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°':::J ::c:::- · ;---... 3: Cl ::J Cl ::J .... <=>_.. c:-:> :::=r c:::1 ~ :::c:: ~ - · - ~- ~ C>I'° Page 2 THE BAPTIST HERALD fFrl)) WHAT'.r HAPPE-Ml MG The Baptist ~erald ·-· . • • • • Published semi-monthly ~~ ~· • ·t~ .. on the first a nd fifteenth of each month . - -..... by the ~ !!;".,!.. ·----·~· - .. e Miss Eva Yung of New by the Baptist Church of Shattuck, · ~· · Pl fDITOlllAL ROGER WI LLIAMS PRESS -:~1,·· . '. . York, N. Y., a member of Okla. l\fr. Heer will begin his pastor­ ·-; ; , · - · _·. , 3734 Payne Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. '' '-5'. • '/; . . . the Pilgrim Baptist Church a te in t he Shattuck Church a bout Martin L. Leuschner. Editor of Philadelphia, Pa., has been May 1st and will succeed t he Rev. appointed assistant to the sec­ F. W. Socolofsky, whose homegoing on July 17, 1942, was reported in the Sep­ • +;r·/;: ·:·', > retary of the League of Inter­ t Contents tember 1st issue of "The Baptist Her­ preters with the Women's • Co v e r Desig n ...... G e rh a rd Roth . ".a,, ...... ·. ald." l~ .·-: ~.... -...... : Cleveland, Ohio, March 15, 1943 American Baptist Foreign 'Vhat's H app e nin g· ...... Q ' • • :·_.. :~~ ' .. ~: - ~:. •1j::. \. :,~~i : Mission Society. She resigned e The Stafford Baptist Church of Edito r i a l- . ~ • --•~· • i. .'.c.·,_,:· .• l'·. ·"lI ..,.Z•· illi't~, V olume 21 Number 6 as directress of the Salvation Sherwood, Ore., has called th e Rev. Le­ "Too B u s y !" ...... v " T o the L ea s t or O n e of These" Army Girls' H ome in New land Friesen of Hood River , Ore., a by Dr. 'Vlllia m Kuhn ...... ·I York City, where she ren­ son of the former pastor and his wife, "Th e C hurc h T r iumpha nt" dered an appreciated service the Rev. B. J . Friesen. The call has by S e ve r a l Youn g P e ople for several years. Miss Yung been accepted and the Rev. Leland "Se paration i n t he Sig h t o f G od" Too Busy! began her new work on Feb­ by M r . L o ui s A . Dre ye1· ...... 8 HE BUSIEST PEOPLE are always happy and willing to Friesen will begin his pastorate in the "l\Il nnes ota 's A ggr ess i ve Youn g ruary 22. Stafford Church on April 1st. The P eo ple's U nion" ...... 9 r espond to some important call for service or to s?me in­ e With the adoption of the church is still engaged in its building " E clipse" b y P a ul Hutc h e ns project on which considerable progr ess Chapte r Three ...... I 0 dispensable duty. Have you ever thought about this para­ Club Plan for our Publication C h ild r e n's P age T dox of lif e ? It is possible so to order and to a rrange our lives Ill Society, the Cal vary Baptist has been made. The Rev. and Mrs. 1,;dited by l\Ir s. Ber t h a John son 1 3 Church of Stafford, Kans., has sent B. J. Friesen are now serving as super­ " Yo u , the A r m y a nd R e li g io n " that something more can always be added to the burdens of b y Sgt. R obe rt W. Achtc 1· be r g . . H the order for the gra nd total of 72 intendent and matron of the Portland the day if it looms up significantly enough in life's picture. THE DISPLAY OF FLAGS Home for the Aged. "Kno w You r N e ig hbors " _ " Baptist Herald" subscriptions. This by Lucy ::\[. J::ldred ge ...... l o It therefor e follows that the familiar and frequently list includes 8 subscriptions for the IN THE CHURCH • Recently the Young P eople's Society Repo rts from t h e F ield ...... 1 6 Service Men of the church. The Misses of the Forest Park Baptist Church of " T r a ined Officers for Gou's Arm y" . . 20 spoken words, "Too busy!'', are usually a smokescr een to hide Anna and Alice Hildebra ndt have been Special rules applying to the use Forest Park, Ill., held its annual elec­ " J)o You K nO\\' That .. . '?" ...... · .. 20 a deeper motive or purpose. They are excuses th at camou­ in charge of the subscription campaign of the Christian flag in connection tion of officers. The results were as fol­ with the flag are as • flage some inferio1ity complex or some other desire or some.­ for "T he Baptist Herald" and "Send­ lows : Harriet Grieger president· Ern­ Coming! bote." The Rev. F. E. Klein is pastor follows : When staffs are crossed est Volkman, vice-president· 'Edith t11 ing more important. F or we are never too busy to do the I.