LOCALITY MAP Compartment 720 Nullica State Forest No.545 SOUTHERN REGION: EDEN MANAGEMENT AREA BOGGY CREEK Scale: 1:100,000
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Bournda NR LOCALITY MAP Compartment 720 Nullica State Forest No.545 SOUTHERN REGION: EDEN MANAGEMENT AREA BOGGY CREEK Scale: 1:100,000 MERIMBULA LAKE Á Pambula ! Ben Boyd NP! Á Á Dobbyns Road PAMBULA RIVER P" YOWAKA RIVER G PAMBULA LAKE 720 Egan Peaks NR South East Forest NP PALESTINE CREEK CURALO LAGOON Eden ! Towns & Localities ! Sealed Road Major Rivers® Major Forest Road COCORA LAGOON State Forest National Parks SHADRACHS CREEK Planning Unit Formal Reserve Vacant CrownLand Informal Reserve NonForest Waterbodies Freehold NULLICA RIVER G Emergency Meeting Point Á Evacuation Route LEOS CREEK REEDY CREEK Haulage Route P" Helicopter Landing Site Á BOYDTOWN CREEK TOWAMBA RIVER Mount Imlay NP Prepared By: AndrewKemsley Harvest Plan Operational Map Compartment: 720 Version: 1 .................RE....G.I...O.NA.....L... M....ANA.........G.E...R.... A.PP.....R...O....V.AL................... State Forest: Nullica No: 545 APPROVED: DANIEL TUAN SOUTHERN REGION - Native Forests ³ DATE: 05/07/2012 Map Sheet: EDEN 8824-2S 45 46 47 A X 05 05 ^! ^ XX XX JA ^ CH # 720-3 Rd H B H 0# 3 HHS3 2 D 0# ú G B 0#0# H BB 1 720-6 Rd S2 BB 04 ú FH ^ 04 H L ^ J XX ^! KH ú E 4 0# S1 0# ^! JH B # úC1 B B É BB I J XX 03 745000E 46 47 BOUNDARIES NONHARVEST AREA FAUNA FEATURES ÉÉÉÉÉÉCompartment Boundary Special Management - FMZ 2 A PowerfulOwl ÉÉÉÉÉÉCoupe Boundary (100m either side) ^ Gang Gang Cockatoo Smoky Mouse Exclusion Area ^! Smoky Mouse ROADS Ridge & HeadwaterHabitat (80m) X Yellow-bellied Glider Major Forest # 32> Excluded Forest Varied Sittella Minor Forest Rocky Outcrop (0.1-0.5 ha, 20m) ^ Glossy Black-Cockatoo EPL Standard Existing (Major) X EPL Standard Existing (Minor) Cliff and buffer (20m) X Yellow-bellied Glider (Heard) EPL Licenced (New Construction) Slopes >30 (IHL4) ^ Eastern Pigmy Possum DRAINAGE FEATURE PROTECTION (EPL DUMPS & CROSSINGS FLORA FEATURES IHL 2 & TSL). NOTE: THE GREATER OF H Temporary Dry Weather 0# Westringia davidii THE WIDTHS (BOLD) MUST APPLY J Temporary Wet Weather 0# Leionema ralstonii Feature Filter Strip StreamExclusion ú NewCrossing 0# Genoplesium rhyoliticum (EPL) Zone (TSL) ú Existing Crossing Unmapped Nil DRAINAGE 10m 1st Order 10m NET HARVEST AREA Mapped LIC Drainage 15m FMZ 4 - MSW 2ndorder 20m 20m FMZ 3B - MSW 3rd order 25m 30m 4thorder 50m MAP FEATURES 25m B Rocky Terrain 0 125 250 500 750 1,000 Scale: 1:15,000 Meters Contour Interval 10m G:\PLANNING\HarvestPlans\Yambulla\Cpt-489\HP_ED_489_12\OpsMap_ED_720_12.mxd Harvest Plan Forest Type Map Compartment: 720 State Forest: Nullica No: 545 SOUTHERN REGION - Native Forests ³ Prepared By: Andrew Kemsley Map Sheet: EDEN 8824-2S 45 46 47 05 05 157 157 150 720-3 Rd 114 114 3 2 157 157 04 1 112 720-6 Rd 04 156 114 4 234 112 112 166 É 234 03 745000E 46 47 BOUNDARIES ÉÉÉÉÉÉCompartment Boundary FOREST TYPE - RN 17 ÉÉÉÉÉÉCoupe Boundary Type 112 Silvertop Ash Forest type Forest type no. Gross ha ROADS Type 114 Silvertop Ash - Stringybark Silvertop Ash 112 95.6 Major Forest Silvertop Ash - Stringybark 114 26.9 Type 150 Messmate Minor Forest Messmate 150 4.7 EPL Standard Existing (Major) Type 156 