◊ Pennsylvania Charitable Trusts ◊ Parishes of the Diocese of Greensburg Office: 740 W. Walnut St. Phone: 724-547-1911 Fax: 724-547-2630 St. Pius X Parish Ctr.: 724-547-0950 St. Vincent de Paul Society: 724-547-0413 Visit us at: Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:30am - 11:30am & 12:30 - 3:00pm

224 Summit Street ◊ Mt. Pleasant, PA ◊ 740 W. Walnut Street

July 25, 2021 - Seventeenth in Ordinary Time


Do you suppose the authors of the four Gospels were aware of ’s first reading from the second book of Kings? Of course they were. The prophet Elisha fed a hundred men with twenty barley loaves in order to prove God’s power. This same miracle, now multiplied by more people fed by fewer loaves, is attributed to Jesus in all four Gospels. In today’s passage from John we even have the detail that the loaves were barley, reminding every pious Jew of that miracle that Elisha worked. Yet Jesus went into hiding when they wanted to make him king. It is the passage from Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians that gives us the reason for this. The power of Jesus comes from God. It is not meant merely to feed us, or to provide one group with a king. There is one Lord, one faith, one God and Father of all who works through Jesus Christ and through us all. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

Mass Schedule Saturday: 4:30pm - Visitation Church; 6:00pm - St. Pius X Church Sunday: 9:15am - Visitation Church; 8:00am - St. Pius X Church; 10:30am - St. Pius X Church Sacrament of Baptism: Please call the parish office to begin preparation for this sacrament. Weekday Mass - 7:00am - St. Pius X Church Confessions - Saturday - 3:30pm - Visitation Church

Pastor: Rev. Thomas A. Federline - [email protected] Pastoral Associate: Sr. Edie M. Strong, S.C. - [email protected] Facilities and Business Manager - Joseph G. Klocek - [email protected] Director of Liturgical Music - Sheryl E. Nagy - [email protected] Coordinator of Children and Youth Programs - Cheryl Hall - [email protected] Secretary: Linda Amdy - [email protected] Office Assistant: Connie M. Barnhart - [email protected] Maintenance Supervisor: Ken Kujawa

Seventeenth Sunday in GOSPEL: John 6:1-15 Ordinary Time Jesus went across the sea of Galilee. A large

☺ crowd followed him, because they saw the signs ENTRANCE HYMN: I AM THE he was performing on the sick. Jesus went up on BREAD OF LIFE the mountain, and there he sat down with his

Verse 1 I am the Bread of life. You who come to disciples. The Jewish feast of Passover was near. me shall not hunger; When Jesus raised his eyes and saw that a large And who believe in me shall not thirst. crowd was coming to him, he said to Philip, No one can come to me unless the Father “Where can we buy enough food for them to eat?” beckons. He said this to test him, because he himself knew

what he was going to do. Philip answered him, Refrain And I will raise you up, and I will raise “Two hundred days’ wages worth of food would you up, and I will raise you up on the last not be enough for each of them to have a little.” day.

One of his disciples, Andrew, the brother of Simon Verse 2 The bread that I will give is my flesh for Peter, said to him, “There is a boy here who has the life of the world, five barley loaves and two fish; but what good are And if you eat of this bread, you shall live these for so many?” Jesus said, “Have the people forever, you shall live forever. Refrain recline.” Now there was a great deal of grass in that place. So the men reclined, about five Text and music © 1966,1970,1986,1993,2005 GIA Pub., Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission. thousand in number. Then Jesus took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed them to those who

were reclining, and also as much of the fish as they

wanted. When they had had their fill, he said to his FIRST READING: 2 Kings 4:42-44 disciples,” Gather the fragments left over, so that A man came form Baal-shalishah bringing to nothing will be wasted.” So they collected them, Elisha, the man of God, twenty barley loaves and filled twelve wicker baskets with fragments made from the firstfruits, and fresh grain in the from the five barley loaves that had been more ear. Elisha said, “Give it to the people to eat.” But than they could eat. When the people saw the sign his servant objected, “How can I set this before a he had done, they said, “This is truly the Prophet, hundred people?” Elisha insisted, “Give it to the the one who is to come into the world.” Since people to eat. For thus says the Lord, ‘They shall Jesus knew that they were going to come and carry eat and there shall be some left over.’” And when him off to make him king, he withdrew again to they had eaten, there was some left over, as the the mountain alone. Lord had said. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ. Thanks be to God.