\' ·rui,; C H OSS OF CllllIS'l' I GLOll\' of t he church. for display aga inst a wall , the Vogt, secretary; Dorothy Ne l s~n, treas­ thing we really want to do ! United States flag should be on M iss ;\l y rtle Ife in. t h e missionar y of urer. The former president, Mr. Ger­ the C!'n t ral Bapt is t C h u r ch o f Edm on­ This t akes us to the heart of Jes us' parable about the e The Rev. Edgar W . Klatt, pastor the observer's left, with its staff hardt Koch, the youngest son of the to n , Al be r ta , and .a m e~11 1Je 1'. o f th e fo.c u l ­ of the Grace Baptist Church of Grand in front of the staff of the Chris­ t y of the C h 1· is t rnn 'l r a rn.rng I n s t itute , ~e v. and. Mrs. Henry Koch, has been will p rovide n m e d ita ti on 101· t h e L e nte_n slighted invitation. The tragedy in the lives of those who F orks, No. Dak., was r ecently elected tian fl ag. mducted mto the U. s. Army. On Sat­ s eason a nd the obs e r va n ce of G ood Fri­ responded to the supper invitation with the words, "I'm too secr etary of the Greater Grand Forks (In t h e nlJo,·c 1>lclure 1he ohscr\'­ urday ev~ ning, March 13, the B. Y. P. day in a brie f article tha.t \\' Ill b e n n ers nre on the other " ltle of the ins pir a tion t o e very r ca d c 1 · busy; plea!: e, excuse me!'', was not that they had bought a Ministerial Association with ministers Jlngs, but the stnfl' of the U. S. flog U. held its annual banquet at which ;ih ould be Jn front of the s lnO: of UEAUTIFYING 'l'Jl t,; CJll! llC ll farm or five yoke of oxen or entered the bonds of matrimony from all P rotestant chur ches of th e Hie Chrls tlnn 1lni;.) so un~ motion pictures of " the Life of GROUl\'OS city in its membership. The purpose of Paul were shown. An unus u a l a r ticle " ·I t h m a ny tim el y Lut that they were so preoccupied with these things that they When displayed in a church, if a nd p ractical s u ggestio n s f o r r ur ~ l a n d the association is "that of promoting inside the chancel or on the plctt­ • The mission committee of the South­ s m a ll u r ba n chur c h es will a p pear 111 t h e could not add the blessings of the great supper to their lives. · I ' g 1' n a Jl v b v t h e t he moral a nd spiritual welfare of the Uni t e d S t ate s flag western Conference met in Okeene, ne x t issue, p r e ~ar e c o r i J .T J R ic h f orm , ::\ Iessr s. M a rl< R ic h a nd Samue l · ,. Their excuses showed th eir woeful lack of interest in th e oc­ Grand F orks and to develop t he spi­ should be on the clergyman's right Okl. a.,. on Feb. 22 anti 23 . S ome of th e o f the Beth a ny Baptis t C h lll: ~.I' of 0 e­ rit ual fellowship among all pastors." as he faces the a udience, and the mmi s t~rs of the Oklahoma churches g o n for " The Bapt is t L ead e 1. casion of the supper itself, a symbol of the kingdom of God. Christian flag on his left. When met ":'1th t he ~omm i ttee and leader s of l'E A RE '\\'J'l':XESSES? The Rev. R. .E. Reschke, pastor of It was because of this that Jesus spoke these memorable e 0 1· the Zion Baptist Chui·ch of f The R e v. E: mll D. G r u c> n of D es outside the chancel on the floor . 01

Russia, this· Christian martyr must have been greatly comforted when he r emembered that some one in America had been willing to r elieve his distress A Poli;nnnt Picture by sending him those $200. That as­ of Dcwllclcrmcnt nncJ Sutre rlng tu surance must often have brought hope the Fnces ot The­ and cheer into his dark cell. We arc i'llothl'rH 'Vbo!le h appy to believe that our relief did as llcnrfH llRVC D.,_,n much for many other suffering breth­ Jlrokcu by the r en of Christ. 'l'rui;eclleH of 'Var to ' Vhont Dile Hoover Food Drafts " Fcllowshl1• Fun cl During the terrible famine in Rus­ for 'Vorlcl sia, we sent thousands of dollars in so­ E 1n ~rg~ n c l cN" for called Hoover Food Drafts. Thus, the $100,000 words spoken by Christ were lite1·ally " "Ill i'llnls t c r a t f ulfilled in us: "I was enhungered, the Close of th e Wnr. and ye gave me meat." Only for a short time were the gates -Acm e P h oto. of Russia opened for the emigration of our harrassed . Many seized the opportunity to fl ee from Russia's "torture chamber" and with our as­ sistance found a happier life somewhere on the prairies of Canada. The writer never fails to be invited to a Thanks­ To the Least of One of These g iving dinner by a family in Van­ The Announcement of the "Fellowship Fund for World Emergencies" couver which escaped from Russia j ust " Verily I sny unto you, Jnnsmuc h ns ye bn,·e

