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Abizaid, John, US general 438 box China 469–470 ighters 332 Abkhazia and South Ossetia, Russia and 446 effect of technocratic foreign policy on 467 Harrier jump-jets 410, 478 Abrams, Creighton, US general, 403 English 99 helicopters 399, 411 Abu Ghraib prison, Afghanistan 440 German (before World War II) 333–336 Hurricane 344, 478 Actium, battle of (31 bc) 58 in Western military tradition 5, 454, 458 jet 390 Adhémar, bishop of Le Puy 87 Agilulf, king of Lombards 70 P-51 Mustang 371 Admiralty Islands 381 Agincourt, battle of (1415) 99 Spitire 344, 480 Adrianople, battle of (378) 67 agrarian warfare 12, 19 Stealth bombers 414, 415, 480 Aelian 457 agriculture terrorist attacks on commercial 419, 453 Tactics 4, 5, 163 ancient Greek 14, 15 Tornado 415 Aemilius Paulus, Roman general 45 Roman corporate (latifundia) 53 Vulcan bomber 410 Aeneas the Tactician (c. 360 bc) 29 Aidid, Mohamed Farrah 417 and war on U-boats 369 aerial bombardment air warfare World War I 289, 298 irst use 279 air defence 331, 332, 414 ‘Zero’ Japanese ighter 381, 481 Guernica 334 air superiority 331 aircraft carriers 261 of ISIS 452 and aircraft carriers 332 American 332, 380 limitations 425 British air power (1913) 230 British 410 NATO (former Yugoslavia) 421, 422, 425 close air support 331, 334 Japanese 379 ‘Rolling Thunder’ (Vietnam) 401 ‘inger-four’ 477 Aire-sur-la-Lys, siege of (1641) 159 Syrian ‘barrel bombs’ 451 ground support for air campaign (Gulf Aisne, river, German retreat to 294 World War II strategic 331–332, 370–371, War) 414 Aix-la-Chapelle (Aachen), Treaty of 378, 384 interdiction 331 (1748) 192 aerial photography, and artillery precision interwar doctrine and development 331–332 Alans 70 targeting 317 Japanese ‘kamikaze’ 383, 478 Alba, Don Fernando Álvarez de Toledo, duke Aeschylus, dramatist 21, 26 naval 333 of, Spanish general 5, 159 Aetius, Roman general 66, 67 reconnaissance 331 strategy 161, 162 Afghanistan terror bombing (Spanish Civil War) 334 box Albania 335, 346 Alexander in 45 World War II 370–373 ‘Alberich’ retreat, to Siegfried Line 312 bin Laden in 428 Battle of Britain 343–345 Albert of Wallenstein see Wallenstein democratic elections 430 strategic bombing 331–332 Alberti, Leon Battista, on the Art of Building ISAF 448 of France 372 (1440s) 115 religious radicalism 423 of Germany (1945) 378 Albright, Madeleine 467 Taliban guerrilla insurgency 428, 448, 450, of 384 Alcaeus, Greek poet 14 480 Strategic Bombing Survey 480 Aleppo, Syria 451 US bombardment (2001) 430 V-1 lying bombs 370 map, 480 Alert, paddle steamer 298 US Surge 449–450 V-2 rockets 6, 370–372 map, 480 Alexander I, tsar of Russia 214, 216, 231 war in (from 2008) 448–450 see also aerial bombardment; Luftwaffe; Alexander the Great, king of Macedonia 3, 5, Africa Royal Air Force 42–45 colonial boundaries 463 aircraft 261 battle strategy 43 ethnic tensions 463 B-17 bomber 371 logistics 43 Roman expansion into 52 B-24 bomber 372 medieval admiration for 106, 109 see also Egypt; Libya; north Africa; South B-29 bomber 384 tactics 42 Africa B-52 bombers 404, 476 Alexius, Byzantine emperor 89 Agesilaus, king of Sparta 26, 42 Bf 109 (Luftwaffe) 345, 476 Alfonso X, king of Castile, Siete aggression F6F ‘Hellcat’ ighter 381, 478 Partidas 109

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Alfred the Great, of Wessex 79 and disease 150–151 Appian, historian burg defences 79, 80, 86 domesticated animals 149 on Cannae 51 defence in depth 90 European disputes in 151 on Roman agriculture 53 size of army 86 European strategic alliances with indigenous Appomattox, Confederate surrender at Algeria, civil war 422 groups 146–147 (1865) 249 Algerian War 396–398 European technological advantage 141, Aquileia, fortiied city 67 and independence (1962) 398 147–149 Aquitaine Algonkian Indians, Canada 139 fortiications 151–152 English raid from (1355) 100 Aljubarrota, battle of 96 introduction of horses 149–150 Pepin’s conquest of (762) 74 Allawi, Ayad, Iraq 444 lack of iron 138 Arab Spring (from 2010) 447 Allerheim, battle of 167 native weapons 138, 141 Arab–Israeli Wars 405–409 Alma, battle of the (1854) 236 Spanish empire 137, 142 1948–9 405 Almagro, Diego de, conquistador, in Peru 146 see also American colonies; Canada; 1956 (Suez Crisis) 406 Almond, Edward, US general, and Korea 389 Iroquois; United States of America 1967 (Six Day War) 406–407 Alsace Amherst, Jeffrey, British general 194 1973 (Yom Kippur War) 407, 408–409 Allied occupation (1919) 328 Amiens, British and imperial forces at archers French loss of 254, 256 (1918) 322 Agincourt 99 Ambrones 52 Amiens, Treaty of (1802) 224 combined with cavalry 97 American Civil War (1861–5) 237–249 Ammianus Marcellinus, late Roman compulsory practice 108 Confederate armies historian 68 and defence of stone castles 83 Army of Northern Virginia 238, 246 ammunition Greek Army of Tennessee 246, 248 exploding artillery shells 232, 237 mounts for 104 Confederate surrender 249 grapeshot 478 Near East (classical) 17 costs of 249 Minié rile bullets 233, 479 Poitiers 99 inal stages 246–249 ‘amok combats’, Indonesia 2, 476 see also bows and arrows logistics 238, 242, 245, 246, 249 amputation 156 Archilochus, Greek poet 16 size of armies 238 artiicial limbs 156, 326 Ardennes Union armies Anastasius, Byzantine emperor 72 Battle of the Bulge (1944) 377 Army of the Cumberland 245 Andrade, Tonio 110, 469 German advance through (1940) 339, 340, Army of the James 246 Angers, France, select levy 86 341 map Army of the Potomac 238, 239, 244, Anglo-Dutch Wars (late 17th cent.) 133, 134 Ardent, HMS 411 246–248 Anglo-Japanese treaty (1902) 276 Argentina Army of the Tennessee 238, 241–242 Anglo-Saxon warfare 79–80, 86 and Falklands War (1982) 409–412 Army of Virginia 240 Angola, civil war 422 air raids 411 war in the East (1861–2) 239–241 Anna Comnena, Byzantine princess 88 invasion of Falklands 409 war in the West (1861–2) 241–243, Antelope, HMS 410, 411 Aridius, Gallo-Roman magnate 74, 75 245–246 Antietam, battle of (1862) 240, 241 Armadas 476 American colonies, militias 164, 199, 200 Antigonus, Macedonian general 45 Dutch (1688) 130 box, 134 American Continental Congress 199 Antioch Spanish (1588) 130 box, 131, 132, 157 American War of Independence Roman garrison 60 armies (1775–81) 199–203198–203 siege of (1098) 87 administrative systems 155 France and 200 Antiochus, Greek ambassador 42 quartermaster 479 guerrilla warfare 202 Antipater, Macedonian general 45 combat divisions (Napoleonic) 211 South Carolina campaign 201, 202–203 Antonine Wall 76 corps organization 211, 477 box Antwerp 116, 120 and delegated battleield decision-making war in the South 201–202 World War I 290, 326 (World War I) 317, 479 Americas World War II 376, 377 foraging 212 adaptation by native peoples of iron ANzAC (Australian and New zealand Army insignia, uniforms and equipment 158–161 technology 138, 149 Corps), Dardanelles 302, 303 permanent regiments 158–159 coastal fortiications 152 Anzio, Allied landing (1944) 367 platoon 479 conquest of 138–152 Apache nation 267 problems of maintenance and logistics 167

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armies (cont.) Macedonian 45 Atlantic Conveyor, SS 411 rise of professional 155–157 mobile ield guns 204, 207 atomic weapons size of ‘Mons Meg’ bombard 112 World War II 7, 370–371, 384–385 Anglo-Saxon 86 mortars 177, 479 see also nuclear weapons Byzantium 72, 82 nitrate explosives 261 atrocities Charles V’s 109, 117 precision iring 317 in 17th-cent. war 170 box German states 87 precision-guided 414, 460 see also massacres; war crimes medieval 82, 92, 103–104 recoil-absorbing gun carriages 261 attack in depth 315, 317, 476 Roman 59, 67 and siege warfare 90 Attila the Hun Vandals 67, 71 transport of cannons 102, 113, 167 invasion of Gaul (451) 66 skirmishes and small engagements 169 use in Americas 139 use of battering rams 75 supply systems 178, 212 use in medieval battles 113 attrition 476 technological advances 261 see also artillery, naval; cannons; catapult; Verdun 304 see also British army; cavalry; discipline; missiles Augustus Caesar, Roman emperor 58 French army; infantry; mercenaries; artillery fortresses 6 Austerlitz, battle of (1805) 213, 214, 215 map oficer corps; regiments; Roman army besieged 118 Australia, soldiers in Boer War 268, 269 armistice 476 construction of 116 Austria, German invasion (1938) 334 armour costs of 116 Austria, Habsburg empire 179–182 bronze hoplite (panoply) 15, 17, 479 France 117, 119, 178, 207 Archduke Charles’s army reforms 218 cavalry cuirass 218 garrisons 118, 478 army reforms (18th cent.) 193 chain mail 96 Sweden 119 and Crimean War 233 greave 478 towns as 116 extent under Charles V 121 map late Roman infantry 68 see also fortiications Napoleon and 209, 212, 218 Macedonian leather 39 artillery, naval 126, 134 war with Prussia (1866) 251–252 map mounted horsemen 87 broadsides 126, 130, 476 Austria-Hungary, Dual Monarchy 280 padded cotton (Americas) 140, 141, 147 culverins 126, 477 attack on Russia 296 plate armour 96, 103 on early modern galleys 126–129 and Balkans 278 armoured warfare English 131 and Bosnia and Herzegovina 267, 279 panzer divisions 330, 479 gunports 126, 132 mobilization (1914) 285 Reichswehr concept of 330 and recoil 130, 131 and Russia 279 see also tanks and ship design 135 and Serbia 280 arms manufacture Aspern-Essling, battle of (1809) 218 World War I British supply of weapons 226 Asquith, Herbert, British prime minister 298, 324 armistice 323 Krupp factory 260 al-Assad, Bashar, Syrian president 451 attack on Italy 316 arms races al-Assad, Hafez, Syrian president, and and Balkans 303 16th–17th cents. 133, 134 Israel 406 and Russian mobilization (1914) 284 Anglo-German naval (to 1914) 276–278 Assassins, 12th-cent. Lebanon 464 Russian offensive (1916) 309 army group 476 Assaye, battle of (1803) 225 ultimatum to Serbia (1914) 280, 281, 286 Arnhem, Operation Market Garden 376 Assize of Arms (1181) 108 Austrian Netherlands, French Revolutionary artillery 476 Assyrians 12 War 207 bombards 111, 476 Atahualpa, Inca leader 148 Austrian Succession, War of (1740–8) 189 breech-loading cannon 253 Athens King George’s War (1743–8) 192 cluster bomb 477 and concept of city-state 24 Austro-Ottoman War (1683–7) 179–182 exploding shells 232 navy Austro-Prussian War (1866) 251–252 ield 115 quinqueremes 44 Avars, siege of Constantinople (626) 75 French 177, 204 triremes 25, 26, 480 Avignon, siege of (500) 74 and gunpowder 101 Peloponnesian War 27, 28 ‘axis of evil’ 432 horse artillery 207 and Syracuse campaign 30 Axis Powers 346, 476 howitzers 261, 305, 478 use of hoplites 28 Ayamores people, Brazil 147 Hussite ield 102 Atlanta, battle of (1864) 248 Aznar, José María, Spanish prime Japanese 271 Atlantic, battle of (World War II) 368–369 minister 441

