentage of D. valens was at- tles ϭ 42). In 2003, the highest percentage of D. ap- tracted to the lure targeted for D. valens (Fig. 5a).

Fig. 3. Mean Ϯ SEM number of (a) Enoclerus species, (b) T. chlorodia, and (c) Elacatis species caught in baited Lindgren traps using Þve different lures in 10 clusters (n ϭ 10) for each trapping period in 2002 and 2003. Scale of y axis differs among graphs. 42 ENVIRONMENTAL ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 35, no. 1

Fig. 4. Mean Ϯ SEM number of (a) Cerambycidae and (b) Buprestidae caught in baited Lindgren traps using Þve different lures in 10 clusters (n ϭ 10) for each trapping period in 2002 and 2003. Scale of y axis differs between graphs.

Lure Preference of Ips by Species majority of this species was attracted to the lure tar- Ips pini. Captures differed among lures (P Ͻ 0.0001, geted for I. pini (Fig. 5b). n ϭ 38, total number of beetles ϭ 3,812). The majority Ips lecontei. In 2002, we caught few of these bee- of I. pini were attracted to the lure targeted for I. pini tles (total of six) and therefore we limited our anal- (Fig. 5b). ysis to 2003. Captures differed among lures in 2003 Ips latidens. Captures differed among lures (P Ͻ (P Ͻ 0.0001, n ϭ 5, total number of beetles ϭ 84). 0.0001, n ϭ 13, total number of beetles ϭ 900). The In 2003, the highest percentage of this species was