Y ou and Your Church! his counsel and advice. " T he church The Church N eeds You has to wor k with human mat erial a nd D y )IR S. F RED f{RANZLE R By JIE:RBE R 'l' " ' OLI 'l'ARSKl" so is a lwa ys likely to make m istakes. o f G r mul Forks, Nort h Dnko t n o( t h e Uu h ·erl'llty o f Xort h Dnkot n The important p oint is that wh en the The infl uence which you and I exer t H. H . McQuilkin has said that one church has gone astray in doctrine or through the church today is unmeasur­ of the needs for chur ch membership polity t he r eformation has always come a ble and varied . It may be good and a is that the church needs t he individual. from within itself and not from a n y credit to the Church and the Christ we "It does not need the m ember so much outside source. ' Love a nd say wha t you strive to serve, but, unfor tunately, on as t he member needs it ; nevertheless, please' has its application h ere a lso." the other ha nd, it may be very un­ it needs every last member. It needs Furthermore, it is a m istake t o spi­ favorable a nd bring disgrace to the his pr esence, his energy, his council, ritualize the N ew T estament refer­ very cause we a re sponsor ing. his support. The la rger the member­ ences t o the church until nothing is Her e is what I mean. A cer tain ship, other things being equal, the lef t but the intangible, invisible fellow­ business man on his way to prayer st ronger is the church. The stronger ship between believers." meeting saw a stranger looking wist­ t he church, the richer and wider are Thus, let t he economist see to t he fully into t he open window of a church. its ministries. I n fairness to himself development of a secure finan cial sys­ Moved by a sudden impulse, he invited and to other s every believer in Chr ist tem in t he church. Let t he playwright t he stranger to church with him. This should enlist in the Church and give it suggest and see to t he presentation of was the beginning of a happy Chris­ t he best of all he has." the fine, edifying type of plays and tian life for this man a nd his family. L ater on he said to his friend: "Do you know that I have lived in this city seven years, and you are the first per­ son to invite me to church ? I was her e only t hree days, when the dairyman, t he groceryman and the politicians .had hunted me up, but you a re the fi rst person in t hese seven years to be con­ cerned a bout my soul." H is was a n in­ 'rhe J effer s Dn1•tlHt C lrnrc lt o f lll h1n e11otn, of \Vhlc b the n e,·. J. J. J o h u Ht ou I H PnHt o r , Su rro 11u tl c 1l h~ · t h e C n r H fl uence for good. D e lo 11 ;..:-lug to I t s Fnlthful Church llle1111Je r11 On t he other ha nd take the case of l\Ir s. Goodwin. All w'eek long she gos­ sips a bout ever ybody, knows ever y­ body's business a nd deligh ts in telling the worst. But she sits in the front pew of t he church and sings her hymns The Church Triumphant as loudly as the r est. F ir st of all , our in fl uence is fel t most Br ief, Illumina ting D iscourses on the Christian Church and Its Minist ry keenly in the home, since t his seems by Young P eople of Our Churches to be one of t he r a re places wher e our temperaments and vices a re unmasked, W hy the Church? Chur ch loyalty means more than just. a nd our t r ue, unbiased, if you please, 'rhe nutuu!'t crl 11 ts o u "'r h c Cburcl1 going to church every S unday. Of our worst selves come to light, in fact, By EVELYN PALLASH 'rrlun11t1J nut'' \\"e re unMo llc ltetl nr­ tlc h ·M h ~· ) "Ou n;.:: p co1•I C o f t h e G rncc course, perfect attendance is import­ t he place where one's Christ ianity r e­ J n the S u tutue r Senson A " \Vell A s lu the " ' Inter 'l' h u