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Aztecs 3, 138, 141 Ludendorff’s defence in depth 308, 312 as strategist 253 ‘lower wars’ 2, 477 Reichswehr 330 and war with Austria 251–252 map and smallpox 150 Thirty Years War 167 Black Death, effect on size of armies 104 see also Tenochtitlan Bavaria, and France 186 Black Hawk Down incident (Somalia Civil Bazaine, François-Achille, French general 254 War) 417 Bacon, Francis, New Atlantis 460 Beachy Head, sea battle (1690) 134 Black Prince (Edward, English military Bactria 45 Beatty, Admiral Sir David, British admiral, commander, 14th cent.) 100 Baden, Prince Max of, German chancellor Jutland 310 Black Sea Fleet 232, 279, 418 (1918) 324 Beccarie, Raymond de, lord of Black Week (Boer War) 268 Badoglio, Marshal Pietro, Italian Fourquevaux 116 Blair, Tony, British prime minister, and leader 367 Bede, Venerable 4, 76 Iraq 432 Baghdad Behr, Johann, military theorist 178 Blaise, Corporal Jean-Pierre, on foraging 213 captured (2003) 432 Belfast 425 Blenheim, battle of (1704) 186 map insurgency 442 Belfast, HMS 393 Bletchley Park (British code-breaking centre, Bagration (Soviet offensive 1944) 374 Belgium World War II) 338 baizuo (white left), Chinese term 466 German invasion (1914) 290 Bloch, Ivan, Is War Now Impossible? Balaclava, battle of (1854) 236 German invasion (1940) 339, 340, 341 (1899) 282 Balkan campaign (1940–1) 345–349 German occupation 295 blockades 476 Balkan Wars (1910s) 278–279 independence (1830) 231 naval 107 Balkan Wars (1991–5) 419–422, 462 neutrality 283 Blücher, General Gebhard Leberecht von 220 Balkans, and Ottoman empire 267 Belisarius, Byzantine general 72 Bluff Cove, Falklands 411 ballistic missiles 6, 390, 476 defeat of Vandals 72 Bock, Fedor von 339 ballistics 476 bellum romanum (Roman way of war) 5 Army Group North 337 Baltic Sea Belt and Road Initiative, China 469 and Barbarossa 351 galley leets 129 Benedek, Ludovic von, Austrian general 252 and battle of Moscow 354, 356 operations during Crimean War 235 Bengal 191, 196, 225 in Brussels 341 Peter the Great’s leet 183 Bentinck, Hans Willem 130 at Moscow 361 Bank of England 8, 189, 226 Bergen-op-zoom, siege of (1622) 168 in Poland 337 Banks, General Nathaniel 246 Berlin, RAF bombing (1943) 370 Boer War 267–269, 270 Bannockburn, battle of (1314) 98, 456 Berlin Decree (1806) 216 concentration camps for civilians 269 Baqr al-Hakim, Mohammed 440 Bernard of Saxe-Weimar, mercenary Boers Bar Lev Line, Suez Canal 408, 476 entrepreneur 157 British and 262, 264 Barbarossa (German invasion of USSR, Berwick-on-Tweed, siege (1333) 110 warfare 267, 269 1941) 348 map, 349–357 Beslan, terrorist attack on school 419 Bohemia 251 Barcelona, fall of (801) 74 Bessel, Richard 385 Hussite wars (1419–34) 100, 101–102, 104 Barraclough, Geoffrey 339 Bethmann-Hollweg, Theobald von, German Revolt (1618–20) 164 Barret, Robert, The Theory and Practice of chancellor 280, 285 bolas, Inca use of, against horses 143 Modern Wars (1598) 110 memorandum on treatment of enemies 293 Bologna, artillery for defence 115 Basing House, storming of (1645) Bf 109 (German Messerschmitt ighter Bolsheviks 170 aircraft) 345, 476 coup (1917) 316 Basra, British forces in 438 Biak, US capture of 381 and Treaty of Brest-Litovsk (1918) 316 battalion 476 Bicocca, battle of (1522) 161 Bombe (British code-breaking machine, World battering rams 75 bin Laden, Osama War II) 338 Battle of Algiers (1966 ilm) 397 see Laden, Osama bin Bomber Command 332, 370, 476 battleield doctrine Bingham, John 5 bombing British defence in depth 319 Bismarck, Otto von 249–256 see aerial bombardment; suicide bombings complexity in World War I 289 on Balkans 279 Bonaparte French 300, 312 character 250, 252 see Napoleon Bonaparte German 307 and Franco-Prussian War 253–256 Bonaparte, Joseph 216 Greek hoplite 15, 16, 18, 26 and German uniication 275 Borges, Jorge Luis 412 Ludendorff’s attack in depth 315, 317 and peace treaty with France 256 Borodino, battle of (1812) 217

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Bosnia 267 Brooke, Alan, chief of Imperial General Staff Cadiz, English raid (1596) 132 Austrian annexation (1908) 279 (World War II) 356 Caesar, Julius Bosnia-Herzegovina, ethnic conlict 420–421 Brooke, Rupert (English poet) 326 see Julius Caesar Boston, siege of (1775) 199 Brunswick, duke of, Prussian general (French Cairo, USS, Federal steamship (1862) 242 Botero, Giovanni, on cost of warfare 120 Revolutionary Wars) 206, 207 caissons 175, 476 Bouvines, battle of (1214) 92 Brusilov, Aleksey, Russian general (World War Calais bows and arrows I) 309 siege of (1346–7) 107 American natives 138 Brussels 220, 290, 291, 341, 376 taken by Germans (1940) 341 crossbows 85, 96, 100, 126, 138, 139, 141 Bueil, Jean de, Le Jouvencel treatise Calcutta, ‘Black Hole’ 196 longbows 96, 97 (1466) 107 calibre 476 poisoned (Americas) 147 Buell, Don Carlos, Union general 242 caltrops, use against cavalry 89 see also archers Bulgaria 267 Cambodia, US invasion (1970) 403 Boyle, Roger, earl of Orrery 154, 160 Balkan alliance against (1913) 279 Cambrai, battle of (1917), use of tanks 315 Bradley, General Omar 392 declaration of independence (1908) 279 Camden, South Carolina, battle of (1780) Bragg, Braxton, Confederate commander 245 World War I 303, 323 camp followers, 17th cent. 168 Brandenburg 178, 187 World War II 346, 347, 374 Camperdown, naval battle (1797) 221 Braudel, Fernand 343 Bulge, Battle of the (1944) 377 Campo Formio, Treaty of (1797) 209 Braun, Dr Wernher von 6 Bull Run, second battle of (1862) 240 camps Brazil, Portuguese in 149 Buller, General Sir Redvers 268, 269 Boer War 269 Breda, siege of (1637) 118 Bülow, General Karl von 293 Nazi extermination 357, 377, 387 Breitenfeld, battle of (1631) 160, 166, 167–167 Bunker Hill, battle of (1775) 199 Canada, French in 139, 147, 199 Bremer, Paul, Iraq 437 Burghal Hidage 79 Canadian army, Passchendaele 314 Brest-Litovsk, Treaty of (1918) 316 Burgoyne, John, British general (War of Cannae, battle of (216 bc) 4, 49, 50–51 box, Brétigny, Treaty of (1360) 100 American Independence) 200 62 brevet major general, US army 476 burgs 476 study of 165, 282 brigade 476 Alfred’s defence of Wessex 79 use of tactics of 256, 343, 358, 363 brigadier 476 distances between 80 cannons Briggs, Asa 339 garrisons 86, 478 breech-loading 253 Britain, Battle of 343–345 Burgundy casting methods 204 British army and early artillery 112, 115, 127 and conquest of Americas 139–140 Camberley staff college 261 wars with France 102–103 culverin 477 colonial troops 457 Burma (Myanmar), Slim’s campaign in French 177 interwar doctrine 330–331 383 box transport of 167 Special Air Services Regiment (SAS) 398, Burnside, Ambrose, Union general 241, 243 trunnions 102, 113, 480 480 Bush, George H. W., US president 414, see also artillery; gunpowder weapons and unconventional war 398 416–417, 453 Canrobert, François, French general see also Boer War; British Expeditionary and defence cuts 416–417 Crimea 235 Force; Falklands War; Malaya; World Bush, George W., US president 437 and Franco-Prussian War 254 War I; World War II and 9/11 attacks 429 cantle 87, 476 British Expeditionary Force (BEF), World War and ‘Global War on Terror’ 431 Canturino, battle of (1363) 99 I 476 and invasion of Iraq (2003) 432–434–435 Cap Colonna, battle of (982) 87 in Flanders (1917) 313–315 and Surge in Iraq 443 Cape Colony (South Africa) 224 at Mons 292 Butler, Benjamin, Union general (Army of the Cape Matapan, British attack on Italian and the Somme 305–308 James) 246 navy 348 tanks 289, 315, 318 Buxar, battle of (1764) 196 Cape St Vincent, naval battle (1797) 221, 222 British Expeditionary Force (BEF), World War Byng, John, British admiral 222 Capet, Hugh, king of France 86 II, Dunkirk 342 Byng, Sir Julian, British general 318, 319 Caporetto, battle of (1917) 316 Brittany, French conquest (1480s) 112 Byzantine empire Carcassonne, walls 93 Bronze Age warfare 12–13 extent (565) 72, 73 map Caribbean sieges size of armies 72, 82 coastal fortiications 152 and social hierarchy 13 Byzantine warfare 72–73, 81–82 indigenous peoples 139, 147

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Carlos II, king of Spain 185 Passchendaele 315 centurion 47, 476 Carnatic Wars 190 Russian 296 century (Roman battleield order) 47, 476 Carnot, Lazare, military leader (French Somme 307, 308 Chaeronea, battle of (338 bc) 40 map, 41 Revolutionary Wars) 208 Verdun 305 Chalabi, Ahmed, Iraqi exile 434 Carolingian empire World War II 385 challenge and response, to innovation 6, 14, conquests 73 Germany 379 457, 466 county organization 73 Japan 459 and China 470 division by Treaty of Verdun (843) 78, 82 Paciic 383 Châlons, battle of (451) 66, 67, 68 extent 73 map Poland (1939) 337 Chamberlain, General Joshua, at oath of fealty 74 Russia 389 Gettysburg 244 box Carolingian warfare 74, 82 casus belli 476 Chamberlain, Neville, British prime Carr, E. H., British Foreign Ofice oficial catapult 476 minister 335, 342 (1930s) 334 onager (medieval) 75, 479 meeting with Hitler 335 Carrhae, battle of (53 bc) 49, 57, 62 torsion (Greek) 35, 480 ultimatum to Germany 336 Cartagena, Colombia, walls 152 , and justiication for Champagne offensive (1915) 300 Carthage 52 war 169 Champlain, Samuel de, in Canada 147 see also Hannibal; Punic Wars Caucasus Chancellorsville, battle of (1863) 244 Cartier, Jacques, St Lawrence River 139 oil supplies 362 chansons de geste 92 Casablanca, Conference (1943) 367 see also Abkhazia and South Ossetia; Chaplin, Edward, on Iraq 438 Cassel, battle of (1328) 98 Georgia Chappe, Claude, semaphore 233 Cast Lead, Israeli operation (2008) 446 cavalry 476 charge of Light Brigade (Balaclava) 236 castles 6 Boer War 269 Charlemagne, emperor of the West 73 Chateau Gaillard 90 charge (with swords drawn) 166 Rhine–Danube canal project 76–77 Fulk Nerra’s stone 83 charge at Mons (1914) 289 Charles, archduke of Austria 212, 218 stone towers 82, 86 defeated by infantry 97–99 Charles I, king of England, Ireland and see also fortiications dismounted 68, 87 Scotland, navy 133 Castro, Fidel, invasion of Cuba 400 early German states 86, 87 Charles II, king of England, Ireland and casualties early medieval German 69 Scotland, and Louis XIV 178 Afghanistan 450 early modern 155 Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor American Civil War 241, 249 irearms for 177 battle of Pavia (1525) 155 Battle of Britain 345 lank attacks 88 empire 121 map Borodino 217 French dragoons 177, 477 navy 128 Bosnia 421 French Napoleonic army 211, 218, 219 size of army 109, 117 Chechnya 418 last charge at Omdurman 262 tercio (Spanish regiments) 158 of civil wars 462 late medieval Italy 98 Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor 189 classical age 17 box late medieval survival of 102–103 Charles VII, king of France 101 conquest of Americas 148 Macedonian 37, 45, 46 Compagnies d’ordonnance 109 Crimean War 235 medieval 87–89 Charles VIII, king of France 161, 169 English civil wars 169 medieval heavy 96, 104 Charles XII, king of Sweden 183 Falklands 412 in medieval romances 88 Charles the Bald, grandson of Charlemagne 74 French Napoleonic Wars 221 mounted men-at-arms 97, 479 Charles the Bold, duke of Burgundy 103, 109, French Revolutionary Army 208 Roman drills for medieval horsemen 68–69 155 Inkerman 236 box army reforms 103 Iraq 444, 445 Russian 182 battle of Morat 103, 104 map Leningrad 353 Spanish use in Americas 150 study of classical warfare 106, 109 Omdurman 262 and stirrups 69 Charles of Lorraine, Austrian general 193 Roman treatment of see also knights Charles Martel, Carolingian king 73 World War I 325, 326 Caxton, William, Fayttes of Arms and of Charleston, South Carolina 201 British 323 Chyvalrye (1490) 109 Charteris, Brigadier John 314 French 292 censorship in wartime 298, 426 Chassepot, Antoine Alphonse, rile 253 German inal offensives 322 ‘centre of gravity’ concept (Clausewitz) 119 chasseur 477

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chasseur à pied 477 on fall of France 343 Cold War 388, 390, 393, 409 Château Gaillard 90 on Jellicoe 309 end of 413, 416–417 Château-Thierry, battle of (1918) 321 at Ladysmith 269 Cole, USS, al-qaeda attack 428, 464 Chattanooga, besieged (1863) 245 meeting with Roosevelt in Washington 360 Collingwood, Cuthbert, British admiral at Chechen Wars (1993–6, 1999–2009) 417–419 and mobilization (1914) 285 Trafalgar 223 Chelmsford, Frederic Thesiger, Lord, British at Omdurman 262 Cologne, bombing of 370 general (zulu War) 263, 264 as prime minister (1940) 342 colonial empires chemical weapons and ‘Statement on Atrocities’ (1943) 386 Britain 190, 224–225 poison gas (World War I) 289 strategic view 361, 365 collapse of (after 1945) 388 sarin gas 451 on World War I 275, 299 and small wars 262 in Syria 451 CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) 477 Columbus, Christopher 137, 138, 139 use by Saddam Hussein 416 and Iraq 434 Comintern 477 Chemin des Dames, German attack and Soviet Union 390 commando unit 477 (1918) 321 Cimbri 52 commercial advantage, and war 187 Cheonan (South Korean warship) 445 Citadel (Zitadelle: German offensive against commissions, military oficers 176, 204, 331, Cherbourg, besieged by Henry V (1415) 101 Kursk salient, 1943) 373 477 taken by Americans (1944) 375 civil wars Committee of Public Safety (French chevauchée 99, 477 brutality in 462 Revolution) 207 chevaux-de-frise (metal stakes) 243, 477 civilian casualties 462 communications 460 Chiang Kai-shek, Chinese leader 357 modern (from 1980s) 422–425, 462–463 Morse code 233 Chickamauga, battle of (1863) 245 problem of resolution 462–463 radio 261 Childeric, king of Franks 71 Roman 58 semaphore 233 China weaponry 462, 463 telegraph 233, 234, 237 aggressive military tradition 469–470 Civitavecchia, defensive bastions 116 undersea telegraph cables 298 Belt and Road Initiative 469 Clark, Christopher, historian 288 Compagnie des Indes 190, 196 communist victory (1949) 394 Clark, Mark, US general (World War II) 368 Compagnies d’ordonnance 109 and discipline 469 Clausewitz, Carl von 179, 260 Compiègne drill 3 concept of ‘centre of gravity’ 119 World War I armistice 324 early gunpowder weapons 110 and concept of decisive victory 5 World War II armistice 343 early imperial armies 455 ignored by German military leaders 275 computers 390, 460 inancial strengths and weaknesses 468 on War 2, 275 and cyberwarfare 464, 465 and Korean War 392 US military and 413 Conant, James B., President of Harvard 126 Clemenceau, Georges, French prime University 339 modernization 467 minister 313, 324, 328 concentration camps post-war 389 Clinton, Bill, US president Boer War 269 rejection of eclecticism 468–469 and Bosnia 420 Nazi 357, 377 relations with Japan 271, 358 and Israeli–Palestinian conlict 423 trials of personnel 386, 387 technology 468 reluctance to commit US troops 417, 426 Concord, Massachusetts, battle of as threat to West 467–470 and Rwanda 417 (1775) 199 use of naval guns 126 and Somalia 417 Condé, prince de, French general (17th war with Germany (1941) 357 Clinton, Sir Henry, British general (American cent.) 178 Christian Science Monitor 427 War of Independence) 200, 201 condottiere 37, 477 Christine de Pisan Clive, Robert, East India Company 191 Congo, Democratic Republic of, civil Les Faits d’Armes et de Chevalerie (14th and Plassey 193, 196 wars 423, 447 cent.) 109 Clos des Galées, Rouen, shipyard 105 Conqueror, HMS, submarine 411 on siege engines 111 Clovis, king of Franks 71, 74 Conrad von Hötzendorf, Franz, Austrian chief Churchill, John cluster bomb 477 of staff (World War I) 296, 308 see Marlborough Coen, Jan Pieterszoon 9 conscription 477 Churchill, Winston 385, 495 Cohen, Eliot 467 Napoleonic army 210 and Dardanelles 302 cohort (Roman battleield order) 54–57, 477 US forces 390, 402 on dreadnoughts (1909) 277 Colbert, Jean-Baptiste 175 Constans, Roman emperor 68

