State of the catchments 2010 Estuaries and coastal lakes

Southern Rivers region

State Plan target

By 2015 there is an improvement in the condition of estuaries and coastal lake ecosystems.


An estuary is any semi-enclosed body of water having a permanently or intermittently open connection with the ocean. Water levels inside the estuary vary in a periodic way in response to the ocean tide at the entrance. The upstream boundary is defined as the limit of tidal influence and will typically be found in the lower reaches of the creeks and rivers draining to the estuary.

A detailed technical report describes the methods used to derive the information contained in this report. At the time of publication of the State of the catchments (SOC) 2010 reports, the technical reports were being prepared for public release. When complete, they will be available on the DECCW website:

Note: All data on natural resource condition, pressures and management activity included in this SOC report, as well as the technical report, was collected up to January 2009. State of the catchments 2010

Estuaries in can be classified into five main types with decreasing oceanic influence:

• semi-enclosed embayments (six in NSW) are characterised by marine waters with little freshwater inflow • drowned river valleys (13) have large, wide entrances and tidal ranges similar to oceans • barrier estuaries (51) are rivers and lakes that are generally open to the ocean but are constricted at their entrances by sand from adjacent beaches. They are often associated with larger catchments, the flow from which assists in keeping the entrances open • intermittent estuaries (110) are creeks and lagoons that become closed to the ocean for extended periods of time. They often have small catchments, hence low river flows to keep entrances open. This is the largest group of estuaries in NSW with many located along the south coast • brackish lakes (four) are generally connected to the ocean by a long creek and hence have extended flushing times, allowing freshwater inflows to dominate. Variation in estuary type, entrance condition, catchment characteristics and climate along the NSW coast produces estuarine ecosystems that are complex, dynamic and variable. As estuaries slowly infill, and as development further increases sediment and nutrient inputs, excessive levels of nitrogen or phosphorus in the estuary can cause algal blooms (‘eutrophic’ conditions) and other harmful effects that adversely impact ecosystems as well as human usage.

To adequately capture ecosystem complexity, a number of ecological indicators are being used to report estuary health covering eutrophication, habitat and fish.

Various pressures caused by human activity in the estuary and its catchment are also reported. The pressures were selected on the basis of the strength of their cause-effect link to condition and the feasibility of data collection or modelling along the entire coastline. Condition and pressure information combined provide valuable direction on priorities for policy, planning, investment and management.

The Southern Rivers region has 102 estuaries, or 55 per cent of the total number in NSW; 450 km2 or 25 per cent of the total estuarine area in NSW; and 19,000 km2 or 15 per cent of the total estuary catchment area. Of the 102 estuaries, there are five embayments, one drowned river valley, 24 barrier rivers and lakes that are generally open, and 72 creeks and lagoons with intermittently open entrances.

Waterway surface areas vary widely with 54 estuaries having very small areas of less than 0.5 km2 and associated catchments of generally less than 60 km2. The eight largest estuaries have areas greater than 15 km2 (and up to a maximum of 124 km2 for Jervis Bay) and catchments up to 7,100 km2.

2 Estuaries – Southern Rivers region

Map of the catchment

Southern Rivers


Indicators The indicators of estuary condition used are:

• eutrophication: chlorophyll a, macroalgae and turbidity • habitat distribution: change in seagrass, mangrove and saltmarsh (macrophytes) extent • fish assemblages: species diversity and composition, species abundance, nursery function and trophic integrity (food web). Each indicator has been scored relative to a reference or least impaired condition. A number of methods have been employed to develop scoring classes on a five-colour scale of ‘very good’, ‘good’, ‘fair’, ‘poor’ and ‘very poor’ representing the extent of deviation from the reference condition. In the case of macrophytes, the size of change in extent observed has been scored.

Estuary index A condition index has been calculated for each estuary by averaging the unweighted individual scores for each condition indicator and applying expert opinion to test whether the results look reasonable. A similar approach has been taken for a pressure index. Future statistical analysis is required to improve the aggregation rules currently being applied.

Owing to the limited availability of data for the condition index, additional rules have been applied to the aggregation process. At least one indicator from a minimum of two indicator groups must be populated; eg at least one eutrophication and one habitat or fish indicator. Also, if there were only one or two indicators that had data available, an overall score was not calculated.

Regional and state-wide index A regional and a state-wide score for condition and pressure indicators have been included for comparison purposes, also using a simple unweighted approach. In recognition of the patchiness of some of the condition indicator datasets, an aggregation rule was applied whereby the regional score would only be calculated if there were more than ten estuaries in the region with individual estuary scores.

3 State of the catchments 2010

Consideration must be given to whether different approaches may be more appropriate. For example, weighting scores by the estuary area to give an average by total estuary area may be a more accurate reflection of the total value of the resource to the community.

All condition and pressure indices have been scored between 5 (best) and 1 (worst) on a five-colour green-red scale, representing index scoring classes of >4.2–5.0, >3.4–4.2, >2.6–3.4, >1.8–2.6 and 1.0 –1.8.

Data confidence Systems were developed and applied for rating confidence in the data on eutrophication and fish. Seven criteria were defined for eutrophication and five for fish. However, in view of the number of data gaps in the condition report, it was decided to rate the confidence on the number of indicators for which data was available. When data was available for all seven indicators the confidence was rated high; for four to six indicators it was rated medium; and for three or fewer it was rated low. In the future, when more of the data gaps have been filled, it is proposed that an alternative system will be developed based on the confidence ratings for each individual indicator.

