. :

i \ Maik Xat Stickmen Overpowered By Post; Ri€k Gnlkr Ties NCAA I For Yard free Sti^ Irish Match Cancelled 200 By Snow By Bob Mclntyra [swimmer in Villanova'a history. By Jim Proud remaining. Much to the dismay day, April 3, at 2 p.m. against Riok Girdler, Villanova's onelSL^lf.™".™"* k° The thorn of spectators and players alike, Championships he ^^t^^.not only remains in the Georgetown University, on the man swimming team at the 'Cat's the gap in score showed he is ready for the paw after Satjurday's 15-6 was 4 instead of field behind the stadium. The INCAA Championship, proved on- defeat of the V i 1 1 a o v 3 at the halftime intermission. club expects slought of such swimmers as n a La- to fare much better why he is ranked among the oroosse Club C. The loss of VU's Don Schollander, etc. at the by W. Post Col- veteran against the Hoyas. They should best in the world this past week- Nat lege. The \jong Islander's con- goalie. Jack Wehrum, due to a come out on top of the team A.A.U. Champ, this weekend, end, aj. Ames, Iowa. tinued as the nemesis of the 'Cats dislocated shoulder and frac- from the nation's capital. but he now has the distinction On Friday afternoon, before as they won for the third time tured collarbone sustained early The of becoming an All-American in originally scheduled a packed house of swinuning In as many years. The green in the second quarter, was a opener with Notre on two events, the 100 and 200 free- Dame buffs, Girdler in this qualifying and gold from New York proved severe handicap to the club for Thursday, style events aa well as the 400 March 25, was can- heat tied the NCAA record for overpowering in the second half. the remainder of the game. yd. freestyle relay team. celled because a 3-inch snow the 200 yard freestyle, by equal- Vol. 40—No. 19 The first half went moderately The second half saw the 'Cats 400 Relay and Fitzmaurioe covered the playing fleW. It is ing the time of 1:44.4, set last well for Villanova which scored outrun with Post scoring 7 goals In the Nat AA.U.'s this week- unlikely that game will year by Steve Clark of Yale. a goal early in the first quarter to just 2 by the blue and white. be re- end, besides Girdler, who is As a result of this specta- to break the ice. Post caught up H)ven ao, the Villanova stickmen scheduled because of prior com- swimming the 100, 50, and 200 and went ahead 4-2 cular showing, Girdler also broke events, will be the by the end were in the game until about mitments and the distance be- freestyle 400 Dr. Woodrow Wilson To Speolc the Soyre of the first fifteen minutes. Villanova'a record for 200 freestyle relay team and The midpoint of the third quarter. tween the yard Main Line and South yard freestyle, held by Dick second quarter showed the 'Cats Scoring leaders for Post were freshman Mike Fitzmaurice. The Bend. McDonough iby a full two sec- in reach of the green shirts, but Miller and Posetel with 4 goals 400 yd. relay team is made up onds. night he placed fifth the half ended with An 8-4 Post apiece, and week from Saturday, on At of Doug Reback, Say Donnelly, Tonigiit In Vasey Hall Auditorium Duyer with 3. For in the finals with a time of lead, after a Villanova goal was the Wildcats, Hook had 3 Boni- April 10, the 'Cats host the N.Y. Joe Parell, and is anchored by 1:45.4. By Bob Woll disallowed on conflicting rulings auto, Meyer, and Ryan, 1 each Maritime Academy lacrosse you guessed it, Rick Girdler. 3rd In 100 The Villanova will as its at 8 p.m. in Vasey of the officials with one second The next game will be ^tur- team. Mike Fitzmaurice, a spectac- Forum have guest speaker tonight On Saturday morning, Girdler tular freshman, according to Hall Auditorium the scholar, philosopher, and climber Dr. Woodrow Wilson Sayre. Dr. was ready for more. He opened Geize, is fast approaching his Sayre will give a lecture, which will be illustrated with a color film, entitled, "Four Against up his qualifying heat in the 100 peak, which to coach Geiz6 Everest." 'Cat Baseball Encounter Cancelled; yard freestyle, by reeling off a means, "Look Out." Grandson of the late President, son of Francis B. Sayre (former professor at Har- time of 47.4. At night he gar- He feels he could beat any- vard Law School, Asst. Secretary of State and U.S. Representative to the U.N.), Sayre nered a third in the finals by body in the meet that includes holds a M.A. and Ph.D. from Harvard. As an outstanding teacher of philosophy, he has shuming through the water in Don Schollander of Yalein his taught at Pomona College in Sophs Get First Test Against Bowdin 46.8. specialties. He holds the Fresh- Claremont, Calif., and until in iboth the recently at Tufts University. K By Jerry Bruderle After completing his iron man men NCAA records ace that Andy is but he may finest teams. However, the 'Cats Cn'ffin^ Holwell, Talce stint, Girdler, was called by h's 200 yd. freestyle and the 200 Conway He made headlines when his ' The Villanova nine had provide the big ,bat in the line- will have to score to win and the their coach Ed Geize, the fastestlyd. Individual Medley. contract was not renewed at first up. In any case he'll be a valu- game of the season can- hitting could use a little boost. Tufts because he failed to celled Saturday, postponing able pinch hitter in the late in- '66, '67, the If one of these '680assPtesiden€ies "publish a sufficient body of nings. sophomores can varsity debut of a number of scholarly work." Dr. Sayre'abe- step in and show some consis- By Wait Bosinsky rep., promising sophomores, who Coach Mahan is going with IntnmunI Otfiten Ekited; dent Dennis Murray; Engi- neering day-hop rep., Robert could be the finest crop the pitching and defense this year tent hitting, there's room m the Jim Griffin, class of '66; Rick Jones; and Alumni rep., Pete Wildcats have had in years. and he hopes to have one of his lineup for him. Holwell, class of 67; and Tom Pipers Win Basketlfall Conway, class of '68 were elected Tyrell. Saturday's game with Maine, Crown to their class presidencies by a Sophomores who finished third in the NCAA By Joe Moffongelli peting in this year's softball excellent voter turnout last For the class of 1967, those playoffs last year, was not program. Action has already elected included: Vice-President played Mr. James Moran, assistant Thursday, April 1. due to the lingering started in the Mendel Stadium Brendan Moore ; Secretary, Marie cold dean of men and co-ordinator of Juniors and snow. without stands. intramural activities, has an- For the class of 1966, the offi- Gadren; Treasurer, James Done- This past Monday, however, nounced the officers who will The handball volleyball and cers include: Vice-President, Jim gan; and Arts and Science resi- the 'Cats (hopefully) opened the tennis activitita will also be get^ dent rep.. Williams. The next carry on with the work of Morgan ; Secretary, John Ward season against Bowdin, and the the organization. ting under way in a short per> Cooney; Treasurer, John Gon- Arts and Sciences day-hoo rep. sophs got their first test of col- iod of time. zales; Representa- position was taken by Jim Proud John Fenlon was elected to the snake lidhds ond come out fighting. Steve and Nursing legiate competitloru Many of Friend congra- office of president Fenlon, a com- All students are reminded that tive, Betsy Grabowski. over Bill Hanley by a seven vote them are virtually untested due tulatetf Frank Eck on hte u1nnfai,g the posit'on of C&F resident merce ahd finance junior, hails the Senior Red Cross Life Sav- John O'Loughlin edged Jerry margin. .; . to the cold weather and the fact representative. These two will oppose each other for the presi- from New York City. Having ing and Water Safety Program Rubino by a slim seven votes The Comhierce and Finance .that there is no freshmen team, dency of the SGA toni^t. been an active member of the will begin April 1. Anyone in- (137-130) for the Arts and Sci- resident rep., post was won by o in these early games they'll intramural organization for the terested i^ould stop down at the ences resident representative John Bosacco and the day-hop have to produce or step aside. past three years, he was the: Field House pool for informa- position while Robert Gallo took position by John Thomas. The There are two good outfielders, Dies ; Murpliy logical choice of his cohorts. tion or see John Fenlor or Barry Capt Mn the day-hop rep. post unopposed. Elngineering resident rep. is a catcher and three promising A (128-110) vote tally saw The vice-presidential selection Clifford at the Intramural office Frank Samer; day-hop rep., Vic Woodrow WUson Sayre pitchers on the past Pemie roster from the in Alumni Gym. Frank Eck slip Bellino; and Nursing division ' of the organization fell to lief that the action • "was down- class of 1967. • Campus Seiurity Schaffer for the Commerce rep. was taken by Joanne Bru- j^ichael Mulvey Mike, who may The life saving course is Head Of grading of the teaching profes- Sam Greenwood, a tough ball- and Finance resident rep. posi- baker. be seen behind the pie shoppe given annually by the Intra- sion" that "too much em- hawk line Captain John T. Murphy will be laid to rest and and a drive type hit- there is in tion, as Dennis Walsh was Freshmen counter on occasion, is a native mural Department and phasifl placed publication" ter, will be in Holy Sepiuchre Cemetery in North Philadelphia following ia or center. He has up-state New York. Having been no charge. Any student of Vil- the day-hop rep. For the class of 1968, Vice- lunerai services has been greatly supported by good speed and a strong arm for meet in St. Jonn's Church in Manayunk. Other winners for the class of Presidejtt, John Carey; Secre- a member of various activities lanova University who can educators across the country. the position and coach The head of the Villanova Security force for 10 years 1966 included; Englneerine resi- Art Mike has also been very active the required tests is invited to (Contlnued on Pa^ 9)' died Saturday Special HapplnesiB Mahan has hopes that he will will at the a^e of 63. Death was caused by a heart in the turf 'n tinsel. Mulvey take this course. The course "I feel a special happiness" develop into a fine hitter. attack. .'V^ .;r:.-r ;>•'.. be conducted this and A C. W. Post Goalie defends against an attempted goal by also served on this year's orien- Thursday says Dr. Sayre, "to be alone in Mahan feels that the team ••-/• Death came in the Roxborough Memorial Ilosp'tal, near a Villanova player. Post woii 15-6. tation committee. The sopho- Friday. j the high silent places of the needs defense and in left field his home. He had been hospital- Roseoimi Boylm Is Named ''""' '''" more history major previously (Continued on Page &) ;'.; Jack Theisen should give him (photo by Pete Ride^r ' ized for two weeks, when he served the intra-class group as Prof. plenty of that. Jack is a right- succumbed to the ailment. Sidney Wise its secrtary. He did a commend- hander and has hit well in prac- His admisson to the hospital Air' Lukens And Teixeira v able job while in that position. Addresses Meeting New idker Of Belk tice. came after he complained of James Doubek will serve the Roseanna Boylan, junior nurse, and art in symptoms. Open clude oil painting Speak Before VUPU: - ^eart attack On the mound the loss of grad- : Class ElecHont ; rjv department as it secretary next Of VU Law Forum will become the first female general along with theatre-sodng, Billy year's arrival the diagnosis indicated ' uated Smith, last year. He is a freshman from ond shows attack, Dean Harold Gill Reuschlein editor of Belle Aire, the campus especially the Broadway Arab To Speak Next ace, will be strongly felt. If sen- SGA Representofivet he had not suffered an Bergen County, New Jersey. announced that the last meeting yearbook. Bob Williams, present when she is at home. "I am After a lecture given by D. E. iors Vic Majewski and Tony but he was held at the hospital The i>osition of treasurer will Tomorrow of the Villanova Law Forum for editor announced the appoint- Interested in doing post-graduate Lukens, the National Chairman Candelmo don't pick up the for observation. At the time he be filled by John Bergin '67. He 1964-64 wil be held on Friday, ment this week of Boylan to the of the Young Republicans, on slack, Mahan can reach into his April i [was stricken, Captain Murphy is fron^ New York. ' pre- April 9, 1965 at 8:30 p.m. in editorship for the academic year March 29, the Villanova Political bullpen and pull out candidates was watching the selevision In last week's semi-final action 9.30 a.in. to 3 p.in. of Garey Hall. The meeting will be 1965-1966. Union Contmued its schedule for for a starting berth, one a lefty jsentation of the final game of the basketiball league the BARTLEY CAFETERIA addressed by Professor Sidney Presently social editor of the 1964-1965 lecture series. and one a righty. the National Invitation Tourna- the Sams defeated Wise. Belle Air, Boylan was exchange the Gunners SO- ond ment from New York, in which Senor Bernardo Tebceira sx>oke Diminutive lefty Jack Grazing SO. editor in her sophomore year These same Gunners had ALUMNI GYM Villanova was playing St. Harvard Grad on Monday evening at 7:30 p.m. throws as hard as anyone on the carried off . of after garner' experience in the title last season, John's. Mr. Wise is the chairman ng in the Elast Lounge of Dough- staff, and will be a big help in but they didn't have the offen- suf- the Government Department at yearbook publicat'on as a fresh- erty Hall. . Last Spring the Captain relief facing lefthanded hitters. man. She was chosen by Wil- at- sive strength necessary to over fered a heart attack and under- Franklin and Marshall College Senor Teixeira is the press Jack is a pretty good hitter, liams because she 'is the most come the sharp Sams this time went the prescribed period of and is director of the Pennsyl- tache of the Portugese Embassy. and could be a big addition to So€cer Practice \ around. Although the score of recuperaton before returning to vania Center for Eiducation in qualified person for the editor- He discussed his government's the staif ship." the game was low, it must be his desk on the top floor of Politics. He is a graduate of opposition to foreign interven- Righthander Gene Rampone kept in mind that the Boylan hails from Staten in colonial af- intramural 3:30 Dougherty Hall in June. Harvard College and has a Ph.D. tion Portugese has looked very impressive this rules call for two Island, New York where she at- fairs, especially in sixteen min- It was heart attack, Saturday, from the University of Southern Angola and spring is a much' improved tended St. Joseph Hill Academy. and ute halves of running time. tv«ry ofHrnooii on that killed him. California. He was a legislative Mozombique, which are Por- southpaw, Jim St. Joseph's, she started on hurler. Another In the another prefinal tilt the Arrved in 1955 aide to Senator Clark in the At tugese colonies. for relief fitid btiow the publication road as the liter- Johnson ia available Pipers were awarded a victory Law Captain Murphy left the Phil- eighty-eighth Congress and as- Next Speaker ary editor of the high school is work. by Jim Moran. The club was adelphia police force in 1951 to sisted Senator Clark on his The next scheduled speaker School. Roseanna Boylan presently Behind the plate, Andy Came- leading the Manner Men by some run as a Republican for an at- book, Congress: The Sapless .Yearbook. Raahad Mourad who three points when Moran Branch. Her main extra-curricular in- work in nursing (in California, the Arab League at lio i« a solid fixture, 'but if Mike stopped No Cxpor/oiico large seat in Philadelphia's City represents terests aside from the Belle if that's not too much of a pipe at- Yantis continues to deliver the the action with ten minutea to Council. That was the year the All members of the faculty — the United Nations. He will Air, SGA (nursing representa- dream)," said Boylan in discuss- American long bcdl whkh the 'Cats need, play. Nocossory democrats ousted the GOP from and of the student body are tempt to show why to take back C. W. Post player takes a spill In the recent meet won SoftbaO and thecordially invited to attend this tive). Blue Key, Sorority, and ing her future plans. arms aid to Israel should not be he may have a A ' control of City Hall 2) Junior Steering Committee—in- (Continued on Put •>« (Continued 8)' 15-6. 1 Page meeting. on Fags •eat Mike is not the defenaive by Post There will be 56 teama com- (Continued from |