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Constantine, Roman emperor 61 Crusader kingdoms 87 Delaield, Major Richard, US commission in Constantinople (Istanbul) Crusades Crimea 237 Crusader sack of (1204) 82 First (1096–9) 87, 88 Delbrück, Hans, military historian 278 siege of (670s) 75 Fourth, sack of Constantinople (1204) 82 Delium, battle of (424 bc) 18 use of heavy artilllery against (1453) 113 Cuba 400 Demosthenes, orator 34 walls 62 Bay of Pigs 400 Denain, battle of (1712) 185 Constantius, Roman emperor 68 missile crisis (1962) 400 Deng Xiaoping 467 Constitution, USS 224 see also Guantánamo Bay Denmark Continental System (Napoleonic wars) 216 cuirassier 477 Danewirke 76 Coral Sea, naval battle (1942) 379 culverin 126, 477 German invasion (1939) 338 Corinth, Mississippi 243 Cunaxa, battle of (401 bc) 42 war with Prussia (1864) 251 ‘corned’, gunpowder 112, 115, 477 Custer, George Armstrong, and Sioux 265 desertions 30, 108, 155 Cornwallis, Charles, British general, and Cuzco, siege of (1536–7) 143, 146, 150 American Civil War 248 Carolinas campaign 201–202 cyberwarfare 464 French Revolutionary Army 208 Coroneia, battles of Abkhazia and South Ossetia 446 German (1918) 322 394 bc 31 Cyprus Devolution, War of (1667–8) 178 447 bc 26 insurgency in (1950s) 462 Diem, Ngo Dinh, South Vietnam 399 Coronel, naval battle (1914) 299 Ottoman conquest of (1570–1) 129 Dien Bien Phu, battle of (1954) 395 map, 396 Cortés, Hernán Cyrus II, of Persia 42 Dieppe, raid (1942) 375 and conquest of Tenochtitlan 140, 141, 146 Czechoslovakia, German invasion (1938– Dijon, defences (1417) 115 and Tlaxcalans 141, 146 9) 330, 335 Dill, Sir John, on Roosevelt 360 Courtrai (Kortrijk), battle of (1302) 97, 456 Dinant, Belgium Coventry, HMS 411 D-Day Dio Cassius, historian 59 Cowpens, battle of (1781) 202, 203 see Normandy landings Diocletian, Roman emperor 61, 66, 67 Crassus, Marcus Licinius, Roman general 49, Daesh Dipaea, battle of (471 bc) 26 57 see ISIS Directory (French Revolutionary Craterus, Macedonian general 45 Dahlbergh, Erik, count, Swedish engineer government) 208 Crazy Horse, Sioux chief 265 Daladier, Edouard, French premier 335, 337 Disabled Soldiers, Act of Parliament Crécy, battle of (1346) 99, 100, 113 d’Albarno, Montréal, knight 98 (1593) 157 Crete Damian of Tarsus, Muslim naval discipline 457 Byzantine attack on Muslim forces 82 commander 82 18th cent. 174, 188, 191, 198 World War II 347, 348, 349 Danewirke, earthen rampart in Denmark 76 in China 469 Crimea Danish War (1864) 251 early modern 155, 163 Peter the Great’s war against Tatars 183 Danube, Napoleon and 212 Greek 3, 19–20 Russian occupation (2014) 452–453 Dar-es-Salaam, attack on US embassy 428, 464 medieval 88, 108 World War II 362, 374 Dardanelles 279 modern threats to in West 467 Crimean War (1854–6) 232–236 map Allied attack (1915) 302–303 Roman 61, 108 Anglo-French supply system failure Darius I, Persian king 20, 22 Western emphasis on 2–3, 5, 415, 454, 235, 236 Daun, Marshal Leopold von 194 457–458 casualties 235 Davenant, Charles, political economist 8 see also drill telegraph 233 Davis, Jefferson, President of Confederate disease US ‘Military Commission to the theater of States of America 237, 238, 248, 249 treatment of soldiers 157 war in Europe’ (1855) 234, 236–237 and invasion of North 244 trenches 315 Croatia, independence (1991) 419 Davout, Marshal Louis-Nicolas 213, 214 tuberculosis epidemic (Vienna) 324 Cromwell, Oliver, and Ireland 171, 424, 425 ‘deconfessionalization’ (late 17th cent.) 173 typhus 362 Cronje, Piet, Boer commander 269 defence in depth 477 Dithmarschen, battle of (1319) 98 Crook, George, US general, and Native Ludendorff and 308, 312, 317 Djerba, battle of (1560) 129 Americans 265, 267 medieval 83, 87, 90 Dodecanese, seized by Italy (1911) 279 crossbows 85, 96, 100, 126, 138, 139, 141 Roman 61, 66, 80 Dogger Bank, battle of (1915) 310 Cruise missiles (self-propelled) 390, 477 World War I 319, 322 Dönitz, Karl, German admiral, and Gulf War 414, 415 World War II 368 U-boats 369

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Index 523

Dordrecht, Dutch capital ship 137 Eastern Front Emancipation Proclamation (USA 1862) 241 Dornberger, Walter, German general 6 World War I 295–297, 300–302, 308–309 England Dorylaeum, battle of (1097) 88 World War II 349–357, 373–374, 378 economic rivalry with France 187 Douhet, Giulio, The Command of the Air eclecticism medieval (1921) 331 challenge-and-response 457, 466 fortiied towns 93 Dowding, Hugh, RAF Fighter Command 332, Chinese rejection of 468–469 size of armies 92 344 threats to Western 466–467 use of longbow 97 dragoons 177, 477 of Western warfare 5–9, 454, 456–457 and Viking invasions 78 Drake, Francis, attack on Santo Domingo école supérieure de guerre (French War war inance 8, 136 (1585) 152 College) 331 see also Great Britain draught animals Economist, The 429 English Civil Wars (1642–8) 159, 169 see horses economy English warfare 97, 99, 104 Dreadnought, battleship (1906) 276, 277 global growth (late 19th cent.) 260, 298 Eritrea 347, 422 Dreadnought, warship (1596) 132 Great Depression 329 ETA (Basque separatists) 441, 464 Dresden, bombing of (1945) 377 price revolution (early modern) 120 Ethiopia 347, 423 drill 3, 188, 477 see also inance Italian annexation (1935) 333 American Revolutionary militias 200 Edict of Emancipation (Prussia, 1807) 219 ‘ethnic cleansing’ for irearms 163, 165 Edict of Nantes, revoked (1685) 457 Bosnia-Herzegovina 420 medieval cavalry use of Roman 68–69 box Edward I, king of England 6, 97 Kosovo 422 Netherlands 163 size of armies 92, 104 Eugene, prince of Savoy, Austrian general drill manuals 163, 203 Edward II, king of England, and (18th cent.) 173, 185, 186 Drogheda, sack of (1649) 171 Bannockburn 98 Eumenes, Macedonian general 45 dromon, Byzantine warship 81, 477 Edward III, king of England 100, 104, 105 Europe drones, remote-controlled 431–432, 467 Egypt and civilian view of power (early 20th Duchesne, Denis, French general (World War Bronze Age 12 cent.) 261, 274, 282, 290 I) 321 Italian advance on (1940) 345 expansion of power 136–137, 260 Dudley, Thomas, English colonial leader military coup (2013) 447 and Habsburg hegemony 122 164 Napoleon’s campaign 209 period of peace (1871–1914) 260, 261 Dumouriez, Charles, French general relations with Israel 406, 407 post-Napoleonic balance of power 231 (Revolutionary Wars) 207 as Roman province 59 see also West, the Duncan, Adam, British admiral (French and Six Day War (1967) 406–407 European warfare Revolutionary Wars) 221 and Suez Canal 262, 406 and acquisition of territory 169 Dunkirk 119 and Yom Kippur War (1973) 407–409 changes (1815–71) 257, 258 box evacuation of BEF (1940) 342 Eichmann, Adolf, trial 387 and concept of decisive victory 5, 167, 282 Dupleix, Joseph, governor of French Einhard, chronicler 88 continuity in military thinking 4–5 India 190, 191 Einsatzgruppen 357 and discipline 2–3, 415 Durán, Diego, history of conquest of Einstein, Albert, Swiss mathematician 384 dynastic claims 169 Mexico 138 Eisenhower, General Dwight D., US eclecticism and adaptation 5–9 137 president 376, 393 and mercantilism 187, 193–196 Dutch Republic, French wars with 178, 208 and Normandy landings 375 and religion 169 Dutch Revolt (1566–1648) 119, 158, 161 and Vietnam 399 and rise of nationalism 198, 217, 226 Dutch warfare 163, 165 El Alamein, battle of (1942) 364, 365 and technology 2 naval 132, 133, 134, 137 Electric Boat Company, USA 364 transformation (early modern) 154 dynastic claims, as reason for war 169 electronic warfare 414, 464 see also modern (Western) warfare elephants extermination camps (World War II) 357, 377 Eagle Creek, battle of (1877) 267 armour (at Plassey) 193 earthworks, medieval military 76–77 box military use of 45, 46 Fabius Cunctator (‘the Delayer’), Roman East India Company 190–192 Elizabeth, empress of Russia 194 general 5 and control of India 196, 224–225 Elizabeth I, queen of England 157 Faits d’Armes et de Chevalerie (14th and wars with French in India 190 Elizabeth Stuart, queen of Bohemia 169 cent.) 109 East Prussia, World War I 295, 296 Ellis, Hugh, British general, and tanks 315 Falaise, besieged by Henry V (1415) 101

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falconet 136, 477 Mauser 268 keep 478 Falkenhayn, Erich von, chief of German General ‘needlegun’ 237, 250, 479 modiications 117 Staff (World War I) 5, 285, 289, 308 standardization 160–161 ramparts 117 and battle of attrition (Verdun) 304 use at Breitenfeld 166–167 redoubt 480 and Eastern Front 300 volley ire 4, 163, 165, 461 towers 115 and offensive in Flanders 294 see also ammunition; artillery trace italienne 476 and Serbia 302 irestorm 477 Greece Falkland Islands, World War I 299 Hamburg 370 Henry the Fowler’s system of 80 Falklands War (1982) 409–412 First Carnatic War (1744–8) 190 Macedonian 45 Fall, Bernard 401 Fisher, Admiral Sir John, British First Sea medieval 89, 90–92 Fallujah, Iraq, Operation al-Fajr (2004) 442 Lord (1904–10, 1914–15) 276 Roman 66, 78 fatwa (religious edict) 427, 428 Five Forks, battle of (1865) 249 Vauban’s fortresses 178, 207 Fauveau, Antoine, at Waterloo 218 lak 477 see also artillery fortresses; castles; siege Fayttes of Armes and of Chyvalrye (Caxton, Flanders warfare 1490) 109 British campaign (1917) 313–315 fortiied cities 66, 70, 101 federates, late Roman mercenaries 70 German offensive (1914) 294 Caribbean 152 Ferdinand, prince of Bulgaria 279 independence wars 96, 97 extension of walls 93 feudal obligation 92, 107, 455 see also Netherlands Merovingian 71 see also levies Fleurus, battle of (1794) 208 north Africa 72 ief 92, 477 FLN (Front de Libération Nationale) France 78, 174, 389 Fighter Command 344 (Algeria) 397, 477 1830 revolution 231 inance Florence 79, 92 and Algerian War 396–398 China and 468 defences 116, 117 alliance with Russia (1891) 276 ‘contributions’ from occupied Florida, French settlements 139, 151 and American War of Independence populations 176 ‘lower wars’, Aztecs 2, 477 (1778) 200 costs of war 7–9, 120, 454, 455 Foch, Ferdinand, Allied supreme commander in Americas 139, 147, 151, 224 importance of credit 8, 189, 225, 455 (1918) 320, 322, 324 and North America (Acadia) 185, 192 modern global problems of 465–466 fodder, for horses 167, 176 artillery fortresses 117, 119, 178, 207 state and 107–108, 120 food and Austrian empire 182 see also economy bread for French army 175 box Burgundian wars 102–103 Finland ‘desiccated’ (bottled, preserved) 234, 237 and Congress of Vienna 231 ceded to Russia (1815) 231 provisioning 168 and Continental System (Napoleon) 216 and Germany 349 and water, on ships 127 and Crimean War 232, 235 Soviet invasion (1939) 338 foraging, French Revolutionary and declaration of Third Republic (1870) 256 irearms 110, 155 Napoleonic Armies 212, 213 box Directory (Revolutionary government) 208 arquebus 138, 139, 155, 476 Forest, Jean de, in Guyana 148 imperial expansion 267 and bayonets 177, 183, 476 Fornovo, battle of (1495) 161 in India 191, 196 carbines (riled) 177, 476 Fort Donelson taken by Grant (1862) 241 and Indo-China 267, 394, 396 drill and training 163, 165 Fort Douaumont battles (1916) 304 Dien Bien Phu 395, 396 early handguns 102, 113 Fort Eben-émael, taken by Germans invasions of Spanish Netherlands 178, 185 machine guns 261, 479 (1940) 340 and Iraq 432 mitrailleuse (irst machine gun) 253 Fort Henry, taken by Grant (1862) 241 peace terms after Franco-Prussian War 256 muskets 160, 162–166, 479 Fort Vaux battles (1916) 305 permanent armies 109 lintlock 177, 183, 477 fortiications relations with Britain 187, 189, 277 matchlock 176, 479 Alfred the Great 79 relations with Holy Roman Empire riled 233, 237, 480 Americas 146, 151–152 121–122 smoothbore 204 Bronze Age 13 relations with United States 394, 396, 401 pistols 479 construction of 116 Seven Years War 194 riles, bolt-action 261 bastions 115, 116, 476 and Suez Crisis 397 breech-loading Martini-Henry 264 gunports 115 support for Argentina (Falklands) 411 French chassepot 253, 477 and gunpowder artillery 112, 115–117 and Syria 451