For the pressure indicators most of the data confidence is rated high except for the sediment and nutrient inputs which are rated medium because they have been modelled. As data is available for all indicators across all estuaries, a confidence level has been assigned on the basis of how many indicators have high, medium or low confidence. All indicators have the same datasets available, six of which are rated high and two of which are rated as medium confidence; therefore, an overall rating of high has been assigned to all estuaries. This is the type of rating system that will be applied to the condition indicators in future.






0 Fish a Turbidity Seagrass Mangrove Saltmarsh Chlorophyll Macroalgae

Figure 1 Condition indicator scores for Southern Rivers region (cont’d next page)

4 Estuaries – Southern Rivers region

1 ST GEORGES BASIN 2 27 3 28 29 4 31 5 6 7 32 9 33 8 34 10 35 11 36 LAKE 12 37 13 38 39 14 CLYDE RIVER 40 15 41 16 42 17 43 18 44 45 19 20 DURRAS LAKE 46 22 47 23 48 24 49 21 50 ST GEORGES BASIN 25 51 30 26 05 10 20 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 kilometres kilometres

78 52 79 53 80 54 55 81 BEGA RIVER 82 56 57 83 58 84 59 60 85 61 86 62 87 63 64 88 65 89 66 90 67 95 68 91 92 69 93 70 94 71 96 72 97 73 74 98 99 75 100 76 101 77 0 5 10 15 20 25 05 10 20 30 kilometres 102 kilometres

Figure 1 Condition indicator scores for Southern Rivers region (cont’d next page)

5 State of the catchments 2010


Good Trend Good Trend Condition Unknown Condition Unknown CONDITION INDEX TREND INDEX ICOLL (I) Chlorophyll a Macroalgae Turbidity Seagrass Mangrove Saltmarsh Fish CONFIDENCE CONDITION INDEX TREND INDEX ICOLL (I) Chlorophyll a Macroalgae Turbidity Seagrass Mangrove Saltmarsh Fish CONFIDENCE

