I \ .,;. :;::::;: ~"""' ~ ~ --0 :::J °':::J ::c:::- · ;---... 3: Cl ::J Cl ::J .... <=>_.. c:-:> :::=r c:::1 ~ :::c:: ~ - · - ~- ~ C>I'° Page 2 THE BAPTIST HERALD fFrl)) WHAT'.r HAPPE-Ml MG The Baptist ~erald ·-· . • • • • Published semi-monthly ~~ ~· • ·t~ .. on the first a nd fifteenth of each month . - -..... by the ~ !!;".,!.. ·----·~· - .. e Miss Eva Yung of New by the Baptist Church of Shattuck, · ~· · Pl fDITOlllAL ROGER WI LLIAMS PRESS -:~1,·· . '. York, N. Y., a member of Okla. l\fr. Heer will begin his pastor­ ·-; ; , · - · _·. , 3734 Payne Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. '' '-5'. • '/; . the Pilgrim Baptist Church a te in t he Shattuck Church a bout Martin L. Leuschner. Editor of Philadelphia, Pa., has been May 1st and will succeed t he Rev. appointed assistant to the sec­ F. W. Socolofsky, whose homegoing on July 17, 1942, was reported in the Sep­ • +;r·/;: ·:·', > retary of the League of Inter­ t Contents tember 1st issue of "The Baptist Her­ preters with the Women's • Co v e r Desig n .. .. ... G e rh a rd Roth . ".a,, .......·. ald." l~ .·-: ~.... -... ..: Cleveland, Ohio, March 15, 1943 American Baptist Foreign 'Vhat's H app e nin g· .. ......... .. Q ' • • :·_.. :~~ ' .. ~: - ~:. •1j::. \. :,~~i : Mission Society. She resigned e The Stafford Baptist Church of Edito r i a l- . ~ • --•~· • i. .'.c.·,_,:·. • l'·. ·"lI ..,.Z•· illi't~, V olume 21 Number 6 as directress of the Salvation Sherwood, Ore., has called th e Rev. Le­ "Too B u s y !" .. .. .. .... .. .. v " T o the L ea s t or O n e of These" Army Girls' H ome in New land Friesen of Hood River , Ore., a by Dr. 'Vlllia m Kuhn . ... .. .. ·I York City, where she ren­ son of the former pastor and his wife, "Th e C hurc h T r iumpha nt" dered an appreciated service the Rev. B. J . Friesen. The call has by S e ve r a l Youn g P e ople for several years. Miss Yung been accepted and the Rev. Leland "Se paration i n t he Sig h t o f G od" Too Busy! began her new work on Feb­ by M r . L o ui s A . Dre ye1· . ... 8 HE BUSIEST PEOPLE are always happy and willing to Friesen will begin his pastorate in the "l\Il nnes ota 's A ggr ess i ve Youn g ruary 22. Stafford Church on April 1st. The P eo ple's U nion" .. ......... ... 9 r espond to some important call for service or to s?me in­ e With the adoption of the church is still engaged in its building " E clipse" b y P a ul Hutc h e ns project on which considerable progr ess Chapte r Three . .... ... .. ... .. I 0 dispensable duty. Have you ever thought about this para­ Club Plan for our Publication C h ild r e n's P age T dox of lif e ? It is possible so to order and to a rrange our lives Ill Society, the Cal vary Baptist has been made. The Rev. and Mrs. 1,;dited by l\Ir s. Ber t h a John son 1 3 Church of Stafford, Kans., has sent B. J. Friesen are now serving as super­ " Yo u , the A r m y a nd R e li g io n " that something more can always be added to the burdens of b y Sgt. R obe rt W. Achtc 1· be r g . H the order for the gra nd total of 72 intendent and matron of the Portland the day if it looms up significantly enough in life's picture. THE DISPLAY OF FLAGS Home for the Aged. "Kno w You r N e ig hbors " _ " Baptist Herald" subscriptions. This by Lucy ::\[. J::ldred ge . ... ... l o It therefor e follows that the familiar and frequently list includes 8 subscriptions for the IN THE CHURCH • Recently the Young P eople's Society Repo rts from t h e F ield . .. .. 1 6 Service Men of the church. The Misses of the Forest Park Baptist Church of " T r a ined Officers for Gou's Arm y" . 20 spoken words, "Too busy!'', are usually a smokescr een to hide Anna and Alice Hildebra ndt have been Special rules applying to the use Forest Park, Ill., held its annual elec­ " J)o You K nO\\' That .. '?" .... .. · .. 