RESPONSORIAL PSALM NICENE CREED I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, maker The hand of the Lord feeds us; of heaven and earth, of all things visible and he answers all our needs. invisible. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the

Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father

before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, SECOND READING: Ephesians 4:1-6 true God from true God, begotten not made, Brothers and sisters: I, a prisoner for the Lord, consubstantial with the Father, through Him all urge you to live in a manner worthy of the call you things were made. For us men and for our salva- have received, with all humility and gentleness, tion he came down from heaven, (all bow) and by with patience, bearing with one another through the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, love, striving to preserve the unity of the spirit and became man. For our sake he was crucified through the bond of peace: one body and one under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was Spirit, as you were also called to the one hope of buried, and rose again on the third day in your call; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one accordance with the Scriptures.

God and Father of all, who is over all and through

all and in all. Thanks be to God. Continued on the next page. NICENE CREED Cont.: RECESSIONAL HYMN: THOUGH He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right THE MOUNTAINS MAY FALL

hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to Refrain Though the mountains may fall and the judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will hills turn to dust, yet the love of the Lord have no end. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, will stand the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and As a shelter for all who will call on his the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored name. Sing the praise and the glory of and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. God. I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. Verse 1 Could the Lord ever leave you? I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins and Could the Lord forget his love? I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the Though a mother forsake her child, he life of the world to come. Amen. will not abandon you. Refrain

Verse 2 Should you turn and forsake him, he will gently call your name. COMMUNION HYMN: THE SUPPER Should you wander away from him, he will always take you back. Refrain


Refrain Precious body, precious blood, seen as bread Text and music© 1975,OCP. All rights reserved. and wine; Here the Lord prepares the feast divine. Bread of love is broken now, cup of life is poured: Dear members of St. Pius X Parish. Come, share the supper of the Lord. We have grown!

Verse 1 This is the bread of God coming down from We have purchased the property directly across the heav’n, giving life to us, to all the world. street from St. Pius X Church with the permission Refrain of the Bishop and at the recommendation of the

Finance Council. This will help us to develop the Verse 2 “I am the living spring of eternal life; you area for the Church use. The plan is to move that drink from me shall not thirst again.” forward toward removing the house and at a later Refrain

time convert the lot into more parking. We have Verse 3 “I am the bread of heav’n giving life to you; received donations of $1,000.00 already toward the you that eat this bread shall never die.”. cost of demolition. If you would Refrain

like to donate to this project we Verse 4 “All those who feed on me have their life in appreciate your support. We are me, as I have my life in the living God.” calling this the 225 Demo Fund. Refrain Checks can be made to the parish

Verse 5 All praise to you, O Christ, present in this with this designation. Thank you feast; in this bread, we share one life, one for making this possible. Lord. Fr. Tom Federline Refrain

Test and music© 1994,2012 Laurance Rosania. Published by OCP. All rights reserved. Hearing God’s Call Prayer for Vocation to Priesthood and Religious Life O God, Our Father, we thank you for calling men and women to serve in your Son’s Kingdom as priests, deacons and consecrated persons. Send your Holy Spirit to help others to respond generously and courageously to your call. May our community of faith support vocations of sacrificial love in our youth and young adults. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen. Weekly Offering - July 18, 2021 Mass Intentions Visitation Parish

Weekly…………………....$4,024.00 Mon. 7/26 St. Pius X Capital Improvements...... $ 20.00 7:00am David Blackburn - Helen and Growing...... $ 50.00 Donna Blackburn

Peter’s Pence...... $ 5.00

Julia Rodgers - Bonnie & Mel

Assumption...... $ 15.00

Tues. 7/27 St. Pius X Ascension...... $ 15.00

7:00am William & Veronica Chain - June 27 & July 4 Online...... $ 405.00 children & grandchildren, Total Envelopes: 144

Bill, Frank & Linda

St. Pius X Parish

Martin Burke - Bob & Marsha Weekly…………………....$4,207.00


Capital Improvements...... $ 10.00

Wed. 7/28 St. Pius X Assumption...... $ 10.00 7:00am Kathy (Dean) DeFlitch - family Ascension...... $ 5.00

Thurs. 7/29 St. Pius X Father’s Day...... $ 5.00 7:00am Rochelle Gaul & Michelle Mother’s Day...... $ 20.00

Zupsic - Christa June 27 & July 4 Online...... $ 730.00

Total Envelopes: 144 Friday 7/30 St. Pius X 7:00am Mary D. Shaw - John Shaw

Parish Families St. Pius X Parish News!

