
Journal of Proceedings:

Annual Congress,

Framingham, Massachusetts

October 4, 2014,

Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the

Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States


Journal of Proceedings:

Annual congress,

October 4, 2014,

Framingham, Massachusetts


Major General George Cadwallader, PA...... 1865-1879 Lt. General Nelson A. Miles, DC...... 1919-1925 Colonel Joseph B. Daugherty, IN...... 1975-1977 Major General Winfield S. Hancock, PA. (Acting)…... 1879-1885 Rear Admiral Purnell F. Harrington, NY...... 1925-1927 Thomas N. McCarter III, NY...... 1977-1981 Major General Winfield S. Hancock, PA ...... 1885-1886 Master Robert M. Thompson, DC...... 1927-1930 Lt. Colonel Philip M. Watrous, PA...... 1981-1983 Bvt. Major General Rutherford B. Hayes, OH...... 1886-1886 Brigadier General Samuel W. Fountain, PA…….…… 1930-1930 Alexander P. Hartnett, PA...... 1983-1985 Lt. General Philip H. Sheridan, DC...... 1886-1888 Bvt. Major George Mason, IL...... 1930-1931 William H. Upham, Jr., WI...... 1985-1989 Bvt. Major General Rutherford B. Hayes, OH...... 1888-1893 Captain William P. Wright, IL...... 1931-1933 Lowell Varner Hammer, DC...... 1989-1991 Rear Admiral John J. Almy, DC...... 1893-1893 Colonel Hugh Means, KS...... 1933-1935 Henry Nathan Sawyer, MA……………... 1991-1993 Brigadier General Lucius Fairchild, WI...... 1893-1895 Colonel William Innes Forbes, PA...... 1935-1940 Colonel Scott W. Stucky, DC...... 1993-1995 Major General John Gibbon, OR...... 1895-1896 Major General Malvern-Hill Barnum, MA...... 1940-1941 Dr. Robert Girard Carroon, CT...... 1995-1997 Rear Admiral Bancroft Gherardi, PA...... 1896-1899 James Vernor, Jr., MI...... 1941-1947 Hon. Michael Patrick Sullivan, WI…..…. 1997-1999 Lt. General John M. Schofield, DC...... 1899-1903 Rear Admiral Reginald R. Belknap, NY...... 1947-1951 Lt. Colonel Robert J. Bateman, DC…… 1999-2001 Bvt. Major General David McMurtrie Gregg, PA…...... 1903-1905 Donald H. Whittemore, MA...... 1951-1953 Gordon R, Bury II, OH...... 2001-2003 Major General John R. Brooke, PA...... 1905-1907 Commander William C. Duval, OH...... 1953-1957 Douglas Reed Niermeyer, MO...... 2003-2005 Major General Grenville M. Dodge, NY...... 1907-1909 Major General Ulysses S. Grant III, DC...... 1958-1961 Benjamin Charles Frick, PA...... 2005-2007 Lt. General John C. Bates, ME...... 1909-1911 Lt. Colonel Donald M. Liddell, Jr., NY...... 1961-1962 Karl Frederick Schaeffer, OH...... 2007-2009 Rear Admiral George W. Melville, PA...... 1911-1912 Lt. Colonel H. Durston Saylor II, PA...... 1962-1964 Keith Graham Harrison, MI……...... 2009-2011 Lt. General Arthur MacArthur, WI...... 1912-1912 Major General Clayton B. Vogel, DC...... 1964-1964 Jeffry Burden, VA……………………………… 2011-2013 Colonel Arnold A. Rand, MA...... 1912-1913 Colonel Walter E. Hopper, NY...... 1964-1966 Waldron K. Post, NY……………………………… 2013-2015 Bvt. Brigadier General Thomas H. Hubbard, NY….... 1913-1815 Lt. Colonel Lenahan O’Connell, MA...... 1966-1971 Rear Admiral Louis Kempff, CA...... 1915-1915 Colonel Brooke M. Lessig, PA…………. 1971-1973 Lt. General Samuel B.M. Young, DC...... 1915-1919 Charles Allan Brady, Jr., IL...... 1973-1975 Commandery-in-Chief Journal of Proceedings: Annual Congress, October 4, 2014, Framingham, Massachusetts

Proceedings Editor Keith G. Harrison, PCinC

© 2014 Commandery-in-Chief, Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States Table of Contents

Meeting Minutes Mid-Winter Meeting ...... 1 Elected and Appointed Officer Reports...... 7 Commander-in-Chief...... 9 Senior Vice Commander-in-Chief ...... ** Junior Vice Commander-in-Chief ...... 10 Recorder-in-Chief...... 11 Registrar-in-Chief...... 12 Chancellor-in-Chief...... 13 Treasurer-in-Chief...... 14 Judge-Advocate-in-Chief...... *** Chaplain-in-Chief ...... 22 Surgeon-in-Chief...... ** Council-in-Chief ...... 23 Editor-in-Chief ...... 25 National Quartermaster ...... 26 National Membership List Coordinator...... 27 National Historian ...... *** National Webmaster...... (See page 27) National Membership Contact...... 30 Washington DC Representative...... 31 Standing and Special Committee Reports ...... 33 Audit...... 35 Finance and Budget...... (See page 14) Membership...... ** Nominations ...... ** Constitution and Bylaws ...... (See appendix 2) History...... *** Historic and Preservation Grants ...... 38 Lincoln Death Day Observance ...... 36 National Meetings ...... 40 Internet...... (See page 27) Fraternal Relations...... 42 Civil War Library and Museum...... (See page 63) Civil War Sesquicentennial ...... 44 Loyal Legion Memorial Fund...... (See page 14) Commandery Reports ...... 47 ...... 49 Connecticut ...... 53 District of Columbia...... *** Iowa...... *** ...... *** Indiana ...... 54 Kansas ...... 55 Kentucky...... 56 Massachusetts ...... 57 Michigan ...... 59 Missouri ...... (See page 55) Nebraska...... (See page 55) New York...... 61 Ohio...... 62 Pennsylvania ...... 63 Rhode Island...... 65 Texas...... *** Virginia...... 68 Wisconsin ...... ** Annual Banquet and Photographs...... 71 Appendix 1: October 3, 2014 Board of Officer Meeting...... 85 Appendix 2: Proposed Amendment to Audit Committee Job Description...... 89 ______** = No written report, *** = Verbal report

Meeting Minutes 129th Annual Congress Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States Framingham, Massachusetts October 4, 2014

Commander-in-Chief Waldron K. Post, II called to order the 129th Annual Congress of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States (MOLLUS) at 8:35 A.M. on Saturday, October 4, 2014 at the Sheraton Hotel in Framingham, Massachusetts. He then declared that a quorum was present.

INVOCATION: Chaplain-in-Chief, Robert G. Carroon gave the invocation.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Senior Vice Commander-in-Chief Simmons led the Pledge of Allegiance.

READING OF THE PREAMBLE AND PRINCIPLES OF THE ORDER: Junior Vice Commander-in-Chief Rojo read the Preamble and Principles of the Order.

ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS AND COMMANDERIES: Elected Officers Commander-in-Chief, Waldron K. Post: Present Senior Vice Commander-in-Chief, James A. Simmons: Present Junior Vice Commander-in-Chief, Eric A. Rojo: Present Recorder-in-Chief, John K. Kane II: Absent Registrar-in-Chief, Adam P. Flint: Absent Chancellor-in-Chief, Joseph T. Coleman, Ed.D.: Present Treasurer-in-Chief, Lee A. Tryon: Present Judge Advocate-in-Chief, Gerald F. Fisher: Absent Chaplain-in-Chief, Robert G. Carroon: Present Surgeon-in-Chief, Gerald A. Heller, M.D.: Present

Appointed Officers Editor-in-Chief, Robert Rock: Present National Quartermaster, Joseph T. Coleman, Ed.D.: Present National Membership List Coordinator, Keith G. Harrison: Present National Historian, Alexander Coulter Oliphant IV: Absent National Webmaster, Keith G. Harrison: Present National Membership Contact, Larry Converse: Absent Washington DC Representative, Eric A. Rojo: Present

Commanderies California: Present Ohio: Present Connecticut: Present Pennsylvania: Present District of Columbia: Present Rhode Island: Present Iowa: Present Texas: Present

1 Illinois: Absent Virginia: Present Indiana: Present Wisconsin: Present Kansas: Absent Kentucky: Present Massachusetts: Present Michigan: Present Missouri: Absent Nebraska, Absent New York: Present

REPORTS OF OFFICERS Elected Officers Commander-in-Chief Post: He discussed his written report (Attached) outlining his activities as Commander-in-Chief since the 2013 Congress. He stated that it was a privilege for him to participate in the SVR/SUV Remembrance Day in Gettysburg marking the Sesquicentennial observance of the historic address. He also highlighted his participation at the rededication of the Silent Sentry statue in Philadelphia, an event at Grant’s Cottage and the Lincoln death day event in Springfield, Illinois.

Senior Vice Commander-in-Chief Simmons: He provided a verbal report on his activities since the mid-winter meeting in Virginia last February.

Junior Vice Commander-in-Chief Rojo: He discussed his activities and the work of the committee making recommendations for grants to the Memorial Fund Trustees.

Recorder-in-Chief Kane: He submitted a written report electronically (Attached) covering the activities and status of the office of the Recorder-in-Chief.

Registrar-in-Chief Flint: He submitted a written report electronically (Attached) listing all the new Hereditary and Associate Companions since the last Congress.

Chancellor-in-Chief Coleman: He discussed his report (Attached) enumerating new Companions who have joined the Order since October 2013; 22 Hereditary,10 Associate, and 1 Honorary.

Treasurer-in-Chief Tryon: Discussed his financial report (Attached) as presented. He commented that the printed report was lacking investment data as the date of the congress preceded receipt of the quarterly reports dated September 30. He emphasized the 47 life member rebates to individual Commanderies. A question was raised about the adequateness of the $12 annual dues. No motion was presented to make any change.

Judge Advocate-in-Chief Fisher: Absent, no report.

Chaplain-in-Chief Carroon: He reviewed the necrology (Attached) and added a personal anecdote about deceased Companion Woolverton.

2 Surgeon-in-Chief Heller: No report.

Council-in-Chief: A written report from Council-in-Chief Butgereit was read.

Appointed Officers Editor-in-Chief Rock: He briefly paraphrased his written report (Attached), which discussed his MOLLUS related activities. He also urged members to submit relevant MOLLUS news articles for the Journal. He asked the PDFs not be sent to him but rather in the following formats: DOC, RTF or JPG.

National Quartermaster Coleman: He submitted his written report (Attached) listing merchandise sold since the 2013 Congress. He was asked to investigate the purchase of MOLLUS ties currently sold by the District of Columbia Commandery.

National Webmaster and National Membership List Coordinator Harrison: Past Commander-in-Chief Harrison summarized the National Webmaster and National Membership List Coordinator and National Committee on the Internet written reports (Attached).

National Historian Oliphant: No report.

National Membership Contact Converse: Written report (Attached).

Washington DC Representative Rojo: He provided a verbal report in which he discussed how our lobbying efforts should proceed in the District of Columbia with more emphasis on the state-by-state access to representatives to Congress. He also described his activities as a participant in the 2014 inaugural Cinco de Mayo event held in Gettysburg. He concluded by suggesting that he be replaced as the District of Columbia representative due to his increased travel requirements out of the area. He suggested that perhaps the MOLLUS should consider creating an Executive Director position. Commander-in-Chief Post suggested the Junior Vice Commander Rojo make a study of a job description for such a position.

Standing Committee Reports

Audit Committee: Chairman Bates recommended that everyone read the report to broaden the understanding of the Order. He stated that the numbers were in perfect shape.