ALL NSW ESTUARIES 3.6 ? 3.3 3.7 3.6 4.1 3.2 M ALL NSW ESTUARIES 3.6 ? 3.3 3.7 3.6 4.1 3.2 M

ALL SR ESTUARIES 3.7 ? 3.3 4.1 3.7 4.1 3.3 M ALL SR ESTUARIES 3.7 ? 3.3 4.1 3.7 4.1 3.3 M

1 1. Hargraves Creek I 1 52. Saltwater Creek (Rosedale) I 2 2 3 2. Stanwell Creek I L 3 53. 4.8 ? M 4 4 5 3. Flanagans Creek I L 5 54. Candlagan Creek 3.8 ? M 6 6 7 4. Woodlands Creek I 7 55. Bengello Creek I 8 8 9 5. Slacky Creek I L 9 56. Moruya River 4.8 ? M 10 10 11 6. Bellambi Gully I 11 57. Congo Creek 4.0 ? I na M 12 12 13 7. Bellambi Lake I L 13 58. Meringo Creek I na na L 14 14 15 8. Towradgi Creek I L 15 59. Kellys Lake I 16 16 17 9. Fairy Creek I L 17 60. Coila Lake 4.0 ? I na M 18 18 19 10. Allans Creek 19 61. Tuross River 4.2 ? M 20 20 21 11. Port Kembla 21 62. Lake Brunderee 2.0 ? I na L 22 22 23 12. 4.4 ? I M 23 63. Lake Tarourga I na na na 24 24 25 13. Elliott Lake I L 25 64. Lake Brou 2.8 ? I na M 26 26 27 14. 4.0 ? M 27 65. Lake Mummuga 3.7 ? I M 28 28 29 15. Spring Creek 2.0 ? I na na L 29 66. Kianga Lake I na L 30 30 31 16. Munna Munnora Creek I L 31 67. Wagonga Inlet L 32 32 33 17. Werri Lagoon 2.5 ? I na L 33 68. Little Lake (Narooma) I 34 34 35 18. Crooked River 4.5 ? M 35 69. Bullengella Lake I 36 36 37 19. Shoalhaven River 4.4 ? M 37 70. Nangudga Lake 4.3 ? I na L 38 38 39 20. Wollumboola Lake I na na L 39 71. Corunna Lake 3.5 ? I na M 40 40 41 21. Currarong Creek I 41 72. Tilba Tilba Lake 2.8 ? I na M 42 42 43 22. Cararma Creek L 43 73. Little Lake (Wallaga) I 44 44 45 23. Wowly Gully I 45 74. Wallaga Lake 2.5 ? I na M 46 46 47 24. Callala Creek I 47 75. Bermagui River L 48 48 49 25. Currambene Creek L 49 76. Baragoot Lake 2.6 ? I na M 50 50 51 26. Moona Moona Creek I 51 77. Cuttagee Lake 4.0 ? I na M 52 52 53 27. Flat Rock Creek I 53 78. 4.7 ? M 54 54 55 28. Captains Beach Lagoon I 55 79. Bunga Lagoon 2.7 ? I na L 56 56 57 29. Telegraph Creek I 57 80. Wapengo Lagoon 4.5 ? M 58 58 59 30. Jervis Bay L 59 81. Middle Lagoon 4.0 ? I na L 60 60 61 31. St Georges Basin 4.0 ? M 61 82. Nelson Lagoon 3.0 ? M 62 62 63 32. Swan Lake 4.0 ? I na na L 63 83. Bega River 3.6 ? I na M 64 64 65 33. Berrara Creek I na L 65 84. Wallagoot Lake 4.6 ? I na M 66 66 67 34. Nerrindillah Creek I na na L 67 85. Bournda Lagoon I na L 68 68 69 35. Conjola Lake 4.4 ? M 69 86. Back Lagoon 4.0 ? I na L 70 70 71 36. Inlet 4.3 ? I M 71 87. Lake 3.3 ? M 72 72 73 37. Creek I L 73 88. 4.0 ? M 74 74 75 38. Millards Creek I 75 89. Curalo Lagoon 4.0 ? I na M 76 76 77 39. Ulladulla L 77 90. Shadrachs Creek I 78 78 79 40. Burrill Lake 3.8 ? I na M 79 91. 3.0 ? I M 80 80 81 41. Tabourie Lake 3.3 ? I na M 81 92. Boydtown Creek I 82 82 83 42. Termeil Lake 2.7 ? I na na L 83 93. 4.6 ? M 84 84 85 43. Meroo Lake 4.0 ? I na na M 85 94. Fisheries Creek I na L 86 86 87 44. Willinga Lake 3.7 ? I na na L 87 95. na L 88 88 89 45. Butlers Creek I na L 89 96. Saltwater Creek (Eden) I 90 90 91 46. Durras Lake 4.0 ? I na M 91 97. Woodburn Creek I 92 92 93 47. Durras Creek I 93 98. Wonboyn River 4.3 ? M 94 94 95 48. Maloneys Creek I 95 99. I na na na L 96 96 97 49. Cullendulla Creek 4.3 ? I M 97 100. Table Creek I 98 98 99 50. Clyde River 4.0 ? M 99 101. I na L 100 100 101 51. na L 101 102. Nadgee Lake 2.8 ? I na M 92 40 41 CONDITION TREND CONFIDENCE 41 CONDITION TREND CONFIDENCE 42 5 Very good  Improving H High 42 5 Very good  Improving H High 43 4 Good  No change M Medium 43 4 Good  No change M Medium 44 3 Fair  Declining L Low 44 3 Fair  Declining L Low 45 2 Poor ? Unknown 45 2 Poor ? Unknown 46 1 Very poor no data 46 1 Very poor no data 47 baseline only 47 baseline only 48 data >3 years old na not applicable 48 data >3 years old na not applicable

Figure 1 Condition indicator scores for Southern Rivers region (cont’d) Note: ICOLL (I) = Intermittently Closed and Open Lake or Lagoon

6 Estuaries – Southern Rivers region

Condition The distribution of condition scores for each indicator at estuary, regional and state levels is shown in Figure 1.

Chlorophyll a indicates the amount of microscopic algae, called phytoplankton, growing in the water. Excessive input of nutrients from catchments can lead to algal blooms and detrimental effects on estuarine plants and animals. Estuaries were classified into three types according to their ability to dilute and flush catchment inputs, and trigger values were assigned for each type. Trigger values were defined as the 80th percentile of reference site data, in accordance with the recommendation of the National Water Quality Management Strategy (ANZECC & ARMCANZ 2000). Data was analysed for the period 2005–2008 and scored based on the percentage of samples complying with the triggers. If data was only available before 2005, the score in Figure 1 is shaded. The overall status for chlorophyll a in the 45 Southern Rivers estuaries with data is rated fair.

Macroalgae are large algae, commonly called seaweeds, which grow on aquatic plants and may extend to the water surface or float in the water. Macroalgal blooms can reduce oxygen levels and shade out desirable aquatic plants. They may also smother other habitats and shellfish. Residential areas can be affected by unsightly floating blooms and odours, and tourism values may be affected. The method of gathering information on macroalgae is currently being modified; therefore, Southern Rivers estuaries have not been rated.

Turbidity is a measure of light scattered by suspended particles such as sediment, algae and dissolved material in the water which affect its colour or murkiness. Turbidity can increase from sediment inflows, shoreline erosion and increased microscopic algae. As for chlorophyll a, trigger values were defined as the 80th percentile of reference site data. In assessing estuary condition and assigning triggers, only data collected for the two years of the monitoring, evaluation and reporting program was used, due to the potential uncertainty associated with data collected using different methods and/or for special purposes (eg flood runoff). The overall status for turbidity in the 35 Southern Rivers estuaries with data is rated good.

Seagrasses are aquatic flowering plants that form meadows near shore. They are highly productive, provide nursery and foraging habitat (for fish, crustaceans and molluscs), bind sediments against erosion and help regulate nutrient cycling. They are very sensitive to changes in water clarity. Two broadly comparable surveys are available from 1985 and 2006 for estimating change in extent for seagrass, mangrove and saltmarsh. For seagrass and saltmarsh, scores were assigned as:

• >10% gain = very good • ±10 % gain = good • -10 to -40% loss = fair • -40 to -70% loss = poor • -70 to -100% loss = very poor. The overall status for seagrass in the 66 Southern Rivers estuaries with data is rated good but with significant variability from very good to very poor.

