The birth mother and the evolution of adoption policy and practice in England since 1926 by Dr Jatinder Sandhu A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of Nottingham Trent University for the Degree of PhD This research programme was carried out in collaboration with Family Care Adoption Agency, Nottingham. October 2012 Queries regarding this work should be directed to:
[email protected] Abstract This PhD is an empirical investigation of how the evolution of adoption agency policy and practice in the twentieth century has impacted upon birth mothers’ motives for relinquishment, and their experiences of adoption. It examines how birth mothers have reached decisions about the adoption of their children, their role in the adoption process and how these answers have varied historically. Further, it attempts to understand the relationship between birth mothers’ experiences and wider moral, social and policy environments and how adoption agencies have mediated that relationship. Attitudes towards initiating and maintaining contact are also examined. Understanding changes in birth mothers’ options, motives and experiences of adoption have important implications for the adoption support services offered by adoption agencies. This thesis used a mixed methods approach, combining documentary analysis, with interviews and focus groups. This PhD draws upon archival materials collated from adoption case files, adoption panel meeting minutes (APMM), annual reports and other official documentation. It also utilizes evidence collated interviews carried out with six former Family Care personnel and professionals from six other adoption agencies, along with two focus groups carried out with the seven members of Family Care’s current adoption team.