Fig. 5. Mean Ϯ SEM percent capture by lure type of (a) Dendroctonus, (b) Ips, (c) predators, and (d) associates caught in baited Lindgren funnel traps using Þve different lure types for 24 consecutive months in 2002Ð2003. Only those sample periods in which Ն10 individuals of the respective species were trapped were used in the analysis. February 2006 GAYLORD ET AL.: SEASONALITY AND LURE PREFERENCE OF COLEOPTERA IN ARIZONA 43 attracted to the I. pini lure (Fig. 5b), but the D. that captured only three individuals of this species in frontalis and D. valens lures also captured Ϸ20% 2 yr of trapping (Sanchez-Martinez and Wagner each. 2002), and a report of no D. ponderosae in wildÞre burned sites in the Flagstaff vicinity (McHugh et al. 2003). The absence of D. ponderosae captures in our Lure Preference by Predators study may be caused by the limited geographic dis- Enoclerus species. Captures differed among lures tribution of the trapping sites and/or geographic vari- (P Ͻ 0.0001, n ϭ 13, total number of beetles ϭ 416). ation in lure preference. However, this species does The highest percentage of this predator was attracted not seem to be common in ponderosa pine forests to the lure targeted for I. pini (Fig. 5c). south of the Grand Canyon in Arizona (USDA Forest Temnochila chlorodia. Captures differed among Service Region 3, 1924Ð1952, Insect and Disease Con- lures (P Ͻ 0.0001, n ϭ 5, total number of beetles ϭ dition Reports 2001Ð2003). 244). The highest percentage of this species was Our results for the Ips species are also generally attracted to the lure for I. pini (Fig. 5c), but, the consistent with previous reports for our region and D. ponderosae and D. valens lures also captured Ϸ20% others (Livingston 1979, Miller and Borden 1985, Keg- each. ley et al. 1997, Steed 2003). However, relatively high Elacatis. Captures differed among lures (P Ͻ 0.0001, captures of I. pini occurred continuously between late n ϭ 46, total number of beetles ϭ 5518). The majority April and the middle of June in 2003. Our results of Elacatis beetles were attracted to the lure for D. suggest that the large number of beetles trapped dur- valens and I. pini. (Fig. 5c). ing this period in 2003 was primarily caused by a large catch occurring in one cluster, with a different cluster driving the large peak in each trapping period. There- Lure Preference by Associate fore, this extended emergence period/peak may have Cerambycidae. Captures differed among lures (P Ͻ been associated with different microclimates and thus, 0.0001, n ϭ 16, total number of beetles ϭ 657). The different emergence times of overwintering beetles, highest percentage of the wood borers in the family although further research is needed to support this Cerambycidae was attracted to the lure targeted for hypothesis. In contrast, later peaks (July and October) D. valens and I. pini (Fig. 5d). reßected a more uniform capture of beetles among all Buprestidae. Captures did not differ signiÞcantly the traps. among lures (P ϭ 0.0857, n ϭ 8, total number of Our trap catches for I. lecontei suggest three ßight beetles ϭ 384). peaks (May, July, and October). Previous research conducted south of Flagstaff at a slightly lower ele- vation near Prescott, AZ, indicated this species has Discussion three complete generations per year (Ostmark 1966). The peaks in our data are not clearly deÞned, perhaps Flight Seasonality of Bark Beetles, Predators, and because of the small numbers trapped. A description Associates of the life cycle of I. lecontei (Ostmark 1966) indicates For the Dendroctonus species, our results were gen- that the Þrst spring ßight, consisting of overwintering erally consistent with previously published reports of adults, produces two broods. Flight times of the sec- seasonality and number of peaks in capture corre- ond brood from the parent adults and the Þrst brood sponding to different generations (Massey et al. 1977, from the new spring generation are not clearly deÞned Wood, S. 1982). However, our results show Den- and may overlap. Considering this overlap, and be- droctonus beetle activity extending later in the fall cause of the relatively small numbers of this beetle than previously thought. In addition, our results for trapped in our study and the limited geographic area D. brevicomis show a noted lack of deÞnitive peak of our study, we suggest further study is needed to capture periods that also has been previously noted in determine actual number of generations per year for northern Arizona (Sanchez-Martinez 2001) and other this insect. regions (Stark and Dahlsten 1970, Wood, S. 1982) and The two major predators, Enoclerus species and may indicate overlap of generations or reemergence T. chlorodia, appeared to have one ßight peak per year of adults (Miller and Keen 1960). With the exception with peaks in June/July. Because we did not identify of a late August peak capture for D. frontalis in 2002, Enoclerus to species, interpretation of the number of seasonal trapping patterns for D. brevicomis and generations from our data are unclear for this genus. D. frontalis were almost identical in both years. However, previous reports on E. sphegus Fabricius Although ponderosa pine is one of the primary host (one of the species of Enoclerus present in northern species of the bark beetle D. ponderosae (Wood, S. Arizona), as well as T. chlorodia, indicate one gener- 1982, Amman et al. 1985) and widespread mortality of ation per year for these predator species (Furniss and this tree species has occurred from this beetle in North Carolin 1977). In 2002, overall numbers were very low, America (Amman et al. 1985, Schmid and Amman and peak capture of these two predators did not co- 1992), we did not catch a single D. ponderosae beetle incide with peak beetle ßight of any bark beetle spe- in our traps despite our use of a lure speciÞcally tar- cies. However, in 2003, peak captures of both preda- geted for D. ponderosae. Low numbers of D. pondero- tors corresponded with the second ßight of I. pini and sae are consistent with previous studies in our region mid-season peak ßights of D. brevicomis and D. fron- 44 ENVIRONMENTAL ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 35, no. 1 talis. In California, E. lecontei (Wolcott), has a closely species in northern Arizona, and therefore, we feel synchronized life cycle with its major prey (D. brevi- that genetic analysis may be necessary to truly deter- comis) (Furniss and Carolin 1977). Additionally, con- mine if these are two distinct species and/or their sistent with an increase in bark beetle trap collections, genetic relationship to other, geographically distant there was an overall increase in trap catches of pred- populations. While there has been genetic research on ators from 2002 to 2003 (Moser et al. 1971, Reeve D. brevicomis and D. frontalis in Arizona (Namkoong 1997). et al. 1979, Bentz and Stock 1986), neither of these Little is known about Elacatis species in any region. studies included populations from the Flagstaff vicin- However, it