Mangroves grow between mid and high tide levels. They are an important food source, provide habitat, protect shorelines and cycle nutrients and carbon. The comparison of survey data showed a general increase in mangroves.

However, increasing mangrove extent could be due to a number of factors:

7 State of the catchments 2010

• recolonisation in areas previously removed, which would be viewed as a positive change • colonisation upslope into areas currently occupied by saltmarsh, due to factors such as increased sedimentation and potentially sea level rise, which might be viewed as negative considering the limited areas of saltmarsh within NSW estuaries • marinisation of estuaries (ie higher salinity levels) through entrance training, artificial entrance openings of lagoons, water extraction upstream, and lower rainfall associated with drought and climate change, providing mangroves with a competitive advantage, which could be considered negative. With current knowledge, it is difficult to generalise about whether a change in mangrove extent is positive or negative for estuary health without conducting estuary-specific studies. The scoring system adopted therefore states that stable mangrove extent, defined as a change of between -10 to and +10%, is good. Any change outside that range has been shaded grey, indicating that change data is held but interpretation requires further investigation.

Saltmarsh is a community of plants and animals that grows above the mangroves at the highest tidal levels. Saltmarsh is important in estuarine food webs, providing a site for invertebrate breeding and a feeding area for economically important fish and shorebirds, the latter of which are subject to international agreements. Coastal saltmarsh is listed as an endangered ecological community under the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995. The overall status for saltmarsh in the 67 Southern Rivers estuaries with data is rated good.

Fish communities are a good biological indicator of ecosystem health because they occur in most estuaries, integrate the effect of multiple catchment and aquatic habitat factors, are easy to identify and are highly valued by the community. Using data on juvenile fish sampled with small beach seine nets, the overall status for fish in the 31 Southern Rivers estuaries with data is currently rated fair. Future monitoring is likely to include additional ways of sampling fish and this will enable reporting of more comprehensive fish data for some estuaries in the Southern bioregion for the next SOC report.

Missing data The macroalgae indicator is still being trialled in a number of estuaries to determine the best method of gathering the data and will be available for future SOC reports. A significant number of estuaries did not have eutrophication or fish data available, but these may be captured during future monitoring.

Regional summary Table 1 shows a summary of how estuaries rated for condition within the Southern Rivers region, the number and proportion of estuaries with limited data that did not warrant a condition score and those with no data at all.

Table 1 Regional summary of estuarine condition

Category Very Good Fair Poor Very Limited No Total good poor data data

No. of Southern 14 20 9 5 0 27 27 102 Rivers estuaries

% of Southern Rivers 14% 20% 9% 5% 0% 26% 26% 100% region

8 Estuaries – Southern Rivers region

Pressures A total of eight indicators of estuary pressure are reported. To enable meaningful comparison of pressures between different types of estuaries, the data often has to be ‘normalised’ by such factors as the area of the estuary or its catchment, or some other physical characteristic. The indicators used, the normalised metric (ie measure) and the boundaries between scoring classes from very low to very high are described below, together with the regional assessment for each indicator. The distribution of pressure scores for each indicator at estuary, regional and state levels is shown in Figure 2.






0 land input input Fishing Nutrient flow Cleared habitat Tidal flow Tidal Sediment Disturbed Population Freshwater

1 ST GEORGES BASIN 2 27 3 28 4 29 31 5 6 7 32 9 33 8 34 10 35 11 36 LAKE ILLAWARRA 12 37 BURRILL LAKE 13 38 39 14 CLYDE RIVER 40 15 41 16 42 17 43 SHOALHAVEN RIVER 18 44 45 19

20 DURRAS LAKE 46 22 47 23 48 24 49 21 50 ST GEORGES BASIN 25 51 30 26 05 10 20 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 kilometres kilometres

Figure 2 Pressure indicator scores for Southern Rivers region (cont’d next page)