8 THE VILLANOVAN • AAARCH 31, 1965 ; .

SvKt' Philosophy Dept. '''^V '-?» Augustinian Seminary Guild Eletts Officers Tonight; To Present European SCA Opens Membership April 26 Scholar Rev. Gilbey. One Amendment Survives The Augustinian The Villanova Philosophy De- Seminary dent who enrolls his parents The Student Congress session of March 81 commenced Guild will be open for memlbetr- partment will present Rev. will receive « spiritual gUt card the with an address by the Rev. Francis X. Kelly OSA, director ..' -. '• I, ship on April Thomas Gilbey, O.P. from Cam- 26. Membership ie to send to them on either of. the Aujfustinian Seminary Guild, who announced the in- opened each year bridge, England lecturing on for the bene- Mother's Day or Father's Day. Villanova. (ception of the 1965 Guild campaign at fit of prospective guild members All Guild members enjoy spir- "Natural Law in the Contem- V i In the body of the meeting, new business on the agenda and the Augustinian porary World." This event will seminar- itual benefits including special involved the final discussion and voting upon eight measures take place on Thursday, April ians, who will work together far Masses and prayers offered in — four concerned amendments to the SGA constitution while their mutual advamcement. the 8, at 8 p.m. in Vasey Hall Augustinian Seminary for the others hivolved university Auditorium. one year. affairs. Gampufl Campaign Father Gilbey has recently Journalist Scanlan Contrlbutfons Soundly Defeated toil fitX, tA itUat" In announcing the 1966 cam- completed a new translation and 'The customary offering for a Two of the proposed amend- paign, the Rev. Francis X. Kellv. commentary on the Summa To Receive Annual •$uaU> profi^ty-t «rf one-year membership in the ments were soundly defeated; (ikiatiMtty »c &(j«» OSA, director of the Guild, and Theologica by St. Thomas. He Guild is one dollar," Fr. Kelly one was unable to receive the MA ttmt Mf»»rm that Charles Zaccaria, '65, and * .• has also authored several ori«ri- iSt. Augustine Award said "All contributions are iised two^hird's majority and the James Proud,' 67, will co-chair- nal works of his own; Poetic Patrick Scanlan, managing to help support the more than other introduced by Dave Moore man the campus campaign. Zac- Experience, Morals and Marri- editor of The Brooklyn Tablet, outtttui* tutil. teim 200 young men who are cur- and Frank Eck asking that the cria will direct the campaign on age, Phoenix and Turtle, Princi- is slated to receive the 1965 rently studying for the priest- word "men" be changed to campus, and Proud will be in pality and Polity, and Between Villanova St. Augustine Award, hood in our Seminary." "people" in Article VI, Section charge of the drive to enroll day Community and Society. an annual prize given to an out- Faculty members and other 3A, Paragraphas 1, 2, 3, and 4 students. Both Zaccaria and In other news from the Philo- standing journalist for "Distin The panelists who will appear ai the Kn'ghts of Columbus communion breakfast are (1. to r.) University employees and their received a unanimous 'aye.' Proud will be assisted by groups sophy Department, it was re- guished Service in the Field of Winifred Feledick, Catholic panelist; Jjyce Neff, Jewish panelist; Lois Stalvey, panel Moderator; families are also eligible to join Dave Moore emphasized that of volunteer workers in solicit- I)orted that Drs. James F. Ander- (photo Communications Journalism." Edna Smalls, Negro panelist; and Fat Mallory, protestant panelist. the Guild. If they are interested, by Tom Thomas) this amendment will, once and ing memberships. son and Charles O'Neill recently Scanlan will receive the award they are requested to contact the for all, clarify the semantic con- attended the Metaphysical So- The three recently elected class presidents for 1965-66 are at the annual Villanovan-WWVU One purpose of the campus Seminary Guild Hotise on the (1. to r.) Rick Holwell, 67, Jim Griffin, "66 and Tom Conway '68. tent of this passage of the con- ciety of America convention. Dinner Dance to be held at the vi Bo Diddley Fat City campaign is to enroll parents of west end of c-ampus at 816 Lan- stitution. This would allow girls Knights Of Columbus To Host Barclay Hotel in Philadelphia on Villanova students as members caster Ave., or they may call to nm 88 student repreeenta- To Highlight Annual Saturday, May 1. He has been of the Seminary Guild. EJach stu- Fr. Kelly at LAwrence 5-9062. tives. managing editor of The Tablet The two proposed amend- Punel On 'Racial Preiudice' Inter-Frat Weekend since September of 1917. Junior Class Comert Brings ments soundly defeated were VAMP By Esq Abed Bo Diddley and the Fat City Awards both introduced by Tom Furat 4 To Establish Four will highlight this year's Nurse Hope Knights of (Villonovo Aid to Mtxieo He has ^received myriad and Bob Dean. The first, asked Columbus will host back to Mrs. Paul Brown of a "Panel Interfratemity Weekend. The Follcsinging Group To Campus awards in the field of journalism that each of the Elxecutive Vice- of Philadelphians" at Kansas City. Mrs. Brown or- 'v^'J :;,v;;;.;;-: Prolect)/':"^' annual IFC party will be held for his outstanding reporting, Preaidenta shall, by virtue of a Communion Breakfast on April ganized a panel for "just one Sorority At Villanova Peter, Paul and Mary, famed folksinging group, will at the Aquarama in Philadelphia Honor achievements within the Catho- ther office, be entitled to a full 11, at the 10 a.m. in the Bart- club meeting" and it became so of the highlights of on Friday, April 23 from 8 p.m. of the profession. Candidates for appear at the Junior Class Concert, one ley Hall cafeteria. popular that it was soon ap-. A student-faculty prelimmary lic Church and service rendered vote on the Student Conjgress. FUND-R/USING Junior Week 1965, which runs from May 3 to May 10. Paul until midnight. committee has 'been formd to Sigma Theta Tau are selected to 'the Knights of Columbus. The second, proposed that the The statement, "We fight pre- pearing in other states. Dixon, general chaimian of Junior Week, announced that the Only Fraternity and sorority initiate the establishment of on the basis of scholastic MEETING ^ The University's news media SGA President may appoint judice by talking about it," suc- Panel concert wiil be held on Friday, May 7. members and their dates are in- Sigma Theta Tau at Villanova achievement (3.0 grade point Dinner Dance will also host the the Student Ex- cinctly describes the purpose The panel moderator, Mrs. from Body an of vited, but they incite one average), evidence of profes- Among the activities planned for the week are : Mother's may University. This is the only Na- new editor and station manarjer ecutive Secretary who shall the "Panel of Philadelphians." Liois Stalvey, quickly formed a Wednesday. April 7 special edition of the Villanovan on Monday; couple who are not from Vil- tional sional leadership potential, and Day and the radio Philadelphia chapter on Aprul Honor Society of Nursl- of the newspaper and serve as an administrative as- The group is comprised of about personal characteristics. the Smoker and Athletic Awards on Tuesday; the concert lanova as guests. Tickets are $5 ing in the United States. It is station, respectively, who will sistant to the President and shall seven Philadelphia area mothers 10, 1963. Mrs. Stalvey is a Pro- 103 Cor Holl 7:30 p.m. on Friday; and the Dinner Dance on Saturday. per couple if bought in advance professional rather than social Mary Anne Rooney, a senior,, their new staffs that entitled to half and diverse religious and ethnic testant mother as is Mrs. Pat announce be a vote on the is Chairman Tickets for the Dinner Dance went on sale last Monday, or $5.50 at the door. Coats and in nature, and its purposes and of the Preliminary' All Ifiv/fod fe >lffond nierht. Student Congress. groups. It's orij:in can be traced Mallory, a Bryn Mawr College 5. price of the tickets is $18 and ducats will be ties are required dress. functions be to Committee. Barbara Park, a April The almuna. The Catholic panelist is may compared The individual fraternities will junior, is Secretary, and Miss sold during lunch and activity Blae Key Vote Winifred Feledick, a graduate of other honor societies. It is a so- hold their annual dinner-dances Mary Alice Holland is the periods. Sociology Club Meets The one unable to receive the Alverno College of Milwaukee ciety which rewards distin- on Saturday night. Plans for guished effort also faculty advisor. This Committee Tables should be reserved two-third's majority was the whose point of pride is that she and increases Jolui Murpliy Dies these affairs are being made by in the field of nursing. has applied to the National Vice when purchasing tickets. Dur- Noted Keifare Worker much debated motion proposed lives on an intergrated block spirit each fraternity. There will vari- The purposes of this society President for a Charter. ing the week of April 5-9, tables by John Smock, Jack Ryan, and Joyce Neff is a Temple Univer- Tomorrow Features BRYN MAWR ous picnics held on to Alumnae, present juniors and of four couples will be reserved Bob Dean asking that the Presi- sity graduate and the Jewish are: to foster high professional close Weekend. Of Campus SeturitY Mr. •V,LA,li \< AVL. BK'YN VA.-l Interfratemity seniors in the upi)er one-third April 12 to 23, tables of three John Roaica of the Phila- dent of the Blue Key Service So- panelist. Mrs. Edna Smalls is «itandards, to encourage creative I f-'n r-A^KiNr, V delphia •la jf,', This weekend is sponsored bv of their class, and interested quickly couples; and after April 26, Municipal and County shall, by virtue of his of- another Temple University grad- work, to promote the maximum swept with As a Detective he was ciety Captain was away Court Social Welfare the Interfratemity Council development of the individual, memlbers of the faculty have promoted to head of the Vice sngle couples can fill unreserved Program fice, be entitled to a single full uate and a Negro. Judy Cohen, victory of is representa- the then Mayor now will speak at the Sociology which composed of to been invited to become members in the city and was seats. Club vote on the Student Congress. another Jewish mother, and promote the spirit fellowship, S. Clark. Squad tives frater- Sen. Joseph meeting tomorrow. Mr. Rosdca, from the various to develop an of Sigma Theta Tau. The num- known as the city's top cop in The dance is a formal affair, Three of the four amendments THE PERFECT Marge Duckery, a Negro Bryn abiding interest in The Captain came to Villa- who has been nities on campus and the soror- ber of replies received is indica- term of successful raids on replete with favors, queen con- a social case involving iiniversity affairs were Mawr graduate, act as alternate the advancement of nursing and nova in 1955 at the request of worker for ity. tive of the great interest Villa- establishments of all test, plus the quiet strains of a number of years, unanimously passed. However, panelists. to promote continuous partici- the Rev. Joseph Curran, OSA, illegal establishing will outline his work to mem- pation as^ responsible members nova nurses have in sorts. Lee Vincent and his orchestra. one initiated by Dan Vasti, Sue PSYCHOLOGICAL The panel has appeared be- to take over the Security Force. this society. ... The tickets will be sold in the bers and guests. Quinn, Aibe Hobaon and Don fore college groups, men's clubs, With the rapid growth of the to clean up the SGA office on the second floor of At the April 1 meeting, that the President women's social gatherings Arts Msjor McCloskey the job of After helping Casey asking and campus in the 1950's Brother Gabriel of St. Gabriel's city under two mayors he re- Dougherty as the above men- of the SGA appoint a committee for no fees. However, the panel security that fell on Captain THRILLER... Elected Mgr. he sought tioned times. Matriculation cards Hall in Phoenixville spoke on spring of each year to controversial WWVU in- signed the force when in the has had many Murphy's shoulders was juvenile delinquent rehabilita- office. must be presented. select the University-recognized questions levelled at it. Joyce difficult. The staff has political creasngly tion. Also at that meeting, Joe By Single Vote years The Junior Week Committee organization which has contri- Nee answers the question about been expanding in the 10 Maifongelli was chosen Student A No succossor for Captain is composed of five subcommit- buted the most to Villanova in FLAWLESS Jews cheating . since he joined the Villanova bociai apon'pted but tees under Dixon, and each is Council Representative for the Bill McCloskey, a junior Murphy has been (Continued from Page // staff. club. elections were 3) major, has been elected officer Joseph Flanagan, a vet- working on a different activity Further Sciences In Philadelphia, John Murphy been in week. postponed until April 8. station manager of WWVU. Philadelphia police as eran with the force, has of the joined the The Sociology Club meets each the first non charge for the last two weeks Chance For Revenge! He is thus in the 1920's and Y. a patrolman Thursday in 207 Vasey Hall dur- — N. Herald engineer in seven years to hold and will TONY'S I to plainclothes in the Captain's absence Tribunt was promoted ing activities period. McCloskey de- of the office until the Club O.C. Positions Qpen the posifon. in near-record time of be in charge Roche And Baginsky detective president Lou Petrillo urges all feated Larry Krupa for the post there is an appointment. WE 18 months. who are interested in Sociology held Monday night. Chosen Top Leaders Applications for the Orienta- RECOMMEND OVEN in elections to attend. "You don'l have to YOU SEE THIS his election, McCloskey tion Committee to initiate next Before Of Literary Society be a major in sociology," he PICTURE served as News Director for year's freshman class will be FROM THE NovelJunior Weeic Villanovan The Villanova Literary So- quipped at the last meeting, He first joined the available to all members of the BEGINNING! WWVU. ciety held elections of officers "After all, there are only a dozen staff heads of the station in the Class of 1968 in the SGA office FRESH for 1965-66 on Thursday, April us." over forty of 1963 when he was of There were today and tomoorow until 4:30 Spring vailable On Monday^ May 3 Director A 1. Matt Roche, junior English club at last Campus News members of the p.m. All interested persons are named major, was ^elected president; count. mBm by Bob Strong, who he replaces urged to take an application, fill The Junior Week Villanovan and they will receive ample ^WOV AHTIMO PRODUCTIONS. LTO PIZZA Walt Baginsky, sophomore arts * niCHAno ATTgMBooouOM ano as manager of the station. coverage. it out, and return it to the office envAN ronBES production will be published on Monday, vice-president; and Bob Now Loeoted on McCloskey joined with former major FOR SALE: Friday before May 3. Although the format will on 4:30 p.m. Class officers and moderator Fennel, junior psychology major, Campus, Directly News Director Terry Cooney in remain basically the same, inno- in the I960 white, Of the 38 positions on the KIM will also be included SGA representative, and James Chevrolet, Bel Air, 6 introducing the concept of cam- will con- Committee, eight are already vations in the way of articles paper. Featured articles Happ, junior education major^ cylinder, stick, 4 door sedan. EX- STANLEY Across from the pus news to Villanova Radio. filled by the four will appear. cern various aspects of the CELLENT CONDITION! — ORIGI- class officers secretary-treasurer. Pie Shoppe Under his direction WWVU (photo by Bob Sturm) Rev. Louis Rongione, surprises and the four Student Govern- ANO RICHARD The OSA, campus life. A few Plans were discussed for a NAL OWNER! CALL LA 5-7842 began live coverage of Student Vilianovan, ment representatives. The re- Marge McGarry (left), Lesl'e Lee (niiddle), and J'm Hickft moderator of the an- will also grace the Villanovan's symposium on "The Index" to —ANYTIME. ATTEIMBOROUGH Government Association meet- maining thirty posts will be se- "I ook for the Pizzeria on (right) discuss strategy in an attempt to persuade Bonaparte to nounced that the editor of the historic pages. be held tomorrow, April 8 at IN ings and class elections. special edition will lected on the basis of the sub- Wheels/' and you will accept their respective ideas. be Tom 10:30 a.m. in 210 Vasey Hall. In addition to his duties at Cooperation among the juniors mitted applicaiona and an in- find the best pizza on the Krause, a junior English major genesis and feasibil- 5EAMCE the new station man- according to the The modern WWVU, and current associate editor. The has been good, PART TIMfi formal interview. campus. ity will be among the topics for' WORK ager is employed by WIP in editors. A final deadline for all In an aatempt to make an staff will be composed of mem- un- as a news writer. late-breaking consideration. Criteria for judg-' 14 Hours Weekly In just three minutes, you Philadelphia JUNIOR QUEEN bers of the Junior Class. articles, except biased choice of O.C.'s, the final ment cmd a partial listing of is also a correspondent for DINNER nefws stories, has been set for positions can have pizza baked just He JUNIOR Articles concerning juniors in Earn $42 extrq salary each week? will be decided by a Music Weekly maga- some of the classics will be the way you like it. Biilboard April 9. Any stories coming in Special educotionol advertising conunittee formulated by the athletics, academic life, and ac evaluated. zine and United Press Inter- DANCE TICKETS CONTEST after the deadline will be re- promotion colling on Villanova class tivities will be featured. Krause president and vice-presi- WniTTEN AND DIRECTED BY carry ice cold James T. Farrell, noted critic, students. We also national's audio network. jected. dent elect. The group will slice nvAN FOMsaa Now On Sale! also mentioned that a class hisr novelist and poet, will be the soda, potato chips, pop McCloskey has been a staff the applications down to Pictures thoul'd be left in the tory and prophecy will be in- Any junior wishing to help In next guest lecturer on April 26 Sm Mr. Carroll, Sufto 200 a fea- corn, cheese twist, red hot member of the Villanovan for sible number. Then brief inter- SGA OFFICE Student Activities Office cluded, 08 in previous years. the final preparation is asked to in Vasey auditorium. The author 1930 Ointnuf pretzels, canJy bars, etc. the past three years and is Copy views for Student government, organiza- seel. Tom Krause in the* Villa- the remaining appli- Second Flpor of Dougherty Holl of Studs Lonigan will speak on Mofidoy Hiru Fridoy of 2 P.M. We hope to see you s6or)^ Ekiitor for the 1965 Belle Air. cants will he held in order tions, and publications have novan office on the second floor on some aspect of the literature to choose the final committee ntunerous juniors in their ranks of Dougherty Hall. of the '30's-foreign or domestic. mem- bers. THE VILLANOVAN • APRIL 7, 1965 S THE VILLANOVAN • APRIL 7, 1965 !

niiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiHiaHiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiir:iiiiiiiiiiiiiH A Positive Approach Quo Vadis SGA 'Oliver' Opens Soon; 'How To Succeed...' The season of Lent is now rapidly draw- The future very often becomes important ing to a close and one might ask himself — because of the past and present. So it is this How Could I Lose? Continues At Sliubert Hiusk Survey what have I given up lor Lent? — that evening as the Student Government Association By Joe Linsoleto third pack of cigarettes perhaps ? ; that lusci- is faced with one of its most crucial presidential -^luuiiuuuiHiuuiiuiiiiaiioDiuiuiiuuiuuiiiiiniiiiiiiuiiiuiiiiiiiuwniiuuuyiiiiiinuiiiiii^ Loven "iii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniHflk By Bill McCkMkty ous looking piece of devil's food cake in the elections in years. gy X^^ Direct from two capacity Pie Shoppe?; that good looking date in the In addition to dealing almost unceasingly years on Broadway Having attended Villanova ing, so I used Noxema After and 23 weeks A survey shows that while Mitchell Trio also scored well. this year's Congress has Pie Shoppe ? If the individual answers that with the Constitution, Mixers in in Chicago, Lionel Bart's musical FYank Sinatra is listed the past, I have de- Shave lotion. I then took to my as the I Purchasing Power he has deprived himself of none of these de- successfully maintained the high quality of the OUver will veloped a complex because I hair. Earlier in open at the Forrest favorite male vocalist by 62% The average -' the week I pro- Villanovan, ac- licacies then possibly a new approach should lecture and cxiltural affairs scries, initiated the Theatre on have never had any success. cured a hair cut at the Villanova Tuesday night, April of the residents at Villanova, xyrding to the survey, spends be tried in these waning days. Student Book Exchange and "recognized" the 20. This free-and-happy For the Shamokinaki Mixer I Barber Shop from a genuine adai>- some 70% listen to what they some 22.6 hours a week listen- A positive approach could be the answer. existence of the University's females by permit- tion of Charles decided that I would be success- Italian barber. I exorcized my Dickens' im- consider popular music on Phila- Jig to music. He buys between Instead of depriving oneself of something ting their presence on the cheerleading squad. mortal Oliver ful regardless of what I had to .'greasy kid's stuff" and used Twist will stay in delphia Radio Station WIBG. four and five singles during the one enjoys, one should try doing something These and many other accomplishments do. Philadelphia for three weeks. invisible Score. I then looked These seemingly conflicting %hool year and is liable to buy on the side such as: making a daily visit to been achieved in cooperation with the Uni- Starring in have I embarked on a campaign to so perfect I the production are close to nine that felt a statue figures were reflected in a re- LP's during that the Chapel; attending Mass daily; reciting versity Administration as well as by the SGA guarantee could be Robin Ramsay and Maura myself the most modeled of me as I cent poll period. regularly; stop. on campus conducted the rosary making private sta-^ itself, and they must not be allowed to suoght-after man at the dance. Wedge of the New York Com- looked then. by Billboard Magazine, the inter- With all of this pui^chaaing ttions • improvement and of the Cross. • : for -. • still ^ s . But there is room I practised the Frug, Slop, pany, and it features Allan Cro- Preparation national music business weekly. power, there is a lot of money their always will be. fort, All these acts are simple and not very Monkey, Jerk, Watusi, and Box Danny Sewal and Little to be made by some record world does not run from I then prepared to dress. National figures as compiled by time consuming. They require no harsh The student's Step-for the slow I Ronnie Kroll as Oliver. dances. Since I was going to partake in campus 9to(res and record artists. The it encircles correspondents at almost physical strain, but possibly a spiritual one. Ithan avenue to Sproul road, the studied the various techniques of Lionel Bart is accredited with a strenuous activity I used some every major poll showed that the plurality the song goes, "The times they are a- college and imiver- They require a spiritual and moral discipline globe. As each dance by watching Lloyd the book, music and lyrics of of the students Desenex foot powder. I cloathed sity in the country were re- purchase their which is not easy to accomplish if one has changing," and this applies to everything from Thaxton every day for a month. the play. His work marks the myself with a B.V.D. undershirt, ported in Billboard's discs at downtown record stores. lax in civil rights to education to Vietnam. Once grad- Second An- been the past. They require true first time that one of Dicken'. Eighteen cent Impressions Jockey shorts, and Esquire nual Music on Campus issue In per of the resi- moral fortitute — a true test of the will. A luated, the student will have to live in this chang- novels has been adapted for a I decided that since first im- socks. late March. dents wait until they go home positive response is needed rather than a ing, and eventually changed world, whether he musical. pressions are most important at on vacation to buy their reoofrds negative one as well as zeal and persever- likes it or not. I bought a complete new -k it -k Out of the 50 students function, that good groom- polled, while purchase through rec- such wardrobe. It consisted of an 6% ance rather than avoidance and luke-warm- The (burden of this election rests not so The Pultzer Prize 35 listed WIBG as their first ing would be eessential. I washed winning play ord clubs. One poor soul reports ness. much on the candidates as it does on the mem- Arrow tab-colored, tapered-fit choice in popular music. :,/-:v^.,: with Dial for 24 hour protection. How To Succed In Business WIP that he buys his records at the Yes, they require all this and more, for bers of Congress themselves. It is they who de- convertible-cuffed shirt; a pair finished second with shampooed with Head and Without Really Trying opened 12% of the campus book store, which should cide the future advancement of Villanova and I of H.I.S. tapered, no pleat, no they are positive acts — ones which require at the Shubert Theatre on Mon- respondents listing it as their Shoulders. I brushed my teeth Brooks amuse John Batunan who runs a 'doing' rather 'giving up*. its students. 2ut[ slacks ; and, a first choice. than a Acts of day night. The plans are for the Campus station the operation. doesn't v/ithMacleans because although I Bauman this kind may be more difficult in the pres- To paraphrase Dickens. "It fcan be) the' Brothers Cashmere jacket. was listed cavities, 'you show to remain in Philadelphia WWVU by 10% of sell records. that is it doesn't reduce Ballu Swiss He says he ent, but in the long-run the more profitable best of times, (it can) be the worst of times." polished my new for those polled. WRCV and can see the difference." I then two weeks. WHAT afraid of getting into a price and perfect. The words — "Unless you do SGA memibers: its your vote and your choice — shoes with cordovan Kiwi shoe were listed by 3 students each. used my spare can of Right During its three and a half war with the discount stores in penance, you shall persish," should not go use it wisely Dolish and black Esquire polish Others mentioned were Chiard deodorant, (Susie, my years on Broadway, the affluent WPBS- the area. unheeded. LETS HOPE to trim te soles and heels. FH, WPEN, and WFDL.. not" room-mate had used up my first musical parody of big business WCAU J. Jones—Favorite — — I tormented myself de- ON SECOND THOUGHT- over a and the amours of its flannel- can). I applied Burma Shave to First After Sinatra in the balloting cision between Canoe and Jade WFLN my face and smoothly cleared suited denizens has piled up for favorite male vocalist came I chose the former. The answers to the question whiskers with Wilkin- East. enormous profits, collected a full Jack Jones (24%); Tony Ben- From The President's Desk away my asking "what station do you son Sword Blades which are With all this, is it possible to pack of awards, entertained mil- nett (20%); Ray Charles By Tom Furt^ listen to for classical music?" The Uyal Opposition "stropped with costly Swiss lose at a mixer? lions of pleasure seekers, con- (20%), and Robert Goulet President, showed a gross misunderstand- SGA the pistol Not girl asked me to tributed a hefty chunk towards Students could vote for oxide." Since I am on ONE ing concerning the (18%). balancing the budget, and suc- meaning of Tonight the Student Congress members will cast their takes real beat- dance ! ! ! as many as five choices. By Eugene Fitzmouricd team, my face a classical music. Apparently some most important vote of the year. Tonight the future success cessfully purloined the "Ameri- Female popularity is led by a Democracy, the recurring sus- move to block students feel that that those measures President now feels that he holds can on several continents. anything of student government will be, to a great degree, set., P Way" newcomer B a r b r a Streisand picion that more than half of which Mr. Johnson sends which must be recognized as an exist- isn't the Beatles is classical. The pace, the drive, the energy of any organization is In Paris it was the first Ameri- (42%). Connie Francis is still the people are right more than they find too liberal. For instance, finished Ipdeed, his ing political fact, and the ap- Jazz Scene | can musical to be kissed on both WFLN determined by the ability, 'interest, and dedication of its I popular, with 28% of the resi- half the time, has once again conservative opponents have position must seek to temper the first, as well it i^ould, but they president. The sense of purpose must emanate from him. If cheeks by the critics, and in dents listing her. Another new- worked its will upon the country, missed his support in the past heights to which the President Collegiate Jazz Festival. the were tied for first with campus the wrong person is selected, the success will, to a greater or London it became one of comer on the pop scene, Nancy With the election of Lyndon four years as they fought what may seek to go. Woods, who judged both the station WWVU which airs only lesser degree, drop. In an organization, such as the Student very few American musicals to Wilson, doubled Ella FitzGer- B. Johnson tx) the White House, they considered to be the harms Villanova and the Kansas af- trans- a few hours of classical music Government Association, which is so vitally connected with survive the transatlantic ald's percentage. Nancy scored a whole new attitude toward of big government. Since his one fairs, complimented the Main a week. WP£^ was also listed Repudiation the success of a large number of important issues and fer. While on Broadway the play 28%, Miss FitzG^ald 14%. loyal opposition responsibilities minute conversion, based on Line fete as well-organized, and even though they broadcast only Secondly, it should realize that important functions, this drop cannot be tolerated. won the Pulitzer and the Drama Julie London and Dionne War- must be assumed by the G.O.P.