Sat. 7/31 Visitation Yes! St. Pius X is planning a festival 4:30pm Janie Good - Don & Stephanie And we need your help.

Good The Giving Tree is up and ready for tags to be taken.

St. Pius X We’re planning to have a basket room and a Chinese

6:00pm Joseph Kitta - wife & family Auction room. That’s where you can help. Our goal is

50 baskets. For the Auction, success depends on you. Sun. 8/1 St. Pius X The more selection of prizes the better. End of 8:00am Paul & Florence Tepper - Paul & Peggy Tepper summer sales is a great time to find bargains. Happy

shopping! Keep looking for more information to Visitation 9:15am Richard Tylka - wife, Janice & come.


St. Pius X 10:30am Barb Petzel - children, Angie Visitation Parish Pirohy Sale (Siecinski), Lori (Garvey), We are selling frozen pirohys for $8.00 a Jimmy Petzel & Jodi (Repasky) dozen. There is only a limited supply left over from the Slovak platter dinner. Visitation Christian Mothers Pirohys will be sold in the community center Clothing Sale after 4:30pm Mass on Saturday, July 24 and at Visitation community center Sunday, July 25 after the 9:15am Mass. Thursday, August 12 6pm - 8pm Friday, August 13 Date is set! Youth Ministry 9:00am - 8:00pm (grades 6-12) is heading to Saturday, August 14 Caddy Shak on Wednesday, July 9:00am - 11:00am 28 from 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm Drop off dates & times: (pick-up promptly at 8:00 pm). Sat., August 7th - 1pm - 4pm Cost for Youth Ministry students is $10.00 and their Mon., August 9th - 12noon - 3pm guest is $20.00. Information, registration and Tues., August 10th - 12noon - 7pm permission forms were sent out by email, if you have Wed., August 11th - 12noon - 3pm not received one and would like to go, please email Only clothing, shoes & purses accepted! Cheri at [email protected]. Please pray for the wholeness & healing of Think about it! Donna Smith, Fr. John Moineau, Janey, Corinne, The bishops of South Africa have pointed out that Ginny M., Linda G. & Tom G., Mary Keto, John & true reconciliation is achieved proactively, “by Jean Bindas, Susan, Jim G., Jim Zuzik, Pam, Sandy, forming a new society, a society based on service Karen, Amanda Dennis, Jadon Michael Kalp, Denise to others, rather than the desire to dominate; a Mastro, Joanne Kachinsky, Rita, Kim, Mary Lou society based on sharing what one has with others, Grosser, Mike Kristoff family, Karen, Kathy, John G., rather than the selfish scramble by each for as Natalie & family, James, Natalie W. & her father, much wealth as possible; a society in which the Richard P. & family, Ray, Donald B., Lindsay, value of being together as human beings is Addison, Sophie, Eric, Julia, Letty, Holly, Nanny, ultimately more important than any lesser group, Dean, Max, George Ozegovich, Lou Zaucha, Mark whether it be family, nation, race or culture” Sosko, Loretta Stana, Amber Harbak, MaryAnn, Isabel B., Elsie & Ed, Nicholas, Louise A., L.G., (Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference, Thomas J., Doug P., Pat Weber, Dolores & Steve 1986). As the bishops of South Korea have pointed Solinski & family, Faith P., Logan S., Emma Jane, out, true peace “can be achieved only when we Rita, Ruth, CJ, Kim, Rita, Eleanor Bentley, Charles strive for justice through dialogue, pursuing C., Richard & Sally B., Elizabeth & Edward Kendi, reconciliation and mutual development” (Catholic Nancy, Remington Bazzar, Donna, Ryan & family, Bishops’ Conference of Korea, 2017). Janet, Madison Yuhas, Taylor, Alvin Jaworski, Eddie Pope Francis, Fratelli Tutti, #229 L., RoseMarie P., Beth, Mark S., Teresita, June Turik, Terry, Carmelita, Mercedes Isola, Brennen, Natalie, Connell, Nancy, Nancy, Angelo Curci, Georgia & Adrian, Debbie Poklembo, Virginia Belzer, Leo R. Rudnik, Sr., Gary Dorman, Lisa Stouffer, Carmen Tarasky, Louise A., Pat, Diane R., Colton, Kubica family, Mike Stanley, Lisa, James, Patricia Skero, Rita and John, Ruth & Gary, Calvin Shawley, Emily, Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Debbie M., Rose, Gerry, May, Caroline Palanko, Neal, July 25, 2021 Steve, Michael Tarasky, Sr., Sandy N., Sharon, Jordan S., Joel A., Chase Kemp, Cheryl, Logan, Sidney K., The eyes of all look hopefully to you, and you Dottie W., M., Mike, Sharon L., Anna Marie Petras, give them their food in due season. Kim, Bill Rodgers, Terry H., Erick, Jesse (Bucky), — Psalm 145:15 Isacc Donaldson, Bill, Patricia, Special Intention, Angela Hurt, LeeEtta, Charles Atz, Tammy, Julie, Rosary for Peace Cheryl, Midge Borza, Chris, Diane, Kelly, Joseph Pray the Rosary every Wednesday Deflorio, Joe, Jessie Reed, Gary, Aaron, Nick, Chuck, Christie, Malachi, Frank & Deb Plazza, Rob & family, @ 11:30am in St. Pius X Church. Mary, Mary Ann Lesko, Jim, Helen Rush, Scott, Robert, Mike, Mark, Loretta, Artie, Mike, Shirley, Michael, Pam, Andrew, Loretta & Alan Ambrosa, Dennis, Diane, Tom, Ashlee Preisach, Denise and Candles this Week Cole. We pray for all our homebound and hospitalized St. Pius X parishioners and all who need physical, spiritual Sanctuary - In memory of all the faithful departed

