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[ALL BI THE TEESDALE MERCURY—WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7, 1886. TORPEDO BOATS. BRITISH iOiJA(J(JO. THE IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT. AN IRISH BREACH OF PROMISE t UiNlVERSin The Admiralty have issued an important fleet OU CASE. Although we cannot affect to be very hopeful of the circular with reference to the training of leading RACE. A At BeKast Assizes, Judge Harris-n and i special success of Lord Harris's forthcoming experiments in BOUSE OF LORDS.—THTTBSDAT. stokers and stokers in the use of arms, and in the The weather on Saturday was better t ACTHOE jury have been engaged in the hearing of a breach of tobacoe cultivation, it is just as well that they should THB ATTITUDB OF RUSSIA. management of the machinery and boilers of torpedo tators of the great inter-Universty tJ* I pr mise action, brought by Miss Lizzie A. Cumming be made. An idea kss come into existence that the Lord Rosebery informed Lord Cranbrook that orders boats. Hitherto the stokers have been classed among bably, than the crews. It .was brignt against Mr. William M'Mechin, a magistrate, and pro British soil and climate are suited for this industry,' were to be given at once, if not already given, for the the ratings " that do not necessarily require previou* though not too much so ; but the LSI prietor of the Cogry Mills. The plaintiff is the sis*er while in some parts of Ireland it is a grievance aga;n>t return of the Russian Squadron to Suda Bay,and that servitude in the navy, or only to a limited extent,"* doubtedly blowing hard, without ^4 of ihe manager of defendant's mills, and claimed English rale that the cultivation of the plant is for nishing in strength. The banks of n? <1 her Majesty's Government had received from the and were relieved from gunnery drill. The following CHAPTER IV.] £2000 damages. The case for the plaintiff was that bidden by the brutal Saxon. Of course, th< re is no crowded. Though the start did not uv Russian Government the most cordial promises of co regulations are consequently new: AH chief stokers, ss A,BOP.A MUNTEd the defendant proposed to her when she was already question either that tobacco can be grown in the operation. leading stokers, stokers, and second-class stokers are 1.30, by eleven o'clock pedestrians in m *' ATVI to his cy«J engaged to a schoolmaster named Orr, and at his British Isles, or that the leaves are capable of being ELECTRIC LIGHTING. to receive instruction in rifle, cutlass, and pistol drills were making their way along the towij but <*»e belored f«J desire she broke off that engagement. The defendant worked up into a to'erable—barely tolerable, however various points of vantage on the line of The*"" shining on hid Lord Houghton moved the second reading of the from the gunnery staff of the ships in which they, J used to come under her window at night, aud roll —smoking material. All that was proved long ago. A» "Vhe deuce and all to] Electric Lighting Act (1882) Amendment Bill, the serve before being drafted to sea; and a second-class Despite the fact of Oxford winnino himself in a rug and blanket, both in summer and What we presume to doubt is the commercial success "'^liloaoUed Bruce CaJ object of which was to extend the term for which stoker entered after the date of the circular will be bridge were made favourites atthesUrt ' winter. On one occasion he was attacked by the of the venture—and that is doubting everything. For provisional orders were granted from 21 to 30 years, required to have a fair knowledge of these drills since the crews went into trainim, ' m bulldog which belonged to the house. Previously imported tobacco, immeasurably superior to any we ,^sfP'ShisraiUingofh^? ?riw fne a with power to increase the term to 42 years with the before he can be rated stoker. Continuous service fluctuated immensely, first one and nj^ te the p'aiatiff accused the defendant of abstracting could hope to raise, is now sold retail for 4s. 8d. a TsP' °u A been a heart-ache L concurrence of the local authorities. The noble lord chief stokers, leading s okers, and stokers will be pound. This includes duty, however, and if being preferred for the race. The Oxotf S intimated his willingness to introduce in committee a the letters which she had received from Mr. to Bourne End, were a remarkably s?