Finance & Budget: The proposed Budget for 2015 (Attached) was presented. Following a motion by Past Commander-in-Chief Harrison as seconded by Past Commander-in-Chief Bury, the annual budget was approved unanimously.

Membership Committee: The number of new members was reiterated and the winner of the Grant Cup identified as the Kansas Commandery with one new member and

3 Daugherty-Thompson Cup as Pennsylvania and Virginia, each with four new hereditary members.

Nominations Committee: No report due at this time.

Constitution & Bylaws: The report on two proposed amendments (audit and membership requirement expansion) was deferred to New Business.

History: No report.

Historic and Preservation Grants: Junior Vice Commander Rojo submitted a list of the recommended grants that were approved by the Trustees of the Memorial Fund (Attached).

Lincoln Death Day Observance Committee: No report. Report expected at 2015 mid-winter meeting.

National Meetings: Junior Vice Commander-in-Chief Rojo discussed briefly the future National Congresses. The future meeting schedule is 2015 Pennsylvania (150th Anniversary), 2016 (undecided-potentially Illinois, Virginia or Ohio), 2017 Pennsylvania, and 2018 (undetermined).

Internet: Report: The written report was summarized earlier by Past Commander-in- Chief Harrison under Appointed Officer reports (Attached).

Fraternal Relations: Chairman Bates provided a written report (Attached).

Special Committee Reports:

Library and Museum: Chancellor-in-Chief and Pennsylvania Commander Coleman discussed his written report (Attached) which was included with his Pennsylvania Commandery report. He noted the agreed upon deaccession process regarding duplicate books and periodicals between the Civil War Museum of Philadelphia and the Heritage Foundation of the Union League as well as the same process on duplicate archive materials as dictated in the MOLLUS agreement with the Abraham Lincoln Foundation of the Union League of Philadelphia.

Civil War Sesquicentennial: Past Commander-in-Chief Bury presented his written report (Attached) and spoke about the Sesquicentennial activities with specific reference to activities being planned in Ohio.

Loyal Legion Memorial Fund: Past Commander-in-Chief Burden discussed the Memorial Fund strategy for continuing, multi-year pledges, and upcoming efforts to increase donations.

4 Commandery Reports California: Written report (Attached) Connecticut: Written report (Attached) District of Columbia: No report, Chancellor-in-Chief Rojo gave a brief verbal report on plans for the mid-winter meeting to be held again in Virginia. Iowa: No report. Illinois: No report. Indiana: Negative report. Kansas: No report Kentucky: Written report (Attached) Massachusetts: Written report (Attached), noted the work of the Commandery in hosting the congress and the preservation efforts on their MOLLUS banner, which was displayed. Michigan: Past Commander-in-Chief Harrison presented Commander Butgereit’s written report (Attached). Missouri: No report. Nebraska: No report. New York: Report highlighted by Commander-in-Chief Post Ohio: Written report (Attached) discussed by Past Commander-in-Chief Bury Pennsylvania: Written report (Attached) discussed by Commander Coleman Rhode Island: Written report (Attached) discussed by Commander Duchesneau Texas: Verbal report given by Senior Vice Commander-in-Chief Simmons Virginia: Written report (Attached) discussed by Commander-in-Chief Burden highlighting the work to reinstate the Florida Commandery and the Virginia members who will make up the soon to be reinstalled Florida Commandery. Wisconsin: No report. Past Commander-in-Chief Carroon discussed the possibility of making Lt. Alonzo Cushing and Honorary Original Companion.

Old Business Past Commander-in-Chief Burden discussed the plan for enhancing gifts and pledges to the Memorial Fund. He detailed the plan for the campaign for 2015 with a goal of an ongoing and longer-term effect on contributions. He emphasized the need for leadership in the form of 100 percent participation from officers at the individual state Commanderies and especially from those at Commandery-in-Chief level citing annual participation for 30-40 Companions on average. He mentioned future mailings and the addition of a PayPal option for giving.

New Business Commander-in-Chief Post announced that Bruce Butgereit had resigned from the office of Council-in-Chief and the Board of Officers at a meeting held on October 3, 2014 replaced him with Harry Colvocoresses from Connecticut (Meeting Minutes Attached).

5 It was announced that Florida has successfully reached the point securing enough members to have its Commandery charter reinstated. It was moved by Past Commander-in-Chief Bury and seconded by Past Commander-n-Chief Carroon to approve the reinstatement. Motion approved unanimously. Companion Ward updated the members of the recent activities in Florida.

After a detailed description of the procedure outlined in the MOLLUS Constitution of voting by proxy, Commander-in Chief Post proceeded with the voting on the two proposed amendments to the MOLLUS Constitution and Bylaws. The amendment (attached) on job descriptions passed by a 12-1 Commandery vote. A proposed amendment on membership requirements expansion was withdrawn for further review and possible reconsideration at a future Congress by its proposer, the Commandery of Pennsylvania.

A lengthy discussion was engaged on the topic of electronic communication and it’s use in conducting meetings. The benefit of a continuation of “in person” meetings was also advanced. It was agreed that the format was allowable under our Constitution and Commander-in-Chief Post announced that he would welcome anyone with the expertise in arranging meetings by Skype of Face Time to come forward to develop a trial of the methodology.

A request for a donation of $1,000 to the “Lincoln in Cleveland 2015” program was referred the Memorial Fund Trustees by Commander-in-Chief Post.

Companion Watson moved with a second by Past Commander-in-Chief Harrison to commend the Massachusetts Commandery on the arrangements for the 129th Congress. The motion was approved unanimously with special appreciation shown to Companion Bob Schecter.

A follow-up discussion on raising the annual dues amount resulted in no action being taken.

Senior Vice Commander-in-Chief Simmons called on Massachusetts Commander Fred Stevens to relate the story of his great, great grandfather’s acceptance of the surrender of Richmond.

Meeting was adjourned at approximately 11:23 AM.

Respectfully submitted, Joseph T. Coleman Joseph T. Coleman, Ed.D. Chancellor-in-Chief Recorder-in-Chief pro temp

6 Elected and Appointed Officer Reports

7 8

Military Order of The Loyal Legion of The United States

Office of the Junior Vice Commander-in-Chief

September 20, 2014

To: Commander-in-Chief SUB: 2014 Congress Meeting Report

Dear Commander in Chief Post,

Having submitted separate reports as required by my additional responsibilities as Chair of the National Meetings, Historical Preservation and Grants Committees, plus the CinC DC Representative, it is with pleasure that I submit a summary of my activities as Junior Vice Commander in Chief since the Mid Winter Meeting.

The most important activity has been the effort to bring up to date the value provided by the grants from the Memorial Fund, ensuring we know why we give and the importance of each contribution. We are ensuring that all members of the Historical and Preservation and Grants Committee are involved in at least one of the reciprients and can aticulate the purpose and value added to then and to MOLLUS. This continued action will prevent us from giving without a periodic review and our having the capability to explain our actions.

In support of a request from the Massachusetts Commandery in promotion of the Congress to be held in Boston this year, we are making an effort to gather as many email addresses of all Companions to incorporate in a structured and workable format in the National Data base. This effort is important to ensure that we can reach as many Companions as possible via email, and in time all Companions. This will help place MOLLUS at the same modern communications level as all other contemporary organizations with all accompanying benefits and logistical challenges. In addition to having wider, simpler and more rapid communication, the less “snail mail” we sent out, the savings to the treasury will be significant and those moneys can be used for more constructive objectives.

Helped coordinate and represented MOLLUS at the first 5 de Mayo celebration in Gettysburg. The event was small but marked with success as it was well attended with wide representation from various areas as well as visitors and guests. respectfully submitted

Col. Eric Rojo USA (Ret)

(202) 329-5853 [email protected] Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States Office of the Recorder-in-Chief

FROM: John K. Kane II, Recorder-in-Chief 01 October 2014 TO: Commandery-in-Chief Subj: 2014 Annual Congress Recorder-in-Chief Report

Please be advised that the insignia number recordings of both Hereditary Companions and Associate Companions is current. The Excell digital edition of the new Hereditary Companion Insignia Recording Book starting with insignia number 22432 is continually being updated. Also an Excell digital edition of the Associate Companion Recording book has been initiated. It should be noted that this office produced 30 ROTC certificates, 5 large Hereditary Companion certificates, and 6 of the 8.5” x 11” certificates. After discussion with the Commander-in-Chief, it was decided that this office would look into having a Commandery Charter certificate reproduced using the Texas Commandery charter as a model. When time permits, I plan to take the old recording book (that goes back to the 1920’s), to Lincoln Memorial University and discuss with Mr. Tom Mackie about getting it digitized.

Founded on April 15, 1865. Dedicated to preserving the memory of Abraham Lincoln, our 16th President THE MILITARY ORDER OF THE LOYAL LEGION OF THE UNITED STATES 2014 Congress Meeting REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR-IN-CHIEF

Honorary Name/Insignia Number/State Proposer 1. David R. Hines 22622 RI 18. John E. Ibenden, Jr. 22640 DC John T. Duchesneau Michael T. Bates 2. Cleveland L. Smith 22623 CA 19. Frederick H. Cron 22641 CA Timothy P. Reese William E. Buvinger 3. Bruce C. Laine 22624 WI 20. Nathanial A. White 22642 PA Internet William G. White 4. Bruce E. Fortin 22625 KY 21. Rushton D. White 22643 PA Internet William G. White 5. Ned D. Stout 22526 WI 22. Henry D. Bethard 22644 PA Paul A. Stout Joseph T. Coleman 6. Harold W. Bryant III 22527 MI Associate Paul Davis 23. Justin J. L. Rojek A277 CT 7. Glen E. Beebe 22528 DC Robert G. Carroon Michael T. Bates 24. Dr. Charles W. Lentz A278 PA 8. Theodore M. Duay III 22529 VA Paul J. Lader Douglas J. Richardson 25. Michael T. McClane A279 DC 9. Robert W. Nay 22630 VA Michael T. Bates James G. Ward 26. Dale L. Aurand A280 MI 10. William H. Huff IV 22631 DC Paul Davis Robert D. Pollock 27. David S. Smith A281 MI 11. Todd A. Perkins 22632 CT Paul Davis Patrick R. Perkins 28. Ted E. Dudra A282 OH 12. Gregory J. Venertloh 22634 WI Gordon R. Bury Vincent B. Barker 29. John J. Meko, Jr. A283 PA 13. David A. Hockensmith 22635 MA Joseph T. Coleman Marston Watson 30. Frank Giordano A284 PA 14. Chad M. Krouse 22636 VA Joseph T. Coleman Internet 31. Francisco J. Navarro A285 PA 15. Michael E. Urell 22637 VA Internet James G. Ward 32. Samuel J. D. Collins A286 NY 16. Liam P. O’Brien 22638 PA Ryan B. Weddle Joseph T. Coleman Honorary 17. Ronald A. Morneau 22639 MA 33. Bryant J. Dawson 22633 OH Internet Gordon R. Bury

Respectively submitted, Adam P. Flint Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States Office of the Chancellor-in-Chief


Insignia Number Date Commandery Companion

Hereditary (22) 22622 03 November 2013 RI David Reed Hines 22623 13 November 2013 CA Cleveland Lee Smith 22624 04 January 2014 WI Bruce Craig Laine 22625 04 January 2014 KY Bruce Edward Fortin 22626 23 Feb 2014 WI Ned Delano Stout 22627 23 Feb 2014 MI Harold Wynn Bryant, III 22628 09 Mar 2014 D.C. Glenn Edward Beebe 22629 13 Mar 2014 VA Theodore Matther Duay, III 22630 13 Mar 2014 VA Robert Winslow Nay 22631 23 Mar 2014 D.C. William Harrison Huff, IV 22632 07 Apr 2014 CT Todd Anthony Perkins 22634 17 May 2014 WI Gregory John Venvertloh 22635 24 May 2014 MA David Albert Hockensmith 22636 9 June 2014 VA Chad Michael Krouse 22637 9 June 2014 VA Michael Emmett Urell 22638 9 June 2014 PA Liam Patrick O’Brien 22639 9 July 2014 MA Ronald Arthur Morneau 22640 14 July 2014 D.C. John Edward Idenden, Jr. 22641 30 August 2014 CA Fredrick Holmes Cron 22642 4 September 2014 PA Nathanial Alexander White 22643 4 September 2014 PA Rushton Daniel White 22644 4 September 2014 PA Henry David Bethard