9 State of the catchments 2010

ALL SR ESTUARIES INDICATOR 52 3.9 ? 53 Low Trend 54 Pressure Unknown

55 PRESSURE INDEX INDEX TREND ICOLL (I) Cleared land Population Sediment input Nutrient input Freshwater flow Disturbed habitat Tidal flow Fishing CONFIDENCE MORUYA RIVER 56 ALL NSW ESTUARIES 3.6 ? 3.0 3.0 2.7 3.0 4.1 4.8 3.9 4.6 H 57 58 ALL SR ESTUARIES 3.9 ? 3.3 3.4 3.2 3.4 4.3 4.7 4.0 4.7 H 59 1 1. Hargraves Creek 3.3 ? I H 2 60 3 2. Stanwell Creek 3.6 ? I H 61 4 5 3. Flanagans Creek 3.4 ? I H 62 6 7 4. Woodlands Creek 3.4 ? I H 63 8 TUROSS RIVER 9 5. Slacky Creek 3.3 ? I H 64 10 11 6. Bellambi Gully 2.8 ? I H 65 12 13 7. Bellambi Lake 3.0 ? I H 66 14 67 15 8. Towradgi Creek 2.9 ? I H 16 68 17 9. Fairy Creek 2.8 ? I H 18 69 19 10. Allans Creek 2.6 ? H 70 20 21 11. Port Kembla 2.9 ? H 22 71 23 12. Lake Illawarra 2.5 ? I H 72 24 25 13. Elliott Lake 2.5 ? I H 73 26 27 14. Minnamurra River 3.4 ? H 74 28 29 15. Spring Creek 3.4 ? I H 30 31 16. Munna Munnora Creek 3.1 ? I H 75 32 BERMAGUI RIVER 33 17. Werri Lagoon 2.9 ? I H 76 34 35 18. Crooked River 2.8 ? H 77 02.5 5 10 15 20 25 36 37 19. Shoalhaven River 3.3 ? H kilometres 38 39 20. Wollumboola Lake 4.4 ? I H 40 41 21. Currarong Creek 4.1 ? I H 42 43 22. Cararma Creek 5.0 ? H 44 45 23. Wowly Gully 3.9 ? I H 46 47 24. Callala Creek 3.9 ? I H 78 48 49 25. Currambene Creek 3.6 ? H 79 50 51 26. Moona Moona Creek 3.6 ? I H 80 52 53 27. Flat Rock Creek 4.9 ? I H 54 81 55 28. Captains Beach Lagoon 5.0 ? I H BEGA RIVER 82 56 57 29. Telegraph Creek 5.0 ? I H 58 83 59 30. Jervis Bay 3.9 ? H 60 61 31. St Georges Basin 4.1 ? H 84 62 63 32. Swan Lake 3.6 ? I H 64 85 65 33. Berrara Creek 4.9 ? I H 66 67 34. Nerrindillah Creek 4.9 ? I H 86 68 69 35. Conjola Lake 4.6 ? H 87 70 71 36. Narrawallee Inlet 3.9 ? I H 88 72 73 37. Mollymook Creek 3.1 ? I H 89 74 90 75 38. Millards Creek 3.0 ? I H 76 95 77 39. Ulladulla 3.0 ? H 91 78 79 40. Burrill Lake 3.3 ? I H 92 80 81 41. Tabourie Lake 3.9 ? I H 93 82 83 42. Termeil Lake 4.0 ? I H 94 84 85 43. Meroo Lake 4.0 ? I H 96 86 97 87 44. Willinga Lake 3.9 ? I H WONBOYN RIVER 88 89 45. Butlers Creek 3.5 ? I H 98 90 91 46. Durras Lake 4.0 ? I H 92 99 93 47. Durras Creek 4.5 ? I H 94 95 48. Maloneys Creek 4.0 ? I H 100 96 97 49. Cullendulla Creek 3.3 ? I H 101 05 10 20 30 98 99 50. Clyde River 4.5 ? H 102 kilometres 100 101 51. Batemans Bay 4.6 ? H

Figure 2 Pressure indicator scores for Southern Rivers region (cont’d next page)

10 Estuaries – Southern Rivers region


3.9 ?

Low Trend Pressure Unknown PRESSURE INDEX PRESSURE TREND INDEX ICOLL (I) land Cleared Population input Sediment Nutrient input Freshwater flow habitat Disturbed flow Tidal Fishing CONFIDENCE

ALL NSW ESTUARIES 3.6 ? 3.0 3.0 2.7 3.0 4.1 4.8 3.9 4.6 H

ALL SR ESTUARIES 3.9 ? 3.3 3.4 3.2 3.4 4.3 4.7 4.0 4.7 H

52. Saltwater Creek (Rosedale) 3.3 ? I H 53. Tomaga River 4.0 ? H 54. Candlagan Creek 3.9 ? H 55. Bengello Creek 4.3 ? I H 56. Moruya River 3.6 ? H 57. Congo Creek 2.9 ? I H 58. Meringo Creek 3.8 ? I H 59. Kellys Lake 3.8 ? I H 60. Coila Lake 3.4 ? I H 61. Tuross River 4.3 ? H 62. Lake Brunderee 4.8 ? I H 63. Lake Tarourga 5.0 ? I H 64. Lake Brou 4.5 ? I H 65. Lake Mummuga 4.0 ? I H 66. Kianga Lake 3.5 ? I H 67. Wagonga Inlet 3.8 ? H 68. Little Lake (Narooma) 3.4 ? I H 69. Bullengella Lake 3.8 ? I H 70. Nangudga Lake 3.1 ? I H 71. Corunna Lake 3.4 ? I H 72. Tilba Tilba Lake 3.5 ? I H 73. Little Lake (Wallaga) 3.4 ? I H 74. Wallaga Lake 2.9 ? I H 75. Bermagui River 3.1 ? H 76. Baragoot Lake 4.5 ? I H 77. Cuttagee Lake 4.5 ? I H 78. Murrah River 4.1 ? H 79. Bunga Lagoon 4.6 ? I H 80. Wapengo Lagoon 4.5 ? H 81. Middle Lagoon 3.9 ? I H 82. Nelson Lagoon 4.5 ? H 83. Bega River 3.5 ? I H 84. Wallagoot Lake 4.4 ? I H 85. Bournda Lagoon 4.6 ? I H 86. Back Lagoon 3.3 ? I H 87. Merimbula Lake 3.0 ? H 88. Pambula River 4.3 ? H 89. Curalo Lagoon 3.6 ? I H 90. Shadrachs Creek 5.0 ? I H 91. Nullica River 4.9 ? I H 92. Boydtown Creek 4.3 ? I H 93. Towamba River 4.5 ? H 94. Fisheries Creek 5.0 ? I H 95. Twofold Bay 4.5 ? H 96. Saltwater Creek (Eden) 5.0 ? I H 97. Woodburn Creek 5.0 ? I H 98. Wonboyn River 4.9 ? H 99. Merrica River 5.0 ? I H 100. Table Creek 5.0 ? I H 101. Nadgee River 5.0 ? I H 102. Nadgee Lake 5.0 ? I H