*.- political grounds only, the Presi- also mentioned that the mus'c the Metropolitan opera in the the acceptance of Mr. Johnson In retrospect, the classes should be well pleased with Critics Awards and seven wick each polled 10% of the To this point in the century, dent has appeared to Ibe a rice- heard here was far superior to classical vein. WPBS, WIP and is in large measure aa great a the heavy turnouts at last Thursday's Tony's, a feat which no other respondents. •both parties have held the White election. While short Christian. When his rice stops, of Mr. Gpld- that at Kansas. Asked he was equalled. WPBS-FM each garnered 8% of repudiation of the ideal they are, on the whole, far above usual levels of musical in history has Peter, Paul and Mary won the House for an equal number of *so too does his faith. If the re- going judge the Notre Dame the student vote as did WFIL . water as it is an acceptance of participation. to Ronnie Welsh and Jeff De- biggest majority with 66% of years. As Mr. Johnson moves to suits continue to in people at and WFIL, pour for Mr. Johnson. It is apparent Festival next weekend, the al- with The WIP now Nearing the end of a successful year, we should not iust Benning start in the show the students listing them as one consolidate his government be- his programs he will no doubt both of whom have just insti- have toist replied, "no . . . I'm all that any Republican Would look back on our achievements, but project them. This a supporting cast of Maureen of their favorite folk groups. hind him, the Republican party regain loyal to Lippman. judged out." tuted music format changes, been defeated this year and so year's failures should be next Artur, Suzanne Manke, William the trio is has begun to marshall its forces year's successes and this year's The popularity of the party of Lincoln must only part of the choice must be McBnnis. would be displeased to know successes should be next year's highlights. This concept is Major and Pat good news for the Junior class for the legislative session and the also seek to recognize the fact • • that collegians feel their music levelled against the Arizonan and difficult to work with under the high rate of • which has booked the folksters sion and the Congressional elec- turnover experi- classical. that the rejection of Mr. his principles. The two must be JUNIOR QUEEN Amedee, policy is now enced by most Villanova clubs but only by living with lessons Eugene lonesco's for the annual Junior Week tions to be held in two years Goldwater at the Polls must be Others listed in classical sta- distinguished. The upcoming will lasting improvement be realized. CONTEST which was originally scheduled Concert. Congress interpreted in two ways. (Media), First, Congressional elections will as the fifth production at the tions were WXUR The Kingston Trio has main- In Congress, the Party must the legitmate mandate which the if the H A T - F M (Philadelphia). furnish furthr, not final, clues • • * Philadelphia T h r e a t r e of W tained its popularity with 46%. IN WCAU, WABC (New York), and as to what the public wishes in Letters To The Editor LEAVE PICTURES Living Arts has been cancelled. Others with sizable representa- WKDN (Camden). its governmental philosophy. SGA OFFICE In its place will be Samuel tion: To the Editor, self, would have milk and/or Finally, the party must now • The Paulist Father is a modern Beckett's Endgame which will be The poll also delved into the The Chad Mitchell Trio (24%) One of the more preposterous soda machines placed in the the inaugural taste individual ar- look to some of the leavlers man in every sense of the word. He the final play of students' m New Christy Minstrels (22%) new policies of the Resident's Resident's Dining Dining Hall, the will be presented on tists. It was generally agrreed who have emerged as victors. is a man of this age, cognizant of season. It Serindipity Singers (18%) JIall is the practice of allotting problem could be easily and per- Peter, Paul and Mary had George Ronmey's stunning de- the needs of modern men. He is May 25. that Smothers Brothers (14%) only one small glass of haps profitably Editor-in-chief T. Thomo* F. truderU milk for solved. The next play to be staged at put on the best show of those feat of Neil Staebler in Mich- free from stifling formalism, is a STODENTS! Dylan, Baez Executive Editor James F. Brennon anch, and but two glasses for The placement of the igan, while bucking a strong machines the theatre is Eugene O'Neill's artists who had been seen in Bab Dylan (30%) and Joan' Associate Editor Thomas J. Krousa breakfast and dinner. This inside the dinning pioneer in using contemporary strong hall itself is Desire Under the Elms, which person by the respondents. were the individ- News Editor Robert Fennel tide must make him a of Baez (48%) quantity is hardly sufficient for necessary because the length of ways to achieve the conversion Oi course you can Robert Eischner contender for leadership opens on April 20. Sanrniy Davis, Jr., and the Chad the most recognition Asst. News Editor ....'. in the Amer- uals with many Villanova students. It is the cafeteria line often makes it 100 million non-Catholic Feature Editor John E. Roberts Repulblioan Party. The election get a cash loan! on the poU. Judy Collins was the Freind indeed a sad state of affairs impractical to bring icans. He is a missionary to his own Sports Editor Stephen of a conservative like Robert A. in liquids only other female that showed Copy Editor Motthew Roche when a person must ration his from the outside. The use of people - the American people. He Taft, Jr. in Ohio also mark- him up with any regularity on qiwa- Photo Editor Thomos C. Thomas milk in order to have at least vending i •Our new LOANS TO machines within the utilizes modern techniques to ful- and Pete Circulation Manager Cornelius Murphy for leadership in the party which SUMMER WORK tionnairea. She had 12%. some left over to go with his cafeteria would offer STlIDENrSSKKVICKis the stu- fill mission, is encouraged to Business Monager Joseph C. Brown has provided us with ' Roosevelt his 14%. Folk fans dessert. Seeger had Ronnione dents a greater quantity and designed especially for you. Moderator Rav. Louis A. OSA and Eisenhower, and which his call upon his own innate talents to seemed moire willing to give rec- Fully realizing the financial variety PART TIME WORK Associate Moderator Eugene J. Ruane of liquids and, what's own family has provided with help further his dedicated goal. ognition to local talent Tom and distributive problems that more, would have no adverse ef- In addition to the above nomed Editors, the following are also such distinguished leadership in • Monthly repaytnents will Paxon was listed on 6% rw Morsh. Ann Garish. Ohris Loufer^berg. dining room manager ihim- aptitude test for the modern man marketing plan. Triple R Corp. Thomas McDyer General FeotHres: Euaene Fitzmaurice, Ed Bride, Barry Borrutein, Ron Javers, Bill must also be marked for posi- W. J. Clark McCloskey, Brenden Brett, Moryanne Rowland, Bill Clark, Steve Morrison. tions of ever increasing leader- interested in devoting his life to Manager. Sports: Torrt Kelley, John DiGennarro, Joe Maffor\gelli, Jerry Bruderle, Bob Mclntyre, Fronk Miller, Jim Proud, Henry Miller, Spencer Jones. ship in the Senate. ;nen for the GodT. This can be a vital instrument contests which lie We have found in this country Attn. Class of '65 and '66: Butinctt and Copy: Edward Forrell, Mary Kay Lolly, Anthony Lompazzi, Gene ENDS OIL CHANGES FOREVER . . . SAVE MONEY ahead. help you make the most impor- BittetFinance Mehr, Corol ^""0, Kote Ftshbourne, Louise McGinn, Betty Kelly, Mory Kay a formula for government which to DRIVE GOLDEN OIL CONSTANTLY Villanova Alumni Icoking for Swift, WITH alloys tant decision of your life. Write for to CIreulatian: joi... •arvey, Lcn WieczezyskI, Chorles Shea Julio Alvo»-ay the most extreme force to roommate or roommates Certoanist: Kevin Goller. Charles Percy, who managed to meld in accomplishments tor the it today. FITS ALL shore 3-bedroom apartment; run very strongly against Otto 4e RlttMhouse Place CARS The VILLANOVAN is published weakly by undergraduate itu- Formula Found conmion good. The party system large living room with fire dents of Villanova Univarsity. Opinions expressed herein do not Kemer in Illinois cannot be TRUCKS They must finally determine still stands as a dual one and DIRECTOR Ardmora place, 2 baths, dining room, necessarily reflect the views of the University. NATIONAL VOCATIONS Tractors denied a place as Republicans the position of the philosophy of must continue to do so. In the BOATS kitchen with dishwasher . Second class postage paid at Villanava, Po. Edltoriol and busl> find their true path the PAULIST FATHERS Phont Ml 9-1318 must as Barry Goldwater as distin- STATIONARY ENaiNCS nese offices located on the second floor, Dougheity Nail, Villonovo philosophy of government which Starting May 1 st or June 1 st temporary loyal opposition of guished from the 415 WEST 59th STREET ETC University. scare value of we have formed, the overridn? Hours: 9-5:30 Mondoy Located in Ardmore near the government. They must go the former Senator and NEW YORK, N.Y. 10019 CALL OR 7-2793 This newspaper h dodicated to one of the finott men %rlio tver seek to consideration must always be, thru Thursday Hoverford, Vi block off Lan- E. WRITK: 6396 Shcrwooo RO. entered Villanova; Scholar, Athlete, Gentleman; on to bring new and dynamic this into the forward THOMAS McDYER looking divided we stand. 9-8 Fri. —^ Closed Sof. Factory Oibtributor PHILA.. PA. 19151 caster Pike. Call Ml 9-0967.1 LEO GOODREAU leadership to the party's coun- philBophy of the party. cils, and seek out new and young