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Index 525

France (cont.) and Franco-Prussian War 253 French Revolutionary War 207–208 World War I infantry 176, 204 British naval power 221–224 irst objectives 290 line vs column debate 203–204 see also Napoleonic wars; French Army, and German mobilization (1914) 285 medieval 99, 100 Revolutionary government removal to Bordeaux use of cavalry 99, 104 Friedensturm offensive (1918) 321 (1914) 293, 324 oficer corps 175, 397 Friedland, battle of (1807) 210 Maginot Line 329, 479 ordre mince, ordre alleass, ordre mixte frigates 135, 477 World War II formations 203–204, 479 Fritsch, Werner von, commander-in-chief of fall of (1940) 339–343 reforms after Seven Years War 203–205 German army (1933) 330 and German invasion 340, 342 map size 174 Froissart, Jean, chronicler 105, 126 strategic bombing of 372 under Louis XIV 174, 176–178 Frontinus, Sextus Julius, Strategemata 43, 109 see also French army; French bread provision 175, 178 Fronto, rhetorician 60 army, Napoleonic; French Army, French army, Napoleonic 209, 210–212–215 Fulk Nerra, count of Anjou 82, 86 Revolutionary; French army, World casualties 221 network of stone castles 83, 90 War I; French army, World War II cavalry 211 full-rigged ships 130, 477 Francis I, king of France 155 combat divisions 211 Fuller, J. F. C., British military Franco, Francisco, Spanish general and corps organization 211 commentator 330 leader 333, 334 map, 462 foraging 212, 213 Franco-Prussian War (1870–1) 253–256 Grande Armée 212–215 Gaddai, Muammar, Libyan dictator 447–448 Frankfurt-am-Main, Treaty of (1871) 256 ordre mixte 210 galleass 127, 478 Franklin, battle of (1864) 248 size of 212, 221 Galicia, Poland 300 Franks 88 universal conscription 210 Gallipoli campaign (1915) 302–303 Franz Ferdinand, archduke 288 French Army, Revolutionary 205–207, 208 Gamelin, Maurice, French commander-in-chief assassination 280 battleield tactics 207 (1939–40) 340, 341 Franz Josef, Austro-Hungarian emperor 279, 280 levée en masse (1793) 205 Garner, Jay, US general (Gulf Wars) 437 Frederick I, king in Prussia 188 National Guard 205 Gatacre, Sir William, British general (Boer Frederick II the Great of Prussia 187–189 oficer corps 205, 206 War) 268 alliance with Britain 193 ‘Representatives on Mission’ 206 Gates, Horatio, patriot oficer (War of army of 188 volunteers 205 American Independence) 200 and battle of Leuthen 193, 194 French army, World War I Gaugamela, battle of (331 bc) 42 military dominance 194 advance into Alsace and Lorraine 291 Gaul, conquest of (58–51 bc) 57 and Silesia 189, 193, 215 battle doctrine 300 Gaulle, General Charles de, French War of the Austrian Succession 189 conditions (1917) 312–313 president 343, 397 Frederick William, Elector of inal counter-attacks 322, 323 and Algeria 397 Brandenburg 187 importance of morale 300 assassination attempt 398 Frederick William I, king of Prussia 188 (1917) 313 Gaza, taken by Alexander (332 bc) 44 Fredericksburg, battle of (1862) 241 Pétain’s reforms (1917) 313 Gaza Strip 423 free companies (late medieval Italy) 98, 107 Plan XVII strategy 291 Operation Cast Lead (Israeli, 2008) 446 free-ire zone 477 and Verdun 304–305 Operation Protective Edge (Israeli) 446–447 Free French forces, in Italy 368 French army, World War II Six Day War 406 French, Sir John, commander of British and interwar doctrine 331 Gdańsk, war crimes trials 387 Expeditionary Force (1914–15) 300 response to German invasion (1940) 341 General Belgrano, Argentine cruiser, Falklands French army surrender (1940) 343 War 411 administrative control 174 French East India Company (Compagnie des Geneva Peace Accords (1954) 396, 399 adoption of bolt-action breech-loading rile Indes) 190, 196 Geoffrey Greymantle, count of Anjou 82 (1868) 253 French navy 135, 221 Geoffrey Plantagenet, count of Anjou 4, 83 and Algerian War 397 British destruction (1940) 343 George V, king of England 288 Capetian 86, 90 late 17th cent. 134 Georgia, and Russia 446 expansion (1912) 278 French Revolution 205, 455 Gerhardt, Paul, German pastor (17th cent.) 172 ield supplies 178 and nationalism 198 German air force inancing of 175, 176 see also French Army, Revolutionary see Luftwaffe

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German army German navy Giap, Vo Nguyen, Viet Minh commander 395, constitutional independence 258, 275 interwar doctrine 333 403, 404 expansion (from 1912) 278 World War I Giles of Rome, De Regimine Principum 109 General Staff 261 High Seas Fleet 309, 310 gladius, Roman short sword 46, 47, 48, 56, German army, Reichswehr (Weimar) 329– revolution (1918) 324 478 330, 480 World War II (Kriegsmarine) 338, 478 glider-borne infantry 340 and rearmament 330 see also submarines ‘Global War on Terror’ 431 Troop Leadership manual (1924) 330 German states 78 Glorious First of June, naval battle German army, World War I armies 86, 87, 218 (1794) 221, 222 advance into France 292 see also Germany; Prussia Gneisenau, August von, Prussian oficer 260 collapse and defeat (1918) 322, 323–324 Germany Goebbels, Joseph, and propaganda 352 Eastern Front 300–302 admiration for military 275 Goering, Hermann, Luftwaffe 342, 363 inal offensive against Rheims 321 and conditions of Versailles 328, 329 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, on Valmy 207 invasion of Belgium 290 and European politics 276, 279–280 Golan Heights logistical problems 294, 308 industrialization 260 Six Day War 407 and the Marne 293 and Lenin 315 Yom Kippur 409 ‘Michael’ offensive (1918) 319–321 post-war 389 Goldstone, Richard, UN Human Rights mobilization (1914) 285 rise of Hitler 329 Council 446 Principles of Command for the Defensive Social Democrats 279 Goldwater, Barry, US senator 401 Battle in Positional Warfare and Spanish Civil War 334 Goose Green, battle of (1982) 411 (1916) 308 support for Austria in Balkans (1908) 279 Gordon-Walker, Patrick, British broadcaster and Spanish lu Grippe( ) 323 uniication 232, 249, 258 and politician 459 storm troops 317, 480 Weimar Republic 328, 481 Götz von Berlichingen, mercenary knight, My withdrawal to Siegfried Line (Hindenburg World War I Feuds and Disputes 156 Line) 312 Allied blockade 297, 299 Gough, Hubert, British general (World War German army, World War II declaration of war on France 285 I) 313, 318, 319 (Wehrmarcht) 357, 379, 481 lawed strategy 289 Goya, Francisco de 216 Einsatzgruppen (‘task forces’) against food rationing 325 Gracedieu, warship (1418) 129 Jews 357 policies leading to war 275–276 Granada, reconquest of (to 1492) 109, 112, 115 infantry 341 relations with Austria 280, 296 grand strategy invasion of Austria 334 and Schlieffen Plan 282–284, 290 Charlemagne 76 invasion of France (‘Yellow’) 339, 340, territorial ambitions (1917) 316 Churchill 361, 365 341, 342 war on two fronts 290 Imperial Defence Plan (Japan) 358 invasion of Poland (1939) 336, 337 see also Prussia Plan XVII (France) 291 invasion of Soviet Union (Barbarossa, Germany, Nazi Roman 66, 72 1941) 348, 349, 353, 355–357 Anglo-French blockade 337 Schlieffen Plan (Germany) 282–284 Moscow 354–355, 356, 361 extermination camps 357, 377 see also strategy Operation Citadel offensive 373 industrial production 364, 370 Grande Armée 212–215 Operation Typhoon 355 last months 377–379, 459 Grandson, battle of (1476) 103 Stalingrad 361, 363–364 rearmament programme 330, 334, 335 Granicus, battle of the (334 bc) 42–43 in Italy (1943) 367–368 and Tripartite Pact (1940) 346 Grant, John, on Indian armies 191 lack of reserves and supplies 350, 362, 363 and V-2 rockets 6 Grant, Ulysses S., Union general 245, 246 and Normandy landings 375 war crimes 385 Army of the Tennessee 238, 241–242 north Africa 347, 364, 365, 366 and Yugoslavia 347 move against Confederates 246–248 occupation forces in Scandinavia 338 Geronimo, Apache leader (1880s) 267 and Sherman’s march through Georgia 248 skill and training 347, 350 Gersdorff, Hans von, Manual of Military and war in the West 245–246 SS, Waffen-SS 480 Surgery (1517) 156 grapeshot 478 use of methamphetamine 341 Gettysburg, battle of (1863) 244 Gravelotte, battle of (1870) 255 German nationalism 250, 275 Ghani, Ashraf, Afghan president 450 Graz, Austria, Provincial Armoury 160 beginnings of 217 Ghent, Peace of (1814) 224 Graziani, Rodolfo, Italian general (World War Franco-Prussian War and 258 Gheyn, Jacob de, The Exercise of Arms 163 II) 345

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Great Britain 8, 226, 389 Gribeauval, Jean Vacquette, French artillery gunpowder revolution 110–122 and American colonies 199 reformer (1770s) 204 costs of 117–122 colonial expansion 190, 224–225 Grivas, George, Greek Cypriot resistance and siegecraft 6, 115 conquest of India 190–192 box, 196 leader (1950s), Cyprus 462 technologies 110–115, 456 entente with Russia (1907) 277 Grozny, Chechnya 418 and transformation of warfare 109, 110 and European balance of power 231 Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands 380 gunpowder weapons and Falklands War (1982) 409–412 Guam, Japan and 361 barrel length 112 industrialization 225 Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, US internment of cast bronze 113 and Malayan insurgency 398 suspected insurgents 430, 440 early Chinese 110 and Napoleonic wars 215, 216, 221 Guderian, Heinz, German general (World War early Western 110, 111 and occupation of Iraq (from 2003) 438 II) 374 range 112, 113 and Palestine 405 invasion of France (1940) 341 use at sea 126 parliamentary control of inances 189, 226 Operation Typhoon 355 see also artillery; cannons; irearms relations with France 189, 194–196, 277 in Ukraine 354 Guntram, king of Burgundy 71 and Syria 451 Guernica, bombing of 334 Gustavus Adolphus, king of Sweden 157, treaty with Japan (1902) 272, 276 guerrilla warfare 478 167, 168 World War I 278, 285 Afghanistan 448 and cavalry charge 166 Committee of Imperial Defence 298 Algeria 397 use of volley ire 165 declaration of war on Germany 290 American Civil War 239 mobilization (1914) 285 American War of Independence 202 Habsburg empire World War II Boers 269 see Austria appeasement of Germany 335 Cyprus 462 Hadrian, Roman emperor 60 war with Japan 360 Malaya 398 Hadrian’s Wall 76 see also British army; England; Royal Air by modern militants 427 Haferkorn, Reinhard, Nazi party member 336, 506 Force; Royal Navy and Native Americans 267 Haider Ali, ruler of Mysore 191, 225 ‘Great Company’, mounted knights in Italy 98 Peninsular War 216 Haig, Alexander, US secretary of state Great Harry (English warship 1512) 131 Vietnam 399 410 Great Michael (Scottish warship 1511) 130 Yugoslavia 348 Haig, Sir Douglas, commander, British Great Northern War (1700–21), Sweden and Guibert, Jacques, count de, Essai général de Expeditionary Force (1916–18) Russia 183 tactique (1772) 203, 204 and defence in depth 319 Greece Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (1964) and Flanders 313–315 German invasion (1941) 347, 348 402 Somme 305 Italian attack (1940) 346 Gulf War I (1990–1) 390, 413–415, 416 Haiti, US intervention (1994) 417 World War I 323 air defences 414, 415 halberd 97, 478 Greek city-states (poleis) 14–16, 24, 479 end of 416–417 Halder, Franz, chief of German Army Staff gods and heroes as warriors 30 Gulf War II (2003) 432–434, 436, 498 (World War II), and Barbarossa 351, and militia 34 chaos and violence 436, 437 352, 356, 496 and Persian Wars 20–21 Coalition expectation of popular Halicarnassus, taken by Alexander (334 bc) 44 social changes 27 support 434, 436 Halleck, Henry, Union general 240, 245 warfare 14, 20, 32, 34, 35–37 Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) Hamas (Islamic Resistance Movement) 423, see also Athens; hoplites; Macedonian 437–438, 440, 442 478 warfare; phalanx; Sparta failure of planning for reconstruction and and Operation Cast Lead (Israeli, 2008) 446 ‘Greek Fire’ 75, 81 state-building 437–438 and Operation Protective Edge (Israel) Greene, Nathanael, patriot oficer (War ‘humanitarian assistance’ 437 446–447 of American Independence) 201, Operation Iraqi Freedom 435 Hamburg, irestorm (1943) 370 202–203 box see also Iraq Hamilton, Alexander, mercenary regiment 157 Greenwich, Connecticut, Dutch attack 148 Gumbinnen, battle of (1914) 295 Hamilton, Sir Ian, Gallipoli commander Gregory of Tours, chronicler 74 gunpowder (World War I) 274 Grenada, US invasion (1983) 413 Chinese formula for 110 Dardanelles 302, 303 Grey, Sir Edward, British Foreign Ofice ‘corned’ (granules) 112, 115, 477 Hampden, John 465 secretary 286 smokeless 261, 268 Hancock, Winield Scott, Union general 238