PRESSURE TREND CONFIDENCE 5 Very low  Declining H High Figure 2 Pressure indicator scores for 4 Low  No change M Medium Southern Rivers region 3 Moderate  Increasing L Low 2 High ? Unknown Note: ICOLL (I) = Intermittently Closed and Open 1 Very high Lake or Lagoon

11 State of the catchments 2010

Indicators Cleared land for agricultural, residential and industrial development is a major pressure in many NSW coastal catchments and is known to result in increased inputs of eroded sediments, nutrients and organic material into the estuary. Using data available from land-use mapping undertaken over the last five years, the percentage of cleared land in each estuary catchment was scored into five classes with approximate boundaries of 0, 8, 22, 39, 69 and >69 per cent (see supporting technical report). Southern Rivers estuaries are rated as being under moderate pressure from cleared land.

Population density of people residing in a catchment is a general measure of pressure placed on an estuary. Effects can include increased pollution loads in stormwater and sewage overflows, disturbance of riparian and foreshore vegetation, litter and general degradation of the environment. Population data was obtained from the 2006 census conducted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics and the density in the estuary catchment was scored into five classes with boundaries of 0, 2, 9, 41, 264 and >264 people/km2. Southern Rivers estuaries are rated as being under low pressure from population density.

Sediment inputs are generated by soil erosion in catchments disturbed by human activity as well as riverbank and shoreline erosion. Coarse sediment settles out along river beds, floodplains and at tributary mouths while finer suspended sediment fills bays and central basins and reduces water clarity. Hydrology models of rainfall runoff developed for each estuary catchment were used to estimate the quantity of sediment exported on an annual basis. The models were run for current land-use conditions and for a fully forested, undisturbed catchment. Percentage increase in total suspended solids (TSS) export for current land-use was scored into five classes with boundaries of 0, 10, 40, 80, 600 and >600 per cent. Southern Rivers estuaries are rated as being under moderate pressure from sediment inputs.

Nutrient inputs are also associated with catchment disturbance as well as fertiliser application, effluent discharges and urban stormwater. Excess nutrients can lead to blooms of microscopic algae (phytoplankton) or macroalgae and changes to ecosystems. As for sediment inputs, the same models were used to estimate the increase in nutrient inputs. Algal growth in estuaries is generally limited by the supply of nitrogen, so total nitrogen has been used and is in accordance with the internationally accepted measure of nutrient load increase. The percentage increase in total nitrogen inputs for current land-use conditions compared with a fully forested, undisturbed catchment has been scored into five classes with boundaries of 0, 10, 50, 150, 400 and >400 per cent. Southern Rivers estuaries are rated as being under moderate pressure from nutrient inputs.

Freshwater flow into estuaries affects salinity levels, aquatic plant distributions, migration and spawning of aquatic animals, frequency of estuary mouth openings and fish communities. These ecosystem characteristics are all modified by catchment clearing, which increases the frequency and intensity of rainfall runoff. This, in turn, causes a change to the quantity and timing of ecologically significant freshwater inflows to the estuary, catchment and river bed/bank erosion and polluted runoff. The percentage increase in catchment runoff between current land-use and a fully forested undisturbed catchment has been used as a net measure of these changes and scored into five classes with boundaries of 0, 4, 12, 22, 44 and >44 per cent increase.

Licensed water extraction entitlements have been used as a second metric and normalised by the annual freshwater inflow. The total volume of entitlements compared to the annual flow has been scored into five classes with boundaries of 0, 6, 13, 19, 25 and >25 per cent of annual flow and the two metrics then combined into a single score. Southern Rivers estuaries are rated as being under very low pressure from freshwater flows.

12 Estuaries – Southern Rivers region

Disturbed habitat can arise from removal of foreshore vegetation, placement of foreshore structures such as reclamation walls, jetties and moorings, aquaculture leases, presence of the invasive seaweed Caulerpa taxifolia and trawling for fish. Current data on the presence of foreshore structures and aquaculture leases has been used. The length of estuary perimeter occupied by foreshore structures has been scored into five classes with boundaries of 0, 4, 8, 12, 16 and >16 per cent. The area of estuary occupied by aquaculture has been scored into five classes with boundaries of 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 and >20 per cent, and both metrics combined into a single indicator score. The validity of this indicator will improve significantly when mapping of the extent of foreshore vegetation is completed and this can also be included as a metric. Southern Rivers estuaries are rated as being under very low pressure from disturbed habitat using this simple indicator.

