GPO Box 160, CanberraACT260I

VOLUME 31 DECEMBER 1995 NUMBER 12 C&/(5THA5 FAECUE Wednesday 13 December - from 6 pm

The Club's Christmas Barbecue (replacing the normal monthly meeting) will be held at Weston Park, Yarralumla on Wednesday 13 December. Follow the signs - will be near the northern end of the Park.

Bring your own everything - food, drink, cutlery, plates and also swimming costume! Bring your family for a great time.


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Firstly some Committee news. We have been ?41c14 here they are, my very first set of Conservation investigating whether the Club could have Christmas Notes for IT magazine. I must apologise for missing cards printed with the Club's logo (Corroboree Frog) - the last issue of IT (slap on wrist) and will endeavour we have previously bought cards from the Wilderness Shop. In the last IT, mention was made that we were not to let IT happen again. planning a Leap Year celebration for February next First, and thanks to that excellent read,"WILD" year at Franklin Chalet, which we have since learnt is not available for hire. However, the Social Secretary magazine, particularly in matters relating to the and I still plan to do something to celebrate the Leap wilderness experience, it appears that some areas of Year occasion. More about that in a later IT. Bungonia Gorge are a major health hazard due to very large boulders (VLBs) being dislodged from a quarry Regarding the Spanish Bioom clearing in Namadgi, on a ridge overlooking the Gorge. It seems that the thank you to the regulars, Roger Edwards, Alan and Departmentt of Minerals and Energy Sue Vidler, Glen Anido and John Thwaite (who are investigating (setting up a Committee no doubt) if organised the transport into the area) who all helped the company is operating in an illegal manner and with the clearing work around Cotter Hut. Still more possibly damaging a State Recreation Area. needs to be done and I'm hoping for at least 4 carloads next year. Come on all you armchair conservationists! Too bad about the safety of any walkers in the area. If Do something please and join in. you are in the area it will pay to watch out, although it Some good news. Congratulations to the Kowmung is difficult trying to hide from a very large boulder Committee and the Stop the DAMage group for their (VLB) crashing down from a great height. sucessful campaign against the proposed raising of the Warragamba Dam wall. The proposal could have I have obtained information leaflets fiom the NSW meant mining the environment around the lower parts National Parks and Wildlife Service regarding of the catchment and closure of walks in that area. "Identified Additions" to the Ettrema Wilderness However, due to pressure from the above groups and Area, Bimberi Wilderness Area and the "Identified others the Sydney Water Board has reconsidered. Additions to the Goobarragandra Wilderness Area". Copies of these are printed later in this IT In Paul and I are wondering how beneficial going on addition I have spare copies of the original leaflets. walks is!! Near the end of the afternoon's work digging out Spanish Broom, Paul was overly The NSW National Parks are mailing me copies of the enthusiastic with the little hatchet and nearly sliced Draft Plan of Management for these areas, and these away his two little left toes. That was stitched up at hospital after a rather fast retreat from the Cotter hut should be available after 27 November. area (I didn't know you were a rally driver, John). So if anyone is interested in looking at these documents Then, a weekend ago we and some others went on an and making constructive comment, please contact me at exploratory walk in the Wog Wog river area, west of Eden. We picked and ate some mushrooms .....with my home phone - 251 5834. the rather drastic result that both Paul and I were What a tragedy has been enacted in Nepal due to freak hospitalised, suffering from severe effects of poisoning. weather conditions at the height of the trekking season. Now we are both looking forward to some healthy and It appears that, at the last count, 61 people have died non-accidental walking!! due to freak snow, rain and landslides. Many of these people and their guides were experienced and well The December meeting will be our Club Christmas equipped for the normal conditions which prevail at this Party, to be held at Weston Park (not Black Mountain time of the year. Over 500 people were rescued over a Peninsula). The location is at the end of four day period following the storm& the dirt track on the left (that heads 'N and in many cases only luck saved a west), just beyond Pescott Lane. Hope 'N W large number of these. to see you there. BYO everything. E~aO1 — 1 The local people believe that these If members know of interesting speakers mountains are inhabited by powerful on bushwalking subjects please let our spirits. I think that they are right and Social See, Kathryn Brooks, know. we should continue to treat the And I'm still waiting for blue skies and wilderness with great respect. sunny weather! Brian MacLeod P Janet Edstein P

Canberra Bushwalking Club IT December1995 page 2 c't, WbMby WALK REPORT: , 18-19 November Minuma Range, Wyanbene Caves Mountahi and camp area,

Party: Stefanie Pidcock, Allison and Charles Aspden, Doug Floyd. Maps: Kain 1:25000, Kawarree 1:25000

The track is not too steep to start with and flattens out I inherited this walk from David Truman and changed in the mid section, but the last 300 m seems daunting to it to include the side trip to the Deua River. After a Allison on the way down (later she surprises herself late start due to the non turn up of one walker we when the way up is not as hard as she imagined). Now eventually dropped one vehicle at the Wyanbene caves we're out of the mist: this fire trail is a narrow ridge camping area and then drove in one car to Krawarree with steep slopes either side. There are many beautiful Station with the kind permission of the owner. We flowers, orchids, trees in blossom; the not too distant followed the track to the ford over the Shoalhaven and hills are still shrouded in mist so we can't really see the across the paddocks to an obvious ridge, which proved cliffs of the day before. The lower creeks towards the easy access to Minuma Range ridge. We then walked Deua are even more pleasant with a number of places south about 1/2 km and had lunch high on the cliffs suitable to camp close to clear flowing water. As we overlooking the Deua wilderness, an interesting area. walk I notice that the tail trees lining the creek bank We spotted a couple of ridges that would lead into the look like casuarinas: if they are, they are huge 'some system below. Strolling leisurely north along the fire being 120 ft high. Still lots of wattle, flowering gums trail to Wyanbene Cave Mountain, we enjoyed the and other wild flowers. birds and the flowers in light open bush on either side and the cliffs to the east overlooking the much more The walk back up the trail wasn't not too bad if you interesting bush of the Deua wilderness below. Then were prepared to stop for a breather as often as you we followed the limestone ridge NE to where a well need, but the misty rain fhlling would have been better worn track led down, and arrived at the grassy camp some place else! In the future El probably drop down site in tall timber to set up tents in light drizzle. off the Minuma ridge to the east into the wilder parts. Luckily the rain stopped so we could have a dry There seems to be scope for interesting walking not too pleasant tea with Allison and Charles providing lots of far away. goodies. Altogether a pleasant easy walk with good company, with prospects for further exploration in this area. Pleasant if overcast and misty night among the tall trees; muted bird calls in the morning; leisurely Doug Floyd breakfast; then up to the cave for a quick dive P underground. The first section of cave is very well used and dirty and slippery; this combined with our lack of equipment resulted in only a brief sortie. Then straight up the hill to ridge and mist, we wandered east to the trig and eventually down the Mongamula fire trail to the Deua. Stefanie saw a lyre bird in display - lucky thing! - on her first walk with the club. Beautiful in the subdued light and visibility of the mist, tall ethereal trees, shrubs and tree ferns appear, loom and disappear; lyre birds give us a noisy telling off in bird talk as we approach, then dart across our path and disappear again. What birds are they in the tree above? Galahs that have lost their colour in this light. The tall straight trees disappear above into the mist and others disappear into the misty distance like a globe of visibility with thapes merging to mist at the limits. Greater Bitbv Canberra Bushwalking Club IT December 1995 page 3 TRIP PREVIEWS DAY WEEKEND