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Hannibal, Carthaginian general 4, 50 Historia Augusta (anon., late 4th cent.) 67 horse transports and Cannae 50–51 box Hitler, Adolf 294, 329, 335 Byzantine 82 invasion of Italy 50, 455 assassination attempt on 374 Norman 82, 84 Hanover, Prussia and 251 belief in own genius 342, 343 horses Hardinge, Sir Charles, British Foreign Ofice and British ultimatum (1939) 336 draught 167, 269 oficial 279 and Caucasus oil supplies 362 introduced into America 149–150 Harleur control of army 357 horses in warfare 176 sieges of 101, 107 and elimination of Jews 333, 349, 357 ancient Greece 15, 16, 19 retaken by France (1449) 112 and fall of France 343 fodder for 167, 176 Harkins, Paul, US general 401 as Führer (1934) 333 see also cavalry Harlech castle 6 ideology 333 hospitals Harold II, king of England 84, 86 invasion of Denmark and Norway 338 ield 308 Harris, Arthur ‘Bomber’, commander-in-chief, invasion of Soviet Union 349, 356, 361 military 157 Bomber Command 370 non-aggression pact with Soviet Howe, Richard, British admiral (American hasta (lance) 56 Union 335 War of Independence) 221, 222 hastati (irst line in Roman legion) 48, 478 plan for invasion of Britain (Operation Sea Howe, Sir William, British general (American Hastings, battle of (1066) 84–85, 86 Lion) 344 War of Independence) 199, 200 Havana, Cuba, walls 152 rearmament programme 330 howitzers 261, 305, 478 Hawke, Edward, British admiral 126 suicide 379 Huaitará, battle of (1536) 146 Hawkwood, Sir John, White Company territorial ambitions 333 Huawei 468 commander, Italy 98, 99 and ‘vengeance’ (V-1 and V-2) hubris, and nemesis 470 hegemony 478 weapons 371–372 Hugh Capet, king of France 86 helicopters 398, 399, 411, 416 war with United States 360 Hughes, Paul 438 Henry II, king of England 83 Hittites 12 Hundred Years War 99–100, 104, 111 Henry II, king of France 121 Ho Chi Minh, Vietnamese leader 394, 399 Hung-wu (irst emperor of China) 126 Henry IV, king of England, battle of Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon), Vietnam 399 Hungary, Soviet control of 374 Shrewsbury 103 Ho Chi Minh Trail 399, 478 see also Austria-Hungary; Balkans Henry V, king of England 104 Hoffmann, Max, German General Staff oficer Huns, invasion of Gaul (451) 66 Agincourt 99 (World War I) 274, 289, 295 Huntington, Samuel 467 naval warfare 106, 129 Hohenlinden, battle of (1745) 188 Hurons 147 Henry VIII, king of England 131, 424 Hohenlinden, battle of (1800) 210 Huss, John 101 Henry the Fowler, king of Germany 80, 88, 90 Hohenzollern dynasty 187 Hussite wars, Bohemia 100, 101–102, 104 Hentsch, Colonel Richard 294 Holy Roman Empire 121–122 Hutu 417 Herodotus, historian 20 end of (1806) 215 Hydaspes, battle of (326 bc) 42 Herzegovina 267 see also Austria, Habsburg empire hypaspists (Macedonian light infantry, shield Hesdin, siege of (1552) 121 Hong Kong, Japan and 360, 361 bearers) 37, 478 Hessians 199 Honorius, Roman emperor 70 Hysiae, battle of (669 bc) 32 hetairoi (Macedonian cavalry) 37, 478 Hood, John Bell, Confederate general 248 Hezbollah 446, 478 Hooker, Joseph ‘Fighting Joe’, Union Ia Drang Valley battles (1965) 401 in Lebanon 423, 446 general 243 ICTY (International Criminal Tribunal for the and Syria 451 hoplites (heavy infantry) 15, 478 former Yugoslavia) 421 Himmler, Heinrich 353 Achilles and Ajax as IED (improvised explosive device) 442, 478 Hindenburg, Paul von, German general and armour 15, 17 Imphal, battle of (1944) 382 statesman 289, 295, 308 Athena as Incas, Peru 3, 143–146, 150 Hindenburg Plan 324 battles 18 warfare to kill 143, 145 president of Weimar Republic 329, 333 discipline 3, 19–20 weapons 143 and Versailles 328 and non-hoplites 19 incendiary devices Hinsley, F. H. 339 professional (Sparta) 26 ‘Greek Fire’ 75, 81 Hipper, Franz von, German admiral 310 see also phalanx in siege warfare 4, 75 Hirohito, emperor of Japan 385 Hopton, Sir Ralph, Royalist commander, Inchon landing (Korean War 1950) 389, 392 Hiroshima, atomic bomb (1945) 385 English Civil War 160 Indefatigable, HMS 310

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indenture, military contract 108 Iraq (lawed) 434 Isocrates, Greek orator (4th cent. bc) 37 India 6, 190, 191 ‘Magic’ (Japanese naval codes) 379, 381, 479 Isonzo valley British control 190–192, 224–225 and Normandy landings 375 campaign (1915–16) 303 independence 389 Polish code-breaking 338 Caporetto (1917) 316 trading companies 190 Ultra 339, 376, 480 Israel 405, 407, 423 Indian armies 191, 193 internet, Chechens’ use of 426 1948–9 war 405 sepoys 191, 480 see also social media and Arab–Israeli Wars 405–409 Indian Ocean, Portuguese leet in 136–137 Intifada 423 and Lebanon 423, 446 Indo-China Invincible, HMS 410 and Palestinian Intifadas 423 France and 267, 394, 396 Iphicrates, Athenian general 37 Six Day War (1967) 406–407 Japan and (1940) 358 Ipsus, battle of (301 bc) 45 and Yom Kippur War (1973) 407–409 see also Vietnam IRA (Irish Republican Army) 431, 464 Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) Indonesia 361, 422 Iran and Hezbollah 446 ‘amok combats’ 2, 476 nuclear programme 446 Operation Cast Lead against Gaza Strip 446 industrial power war with Iraq (1980–8) 413 Operation Protective Edge 446–447 American Civil War 237 Iraq retraining for hybrid war (2006) 446 Prussia 250 insurgency (2003–6) 434–443 Six Day War 407 World War I 297 Anbar province 443, 444 Suez Crisis (1956) 406 World War II 455 elections 444 Yom Kippur War 408–409 Industrial Revolution 225 interim government (2004) 442 Issus, battle of (333 bc) 42 and communications 234 Ramadi 444 Istanbul late 19th cent. 260 Sunni–Shi‘a civil war 439, 440, 443 see Constantinople and military technology 233 US and UK costs of intervention 445 Italy infantry 3, 6, 155, 478 US response to 438–440 Byzantine wars in 72 early modern dominance 155 international policy of ‘containment’ 431 medieval French 176, 204 no-ly zones 416, 431–432 defensive fortiications 115 Greek 24 rearmament 431 free companies of cavalry line formation 161–162, 165 refugees 443 (mercenaries) 98, 107 line vs column debate 203–204 Surge, and aftermath 443–445, 450 size of armies 79, 92 Macedonian 37 war with Iran (1980–8) 413 seizure of Dodecanese 279 medieval 87–88, 89 see also Gulf War I; Gulf War II seizure of Libya (1911) 279 predominance 96, 97–99, 104 al-Iraqiyya (Iraqi National Movement) 444 and Tripartite Pact (1940) 346 training 88 Ireland 90, 221 World War I 308 ratio to cavalry 97, 104 Cromwell’s invasion 171, 424 war with Austria 303, 316, 323 Russian streltsy 182 Ireland, Republic of 424 World War II see also archers; irearms; hoplites; phalanx; see also Northern Ireland defeats 3, 347 weapons Irian Jaya, Indonesia 2 German army in 367–368 Inkerman, battle of (1854) 236 Iroquois 141, 147 Gustav Line 368 insignia ISAF (International Security Assistance navy 347, 348 captured colours as trophies 158, 159 Force) 448 north Africa 345, 347 cavalry shields 68 Isandlwana, battle of (1879) 263, 264 occupation of Albania 335 regimental 158, 160 ISIS (Islamic State of Syria and al-Sham) war crimes 385 Roman standards (eagle, aquila) 57 (Daesh) 478 Iwo Jima, battle of (1945) 383 royal seals 71 and genocide of Yezidis 452 intelligence and counter-intelligence 460, 478 seizure of Mosul 452 Jackson, Andrew, US general and US Bletchley Park 338 war against 450–452 president 224 Bombe machine 338 Islamic empire 82 Jackson, Thomas ‘Stonewall’, Confederate British–US sharing of 339 extent 72, 73 general 240, 244 Byzantine 82 Ismay, Hastings, secretary of British Jaish al-Mahdi, Shi‘a militia 441, 443, 478 German Enigma machine 338 Committee for Imperial Defence 335, James II, king of England, deposition German naval codes 369 343, 345 (1688) 173

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James II, king of Scotland 112 Johnson, Lyndon B., US president, and Kim Il-sung, North Korean leader 391 James IV, king of Scotland 131 Vietnam 401, 402, 403 Kim Jong-il, North Korean dictator 445 James peninsula expedition (1862) 240, 246 Johnston, Joseph, Confederate general (Army Kimberley, besieged 268, 269 Jankow, battle of (1645) 164, 167 of Tennessee) 246, 248 King George’s War (1743–8) 192 Japan 271 Jomini, Antoine-Henri 2 King Philip’s War (1675–6) 148 Imperial Defence Plan 358 Jordan 406 King William’s War (1688–97) 184–185 and Indo-China (1940) 358 Six Day War 407 Kipling, Rudyard and Korea 271, 274, 391 Joseph, Chief, of Nez Percé 264, 265–267 ‘The Grave of a Hundred Head’ (1888) 458 modernization 271 Joseph Bonaparte, as king of Spain 216 on ‘the Huns’ 291 post-war 389 Josephus, Flavius, Jewish-Roman historian 60, Kitchener, Horatio Herbert, Lord, secretary of relations with China 271, 358 457 state for war (World War I) 293 Tokugawa 6, 270 Jourdan law (1798), France 210 and Boer War 269 treaty with Britain (1902) 276 journalists 426 Omdurman 262 war with Russia 270–275 Crimea 235, 236 Klaipeda (Memel), Lithuania 335 warfare 8, 461 see also war reporting Kluck, Alexander von, German general (World World War I, declaration of war on Germany joust 108 War I) 293 (1914) 299, 358 Joyce, William (‘Lord Haw-Haw’) 336 knights World War II 358–360, 459 Judaea, annexation (ad 6) 59 in medieval romance 88, 92 and Burma 383 Jugurtha, king of Numidia 52, 54 myth of mounted 92, 95–95 Pearl Harbor 359–360 Julian, Roman emperor 67 Kohn, Richard 467 Philippines 383 Julianus, Roman emperor 59 Königgrätz, battle of (1866) 252 rise of militarists 329, 358 Julius Caesar, Roman general and dictator 59 Korean peninsula 271 surrender 385, 388 assassination (44 bc) 58 Japanese claim to 271, 274 and Tripartite Pact (1940) 346, 358 crossing of Rubicon (49 bc) 58 Korean War (1950–1) 390, 391–394 and United States 359 De Bello Gallico 109 armistice negotiations 393 use of atomic bombs against 7, 370–371, in Gaul (57 bc) 54 effect on United States 394 384–385 Jünger, Ernst, German soldier and writer 454, invasion of Inchon 389, 392 war crimes 385 465, 470, 493, 495 invasion of South by Kim Il-sung 391 and war in Paciic 379–381–382 just-in-time logistics 435 Kortrijk Japanese navy 333, 379, 382 Justinian, Byzantine emperor 72 see Courtrai, battle of javelins Jutland, naval battle (1916) 309, 310–311 Kosovo, war of independence (1998–9) 422 Mexico 141, 147 Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) 422 Roman pilum 47, 48, 56, 478, 479 Kalkhin Gol, battle of (1939) 358 Kraus, Karl, satirist 325 Jellicoe, Sir John, British Grand Fleet ‘kamikaze’ attacks, World War II 383, 478 Krepinevich, Andrew, military commander, Jutland 309, 310 Karremans, Thom, Dutch commander 420 commentator 461 Jena–Auerstadt, battle of (1806) 212 Kasserine Pass, Tunisia, battle of (1942) 366 Kronstadt, fortiied Russian naval base 235 Jericho, destruction of 13 Kearney, George, US general 381 Krott, Rob, US volunteer in Croatian army Jerusalem, siege of (1099) 87 Kellerman, François, at Valmy (1792) 206, (1990s) 462 Jervis, John, British admiral (Napoleonic 207 Krupp armaments factory 260 wars) 221, 222 Kemal, Mustafa, colonel 303 Kurds Jews Kennedy, John F., US president 364, 399 in Iraq 416, 436 in British armed forces (World War II) 405 and Cuba 400 and ISIS 452 expulsion from Arab states (1948–9) 406 and Vietnam 400 in Syria 451 Nazi extermination policy 333, 349, 357, 377 Kesselring, Albert, German ield marshal Kuropatkin, Aleksey, Russian commander in Jodl, Alfred, German High Command (World (World War II) 356, 496 Far East 273 War II) 363, 496 in Italy 367 Kursk, battle of (1943) 373 Joffre, Joseph, chief of French General Staff, trial 387 Kutná Hora, battle of (1421) 101 World War I 285, 292, 312 Kharkov, battle of (1942) 362 Kutuzov, Mikhail, Russian general 214, 217 John III (Jan Sobieski), king of Poland 181 retaken by Red Army 373 Kuwait, invasion by Iraq 413–414 John of Austria, Don, and Lepanto 128 Kharzai, Hamid, Afghan president 430, 448 Kwajalein, battle of (1944) 381 John of Nassau-Siegen, count 163 Kiggell, General Launcelot 314 Kyushu, 1945 Allied invasion plan 384