and mental healing. Blessed Mother - In memory of all the faithful departed

St. Joseph - In memory of all the faithful departed

Our Lady of Czestochowa - In memory of all the faithful Please keep in your departed prayers these active Visitation military personnel who Sanctuary - In memory of Stephen Kubasky - Veronica &

continue to give so family

much to our country: Blessed Mother - In memory of all the faithful departed

Jacob Ruben Johnson, St. Joseph - In memory of Ron Yarkosky - Marsha Vorum

Malachi Klocek, Madonna & Child - In memory of all the faithful departed Jacob Shafley, Alex Shafley Any youth who has received the sacrament of Eucharist is invited Ministry of the Altar

to serve his or her parish by becoming an altar server. This is Sat. 7/31 Visitation 4:30pm Greeters: Volunteers an important ministry within the Lector: Brian Hunter life of the church and we encourage the youth to Minister: Marlene Cibulas participate. There will be two training sessions: Server: Owen Spires Cantor: Kathy Demagall Sunday, August 15th at 10:15am at Visitation

Church, and Sunday, August 22nd at 11:30am at St. Pius X 6:00pm St. Pius X Church. These two session will also Greeters: Volunteers serve as a refresher for those who haven’t served Lector: Melonie Dropik Ministers: Barbara Dropik, Dan Copeland in some time. Please complete the form below and Servers: Tyler Pernelli return to the parish office if you plan to attend. Cantor: Eric Harris

Sun. 8/1 St. Pius X 8:00am Yes, I would like to serve my parish as an altar server. Greeters: Volunteers Youth’s Name______Lector: Colleen Pernelli Parish______Ministers: Carole Klocek, Chris DeFlitch Cantor: Peggy Tepper

Address______Phone______Visitation 9:15am Greeters: Volunteers Parents’ Names______Lector: Robert Manjerovic Minister: Joyce Guthrie Servers: Ty Whoric Ministers Cantor: Sharon Stewart

We are in need of lectors, St. Pius X 10:30am eucharistic ministers and altar Greeters: Knights of Columbus servers who are interested in Lector: Acacia Houck Ministers: Ted Czekaj, Andrea Poole serving again or those Servers: Brady Poole, Lucas Poole, Sadie Poole interested in becoming Cantor: Pat Martinoski involved in these ministries. Please call or email the parish office if interested.