e tfte Dn1•tlst Churcll o f Grau el For k11, North Dnko tn Dn1>tls t Ch ure h of Gruu cl F o r kM , No. a nt. One cann9t become truly interest­ ceives its hardest test. Our o f D e llwoo1l , Ill., Hu11 n F r le n < Pn1< >< lo u 011 thlH " nhJect· In th e B . Y . ed in the a ffairs of hi s church unless should expa nd beyond the four walls of many centuries ago. It is an organized I'. U., n n tl b y the R e v . J . H . K o rne l­ he is present regularly. One can also the church. It should r each into t he body of believers through which s c n o f the lle t bnuy t: hurch o f J( nu­ Why should t he church need our dialogues. F or the solemn task of see· H Us \\'h o ,,-;eut t h e n u 1n 11 Joo1c rl1•t o f d rift away from God if he doesn't wor­ home a nd r adiate happiness, love, re­ Christ's love is shown for th to the presence, as we have already pointed ing that t he govei·nment of the church .llur,;.:.':t r<•t "\V III. "\V e n rc \ "l•ry h n pJ JY ship with other Christians . spect and t rust. world and his truth proclaimed. to 1n1hlis b thcNe flu e o r t l e l ~l'C I n "'l'he out? Our presence a nd devoted a t ten­ copes, in r eality, with the stan dards set The members of the Church are Tin r>lli;t H c r n hl." EOl 'l'On . L oyalty to our church includes being As Chr istia ns and church members, tion are, first of all, a channel for t he forth by Christ, we have t he deacons fruit bearing branches, of which Christ loyal to prayer meeting, B. Y. P . U. our infl uence is f elt in our careers a nd ent ra nce of the Holy Spir it into t he and pastors. life a nd be inspired to live according choi r, a nd other church activities vocations. Our actions and dealings himself is the vine, as we read in John a~ church meeting. A humble, pa ssive at­ F inally, t he church needs our sup­ to the will of our heavenly F ather. well as the regular meetings. I t means should be as nearly perfect a s humanly 15 about t he parable of the vine and t itude on our par t is not to be shunned port. God has instituted a system of T hen, most important of all, we can supporting the Church, not only fi nan­ Possible. In our daily wor k we have the branches. The Church w as founded when and where the H oly Spirit wishes giving which consists in "tit hes an d learn tha t we can inherit an everlast­ cially, but with your various talents. an opportunity to glorify Christ, give by Christ himself and he guarantees to ma ke his presence felt. offerings" (Malachi 3 :8). W e shoul d its triumph.· Without the Church spi­ ing life. We cannot be loyal to our church honor to the Church a nd ma intain a In a great variety of ways t he Not only does the church need our not question t he importance of this ritual truth would perish from the a nd refuse to t ake part when asked. hig h standard t hrough our living. presence, but it also needs our energy. or a cle without considering t he context earth. The church is as necessary to ch urch offer s opportunities for every­ T here is work to be done to suppor t a As church-going a nd professing of t he reference just given. Our Ma s­ spread the gospel as a foundation a nd one in Christ ia n service through which church. One cannot expect to r eceive The fact is t hat the power of the one can make his life more useful to Chr istians, our social activities must church is confined lar gely to the ter, t oo, in t he Sermon on the Mount, walls are necessary to a building. ?Teat bl~ss i ~gs from it unless he helps be in keeping w ith our high ideals. If all people refuse to unite with the God and his fellow men. m r~n m ng 1t. There is honor in being amount of ener gy we give it. P robably gives a solemn discourse as to our 1-J'. ere we a re minutely diagnosed and our church choir could use us to a habit in giving (Matt. 6 :1-4) . church and to support its ministr ies pre ~ 1d e nt of some or ganization or d1 ~sected, m entally of course, by our greater extent than we h ave devoted t here will be no church. But , because Church Loyalty chairma n of some committee, but one As we continue to serve t he church, f n ends and companions. \Ve are con­ ourselves. Is a n ext r a hour or two for we have the