Associate (9) A277 22 October 2013 CT Justin James Rojek, USA A278 06 December 2013 PA Charles William Lentz A279 04 January 2014 DC Michael Timothy McClane A280 08 January 2014 MI Dale Lee Aurand A281 08 January 2014 MI David Scott Smith A282 9 June 2014 OH Ted Edwin Dudra A283 9 June 2014 PA John J. Meko, Jr. A284 9 June 2014 PA Frank Giordano A285 9 June 2014 PA Francisco Jose Carrion-Navarro A286 14 September NY Samuel Jackson David Collins

Honorary (1) 22633 11 Apr 2014 OH Bryant James Dawson

85 Beddington Lane Strasburg, PA 17579 [email protected] (717)682-0566 Military Order Of The Loyal Legion Balance Sheet Prev Year Comparison As of September 30, 2014

Sep 30, 14 Sep 30, 13 $ Change % Change ASSETS Current Assets Checking/Savings C-in-C SAVINGS 90,015.27 64,970.21 25,045.06 38.55% New C-in-C 13,707.07 30,018.87 -16,311.80 -54.34% New Mem. Fund 3,946.42 6,577.89 -2,631.47 -40.01% Total Checking/Savings 107,668.76 101,566.97 6,101.79 6.01%

Accounts Receivable Receivables 0.00 1,524.00 -1,524.00 -100.0% Total Accounts Receivable 0.00 1,524.00 -1,524.00 -100.0%

Other Current Assets Acct's Receiv. 0.00 1,000.00 -1,000.00 -100.0% Securities 291,389.64 269,264.86 22,124.78 8.22% Total Other Current Assets 291,389.64 270,264.86 21,124.78 7.82%

Total Current Assets 399,058.40 373,355.83 25,702.57 6.88%

TOTAL ASSETS 399,058.40 373,355.83 25,702.57 6.88%

LIABILITIES & EQUITY Liabilities Current Liabilities Other Current Liabilities Advance Payments 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.0% Prepaid Expense -3,019.29 -1,278.33 -1,740.96 -136.19% Total Other Current Liabilities -3,017.29 -1,276.33 -1,740.96 -136.4%

Total Current Liabilities -3,017.29 -1,276.33 -1,740.96 -136.4%

Total Liabilities -3,017.29 -1,276.33 -1,740.96 -136.4%

Equity MD Funds 1,170.75 1,170.75 0.00 0.0% Open Bal Equity 147,771.00 147,771.00 0.00 0.0% Retained Earnings 224,136.49 115,158.49 108,978.00 94.63% VT Funds 1,553.92 1,553.92 0.00 0.0% Net Income 27,443.53 108,978.00 -81,534.47 -74.82% Total Equity 402,075.69 374,632.16 27,443.53 7.33%

TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 399,058.40 373,355.83 25,702.57 6.88% Military Order Of The Loyal Legion Value of Securities As of September 30, 2014

Sep 30, 10 Sep 30, 11 Sep 30, 12 Sep 30, 13 Sep 30, 14 ASSETS Current Assets Other Current Assets Acct's Receiv. 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 Securities 169,425.94 169,602.02 165,419.83 269,264.86 291,389.64 Undeposited Funds 0.00 0.00 300.00 0.00 0.00 Total Other Current Assets 169,425.94 169,602.02 165,719.83 270,264.86 291,389.64

Total Current Assets 169,425.94 169,602.02 165,719.83 270,264.86 291,389.64

TOTAL ASSETS 169,425.94 169,602.02 165,719.83 270,264.86 291,389.64

LIABILITIES & EQUITY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Loyal Legion Memorial Fund Income and Expense October 2013 through September 2014

Oct '13 - Sep 14


Book Revenues 550.00

Gifts 5,531.50 Invest. Income 8,544.95

Total Income 14,626.45


Commem. Observ. 2,100.00

Donations 6,650.00

Journal 16,515.83

Mem. Wreaths 374.90 Service Charges 2.95

Total Expense 25,643.68

Net Income -11,017.23 MOLLUS Commandery-in-Chief Income and Expense October 2013 through September 2014

Oct '13 - Sep 14


Appl. Fees 660.00

Dues 8,916.00

Life Membership -1,175.00

NOW Interest 45.06 Sales 6,866.55

Total Income 15,312.61


Ads 356.00

Bank Chrg -32.00

Insurance 1,100.00

Meetings Expens 1,000.00

Merchandise 6,052.75

Misc 1,060.98

Office 209.06

Organizations 50.00 Postage 634.89

Total Expense 10,431.68

Net Income 4,880.93 Military Order Of The Loyal Legion Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual October 2013 through September 2014

Oct '13 - Sep 14 Budget $ Over Budget % of Budget Income Appl. Fees 660.00 800.00 -140.00 82.5% Book Revenues 550.00 0.00 550.00 100.0% Contributions 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% Dues 8,916.00 8,900.00 16.00 100.18% Gifts 5,531.50 5,000.00 531.50 110.63% Invest. Income 8,544.95 8,000.00 544.95 106.81% Life Membership -1,175.00 -300.00 -875.00 391.67% NOW Interest 45.06 100.00 -54.94 45.06% Sales 6,866.55 6,500.00 366.55 105.64% Total Income 29,939.06 29,000.00 939.06 103.24%

Expense Ads 356.00 500.00 -144.00 71.2% Bank Chrg -32.00 0.00 -32.00 100.0% Commem. Observ. 2,100.00 2,100.00 0.00 100.0% Donations 6,650.00 7,300.00 -650.00 91.1% Insurance 1,100.00 1,000.00 100.00 110.0% Journal 16,515.83 15,000.00 1,515.83 110.11% Meetings Expens 1,000.00 2,500.00 -1,500.00 40.0% Mem. Wreaths 374.90 500.00 -125.10 74.98% Merchandise 6,052.75 6,000.00 52.75 100.88% Misc 1,060.98 1,000.00 60.98 106.1% MOLLUS Support 0.00 2,000.00 -2,000.00 0.0% Office 209.06 100.00 109.06 209.06% Organizations 50.00 100.00 -50.00 50.0% Postage 634.89 700.00 -65.11 90.7% Printing 0.00 200.00 -200.00 0.0% Service Charges 2.95 0.00 2.95 100.0% Total Expense 36,075.36 39,000.00 -2,924.64 92.5%

Net Income -6,136.30 -10,000.00 3,863.70 61.36% BudvsActual'15

Actual Proposed 10/01/13 - 09/30/14 Budget '14 Budget '15 NOTES Income Appl. Fees $ 660.00 $ 800.00 $ 700.00 35 @ $20 ea. Book Revenues $ 550.00 - $ 300.00 Dues $ 8,916.00 $ 8,900.00 $ 9,000.00 750 @ $12 ea. Gifts $ 5,531.50 $ 5,000.00 $ 11,000.00 Invest. Income $ 8,544.95 $ 8,000.00 $ 8,250.00 Life Membership $ (1,175.00) $ (300.00) $ (1,300.00) 52 refunds @ $25 ea. NOW Interest $ 45.06 $ 100.00 $ 50.00 Sales $ 6,866.55 $ 6,500.00 $ 7,000.00 Total Income $ 29,939.06 $ 29,000.00 $ 35,000.00 Expense Ads $ 356.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 Bank Chrg $ (32.00) - - Commem. Observ. $ 2,100.00 $ 2,100.00 $ 2,100.00 Donations $ 6,650.00 $ 7,300.00 $ 10,000.00 Insurance $ 1,100.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,200.00 Journal $ 16,515.83 $ 15,000.00 $ 15,000.00 Meetings/C-in-C Discretionary $ 1,000.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $1,000 for Congress; $1,500 for C-in-C Exp. Reimb. Mem. Wreaths $ 374.90 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 Merchandise $ 6,052.75 $ 6,000.00 $ 6,000.00 Misc $ 1,060.98 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 MOLLUS Support $ - $ 2,000.00 $ - Office $ 209.06 $ 100.00 $ 100.00 Organizations $ 50.00 $ 100.00 $ 100.00 Postage $ 634.89 $ 700.00 $ 700.00 Printing $ - $ 200.00 $ 200.00 Service Charges $ 2.95 $ - $ 100.00 Total Expense $ 36,075.36 $ 39,000.00 $ 40,000.00 Net Income $ (6,136.30) $ (10,000.00) $ (5,000.00) This page is purposely left blank

$1,000 for Congress; $1,500 Exp. forC-in-C Reimb. Military Order Of The Loyal Legion Nat'l Assessment Summary Report October 2012 through September 2013

Oct '13 - Sep 14 # of Hereditary & Assoc. Jr., Hon. & Nat'l. Life TOTAL Oct '13 - Sep '14 (no assessment due)

California Commandery, MOLLUS $ 516.00 43 3 46 Connecticut Commandery, MOLLUS $ 528.00 44 6 50 D.C. Commandery, MOLLUS $ 792.00 66 12 78 Illinois Commandery, MOLLUS $ 264.00 22 1 23 Indiana Commandery, MOLLUS $ 384.00 32 1 33 Iowa Commandery, MOLLUS $ 36.00 3 0 3 Kansas Commandery, MOLLUS $ 144.00 12 0 12 Kentucky Commandery, MOLLUS $ 60.00 5 1 6 MA Commandery, MOLLUS $ 444.00 37 2 39 Michigan Commandery, MOLLUS $ 300.00 25 3 28 Missouri Commandery, MOLLUS $ 468.00 39 2 41 Nebraska Commandery, MOLLUS $ 36.00 3 0 3 New York Commandery, MOLLUS $ 720.00 60 11 71 Ohio Commandery, MOLLUS $ 600.00 50 20 70 PA Commandery, MOLLUS $ 1,896.00 158 14 172 Rhode Island Commandery, MOLLUS $ 168.00 14 0 14 Texas Commandery, MOLLUS $ 228.00 19 3 22 Virginia Commandery, MOLLUS $ 984.00 82 14 96 Wisconsin Commandery, MOLLUS $ 348.00 29 0 29 TOTAL RECEIVED $ 8,916.00 743 93 836

Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States

Bruce B. Butgereit, Council-in-Chief

1691 Summerfield St. SE

Grand Rapids, MI 49508

Ph: 616-827-3369

Email: [email protected]

30 September, 2014

Re: Annual Congress report from the Council-in-Chief

Greetings Commander-in-Chief Post, National Officers, and fellow Companions:

Although I have submitted my resignation from the office of Council-in-Chief, action has not yet been taken by the Board of Officers to officially accept my resignation. Given this, I feel obligated to submit this report. I trust it will be received in the spirit intended – one that is honest and hopeful for the future.

The reason for my resignation was based upon some mental and emotional issues that debilitated me from May until August of this year. These issues were the result of overcommitting to a multitude of projects the past sixteen years and the inability to effectively process the demands these projects placed upon my mind, body, family and more. I had also grown weary of carrying a majority of the load for many of the projects – the old rule that 20% of an organizations membership performs 80% of the work grew old a long time ago. I also held others to standards I set for myself and became frustrated when they failed to do as I did.