* NADGEE - Jan. 26-28 - STE

This is a delightflil 3-day easy trip taking in the beauty of the far south coast. We leave Canberra on Thursday night (25th) travelling through Bombala to Newton's Beach, where we camp for the night. On Friday, walk to which takes all of an hour(!) and swim. Then trek our way across the sand and into the scrub, following a path to our campsite (another 1 '/2 hour's walk). On Saturday, there'll be an optional walk down to the NSWIVic border, where there are magnificent sand dunes. The rest of the weekend is busily spent surfing, swimming, fishing (Paul and I don't take a lot of food as we live on the fish - and wine!), eating gourmet meals and generally counting the clouds and planning proper walks. Please bookASAP as we needto obtain permits. Transport $32 plus • I- camping fee $2 a night (total $6). Leaders: Janet and Paul Edstein 288 1398 h.

* GUTHEGA - MT BLUE COW - MT PERISIIER - THE PARALYSER - GUTHEGA: M/E-M Friday 26 January to Sunday 28 or Monday 29 inclusive A Saturday walk in the Snowies plus extra days for lazing or doing you own thing at low cost. A good time to see the spring alpine flowers.

Expressions of interest required to make a booking at the lodge. Accommodation at a ski lodge in Guthóga is available for those interested in enjoying a low cost 3 or 4 days in the Snocy Mountains.

Saturday 27 January is the day for the main walk, but this is not compulsory. Make your own walks or laze around on the other days.

Minimum accommodation cost is $28 for Friday and Saturday nights, or $40 including Sunday night.

You will need to supply your own sheets and pillowcases and most food requirements. Coffee, tea, sugar, breakfast cereals, margarine, jams and condiments are supplied.

Leader: Chris Roper - 272 5151w, 2871243h.


Left in my car or inadvertently taken by me, possibly on Budawangs Search & Rescue last winter (1995): a green Himalaya tent fly PMV- 170. Apply to Murray Dow 2574371h.

Canberra Bushwalking Club IT December1995 page 4

Identified GoobarragandraWilderness Area and Identified Additions to the Bimberi Wilderness

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No private land,, in the arta have been ijentilted a,, wilderness,

State Forests with rutential umber rertlurces will not b. contidered for declaration until the rt'sult, of the Stair Coven mml's interim tomcat assessment prt'ess are known.

• The Nl'WS found the Cool man Plain area III meet the wikierne,,, criteria. The NI'WS Cor.lnditbec Wilderness Anrs,menl report Jots not recommend this area For wilderness declaration.

Canbeira Bushwa!king Club IT December 1995 page 6 INFORMATION

Identified Goobarragandra Wilderness Area Identified Additions to Bimberi Wilderness Area

Request for comments Areas previously objected to for inclusion in wilderness areas by State Forests ofNSW will not Goobarragandra and additions to Bimberi be considered for declaration until the results of wilderness are ident (fled wilderness areas. This the State Government's interim forest assessment means they have met the criteria for wilderness process are known. Areas of State Forest already Whether the specified in the Wilderness Act 1987. set aside for environmental protection may be areas will be declared as wilderness is to be considered for declaration. decided by the Government. The identified wilderness areas being considered The ident(fled wilderness boundaries were first for wilderness declaration are the Goobàrragandra described in the Goodradigbee Wilderness area (34,000 hectares) and two additions (totalling Assessment Report which was placed on public 7,400 hectares) to the already declared Bimberi exhibition for a four month period during 1992. The wilderness. These additions cover a large part of NSW Government is now considering whether to Scabby Range Nature Reserve and the Cooleman ident (lied wilderness areas. declare all or part of the Plain area. The NPWS Wilderness Assessment This information sheet has been prepared as part of Report recommends that the Cooleman Plain area an additional four week display period to inform not be declared as wilderness. users, neighbours and the public about the identifIed wilderness areas, and to2ive the public History of the wilderness assessment anothej opportunity to register their views. In 1989, the NPWS received the Goodradighee The Government will consider all submissions area wilderness proposal. The NPWS assessed the received during the present display period and the area and the assessment report was placed on previous exhibition period before a decision is exhibition in 1992 for four months. The report ; made to declare the Goobarragandra wilderness - found that three areas known as Bogong Peaks, area and additions to the Bimberi wilderness area. Goobarragandra and Bimberi satisfied the criteria for wilderness. Most of the Bogong Peaks What is wilderness? wilderness area was declared in 1992. Wilderness is a large natural area of land which, The Bimberi wilderness area was declared and the together with its native plant and animal Bogong Peaks wilderness area was extended in communities, is essentially unchanged by human 1994. Identified wilderness areas not declared at activity or is capable of being restored to such a that tirne—Goobarragandra and parts of Bimberi state. - are now being reconsidered for declaration. Wilderness declaration of an area formally identified wilderness areas are specifies land that will be managed according to Why these the management principles in the Wilderness Ac!. important This ensures minimal disturbance to natural • The Goobarragandra ident (fled wilderness area systems. covers an area large enough to maintain its natural systems. Including additional areas in What area is being considered for wilderness? the Bimberi wilderness would improve the viability of its natural systems. Only land within the ident(/ied wilderness areas is being considered for wilderness declaration. This • 298 species of animals are recorded living in consists of part of Kosciusko National Park, part of the area, including endangered animals such as Scabby Range Nature Reserve and part of the corroboree frog and the broad-toothed rat. Buecleuch State Forest. • The area contains a wide range of nathral No freehold or leasehold Crown lands in this features of interest including cliffs, limestone area have been identified as wilderness. caves and waterfalls.