church, we have a home Tiy :\I A R GARE'l ' ' V Jl,f , must also r emember t hat the church stantly being weighed in t he balance, so will t he church continue to be "the o f Ves1,ter , J; own t• rt'clon s b lootl. ence of the unseen God. By attending b oys rn ra1m ng are loyal t U 0 0 0 ~~ ~h ~~t ~r church by telling others th~ obst acles tha~ lie in our path. With this one valuable hour out of seven Chri stian instruction classes we can Sam because t hey love thei· . tncle e essmgs received from it. The this power, our influence in the h ome, clays. '"For h er my tcnr11 Nhnll fnll, share with others some of the real I · l coun ry record envelo t is the duty of all Christians to be other thin Pes and honor roll a re at school, at work and a t play will be For her uay 1~r n yer~ ascen d; problems that confront us in everyday Another call to t he believer's mem­ 'l'o her Illy cnres nn1l tolls h e g h ·eu, loyal te God through thei r Church. lo al L gs that make us want to l>e fruitful and last ing. bership in the church is the need for Y . et us do our part! '1' 111 toilM nn1l cures s holl end." Page 8 THE BAPTIST HERALD Man:ch 15, 1943 Page 9 Sepdr dtion in the Sight of God r By MR. LOUIS A. DREYER of Parkersburg, Iowa

a nd to f ulfill his oath. The oa th, re­ should, however, sever ourselves from i S E P ARATION is one tra it of life . on member , included the promise of Mes­ their systems, their continued fellow­ which we as Christia ns, should t hrnk siah and blessing to all families of t he ship, t heir evil intent, their worldly . a nd act ~ grea t deal in these trying ear th. God desired tha t his Chosen -- ways and t heir fl eshly lusts. In other days. The Holy Spirit has said t hrough People would br ing other peoples to words, we must separ a te ourselves Paul in 2. Cor . 3 :2-"Ye a re ou t· epis­ know him in t r uth and worship him from t he evil system, which is r uled tles, written in our hearts, known a nd only. by Satan. (Eph. 2 :2.) read of all men." From the history of Israel we know As Chr istians we should be in it but It seems t hat clay by day Satan is t hat t hey failed in this, even t hough not of it. Jesus himself mentioned t h is becoming more subtle and cunning in God continually separated unto him­ in his high priestly prayer. (John 17: regard to leading God's people astr ay. self chosen men to direct and warn 15, 16.) "I pray not that t hou shouldst Many people today will point to a them and to try to bring them aga in take them out of the world, but t h at Christian a nd say, " I live as good as to himself. Why did Israel fail? They thou shouldst keep them from t he evil. they live a nd do as much good as they did not separate themselves unto God. They are not of the worl d, even as I T h e S t a t e o f l\Ilnnesotn Is P r oucl of Her Ben u tlf ul C n1•ltol B u llcllng n t St . P n nl do ; so God cannot mete out to me any God instructed them utterly to destrpy a m not of the world." nncl ot Her Irlust-rlo u :i So n , Go, ·crn or H n rolcl E. S t nNHe n , u 1U c n1be r of the g reater punishment." This is a sad a ll inhabitants of t he promised land Rh·•·r, ·l ew nn 1> tl1' eth and a bidet h not in t he doctrine of that our efforts towar d the Centenar y Schools a re urged to help their con ­ their local t r easuries. Fund will suffer . T he following is a ference or state unions go over t he space ~ ill only permit a bir dseye view, " F or all have sinned and come short Chl"ist, hath not God. He that a bideth A friendly rivalry and competitive report for the HERALD on t he mis­ top successfully in r eaching their t he Old Testament to see wh a t we can of the glory of. Go?." (Also Rom. 12:2) in the doctrine of Chr ist he h a th both goal. \'\n tch for t he article about spirit u ndoubtedly played a part in sionary project last year a nd the start yo ur group! EDITOR. nearly doubling the pledge of last year. fi nd t her e. God called Abram to sep­ We a re born !n sm. T hus, man in his t he Father and the Son." (2. Joh n 9.) we have made this year . But everyone sincerely f elt he wanted a r ate himself from his own people and n a tural s ta ~e 1s separate from God a nd I