Clearances for Volunteers Now is the time for all ministers (Eucharistic ministers, lectors, ushers, greeters, music ministers, sacristans, catechists) and anyone else who serves Movie Day our faith community to renew their clearances per THE FAITHFUL TRAVELER: CATHEDRAL diocesan policy. It is very important that you OF THE SACRED HEART – The Cathedral respond to any letter you receive in this regard. If Basilica of the Sacred Heart is one of the most you receive such a letter but will no longer be stunning cathedrals on American soil. With involved in ministry of any type, your parish staff windows that compare to the wonders of Chartres will not know this unless you call the office to say Cathedral in France, this cathedral will take your so. Please do not procrastinate, but respond to your breath away. In this episode, our tour guide takes letter promptly. Thanks to all who did so already. us on a tour of this glorious Gothic tour de force in Newark, NJ. We then travel to the Cathedral of Mary, our Queen in Baltimore, MD. Built after

a devastating fire that swept through many Adoration: August 6th at St. Pius X Church businesses and left thousands out of work, this Adoration is on the first Friday of each cathedral was built in gratitude for one business month following morning Mass until noon. being spared through prayer by the Carmelites

Confessions: Saturday, August 7th who lived nearby. Hear this amazing story and 12noon @ St. Pius X Church tour the cathedral with us at 10:00 am on 3:30pm @ Visitation Church Thursday of this week in Visitation Center. (Each Saturday, 3:30pm @ Visitation Church) All are welcome! Bring a friend!

Pick of the Week Watch SAINT IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA: SOLDIER FOR CHRIST – At the end of this week, we celebrate the feast of St. Ignatius of Loyola, the “Soldier for  August 20 - Mt. Pleasant Cruise Night-Frick Christ.” While Martin Luther’s interior troubles Park plunged Europe into a Maelstom of controversy,  September 12 - Visitation Parish Cavatelli Ignatius of Loyola set out on an extraordinary Dinner interior pilgrimage of grace. Taught directly by  September 24, 25 & 26 - Mt. Pleasant Glass God, Ignatius offered the Church a new spirituality Festival of devoted service to Christ and founded a religious order dedicated to evangelization, the Jesuits.

Learn FORMED NOW! DOES FAITH TAKE A VACATION? – As many of us embark on sunny Conn-Area Catholic School is accepting vacations, it’s important to make sure our faith applications for students in preschool through remains front and center in our lives. Since its easy sixth grade. Financial aid is available for students for us to be distracted by the excitement of the in K-6th grade. Our school offers robotics, summer rhythm, Dr. Ben Akers and Dr. Scott STREAM, Financial Literacy, web design, Hefelfinger discuss what we can do to make sure we performing arts, five different sports programs, one don’t let the spiritual life take a back seat. -to one technology, early morning drop-off, and after school care; all infused within a welcoming Listen Catholic environment! It is the best decision you MARRIAGE AND FAMILY: LOVE UNVEILED, will ever make regarding your child’s upbringing. by Dr. Scott Hahn – Strong relationships and Call 724-628-5090 to schedule a tour. marriages are of vital importance to individuals, the Church and society as a whole. In this focused presentation, Dr. Scott Hahn shares key principles that he has lived out in his own life. His advice is practical, challenging, and sometimes requires Immaculate Conception Parish’s next Burger sacrifice, but it is sure to bear fruit and bring forth Bash set for Aug. 14 many blessings in your family. In honor of Sts. Immaculate Conception Parish in Irwin will have Joachim and Anne, please enjoy this powerful talk!

its next Burger Bash (drive-thru only) Saturday, Aug. 14 from 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Burger Bashes Our parishes have a FORMED subscription through will be held the second Saturday of each month August of this year, thanks to a gift from the through November. Diocese of Greensburg. To set up your free account, visit and select zip code 15666.

St. Joseph Church, 201 Painter St., Everson, is hosting a ham and egg breakfast, 9am - 12noon Mount Pleasant Night Out 2021 on August 1st in the school hall. There also will August 3, 2021 be a basket raffle. For details call 724-887-3718. 5:30pm - 8:00pm Rain Date: August 5, 2021 Frick Park, Mount Pleasant Come meet local Police Officers, Firefighters, and EMT’s The St. Vincent Basilica Parish festival is Free sandwich, chips, ice cream and water. scheduled for Saturday, July 24 from 5-9 p.m. Free activities for families and kids. and Sunday, July 25 from noon-8 p.m. There will Bring a Non-Perishable food item for the Mt. be food, games, auction baskets, flea market, craft Pleasant Food Pantry and receive an additional vendors, a DJ, a band, plus a car show on July 25. raffle ticket. For more information, call at 724-539-8629. Raffles-Giveaways-Music with DJ Rick 730 W. MAIN STREET, MOUNT PLEASANT, PA 15666 724-547-2122

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