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Index 531

La Rochelle, battle of (1372) 107 principes (second line) 48, 479 Lloyd George, David, British prime Laden, Osama bin 427–428 tactics 49 minister 289, 324, 328 death of (2011) 450 triarii (third line) 48, 480 Loches, tower 82 fatwas against United States 427, 428 velites (skirmishers) 48, 56, 480 Locke, John 172 and al-qaeda recruitment 428–429 Leipzig, battle of (1813) 220 logistics 167, 479 Ladysmith, siege of 268, 269 Lemberg Afghanistan 448 relieved 269 see Lviv American Civil War 238, 242, 245, 246, 249 Lafayette, marquis de 201 Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich 315, 316 American just-in-time 435 Laffargue, André, The Attack in Trench Leningrad, World War II 353, 374 Eastern Front (World War I) 294, 297 Warfare … (1916) 312 , Muslim naval commander 82 Eastern Front (World War II) 352, 354 Laing’s Nek, battle of (1880) 264 Leonidas, king of Sparta 24 First Crusade 87 Lamentations of Germany (1638) 170 Leopold of Austria 98 French army (1690s) 175 lances 56, 68, 97, 138, 150, 478 Lepanto, battle of (1571) 127, 128, 129 Macedonian 43, 46 Landwehr 478 Leuctra, battle of (371 bc) 31 Napoleonic 211, 217 Lanrezac, Charles, French general (World War Leuthen, battle of (1757) 193, 194 Normandy landings 375 I) 292 Leuven, Belgium Roman army 56 Laos 399 levée en masse 205 see also railways Lartéguy, Jean (Jean Pierre Osty), French levies Lombard kingdom, defeat by Charlemagne soldier and novelist general 79 (774) 74 The Centurions (1960) 401 Italian city-states 79 Lombards, and Roman military The Praetorians (1961) 470 and mounted horsemen 94 organization 70 Laslett, Peter 339 select 79 London latifundia, Roman corporate agriculture 53 Anglo-Saxon 79, 86 Blitz 344, 346 Latin America, civil wars 424 Carolingian 73 terrorist attacks (2005) 442 Laudonnière, René Goulaine de, commander late Roman 71 longbows 96, 97 in Florida 139 Leyte Gulf, battle of (1944) 382 Longstreet, James (Confederate general) 240, Lawrence, Stringer, East India Company Liaodong peninsula 271 245 191 Liberia, civil war 422 Loos, battle of (1915) 300 Laws of War 4 Libya ‘Lord Haw-Haw’ (William Joyce) 336 Le Baker, Geoffrey, chronicler 106 civil war 447–448 Lorraine 256 Le Duan, North Vietnamese political NATO–US bombing campaign (Odyssey Allied occupation (1919) 328 leader 403, 404 Dawn/Uniied Protector) 447 Lothar I, Carolingian ruler 4, 74 Le Tellier, Michel, French secretary of state for taken by Italy (1911) 279 Lothar II, Carolingian king 68 war (17th cent.) 174 Liddell Hart, B. H., British military Louis IX, king of France 93 League of Nations, creation of 328 commentator 330 Louis XI, king of France 109 Lebanon Liège 283 Louis XIV, king of France 119, 134, 174, 177, and Israel 423, 446 German attack on (1914) 290 457 suicide terrorism 464 limbs, artiicial 156, 326 anti-Protestantism 173 Lechfeld, battle of the (955) 3, 9, 86, 88 Lincoln, Abraham, US president 238, 248 and control of inances 190 Lee, Robert E., Confederate general 249 assassination 249 death (1715) 187 Army of Northern Virginia 238, 240 and Burnside 243 size of army 174, 185 and battle of the Wilderness 244 Emancipation Proclamation (1862) 241 and War of the League of Augsburg battles against Grant’s Army of the and Grant 245 (1688–97) 184–185 Potomac 246–248 and McClellan 240, 241, 246 wars 178–179 at Petersburg 243, 247, 248 and strategy 239 Louis XV, king of France 194 Leeb, Wilhelm Ritter von 339 Lindisfarne stone 78 Louis XVI, king of France 205 legions, Roman army 46–48–49, 478 line ahead (naval tactic) 131, 133, 222, 479 Louis the German, king of East Franks 74 bribery of 59 List, Friedrich, and railways 231 Louis the Pious, king of Franks co-ordination and adaptability 48, 49 Lithuania, Hitler and 335 Louisbourg 192 on frontiers 60–62, 63 Little Big Horn, battle of (1876) 265 battle of (1758) 194 hastati (irst line) 48, 478 Livy, Roman historian 38, 47, 51 Louisiana, sale of 224

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Louvois, François Le Tellier, marquis de, logistics 43, 46 Mantineia, battles of Louis XIV’s war minister 174, 179 Philip II 37 362 bc 31, 35 Lucullus, Roman general 57 Machiavelli, Niccolò, on artillery 115, 116 418 bc 457 Ludendorff, Erich, German general and machine guns 253, 261, 479 Manuel I, king of Portugal, Instructions (to strategist 278, 311, 324 Mackensen, August von, German general leet) (1500) 131 and defence in depth 308, 312 (World War I) 300, 329 Mao zedong, Chinese communist leader 394, 467 and offensive doctrine 315, 317 McKiernan, David, US general Mappae Clavicula, 8th-cent. treatise 75 Principles of Command for the Defensive (Afghanistan) 448 Mapuche people, Chile 148 Battle in Positional Warfare (1916) 308 McNamara, Robert Strange, US secretary of Maratha War, second (1803–5) 225 World War I 316, 318 defense 399, 405 Marathon, battle of (490 bc) 20, 22 inal offensives 319, 321 McNeill, William 457 Mardonius, Persian general 21, 23 and German defeat 323 Madras, siege of (1746) 190 Marengo, battle of (1800) 210 at Liège 289, 290 Madrid, train bombings (2004) 441 Maria Theresa, empress, and Frederick the Moltke and 295 Mafeking, siege of 268 Great 189, 193 Luftwaffe 479 Magdeburg, sack of (1631) 170 Marianas air battle (1944) 381 and Battle of Britain 344–345 Magellan, Ferdinand, circumnavigation Marignano, battle of (1515) 161 Belgrade bombing 347 (1519–22) 137 marines 479 Blitz bombing of London 344, 346 Magersfontein, battle of (1899) 268 Marius, Gaius, Roman general 54, 55–57 Crete 349 Maginot Line, France 329, 339 Mark Antony, Roman general 58 interwar doctrine 332 magnates, medieval 79, 84, 90, 92 Market Garden, Allied operation, Arnhem lack of fuel 372 Magnentius, Roman usurper 68 (1944) 376 navigation and blind-bombing devices 332 Mago, brother of Hannibal 50 Marlborough, John Churchill, duke of, British and Spanish Civil War 334 Magyars, and battle of the Lechfeld 86, 88 general 185, 186 Lusitania, SS, sunk by German submarine Mahan, Alfred Thayer, naval theorist 276 and Blenheim 186 (1915) 299, 311 Mahdi, the, Islamic fundamentalist ruler, Marne, battle of the (1914) 293 Lützen, battle of (1632) 167 Sudan 262 Marne, German advance to (1918) 321 Luxembourg, François de Montmorency- Majuba Hill, battle of (1881) 264 Mars-le-Tour, battle of (1870) 255 Bouteville, duke of, French Malaya Marshall, General George C., US chief of staff general 185 insurgency (1948–54) 398 and secretary of state 4, 361 Luxembourg Japanese in 360, 361 Marshall Islands, US attacks on 381 to France (1684) 179 Mali, civil war 447 Marshall Plan 389 French offer to Prussia for 253 al-Maliki, Nouri, Iraqi prime minister 444, Marsin, Ferdinand de, French general 186 German invasion (1914) 290, 295 450 Marston Moor, battle of (1644) 160 Lviv (Lemberg), taken by Russia (1914) 296 Malplaquet, battle of (1709) 185 Marx, Karl 236, 279 Lynch, Jack, Irish prime minister 424 Malta, naval assault (1565) 129 Mary Rose, warship 132 Lysimachus, Macedonian general 45 Malvern Hill, battle of (1862) 240 Massachusetts Indians 148 Mamluks 209, 456 massacres MacArthur, Douglas, US commander in Paciic Manchuria Dinant 290 (World War II) 381, 392, 393 Japanese invasion (1904) 273, 274 Drogheda 171 Philippines 380, 382 Japanese invasion (1931) 358 Iraq 416 commander-in-chief of UN forces (Korean Russian occupation (1900) 271 Mexico 140 War) 389, 392 Soviet invasion (1945) 274 My Lai 402 McChrystal, Stanley, US general Manco, Inca leader 144, 146 Srebrenica 420, 421 (Afghanistan) 448 ‘Manhattan Project’ 6, 384, 456 World War II 375, 386 McClellan, George B., Union general (Army maniples, Roman infantry unit 47, 479 see also war crimes of the Potomac) 237, 238 Manstein, Erich von, German general (World Masséna, André, French marshal (Napoleonic and Antietam 240 War II) 339, 342 wars) 212 and Lincoln 240, 241, 246 and Barbarossa 351 Massu, Jacques, French paratroop general Macedonian warfare 39, 457 in Crimea 362 (Algerian War) 397 after Alexander 45–46 and Kursk 373 Masterman, Sir John, British counter-espionage Alexander the Great 42–45 at Stalingrad 363 expert (World War II) 367, 495

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Maurice of Nassau, Dutch commander Mers-el-Kébir, destruction of French leet guided 404, 460 (16th–17th cents.) 163, 165 (1940) 343, 459 Israeli anti-rocket defence system 446 and Aelian’s Tactics 4, 5 Merton, Robert, sociologist 461 Sidewinder air-to-air 410, 411 and volley ire 4, 461 Messines Ridge, battle of (1917) 313 see also ballistic missiles; Cruise missiles Maylower 164 metallurgy, cast bronze artillery 113 Mississippi River, and American Civil Meade, George, Union general (Army of the Metellus, Roman general 57 War 241, 245 Potomac) 244, 246 Methuen, Paul, British general (Boer War) 268 Missouri, USS 385, 388 Mechelen, Belgium Low Countries Metz Mithradates of Pontus 52, 57 defences 115 defences 117 Mitterrand, François 343 military hospital 157 and Franco-Prussian War 255, 256 Mladić, Ratko, Bosnia 420 medicine 156–157 siege of (1552) 121 Mnesimachus, playwright, Philip (c. 350 bc) 40 amputation 156 Meuse–Argonne, battle of (1918) 323 Model, Walter, German ield marshal, and artiicial limbs 156, 326 Mexico 141 Kursk 373 military hospitals 157 see Tenochtitlan modern (Western) warfare World War I ield hospitals 308 Midway, naval battle (1942) 379 21st-cent. 459–463 see also disease Milan, military organisation 92, 109 aggressive military tradition 5, 454, 458 medieval warfare military academies causes of war 463 armies Kriegsakademie (Prussian war college) 220, civil wars 462–463 paid 104 250 conventional wars 463 size and composition 103–104 oficer cadet schools, France 204 destructiveness 459 standing 109 oficer staff colleges 261 discipline 2–3, 454, 457–458 cavalry 87–89 Schola Militaris, Siegen 163 in distant theatres 459 doctrine of mounted combat 88 Wiener Neustadt 194 eclecticism 5–9, 454, 456–457 infantry 87–88, 89 military earthworks, medieval 76–77 inance 7–9, 107–108, 454, 455 popular independence movements 96 military systems future wars 463–465 and study of classical warfare 106, 109 capital-intensive 6, 455 short wars 458 training 91 labour-intensive 6, 455 technology 2, 454, 455–456 Mediterranean campaign (1941–4) 364–368 militias 479 weaknesses of 425–427, 453 Memel American colonies 164, 199 see also European warfare; NATO; United see Klaipeda Austria 218 Nations forces; United States, warfare men-at-arms 97, 479 Boer 267 Mohacs, battle of (1687) 182 Mendoza, Don Bernardino de, Theory and French Revolution 205 Mohawk peoples, Albany, NY 138 Practice of War (1595) 120 Gaul 71, 72 Mokyr, Joel, economic historian 461 mercantilism, and European warfare 187 Greek 34 Molotov–Ribbentrop pact 335 mercenaries 107, 155–157, 158, 479 Jaish al-Mahdi 441 Moltke, Helmut von, the younger (nephew), chief Anatolian 52 medieval 86, 89, 95 of German General Staff 284, 292, 295 Greek 35, 37, 42 Prussian Landwehr 220 and East Prussia 293 late Roman (federates) 70 Roman 55, 70 and invasion of Belgium 285, 290 medieval (John Hawkwood) 98 Rwanda 417 Moltke, Helmut von, count, chief of Prussian and phalangists 46, 479 Serbia 420 German General Staff 4, 250, 252, 282 Swiss as 102 Shi‘a 439, 442 Franco-Prussian War 253, 255, 256 Thirty Years War 157 Somalia 417 siege of Paris (1870–1) 256 merchant shipping see also guerrilla warfare and war with Austria 251 Japan 381 Milne, George, Lord, British chief of Imperial Monluc, Blaise de 154 World War I 299 General Staff 331 Monro, Robert, Scottish colonel (17th cent.) 159 World War II 369, 455 Milošević, Slobodan 420 Monro his expedition with the worthy Scots Merobaudes, Flavius, Roman general war crimes trial 421, 422 regiment called Mackays (1637) 169 67 Minié, Claude-étienne 233 Mons, battle of (1914) 289, 292 Merovingian Gaul missiles 390 Mons-en-Pévèle, battle of (1304) 98 ield armies 71 Exocet anti-ship 410, 411 Montcalm, Louis Joseph, marquis de, French levies (military service) 71 ‘ire and forget’ 460 general 194