r epeat, Israel failed becau se of com­ to become Abraham. Why? Genesis 12: con tra ry minded to God, for God can­ pr omise with heathen a nd t heir false The Minnesota U nion responded fa­ 2, 3 give us t he a nswer. "And I will vora bly to the missiona r y project of not condone nor compromise with s·1 doctrines. When we as Christia ns fel­ make of thee a great nation, and I H e is hol y. Thus, also, God tells us !1· last year, pledging $250, of which $150 1 lowship \vith f alse t eacher s or com­ will bless t hee, a nd make thy n ~me his Wor d in Acts 3:19- " Repent ~ promise with their teachings we a re were for brick huts for in-patients and gr eat ; and thou shalt be a bless t~ g . therefore, and be conver ted, t hat yo~r not separ a ted unto God. $100 went towards ma intena nce of t he And I will bless thee and curse him sins may ~e blotted out, when the times Many false doctrines may appear, Mbem mission sta tion in . Each tha t curseth thee: and in thee sh all a ll of r efreshing shall come from the p . _ on the sur face, to be true but are f als.e. of the two societies in all eight of our t he families of the ea r th be blessed." ence of the Lord." In other wor·ds res So you see the extreme danger even in churches, including the Sunday School t h . , we God called Abr am t hen to become mus c a nge ot~r minds about God and the reading of t hese. w e as Chr istians and young people's gr oup, set about Abraham t hat he migh t establish t urn toward him and not a way f. must remain in close contact a t all at once to plan ways and mea ns to through him a line for the Messiah , h~ m . Instead of being a ntag o n i s t i~o~~ times with God's Word a nd f ellowship fulfill t heir privilege a nd responsibil ­ Jesus Christ, t hat through Christ all h ~ m , we mu s~ surrender our will to with his people so that we will be sep­ ity in the ma tter. Letter s explaining men might be blessed . him and let him separate tts f . · the project in deta il were mailed to · 1om sm ara te. J ohn even goes on (v. 10, 11, 12) Then God called Moses that thr ough and draw us unto himself. each pastor to be r ead and explainer! us t ha t even to wish them well him he might call his Chosen P eople. ~o t~ ll before both groups under his j uris­ • An~~~j 0th.er g ~ t ~e s , God has called is .sin for we ar e asking God speed to " Come now, therefore, and I will send 1 diction. llS c I ren rn n st to be witnesses evil. Thus we must separate ourselves t hee unto Pharaoh, that thou mayest H aving a defi nite goal a nd a real br ing for th my people, t he children of (Acts ~ :8) '.lnd ste:"ards (1. Cor . 4 :l) unto God, his word and Chr ist's doctrine. m pur pose in mind, the member s r eacted Israel out of Egypt." (Ex. 3 : 1-0.) Why to glon fy himself u ~ a nd to spread the gospel of redemption through th Glorifying Chr ist in My Life with an enthusiasm never before ex­ did he separate t he children of Isr ael ? E \' e r~· C:en e rntlon of Young P e o1•le R e celve 1< C hrls t '11 Ca ll blood of J esus Chr ist, his only b ego t~ In closing, let us consider one other pressed towar d the raising of mission t o Ser v e Him Lev. 20 :26 "And ye shall be holy unto qu~s tion that comes to all of God's f unds. A t least two societies sponsored me: f or I t he Lord am holy, and have ~.e n Son. In. Proverbs we read (l4 :25) thrilled to the sig ht of one brick after to do his own sha re toward f urther­ A t rue witness delivereth souls." In children. "Wha t then can I do? With pla ys, proceeds from which wer e used severed you from ot her people that ye 1 to augment t he project monies. Sever al another being laid until the little h ut ing t he work among our African neigh ­ should be mine." (Lev. 20 :26.) "But order to be a trne and faithful witness whom can I fellowship? H ow shall co~.d uc t myself?" In a~ sw er i ng t his, individuals co n t r i bu t e d generous was displayed in its entirety. bors. because t he Lord loved you, and be­ ~e .m~~ i ; e~?v}hhe Wf ord as give n in 2'. In a nother church an African scene At the beg inning of the new season, oi. . - ere ore, come ye out 'fv ich we must all decide for ou rselves amounts