The Approachoble Priest' Sounds Of Note 'The Jan Scene' I nr-A iniiiniimmiMniinntiiiinnflnninniniiiflinnniiiniunniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiii^ iiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii itiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniinl jif!C.>(MK>9RK>9IK?J9RK>9S08BK>9Kir%XIStC>Qi competition. "Fr. gy g||| |^(d0|||9y 3y Eddis Brido Similar to other younger rough getting is still afraid Lit The Shamokinaki Mixer was priests on campus, Fr. Riley has William Ryan WIBG'a Hy was flUed with New York residents will be dicates that those cut loose from over. But the Rev. George F. to play me one-bh-one (pivots)," praise for Villanova's Fat City a natural knack for establishing shocked to hear that WINS the musical duties might show up in Riley, OSA, relaxed only slight- As a said Fr. Riley. *" Four when they played his rec- WesUnghouse giant is going to rapport with the students. - Philadelphia when KCW shifts ly. year, he took over as hops at St. He would soon have to go prefect in Sullivan Hall, he Last ord Alice's and Col- an all news operation on April of the Shamokinaki here. back over the lists of patrons comes into contact with many moderator legeville-Trappe High School. 19. The DJ's wUl be sent to appearing in Dance. This year, over Beatles' film will be the program in an students, and he is well-liked Mission Villanova was allotted more other Group "W" stations. Spe- The new sent to the Japanese attempt to round up all the for his quick wit, approachabil- $8,000 was space than any other college in culation in some quarters in Arms to Hold YoiL money not missions while close to $15,000 Singlet For April 3, 1965 yet collected. ity, and big Irish smile. the recent Billboard Music on Pop Stondord collected in the two 1 1 KING OF THE ROAD, Roger Miller 10 Shamokinaki, a dance which Born in Lawrence, Mass... has been Campus Issue. We understand been 2 2 GOLDFINGER, Shirley Bossey 11 benefits Augustinian masions in Father attended Merrimac Col- years that Fr. Riley has in that mail orders are already 3 4 RED ROSES FOR A BLUE LADY, Vic Dana 9 Japan, is only one of Fr. Riley's charge. lege before entering the semi- staoking up for the Junior Week 4 3 RED RCSES FOR A BLUE LADY, Bert Kaempfert & his orchestra n activities on the V i a n o v a The dance was converted into M nary. He came to Viilanova in presentation of Peter, Paul and 5 5 'LONG LONELY NIGHTS, Bobby Vinton • • I • • 7

in • campus. In addition to his duties 1962, after obtaining his Mas- a mixer this year order to Mary. 6 8 THE RACE IS ON, Jock Jones, • • » 6 Jeremy 7 as a freshmen theolojjy teacher, raise more money. 7 7 IF I LOVED YOU, Chad ond ter's degree. IJF '66 has been slated for the oversees 8 6 *SEND ME THE PILLOW THAT YOU DREAM ON, Dean Martin 7 he the Peace Corps Re- Among his many athletic in- To what does Fr. Riley attri- last weekend in January or the 9 10 RED ROSES FOR A BLUE LADY, Wayne Newton • ••••• 6 cruiting program at Villanova especially en- of Shamokinaki? terests. Father bue the success first weekend m February to 10 9 •IF I RULED THE WORLD, Tony Bennett , . ^., i>i . . 8 together with "VISTA" (Volun- ALL, Frank Sinatra T. . .,. . 4 joys playing a good game of — "The kids — the way the avoid all Basketball tourna- 11 11 ANYTIME AT Part of the huge crowd that attended the Shamokiraki M'xpr teers In Service To America), a 12 12 *FOR MAMA, Connie Francis 5 baseball or basketball, as well students contributed their time ments, now if we can only sched- on March 26. Over $8,000 was realized through the various fund- 'domestic 13 14 *CA$T YOUR FATE TO THE WIND, Sounds Orchestral 3 new peace corps,' and as an occasional golf match. efforts in a charitable cause and ule the snow storms to our con- 14 13 *FOR MAMA, Jerry Vale 5 raising activities of the Shaonoldnaki conunittee under the leader- he is also moderator ^ of the Since he played basketball in is compliment to their gen- M a venience we've got it knocked. 15 16 I CANT STOP THINKING OF YOU, Bobbi Martin 4 ship of Fr. George Riley. (photo by Pete Rideg) Radio Olub. mentioned it was . . . college. selflessness." FALL, Glen Yardbrough . . . . Father erosity and WFLN in Philadelphia is the 16 17 BABY THE RAIN MUST . ; „i, 4 17 20 CRAZY DOWNTOWN, Allon Shernnan . : . . 2 local outlet for "First Hearing," /* 18 18 SOMEBODY ELSE IS TAKING MY PLACE, Al Martino 2 a program spotlighting the 19 19 WHIPPED CREAM, Herb Alpert's Tijuana Brass