Canberra Bushwa!king Club IT December1995 page 7 • The large variations in altitude have lead to Goobarragandra identified wilderness area, a diversity of vegetation ranging from which are accessible by foot. eucalypt forests and sub-alpine woodlands Access for special or disabled groups may be to montane tussock grasslands and bogs. arranged by the NPWS District Manager. • The area includes historic features associated with early European settlement, Issues relating to the identified wilderness such as huts, old mining sites and graves. areas Significant aboriginal sites are found in the • Cooleman Plain - the NPWS Wilderness area, including ceremonial sites. Assessment Report does not recommend the Cooleman Plain area for declaration. Wilderness management - • Horseriding - there are 336 km of trails • Sites of historic, cultural and social within the park where riding is allowed. significance will be retained and managed Current use of 98 km of trails in the in declared wilderness areas. identified wilderness areas by 100-150 • Fire management and weed and pest riders per year would not be allowed to - control in wilderness areas will continue. continue if the area is declared wilderness. • The future of stock movement - Use • Fire trails will be maintained and used for along the old Northern Stock Route is fire fighting purposes. infrequent and incompatible with a wilderness area. If the Goobarragandra Recreation opportunities wilderness is declared, the NPWS will A wilderness area offers unique recieationai negotiate with affected landholders to opportunities remote from the effects of determine alternative means of transporting modern society. The area -offers many stock. opportunities for solitude and self-reliant • Vflicular access including 4W0 - Most recreaion including bushwalking, swimming, trails in the identified wilderness areas are camping, photography and nature study. currently dosed to public vehicles. - / Public vehicle access will be maintained to the Wilderness declaration would result in edge of the identifIed wilderness areas and fire these restrictions being maintained and the trails and other essential management trails will additional closure of the Broken Cart continue to provide walking access into Track. There is alternative access from the wilderness areas. south to the edges of the identified In the northern part of Kosciusko National wilderness areas. Park, many recreational opportunities will be • Commei-cial use - licensed use by unaffected. These include: commercial activities in declared wilderness is not permitted. Existing • Popular horse riding trails outside the licences will continue until expiry. identjfled wilderness areas. Along these Appropriate commercial activities may be routes are seven horse camps consisting of granted consent under special conditions. yards, hitching rails and toilets. • Trout fishing! and camping at Blowering, Tantangara and Eucumbene Dams and For more information from the park's many rivers and streams. Fishing will still be permitted in the NPWS Tumut (069) 47 4200 wilderness area. To make a submission • Yarrangobilly Caves, which offers cave tours and swimming at a thermal pool.. Write to the address below during the display • Winter downhill skiing at Mount Selwyn period: and cross-country skiing across all parts of The Director-General the park. National Parks and Wildlife Service • The scenic Dubbo Falls, Ugly Mountain ci- Southern Zone and lookouts along Feint's Range in the P0 Box 2115 Queanbeyan NSW 2620

Canberra Bushwalking Club IT December1995 page 6 Identified Additions to the Ettrema Wilderness Area —.fr$ii' REA BUNDANOON ETAILED 7/ L .r., /Th•-7 ,fv • iYi •I4 /t c7 ° ç. TALLONGJ L:flL RU 'f 1


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• Prlv.teI.nJ. cn only be declared with the perminion of the landowner or lent..

• State hwr.t. ith pownhi.I timber rnourvei will not be con.iderS foe decl.ntion until th rrrul'e.,f he Sine Government. interim fon.t proc... •1r known.

Canberra Busiwafking C/ub IT December 1995 page 9 TRIP REPORT: Reel's tent, she said, was shaped like a bathtub; John NADGEE - APRES LE DELUGE - and Judith's tent wet and oozing mud, as was John's 3-7 November (instead of 3-5 November!) sleeping bag. We decided to talk the inland track to avoid entrance and tried to retrace There were five of us: Reet Vallak, Deidre Shaw, John Saturday afternoon's path through the swamp only to and Judith Webster and myself who had planned to fmd a water jungle with 3 feet of water over the normal have three days sunning on the beach and rocks on the campsite. NSW/Victorian border in the . The weather forecast was rain Sunday and therefore We re-enacted Saturday morning's swamp getting to Nadgee Beach on the Friday was circumnavigation and crossed the heath in the heavy straightforward. It was low tide and a chest-high wade rain to the beginning of the inland track. The level of across Nadgee River entrance. water on it varied proportionately to the size of the creek flowing across it. Wombat Creek though was a I had planned to camp on the swamp camping site at torrent. John's abortive and dangerous attempt to cross the end of Nadgee Beach but the previous 100 mm of it on a tree trunk left hint shivering. rain which had saturated the Reserve had caused the swamp to rise We returned to a higher than I had dry ridge, pitched ever seen it. Reet tents on the track said "What about and stood around a! mosquitoes ? fire under the fly There's not many all day drying out of us, let's use clothes and the lower sleeping bags and beachside debating what sort campsite area", of meal we could which fortunately make out of our we did. remnants.