In order to give myself the therapy that I needed, I felt it was important to reduce the demands on me by resigning from a multitude of organizations and positions. The first title I resigned from in the MOLLUS was Chair of the Audit Committee followed by my resignation from any committee to which I had been named. Shortly after, I submitted my resignation from Council-in-Chief.

In addition to the health reasons, another reason I resigned from Chair of the Audit Committee was my concern as to how a recent donation was handled in terms of IRS rules. To be clear, I am not suggesting Treasurer-in-Chief Tryon or anyone did anything questionable or dishonest; I just believe we should have taken the additional steps to inform the IRS of this sizeable donation.

I was also in disagreement with the proposed changes to the Audit Committee Job Description, which will be voted upon at this Congress. In a telephone conversation with Commander-in-Chief Post regarding these concerns, I was told that the change I suggested would not be made before the language was disseminated to the Commanderies because, and I’m paraphrasing, it would take years to fix all the job descriptions, policies and procedures in the Order and there wasn’t time.

I then stated that if the new language regarding annual reporting is adopted, the Chair of the

Founded on April 15, 1865. Dedicated to preserving the memory of Abraham Lincoln, our 16th President Audit Committee would only be required to submit his report at either the Mid-Winter meeting or the annual Congress, not both. To this, I was told that by not giving a report at one or the other meetings would invoke the disfavor of the Companions present. So if a companion chooses to follow the job description as written (if approved at this Congress), he is still accountable to give two reports?

You might be tempted to ask why I am making such an issue of this and the answer is simple – if we are going to do something, we should take the time to do it right. Again, as stated earlier, I’m not suggesting Commander-in-Chief Post did anything purposefully wrong, but it does speak to how our Order conducts its business.

During that telephone conversation, I suggested that we need to change the accepted standard of repeatedly appointing companions to committees that don’t do anything. Elected officers need to submit reports even if they are not able to attend. Let’s actively seek companions knowledgeable of our purpose, policies and procedures. Seek out those most qualified for certain positions, such as the Council-in-Chief because from those six companions, three will be chosen to audit the financial records. If a companion is not performing the tasks assigned to him; remove him.

We as companions of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States can and should do better and therein is the honesty and hope I stated as my reason for this submitting this report.

Loyally submitted,

Bruce B. Butgereit, Commander Michigan Commandery 1691 Summerfield St. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49508

Founded on April 15, 1865. Dedicated to preserving the memory of Abraham Lincoln, our 16th President Robert E Rock National Editor MOLLUS Historical Journal

Report of the Editor in Chief for the Loyal Legion Historical Journal

October 4, 2014

To the Officers and Members attending the 129th National Congress for The Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States at Framingham, MA October 3 & 4, 2014:


I was honored to continue with my appointment as the MOLLUS Historical Journal Editor this past year. I truly enjoy the opportunity to serve the organization in this capacity and hope you all enjoy the Journal. I am always willing to take feedback as to layout or content and appreciate your critiques.

I once again encourage you to submit any MOLLUS news relevant to our organization. It is an exciting time for Civil War History and there is opportunity for membership recruitment. My wife and I sincerely appreciate any and all submissions from any of our membership. Please take the time to share any information or articles in .doc or .txt format and pictures in .jpg format as this is the best way for me to manage and place the information.

I sincerely look forward to continuing my service to the National Organization of MOLLUS in the capacity of Editor in Chief for the Loyal Legion Historical Journal.

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Rock Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States

Report of the National Quartermaster 4 October 2014

Since the 2013 Annual Congress last October sales of merchandise have amounted to $6,067.00.

The volume of sales totaling 156 items include the following highlights: • 41 - ROTC medals • 33- Union Blue • 7 - Scarves • 8 - Ties (four neck, four bow) • 8 - Certificates of Membership (three large, five small) • 7 - Blazer Patches • 11- Hereditary Insignia (seven large, four miniature) • 8 - Associate Insignia (four large, four miniature) • 6 - Packets of postcards

As a reminder, Union Blue is available to Commanderies for purchase at a discounted price of $15.00 for their use as gifts to ROTC recipients and distribution as gifts/honorarium.

We will be soon approaching that period when Commanderys will be requesting ROTC medals. Please build in reasonable lead-time when placing your orders. Additionally, for those requesting certificates to accompany the ROTC medal/ribbon please be reminded that these are prepared by Recorder-in-Chief Kane and also require some lead time.

A few Commanderies provide a Past Commanders Star to outgoing Commanders. These can be purchased from the National Quartermaster. They usually take form 4-6 weeks to be supplied by our manufacturer. The current cost is $200 plus shipping.

Due to the ever-changing rates of the USPS, it was necessary to adjust the shipping rates charged for merchandise. A single, flat rate was insufficient to cover rising postage rates.

Respectfully submitted,

Joseph T. Coleman, Ed.D. National Quartermaster Keith G. Harrison Past National Commander-in-Chief National Webmaster & Membership List Coordinator Chair, National Standing Committee on the Internet Chair, National Standing Committee on Nominations Member, Board of Officers Member, National Standing Committee on Constitution & Bylaws Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States 4209 Santa Clara Drive Holt, Michigan 48842-1868 517-694-9394 (Home) [email protected] (E-Mail) (Internet)

Report of the National Webmaster, National Membership List Coordinator, National Standing Committee on the Internet, and National Standing Committee on Nominations Mid-Winter Meeting Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States Framingham, Massachusetts, October 4, 2014

Commander-in-Chief Post and Companions:

I am pleased to present my reports as National Webmaster, National Membership List Coordinator, and Chair of the National Standing Committees on the Internet and Nominations.

National Webmaster & National Standing Committee on the Internet Chair Report Presented below is a listing of the changes that have been made to the Website since the last Congress: • Updated the Website listing of Commandery-in-Chief elected and appointed officers and committee appointments for 2013 – 2015; • Updated the Commandery-in-Chief Annual Award Recipient List; • Placement of the Journal of Proceedings of the 2013 National Congress of the Commandery-in-Chief on the Website;- • Placement of the Journal of Proceedings for the 2014 mid-Winter meeting of the Commandery-in-Chief on the Website; • Placement of Lincoln Birthday Program announcement onto the Website; • Placement of 2014 National Congress onto the Website; • Placement of two proposed amendments onto the Website; • Continued placement of all Loyal Legion Historical Journals onto the Website; • Continual updating of the MOLLUS Merchandise Website Price List and the addition of photographs for several of the merchandise; • Continued placement of the most recent Commandery newsletters onto the Website; and • Continual updating, upon request, of the National DOLLUS Website; and • Continual updating of all Commandery Web pages still residing on the National Website. • Placement of one more complete volume of an original MOLLUS Commandery Report of the National Webmaster and National Membership List Coordinator October 4, 2014 Page 2

War Papers to the Website resulting with the following 37 complete volumes now on-line:

Commandery Volumes Original Volumes Produced on Website California Commandery 1 None Colorado Commandery 1 None District of Columbia Commandery 4 None Illinois Commandery 8 1,2,3,6,7,and 8 Indiana Commander 1 1 Iowa Commandery 2 None Kansas Commandery 1 1 Maine Commandery 4 1, 2, 3, and 4 Massachusetts Commandery 3 1, 2 and 3 Commandery 1 None Michigan Commandery 2 1 and 2 Minnesota Commandery 6 1, 2, 3, and 4 Missouri Commandery 1 1 Nebraska Commandery 1 1 New York Commandery 4 1, 2, 3, and 4 Ohio Commandery 9 1,2,3,4,5,and 6 Pennsylvania Commandery 2 None Rhode Island 10 None Vermont Commandery 1 None Wisconsin Commandery 4 1, 2, 3 and 4 There has continued discussion about possibly updating the MOLLUS National website. On the surface, this is a good idea as facelifts are good occasionally. The potential pitfall though in any such endeavor is that many people often cannot see beyond appearance. While it is certainly recognized that appearance is very important, the most important aspects to and the success of any long-lasting website such as the National MOLLUS website are the simplicity in terms of its construction, the ease in which it conveys information, and how well it and all the information and records on it can be and are kept updated. Everything else is secondary. National Membership List Coordinator Report There have been 51 Loyal Legion Historical Journals returned and 13 address change notifications from the U.S. Post Office since the last Congress. All address changes are provided immediately to each Commandery when the Commandery-in-Chief is informed. The cost associated with the returns was $46.62.68 (51 Journals at $0.78 = $39.78 plus 13 address changes at $.057 = $6.84). For some reason, this was the largest number of Journal returns in many years. As in the past, I have personally covered the cost of all returns and notifications. I also have been in the process of continuing to add past members names and ancestor information from old Recorder-in-Chief records to the older membership database and the current National Membership Database. This is a very long and tedious process. Report of the National Webmaster and National Membership List Coordinator October 4, 2014 Page 3

The databases currently contain 15,483 Companions.

In May of each year, I transmit to each Commandery the current listing of their Commandery Companions that exists as of April 30th in the National Membership List for comparison and confirmation with their records. This was done on May 1, 2014.

National Standing Committee on Nominations Chair Report No Committee report is required for this meeting.

Loyally, Keith G. Harrison Past National Commander-in-Chief National Webmaster & Membership List Coordinator Chair, National Standing Committee on the Internet Chair, National Standing Committee on Nominations Member, National Standing Committee on Constitution & Bylaws Member, Board of Officers Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States National Website: Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States

Office of the National Membership Contact: To Commander-in-Chief Waldron K. Post and the Commandery-in-Chief, the report of the National Membership Contact follows: Since the last report there have been twenty seven internet contacts through the MOLLUS website. Seven of these were not viable at this time for various reasons, some of which can be corrected in the future. Texas Commandery: Two hereditary referrals Pennsylvania Commandery: One hereditary referral Massachucetts Commandery: One hereditary referral, One Associate D.C. Commandery: Two hereditary referrals Indiana Commandery: One hereditary referral Kansas Commandery: One hereditary referral California Commandery: Three hereditary referrals Illinois Commandery: Two hereditary referrals Virginia Commandery: Three hereditary referrals Iowa Commandery: One hereditary refferal Those who indicated the source of their inquiry were mainly from the MOLLUS website, some from SUVCW member referrals.