— ROSES ROSES, Andy Williams . . Grod Production Of 'Bonaparte' ibest of the new classical re- 20 AND AND 21 — WHY DID I CHOOSE YOU, Barbra Streisand • •••••tea leases. It's slated for prime — Woikikis '•,;• !$',% ^r« '4.^ 22 HAWAII HONEYMOON, •: • • evening time under Eastern Air •Former WWVU Pick Lanes sponorship. This Weeks WWVU Pick of the Week: Iko, Iko, The Dixie Cups Unique, But It Lacks Potential .«'• Theo (Leslie Lee), his second scenes and advancements of the When you walk mto the thea- in conmiand, tries in vain to dis army are projected by semi movies on the blue tre and sit down, there seated courage him in his goal. But animated of white, and red wall. Their func- Win a Honda on your right is one of the driven on by his reveries how '\^ to unify the scope of actors. To your left are four great an emperor he once was. tions seem the scenes while more, clad in sweatsuits and Napoleon leads his army the play and keeping the audience detached just tot being bom buckskin boots. They laugh and through unsurpassable offenses. scene. are con- '• W talk to each other; maybe even Much of the play is an out- from each We that are ob- to you. They shout at a figure ward conflict between his army, stantly aware we 1. I've been weighing the 2. With graduation drawing near serving a play and thus are kept possibility of becoming a I realized how much more on stage—that is a stage of two who regard him as a lunatic characters. perpetual student. there was for me to learn. bare platforms, one encircling and Theo, who attempts to aloof from the Mr. Richard Dupre directed the other. Nothing else except reconcile these men to Napftleon. Last week you said you You didn't also performance with aid from blue, white, and red streaks There are some very expressive the were considering the realize, did you, Nevins do'ng the painted on a wall. moments between the belligerent Mr. Thomas merits of mink fanning. that when you graduate setdesign and Dr. Jackson Barry will •t: The lights go down and a attacks of Broderick and Jim your dad cut charge of the film sequences. off your allowance? movie is projected on the same Mason upon Napoleon and Jim in continue its V ^ wall. Nothing spectacular, just Hicks and Leslie Lee on behalf Bonaparte will April 9, I'D, a rocky sea coast with smooth of his defense. Jim Hicks run this weekend, beautiful water. An isloated aim especially adds immeasurably to and 11. play is unique in as Robinson Crusoe. The movie the scene. Overall the presentation but yet it never dies. Bonaparte is on the stage Regardless of the pathos ex- its the potential talking with a young boy catch- pelled by Napoleon in his char- gives to the script * > ing minnows. acter in the internal strife be- that it has. ir Jr -k The play is William Long's tween his soldiers, the scenes The Qest and Gesture Society Bonaparte now being performed move at such a rate so as to of Rosemont College has con on the playbox. It is the second keep any emotional purgation or

, eluded its three-ni ght run of of Mr. Long's plays that have attachment of the audience Aeschylus' The Libation Bearers been presented at the Playbox completely confined. All battle the classical Greek tradition. while he has been working for his Master's. ^^e^ Based on the historic figure of Napoleon, it is the story of 3. 1 must admit the thought 4. What about my thirst for did enter my mind. knowledge'* his rise to power after his exile to the island of Elba and con- lias the thought ever Just l)ecause you work his eventful down- cluding with entered your mind doesn't mean you have ( fall and return to Elba. that you might get a to stop learning. The play is pieced together job and make a career by a combination of quickly- for yourself? paced scenes without a con- tinuous flow. Each scene offers a new torment to Napoleon. Each reveals the falseness of the morale of his army, his in- human tactics to gain power, his deceitfulness in controlling Your own birth date may have already won you a his men, and the inner conflict of an honest and moral Savalle Honda in Parker Pen's Birthday Sweepstakes! (Jim Hicks), who can't recon- cile himself to the demands of For example, if your birth date is December 1st, 1942, your entry is 12-1-42. Just fill in the the war. ' t Louis Lempo's portrayal of coupon below-take it to your Parker Dealer for his signature-and then send it to us. And you Napoleon shows the insane drive might as well know this: you winners have your choice of ^4> D \ D 1^ IZ D he possessed for power. In de- Hondas ... the powerful C-110, or the deluxe CA-102. IT /\ |% |V EI IV 5. You mean earn while learning? 6. But what do I know about of the title he once held, Congratulations! ' fense ^^j^^^ ^^^,^,5 army insurance? ^f „^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^ he relentlessly gathers an Right. And you can 1

Jotter. First girl-size ball pen I attempts to recapture his it New Compact made and do at Equitable. With vour thirst for Take this coupon to your Parker Pen Dealer They'll 100^ for girl-size hands. Uses the big 80,000-word Jotter European Empire. pay of knowledge, I'm sure or get a coupon from him refill. $1.98. your tuition toward you'll he the star \ |.#' a qualified graduate of their de\ elopment Name. WANTED degree. At the sanje program. time, the work is Address- Musicians 6-ft. 2-in, and over for challenging, the pay T^Ball Jotter. world's first ball with stain- is The pen a motion picture and television good, and I hear City. .State- It's obvious you're homesick less steel -writes a clean, clear line up to 80,000 assignment. vou move up fast. words. $1.98. See your Parker Dealer right away (or complete Sweepstakes rules. No purchase required. Contest voided in Wisconsin, Coll or Write: Succumb to this malaise—set sail for the nearest Parker 45 Convertible. The pen that fills two ways- New Jersey, and wherever else prohibited by law. Contest telephone and call your parents. You'll feel better closes April 30, 1965. For complete information with handy reserve ink cartridges, or from an ink about career opportunities at HONNEY and they'll love you for calling. Equitable, see Send to "Parker Sweepstakes," P. 0. Box 4909, Chicafo, III. THE WILLIAM your Placement Officer, bottle. Standard model -$5.00. or write to Edward D. McDougal, Manager. 60677 Manpower Development * ^ AGENCY Division. Birth Date MONTH 1411 Wolnut Street The EQUITABlE Life Assurance Society The Bell Telephone Company off Pennsylvania of the United States Home Office: 1285 Ave. of the Americas. Philodelphio 2, Po. New York. N. Y. 10019 ©EquiUble 1965 O *•* 4* THI rARRI* PIN COHPANT, J*NIIVIlLI,«ltCON(IH, U.t.A. LO 41 948 An Equal Opportunity Employer


^ninniiiimtiwiitiRitMNRiiutmiiiiiiiiHHHtiiHinnttimiuiiiHnNMHHiinwiiimHiiiiiiiiiuHuiHiiiiiiittiiuHn 'Cancer And Smoking' i, WooJrowWilsonSayreSpeaks Villunovu Politiiul Ikion Discussed Tomorrow Boylmi Crumbles Trodition; Class, S8A Reps. In Vasey Auditorium Tonight At Lecture Series Election Results Sdiedules Roshod Mound Campus News Briefs (Continued from Page V "Cancer and Smoking" will be (Continued from Pa^a 1) . (Continued from Pa^e 1) fessor L o g u e of the Political First Femole Yeorhook Clu'ef topic as Dr. Roben Stanley, tary, Anna Husar; Treasiurer, Science Department, has re- the world tucked close under the extended at this time. 2!l!IMIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIItlM'lllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIII||||||||||||||l|^ (Continued from Page |) Air will be on campus on or jiimb the highest peak in the Vice-President of the Delaware Jim HuBted; resident rep., Jim cently elected its officers for next sky. Only then does a person in the the An interesting element is the about May 13 and seniors will World heart of County unit of the American Dr. Robert A. Kantra of the Princeton University will The forthcoming editor antici- A'Agostino; and day-hop rep., year. : Leon- turn deeply inward. Loneliness "interrupting question." Any They are Gregory receive their copies on the first Himaflayas. tomorrow ^nglish Department, has articles sponsor a conference Jay Meginnls. all received elec- ard, president; Dick Behrens, Cancer Society, speaks on Latin pates no trouble, at least from is not enough." That is why Dr member of the Political Union, rblished in two delivery days. Underclass- toral Though an "amateur** assault afternoon at 4:30 p.m. in the > •• the current issues American Affairs on April 23, the staff. She said, "I wouldn't mandates. ; Bill D'Orsaneo, Sayre, leader of the 1062 dimlb may stop a speech and question vice-president men will receive the books after was considered improsidble by East I^ounge of Dougherty Hall. of two academic journals 24, and 25. The topic for the have accepted the position if I Concerning the voter turnout, to is Treasurer, and Joe Buera, secre- up Mount Everest, wanted the speaker. The question in the seniors. The Belle Air pub- the experts, Dr. Sayre and three This is the sixth Practical Lec- Irony in Belloc Renascence, second annual conference is had foreseen any trouble." The class of 1966 set a record as either serious or rhetorical. tary. lisher said that the 1965 edition others — a Swiss school teacher, ture in a series being spnaored and Moral Norms in Satire: A "Social Structure, Development, yearbook staff is composed of 60 76.9 per cent of the juniors Members are encouraged to will be the best yearbook to Fr. Burns Speaks a lawyer, and a geology student by the class of 1966 under the Symposium, in Satire Newslet- and the Future of Democracy in persons, and approv*mately 30 voted, breaking '66 own record voice their approval or dsap- come out of Villanova. —planned the attempts without SGA Motions chairmanship of Jim Griffin. ter. LaUn America, 1965." Speaking are girl§. of 74 per cent set last year. The proval after or during a speech. At PSEA Lecture; oxygen, guides or porters, and (Continued from Page 2) Dr. Stanley is a graduate of • • • on the topic will be Joseph Far- The Belle Air moderator, class of 1968 came agonizingly Purpose wdth the barest minimum of thre community passed a 18y2 George Washington University. land, former American Ambas- Thomas Linahan, assistant pro- close as 75.8 percent of the purpose of the organiza- New Officers Elected money, food, and equipment. The The Appalachian Volunteers. sador to Department, freshmen voted. The class of vote maiigin. At present, he is vice-president , Panama, and Professor fessor in the Math tion is stated in the Union's ' "What the uatnoiic leacher Further, they planned what had of the staff at Crozer-Chester IT program administered by. the Frank Tannebaum of Columlbia concurred with Williams* ap- 1967 achieved a 68.6 per cent motto "E discipuHs trbune" Others turnout. Should Know, Look For, AUd been tried eight times but un- Medical Center and is also on Council of the Southern Moun- University. pointment. Concerning female which, freely translated, means unanimously tains, Inc., is Here are the candidates Do!" is the topic of a lecture to successfully, by the best — to The other two the staff at Riddle Memorial Hos- a group of Ektstem All interested students discrimination, Williams said, and statesmen out of stu- t should Soccer Practice given Rev. Joseph J. scale the great unclimbed North "We make passed included: one introduced Kentucky college students atitude should their vote totals in last Thurs- be by pital and at Sacred Heart Hospi- j contact the International Rela- "The anti-woman organization hopes morning Face of Everest. dents." The by Jeff DeLuca asking that the brought together by a common this year's graduating day's ©lection: Bums, OSA, tomorrow I tal. tions Club on campus or write end with accomplish this. Among the at 10:30 a.m. in 215 Tolentine to SGA request the adminisration lecturer of desire to work with the people of class." 3:30 Class of 1966 Oommimis't Hazard women. He is the official to the Latin America Affairs • statesmen are ' --/y ':;; •...,;/ budding to extend hours of the Fal- their state's isolated reaction Hall. the Delafware County's unit of the mountain Committee, Princeton Univer- Questioned about her •v«ry President Jim Griffin 466 Rosemont and Villanova under- "I qfternooii on To make the trip even more vey Memorial Library on Satur- Amexjpan Cancer Society and region. sity, Princeton, to her selection, Boylan said, Dave Banmiller 227- . The lecture is being sponsored N.J. graduates. hazardous, the expedition had to days and Sundays. The second, really Rocked . . . and i Vice-President by the Villanova University has been on many different tr Any student interested in if it -k was field below Jim Morgan 380 The political Union publishes Low make a secret dash through proposed by Tom FiLrst and Jeff panels around the Philade!phia had no idea that I would be next Gre elected riskng capture, imprisonment, or the responsibility period will follow tomorrow's f palaohian Volunteers, College the tremendous responsibility Al Vendrasco 263 Robert A. Garawski was Eldited toy R. being developed by the govern- even execution by the Chinese on current affairs. demic affairs committee to meet placed upon shoulders No fxper/ence Bettv Kelly 133 President of the Regional Office lecture. 'box 2307, Be re a, Kentucky, ment. There is a my and Gregory Leonard, '66, the next new emphasis Oommunists who patrol .the . for the 1965-66 school year on at least once a semester with 40403, for applications and ad- on welfare services in the public the almost impossible task of Treasurer John Gonzales is scheduled for distribu- Tilbet-Nepal border. Without issue attempting to please all facets Necessary (unopposed) 6, at the Southeastern administration to discuss policy ditional information. It also may assistance program for March this month preven- medical aid, the sli^^test ac- tion later of the University in publishing Rep B. Grabowski Regional Convention held at be possible for a Volunteer staff tion of dependency and for re- a Nursing by Pro- 1, regarding the library. cident or misjudgment could The Union, moderate (unopposed) Immaculata College. ^Viember to visit the campus and habililtation and for other re- yearbook." immediate disaster. A rave brought discuss the program at length. lated activities. The 1965 editor of the Belle Arts resident J. O'Loughlin 137 New Officen Sayre himself tunnbled an In- Jerry Rubino 130 crsdiible 1,000 feet down the Arts day-hop Robert Gallo Garawski, a Junior Educ-Bio. glacier's ice blocks. Before the (unopposed) major, tok over his duties im- end of the journey, there was C^F resident . . Frank Eck 128 mediately from Eleanor Miri^- nothing left to eat and th^ ex- Bemie Schaffer 110 liatta, the outgong President. In pedition faced starvation. C&F day . . . Dennis Walsh 135 assuming the Regional Office, They never reached the sum- Are you afflicted with the pain John Fenlon 104 Garawski, has been forced to mit, but they didn*t really fail. Engineering resi. D. Murray 90 turn over his duties with Villa- Says Dr. Sayre, "Men climb' Bob Fisch 54 nova's chapter of the P.S.EA- and inconvenience associated Engineering day . R. Jones 93 Vice-President, mountains because they are not to Mike Ferko, Hack 55 satisfied simply to exist, they Ted who will become acting President with pedestrian travel ? Alumni rep. . . Peter Tyrell 392 Garawski's want to live — climibing the for the remainder of Brian Banmiller 263 '•' heights is one way.*' term. • Class of 1967 President Rick Holwell 330 Brenden Brett 301