which were ver y welcome. cause he would keep the oath which he done in crayon by a talented Sunday a fresh goal h as been set at $500 for fr?m among them, and be ye separate rom Gd0 ' s W ord, we have the sol utio· n A. clever a nd ver y successf ul plan had sworn unto your father s, hath t he I earn ed out by one Sunday School School teacher, depicted a village the CENTENARY OFFERING. Some sa ith t he Lord, and touch not th ' wwn ~th·m k of. our calling in Chn·s t Lord brought you out with a mighty 1 h" e un- J group was to build a hut of sugar a m ~ng t he hills wit h actual pictures definite plans have been formulated to c ean t mg , and I will receive yo ,, esus. · Do r t hin· k God ca n glor ify h1rn· - ha nd and redeemed you out of t he seI f m me 1"f r ·nful cubes, a dding a " brick" each time a cut otit and pasted onto t he back­ raise t his amount, and a modest sum house of bondmen, from the hand of P aul did not mean that we ~ho Id go on in my ol d st s~vter ourselves en tirely f r om t he ~o ­ ~ay a~d

the store. Clare Coleman had been pr o­ of his flash. Those initials, in script Strange wor ds, and p ass ion ate. prietress there ever since he could re­ style, wer e M. H. L. Even before he Words of fi re. They sear ed their wa y member, and she had always showed had stopped to pick it up, the n ame into his mind. It was no carefully the same disdain for city folks-not was r epeating itself on his lips Mildred pl a nned letter, only an impulsive out­ to their faces, because they were her Handel Lindema n. He r emembered tha t pouring of her heart. source of livelihood. Mountain-br ed Clem had locked the car , decided " Dear Terry : against taking the bag into the cabin people were the only people, was her What will you think of me for writ­ now, wiped off the rain, tucked it insid e creed. Clare hadn't liked Mildred. "No ing you like this? Oh, I don't know his slicker and strode up the p ath to­ backbone to these here city gir ls nowa­ why I feel so afraid, and why I wish, da ys." ·w ell, he knew a mountain-bred ward the office. oh, I wish I could r un away, that I man r ight now who felt very much the Mildred Handel Lindeman. T here had never let myself go so far ..." By PAUL ~UTC~~NS need for more backbone. More self was no music in the musical name, on­ control, rather , for he felt himself in ly a wild, ma niacal melody like the one His hand, holding the flashlight, was • the hands of a sinister power, against rampaging in his mind. Mildred Ha n­ trembling. He was afraid of wh at he which his o,wp will was helpless. The del Lindeman! might see farther down the page. man who alone of all men he loathed (Copyright by Ecrd1Pa• 1is P1lbl1"sl·•i ·1·•g C onipuny ) They wer e married! Suddenly he stopped reading, snap­ was delivered into hi s h ands ... ped off the light. He had suffered so If ma rried, why then had sh e run "Just follow the trail " he directed during the past weeks and months that a?ain. With Clem who had wedged away? Why, if married, IF mar ried, Clem as they passed the ~ ffi ce . " It's the should she come t o him? IF ... The he knew he could not bear a ny new himself in, between me and the girl of last cabin. I have the key with me." thing. What name would be signed at " Xot n "'hndo 1v my heart! In the old west of many \I destiny of nations had turned on that con rl11e, The letter in his pocket was like a two-lettered pivot. It was r idiculous the letter 's end? Mildred Handel Linde­ years ago, men who had been wronged thing of fire to him, as he helped Clem man ? Not n clo ud In avenged themselves with their own ~ to even hope that it were not so. In the the ,.ckleK, carr y in a heavy suitcase, showed him grim roundup of life, the loop of his Across the river, in the December hands .. . wher e to fi nd the t owels, and a n extra Dut h IM sinllc lar iat had settled snugly around one cabin, standing now perhaps under the blanket, if should need one. "I'll sleep h, they were onl Y way a man can suffer who has a1·e so she'll know wha t to do. This is visage, which, when viewed f rom a dis­ thereafte r Hildre d began to s h ow an How she could sing ! Some day if Clem always smooth, too smooth-ext d Pf ayed and l os t m· the terri. ble game terrible, terrible .. . And I cannot trust tance, was so plainly carved there, but Inter est In Clem Lindema n, another f oot­ 1 had not come, if they were not already ba ll star. After a n 011eratlon, in w h ich toward the r ock, in wide grac efn Clem had lost in tha t game, myself . . . only a huge h ulk of irregular r ock. a gla1