Saturday was That night Judith overcast as we moved in with pushed through Diedre; John joined the melaleuca on me whilst the rain the left of the washed their tent track around and close to the swamp to cross the heath free of mud! to explore the aboriginal site on the sea cliff. The boronia was in flower and carpeted the heath in many At one o'clock in the morning I noticed that after a shades of pink. We crossed the heath to join the track storm the most beautiful sound in a tent is hearing to and Nadgee Lake. Some 600 black nothing! swans were etched on the surface of Nadgee Lake, which surprisingly was now tidal, with a wide channel So Monday, in sunlight now, we crossed Wombat out to sea. Creek which had fallen 8 feet overnight, and continued along the track to the Nadgee River crossing. It was After lunch on some lakeside rocks, and between light running fast, dcep, brown and dangerous. showers, we returned along the track, avoiding black snakes, wading bottom-deep through the swamp along Close tothe river is a green sward in front of .1-lope's the normally dry track. We put up a spare fly I had Hut and Harry's Hovel. We slept in the sunshine, brought over the fireplace, ate and then retired in heavy listened to a lyrebird, pitched our tents and put sticks in rain. To say it was a wet campsite on Sunday morning the ground to note how much the river was falling. would be an understatement. Reet's greeting for the Judith from somewhere graciously, in spite of a day was "No way am I going to swim across the headache, produced salad, cheese and biscuits for Nadgee river entrance". Walking along the beach in lunch. cold, heavy rain to see high, wind driven waves pound over the river bar into the estuary, I could see reason Miracles can happen in the bush. A 6ft 6in stalwart behind her cry. Victorian, John, wand&ed into our campsite with his Canberra Bushwalking Club IT December 1995 page 10 mate Warwick. They had started their walk at Mallacoota Inlet - had been sandblasted at Cape Howe, swam Nadgee Lake and been bushed in Nadgee Swamp before getting onto our track. They fed all five of us, cheered us and at 7.00am on Tuesday morning, using their rope and my fly cord, helped ferry packs across Nadgee River. This we swain but it was a longer, colder swim over the Little River Estuary.

Deirdre's husband had been in touch with the Family drove out of Eden. If we had delayed our departure Bushwalkers in Canberra (this was their programmed waiting for Nadgee River to fall further, we might have walk which I had advertised also at a CBC club been caught in that classic situation of being without meeting) and he phoned the NSW police at Eden to food between two swollen creeks! The extra fly I check on our delay. At Newton's Beach we were met carried was invaluable. Next time I will add some by the police and two rangers checking on our safety. extra rice! Deirdre, the only one of us due in the office on Monday, had been great - taking the delay in returning We ate pies and cream cakes whilst listening to the home in her stride pragmatically. Melbourne Cup in the bakery at Eden - my horse came third. About 160 mm of rain had fallen in the last 48 hours and it started raining again after four o'clock as we Doug Wright P


The summit cairn was covered in a sheet of ice 5 centimetres thick on the windward sides, frozen there over the last day. Each rock was coated in a clear rimey layer to the same degree, and every blade of snowgrass was encased in a mantle of ice as thick as a finger. This was the summit of Jagungal.

From the haven of Derschkos Hut far below we had seen the summit and observed the ice line starting where the trees finished. From the hut, four of us with the spirit of adventure in our blood climbed up past the waterfall, swollen with the rains currently falling. The thick scrub at lower elevations slowed us down as we fought to get through it but it could not hold us back. Our armour of goretex and japan had failed us by now as we were all soaked to the bone, kept warm only through physical activity.

It was cold, but not inbearably so, andobviously still above freezing. The rain came pelting down, blown along by a strong southerly wind, but as we reached the tree line we knew that we could claim the summit.

This world of ice, driving rain and wind was what I had come for. An alpjne experience at its greatest. The spectacular ice formations and the experience of standing atop a mountain in such conditions was unforgettable and I wouldn't have wanted to be anywere else in the world.

It had taken us the best part of a day walking through heavy rain to reach our goal, but we all slept well that night, happy at having climbed the Big Bogong. PaulRustomji P

NEW MEMBERS: Anthea Kcrrison, Pialligo; Fiona Brown, Calwcll. PROSPECTIVE NEW MEMBERS: Steve Galliford, Curtin; Angela Bosnjak, Queanbeyan.

Canberra Busbwalking Club IT December 1995 page 11 ACTIVITY PROGRAM GRADING OF WALKS: (S) Short - under 12km/day; NOTE: In calculating (M) Medium - 12-20km/day; distance, 1 1cm is added for Long - over 20km/day. every 100 metres climbed.

(E) Easy - firétrail, tracks, beaches etc; Medium - bush tracks, alpine areas, some scrub; (R) Rough - much scrub, steep climbs, rock scrambles; (WI) Wet - compulsory swims, many river crossings.

TRANSPORT: Costs are presently 25 cents a kilometre per car, divided equally among ALL participants. This amount is a guide only and can be varied at the discretion of the leader depending on the condition of the roads, the number of passengers per car and other -. -- factors. The figures given for individual trips are rough estimates only, based on four people per car and other factors - costs may rise if cars are only partly filled. Park admission and camping fees are additional costs which leaders should list separately. Members are reminded that bookings normally close at 2 pm on Thursday. NOTICE TO ALL WALKERS: Every person taking part in a Club activity does so as a volunteer in all respects and accepts responsibility for any injury or loss personally incurred. The leader should check with you that you are capable of completing the proposed trip - by assessing this from observation on previous walks or by asking where, when and with whom you have walked previously. Your leader should also check that you are aware of what the trip entails and of any special equipment or skills needed. A leader may reject any applicant he or she considers unsuitable for the trip.

SEARCH & RESCI.JE ORGANIZATION S&R Contacts: David Campbell 272 2025(w), 254 1511(h), or the President or Walks Secretary Area Coordinators: Belconnen - Pat Micthke 249 3085(w), 241 2798(h); Woden - Doug Wright 281 4148(h).

The Check-in /Contact Officer for the Club is Alan Vidler 254 5373(h). He (not the Police or other bodies) should be the first point of contact for worried relatives if you are late in returning from a trip. Leaders must also report the safe return OR cancellation of their trip to the Check-in Officer.


I hope that everyone is having a good year's bushwalking so far. The supply of trips so far has been good and we have had a healthy program. Keep those trips rolling in.

Over January and February, Chris, my 21C will be doing the program, as I definitely won't be here in much of February and probably not in January. So if you could please send (fax or post) the trips to him that would be good. His address is 94 Blackwood Terrace, Holder 2611 and•his fax number is 272 4494.

If people need to contact me between now and the end of February, avoid e-mailing. I can only access it at Uni, and seeing as I ant on my 3 month holiday (Yes, we uni students have it tough!) I won't be in at uni much, so don't email me till March if you can avoid it.