Vice-President . . B. Moore 405 Tom Huck sought scientific excitement Moe Passannajite 220 Treasurer . .James Donegan (unof^xwed)

Secretary . . Marie Gadren 385 Marie Diessner 232

Nursing Rep. . J. Brubaker /,;!('

(unopposed) , Arts resident W. Williams 161 Mike Mulvey 103 Arts day Jim Proud 137 ; ; Sludail 0(it()ilt(iA ^1. 90 (J«WA William Hanley 130

C&F Resi.. . John Bocasso 123 Ken Hedges 87 C&F day John Thomas (unopposed)

Engineer day . . Vic Bellino (unopposed) Engineer resi. Frank Samer (unopposed) WELCOME Class of 1968 President . . . Tom Conway, 408

,:. Gregory Fusco 174 . , SPRING! ;

;V ' Abe Hobson 165

'::---^--'\'i'''^^'::y;^Ted Radomile 135 And not far beyond . . . more '' Larry Muth 94 welcome summer! This is Vice-President John Carey 373

, :;. Meyer 323 the best time to visit Rogers James Joe Purfico 323 Feet and make your selec- Joe Fredericks 119 He's finding it at Westem Electric tions for warmer weather. Secretary . . . Anna Husar 572 232 We have much to interest Kathy Bennett Ohio University conferred a B.S.E.E. degree on This constant challenge of the totally new, Kathy Cini 155 the young man who values C. T. Huck in 1956. Tom knew of Western Elec- combined with advanced training and education Treasurer .... Jim Husted 452 good taste, practical styling tric's history of manufacturing development. He opportunities, make a Western Electric career Rick Fortney 272 and fine materials. realized, too, that our personnel development pro- enjoyable, stimulating and fruitful. Thousands of Rick Crawford 207 gram was expanding to meet tomorrow's demands. young men will realize this in the next few years. Day-Hop Jay Meginnis 524 After graduation, Tom immediately began to How about you? William Delone 414

of electronic switching If responsibility and the challenge of 3»3 work on the development the future Resident . . Jim D'ggostino systems. Then, in 1958, Tom went to the Bell Tele- appeal to you, and you have the qualifications we Bill Polignani 234 phone Laboratories on a temporary assignment to are looking for, talk with us. Opportunities for fast- Get blessed relief with Fred Trietsh 117 help in the advancement of our national military moving careers exist now for electrical, mechani- Bill Westman 196 capabilities. At their Whippany, New Jersey, labs, cal and industrial engineers, and also for physical '%. a Value-Rated Used Car Tom worked with the W.E. development team on science, liberal arts and business majors. For more O LD sys- detailed information, get Dealer's! computer circuitry for the Nike Zeus guidance your copy of the Western at your Oldsmobile VILLANOVA tem. Tom then moved on to a new assignment at Electric Career Opportunities booklet from your W.E.'s Columbus, Ohio, Works. There, Tom is work- Placement Officer. And be sure to arrange for an • Best buys of all are under the Value-Rated Used Car YOUNG REPUBLICAN ing on the development of testing circuitry for the interview when the Bell System recruiting team AT ALL ROGERS PEET STORES memory phase of electronic switching systems, visits your campus. sign • Many late-model, like-new trades* Many still under ELECTIONS NEW YORK • BOSTON • HARTFORD • WASHINGTON new-car guarantee • All sizes, all makes, all body styles • BBK Western Electric MANUFACTURING AND SUPPLY UNIT OF THE BELL SYSTEM TOMORROW NIGHT All at easy-to-take prices • So what are you waiting for? AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY CMPLOVCR ® AT 7:30 IN Principal manufacturing locations in 13 cities D Operating centers in many of these same cities plus 36 others throughout the U.S. USED III., Little CARS Engineering Research Center, Princeton, N.J. D Teletype Corp., Skokie, Rock, Ark. General Headquarters, A streetcar? See your local Oldsmobile Quality Dealer now! D New York City 207 VASEY HALL

VILL^NOVAN • APRIL 7, 1965 8 THE THE VILLANOVAN • APRIL 7, 1965 9 — . ,


Bowler Jones Wins Whr Not You? - I tat Sluggers Lose St Joe Rugged Football Slate Shows Lost One Bat Finalist Position in Suffer the NIBC at ^iiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiiiiiiii!iii!i!i;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iii!iiiiniiiniiiiiniiiitiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiniiuiiiiiiiiiinn!ii:iiii First Minn. -— By Frad Wefcher City Series Loss Cat's Facmg Formidable Foes reception the volunteers met The odds on winning a finalist In the summer of 1964, 45 de- By Jerry Bruderle each inning by working 'Cat After a hard day of classes Fearless was elected official ex< dead bats pinned to hia wall, By Joe Moffongelli Gator Bowl and the Atlantic population spot in the 1965 National Inter- j students from Cornell University, with from the white hurler Vic Majewski for a walk. Hary Gwinnell entered his suite terminator for the entire dorm, killed out of VUlanova opened its baaeball of Fayette County, and the ulti- cided that it was collegiate Bowling Champion- A quick glance Conference respectively. members of theComell-Tompkins Glodeck advanced to second on at the 1965 r^'***^ in Good Counsel Hall unaware pending future elections. to season last Tuesday with a 2-0 ^^ addition^ the Staters mate failure of the election—^but season and should be moved sacrifices by Mike Dalsey. Hinkle ships were 184 to 1 against him, football schedule shows the lost a Committer lor Free and Fair that danger lurked near by. loss to St. Joseph's on the not of the project are recorded not im- Wild- but the challenge proved equal Wildcats facing nine formidable ^^^^ °°® ^ Syracnae in the last Elections lived and worked In — Prize Captured a place where it would sent him home each time with Looking up he saw hanging cat's home diamond. The 'Cats five minutes of play. simply and objectively. It is singles. to the ability and determination foes. The rugged alate kicka off Their over^ Fayette County, Tennessee, en- from his Drew, being quite experienced plicate them in the crime. first two blinds a nocturnal games against Maine Spencer Jones. with Toledo all tally was 5-4. couraging not tiie editors' intention that in Winning lefthander Jake Gaff- W on September 18 and helping the. cause placental flying mammal with handling nocturnal mamals, point procession was and Bowdoin were postponed be- they should merely retell the At this a A Villanova University sopho- and reaches its end zone via The assignments to Quantico of Negro registration, fighting put on his hooded parka, armed fore ney held Art Mahan's Main- f o r e 1 i m b s modified to form moved the Hawks game, and the are never known for certain until civil right tale for they hope to formed and the bat was Liners to a single and two walks more, Jones finished fifth in re- Buffalo on November 20. segregation in the South. wings. He retreated quickly, himself with a towel, and boldly game against Penn last Satur- be able to point the way to gional competition to win one of Highlighting the their season opens. It is rumored In by Step, slowly from room to room and in six innings. Eighty reliever season will Step (to be pub- fearing that it might be one of entered the room. Outside the day was also called due to the others who would like to join in the 75 spots in the national be contests with Washington that the great Roger Staubach lished by Norton, on April 26 room tension mounted as min- finally ended up in an unknown John Butz gave up a double and the blood thirsty Vampire types, cold weather. himself will or form similar projects. passes. finals at St. Paul, Minnesota on State University and V.P.I., don the red and $3.95 cloth, $1.45 paper) Douglas utes passed and no sound came on the third floor. The^ Following two and relayed news of his dis- bunk ^ yesterday's game along gray come the fall. The 'Cats' have At the end of the book is a Majewski was the loser, work- April 25 and 26. He competed with West Chester State Dowd and Mary Nichols covery to the other guys on his from within. Then all at once not end there because with Princeton, Villanova enter- comprehensive list of civil rights story did against 13,800 college bowlers and the Marines from Quantico. own Enunet iMichaela may also put together a series of accounts noise of a vicious struggle is- ing six innings. Thus, the 'Cats floor. next a sign tains West Chester tomorrow, be changing sides for this one. organizations who desperately the very day was who won the Big Five title last representing 185 colleges and Missing from last year's sched- of the struggle from some of sued from the room and then before traveling to Penn State need help, whether it be money posted on the bulletin board suffered universities throughout the ule will ibe the gridders from West Chester, a local thriller, those involved in the project. Soon there were fifteen or so silence. As the door began to for season, their first City a game on Saturday. Then is expected to come up with or volunteers. brave adventurers in small Series loss of this year's cam- country. Holy Cross, Detroit, George The book is illustrated by the the open those who had been wait- which read as IqUows: next Tuesday, April Both authors and publisher 12, Villa- The National Intercollegiate Washington, and another strong club. They have photographs of Nick Lawrence, room investigating the new find. ing outside stepped back and paign. V.M.L The nova plays host to Rider College, fared extremely well in their are contributing their income the ibat began to Bowl i n g Championships are traditionally big encounter with who was also helping in Tennes- Suddenly Drew the Victor walked out with LOST before six straight road games. from Step by Step to the project. sponsored Boston College will small college field over the last ' by the Association of be played at • •.. ;• ••:••,:' spread its wings and fifteen or see. ;. ,- .•:•:: his prize wrapped in a towel. The St. Joe's game was the so brave adventurers were out ONE BAT Final Deadline College Unions, American Bowl- Boston on September 25. few years. The 'Cats innicted The host'ie and often violent W. W. Norton and Co. first for coach Harry Booth, ing their only loss upon them two in the hall. Immediately the Trophy Mounted IF FOUND PLEIASE Congress, and American Washington State, a member former St. Joe's basketeer. years ago. question wajs asked conceminp After showing it to everyone For Junior Machine & Foundry Company. of the Rose Bowl-participating RETURN TO MRS. ROSS Hawks Score In First, Fifth the of intruder from present the great WMte Hunter The finals tournament is liter- Big Eight Conference, finished The usual story is out on B.C. "'^'r'-'^^y)f:"^ removal the The Hawks scored both of 1 .< . .1 ,',!• . Villanovan Harry's room, brought up by proceeded to pin his trophy to BIOLOGY DEPr. MENDEL Week ally the Rose Bowl of intercol with a disappointing 4-6 log last In Ed Foley they have a great •;,-V), their runs exactly the same way none other than Harry himself his bulletin board next to a pic- legiate bowling, with competi- season. However, they did knock quarterback, though his top re- REWARD in the first and fifth inning. John After deliberating for time ture of his girl. Drew's room- FRIDAY. tion to determine champions in off Stanford. Any team in this ceivers—^Bill Oronin and Jim some Hinkle drove in the both runs lots the being quite sensitive to I didn't see it! Did you? team, singles, doubles and all conference is more than capaible Whelan—^have flown the 'Elagles' were cast and Drew mate with two singles. Bespectacled APRIL events. nest catcher John Glodeck opened 9 of a good game. The 'Cats are in for a rough one. The relhuilding 'Cats can ex- Among the five victories en- pect a rough time, but the strong joyed by V.P.I. in '64 were opposition early in the season Intramural Spring Activities Indude Floridat: x\jM.t\*.a Statet.jt.oLi.c andaiiu Northa'vvui.u Carov^axvr- shouldoiivu, provide valuable expert-

