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CANBERRA BUSHWALKING CLUB INC NEWSLETTER GPO Box 160, CanberraACT 2601 VOLUME 30 NOVEMBER 1994 NUMBER 11 NOWHERE,% HOPJTFJLY HEEJ1NQ Dickson Ubrary Community Room Wednesday 16 November, 8.00 pm onwards A representative from Mont Equipment will speak on stsil F4s io 4ut vas Ut £4e4 s (4c ec4seto~,s.r44 Make the most of the evening andjoh other members at 6.00pm for a convivial (BYO) meal at the Vietnamese Restaurant at O'Connor Shops (the one on the cornet). Thj to be early to ensixe there sill be ample time to tinh and still get to the meeting in comfortable time. FRESIDENT'S FRAflLE However, we all returned safely, again some of the beginners amazed that we had returned at all! In the last IT all members would have received letters with regards to their ability to lead walks. So think about leading walks. You always get lots Thank you Man Vidler for all the work and your of help with the planning (and even co-leading) enthusiasm in sending out these letters. and it can be fun as well as rewarding. Leading walks is a great way of seeing the areas The walks planning evening was a great success. that you want to see and you stifi have the benefit Look for the new leaders in future issues of iT. of sharing and getting to know more of the For those who couldn't make it, we hope to see members. Plus, most people think that you know you at the next wallcs planning evening. exactly where you're going! Only you know the hidden doubts and relief when you're successfully The committee has decided CBC is to join navigated and reached the destination. Greening Australia (cost $25) as part of our conservation effort. Next month I will detail I still remember the first walk I led, with the more of what I would like this dub to achieve in conservation. encouragement of Allan Mikkelsen - it was to Mt Gudgenby - and the surprise on people's faces when we returned, emerging from the The committee is now looking at bush within lOOm of the cars. new conservation projects. Our next project will be to help with repairs of I also recall leading a beginner skiers' Bolton's I-hill Hut. Further details trip in appalling conditions. I relied follow immediately after this Prattle. strongly on my co-leader up front to wait at each orange post while I trailed The Assistant Walks Secretary, behind with the first-timers. It was Michael Pedvin, would appreciate all not the best day to learn skiing, white- leaders informing him about the out, driving winds and bitter cold. conditions of the area they have visited when checking—in. For example the Eucumbene - Tumut tunnel. availability of water, track conditions, hazards, This tunnel, 22.2 km long and 6,9m diameter, is the weed infestations, native and feral animals, and so largest in the Snowy on. In this way we are able to help future leaders Mountains Scheme in terms and identify possible conservation projects. of rock excavated. Happy Walking! Unlike many huts built of Pk1wt4G4fl -g b,par.üthJ'CSàflT. a,tega o,°. Janet Edstein stout "bush" timber, Bolton's Hill is an entirely prefabricated structure of light timber framing and fibro sheet. Also unlike most huts, it is NOTICE OF MOTION located on the weather (NW) side of the ridge, where it has withstood the blizzards for about 40 years - a FOR NOVEMBER GENERAL MEETING testimony to good design in lightweight material. That Canberra Bushwalking Club authorize It seems there were three other buildings at the site - a spending of up to $150 on materials for cookhouse, radio hut and toilet. All are now ruins. maintenance work by CRC members on Bolton's Hill Hut, in cooperation with the The remaining hut is maintained, as are most in the KNP, by volunteer Caretaker Groups coordinated by Kosciusko Huts Association, during the the Kosciusko Huts Association. All maintenance March quarter of 1995. work is approved and supervised by the Kosciusko National Park Management. Bolton's Hill hut is Proposed by Rod Peters. Moved by maintained primarily for its historic value. Ashburner and seconded by Roger Edwards. The Cub was appointed caretaker of the hut in 1978 and Steve,n Gisz led work parties in 1979 and 1980, to STATEMENT BY ROD PETERS IN SUPPORT dean up the site and repair windows. OF NOTICE OF MOTION I was appointed by the Cub Committee to coordinate the next major maintenance effort, in 1988 and 1989, The Club has an obligation, as endorsed Caretaker which was directed to painting repairing windows and Group, to maintain the hut in sound condition. It restoring the bunks and