Just one last point. Could I remind all leaders to write on a piece of paper the names, addresses and phone numbers of all the participants on their trip. This should be left in your letter box when you go away on the trip so if, something untoward happens we at least have an idea of who is involved. Over and Out, Paul Rustomji P

Canbeira Bushwelking Club IT December 1995 page 12 8-10 December (3 days) - Yadboro, Hollands Gorge, Monolith Valley M/RIW Walk in from Yadboro to the junction of Hollands Creek and the Clyde, sampling the many pools on the way, and enjoying some of the best scenery in the region. Second day make our way up Hollands Gorge, up a ridge near Crooked Falls, along Angel Creek, to a camping cave at the base of Mts Donjon or Cole: Time on Sunday to investigate Mt Cole and Monolith Valley. Maps: Corang 1:25000, CMWBudawangs. Leader: Kevin Gill 2861946h. flookings by Wednesday 6 December, early start Friday. Transport $22.

Saturday 9 December - Mt Gingera - S-M/E Location - Brindabella Range, ACT - NSW border. From the Mt Franklin road, walk along the track to Pryor's Hut. Then ascend the northern end of Mt Gingera, view the wildflowers, admire the views, get a suntan, and proceed to the summit. Afler a leisurely late lunch, return to the cars. Don't forget to bring a hat, sunscreen, insect repellent? plus some water and a cup for tea or coffee. Late morning start on Saturday. Map: ACT 1:100000. Leader: Richard Rain 2655222w, 257 4816 h. Transport —$10.

Sunday 10 December- Beginners Navigation Session - Rendezvous Creek - SIE An easy walk in the highlands of the ACT around Rendezvous Creek and Nursery Swamp for beginners to learn the basics of navigation, or for others to brush up on their skills. Learn how to use a compass properly and learn hots all those wiggly lines on the map relate to what you can see on the ground. Map: Ask Leader. Leader: Sybille Davidson 282 4325 h or 293 7587. Transport —$8

Sunday 10 December- Micalong Swamp Nature Reserve and Micalong Creek - MIE A pleasant introduction to the Hume & Hovell Track where it traverses a montane peatland edged with snowgums. Map: Bobbys Plains 1:25000. Leader: David Truman 247 6744 h, 272 4632 w. Transport -$ 17.

Wednesday 13 December - CHRISTMAS BARBECUE (instead of Monthly Meeting) At Weston Park from 6pm. Follow the signs - we'll be near the end of the track that heads west from just north of Pescott's Lane. Any December Committee business will be attended to at the barbecue. No normal Committee meeting this month!

Saturday 16 December - Starlights Trail - M!M North west of Mittagong is Nattai NationalPark. Starlight's trail, a very easy walking track descends from the - highlands, with towering sandstone cliff lines, into the valley of the Nattai. From this point one can continue walking down river for some distance bfore returning. Please bring water for the whole trip and a cup for tea or coffee. Road access via Mittagong, Colo Vale, Hilltop and Wattle Ridge Road to OR 628014. Maps: Hilltop 1:25000, Burragorang 1:100000. Leader: Richard Rain 2655222w, 257 4816h. Transport —$25.

Saturday 16 December - Majors Creek Waterfall - SIE An easy scramble south of Braidwood at the edge of the tablelands. A farm road leads into a native forest then to a track leading up to the lookout. From there we will descend and follow the creek downstream to a rocky platform near the top of the waterfall. Maps: Monga and Bendoura 1:25 000. Leader: Sharon McAul(ffe 285 1505k Transport: —$14.

16-18 December - Upper and Queens Pound River - M/R Three days in the Wadbilliga Wilderness area, taking in two of the most picturesque rivers in our area and crossing over via Wadbilliga trig (the trip that was washed out last January). One night will be spent at a pleasant campsite on the ridge to the trig and the other will be by a pool in the upper Queens Pound River. Map: Yowrie 1:25000. Leader: George Carter 2512130 h, 2633549w. Titnsport —$25. Limit 8.

Sunday 17 December - Lake Tabourie near Ulladulla Canoe- Trip Easy one-day canoe trip on Lake Tabourie, near Ulladulla on the south coast. Ideal introductory trip. BYO or hire canoe in ACT. Contact: Ian Smith or Sandy Berry on 282 1226 h.

Canberra Bushwa!klng Club IT December 1995 page 13 16-17 December - M/E/W Enter via Starlight's track as described for Richard's walk. Wander downstream via numerous swims. Camp in vicinity of junction with Allum River or at some other picturesque place. Return via Nattai 'Road' (fire trail), a steady and easy climb. Spectacular scenery all weekend, anda chance to try and get Richard's troops to help carry your pack. Trip suitable for beginning walkers. Maps: Hilltop, Na/tat 1:25000. Leader Alan Vidler 254 5373 (h+machine). Transport 415.

16-17 December Main Range from Charlottes Pass - M/M See the Main Range with snow and wildflowers. The trip will take in Lake Cootapatamba and Club Lake, Mounts Clarke, Northcote, Rams Head and North Rams Head. Bring stoves and good cold/wet weather gear, just in case! Map: Mount Kosciusko 1:50000 or Kosciusko 1:100000. Leader: Roger Beddis 230 3348 h. Transport - $25, plus park entry fee.

21 December - I January 1996- Tarkine Wilderness Coastal Walk (TASMANIA) - M/E See preview in October .& November issues. Fairly leisurely walk along the coast between Temma and mouth of the Pieman River; plus optional

exploration of the Norfolk Range. - Leader: Chris Sinkora 250 6902 w, 281 5087 h. Ring NOW to discuss details and airline bookings.

25 December - Christmas Day - Springbank Island There will be another Christmas Day lunch held on SpringbankIsland, Lake Burley Griffin this year for all members and freinds who have no other midday commitments. Meet at midday by the lake opposite Springbank Island just beyond the boat ramp on the Old Canberra Hospital peninsula. For further information contact Doug Wright 281 4148 and let him know if you can bring a boat or canoe to ferry the party to the Island.

26-29 December - Alpine Wildflowers - MIE Walk among the alpine flowers on Mts Stillwell, Carruthers and Kosciusko and Watsons Crags in Kosciusko National Park over the Christmas period. Lodge accommodation available at $25 a double room at Charlottes Pass (self catering). Map: Mt Kosciusko 1:50 ooa Leader: Doug Wright 281 4148 h. Bookings by 9 December please. Transport: $25 +NP fee.

