CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. Decel\IBER 14, Ceiver of Public Moneys at Minot, N.Dak., Vice Dean W
"I I ' • 38 .. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. DECEl\IBER 14, ceiver of public moneys at Minot, N.Dak., vice Dean W. Ham He also laid before the Senate a communication from the Secre mond,· declined. tary of the Interioritransmitting, in accordance with law, two William H. Hare, of Ellensburg, Wash., who was commissioned copies of the genera statutes of the Territory of Oklahoma, com June 23, 1891, during the recess of the Senate, to be receiver of piled from the laws passed at the First Legislative Assembly of public moneys at North Yakima, Wash., vice ThomasM. Vance, that TerritOry; which, with the accompanying papers, was re resigned. · ferred to the Committee on Territories. Joseph C. Painter, of Walla Walla County, Wash., who was He also laid before the Senate a communication from the Sec commissioned March 25,1891, during the recess of the Senate, to retary of the Interior, transmitting in accordance with law, two be receiver of public moneys at Walla Walla, Wash., vice Robert copies of the laws enacted by the Twenty-ninth Legislative As M. McCalley, deceased. sembly of the Territory of New Mexico; which, with the accom INDIAN AGENTS. panying papers, was referred to the Committee on Territories. JohnH.Robertson,ofSantaFe,N.Mex., whowascommissioned COURT OF CLAIMS REPORT. June 30, 1891, during the recess of the Senate, to be agent for The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communicar the Indians of the Pueblo and JicarillaAgency, in New Mexico, tion from the clerk of the Court of Claims, transmitting conclu a newly established office. sions offact and of law filed by that court in French spoliation cases George D.
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