Louisiana Archives and Manuscripts Association Louisiana Archives and Manuscripts Association Newsletter Spring/Summer 2002 LAMA News Annual Meeting ference in Flagstaff. His as an archivist, and why The 2001 annual meeting report is included in this you need outside fund- was held November 9 at the newsletter. ing, to: Susan Tucker, Louisiana State Archives. LAMA Scholarship State Archivist Dr. Florent 2002 Scholarship Committee Chair, New- Hardy, Jr., gave the opening The Louisiana Archives comb Center for Re- address, followed by a series and Manuscripts Asso- search on Women, Tu- of presentations on collect- ciation will offer a $250 lane University, New ing and preserving non-print scholarship, designed to Orleans, LA 70118; media. Speakers were Mary provide funding for con- email Hebert Price of the T. Harry tinuing education. The
[email protected]. Williams Center for Oral recipient must be a mem- History at Louisiana State ber of LAMA. Prefer- LAMA and the Louisi- University, Charles Cham- ence will be given to ana Library Association berlain of the Hogan Jazz candidates who have not In recent years the idea Archive at Tulane Univer- previously received the of LAMA becoming a Inside this issue: sity, and Bruce Turner of the award, and who have section of the Louisiana Archives and Special Col- limited access to institu- Library Association has lections Department at the tional funding for work- been discussed, but Lama Scholarship 2 University of Louisiana at shops, conferences and never generated much Lafayette. Officers elected other archival educa- support. That idea has at the meeting were Susan tional programs. This been abandoned, but the Louisiana State 3 Tucker, vice-president/ award is intended to rec- LAMA Board has agreed Archives president-elect, and Irene ognize commitment to it would be a good idea Society of South- 5 Wainwright, secretary.