ing their Bibles da ily, a nd go into bat­ tle with a prayer on their lips. Some DAILY items in newspapers, pictures of the f ellows who are non-Chr istiam and a rticles in current magazines, will ridicule you. That will be the test frequent radio prog rams, and scores of whether you are a true Christian of colorful new books are helping peo­ or not. ple who live in the United States to The best thing to cl o is to ignore know better their neighbors in Mexico, them in a pleasant manner, if you can­ the West Indies, Central America, and not think of tha t soft word that turn­ South America. eth away wrath, and continue on with Conver sation t urns often to the other your studying of God's Word. The Americas. We are interested and con­ non-Christian will soon stop r idiculing cerned about the politics of our neigh­ you , and may even begin to ask you bors, t heii· economic and labor pro­ questions a bou t t he Book, a nd you blems, the j ourneys of their diplomats, may soon be r esponsible for others their relationships wit h countries in reading t he Holy Word. Be a witness­ Europe and Asia, a Good Neighbor ing and working Christian in the Ser­ policy which will work advantageously vice. The fi elds are ripe, but the har­ for both North and South Amer ica. vesters are few. But how much do we know about the religious life of our neighbors ? What ca n you tell about their churches? I s The Aut hor all Roman Ca tholic? Is Seri;eont Robert ,,._ Acbte r hcri.: there an effective Protestant move­ ht n 1ncn11Je r of the C Jn y Street ment? Da11t11..t C h urch of Denton Harbor, ) llc b ., of w hlcb t he Rev. E. Gu t1ns t or, h e any m issionary min ded ind ividnal Know Your Neighbors! I>! n S uucl n~· Sch ool teacher , chnlr- or by any society inte1·csted in By LUCY M. ELDRED G E 1uu11 of u u 1n y D . Y. P. lJ. con1ntlt ­ missionary activities. tcc.~, song- lender, e t c. America" interpret t he complex mo­ six true life stories to r ead or tell.­ S cr~ca nt Ach tcrh crs= " ·rote os S ome church groups a rc engaged follow" t o t he c dllon "Afle r " Jlcnd ­ dern scene in fiv e ma jor areas. These T hese stor ies tell about exciting events Ju:; 10 1nouths Jn 'th e .Aru ay A.t r in the missionary reading program pamphlets, wh ich tell t he story of t he in P eru, Bolivia, Chile, Mexico, Cuba. Forces n n tl Mcc h1~· h o"· r c llgloia of the Bavtist Conv ention. These HUfi' crH If n yo u u~· IUUJI flOCH not socia l and religious life of t he people, and P arag uay. Or, h ave you seen F U N follow n lnu o f re ll l',"lou .~ boo/cs arc included on tha t list. r eveal ·what Christianit y has do·;_e a nd AND F E S T I VA L FROM THE Mi n d y, I thoug ht I m li:.1h t he nblc The editor will be glad to make what it means for the fut ure, are: OTHER AMERICAS, by Rose Wright t u l1 c l1 • ninny yo un ~ n 1t•u ,,·ho nre any further suggestions fo1· the nhou t to cuter the ser vi ce, n 1ul OUTLOOK I N THE W EST I N­ (paper 25 cents ) ? Here is a pamphlet t ho"c n l rcuch· lu, If I w o ul< b ort nrtlc lc w hic h mli.: bt out lin e qiwstions. gestions for parties and programs, a nd u few slm1ilc st<'1>s to h c l1> h im h"­ OU TLOOK IN MEXICO, by Alberto com e n bcttct" C b rl1d ln u w h ile In other ma terial to help develop a new - H 1ll'Old ;u. Lam be r t I'h o l o the servi ce." T his year Christians of North Ame­ Rembao. a ppr ecia tion of L a t i n American Hh1 n il

Signature: ...... The hunter had th coyote In the b e eercnss of the be drove 11 eek of his cnr when Address: eollect hill l'o~~t the Oourt Romie t o In to mark th y . The clerk reached bounty had e animal to show the withdrew It be~n llRld but quickly finger. "Guee:'1rnu11 the end ol on~ Date: apologized th :lust stunned him, l lihly. e hunter rather 11hee p-