Respectfully submitted October, 2014 Laurence A. Converse Col. Eric Rojo USA (Ret) CinC Washington DC Representative Washington, D. C. Commandery Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States

Washington, D.C. 20016 202-329-5853 [email protected]

FROM: CinC Washington DC Representative September 19, 2014 To: Commander-in-Chief SUB: 2014 Congress Meeting Report As noted in previous reports, there is little to report as to action items in the DC area with respect to what could be or should be our Lobbing efforts. To this end, I will repeat that in order for this office to have a dedicated effort, it is necessary to do so at the grass roots level with the Commanderies congressional delegations to ensure we have a voice and in time a vote in the Capitol. Perhaps, we could further discuss the creation of some form of a National Commandery, as part of this effort we can create a Committee composed of members of all Commanderies that will address the Washington Representation with a strategy and objectives. Further, it is still my consideration that we take up the subject of a dedicated MOLLUS Executive Director who can take care of most day to day business to ensure the growth we envision for MOLLUS in the near and long term future. Most Companions, no matter how dedicated we are to our organization, have other jobs and obligations to tend to. A dedicated Executive Director, as in most successful organizations is responsible for filling any gaps and devotes his time to ensure our objectives are in continued motion under the guidance and leadership of the CinC and senior staff. With the notice in the news of the posthumous presentation of the Congressional Medal of Honor to Lt. Alonzo Cushing for his actions at the Battle of Gettysburg, and effort was made to try to include MOLLUS in the ceremony and ensure some national visibility. Unfortunately, no one answered the call and the ceremony took place as planned without our presence or notice. My continued absence from the DC area these days prevented my making an effort to at directly on this opportunity. In addition to this being an example of something that an Executive Director can take action on, it is also time for the CinC to appoint a new Washington, DC representative who is present full time in our nation’s capital 2014 Cinco de Mayo Celebration at Gettysburg As previously reported, the Director of the new Seminary Ridge Museum organized the first 5 de Mayo celebration in Gettysburg with participation from the community, local authorities, the Mexican Embassy, friends from the Washington, D.C. area and the local schools and businesses. As part of the event, we screened the Movie “5 de Mayo” produced by Honorary Companion Luis Maldonado, along with correct Mexican Army uniforms donated by the movie company. Dr. David Hayes-Bautista presented a brief of his book “5 de Mayo, and American Tradition”, and the undersigned presented a summary history of the Lincoln-Juarez relationship and mutual support in both nations retainind their freedom and unity. The city of Puebla is sending a delegation to Gettysburg to explore and cement new ties. They will work on a practical association between both cities and both states to ensure continuity and growth of the celebration in Gettysburg, as well as establish new historical and tourism promotional enterprises. Respectfully submitted, Loyally

Col. Eric Rojo USA (Ret) Standing and Special Committee Reports

33 34 Military Orderof the Loyal Legion V of the UnitedStates *? AUDITCOMMITTEE REPORT A\ OctoberI,2Ot4

DearCommander-in-Chief Post:

Thisreport presents a reviewof thefinancial transactions of the Commandery-in-Chief (C-i-C)for fiscal year 2A13, i.e., October 1, 2A12through September 30, 2013. TheC-i-C, headquartered in Philadelphia,PA, is a tax-exemptdomestic fraternal society recognizedunder $501(c)(10) of the lnternalRevenue Code. lt is the National Commanderyof the MilitaryOrder of the LoyalLegion (Order), and its purpose is to promotethe goalsand objectsof the Order. I performedthis review by examiningfinancial records provided by Treasurer-in-Chief LeeTryon. Companion Tryon has completed and filed IRS Form 990-N (e-postcard) for fiscalyear 2013.


Thetotal balance in the combinedchecking and savings account of the C-i-Cat the beginningof the periodwas $86,630. The total amount at theend of theperiod was $94,989.The calculated change for the periodwas a netincome of $8,359. P&L RevenueSummarv

Totalrevenue was $16,115 for 2013.Revenue was realizedfrom: (1) dues; (2) merchandisesales; (3) membership application fees; (4) interest on checking;and (5) lifemembership fees.

(1)Dues: $9.108. Dues comprised a percapita assessment of $12upon each of the individualcommanderies of the Order,according to its respectivenumber of companions on the rollsas of April30, 2013. The official membership rolls, provided by National MembershipList Coordinator Keith Harrison, showed that 756 Companions should have beenassessed, resulting in revenueof $9,072.The actual revenue received was $9,108.The discrepancy was due to the OhioCommandery remitting an extra$36 to coverassessment fees for a companionin arrearage.

(2)Merchandise sales: $6.222. Merchandise, such as medals,rosettes, scarves, etc., wereordered in bulkto minimizethe cost. Therefore, revenue from the saleof merchandisewas not necessarily realized in thesame year as purchase.The reported revenueof $6,222realized from the sale of merchandisefor 2013represents a snapshot at a specificmoment in time. (3) MembershipApplication Fees: $760. The C-i-C charged an administrativefee of $20 for eachapplication for membership.ln 2013,successful applications from 38 new membersresulted in revenueof $760.The number of successfulapplications as reportedby Registrar-in-ChiefAdam Flint and Chancellor-in-Chief Eric Rojo totaled 39, brokendown as follows:27 hereditary,1 juniorlife hereditary, 10 associate and 1 honorary.One of the newhereditary members converted his membership from associate to hereditaryand thus was notsubject to the$20 application fee. Therefore, the income of $760matches the 38 newmembers on record. (4) Intereston Checkino:$100. Thisis the annualinterest earned on the NOWchecking accountfor the period. (5) LifeMembership Fees: -$75. Thiscategory included an expenseitem and a revenue item.The expense constituted the reimbursementby the C-i-Cto the individual commanderiesaccording to theirrespective number of lifecompanions on the rollsas of April30, 2013.According to officialmembership rolls provided by CompanionHarrison, therewere 47 hfemembers. ' At the percapita reimbursement rate of $25,the C-i-C realizeda reimbursementexpense of $1175.Offsetting this expense was the revenue receivedby threenew national life memberships paid to theC-i-C during the period.Two companionspaid life membership fees of $500per person. ln addition,a companion paidthe $100junior life membership fee for hisnewborn son. Thus, the total income for thiscategory was $1 100 minus the $1175 reimbursement, resulting in a reportednet of -$75.

P&L ExpenseSummarv Totalexpenses were $7,778 for 2013.Expenses were paid for: (1) merchandise; (2) insurance;(3) miscellaneous; (4) postage; (5) advertising; (6) meetings; (7) organizations;(8) printing; (9) bank charge; and (10) office.

(1) Merchandise:$4.575. As mentionedabove, merchandise was ordered in bulkto minimizeoverall cost. Duringthe period,merchandise was ordered and paid for when suppliesran low. Thus, these expenses reflected purchases to restocksupplies.

(2) Insurance:$1.000. The C-i-C held an insurancepolicy covering its mostvaluable itemssuch as flags,engraved cups and the Commander-in-Chiefgavel. The premium paidfor this policy during the period was $1,000.

(3)Miscellaneous: $959. Thelargest portion of thisexpense was $500 paid to then Commander-in-ChiefJeffry Burden as reimbursementfor someof histravel expenses in fulfillinghis duties. There was a paymentof $138to SaulEwing LLP for completionof thefederal registration of the LoyalLegion trademark. A paymentof $100was madeto CompanionRojo for thecost of giftsthat were presented by the Orderin conjunctionwith theSesquicentennial observance of the Battleof Puebla.The remaining $221 was paid forvarious smaller matters such as reimbursementfor transporting the colorsto ceremonialevents and the engraving of awardsand medals.

I Juniorcompanions were excluded because they were not subject to the percapita assessment leviedupon each commandery; hence, there was no reimbursementpaid to commanderiesfor juniorlife companions. (4) Postaqe:$576. Most of the postageexpenses involved the shipping of merchandise to companions.Such expenses included payments to Citypride,Ltd. for shipping medals to companions.Postage expenses also included reimbursement payments to National QuartermasterJoseph Coleman for the costof shippingmerchandise from the National Quartermaster'sinventory directly to companions.ln addition,about $150 was paid to CompanionTryon as reimbursementfor postageexpenses incurred in fulfillinghis duties as NationalTreasurer.

(5)Adyertisinq: $356. The Cj-C placedadvertisements at a costof $356for promoting the Orderin four issuesof TheBanner, a quarterlyjournal of the Sonsof UnionVeterans of the CivilWar (SUVCW.

(6)Meetinqs Exoense: $118. The C-i-C purchased a LoyalLegion medal for $118 and donatedit to the U.S.Naval War College.

(7)Organizations: $80. TheC-i-C paid: (i) a $50annualfee to retainmembership in the LincolnBirthday National Commemorative Committee, and (ii) a $30web hosting fee to the SUVCWtomaintain access to the Order'sofficialwebsite hosted by the SUVCW.

(8)Printinq: $51. TheC-i-C reimbursed Companion Tryon for replacementinkjet cartridgesand copier paper.

(9) BankCharqe: $32. Thisexpense constituted a temporaryservice charge levied by the bank.The chargewas creditedback to the checkingaccount after the fiscalyear and willthusappear in nextyear's Treasurer's report as a $32credit.

(10)Office Expenses $31. Thisexpense included reimbursement for basicoffice suppliesnecessary to conductthe businessof the C-i-C.These supplies included boxes, bubblewrap and tape, necessary for mailingordered merchandise to companions.

Profit& Loss Summarv TheProfit & Losstotal for 2013was $16,115 minus $7,778 for a netincome of $8,337. The differencebetween the net incomeon the balancesheet report and profitand loss statementwas $22.

Gonclusion | findno deficienciesin thefinancial statements. The statements all appearto be in good orderbased upon my review.


ichaelT. Bates AuditCommittee R Military Order of The Loyal Legion of The United States

Office of the Junior Vice Commander-in-Chief

September 20, 2014

Report of the National Committee on Historical Preservation and Grants 2014 Congress Meeting Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States

Commander-in-Chief Post and Trustees:

Following is the summary criteria and suggested grant list for 2014 as agreed to by the committee.

As the Committee initiated this year, we are making a case for each grant, to make sure that we do not give on automatic and in time forget why we give and what is the value added to MOLLUS and the recipient organization. To this end, I have asked that each member takes on one or more of the grantees as a “sponsor” and confirm or make a case for funding and any recommendation for increase or reduction. As the members of the Committee change, new members should take over a sponsored grant to ensure proper continuity.

The recommended grants are set at the same level of 2014 and include relevant comments from this year’s due-diligence and recommendations for added or expanded giving.

Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center $ 350.00 They are well funded Grant Monument Association $700.00 The site needs all the money they can raise Zellwood Historical Society Museum & Library $350.00 Solid traditional donation Friends of U.S. Grant Cottage $700.00 Needs lots of funding, we need to see who is in charge after the current caretakers change Civil War Preservation Trust $ 500.00 National Trust for Historic Preservation (Anderson Cottage) $350.00 GAR Museum &Library $700.00 Abraham Lincoln Museum at LMU $700.00 Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library $700.00 A.L. Museum at LMU and Lincoln Presidential Library are two very different Org’s. They are the only organizations that actually devote space to explain who we are. National Monitor Historic Site & Museum. $250.00 Well-made case for continued funding Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Assoc. $350.00 Properly identified and worthwhile contribution Civil War Museum Philadelphia (CinC) $1,500.00 It is now time to put the CWMP back on the list, not for the usual $5,000.00 but for let's say $1,500.00. Many reasons why. They are very close to reaching a deal with the National Constitution Center (the one chaired by Jeb Bush) to create a "museum within a museum". We also have two MOLLUS members serving on the board by decree of the state of PA who give out of their own pockets, and they are looking very foolish when their own organization seems to have left them 'hanging out there to dry" Also the PA Commandery which has spent 10's of thousands of their own money in order to have the state recreate that whole museum appears to have been deserted by National. Silent Sentry Statue Restoration and Preservation (one time) $500.00 Lincoln Juarez Scholarship (Eric Rojo) $800.00 This is something we started two years ago and did not get funding from Mexico as we expected (I hope in time it will come) in the meantime, since it is still published and we get some inquiries, we should give two prizes for first 500 and second place 300 Hollowed Ground Tree Education Project (Eric Rojo) $500.00 My recommendation is that we join the board as part of expanding our horizons, and make an initial donation of 500 (and select 5 founding members in whose name a tree will be planted) and in addition to any further trees we would fund over the years, we also encourage all our members to donate 100 to plant a tree for our ancestor who brings us to MOLLUS. The Abraham Lincoln Foundation at the Union League (CinC) $500.00 Who is taking care of all of OUR two dimensional belongings and who has given us our legal address, office and storage space. They have not asked, and they probably do not need it; however, we should show our appreciation by thanking them with a token donation.

This gives us a total of $9450.00, leaving $650.00 from our $10,000.00 budget to add to any of the proposed grants, as we may agree to need and value.


Col. Eric Rojo USA (Ret)

(202) 329-5853 [email protected] Military Order of The Loyal Legion of The United States

Office of the Junior Vice Commander-in-Chief

September 19, 2014

Report of the National Committee on Meetings 2014 Congress Meeting Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States

Commander-in-Chief Post and Companions:

I am pleased to report the current status of planning for future national meetings following the long term calendar that my predecessor structured to ensure an effort for geographic balance and select places with symbolic and possible joint activities with allied organizations at times and dates relevant to the sesquicentennial of our Civil War.

