126Th National Congress, Journal of Proceedings, Philadelphia

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126Th National Congress, Journal of Proceedings, Philadelphia Commandery-in-Chief Journal of Proceedings: 126th National Congress, October 15, 2011, Union League, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States Commandery-in-Chief Journal of Proceedings: 126th National Congress, October 15, 2011, UNION League, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania _______________________________________________________NATIONAL COMMANDERS-IN-CHIEF______________________________________________ Major General George Cadwallader, PA................... 1865-1879 Lt. General Nelson A. Miles, DC................................ 1919-1925 Colonel Joseph B. Daugherty, IN........... 1975-1977 Major General Winfield S. Hancock, PA. (Acting)…... 1879-1885 Rear Admiral Purnell F. Harrington, NY..................... 1925-1927 Thomas N. McCarter III, NY.................... 1977-1981 Major General Winfield S. Hancock, PA ................... 1885-1886 Master Robert M. Thompson, DC.............................. 1927-1930 Lt. Colonel Philip M. Watrous, PA......... 1981-1983 Bvt. Major General Rutherford B. Hayes, OH............ 1886-1886 Brigadier General Samuel W. Fountain, PA…….…… 1930-1930 Alexander P. Hartnett, PA...................... 1983-1985 Lt. General Philip H. Sheridan, DC........................... 1886-1888 Bvt. Major George Mason, IL.................................... 1930-1931 William H. Upham, Jr., WI.................... 1985-1989 Bvt. Major General Rutherford B. Hayes, OH............ 1888-1893 Captain William P. Wright, IL.................................... 1931-1933 Lowell Varner Hammer, DC................... 1989-1991 Rear Admiral John J. Almy, DC................................. 1893-1893 Colonel Hugh Means, KS......................................... 1933-1935 Henry Nathan Sawyer, MA……………... 1991-1993 Brigadier General Lucius Fairchild, WI...................... 1893-1895 Colonel William Innes Forbes, PA............................. 1935-1940 Colonel Scott W. Stucky, DC................ 1993-1995 Major General John Gibbon, OR............................... 1895-1896 Major General Malvern-Hill Barnum, MA.................... 1940-1941 Dr. Robert Girard Carroon, CT............... 1995-1997 Rear Admiral Bancroft Gherardi, PA.......................... 1896-1899 James Vernor, Jr., MI................................................ 1941-1947 Hon. Michael Patrick Sullivan, WI…..…. 1997-1999 Lt. General John M. Schofield, DC........................... 1899-1903 Rear Admiral Reginald R. Belknap, NY..................... 1947-1951 Lt. Colonel Robert J. Bateman, DC…… 1999-2001 Bvt. Major General David McMurtrie Gregg, PA…...... 1903-1905 Donald H. Whittemore, MA....................................... 1951-1953 Gordon R, Bury II, OH.......................... 2001-2003 Major General John R. Brooke, PA........................... 1905-1907 Commander William C. Duval, OH............................. 1953-1957 Douglas Reed Niermeyer, MO............... 2003-2005 Major General Grenville M. Dodge, NY...................... 1907-1909 Major General Ulysses S. Grant III, DC..................... 1958-1961 Benjamin Charles Frick, PA................... 2005-2007 Lt. General John C. Bates, ME................................. 1909-1911 Lt. Colonel Donald M. Liddell, Jr., NY........................ 1961-1962 Karl Frederick Schaeffer, OH................ 2007-2009 Rear Admiral George W. Melville, PA........................ 1911-1912 Lt. Colonel H. Durston Saylor II, PA.......................... 1962-1964 Keith Graham Harrison, MI……............. 2009-2011 Lt. General Arthur MacArthur, WI.............................. 1912-1912 Major General Clayton B. Vogel, DC......................... 1964-1964 Colonel Arnold A. Rand, MA..................................... 1912-1913 Colonel Walter E. Hopper, NY.................................. 1964-1966 Bvt. Brigadier General Thomas H. Hubbard, NY….... 1913-1815 Lt. Colonel Lenahan O’Connell, MA.......................... 1966-1971 Rear Admiral Louis Kempff, CA................................. 1915-1915 Colonel Brooke M. Lessig, PA…………. 1971-1973 Lt. General Samuel B.M. Young, DC........................ 1915-1919 Charles Allan Brady, Jr., IL.............. ....... 1973-1975 Commandery-in-Chief Journal of Proceedings: 126th National Congress, October 15, 2011, Union League, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Proceedings Editor Keith G. Harrison, PCinC © 2011 Commandery-in-Chief, Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States Table of Contents Meeting Minutes 126th National Congress.......................................................................... 1 Elected and Appointed Officer Reports............................................................................... 7 Commander-in-Chief..................................................................................................... 9 Senior Vice Commander-in-Chief ................................................................................ 15 Junior Vice Commander-in-Chief ................................................................................ 17 Recorder-in-Chief.......................................................................................................... 19 Registrar-in-Chief.......................................................................................................... 20 Chancellor-in-Chief....................................................................................................... 21 Treasurer-in-Chief......................................................................................................... 22 Judge-Advocate-in-Chief.............................................................................................. ** Chaplain-in-Chief .......................................................................................................... 28 Surgeon-in-Chief........................................................................................................... ** Editor-in-Chief ............................................................................................................... 29 National Quartermaster ................................................................................................ 30 National Membership List Coordinator....................................................................... 31 National Historian ......................................................................................................... ** National Webmaster...................................................................................................... 31 National Membership Contact...................................................................................... 33 Washington DC Representative................................................................................... 34 Standing and Special Committee Reports .......................................................................... 37 Audit............................................................................................................................... 39 Finance and Budget...................................................................................................... (See page 22) Membership................................................................................................................... (See page 17) Constitution and Bylaws .............................................................................................. ** History............................................................................................................................ ** Historic and Preservation Grants ................................................................................ 40 Lincoln Death Day Observance ................................................................................... 41 National Meetings ......................................................................................................... (See page 17) Internet........................................................................................................................... (See page 66) Library and Museum..................................................................................................... (See page 15) Fraternal Relations........................................................................................................ 42 Loyal Legion Memorial Fund........................................................................................ (See page 22) Civil War Library and Museum..................................................................................... (See page 15) Civil War Sesquicentennial .......................................................................................... *** Nominations .................................................................................................................. 43 Commandery Reports ........................................................................................................... 45 California ....................................................................................................................... 47 Connecticut ................................................................................................................... 48 District of Columbia...................................................................................................... 49 Iowa................................................................................................................................ 51 Illinois............................................................................................................................
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