26 December - 1 January - LachlaniMacquarie Rivers Canoe Trip Relaxing one-week canoe trip launching from either below Lake Burrendong () or Wyangala Dam () TBA. Classic canoe trip. Canoe-based camping under the red gums. Moderate distances each day. Hire or BYO canoes. Contact: Peter Liston 2418204 h by mid December.

27 December - 1 January - Wyanbene Caves to Deua River - M!M/W (optional) I have intentions of starting the walk on the day after Boxing Day (27), driving out to and leaving the cars near Wyanbene Caves and from there walking down to the Deua. The four days are meant as an end of year unwind (bring a book and some goodies to share); however depending on the enthusiasm of the party sonieof the side creeks will be worth investigating, I'd like to be back in Canberra mid afternoon on 31 December. Map: Araluen 1:100000. Leader: Rene Lays 241 7862 h.

6 - 14 January - Kosciusko National Park Grand Tour - UE Walk over 9 days from Corin Dam car park through the northern half of KNP to Providence Portal and if possible, finishing at Munyang Power Station near Guthega, using fire trails for ease of effort and navigation. Exact route to be agreed. Please book by 24 December. Leader: Chris Bellamy 249 7167 h or 275 7528 w. Transport: To be negotiated. Canberra Bushwalking Club IT December 1995 p8gei4 Sunday 7 January - Gigerline Gorge - S/M After a not too early start we will do so fairly easy rock-hopping up an attractive little gorge on the near Tharwa. There are lots of pools for swimming. Leader: Vance Brown 25) 3997 h. Map: ACT 1:100000. Transport —$5.

Tuesday 9January -IT COLLATION At Kathryn Brooks' home, 34 Bainbridge Close, Chisholm - 291 0994. 6.30 pm • mild and spicy satays, pappadums and salad. 8 pm collation.

12-14 January - Upper Tuross and Brogo Rivers - M!R Another three days in the magnificent Wadbilliga wilderness area. This time we camp in the headwaters of the Tuross Saturday, descend a fascinating ridge to the Brogo and camp a few kilometres upstream Sunday, then continue up river Monday. Maps: Yowrie & Fuen Buen 1:25000. Leader: George Carter 251 2130 h, 263 3549 w. Transport - $25. Limit 8.

Saturday 13 January - Tidbinbilla Mountain and The Pimple - MIM A steep but interesting ascent of 700m from Mountain Creek to the top of Tidbinbilla Mountain, then down the spur to the west to cool off under a waterfall, then up to the Pimple, home of the Tingiringi Gum. Return via the spur off Tidbinbilla Peak, through brown barrel and alpine ash. After the recent rains, there should be a good display of alpine daisies. Mostly tracks, some light scrub and rock. Joint walk with NPA. Map: Tidhinbilla 1:25000. Leader: Murray Dow 257 4371 h. Transport: $6

Saturday 13 January - Rams Head Range - SIM An alpine walk in the area south of Charlottes Pass. It is away from the main tourist tracks, but the map suggests interesting rock formations. The route follows Wrights Creek, climbs to 2077m, then returns to Mt Stilwell. For those wishing to do the Mt Townsend walk next day, there will be a Saturday night car camp at Island Bend. Map: Mt Kosciusko 1:50000. Leader: Jeff Bennetts 23] 5899 Ii, 1930-2130 Mon-Wed Transport: about $25.

Sunday 14 January - Mt Townsend - LIM. Townsend is only 19 metres lower than Kosciusko, and has better views. Starting from Charlottes Pass, we will walk there via Mt Clarke and return via Mt Alice Rawson and Club Lake Creek. Outstanding scenery. Not suitable for beginners unless fit. Map: Mount Kosciusko 1:50000. Leader: Jeff Bennetts 2315899 h 1930- 2130 Mon- Wed Transport: about $25.

Sunday 14 January - Tuross Cascades Bludge Trip - SIE. Weather permitting, we drive the cars as far as practicable down the road then walk the last few kilometres to the rock pools and natural water slide of Tuross Cascades. There will probably be an optional side trip to view spectacular Tuross Falls. We may meet up later with John I'Ons' tiger walkers from the Bumberry/Tuross trip. Leader: Vance Brown 251 3997 h. Map: Cobargo 1:100000, Belowra 1:25000. Transport —$20.

13-14 January - Tuross Gorge day and a half - SIR Leave Canberra about midday Saturday. Walk to camp overlooking Tuross Gorge. Next morning, descend to Turossf Bumberry Creek junction to c ommenee hours of sustained rock hopping, compulsory swims, spectacular scenery. Confidence and agility on rocks essential. Map: Belowra 1:25000. Leader: Alan Vu/Icr 254 5373h. Transport —$18.

Canberra Bushwalking Club IT December 1995 page 15 13 - 14 January - Bumberry Creek and Tuross Gorge - LJR/W Lots of rock hopping, compulsory swims and scrambling (some with rope). Grcat scenery, good campsite and opportunities to laze in the big pools. You need to be fit, agile, preferably have a bit of rope experience and able to swim with a pack. Map: Yowrie and Belowra 1:25 000. Leader: John J'Ons 231 6326 Transport: - $22

\ 13 - 15 January -(3 days) Upper Tuross and Brogo Rivers - M/R Mother three days in the magnificent Wadbilliga wilderness area. This time we camp in the headwaters of the Tuross Saturday, descend a fascinating route to the Brogo and camp a fiëw kilometres upstream Sunday, then continue to the river Monday. Map: Yowrie & han Buen 1:25 000. Leader: George Carter 2512130 h, 263 3549 w. Transport: - $25. Limit of 8.

13-14 January- Freemans Creek-Burrumbeet Brook-Murrumbooie Creek - URJ'iN See parts of the Budawangs you never thought possible. This will be a solid but rewarding weekend with some sustained rock-hopping. Cave camping, so pack light. Cool off in numerous rock pools. We visit near a hidden but enolmous and little known waterfall. Map: çorang 1:25000. Leader: Chris Leslie 251 6123. Transport - $20.

From 6.30 pm, on the Canberra side of the Crossing turn left before the main road goes down to the bridge.