Tidal flow can be affected by training walls built to keep estuary entrances open and the artificial opening of lagoon entrances for flood mitigation and other purposes. Both result in an increase in salinity levels, tidal ranges and flushing, and associated ecological effects. A score of five has been assigned to estuaries without training walls, three for one wall and one for two walls. Entrance opening levels were obtained from local government records and have been assigned increasing pressure as the artificial opening level reduces. Scores have been assigned as five for opening levels above 2.9 m Australian Height Datum (AHD); four for 2.4-2.9 m; three for 1.9-2.4 m; two for 1.4- 1.9 m; and one for <1.4 m AHD. Southern Rivers estuaries are rated as being under low pressure from changes to tidal flows.

Fishing by recreational and commercial fishers removes finfish and shellfish from the estuarine ecosystem. Disturbance of habitats by boats, gear and people can also be associated with these activities. Annual commercial fish catch data was normalised by estuary area and scored into five classes with boundaries of 0, 2, 3.9, 5.9, 7.8 and >7.8 tonnes/km2/year. Southern Rivers estuaries are rated as being under very low pressure from commercial fishing.

Regional summary The main pressures occur along the more developed and populated northern part of the region around the Illawarra, Nowra and Ulladulla. The trend in pressures for Southern Rivers estuaries is not yet known.

Table 2 is a summary of how estuaries rated for pressure within the Southern Rivers region and a comparison with how Southern Rivers estuaries rated against NSW estuaries generally. Compared to the state average, the Southern Rivers region has a larger proportion of estuaries rated in the very low and low categories than the NSW average and a smaller proportion rated in the moderate and high categories. This is due to the higher proportion of relatively undisturbed estuaries and their catchments found on the south coast compared to elsewhere along the NSW coastline.

Table 2 Regional summary of estuarine pressures

Category Very low Low Moderate High Very high Total

No. of Southern Rivers 37 31 32 2 0 102 estuaries

% of Southern Rivers 36% 31% 31% 2% 0% 100% region

% across all NSW 26% 26% 42% 6% 0% 100%

13 Estuaries – Southern Rivers region

Management activity

Condition and pressure assessment The condition indicators of chlorophyll a and fish assemblages have been given a fair rating, while the other indicators rated good for the Southern Rivers region, albeit on relatively limited datasets. Chlorophyll a and fish are known to be affected by stresses from catchment development. Urban stormwater, agricultural diffuse source runoff, sewage and industrial effluent discharges contain nutrients, sediments, organic material and toxins that can increase algal blooms and turbidity, affect seagrass beds and alter the composition of fish assemblages. Waterway stresses such as habitat disturbance and fishing can also alter fish species composition.

The pressure indicators of cleared land, population density, sediment and nutrient inputs represent different aspects of catchment development. All these indicators rated moderate overall, except for population density, which rated as low pressure, providing some tentative confirmation of the condition indicator assessment.

State and local government, catchment management authorities (CMAs), industry and the community respond to the pressures and threats posed to estuary health at a range of levels. Responses vary from state-wide policy, programs, land-use planning and economic instruments through regional planning and investment, down to local planning, capacity building, best management practice (BMP) and on-ground rehabilitation works.

State level The State Plan embodies the natural resource management (NRM) targets set by the NSW Government. The targets are being addressed through state, regional and local partnerships. Some of the main activities at state level are listed below.

Policy/strategy • Coastal and planning policies direct, and set the context for providing for, population growth and economic development, while at the same time protecting the natural, cultural, spiritual and heritage values of the coastal environment. Relevant policies include the NSW Coastal Policy 1997, NSW State Rivers and Estuaries Policy 1993, NSW Estuary Management Policy 1992 and NSW Diffuse Source Water Pollution Strategy 2009.

Planning • The NSW Estuary Management Policy encourages state government, local government and communities to prepare and implement estuary management plans (EMPs) that aim to achieve integrated, balanced, responsible and ecologically sustainable use of estuaries. There are 41 plans prepared or in preparation, as shown in Table 3. • Pressures on coastal lakes led the NSW Government to endorse a statement of intent (SOI) on coastal lakes. The SOI includes the preparation of sustainability assessments and management strategies for a group of priority lakes. A coastal lakes assessment and management tool has been developed for the assessments. Sustainability assessments have been prepared for a number of Southern Rivers region coastal lakes, as shown in Table 3. The assessments can be used to review and update existing plans including EMPs and local government land-use plans.

14 State of the catchments 2010

Table 3 EMPs and sustainability assessments prepared for Southern Rivers region sites

EMPs Sustainability assessments

Lake Illawarra

Hewitts, Tramway, Towradgi and Fairy creeks

Ten creeks and lagoons in LGA

Elliot (Little) Lake

Minnamurra River

Crooked River

Shoalhaven River

Wollumboola Lake

Currarong Creek

St Georges Basin

Swan Lake and Berrara Creek

Conjola Lake

Narrawallee Inlet Narrawallee Inlet

Burrill Lake Burrill Lake

Tabourie Lake

Clyde River/Batemans Bay

Tomaga River

Moruya /

Tuross River and Coila Lake Coila Lake

Wagonga Inlet

Wallaga Lake

Bega River*

Merimbula Lake and Back Lagoon Merimbula Lake and Back Lagoon

Pambula River*

Curalo Lagoon

Wonboyn River

* EMPs in preparation

15 Estuaries – Southern Rivers region

Legislation State legislation designed to reduce the pressures and threats associated with catchment development includes:

• the Native Vegetation Act 2003 to limit land clearing • the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995, under which coastal saltmarsh is listed as an Endangered Ecological Community • the Water Management Act 2000 to protect environmental flows for rivers and estuaries • the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 to licence sewage effluent discharges • the Fisheries Management Act 1994 to manage commercial fisheries, aquaculture, aquatic habitat disturbance and invasive species • the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 under which, for example, standard NRM clauses are being developed for local environmental plans (LEPs). Section 117 directions require LEP provisions to protect the environment; state environmental planning policies cover coastal wetlands, littoral rainforests, canal developments, aquaculture, urban bushland, coastal protection and rural lands.