lina State. These clubs won the | ence. Handball, Tennis And Softball The Business Of Intercollegiate Sports" By swings into its second round next will be sponsoring various Frank Miller By John DiGonnora Monday, April 12. ment appearances. They have Today is the last opportunity There are to eventS| One of which k volley- be Inter-collegiate competed from coast to coast in for anyone interested in enter- three games today which will ball. This activity begins on sports have become a many categories, and have gar- ing the Intramural Handball close out first round action. April 8. The games are played business. They have These games will be the transcended the nered many laurels for the Tournament to hand in his ap- Rovers on the Annex and Sullivan I competitive vs. the Dean's Boys Austin Iplane in quest of prestige, school. Furthermore, school plication. This competition is on courts. and Field, the vs. The Senior Red Cross Life Sav- ID. particular, its spirit, since it seems propor- open to all Villanova students Shakes the Wipe- remunerative ing Course is sideKick money. tional to athletic success, has and Villanova faculty members. outs at Mendel, and LKD vs. already in progress. — Thousands of dollars are reached a peak; and the box of- Gloves and handballs may be DPM on Sullivan Field. All 56 The 70 qualified men will be in- invested yearly in teams appeared in the first high-school hotshots, fice has also flourlsed, assuring picked up in the intramurals of- structed by Mr. Jack Lumsden, some of round. Second round pairings the assistant wnom produce; others use of still more success in the fice. Competition will begin swimming coach wh sim- wil be posted on the Bulletin here this ply thank the school for future. tomorrow. The pairings will be at VU. After course their Board in Alumni Gym. is completed the Water Safety free education, and casually re- Arthur L. Mahan, athletic listed on the bulletin board in the prime Alumni Gym. M order to reward the intra- Instructors Course will be given. cline on their well -molded, director, is one of excellent of the splinter - splattered posteriors. factors in the Villanova suc- The tennis season will also mural officials for the One highlights of the throughout the year, the This could prove yuite expensive cess story. He has the difficult begin tomorrow. April 8. Each job they did Intramural Track since latest national statistics task of coordinating all Villa- participant in this year, the intramural department Meet, will be held April 28, at singles tour- well- Thursday, p.m., in show that the wood gatherers nova athletics into one, nament must bring his is sponsoring a dinner 3 Goodreau Stadium. , own reaping Conestoga Mill enter, have the same market value as oiled unit capable of equipment. No equipment will April 18 at the Anyone can and the their more productive the dividends of investment, and be issued by the intramurals Inn. The secondary purpose of blanks are available from the In> colleagues. Once this talent has been cor- above all, spreading the name department. The pairings this affair is to present an tramural office or from John Ber- for school. He award to the outstanding senior gin in 1'25 Fedigan Hall. Con- ralled it must be saddle-broken, and glory of the this tournament will be based on to testants for trained, discipLned, and then un- serves as representative general ability and experience. intramural athlete. He will be this meet may enter bridled to exact its pent-up fury NCAA rule-making committees, This wil be chosen by an intramural coun- in all events but they must limit judged from the for the ar- cil their participation to on its opponents. This presup- and is responsible information given by the appli- on the basis of four years of three. poses capable and rangement of schedules. In cants sportamanly participation in Vil- There is a correction in last adequate on their entry forms. way con- lanova's week's article. The stables masters and assistants, short, he is in some Matches in this tournament will intramural program. Intramural every athletic event Through the rest of the sem- Basketball Final was won by who are able to get the maxi- nected with be held on the Villanova courts. the 56-39 over the mum out of their charges. Fur- that takes place, and for The Softball tournament ester, the intramural association Pipers. thermore, it demands skillful making of decisions thereof. managing, scheduling, and plan- Truly, success has become the Going fb Europe sports, MAKE MONEY ning, so if the horses do round calling card for Villanova '" *"^ Mahan's Wanf fe Renf or Buy into form people will be happy and success is Art DRIVING THIS SUMMER! to pay for their performances. trademark. •o Europeon Cor? The past several years has Contocf BilL MANFRED seen the "Big V" turn out some Enjoy the Best . mighty fine blue-

THE VILLANOVAN • APRIL 7, 1965 II .-J'.-.-v-- Vol. 4^ A^<5 J

RugbyTeam CapturesFirst Win By Defeating brew University

By Jerry Bruderit of equalling last year's 3-3-1 record. When asked if they can Villanova's Rugby team cap- matoh or better that mark, Jim tured its first victory of the Brant said, "I hope so", and season by defeating Drew Uni- then added, "at least we versity of Madison, New Jer- should." sey 14-3 on Saturday. Sun- On This Saturday the Rugby day, the 'Cat ruggers dropped team has game with Yale at a close decision to the Phila- New Haven, and they have delphia Rugby Club 8-6 bring- future dates with Brown and Ill ing their record 1-3 * to for the Manhattan before the end of season. the season on May 8. These Against Drew, Jim Brant games are all away, but there tallied five points with a 45-yard is one more chance to see the field goal to pace the 'Cats. Cap- 'Cats in action. ta.in Dick Gove, Bert Lambino On Sunday, May 2, Villanova and Ken Sears all made a try plays host to a Seven-a-Side worth three points each to Tournament with each team round out the scoring fpr Villa- having (you guessed it) seven nova. '-v' .'•:;,-.••.• •>.'-i-'''''.". on a side. Invitations have been Villanova's "B" squad also sent to Temple, Jefferson, St. played and defeated the Drew Joseph's, Phila. Rugby Club, "B" team 14-0. Ernie Abate and Fir»t Troop Rugby Club, Penn- Don Donlan both made tries for sylvania, Princeton and Lehigh. the 'Cats. Both games were Each teac s expected to send played before a large and en- one or two teams to fill the one thusiastic crowd. day schedule. Sunday's squad was a com- Complicent Due bination of the "A" and "B" The Rugby team is to be com- teams. Dick Gove made an fact that mended if only for the early try to knot the score at theV do compete. But they repre^ 3-3 at halftime. Bill Blauvalt name. sent the school only in made a three point penalty shot Under the auspices of Coach in the second half, but it was History Francis Coghlan, a not enough to avert defeat. a Professor on campus and Southern Division the former Rugfcy standout, Villanova competes in the team acts and plays as a close- Southern Division of the East- and en- knit, hard-working, ern Rugby Union, with clubs been thusiastic unt. They have like Phila., First Troop, (also from to get financial aid Baltimore, Wash- trying from Phila.) Administration bu so far the by Pete Rideg)i ing^ton, and schools like Villa- ,11,^ MBiMw iiiiM w ! ^P^^^ have been unsuccessfu. iu nova and Drew. Their 1-3 rec- pay The white spheroid arriving at the left of your screen is attempting to piclc off a VlTlanova So he earn members mus ord doesndoesn'tt rate too high in thetne - ^ ^uy their baserunner. The action was unsuccessful as the unidentified Wildcat perch safely on the bag. but they have hopes Unforttinately, the St. Joseph the 'Cats 2-0 conference, l^^^^^^^,^^^,^ j,,^ p^ejl) Hawks defeated in a game heM last week. Lacrosse Club Evens Record Defeats Georgetown, Hoyas

By^Chub Connor ticlimax to an alert, aggressive The Villanova Lacrosse Club move, with just 1 :30 left to play posted its first seasonal victory in the first half. over a reputedly strong Greorge Co-Captain B"ll White, an( town University team with a midfielders Ed Paul and Roi each contributed thumping 16-6 rout of the Hoyas Meyer a goa on Saturday. The win evened the for the Cats. No Georgetowr 'Cats record at one up and one man scored more than one goal down. The squad from the banks except for McAllister, who had of the Potomac came into the two. 2-0 Main Line with high hopes of After an early lead, VU closed the first quarter on the offsetting a tight loss to Notre of 4-2. per- Dame by a single goal, 4-3. long end The second iod saw the muddy field dry out With only 2:48 of the first quarter gone, Pete Mills cooled fast with the sizzling speed that the to 10-3 the their enthusiasm with a goal raised margin by end of the first 30 minutes. Vil- that set the pattern for the i highest score that Villanova has lanova scored 3 goals in each of the remaining two quarters and totaled against any foe. Led by attackmen Rich Hook with an the Hoyas added 3 more. Kevin "Termite" Tyler, play- almost unheard of 8 goals, and I his first full game as goalie Ed McFadden with one goal, but ing in the place of the disabled Jack 9 assists, the Blue and White acted as if he had in- pressed to a determined and Wehrum hard-fought triumph. vented the position. He had IS Despite the large margin of clean saves. The enthusiasm of the entin victory, Georgetown was far (photo by Bob Sturm) 'CJat squad should carry over t( from dishonored. They were one next Saturday's game (April 10 A Villanova sticlunan juggles the ball and wheels' around two Georgetown defenders enroute of the most determined and 2 p.m.) with the New York State to a score in the Mainliners' 16-6 pounding of the Hoyas from the Nation's capital. The victory hard-blocking teams ever faced Maritime evened the local's record at 1-1. Academy on thi by the 'Cat s t i c k m e n . Only Lacrosse field directly behinc hcads-up play and enthusiasm' the stadium. Spectator interesi down to the wire kept the local is reaching new highs, so a large attack clicking. Strong alert de- rooting section is expected foi fense and excellent goal tending the game with the N.Y. sailors, held the Georgetowners out of The balance of the schedyU serious threats to tie or go is: ahead. University of Pennsylvania Mills Scores Two '•B^ Tuesday, April 13, 3:30 Pete Mills winged two into the p.m. River Field Phila, Pa. net for VU scores as did Jimmy Hartwick College, Saturday, 'i Ryan who dazzled the spectators April 12 p.m., Oneonta, N.Y. and the Blue and White goalie by Georgetown Univcrj»ity, intercepting the Hoyas' goilie's Satur- day, May 1, 2 p.m., Washinglon. pass a clearing maneuver D.C. (moving the ball out of the de- Dickinson Collec;e, Tuesday, fense zone of the field) and rac- May 4, 2 p.nL, Carlisle, Pa. ing around the stunned stick- Saturday. — men on a 15-yard sprint to an M«*^«'*9*n"!S?'l'*"'""' The Villanova harriers opening o. . nome get in shape for the meet in the outdoor track season, the I open goal. Whipping the ball! \J ^ Relays. '^'^»*"n ^^ Marshall, Tuos- lona into the unguardedumniarded net was an-i^an- ^ ^^ 33^ Lancaster, Pa 12 THE VILLANOVAN • APRIL 7, 1965 r c/