stove. The Cub prepared the is now necessary to repaint the hut to prevent detailed Conservation Plan for the site, which the KNP deterioration. has now endorsed. About 15 dub members participated in the work parties and had an enjoyable Most huts in the Kosciusko National Park are time. maintained solely by volunteers. The Clubs participation as a Caretaker Group gives those Following this work the main hut has been restored to members who occasionally visit the huts the a condition where the only ongoing maintenance likely opportunity to make a contribution to this effort. to be required is regular repainting. The fittings in the hut have also been restored to what is believed to have been present during the SMA era. Under KNP Bolton's Hill Hut - a potted history guidelines, restoration of the other buildings at the site is neither required nor consistent with the official Bolton's Hill hut is situated in the Kosdusko National Conservation Plan for the site. Park, to the north of Happy Jack's plain. The hut is a little below the crest of Bolton's (Temperance) Ridge. It The hut is now in need of repainting. I propose putting is a long (over 20km) but easy and pleasant walk or ski a weekend trip on the program, for a work party from Mt Selwyn ski resort, mostly along fire trails during February. Further details will be provided in a which have partly revegetated. later It. Suffice to say that members of work parties will not be expected to walk 20 km to the site - that All that is formally known of the history of the hut is would not leave much time in a weekend for work - that it was built, in the early 1950s, by the Snowy nor carry paint and tools. Vehicular access has Tt c nn+ Mountains Authority to aid "survey work" n permitted to the end of the Tolbar clear whether this was topographic road, near Happy Jack's hut. That survey only or also included "diamond leaves a walk of not more than 10 kin drilling". 1 would be pleased to hear from along an easy fire frail to Bolton's I-Jill any Cub member interested in hut. It is usually possible to have researching and documenting the history paint, ladders etc taken by vehide to a of the hut from SMA files. location near the hut. Rod Peters The hut is dose to the line of the CEO It November1994 page 2 EDITOR'S EFFUSION I MEMBERSHIP MAflERS This is your Club magazine, and whether you're New members: Michael Schild, Kaleen; Michael satisfied with it or not will depend at least in part Preskett, Higgins; Megan Shirlow, Turner; Judy on what you put into it. As technology has Kraatz, Yarralumla. improved, it's been possible to make our modest monthly publication a little prettier in Prospective new members: Sally Walls and C. presentation. But the content is not just the Smith, Chisholm; Gloria Maher, North Lyneham; Editor's: it's yours. Paul and Bob Bell, Captain's Flat; Leona Seib, Banks. I see no reason why we couldn't make It a regular 16 pages. We'd all be interested to read more Similarly, if you plan a trip from a map and on regular Trip Reports as well as Trip Previews. actually doing the walk, find that the map is And I'il be more than happy to publish stories or inaccurate or hopelessly wrong - as I did when information that are of general interest to looking for the western end of the Snubba members - whether you send them in as articles Walking Track, which isn't anywhere near where or as Letters to the Editor. it's shown in the Batlow 1:25 000 map - put it in your report. Or if you find that a particular route Format is good, or especially difficult because of Your Editor is a busy person (as no doubt you horrendous scunge or scree, put it in your report. consider yourself). I don't relish unnecessary Likewise, if you discover a really great place to keying in pages of text when you could fairly camp, either on the walk itself or perhaps to stop easily have given me not only a hard copy but on Friday night on the long drive to the start of your material on disk. Please submit your walk - put it in your report. contributions on disk if at all possible! Editorial changes In bringing It to print I will try I produce It in Word for Windows to keep to a minimum any 2 (for IBM-compatible), but I can changes to what you submit to handle material submitted in me, consistent with the text Word Perfect 4 or 5, Word for making sense and passing the DOS (Word 5), MultiMate, grammar police!• Changes of WordStar (up to 55), Windows substance will not be made Write, MS Works, Word for without reference back to the Macintosh or indeed in any text file.