Comprehensive Coastal Assessment Toolkit To support local councils in developing LEPs and long-term strategies in line with the NSW coastal policy, regional strategies and other policies, orders and directions, the NSW Government developed the Comprehensive Coastal Assessment Toolkit. The toolkit provides datasets and decision support tools to assist in undertaking strategic land-use planning.

Regional level The Department of Planning has prepared the Illawarra and South Coast Regional Strategies to guide sustainable growth while protecting valuable natural and cultural assets. The regional strategies:

• require coastal lake sustainability assessments to be considered when zoning land for future development • require that LEPs maximise achievement of the principles and implementation of the recommendations of EMPs • provide a number of mechanisms for councils to manage the risk associated with climate change. Catchment action plans (CAPs) and supporting investment programs are the key regional documents that coordinate and drive the effort to improve natural resources. The CAPs describe the whole-of-Government approach to address each of the state-wide targets at the regional level, and specify regional targets and activities to contribute to the achievement of the state-wide targets.

The Southern Rivers CAP can be found at plans_strategies.php.

At the regional level the Southern Rivers CMA and its partners are undertaking a number of activities in relation to the coast and marine program, including:

• forming partnerships with south coast oyster farmers to improve the long-term sustainability of the industry and to protect and improve the health of estuaries. Some of the works achieved

16 State of the catchments 2010

through this partnership are the development of environmental management systems and the cleanup of oyster leases. Over 100 tonnes of derelict infrastructure has been cleaned from the Clyde River alone • developing EMPs and implementing management actions from these, including rehabilitating and revegetating shoreline and catchment vegetation and protecting endangered ecological communities through a range of incentive processes • constructing works to reduce sediment and nutrient loads and improve drainage from unsealed roads draining into estuaries • supporting and engaging coastal community groups for on-ground works • completing an estuary benchmarking and assessment study • implementing a caulerpa mapping and control project • managing projects along the coast to control invasive weed species in coastal and estuarine habitats.

Local level Local government plays a key role in protecting the health of estuarine ecosystems though a number of mechanisms, including land-use and strategic planning, development controls and policies covering erosion and sediment control and water-sensitive urban design, provision and upgrading of reticulated sewerage systems, management of septic systems, and preparation and implementation of stormwater management plans and EMPs.

17 Estuaries – Southern Rivers region

Further reading

ANZECC & ARMCANZ 2000, Australian and New Zealand guidelines for fresh and marine water quality, National Water Quality Management Strategy Paper No 4, Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council & Agriculture and Resource Management Council of and New Zealand, Canberra, [ fresh_and_marine_water_quality].

Bricker SB, Clement CG, Pirhalla DE, Orlando SP & Farrow DRG 1999, National Estuarine Eutrophication Assessment: Effects of Nutrient Enrichment in the Nation’s Estuaries, NOAA, National Ocean Service, Special Projects Office and the National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, Silver Spring, MD: 71pp.

Harrison TD & Whitfield AK 2004, ‘A multi-metric fish index to assess the environmental condition of estuaries’, Journal of Fish Biology 65, 683-710.

Queensland Government Environmental Protection Agency 2006, Queensland Water Quality Guidelines 2006.

Scheltinga DM, Counihan R, Moss A, Cox M & Bennett J 2004, Users’ Guide to Estuarine, Coastal and Marine Indicators for Regional NRM Monitoring, CRC for Coastal Zone, Estuary and Waterway Management.

US EPA 2001, Nutrient Criteria Technical Guidance Manual: Estuarine and Coastal Marine Waters, Office of Water, US Environmental Protection Agency, Washington DC, EPA-822-B-01-003.

US EPA 2002, Methods for evaluating wetland condition: Developing Metrics and Indexes of Biological integrity, Office of Water, US Environmental Protection Agency, Washington DC, EPA-822-R-02-016.

Williams RJ, West G, Morrison D & Creese RG 2006, Estuarine Resources of New South Wales, prepared for the Comprehensive Coastal Assessment (Department of Planning) by the NSW Department of Primary Industries, Port Stephens.

Published by: Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water NSW, 59–61 Goulburn Street. PO Box A290, Sydney South 1232. Ph: (02) 9995 5000 (switchboard). Ph: 131 555 (environment information and publications requests). Ph: 1300 361 967 (national parks, climate change and energy efficiency information and publications requests). Fax: (02) 9995 5999. TTY: (02) 9211 4723. Email: [email protected] Website: DECCW 2010/603 ISBN 978 1 74232 865 2 November 2010 Cover photo: courtesy KWRP CMA – ‘mangroves’