Brown Barrel / Messmate - Ash Brown Barrel / Messmate - Ash 156 13 EPL Standard Existing (Minor) Type 157 Yellow Stringybark - Gum EPL Licenced (New Construction) Yellow Stringybark - Gum 157 37 Type 166 River Peppermint River Peppermint 166 19.3 DRAINAGE Mapped LIC Drainage Type 234 Rock Rock 234 8 0 125 250 500 750 1,000 Scale: 1:15,000 Meters Contour Interval 10m G:\PLANNING\HarvestPlans\Nullica\Cpt-720\HP_ED_720_12\FTmap_ED_720_12.mxd Harvest Plan Habitat Map (Indicative) Compartment: 720 State Forest: Nullica No: 545 SOUTHERN REGION - Native Forests ³ Prepared By: Andrew Kemsley Map Sheet: EDEN 8824-2S 45 46 47 05 05 720-3 Rd 3 3 2 720-6 Rd 04 1 04 4 É 03 745000E 46 47 BOUNDARIES HABITAT CLASS ÉÉÉÉÉÉCompartment Boundary Unknown ÉÉÉÉÉÉCoupe Boundary High Moderate ROADS Major Forest Low Minor Forest EPL Standard Existing (Major) EPL Standard Existing (Minor) EPL Licenced (New Construction) DRAINAGE Mapped LIC Drainage 0 125 250 500 750 1,000 Scale:1:15,000 Meters Contour Interval 10m G:\PLANNING\HarvestPlans\Nullica\Cpt-720\HP_ED_720_12\HabMapIndic_ED_720_12.mxd SouthernRegion – Compartment720,Nullica StateForest,EdenManagementArea FORESTSNEWSOUTHWALES-SOUTHERNREGION HARVESTINGPLANNATIVEFOREST NullicaStateForest-Compartment720 Certification ThisplanhasbeenpreparedinaccordancewiththeIntegratedForestryOperationsApprovalissued under theForestryandNationalParkEstateAct1998.TheStandardHarvestPlanConditions forNative ForestOperationsinSouthern Region,Edenapplytothis operation. PreparedBy: Andrew EndorsedBy: Kate ApprovedBy: Daniel Harvest Kemsley HarvestPlanning Halton Regional Tuan Planner Team Leader Manager Signature Andrew Signature Kate Signature Daniel Kemsley Halton Tuan Date 5/7/2012 Date 5/7/2012 Date 5/7/2012 Note:ApprovalincludestheHarvestPlanOperationalMap (HPOM)withthecorresponding approvaldatedisplayedon the map,verifyingfinalapprovedversion. Othermapsincludedwith thisplanarelocality,forest typeandhabitatqualityclass (SFOand indicative). DescriptionofProposal Harvestingofnative forest (a)IntegratedHarvestingofNativeForest: Mixed-agestandsdominatedbyacommercially matureoverstoreywillbeharvestedtocreate regenerationopportunities throughintegratedharvestingofsawlogsandpulpwoodwith the retentionoftreesforfuturesawlogs,faunahabitat,seedtrees,visual maintenanceandsoil andwaterprotection. Thisoperationwillbelicensedunder theEPLwithnotificationsenttotheregulatoryauthorities asperclause23of IntegratedForestryOperationsApproval (IFOA). Attachment1: SiteSafetyPlanprescribessafetyrequirementsandMedicalEmergency EvacuationPlanfor thisharvestingoperation. Attachment2: Roadingplanprescribes roadingrequirementsfor thisharvestingoperation. Attachment3: BurningPlanprescribesburning requirementsfor thisharvestingoperation. Post-harvestburningshouldbeconfinedasfaraspracticabletotheNetHarvestArea.Site specificburningexclusionsassociatedwithFlora,Fauna,CulturalHeritage,Riparianandother exclusionzonesareexplainedwithintherelevantsectionsofthisHarvestPlanandindicated on theHPOM. Wherepracticable,snigtrackpatternsshouldbedesignedtodoubleasbareearthcontrol linestopreventfireenteringspecifiedburningexclusionzonesandothertenures,i.e.Smoky Mouse,SouthernBrownBandicoot&significantCulturalHeritagesites. Wherethisisnotpractical,theSFOistoassesstheneedforabareearthbreaktobe