To this end, we are exploring options and coordination for the national congresses for 2016. One consideration is to hold the congress in Richmond with some joint activity with MOSB and focus our program in reconciliation. PCinC Burden concurs with the consideration. There is also the suggestion that we explore holding the congress in Springfield. Jim Simmons, Sr. Vice CinC has initiated contact with the Illinois Commandery in order to define what can be planned and hope to have some input during the congress.

In support for this year’s congress, and taking advantage of their effort to email invitations to all companions, we will have an updated email list that will be provided in proper format to the National Webmaster at a later date.

MOLLUS Congresses as proposed to date, always making an effort to involve as many Commanderies as practical and expand whenever possible ensuring participation from coast to coast. There has been some discussion with respect to holding future congresses in California and Texas, however, we need to study the logistics of travel in relation to those who regularly attend and those who may be attracted or discouraged based on time/distance/costs. We also need firm commitment from the Commanderies to ensure they have the infrastructure and time to organize the congress. CinC Post has indicated that he will attend anywhere in the country as long as there is an airport nearby. Future 2015 PA- confirmed 2016 VA or IL 2017 PA 2018 IL, WI, TX, CA ?? 2019 IN (possible) Site of first (1866) & last (1949) National GAR Conventions 2020 PA

Past Congresses and Commanderies that hosted if different State:'00 MO, '01 VA, '02 PA, '03 NY/USMA, '04 TX, '05 PA, '06 TN/LMU (OHIO), '07 MD/USNA '08 PA, '09 KY (OHIO), '10 MI,' 11 PA,' 12 RI,' 13 TN/LMU (OHIO)

Respectfully submitted

Col. Eric Rojo USA (Ret) CHAIR

(202) 329-5853 [email protected] Military Order of the Loyal Legion b/ of the United States *r Committeeon Fraternal Relations A\ October1,?0L4

DearCommander-in-Chief post,

The StandingCommittee on FraternalRelations continues to work cooperativelywith the otherCivil War hereditaryorganizations. Listed below are the updatednames and addressesof the nationalheads of the CivilWar hereditaryorganizations and the United Statesservice academies.

RepnesevnNcTHE UNIoU

DOLLUS PresidentMiss Monie E. Upham,[email protected] 232340th Ptace NW, #105 / washingtonDC 2ooo7/ zoz-333-74s3

NSDU PresidentGeneral patrice DeHaan, P.O.Box 71,8/ NewAlbany, IN 47L50

Allied Orders of the Grand Army of the Republic:

SUVCW C-in-CTad D. Campbell,tadcamp@, 9110 AvezanWay / Gilroy,CA 95020-7545/ 409-842-7368 LGAR PresidentJudyRock,[email protected] 36829 MainSt. / New Baltimore,MI 48047/ 5g6-725-6005 WRC PresidentShirley Grant 20467 CountyHighway D / Hillsboro,WI 54634-0354 Asuvcw PresidentRachelle campbell, asuvcw@icloud,com 9110Avezan Way, Gilroy, CA 95020-7545/ 408-842-7369 DUVCW PresidentEllenHiggins,[email protected]{q NationalHQ: Po Box 211l springfield,rL 62705/ 2L7-s44-0616 Re p n eseuflN c THE Coureo enecv

MOSB CGWilliam Howard Jones, [email protected] NationalHQ: Po Box 1700/ white House,TN 37188/ 877-79o-t7oo

UDC PresidentGeneral Jamie Likins hqudc(Orqn,com NationalHQ: 328 NorthBtvd. / Richmond,vA z3z2o / go4-3s5-1636 CoC PresidentGeneral Jessica Sizemore c/o UDCNational Headquarters

SCV Commander-in-ChiefC. KellyBarrow [email protected] 621 ForrestAve / Griffin, cA30224 / 770-4L2-1646

U.E. SenvtceAceoewes

UAMA LT GENRobert L. Caslen,Jr. 600 ThayerRd / West Point,NY 10996

USNA VAMMichael H. Miller 121 BlakeRd / Annapolis,MD 2L4A2

USGOA RADMSandra Stosz 31 MoheganAve / New London,CT 06320

USMMA RADMJames A. Helis 300 SteamboatRd / GreatNeck, NY tL024

USAFA LT GENMichelle D. Johnson 2304 CadetDrive, Suite 3300 / USAFAcademy, CO 80840

The DC Commanderyof MOLLUSand DCSociety of DOLLUSco-hosted the 132ndAnnual LoyalLegion Banquet on 11 Feb2014 in honorof the 205thanniversary of the birth of PresidentAbraham Lincoln. In additionto ShirleyGrant, National President WRC, Diane Mellor,National President ASUVCW, and PerleyMellor, PCinC SUVCW, honored guests attendingincluded Rep. John J. Duncan,Jr. of Tennessee,Minister Enrique Ernesto EscorzaZamudio of Mexico,and Dr. B. JamesDawson, Chancellor of LincolnMemorial University.On 12 Feb20L4, C-i-C Waldron Post laid a wreathat the LincolnMemorial on behalfof MOLLUSduring the afternooncommemoration ceremony organized by the LincolnBirthday National Commemorative Committee.

MOLLUSand SUVCWco-sponsored the 58thAnnual Lincoln Tomb Ceremonyin Springfield,IL on 12 April2Ot4 to commemoratethe 149thanniversary of President Lincoln'sdeath. Representativesof CivilWar hereditaryorganizations attended and laid wreathsat the tomb of Pres.Lincoln in Oak RidgeCemetery. The NationalCommittee on LincolnDeath Day Observancehandled the arrangementsfor this event.



Commandery Reports

47 48

Vol. 14 No. 1 California Commandery of MOLLUS * The Journal Fall 2014 California Commandery of the Military Order of Loyal Legions of United States

Officers of California Commandery: won the Medal of Honor. These 41 Medals of Honor Wayne J. Rogers, Commander generally meant something beyond ordinary bravery Robert M. Fletcher II, Treasurer in the line of duty. It was noted once that the Will Hoge, Recorder combined membership of the twenty-one Linn M. Malaznik, Vice-Commander Commanderies of the Order was less than four times Steven S. Magoffin, Chaplain that who had been members of the California Richard H. Breithaupt, Jr., Commander Emeritus Commandery.

New members Interestingly, the Commandery had the only member Frederick Holmes Cron who rose from the enlisted ranks to Rear Admiral. It Brian McLaughlin was one of our members who said at the moment of Cleveland Lee Smith victory at Santiago: “Don’t cheer, men, while those poor fellows are dying”. It was another of our An electronic membership application and companions who stood the Oregon on its 15,000 instructions can be downloaded for your friends and mile voyage from the Pacific to the Atlantic, arriving relatives at: in time to render heroic service when the Spanish fleet under Admiral Cerveras was destroyed; and it and was two other companions of our order who photos of the portion of the visit to Puebla here: commanded on that historic day. Compliments of Richard Breithaupt, Jr, CA Commandery Commander, Emeritus

History of the California Commandery In Late 2013, Commander Rogers represented and The Commandery of the State of California was gave greetings from MOLLUS in Fallbrook, Calif. at founded in 1871 with eight charter members. By a Civil War Event, honoring civil war medal of 1915, it had on its rolls 21 Major Generals, 144 honor recipient Sgt Pittenger, on Remebrance Day Brigadier Generals, 11 of whom were Brevet Major 2013 with Camp 21 of the Sons of the Union Generals; and 34 other officers who were Brevet Veterans of the Civil War (SUVCW). It has been Brigadier Generals; or, 204 who had earned the right suggested that the Eagle Scout Chapter create a to be addressed as General; 54 Admirals and one Color Guard with uniforms from other wars (e.g. Commodore. Of these 204 Generals, 357 received civil war) than just the Revolution War for a color Brevets, 20 won Medals of Honor and two received guard.. the “Thanks of Congress”. The Commandery has had 95 members, not in the grade of General, who received one or more Brevets, and 21 of them also

. Companion Jerry Sayre Jerry made a presentation in Civil War dress And recited the Gettysburg Address.

Commander Wayne J. Rogers at a start up of an Eagle SAR Chapter, which includes companion Jerry Jerry not only discussed the life of Sgt William Sayre. Pettenger but also the History of the Medal of Honor. It was a very informative and accurate report

Last CA MOllus Meeting Our last past CA MOLLUS was The mid winter CA Mollus meeting was held at the Annandale Country Club, Pasadena, CA 10:30 AM– January 25, 2014 Among those present were Edward Malaznik, Vice Commander Linn W. Malaznik, CA. Commander Wayne Jerome Rogers Commander Emeritus Richard Hoag Breithaupt Jr. , Chaplain Stephen S.Magoffin. and Life member Ed Barnum Earlier President Wayne Rogers, swore in Companion Jerry Sayer as new (SAR) Vice President and subsequently congratulated him Our speaker for a meeting was Jerry Sayre presenting on Sgt William Pettenger and the Medal of Honor

Officer(s) Report – Commander Wayne J. Rogers

hey could not make it were - Richard Andriano-Moore (CDR-Ret), Vice include it in our by laws, if not restricted or in conflict Commander, Jerry Sayre, Recorder Kenneth with national, and dues would be required . Rogers Walker, Robert Mallott Fletcher II, and icipation. Will Tisch Old Business

Valley, CA 92708-7454 passed away published. (see attached, electronically) New Members are Brian McLaughlin and Cleveland Lee Smith however several members have not paid. It was Prospective (new) Member: Frederick Holmes suggested we call them by telephone rather than mere Cron telephone and email. Several members did not pay dues Vice Comander: last year, we need to call, to renew attend the 2014 Abraham Lincoln event in February10- Commander Emeritus Rick Breithaupt 12, and will carry a flag. Adjournment by CA commander Wayne J. Rogers Treasurer and we subsequently attended the Sons of the Revolution, State of California banquet. electronically to Commander Rogers CA Mollus 2014 LINCOLN BIRTHDAY Finance Report – dues were obtained from 30 members out of 45 current members. We spent $116.25 for ACTIVITIES IN WASHINGTON, DC flowers for past Commander Lenehan O’Connell. February 10—February 12, 2014 The Current CA Commandery Officers are:: HOLIDAY INN NATIONAL AIRPORT AT CRYSTAL CITY Wayne J. Rogers, Commander 2650 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA 22202 Linn M. Malaznik, Vice-Commander MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2014 Robert M. Fletcher II, Treasurer 4:30—6:30 pm Welcome and Registration— Holiday William Hoge, Recorder* Inn National Airport (Lobby) Steven S. Magoffin, Chaplain 6:00—8:00 pm “Abraham Lincoln and the Technology Richard H. Breithaupt, Jr.,Commander Emeritus of War”—Ford’s Theatre *Kenneth Rogers Walker resigned as reorder/registrar. (Exhibit Hosted by Lincoln Memorial University) Since his resignation, William Hoge has indicated he RSVP or call would perform this position. No other changes to 423-869-7072 for reservations (free). officers were made. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2014 Note; Ken Walker gave a Mollus medal and CA certificate at Claremont Colleges. Annual Business Meeting of CA MOLLUS ( Will Tisch, Ken Walker and Linn Commandery-in-Chief Malaznik) were in the the color guard or present for and DC MOLLUS, and DC DOLLUS. Cinque de Mayo last year (2013) and a MOLLUS member from DC( Companion Eric Rojo)(was the keynote speaker. New Business new prospective member: Frederick Holmes Cron, at this time..