was captured in large numbers in our traps ity, and only one directly compared the two species. early in the spring. Elacatis species have also been When genetic comparisons were made between observed in association with galleries of D. adjunctus populations of D. brevicomis and D. frontalis from (Cibrian-Tovar 1987). We suspect it may be a predator southeastern Arizona, D. brevicomis was distinct of bark beetles. However, further research is needed from D. frontalis (Namkoong et al. 1979). Moreover, to conÞrm this association. D. frontalis from Arizona was quite different from D. frontalis in the southeastern United States (Nam- koong et al. 1979). These results suggest that further Lure Specificity by Beetle Species research is needed on D. frontalis to understand its Our research was not designed to test the best biology and ecology in northern Arizona. Clearly, cau- aggregation lure for each species per se. Nor, because tion should be used in transferring knowledge about of the lack of knowledge regarding lure effectiveness, this beetle species directly from one geographic re- should our results be used to infer that any species of gion to another. bark beetles was at higher population levels relative to In our study D. adjunctus was attracted in highest other species based on trap catch results. Rather, our proportion to the lure targeted for D. brevicomis. research was designed to determine which of the com- These results agree with previously published results mercially available lures captured the highest percent- (Hughes et al. 1976), which found frontalin and exo- age of each bark beetle species and their associates at brevicomin (both components of the D. brevicomis our study site. Because the lure for D. frontalis had, to lure) to be attractive to D. adjunctus in Þeld tests. This our knowledge, never been used in northern Arizona, earlier experiment also showed that male D. adjunctus and there is evidence of geographic variation in pher- were more responsive to frontalin, and females were omone preference for D. frontalis (Berisford and more responsive to exo-brevicomin. Although the bee- Payne 1988, Berisford et al. 1990) and therefore the tles were not sorted by sex in our study, sex differences preferred pheromone/terpene combination used in might explain the attraction of D. adjunctus to the lure the southeastern United States may not be the most targeted for D. frontalis (composed of frontalin) and effective lure for the northern Arizona population, we D. ponderosae (contains exo-brevicomin) and the lack used the D. frontalis lure without the terpene com- of strong afÞnity for one lure type. ponent commonly used in the southeastern United Dendroctonus approximatus also showed a prefer- States. ence for the lure targeted for D. brevicomis, although In addition to having virtually identical seasonal it was attracted to the other lure types as well. Because ßight patterns, D. frontalis and D. brevicomis had very of the low numbers of D. approximatus analyzed and similar lure preference with both species showing a the limited geographic area of our study, we suggest preference for the lure targeted for D. brevicomis, further research is still needed on lure preferences for which contained exo-brevicomin, frontalin, and myr- this species. cene. Previous research conducted on D. frontalis in All three Ips species (I. pini, I. latidens, and I. le- Texas has shown that one component of the D. brevi- contei) analyzed had a stronger attraction to the Ips comis lure, exo-brevicomin, signiÞcantly reduced land- lure than any of the Dendroctonus lures. I. lecontei ing rates of D. frontalis (Payne et al. 1977). In addition, showed less of a preference for the I. pini lure than the the lure for D. brevicomis contained an associated other Ips species. However, because of the relatively terpene (myrcene), while the lure for D. frontalis small sample size for this beetle, caution should be contained only the aggregation pheromone frontalin used interpreting our results, and further research is with no associated terpene; therefore, the number of warranted to determine the best lure for monitoring D. frontalis captured in our traps could be a very small this species. percentage of the total population and may not be Of the two wood borer families we monitored, the reßective of actual peak ßight periods or lure prefer- Cerambycidae and Buprestidae, the cerambycids ap- ence. We suggest continued research to assess D. fron- peared to be more selective of lure type, showing a talis lure preference, which includes several different strong afÞnity for the lures for D. valens and I. pini. The terpenes and pheromone components to determine buprestids were evenly distributed over all the lure the optimal lure. types used. There could be numerous explanations for Current separating D. brevicomis and the differences in lure speciÞcity we observed be- D. frontalis for northern Arizona is based on fairly tween the two families. One explanation could be the distinct morphological traits; however, our research lack of species identiÞcation in our study. Species of and others (Sanchez-Martinez and Wagner 2002) buprestids and cerambycids may differ in attraction have noted the behavioral similarity of these two among lures. Alternatively, there could be competi- February 2006 GAYLORD ET AL.: SEASONALITY AND LURE PREFERENCE OF COLEOPTERA IN ARIZONA 45 tive advantages for the cerambycids to Þnd already USDA Forest Service, Forest Health Technology Enterprise dead trees. This explanation would explain their high Team, National Research Initiative of the USDA Cooperative rates of attraction to the D. valens lure, which is com- State Research, Education and Extension Service (CREES) posed of only terpenes. The buprestids, however, grant, Northern Arizona University, School of Forestry, Mis- might need to exploit resources (such as the phloem) sion Research Program, and the McIntire Stennis Program. of trees recently killed; therefore, they would need to arrive with, or shortly after, the bark beetles, which would require a higher attraction to pheromones. References Cited Allison, J. D., J. H. Borden, and S. J. Seybold. 2004. A Implications review of the chemical ecology of the Cerambycidae (Coleoptera). Chemoecology. 14: 123Ð150. Our data on pheromone-mediated trap catches are Amman, G. D., M. D. McGregor, and R. E. Dolph, Jr. 1985. the most thorough description to date of the ßight Mountain pine beetle. U.S. Department of Agriculture, periodicity and lure preference of bark beetles and Forest Service, Washington, DC. their associates in the ponderosa pine forest in north- Aukema, B. H., D. L. Dahlsten, and K. F. Raffa. 2000a. 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McMillin for helpful Institute for Climate Prediction. (http://ingrid.ldgo. review comments. Support for this research was provided by 46 ENVIRONMENTAL ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 35, no. 1

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