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Monte Cassino, battle of (1944) 368 Naples 109, 127 naval air forces 333, 381 Montesquieu, Charles-Louis de Secondat, Napoleon III, emperor of France 4, 253 naval dockyards 135 baron de 204 and war with Prussia 253, 256 naval warfare Montezuma, Aztec emperor 140 Napoleon Bonaparte, French general and 16th–17th cents. 126, 135–136–137 Montferrat, marquis of 99 emperor 209 Mediterranean 129 Montgomery, Bernard Law 365, 375, 376 abdication and exile to Elba (1814) 220 and aircraft carriers 332 Morant, Harry ‘Breaker’ 268 campaign in Italy 209 Anglo-Saxon 79 Morat, battle of (1476) 103, 104 map defeat at Leipzig 220 Athens 26, 44 Mordechai, Major Alfred, US Army Corps of in Egypt 209 blockades 107 Engineers 237 exile to St Helena 220 British dominance 189, 221–224 Moreau, Jean, French general 210 invasion of Portugal (1807) 216 Byzantine 81–82 Morgan, Daniel, American Revolutionary reasons for defeat 215, 217 grapnel 478 commander 201, 202, 203 tactics 208, 212, 213 Greek 20, 23, 24–25 box Morgarten, battle of (1315) 98 see also French army, Napoleonic Hellenistic 44 box Morse, Samuel 233 Napoleonic wars 212–224 and imperial expansion 136–137 Moscow campaign of 1805 212 interwar doctrine 332–333 battle of (1941) 354–355 box, 356, 361 combined opposition forces 220 line ahead tactic 131, 133, 222, 479 Napoleon in 217 and Continental System 216 line of battle 133–135 Mount McKinley, USS 389 the Hundred Days 220–221 manpower 135 Mount Tumbledown, Falklands 412 Russian campaign 217, 351, 507 medieval 104–107 Mughals 3 Third Coalition 212 mêlée tactics 222–223, 479 Mühlberg, battle of (1547) 161 see also French Revolutionary War; War of Norman 84 mujahideen 427, 479 1812 Persian 21 Mukden, Manchuria, battle of (1905) 274 Narses, Byzantine general 72 Roman Mullen, Admiral Mike, chairman of Joint Narva, siege of (1700) 183 technological advances 261 Chiefs of Staff 448 Nashville, Tennessee 248 Vandals 71 Munda, battle of (45 bc) 58 Nassau, counts of, training ‘exercises’ 163, 165 Venice 82 Mundy, Peter, English traveller in China 126 see also John; Maurice; William Louis Visigoths 71 Munro, Hector, East India Company 196 Nasser, Gamel Abdel, Egyptian president War of 1812 224 Mursa, battle of (351) 68 397 World War I 298–299, 310–311 Muslims Natal, Boer invasion 264, 268 use of mines 299 Balkans 420–421, 422 National Guard World War II 368–369 and Chechen Wars 417–419 Revolutionary France 205 convoys 368 and Israel 423 USA 390, 402, 436, 440 see also Royal Navy; ships; submarines mujahideen 427, 479 nationalism 198, 217, 226 Neerwinden, battle of (1693) 185 and radical ideology 423 and economic competition 260 Nelson, Horatio, Admiral Lord 221–224 see also ISIS; al-qaeda; suicide bombings; as threat 230, 231 and battle of the Nile 209, 222 Taliban see also German nationalism Cape St Vincent 221 Mussolini, Benito, Italian dictator 329, 345, 367 Native American warfare 146–147, 148, 192, Trafalgar 222, 223 annexation of Ethiopia 333 264–267 Nemea, battle of (394 bc) 31 attack on Greece 346 and European strategic alliances 146–147 nemesis, and hubris 470 capture and execution 378, 379 and European technology 147 Netherlands occupation of Albania 335 to kill (Incas) 145 bastioned defences 117, 119 My Lai massacre, Vietnam War 402 to take captives 141 French invasions of Spanish 178, 185 Mysore Wars 225 NATO (North Atlantic Treaty German invasion (1940) 339 Organization) 389, 465, 479 partition (1830) 231 Nagasaki, atomic bomb 385 Afghanistan 448, 450 Spanish Army of Flanders 119, 155, 158 Naher, fortiied town 66 bombing campaigns and Srebrenica (1995) 420, 421 Nairobi, attack on US embassy (1998) 428, 464 Bosnia 421 see also Dutch Republic; Dutch Revolt; Namur, siege of (1692) 177 Serbia and Kosovo 422, 425 Flanders Nancy, battle of (1477) 103 and bombing of Libya 447 Neuf Brisach, Vauban’s fortress 179

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New Guinea campaign, World War II 380 North Korea, nuclear programme 445 Ollantaytambo, Peru 144, 146 New Orleans, battle of (1815) 224 see also Korean War Omdurman, battle of (1896) 262 New York (New Amsterdam) 149 Northern Ireland, the ‘Troubles’ (1969– Onasander, military theorist, on Macedonian British attack on 199 98) 424, 425–425 phalanx 39 Dutch Manhattan Island defences 152 Norway, German invasion (1939) 338 OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting New-York Daily Tribune 236 Notitia Dignitatium 68 Countries) 409 newspapers nuclear weapons Operation Desert Storm correspondents in Crimea 235, 236 and deterrence 388 see Gulf War (1990–1) see also war reporting development of 390, 456, 461 ORHA (Ofice of Reconstruction and Ney, Michel, French marshal 219 Iran 446 Humanitarian Assistance), Iraq Nez Percé, American campaign North Korea 445 437 against 265–267 World War II atomic bombs 7, 370–371, Orlando, Vittorio, Italian prime minister, and Nicholas I, tsar of Russia 232, 233, 288 384–385 Versailles 328 Nicholas II, tsar of Russia 279, 315 see also atomic weapons Orléans, besieged by Attila (451) 66, 75 and mobilization 284 Nuremberg Ostrogoths, size of armies 67, 71 and war with Japan 272 RAF raid (1944) 370 Otto I the Great, emperor of the West, and Wilhelm II of Germany 272, 284 war crimes trials 386 Lechfeld 86, 88 Nicolson, Arthur, British Foreign Ofice Otto II, emperor of the West, invasion of Italy 286 OAS (Organisation de l’Armée Secrète), (982) 87 Nieuwpoort, battle of (1600) 165, 461 terrorist organisation 398, 479 Ottoman empire Nigeria, civil war 447 Obama, Barack, US president and Balkans 267, 279 Nijmegen, Treaty of (1678) 178 and Afghanistan 448 and battle of Lepanto (1571) 128 box Nile, battle of the (1798) 209, 222 and Iraq 445 and Russia 232, 297 Nimitz, Chester US naval commander (World and Libya 447 siege of Vienna (1683) 179, 181–182 War II) 379, 380, 381, 382 and Syria 451 World War I 278, 297, 302–303, 323 Nithard, grandson of Charlemagne 68 obsidian, tipped clubs (Americas) 140 Oyama Iwao, Japanese ield marshal, Russo- Nivelle, Robert, French general (World War Octavian Japanese War 274 II) 305, 312, 313 see Augustus Caesar Nixon, Richard M., US president 404 oficer corps 260 Paardeberg, battle of (1900) 269 Vietnam 403, 404 Argentine 412 Paciic Ocean 137 no-ly zones, Iraq 416, 431–432 Austrian 194 World War II in 379–381–382 Nodot, François, The Supply Contractor of the China 469 Packer, George, US journalist 436 Armies of France (1697) 175 French army 175, 204, 205 Pactus Drepanius, poet 70 Nördlingen, battle of (1634) 119, 167 French Revolutionary Army 205, 206 Pakistan 423 Normandy, French recapture of English German 278 and Afghanistan 448 strongholds (1449–50) 112 Prussian 188, 219, 250 bin Laden in 450 Normandy landings (D-Day) (1944) 375–376, Russian army 183, 184 and Taliban 448 477 United States 413 Palestine 405 concept of 365, 367 see also military academies Intifada 423 Normans, and horse transport 82, 84 oficers see also Gaza Strip; Hamas north Africa campaign (World War II) 365 commissions 176, 204, 331, 477 Panmure, Lord, British minister of war 235 El Alamein 364, 365 professional naval 136 paratroopers Italian campaign 345, 347 oil Algeria (1957) 397 Operation Torch 366 German need for (World War II) 337, 362 Crete (1941) 349 see also Algeria; Egypt; Libya German synthetic production 372 Dien Bien Phu (1953) 395, 396 North America Japan (World War II) 381 Falklands (1983) 411 British and French wars in 192, 194–196 OPEC crisis (1970s) 409 Norway (1940) 338 New England settlements 151 Oinophyta, battle of (457 bc) 26 Suez (1956) 406 relations with Native Americans 5, Okinawa, battle of (1945) 383 Western Front (1940) 340 192–193 Oliveira, Fernando, The Art of War at Sea Parcos, battle of (1536) 146 see also Americas; Iroquois; United States (1555) 131 Paré, Ambroise, military doctor 157

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Paris Peter I the Great, tsar of Russia 182, pikes 97, 479 fall of (1814) 220 184–184 decline in use of 164 box, 176 as open city (1940) 343 Peter III, tsar of Russia 194 Macedonian 38, 45 siege of (1870–1) 256 Petersburg, Virginia 243, 247, 248 Piketty, Thomas, French economist 466 Paris, Treaty of (1760) 196 Petraeus, David, US general (Iraq and , Roman (67 bc) 57 Paris, Treaty of (1783) 202 Afghanistan) 443, 449 Pizarro, Diego 146, 147 Paris Peace Accords (1973) (Vietnam) 404 Petrarch, Francesco, on English Pizarro, Gonzalo 143, 147 Parker, Captain Robert, at Blenheim 186 aggression 100 Plassey, battle of (1757) 9, 193, 196 Passchendaele, battle of (1917) 314 Pett, Phineas 133 Plataea, battle of (479 bc) 3, 23, 26 Patton, George S., US general (World War Pevensey (Anderita) 84 plate armour 96, 103 II) 377 Norman invasion 84 Plato, on battle of Salamis 25 Paullu, Inca leader 146 pezetaroi (Macedonian infantry) 37, 479 Plevna, siege of (1877) 267 Paulus, Friedrich, German general (World War phalanx 15, 479 Plumb, J. H. 339 II) 363 Etruscan 46 Plumer, Sir Herbert, British general (World Pavia Greek 15, 31, 35 War I) 313, 315 battle of (1525) 155 Macedonian 37, 38 box, 45–46 Plutarch, Roman historian 26, 43 siege of (774) 74 mercenaries 46 on phalanx 15, 45 Pearl Harbor (1941) 359–360 Roman 46 poison gas Pelet, Jean-Jacques, French staff oficer, on Pharnaces, son of Mithradates 58 sarin 451 Peninsular campaign 216 Pharsalus, battle of (48 bc) 58 World War I 289 Peloponnesian War (Athens and Sparta) 27, 28 Philadelphia, battle of (1777) 200 Poitiers, battle of (1356) 99, 100 Peninsular War (1808–13) 216–217 Philip II, king of Macedon 39, 41–41 Poland Pepin I, Carolingian king 73 army organization 37, 39 ceded to Russia (1815) 231 Pequot War, New England (1638–9) 148 assassination (336 bc) 42 and defeat of Turks (1687) 180, 181 Percy, George, settler leader in America 151 ideology of battle 39 Thirteen Years War with Russia 183 Perdiccas, Macedonian general 45 logistics 43 war crimes trials 387 Pericles, Greek statesman 26 phalanx 39 World War I 300 Pershing, John J., US Expeditionary Force Philip II, king of Spain 119, 132, 155 World War II 335 commander (World War I) 274 and Catholic cause 169, 171 German invasion (1939) 336–337 Persia and Dutch Revolt 162 intelligence work 338 Byzantine wars against 72 navy 128 Red Army advance on 374 Greek invasions (4th cent. bc) 42–45 Philip IV the Fair, king of France 92, 105 polis/poleis satraps 45, 480 Philip VI, king of France 104 see Greek city-states Persian Wars (490, 480–478 bc) 20–21, Philip of Anjou, as king of Spain 185 Poltava, battle of (1709) 184 22–23, 26 Philip the Bold, duke of Burgundy 109 Poltava, Hitler visits (1941) 356 Pertinax, Roman emperor 59 Philip the Good, duke of Burgundy 102 Polyaenus, Roman military theoretician, on Peru Philippines Philip of Macedon 43 conquest of 143–146 Japan and 359, 361 Polybius, Greek historian 20, 46, 47 Maoist ‘Shining Path’ movement 424 United States and 380, 381–382 (Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus), Roman see also Incas war crimes trials 387 general 57, 58, 59 Perugia, arsenal 113 Philippoteaux, Henri, painter 219 Pondichéry Pervitin, used by Wehrmacht 341 Philippsburg, French seizure (1688) 184 French surrender of (1760) 196 Petáin, General Philippe 293 Phillips, Sir Thomas, British admiral 360 siege of (1746) 190 and ‘Second Armistice of Compiègne’ Phocylides, Greek poet 14 Pope, John, Union general (Army of (1940) 343 photography 426 Virginia) 240 World War I aerial 317 Port Arthur, siege of (1904–5) 271, 273 army reforms (1917) 313 in Crimea 235 Porter, David, US Federal admiral 245 and German ‘Michael’ offensive Piave, battle of the (1917) 316 ports, for naval warfare 104, 106, 107 (1918) 320 Pickens, Andrew, American Revolutionary Portugal 96, 129 and Marne (1918) 321 commander 201 and Americas 147, 149, 151 and Verdun 304 Piedmont, Napoleon and 209 naval expansion into Indian Ocean 136–137

