FIRST EfE'l'BR MoDEL BuiLDING SociETY. Secretary, Archibald Lucas, Guildhall Cham hers, High Street. EXE1'ER AND DISTRICT PERFECT THRIFT BUILDING SOCIEH. Ea~tgate Coffee Tavern. Secretary, G. Gullidge. THE FIRST ExETER RrcHMO!'{D BuiLDI'G SociETY. Ea~tgate Coffee Tavern. Secretary, Benjamin Benoy. ROYAL SoCIETY FOR THE PR!!VENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS. EXETER, NoaTH AND EA.sT BRANCH.-President, C. R. Collins, .J.P. Yice.Presidents, the Right Hon. the Earl of and Admiral White, c.B, Hon. Sec., J. E. Harvey, Th

NEWSPAPERS. [From Mitchell's Newspaper Press Directory.] Devon and Exeter Daily Gazette. Tuesdays and Fridays, ld. ; Mondays, Wednes lays, ThursdayB and Saturdays, ~d. Conservative. Established 1772. Circulates extensively throughout the whole of Devonshire, the principal towns and adjact'nt distrtcts in Cornwall, Somerset, and Dorset, and is widely disseminated in London and throughout the kingdom. It haB received, during the hundred and twenty-three years of its publication, the steady and almost unanimous support of the gentry, clergy, and the moneyed, agricultural, and trading classel! of the community. The Gazette is the great advertizing medium of Devonshire. It gives full and accurate reports of all important news, together with parliamentary sketch, London letter. Printed and published by George Frederick Gratwicke for the Proprietors, at 229, High-street, Exeter. London Office, 130, Fleet-street. Devon Evening Express. Daily, ?id. Liberal. Established 1866. Circulates extensively in Exeter, and all the principal towns in the counties of Devon and Somerset, and is the largest evening paper published in the West of England. Contains ample reports of all the new& of the day, with telegrams of late news, market intelligence, sporting, &c. Proprietors, Devon Weekly Times and Evening Express Co. . Daily Western Times. Tuesday and Friday, Id.; other days, ~d. Liberal. Established 1828. Daily, 1866. The official organ for the announcements of the Devon County Council. Circulates through Devon, West Somerset and Dorset, East Cornwall, and the West-Country Houses in London, &c. It is distinguished for its district and local news and attention to agriculture. The agriculturai, moneyed, and mercantile classes, the gentry and clergy largely support this paper. The independence and force of its original articles are well known throughout the West Country. It is the daily organ of the Liberal party of Devon. Proprietors, Latimer and Glanville. Devon Weekly Times, ld. Friday. Liberal. Established October, 1861 (With whieh is incorporated the Exeter Journal, established 1856). Circulates largely in Exeter and every town and village in the county of Devon, and in parts of Dorset, Somerset, and Cornwall. Is one of the county organs of the Independent-Liberal party; is moderate in tone, and fearless in the exposure of abuses. Advocates religious liberty, and religious meetings of all denominations are well reported. Its local news, market, and other reports ara complete and accurate. Agriculture is a leading feature in its columns, and literature is carefully attended to. Proprietors, Devon Weekly Times Co. The Evening Post, published daily, one half-penny. Conservative. Circulates throughout the whole of the South Western counties. W. H. Jones, Editor and Manager. Trewman's Exeter Flying Post. Saturday, ~d. Conservative. Established 1763. Crrculates in every town and village in Devonshire. also generally in Corn­ wall, Somerset, Gloucester, Wilts, and Dorset. Advocates especially the agricul­ tural and commercial interests; is a political and literary journaL It is the oldest paper in Devon and Cornwall, and is carefully edited. Its news columns contain an excellently arranged and carefully condensed resume of the week's intelligence. W. H. Jones, Editor and Manager.