constructedclosetoharvestingexclusionboundariesandseekadviceandapprovalfromthe HarvestingTeamLeaderfortheadditionalearthworks.Specificareasidentifiedduringthe planningstagewhich requireamineralearthbreakareidentifiedintheburningplan. HP_ED_720_12 06-07-12 1 SouthernRegion – Compartment720,Nullica StateForest,EdenManagementArea Area IdentificationandYieldEstimates StateForest Compartment/s Coupe/s Region Management Certification Harvest Area Plan ID Nullica 720 2(part)Southern Eden AS4708:2007 3934 ISO14001 Cpt Event ID 14988 GrossArea (ha) 204.6 NetHarvestArea(ha) 47.0 EstimatedYieldPulp(t) 4100t EstimatedYieldSawlog(m3) 500 m3 HP_ED_720_12 06-07-12 2 SouthernRegion – Compartment720,Nullica StateForest,EdenManagementArea ForestsNSW – SouthernRegion HarvestingPlanHP_ED_720_12 Compartment720 Attachment1–SiteSafetyPlan SAFETYCONSIDERATIONS EmergencyPlan Information (a) MobilePhonereceptiononworksite: Good Ö Poor Nil Nearest reliable reception:HigherpointsonDobbynsRoad&PyrophylliteRoad. (b) ForestsNSWRadiofromworksite: ContractorRadioatworksite: ChannelNo: 58 UHFChannelNo: Call to: EdenBase ContractorRadioNo: Callsignfrom: Yourname Call toBushBoss: (c) Emergencymeetingpoint forambulance: JunctionofDobbynsRoad&PyrophylliteRoad. 1:100000mapsheet: Bega8824 MGAzone: 55 MGA Gridreference: E746319 N5904487. Lat/LongforGPS: 36° 58'24"S 149° 46'1"E. (d) ClosestHelicopterLandingPlace: GravelpitonDobbynsRoad,located2.1kmwestof the junctionofDobbynsRoad& PyrophylliteRoad. 1:100000mapsheet: Bega8824 MGAzone: 55 MGA Gridreference: E744924 N5905595. Lat/LongforGPS: 36° 57'49"S 149° 45'4"E. (e) ProcedureforobtainingAmbulanceassistance: Dial"000"ORCall1300880548BatemansBayForestryOfficeforAmbulance assistance. Dial “112” onlyasanalternativeto “000” ifyouhaveaGSMdigitalmobilephoneandyou areoutsideyourownprovider’s GSMnetworkcoveragearea. HP_ED_720_12 06-07-12 3 SouthernRegion – Compartment720,Nullica StateForest,EdenManagementArea "000" OperatorQuestion. Response 1.Police,Fire,Ambulance? AmbulanceWollongong. 2.Suburb (StateForestname): Nullica (Nearesttownornamed locality): Whipstick (NearestAmbulancestation): Pambula 3.Address: (NearestnamedState forest road): PyrophylliteRoad. 4.NearestRoadJunction: PyrophylliteRoadandDobbynsRoad. 5LocalGovernmentArea: BegaValleyShireCouncil 6.Natureoftheproblem: Givedetailsofaccident,numberandconditionof casualties. 7.Whereis theaccident: Worksitelocation – (CentreofCompartments). MGA Gridreference: Zone55 E746107 N5904018. Lat/longforGPS: 36° 58'40"S149° 45'53"E. 8.DirectionstonavigatefromAmbulanceStationtomeetingpoint: DirectionsfromPambula: · HeadSouthon thePrincesHighwayforapprox.2.2km toMountDarragh Road junction. · TurnrightontoMountDarraghRoadforapprox.19.5km toBenBoydRoad junction. · TurnleftontoBenBoydRoadforapprox.3.4kmtoDobbynsRoad junction. · TurnleftontoDobbynsRoadforapprox.5.7km toPyrophylliteRoad junction. 9.Injuries?: Givedetailedinformationabouttheconditionofthe casualty. 10.CallbackNo.: GiveyourMobileNumber. orBatemansBayOffice:1300880548. 11.NameofReporter: Giveownname. SiteSpecificIdentified Hazards Assessmentofexistinghazardswasundertakenatthetimeofplanning.Thesehazardsarein theattached tableandwhereappropriate,controlstrategieshavebeenapplied.Whereno