^ rSiere ^Jftoewof the unJ trained in the working of machinery and manage that be knocked off, the cost price will be Is. 2d per r Clause reserving to the Board of Trade power to pro Orr during their courtship, and thereupon he during the second week of their sojoajj J P*? jaioes Bickerstaff aal ment of boilers of torpedo boats, and passed as pound for well-flavoured though coarse tobacco. Now, S r 1 **» ' i •iSren should marry so* long the term beyond 42 years if the circumstances told her his love and desired her to give mersley's seat they fell off considerabi"' qualified on giving proof of satisfactory pro Lord Harris estimates the cost of growing an inferior rCh up Orr. She consented, and he put his arms 1 &' jSnVhenthey had] of the case rendered extension desirable. After a ficiency. Any stoker who is qualilied in torpedo article in England at 64d. a pound. If, then, 2d. each matter of fact, never recovered their tjl around her, and called her by the pet name of present f ^%un to think thai short conversation, in the course of which Lord boat work and can pass the examination for trained : thing that did not enhance their chanogrf " Caudle." Mr. Orr's letters were burned in the de be added for respectively, the grower's, m a n ufact u rer s, of all others be"? Camperdown suggested that the details of the measure man in cutlass, rifle, and pistol exercises is to be rated having to row in an old boat in the acta oW U fendant's pre-ence in the drawing-room. The plaintiff merchant's, and retailer's profits, we arrive at about Xhe« * ?f « Not that thfl could only be satisfactorily settled by a Select Com trained man and to receive the Id. a day extra pay. rather strong wind made th- water klJ - wlf subsequently visited the Isle of Man with her mother the same figure as is now paid for the superior article. » ^Uikenie,whneLooi mittee, the second reading was agreed to, and sub Any qualified stoker who is employed on torpedo boat places a little rough, and the choice of J?' r and sister, and the defendant took herabout, returning But it would not pay the gr jwer of such a highly de 1 But now it seem* sequently, at the close of some further discussion, the duty is to receive the regular extra pay of tne rating rather more than ordinary ad vantage Ejoquis-dm°° . with her to Ireland. Last year the plaintiff went to speculative and risky crop to work on such a narr m he WM faip bill, with the others which had gone through that under the Queen's Regulations, 1879, when living on south-westerly direction of the windaoVa.' Manchester, and received a letter from her sister which margin as 2d. a pound. He would probably require U,e stage, was referred to a Select Committee. board by order and actually cruising away from his tion at Hammersmith-bridge, it meant«. H l* rfrom Floras bright eyd told her that it was rumoured that defendant was double the sum, and in that case the home article t!0 n ship either with a fleet at sea or in carrying out to the crew on the Surrey side. 6 °th*vetowoo ln™ '~«i HOUSE OF COMMONS. going to marry some one else. On returning to Ire would be undersold by the foreign. No fair analogy j W " f daughter and a spinj lengthened experiments. When employed running can be drawn with France and Belgium, because the ' AFFAIRS IN THB BAST. land the defendant met her at the Belfast Railway THE RACE, lsr the boats for educational or experimental purposes fiscal systems of those countries differ from ours, and id• Insaw a little hope fd Mr. Bryce stated, in answer to Mr. Bourfce and Mr. Station, and he advanced with outstretched hand, At 1.15 it became known that Oxford h= beJ for not less than six hours continuously a day, but tne was seriously ol Ashmead-Bartlett, that he could not give any infor which, however, she ignored in consequence of what afford a certain degree of Protection to native-grown toss, and at 1.30 precisely the Cambrid ?:'j under the conditions of harbour service, he is to B • Atherstone w ^ ^ mation with respect to the future position of the she had heard. She never spoke to him afterwards, tobacco. In olden times the enormous cost of freight i their station on the Middlesex side ,,e receive 4d. a day. In the event of its being found E rtiSrBtrtenfff. and] ' Prince of Bulgaria. Negotiations on the subject were and he was married on June 8. Counsel for the from America and the East heavi y handicapped minutes later the Dark Blues, who got necessary to employ on torpedo boat duty stokers who ^"'n'vo^g Insufficient proceeding, but they had not arrived at a point when defendant denied the promise to marry, and argued tobacco imported thence into Europe, but this is no the wind, swung round to their boat on have not qualilied, the same extra pay or allowance • t vou spoke out," he sail it would be desirable to make a statement.