Forest Lawn in Burbank -Feb. 12, 2014, Arlington , VA Linn Malaznik will attend indicatged that we have custom made blank ROTC certificates

Jerry Sayre supplemented an Eagle SAR Chapter implementation of this program for next year, please presentation on uniforms with his Civil War uniform, with contact; Ken Walker, ROTC Coordinator, details of the civil war uniform and the times PO Box 44, Lancaster, CA 93584

E-mail; [email protected] or Memorial Day 2014 Wayne Jerome Rogers, Commander Commander Wayne Rogers participated 28482 Scenic Bay Cove in Memorial Day at Riverside National Cemetery Menifee, CA 92585 with CA –OFPA, Eagle and Riverside SAR Chapters [email protected] Commander Wayne Rogers read the number of causalites of Each War at the Riverside National Reminder: The Military Order of the Loyal Cemetery, as follows: Revolutionary War 1775-1783 4,435- 6,000 to 25,000 Legion of the United States, AKA MOLLUS or War of 1812-1814/1815, a 2nd Rev. war 2,260, a forgottoned war , but gave simply as the Loyal Legion was founded April 15, us our National Anthem, Indian Wars (1775-1842) (1811-1924)19,000 (total causalities) 1865 by Union officers similar to the Cincinnati, as a Mexican War (1846-1848) 13,283 result of the assassination of President Lincoln, and

Civil War (combined) 1861-1865 618,000 in combat with over >1,000,000 is carried on by descendants of eligible officers very causalities in total) (Our 1st similar to the Cincinnati. Presidential to be assinated, causing the formation of MOLLLUS) For acquaintances or friends who are interested in

Spanish American War (1898/1899 1, 446 (time included MOLLUS refer them to: purchase of Philippines) or

-World War I (1914=1918) 116,516 (Spanish influenza) – this war celebrated all dead Loyal_Legion_of_the_United_States

World War II (1941=1945 405,399 For MOLLUS membership information, see

Korean War 1950-1953 36,574 (another forgotten war) CA website:

Vietnam Conflict 1956/61-73/75 58,220, treaty signed, but conflict continued 14 to 19 years ANNOUNCEMENTS:

Persian Gulf War 1990-1991 382 also known as Operation Our next CA Commandery meeting will be January Desert Storm 13, 2015 at the Annandale Golf Club, One North Operation Enduring Freedom- Iraq American Deaths 2003-2011 San Rafael Avenue, Pasadena, California, at 10:30 Operation 4,486 AM.

Enduring Freedom -Afghanistan ======DUES-DUES-DUES======2001-to present, 2321 (13 years Request for 2014- Annual Membership: $25 (Note: variations in the above causalities exist, depending Please make out check to MOLLUS/CA upon sources) Please mail your $25 check by November 30th to;

Wayne J. Rogers, Commander 2014 National MOLLUS Congress Our representative to the 2014 National Congress 28482 Scenic Bay Cove will be Linn M. Malaznik, Vice-Commander )at Menifee, California 92585 [email protected] the 129th MOLLUS Congress), Oct 3-5, 2014 in Framingham, MA. Please include your name, current address, e-mail & phone number with your check, payable to Number of Companions in CA Commandery MOLLUS. With revision of our membership in April 2014 and addition of new member in August, our total membership is estimated to be 51.

FUTURE ROTC AWARDS; This program is not currently in the budget and a procedure is being drafted for next year. If you have any ideas for

Subject: Re: Request for 2014 Annual Congress Reports

From: [email protected] ([email protected])

To: [email protected];

Cc: [email protected];

Date: Monday, September 22, 2014 5:39 PM

No activity hence no report.

George Haerle Recorder IN Commandery Subject: Re: Read report : FW: MOLLUS 2014 Assessment, Report and Roster

From: douglas niermeyer ([email protected])

[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; To: [email protected]; [email protected];

Date: Sunday, September 21, 2014 10:51 PM


I have just written the $648 check for KS/MO/NE and will have it in the mail tomorrow.

As I told you on the phone I have had many challenges with my job, home, marriage, children, cars, and health (better now but not great). I am fighting to make time at home to get caught up on my responsibilities. I really miss being more involved in MOLLUS locally and nationally. I am also having issues with the new YAHOO/ browser as it is not as user friendly as past versions and I was not able to download or forward Keith original email with the 2014 Commandery Rosters.

If anyone needs to get a hold of me it is better to call or text my cell phone at 636-584-1479. I am trying to get back on my home email but currently have 9,400 unopened emails so it may take me awhile to sort through everything.

Loyally, Douglas

On Monday, September 15, 2014 7:17 PM, "[email protected]" wrote:

Recipient: [email protected] Time of reading : 09/15/2014 06:30 PM Subject: FW: MOLLUS 2014 Assessment, Report and Roster

Gentlemen- This is your third notice!!! The MOLLUS Assessment Report, Roster and Payment for the following Commanderies was not received by the August 15th deadline: DC, IN, KS, MO, NE, TX Please complete and send ASAP. The MOLLUS fiscal year ends September 30th and your assessment payment and information is required prior to that date. Lee Allan TryonTreasurer-in-Chief From: Lee Tryon [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Saturday, June 14, 2014 3:55 PMTo: 'Rick Breithaupt'; 'Lee Tryon'; 'Moore, MILITARY ORDER OF THE LOYAL LEGION OF THE UNITED STATES


22 September 2014

TO: The Commander in Chief and Companions assembled at the 2014 Annual Congress FROM: Commander Timothy H. Downey SUBJECT: Report of the Kentucky Commandery

1. COMMUNICATIONS / MEETINGS / ACTIVITIES • Commandery annual meeting held at Hustonville, KY in April. • Memorial Day services, Lincoln County, KY. • Report to KY Department SUVCW Encampment, Lexington, KY in June. • 8th TN Infantry, USA, Memorial Service at Camp Nelson National Cemetery in June.

2. MEMBERSHIP The 2014 Assessment has been completed. The Commandery currently has 4 Hereditary and 1 Associate Companions.

Loyally, Timothy H. Downey

Timothy Howard Downey Commander 174 Berry Lane Hustonville, KY 40437 606 346-3789 [email protected] MILITARY ORDER OF THE LOYAL LEGION OF THE UNITED STATES Massachusetts Commandery National Congress, October 2014

Back in 2010 I proposed that we host a MOLLUS National Congress. Massachusetts had not hosted one since 1986, and I had a strong feeling that we should do it during the Civil War 150th anniversary ceremonies.

Today I have the privilege of offering you a hearty welcome to the 2014 National Congress. How the time has flown! Our hard working planning group has made Herculean effort to make your time here interesting and enjoyable. I owe them all a huge measure of thanks, starting with Dave Whittemore, Chairman, and Ed Welch, our Recorder. Publicity was provided Bob Schecter and Mark Slayton, who is also our webmaster. Bob Anderson offered transportation, Rufus Frost, Mary Whittemore, and Betsy Stevens provided for the Congress Registration.

Enjoy the items in your gift bag, especially the book, which was a labor of love by companion Bob Schecter. Note the list of Civil War officer gravesites in Mount Auburn Cemetery, and pick up a location map if you want to visit one.

Our Commandery membership is currently 40, with 34 hereditary and 6 associates. We have 1 dual member and 2 national life members. Our newest members are David Hockensmith and Ronald Morneau. Two more new members are currently in process with our Recorder, Ed Welch. They are Eric Frydman and Scott Lenahan.

Our finances are sound, being ably tended to by Vice Commander and Treasurer, David Whittemore.

The project to restore our very old silk banner, which was started in 2010, was completed and delivered to us on September 9, 2014. It is on display and I hope that you have seen the wonderful and difficult restoration. Compare it to our reproduction banner which was created with the help of digital technology. The costly restoration was greatly assisted by the generous 2010 bequest of past companion David S. Hendrick III. Also on display is an original MOLLUS medal which is in the same frame with an original MOLLUS certificate, number 1537 which came to our family via Mrs. Stevens ancestor, Captain John Wesley Wolcott.

Last January, I presented a wreath at the interment of Lenahan O’Connell, on behalf of our Commandery and Commander-in-Chief Post.

We continue our annual co-sponsorship of “Lincoln Day” in Hingham, where I lay a wreath at the Abraham Lincoln monument. This occurs on the Saturday one week before the Lincoln Birthday events in Washington, DC.

We also continue make MOLLUS awards at ceremonies honoring outstanding ROTC cadets and midshipmen. We have increased the cash portion of the award from $100 to $500.

Frederick A. Stevens, Jr. Commander

Commandery of the State of Michigan

Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States

26 September 2014

Re: Annual Congress report from the Michigan Commandery

Greetings Commander-in-Chief Post, National Officers, and fellow Companions:

The Board of Officers for the Commandery has chosen Companion Keith G. Harrison to represent me in my absence at this Congress.

The membership of the Commandery stands at twenty-eight. Our treasury stands at $1,450.93 in our savings account and $2,132.82 in a CD.

The Commandery remains active in honoring the soldier of the Civil War and President Abraham Lincoln although 2014 marked the fewest events participated in or conducted. Much of this was due to my personal health issues. I have made it known that I will not seek another term as Commander but will submit my name for Recorder/Treasurer.

Companion Harrison has successfully, in spite of numerous challenges, given outstanding leadership direction to the formation of the GAR Brainerd Post 111 Memorial Hall and Museum in Eaton Rapids, MI. This museum includes artifacts and historical items from the G.A.R., WRC, MOLLUS, and Allied Orders.

Companions Harrison and W. Fred Roberts again represented the Commandery in presenting ROTC awards to cadets at Eastern Michigan University, Michigan State University and the University of Michigan.

With membership in various states and cities across Michigan, Companions help fulfill the purpose of the Order by participating in or conducting ceremonies in Bay City, Saginaw, Flint, Detroit, Lansing, Traverse City, and more.

On Thursday, October 23, I will serve as the master of ceremonies for a ribbon cutting ceremony celebrating the rehabilitation of Monument Park in Grand Rapids, site of the Kent County Civil War monument. Through the generous donation of one of our companions, this park now has a new granite memorial bench commemorating the September 17, 1885 dedication of the monument and the words uttered by Michigan Companion Captain Charles W. Watkins, 10th Michigan Cavalry, Co. B. –

“…that so long as grass grows and water runs, the deeds of the soldiers will be kept fresh and green in the hearts of the people.”

The Commandery continues to serve as a member of the Michigan Civil War Sesquicentennial History Partners. In November, we will be co-sponsoring the 5th annual Civil War Sesquicentennial Reenactors Conference. Later that day, several members of the Commandery will participate in a VIP Open House at the Grand Army of the Republic Building in Detroit.

Upon its opening in 1900, this building was home of the Michigan Commandery until 1934. The second floor of the building included the Commandery meeting room, library, billiard room, a smoking room and the office of the Recorder. Once the multi-million dollar restoration of the building is complete, the Commandery be able to return, keeping full ownership rights, our 1897 Loving Cup to the building it once resided in.

Looking towards the future, the Commandery will partner with the Department of Michigan, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War in the cleaning and restoration of a 1938 Lincoln Statue in Ypsilanti, Michigan. The 13-foot limestone piece was created as a WPA project by Samuel Cashwan.

The Commandery will also coordinate the marking of the grave of Captain Christopher C. Bruton, 22nd NY Cavalry, Co. C in Caledonia, Michigan. The significance of this is that Captain Bruton was a Medal of Honor recipient and nothing on his headstone references that achievement.

In order to commemorate the end of the Civil War Sesquicentennial, the Commandery and the General John A. Logan Camp No. 1, SUVCW, will seek permission to temporarily rename the Pearl Street Bridge the “Old Third Bridge.” The largest event conducted up until that time in the city of Grand Rapids was a July 4th picnic on the Pearl Street Bridge welcoming home the veterans of the Third Michigan Infantry.