Saturday 20 January - Brindabellas: Coree Creek Falls - M/RJW From Blundell's Flat we climb a ridge towards a lookout, then down to Coree Creek to follow upstream to the base of Coree Falls. There will be a side trip up a beautiftil treefern/blanket Bush lined wet gully. You will be required to wade along a rocky, uneven creek bed. Map: Cotter Dam 1:25000. Leader: Chris Leslie 251 6123. Transport - $5.

Saturday 20 January - Molonglo Below Coppins - M/E A local walk for a hot summers day with several opportunities to stop and swim so bring bathers (and children if old enough to cope with some splashy rock scrambles). Map: ACT 1:100 000. Leader: Keith Sayers 2583268 hot 261 3807w.

21 January - Durras Lake South Coast Canoe Trip Easy one day canoe trip on Durras Lake, north of . Why not camp at Durras on the Saturday night? Ideal introductory trip. BYO or hire canoe in ACT. Contact: Jan Smith or Sandy Berry 282 1226 h.

20 - 21 January - Moonbah and Chimneys Ridge - M/M Peak bagging south of Thredbo. Peaks that may be climbed include: The Chimneys, Mt Terrible, Moonbah Mm, Drift Hill, Mt Leo, Brindle Bull Hill, Paddy Rush's Bogong and perhaps the South Ranishead. Map: Thredho 1:50 000. Leader: Roger Edwards 288 7863 h or 2954598w. Transport: $25 +NP entry.

Wednesday 24 January - COMMITTEE MEETING 6.30 pm (Tacos for tea!) at the home of Kathryn Brooks, 34 Bainbridge Close Chishoim - 291 0994. ANY Club members interested in helping plan the Leap Year Weekend party (24-25 February) are welcome.

26.28 January (3days) - Nadgee - SIE Three days on the Far South Coast of NSW in a wilderness area. See preview on page 4. Transport - $ 32 plus camping fee $2 a night (total $6). Leaders: Janet and Paul Edstein 288 1398 h.

Canbeira Bushwe!king Club IT December 1995 page 16

26- 29 January - Guthega Lodge Trip - M!E See preview on page 4. One walk to Mt Paralyser from Guthega via Mt Blue Cow and Mt Perisher; othersas you wish. Leader: Chris Roper 287 1243 Ii, 272 5151 W. Transport - $25 + KNP entry fee + accommodation fee.

26 -28 January- Lower Canoe Trip Flatwater paddle from Long Point above Orbost in East Gippsland to Mario and the large Snowy River estuary. Options include the Brodribb River and several neatby lakes and lagoons. Contact: John Kyalt 238 2517 h or 2161397w.

26 - 28 January - Tullyangela, Eftrema, Myall Creek - LJR/W? A summer classic. Long walk the first day, with the possibility of the odd compulsory swim. Side trip up beautiful Jones Creek on the second day as we meander up Ettrema, stopping for lots of swims, and enjoying the scramble up Myall creek to complete the trip. Maps: Nerriga and Touga 1:25000, Leader: John J'Ons 231 6326. Transport .L$22.

(2),3-4 February - Kanangra Walls, - M/M A classic summer trip that I have neglected for too long. Start with breathtaking views of Kanangra Walls and the Thurat Spires, down to the river via Cambage Spire, through Bulga Denis Canyon and back up Roots Ridge. Maps: Kanangra & Yerranderie 1:25000. Leader: George Carter 251 2130 h, 263 3549 w. Transport —$30. Limit 8.

February - Castle, Shrouded Gods, Holland Creek, Clyde - M/R fdate??J Friday night start from Yadboro, up Kalianna Ridge and the Castle (full moon arranged), camping the night there [A V thinks he can still do things he did 20 years ago]. Next morning after a spectacular sunrise, a possible trip up Nibelung if someone knows the way, then travel along rarely visited Shrouded Gods, best vantage point in Budawangs. Descend via the most impossible-looking-but-not-too-bad route I know to camp either on middle level of SG or on Holland Creek, depending on whether we visited N. Next morning, return via Holland Creek, Clyde, numerous swims, and Castle Gap. Map: (MB' Budawangs. Leader: Alan Vidler 254 5373k Transport —$22.

Tuesday 6 February. - IT COLLATION ...... . .• 6.30 Barbecue at Rene Lays' home, 57 Shannon Circuit Kaleen - 241 7862. BYO everything.

Saturday 10 February - Cotter River - S/RJW We will walk down the river from Vanity's Crossing to Bracks Hole. Distance is about 4km May need to waterproof pack. Short car shuffle required. Leader: Murray Dow 257 4371. Transport: $6.

10-25 February 1996 - Tasmania's Overland Track and Mt Field National

Park - M/M See Preview on page 6of August IT. You should contact Paul NOW as transport etc needs booking. Leader: Paul Rustomfi 254 3500 Ii

8pm at Dickson Library. Speaker to be announced.

Pine Valley

Cenbeara Bushwalking Club IT December 1995 page 17 17-18 February - Mt Tantangara - M!M Area recently described in "Wild" winter edition. Route to be taken is still to be decided. Map: Tantangara 1:100000. Leader: Roger Edwards 288 7863 h or 2954598w. Transport: $22.

At home of Sharon MeAuliffe, 18A Melrose Mews, Medley Street Chifley -285 1505.

February - Shoathaven Bludge Trip - MIR [date??] Details later. Leader: George Carter 2512130 h, 263 3549 w.

To be held at Wee Jasper Shearing Sheds (accommodation $8 if staying in the shearing shed, $4 if camping). A superb three-course catered meal (cost $10) by the talented Committee cooks and others to be press- ganged into it! Saturday afternoon walks and Sunday walks are planned in the area. Leaders please volunteer. More in the next IT. Be there! Organizers: Kathryn Brooks 291 0994 and Janet Edstein. Bookings to Kathryn please.

Sunday 25 February [or later date]- Ettrema Day Trip -SIR This alinost annual (was for —8 years but forgot last year) trip is always popular so book early. Discover why weekend walkers rave about Ettrema. Descend via a short steep rough creek, spend several hours bludging in and near some of Etttrema's legendary crystal clear pools while wandering about 3 km upstream, then exit via another short rough creek. Spectacular scenery througout. Due to fragile nature of entry route a limit of 8 applies, unless a leader surfaces to lead a reverse trip. Map: Nerriga 1:25000. Leader: Alan Vidler 254 5373 h. Transport —$22.