20 a deeper motive or purpose. They are excuses th at camou­ in charge of the subscription campaign of the Christian flag in connection tion of officers. The results were as fol­ with the United States flag are as • flage some inferio1ity complex or some other desire or some.­ for "T he Baptist Herald" and "Send­ lows : Harriet Grieger president· Ern­ Coming! bote." The Rev. F. E. Klein is pastor follows : When staffs are crossed est Volkman, vice-president· 'Edith t11 ing more important. F or we are never too busy to do the I.\' ·rui,; C H OSS OF CllllIS'l' I GLOll\' of t he church. for display aga inst a wall , the Vogt, secretary; Dorothy Ne l s~n, treas­ thing we really want to do ! United States flag should be on M iss ;\l y rtle Ife in. t h e missionar y of urer. The former president, Mr. Ger­ the C!'n t ral Bapt is t C h u r ch o f Edm on­ This t akes us to the heart of Jes us' parable about the e The Rev. Edgar W . Klatt, pastor the observer's left, with its staff hardt Koch, the youngest son of the to n , Al be r ta , and .a m e~11 1Je 1'. o f th e fo.c u l ­ of the Grace Baptist Church of Grand in front of the staff of the Chris­ t y of the C h 1· is t rnn 'l r a rn.rng I n s t itute , ~e v. and. Mrs. Henry Koch, has been will p rovide n m e d ita ti on 101· t h e L e nte_n slighted invitation. The tragedy in the lives of those who F orks, No. Dak., was r ecently elected tian fl ag. mducted mto the U. s. Army. On Sat­ s eason a nd the obs e r va n ce of G ood Fri­ responded to the supper invitation with the words, "I'm too secr etary of the Greater Grand Forks (In t h e nlJo,·c 1>lclure 1he ohscr\'­ urday ev~ ning, March 13, the B. Y. P. day in a brie f article tha.t \\' Ill b e n n ers nre on the other " ltle of the ins pir a tion t o e very r ca d c 1 · busy; plea!: e, excuse me!'', was not that they had bought a Ministerial Association with ministers Jlngs, but the stnfl' of the U. S. flog U. held its annual banquet at which ;ih ould be Jn front of the s lnO: of UEAUTIFYING 'l'Jl t,; CJll! llC ll farm or five yoke of oxen or entered the bonds of matrimony from all P rotestant chur ches of th e Hie Chrls tlnn 1lni;.) so un~ motion pictures of " the Life of GROUl\'OS city in its membership. The purpose of Paul were shown. An unus u a l a r ticle " ·I t h m a ny tim el y Lut that they were so preoccupied with these things that they When displayed in a church, if a nd p ractical s u ggestio n s f o r r ur ~ l a n d the association is "that of promoting inside the chancel or on the plctt­ • The mission committee of the South­ s m a ll u r ba n chur c h es will a p pear 111 t h e could not add the blessings of the great supper to their lives. · I ' g 1' n a Jl v b v t h e t he moral a nd spiritual welfare of the Uni t e d S t ate s flag western Conference met in Okeene, ne x t issue, p r e ~ar e c o r i J .T J R ic h f orm , ::\ Iessr s. M a rl< R ic h a nd Samue l · ,. Their excuses showed th eir woeful lack of interest in th e oc­ Grand F orks and to develop t he spi­ should be on the clergyman's right Okl. a.,. on Feb. 22 anti 23 . S ome of th e o f the Beth a ny Baptis t C h lll: ~.I' of 0 e­ rit ual fellowship among all pastors." as he faces the a udience, and the mmi s t~rs of the Oklahoma churches g o n for " The Bapt is t L ead e 1. casion of the supper itself, a symbol of the kingdom of God. Christian flag on his left. When met ":'1th t he ~omm i ttee and leader s of l'E A RE '\\'J'l':XESSES? The Rev. R. .E. Reschke, pastor of It was because of this that Jesus spoke these memorable e 0 1· the Zion Baptist Chui·ch of f The R e v. E: mll D. G r u c> n of D es outside the chancel on the floor . 01 <eene or 1 the German Baptist Church of Beth­ of the auditorium, the Uni t e d a f e ll owship SUJlJ)er on l\"o i\Io ines. I owa , a m e n~b<'r o f .uic F l C, si~~ = words to his disciples a litt le later: "So therefore whosoever lehem, P a., resigned some time ago .
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