The Commandery will also have an opportunity to partner with the Lincoln Highway Association during the annual conference that will be held in Ann Arbor/Detroit, Michigan in June. Plans include a visit to the home of Russell Alger, Jr., son of General Russell A. Alger, who was an early director of the Lincoln Highway Association. Both were members of the Michigan Commandery. The Russell, Jr. home is now the Grosse Pointe War Memorial.

Loyally submitted,

Bruce B. Butgereit, Commander 1691 Summerfield St. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49508 Ph: 616-827-3369 Email: [email protected]




2014 Annual Congress Report October 1, 2014


This report covers the activities of the New York Commandery since the February 2014 Mid-Winter Meeting.

Membership: The Commandery has at least two Hereditary and two Associate applications pending. We continue to promote our Commandery and actively seek new members.

Elections: The following Officers were elected and appointments made this past May at the New York Commandery Annual Meeting for the 2014/2015 Calendar Year:

Commander Gerald F. Fisher, Esq. Sr. Vice Commander COL Paul A. Schneider, AUS (ret) Jr. Vice Commander LTJG Ryan B. Weddle, USNR Recorder Thomas L. Tedeschi, Esq. Treasurer COL Paul A. Schneider, AUS (ret) Chancellor Craig H. Weaver, Esq. Registrar LTJG Ryan B. Weddle, USNR Council Mr. Thomas M. McCarter, III (PCinC) COL Robert J. Bateman, NYSG (PCinC) COL Donald L. Twiss, VCASNY Mr. Russell W. Twiss Historian Mr. Peter S. Wells Physician vacant

Activities: The Commandery Officers have held monthly meetings in March, April, June, September and our Commandery Annual Meeting this past May. We have finalized our calendar for the remainder of the year and have incorporated a member-luncheon to facilitate our members who work in Manhattan and to also attract new candidates. We recently held our first successful member/guest luncheon at the Yale Club in midtown Manhattan. In the 2015 we’re planning a Lincoln Dinner as a joint event with a down town private-club and will have Lincoln historian Harold Holzer speak at that event.

Website: The recently finalized the website of the New York Commandery went ‘live’ this summer. We invite all to visit:

ROTC Partnerships: The New York Commandery is making steady progress in partnering with the Naval ROTC (NROTC) program at Rutgers University, whose NROTC program covers several area schools within the scope of the Greater-New York Metropolitan area, including Princeton University where we’ve had a long standing Army ROTC relationship. We look forward to future recognition of NROTC Midshipmen who emulate the objectives of our Order.

Reports: All required reports and IRS filings have been made.

Respectfully & loyally submitted,

Gerald F. Fisher Commander

Commandery of the State of New York, The Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States

Pennsylvania Commandery Annual Report

Joseph T. Coleman, Ed.D. Commander 4 October 2014

On 19 November a number of our Companions; Bob Lynch, Mitchell Schmidt, Ellis Adams, Paul Lader, Jon Sirlin, Andy Waskie and myself, attended the 150th Gettysburg Address dinner at the Union League. This wonderful event included a reading of the Gettysburg Address by Admiral Thomas C. Lynch, USN (Ret.), 68th President of the Union League at the podium from which President Lincoln delivered the Address on November 19, 1863. The featured speaker for the evening was the Honorable Samuel Alito, Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.

Saturday, 23 November saw many of our Companions participating in the in the ceremonies and parade in recognition of Remembrance Day at Gettysburg. The Pennsylvania Commandery again laid wreaths at the Woolson Memorial and the monument to John Page Nicholson. I also participated in wreath placements at the Charles H.T. Collis (MOLLUS Medal of Honor recipient) monument in the National Soldiers Cemetery and at the MOLLUS monuments at the Railroad Cut. There are two MOLLUS monuments at this location recognizing the gift of land on both sides of the road to the GNMP by the PA Commandery in 1963.

The quarterly Commandery Board of Officers meeting was held at the Union League of Philadelphia on 4 December 2013 with nine officers in attendance. Prior to the meeting, we were given a tour of the recently completed archive storage facilities in the Templeton Heritage Center where the MOLLUS archives were relocated to the following week. MOLLUS members have been invited to a private preview reception of the completed research center featuring the MOLLUS archives on 5 February 2104.

On February 5 marking the opening of the research center at the Heritage Center of the Union League, which now includes our MOLLUS, achieves. Several of our members were able to attend. You may have seen some photos posted by David Scott of the event which include the plaque installed in the Heritage Center noting the role MOLLUS has played in the collection of documents not to mention the thousands of volumes of books from the Civil War Museum and Library on Pine Street now in possession of the Union League. We had a strong turnout for our Lincoln Birthday dinner held on February 8 at the Franklin Inn Club in Center City Philadelphia. My thanks go out to Tom Kellogg, Matt Dupee and Bob Lynch for their efforts in making the event so successful. We had 42 Companions and guests registered for the event.

Senior Vice Commander Flint, Registrar/Treasurer Lynch and myself as representatives of the Commandery participated on a planning committee for the Silent Sentry relocation and rededication at Laurel Hill Cemetery. The committee also includes staff and members of the Friends of Laurel Hill Cemetery including MOLLUS Companions Jon Sirlin, Andy Waskie and Recorder Gary Grove. The work came to a very successful conclusion with the dedication ceremonies on Sunday, 25 May 2014. The rededication ceremony included comments from our Commander-in-Chief, Kinny Post, Brig. Gen Wilbur E. Wolf III the Deputy Commanding General of the 28th Infantry Division, Linda Duffy (historian of the Cooper Shop Refreshment Saloon, Soldier’s Home and the Silent Sentry) and by Richard Snowdon, the great-great grandson of Col. A. Loudon Snowden who was the main speaker at the original dedication in 1883. Many thanks to all who attended and to those who helped return the Silent Sentry to “active duty”.

The annual meeting of the Commandery was held on June 5, 2014 at the Corinthian Yacht Club of Philadelphia. On August 10, the Commandery held its summer picnic at the Germantown Cricket Club in Philadelphia.

The Commandery 150th anniversary committee is working on two special events for 2015. The first will be a ceremony at Congress Hall in Philadelphia marking to first formal meeting of MOLLUS where the first 25 Companions were installed. This event took place on May 31, 1865 but will be reenacted on May 30, 2015 due to National Park Service limitations. The second will be the 130th MOLLUS Annual Congress, which will be held on October 16-18, 2015 at the Union League of Philadelphia. Please take note of this change in date.

CIVIL WAR MUSEUM OF PHILADELPHIA I continue in my role as the C-in-C’s representative on the Civil War Museum of Philadelphia Board of Governors. We meet quarterly and continue to search for a new home for the museum’s collection of MOLLUS artifacts. The MOLLUS archives were successfully transferred to the Heritage Center at the Union League in December. The executive committee of the board recently made some significant progress on reestablishing the museum in Philadelphia. Several meetings have been held with the new executive director and staff of the National Constitution Center to discuss the allocation of space at the NCC for a permanent Civil War Museum of Philadelphia within the Center. The three dimensional items from 1805 Pine Street continue to be stored at GNMP under an agreement that is in effect until September 2015.

N.B. As per the agreement between the Orphans Court of Philadelphia, the Union League and the CWMP, a deaccession of duplicate books and periodicals of de minimis value once part of the collection at 1804 Pine Street is about to take place. I will provide information about the deaccession at the meeting on October 4. Please be advised that a similar process will be initiated, as per the MOLLUS-Abraham Lincoln Foundation/Union League with the deaccession of duplicate items from the MOLLUS archives. This will be discussed at the Congress. Annual Report

Commandery of Rhode Island Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States

Year Ending 30 September 2014

The 2013 annual meeting of the Rhode Island Commandery was held in October in Barrington, Rhode Island. Members of the Rhode Island Commandery present included Commander Gregg A. Mierka, Senior Vice Commander John T. Duchesneau, Junior Vice Commander James Veach and Chaplain Reverend Raymond Ferrick.

The annual election was held and the following officers were elected:

Commander John T. Duchesneau Senior Vice Commander James Veach Junior Vice Commander Robert A. Mierka Chaplain Raymond Ferrick Recorder and Treasurer Gregg A. Mierka

Immediately after the election the Commandery voted to confer the title of Founding Commander upon Past Commander Gregg A. Mierka.

On February 12, 2014 Commander Duchesneau attended a dinner organized by the Rhode Island Department of the Sons of Union Veterans to commemorate the birthday of President Abraham Lincoln.

In April 2014 there was a luncheon at the White Horse Tavern in Newport, Rhode Island to remember the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln and to commemorate both the attack on Fort Sumter and the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia. MOLLUS members in attendance were John Duchesneau, Gregg Mierka, Raymond Ferrick and Henry Beckwith - a member of the Massachusetts Commandery.

On Saturday, July 19th, 2014 Commander Duchesneau attended a ceremony at the Swan Point Cemetery in honor of Colonel Elisha Hunt Rhodes. The ceremony was organized by Major Brian Guiot, RIM, a Past Department Commander of the Rhode Island Department of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War. Colonel Rhodes descendant, Robert Hunt Rhodes was in attendance. Commander Duchesneau spoke briefly regarding MOLLUS, its objectives and ideals, and Colonel Rhodes' membership therein.

Rhode Island MOLLUS lost no members during the period 1 October 2013 to 30 September 2014. It gained one member - David R. Hines of Kennebunk, Maine. There is one prior member of the Iowa Commandery who desires to join RI MOLLUS and will be reported on our annual membership report pending payment of annual dues. Currently the membership of RI MOLLLUS is as follows -

Lineal Members - 11

Associate Members - 2

Founding Dual Members with primary membership in other commanderies - 4

Respectfully Submitted,

John T. Duchesneau Commander RI MOLLUS

70 Reception, Meeting and Annual Banquet Photographs

71 72 Library of Congress Trip

73 Annual Banquet

74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 Lincoln Memorial

82 83 84 Appendix 1 October 3, 2014 Board of Officers Meeting Minutes

85 86 Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States Board of Officers Meeting Minutes

The meeting of the Board of Officers of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States (MOLLUS) was convened at the Sheraton Inn in Framingham, MA on October 3, 2014 at 4:33 P.M. In attendance were: K. Post, J. Burden, M. Watson, K. Harrison, G. Bury, J. Carroon, R. Rock, M. Bates, L. Tryon. D. Neiermeyer (by telephone), P. Dixon and J. Coleman.

1. The resignation of Bruce Butgereit from the office of Council-in-Chief was accepted and the Board replaced him with Harry Colvocoresses. A letter of thanks was sent to Bruce and a Meritorious Service Medal will be awarded. 2. The re-chartering of the Florida Commandery was discussed with many of those constituting the numbers needed coming from the Virginia Commandery. It was also announced that Companion Courtney Fleener has reengaged with the Virginia Commandery. 3. Jeff Burden announced his position as the SUVCW liaison with the MOLLUS. He also gave a detailed summary of his work to invigorate the contributions to the Memorial Fund. A capital campaign will be launched shortly but some contributions have already been received. 4. Rick Bury announced that Ohio will propose a change to the constitution and bylaws that will allow associate members to hold office but no higher than state Commander. Keith Harrison indicated that the Constituion and Bylaws does not prohibit Associate Members being installed as “aides” to officers. Rick also discussed sesquicentennial activities as well as looking forward to the 150th anniversaries of the founding of individual Commanderies. The “Lincoln in Cleveland 2015” events were also highlighted and a request for a good presence by the MOLLUS. Kinny Post suggested that Ohio advertise these events to the general membership. 5. Kinny Post, on behalf of Eric Rojo who was tied up in traffic, discussed the concept of establishing a position of Executive Director for the Order.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:15 PM.

Respectfully submitted, Joseph T. Coleman Joseph T. Coleman, Ed.D. Chancellor-in-Chief

87 88 Appendix 2 Proposed Amendment to Audit Committee Job Description

89 91 92 92