(1), 2-3 March - Claydons Creek, Clyde River, Dummel Creek- MIR Leader: George Carter 2512130 h, 263 3549 w.

Friday 1 March - Mt Taylor -VS/E Meet at 6:15pm at the horse paddocks near Torrens, turn west of Athilon Drive just north of the Sulwood Drive roundabout and drive/cycle/walk to the end. An evening/moonlight walk (so bring a torch) with picnic dinner watching the sun set from the top of Mt Taylor. Very short, easy on tracks, suitable for children but the climb is steep. Return to cars about 9pm. Map: Camberra street map. Leader: Jeff Bennelts 2315899 h but no need to book If weather looks doubtful call h or 014 636 543 tofind out (fstill on. Transport cost nil.

16-18 March (Canberra Day long weekend) - Nimmo Hill, Jagungal, Burrungabugge River - MIE Start from Nimmo Hill, follow tracks and open country to cross the main range south of Cesjacks Hut, then camp near Doubtful River. Next day, climb Jagungal for great views, descend south to the upper Geehi, passing Bulls Peaks to camp before Kidmans Hut. Return via Teddys Creek fire trail. Leaders: Alan +Sue Vidler 254 5373 h. Transport —$22.

Canberra Bushwalk/ng Glob IT December 1995 page 18 Late March - Mt Orroral - MIR It is nearly 20 years since I have been to Mt Orroral and it is time for a revisit. Lots of scrambling amongst the huge granite tors. Map: Rendezvous Creek 1:25 000 Leader: Roger Edwards 295 4598 h, 288 7863 w Transport: $7.

30 - 31 March -. Wag Wag - Corang Peak- Yurnga Lookout - M/E

A 28 km (total) walk on tracks, with some easy scrambles and no substantial climbs, through the Western Budawangs. Features include the extensive views from Corang Peak and Yurnga lookout (sunset on Mt Owen and Pigeon House?), Corang Arch and an excellent camping cave near Burrumbeet Brook (unless "booked out" - bring a fly just in case). Ideal for people wanting to try weekend walking or pause for lots of photographs, or for active children (supervised by a parent). My 12 year old son will be coming. Map: CMWBudawangs or Corang 1:25 üüÜ. Leader: Jeff Bennetts 2315899 h. Transport: about $15.

30-31 March - Autumnal Equinox Gourmet Weekend at Booroomba Rocks - SIE Self-catering gourmet meal to celebrate the sunset at 6pm! and rise at 6am! Leader: Kathryn Brooks 291 0994 h.

April - Orroral - Yaouk - Morgan, Murray, Bimberi , Orroral Car Swap - M/R - UE This was a popular trip until the mid-SOs when a property changed hands. It changed hands again a couple of years ago. The party starting from Yaouk will climb Morgan and Murray before going to one of my favourite campsites between Bimbcri and Murray. After a convivial joint camp they will proceed via Biniberi (ACT's highest), Cotter Hut and Cotter Gap to Orroral. The other party will do the reverse. The LIE version would be to skip all peaks and follow fire trails all the way, just looking at the great scen6ry. Combinations possible. Maps: Rendezvous Creek & Yaouk 1:25000. Leader: Alan Vidler 254 5373k Transport —$13.

25 April - Anzac Day - Jumbuck Flat/Ernu Flat - M/M A Cook's tour of sub alpine valleys in one of my favorite walking areas. Starting at Smokers Trail, see two brumby yards near Jumbuck Flat and boil a billy at Emu Flat, where the daisies and gentians should be flowering. Mostly off tracks, very light scrub. Joint walk with NPA. Map: Yaouk 1:25 000. Leader: Murray Dow 257 4371. Transport:. $6.

Early May - Scabby & Kelly from Yaouk - M/R My 1993 and 1994 trips were booked out but in 1995 Fattracted no one. What will happen this time? From Yaouk Gap follow a ridge forming the ACT border to Scabby, and then along a ridge to Kelly, camping along the way. Continue some distance down Kelly Spur (with a short burst of the trip's only heavy scrub), then drop down to the fire trail to return to the cars. Superb scenery throughout. Warm sleeping bags desirable. Maps: Yaouk & Rendezvous Creek 1:25000. Leader: Alan Vidler 254 5373h. Transport —$15.

Saturday 4 May - Fosters Mountain - UM A Budawangs walk of two parts: a long fire trail bash from the locked gate accessed from Nerriga and a moderately scrubby traverse of Fosters Mountain to the South Eastern end. My aim is to see clearly the magnificent views tantalisingly glimpsed through the fog on my last visit. Map: £MJY Budawangs or Endrick 1:25 000. Leader: Jeff Bennetts 231 5899. Transport: about $20.

Saturday 18 May - Rendezvous Creek to Nursery Swamp - MIE Leave a car at Nursery Swamp, then drive to where Rendezvous Creek crosses the road. Follow tracks up Rendezvous Creek, inspect the Aboriginal rock art, over the divide to Nursery Swamp, inspect the Aboriginal rock art there too. Easy walking in the valleys of Namadgi. Car shuffle necessary. Map: Rendezvous Creek 1:25000. Leader: Murray Dow 2574371. Transport— $6.

Cenbena Bushwalklng Club IT December1995 page 19 Ii

;1. /

APOS P 10 ] Prn' Post Pprov 13 ft L 9/96

Reet VAJJLAK 5 Fullwood St WESTON ACT 2611



- Home Work Fax

PRESIDENT Janet Edstein 2881398 2058033 2058026 VICE PRESIDENT/TREASURER Rob Horsfield 231 4535 2056739 - WALKS SECRETARY Paul RustomJl 2543500 - 2549897 EDITOR David Truman 2476744 2724632 2724890 MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY Roger Edwards 2887863 2954598 - CONSERVATION OFFICER Brian McLeod 251 5834 241 3977 - PUBLISHER Sybille Davidson 2824325 2937587 - ASSISTANT WALKS SECRETARY Chris Roper 2871243 2725151 2724494 SOCIAL SECRETARY Kathryn Brooks 291 0994 - MINUTE SECRETARY Garylrevean 2851135 2664149 - CORRESPONDENCE SECRETARY Sharon McAuIIffe 2851505 - -