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Portugal (cont.) Landwehr militia 220 Rawlinson, Sir Henry, British general (World naval warfare 131, 133 reforms (from 1806) 219–220 War II) 305, 308, 313 Instructions (to leet) (1500) 131, 133 reserve system 220, 253 Razdelnaya Station, battle for (1944) 373 Peninsular War 216 Ptolemy IV of Egypt 44 Reagan, Ronald, US president, military build- Powell, Colin, US general and secretary of Ptolemy, Macedonian general, ruler of up 413 state 467 Egypt 45 rearmament Prague, Peace of (1866) 252 Puerto Rico, San Juan del Morro walls 152 Germany 330, 334, 335 Prevesa, naval battle (1538) 129 ‘punctuated equilibrium’, concept of 6 US 390 Prince Royal, warship (1610) 133 Punic Wars 52 recruitment Prince of Wales, HMS 360 see also Cannae, battle of; Hannibal al-qaeda 428–429 Princeton, battle of (1777) 198, 199 Putin, Vladimir, Russian president 452 Roman army 54, 60, 62, 70 principes (second line in Roman legion) 48, 479 Pydna, battle of (168 BC) 45 of slaves (late Roman) 70 Principles of Command for the Defensive Battle Pyramids, battle of the (1798) 209 see also conscription; levies in Positional Warfare (1916) 308 Pyrrhic victory 479 Red Army 352, 353, 373 prisoners of war Pyrrhus, king of Epirus 46 advance to Berlin (1945) 378 World War I 323 advance to Hungary and Romania World War II 351, 353, 367 al-qaeda 427, 428–429, 440–441, 479 (1944) 374 Probus, Roman emperor (276–82) 52 attack on USS Cole 428, 464 and German Barbarossa campaign 351, 353 professionalization 155–157 attacks on US embassies 428, 464 interwar doctrine 331 Bronze Age military classes 13 Madrid train bombings 441 Operation Bagration 374 French Revolutionary oficer corps 206 Somalia 427 Red River Valley campaign 395, 399 Macedonian army 37 training for militants 428, 429 Redoutable, French ship 223 oficers 136, 260 and US bombing of Afghanistan (2001) 430 Reesha, Sheikh Abdul Sattar Abu 444 Prussia 219–220 use of media 440 Regensburg, US bombing raids 371 Roman army 52, 53, 55, 57–58 and World Trade Center attacks (9/11) 429 regiments 158–159, 480 Prokhorovka, battle of (1943) 373 see also ISIS costs of creation 176 propaganda quebec insignia 158, 160 al-qaeda 429, 440 battle for (1759) 194–196 Spanish tercios 158, 162, 480 Bolshevik 316 French siege of (1760) 196 Regino of Prüm, abbot 88 German Nazi 352 Queen Mary, HMS 310 ‘Reinsurance’ Treaty (1887) 276 Protestantism, and justiication for war 169 quiberon Bay, battle of (1759) 126 religion Prussia 187, 188, 219 quincunx (Roman battleield order) 48 and brutality of war 170 Bismarck’s wars 249–256 quiñones, Mogrovejo de 146 calls for ‘deconfessionalization’ (late 17th and Congress of Vienna 231 cent.) 173 Franco-Prussian War 253–256 Rabanus Maurus, scholar 68 and international alignments 171 and French Revolution 206 radar 344, 480 as justiication for war 169, 170–172 and German uniication 232, 251 radio, and naval communication 261, 298 radical Islam 423 Industrial Revolution 250 Raglan, Lord, British commander, Crimea 235 and science 461 railways 250 railways Remagen, Ludendorff bridge 378 war with Austria (1866) 251–252 American Civil War 237, 246 Rennenkampf, Paul von, Russian general War of Liberation (1813) with France 250 France 372 (World War I) 289, 295 see also Frederick the Great; Germany Leipzig–Dresden 231 Repulse, HMS 360 Prussian army 188, 220, 253 Prussia 250 Requesens, Don Luis de, Spanish general bolt-action riles 237, 250 Russia 295 119 constitutional independence 258 and steam locomotives 234 Revolution of 1848 231 and General Staff 220, 250 Trans-Siberian 271 revolution, effect on warfare 198, 226 Jäger light infantry 220, 478 Rainbow, warship (1596) 132 see also American War of Independence; at Jena–Auerstadt (1806) 212, 219 Ramillies, battle of (1706) 185 French Revoluion; Russian Revolution Junker 458, 478 Rangoon, captured (1945) 383 ‘revolution in military affairs’ (RMA) 460 Kriegsakademie (Prussian war college) 220, Raus, Erhard 350, 357 reliance on technology 460 250 Ravenna 72 Rhee, Syngman, South Korean leader 391

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Rheims bureaucracy of 58–60, 62, 455 World War I 276, 285, 298, 310 campaign (1359) 100 continuity of 66 blockade of Germany (from 1914) 299 German offensive (1918) 321 emulated throughout Mediterranean 52 and dreadnoughts 277 Rhineland and fortiications 66–67 Scapa Flow 310 Allied occupation (1919–30) 328, 329 medieval study of 109 World War II 342, 361 remilitarization (1936) 333 romances, medieval 88 destruction of French leet 343, 459 Rhodes, island of 44 chansons de geste 92 and U-boats 361 Riade, battle of (933) 88 Romania 267 Royal oak, HMS, at Jutland 311 Ribbentrop, Joachim von, German foreign declaration of war on Austria (1916) Royal Society of London 339, 460 secretary 336 309 Ruhr Richelieu, Cardinal (Armand-Jean du Plessi), oil supplies to Germany 337, 346 French occupation (1923–5) 329 French chief minister 168 Soviet control of 374 to Prussia (1815) 231 Richmond, Virginia 249 Rome, city of 116 RAF bombing 370 battle of (1862) 240 capture (1944) 368 Rumsfeld, Donald, US secretary of Ridgway, Matthew B., US general Rommel, General Erwin 366 defense 437, 443 (Korea) 393 French defences (1944) 375 and Iraq 434–435, 440 Rijswijk, Peace of (1697) 185 invasion of France (1940) 341 Rundstedt, Gerd von, German general (World Rimpler, Georg, defences of Vienna 180 in Italy (1917) 316 War II) 337, 339, 356 Riper, General Paul van 414 in north Africa 347, 364 and invasion of France 342 Robert I, Bruce, king of Scotland 97, 98, 456 Roosebeek, battle of (1382) 98 and Normandy landings 375 Roberts, Frederick, Lord, British general (Boer Roosevelt, Franklin D., US president 321, Rupert of the Rhine, prince 159 War) 269 344 Rupprecht of Bavaria, crown prince, German Rochambeau, Jean-Baptiste, French and Japan 359, 360 general (World War I) 291, 318 commander (American War of and nuclear bomb 384 Rusk, Dean, US secretary of state 400 Independence) 202 and Stalin 388 Russia 267, 271 Rogers, Clifford J., military historian 6 and ‘Statement on Atrocities’ (1943) 386 alliance with France (1891) 276 Rohde, David S., US journalist 427 Roosevelt, Theodore, US president, and Russo- and Balkans 267, 278 Roman army Japanese War 274 and Crimean War 232–236 central command 58 Rorke’s Drift, battle of (1879) 264 and Dardanelles 279 centurion, century 476 Rosecrans, William, Union general (Army of economy 184, 296 cohorts 54–57, 477 the Cumberland) 245 entente with Britain (1907) 277 creation of infrastructure 52, 62–63 Rossbach, battle of (1757) 193 Napoleon and 212, 217, 351, 507 legionaries 46–48–49 Rostov-on-Don 356 Peter the Great’s reforms 183 maniples (tactical units) 47 Rotterdam, German destruction (1940) 340 revolutionary uprisings (from 1905) 274 organization 62, 67, 69–70 Rouen, siege of 101 territory ceded by Treaty of Brest- and politics 57, 62 Royal Air Force 342, 480 Litovsk 316 professionalization 52, 53, 55, 57–58 and Battle of Britain 343–345 Thirteen Years War against Poland 183 recruitment 54, 60, 62 Bomber Command 332, 370, 476 Trans-Siberian Railway 271, 272 and rise of private armies 57–58 Fighter Command 344 wars with Sweden 183, 184 size 59, 60, 67 Gulf War 415 weather 217, 354, 362 standards (eagle, aquila) 57 and radar 344 rasputitsa 356, 362, 374, 480 training 56, 61, 62, 457 Royal Navy 136, 195, 261 World War I 290, 296, 325 see also legions; Roman warfare Articles of War amendment (1749) 222 see also Russian Federation; Soviet Union Roman empire 61, 70 Falklands War 410, 411 Russian army 182, 272 frontiers 52, 60–62, 70 interwar doctrine 332 foreign regiments 182 see also Byzantine empire late 17th cent. 134 ‘Grand Programme’ of expansion Roman republic 221 (1912) 278 expansion of 52, 57, 56 map Nelson’s 221, 222–223–224 Infantry Code (1755) 193 Social War (90–89 bc) 57 and Peninsular War 224 Peter the Great’s reforms 183–184 Roman warfare 52–63 and Spanish Armada 131 World War I 295, 296, 297 battleield order (triplex acies) 48, 480 and War of 1812 224 and Austria 296, 309

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Russian army (cont.) Sarmatians 70 and war with Bulgaria (1913) 279, 303 and German campaign in 300–302 Sassoon, Siegfried, ‘Attack’ 326 World War I 296, 302, 303 mobilization (1914) 284, 295 satellites 427, 460 Austrian ultimatum (1914) 280, 281 see also Red Army satraps 45, 480 see also Balkan Wars (1991–5) Russian Federation (from 1991) Savannah, taken by British (1778) 201 Sertorius, Roman general 57 and Chechnya 418, 419 Savo Island, battle of (1942) 380 Sevastopol (Sebastopol) 235 and Georgia 446 Saxe, Maurice de, French general 204 siege of (1854–5) 236 intervention in Ukraine (2014) 452–453 Saxe-Coburg, prince of 208 Seven Years War (1756–63) 193–196 and Saddam Hussein 432 Saxe-Weimar, Bernard of, military as global war 174, 193 and Syria 451 entrepreneur 157 Severus Alexander, Roman emperor 55, 67 Russian navy Scharnhorst, Gerhard von, Prussian army Shaka, zulu king 263 Baltic Fleet 273, 274 reformer 219, 260 Shefield, HMS 411 Peter the Great’s 183 Scheer, Reinhard, German High Seas Fleet Sheridan, Philip, Union general 248 and war with Japan 272 commander 310 Sherman, William T., Union general 246, 248 Russian Revolution (1917) 315–316 Schiff, Jacob, Wall Street banker 272 Atlanta offensive 248 Russo-Japanese War 270, 273, 274–275 Schilling, Diebold, Chronicle 115 march through Georgia 248 Rwanda Schleswig-Holstein, Danish–Prussian war in South Carolina 248 civil war 422 over 251 shields genocide (1994) 417, 462 Schlieffen, Alfred von, count, German Americas 141 Ryan, Cornelius 496 strategist 4, 256, 282 hoplite 15, 17 rejection of Clausewitz Macedonian 38, 39 Sacred Band, Theban elite corps 41 Schlieffen Plan 278, 282–284, 291 Roman (scutum) 47, 48, 480 Sacsahuaman, Peru, besieged (1536) 146 failure of 283, 294 Shigemitsu, Mamoru, Japanese foreign Sadat, Anwar, Egyptian president 407 and Paris 284, 291, 293 minister 388 Saddam Hussein, Iraqi president 426, 436 Schmidt, Paul-Otto, German translator 336 Shiloh, battle of (1862) 242 and 2003 invasion 432 Schweinfurt, US bombing raids 371 Shinseki, General Eric, US Army chief of staff 435 invasion of Kuwait 413–414 science ships use of chemical weapons 416 experimental 339, 460–461 aircraft carriers 261, 332 and weapons of mass destruction 431, 432 rejected by ‘fundamentalist’ cultures 461 battlecruisers 261, 277, 476 al-Sadr, Muqtada, Iraqi cleric 441, 442, 444 and warfare (World War II) 388 battleships 476 Saigon see also technology Byzantine 81 see Ho Chi Minh City Scipio Africanus, Roman general 51 capital ships (warships, ships of the St Germain, count of 188 Scotland 96, 130 line) 126, 129–131–133, 480 St James’ Day Fight, sea battle (1666) 134 schiltron (spearmen) 480 caravels (Portuguese) 136, 476 Saint-Mihiel offensive (1918) 323 Scots, as mercenaries 157 carracks (Portuguese) 136, 476 St Privat, battle of (1870) 255 Scythia 45 Chinese war junk 126 St quentin, battle of (1557) 161 Sebastopol design to accommodate artillery 135 Saipan, battle for (1944) 381 see Sevastopol dreadnoughts 261, 276, 477 Salamis, battle of (480 bc) 9, 23, 25 Second Carnatic War (1749–54) 192 English warships 132, 133 Salerno, Allied landing (1943) 367 Second Maratha War (1803–5) 225 frigates 135, 477 Samarra, Al-Askari Mosque bombing 443 Sedan, battles of full-rigged (by 1500) 130, 477 Samsonov, Alexander, Russian general 289, 295 (1870) 255, 256 galleass (sails and oars) 127, 478 San Carlos, Falklands 411 (1940) 341 galleys, early modern 126–129, 478 San Lorenzo, Neapolitan galleass 127 Seeckt, General Hans von, German gunports 126, 130 San Martín, Portuguese galleon 132 commander-in-chief, Reichswehr 329 Hellenistic 44 San Salvador, indigenous peoples 138 Ségur law (1781), France 204 manpower 127 San Stefano, Treaty of (1878) 267 Seleucus, Macedonian general 45 medieval 104 Santo Domingo 139, 152 Senghor, Léopold Sédar 343 Portuguese warship 131 Sarajevo, siege of (1992–5) 420 Seoul, Korea, fall of 392 steamships 234, 237, 242 Saratoga, battles of (1777) 200 Serbia US merchant vessels 369 Saratoga, US aircraft carrier 332 anti-Austrian uprising (1903) 278 and use of radio 261, 298

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ships (cont.) slaves German invasion (Barbarossa, 1941) 348, water and provisions 127 Roman 57, 70 349, 353–357 see also submarines; trireme shipwrights United States, emancipation 241, 249 invasion of Finland (1939) 338 and carvel style 130 Slim, William, British commander, Burma post-war 389 and clinker-built ships 129 (World War II) 382 box and technological revolution 390 and rigging 130 Slovenia, independence (1991) 419 see also Red Army; Russia; Russian Shrewsbury, battle of (1403) 103 Sluis, battle of (1340) 105 Federation Sicily 18, 52, 158 small wars, against indigenous forces 262– Soviet–German Non-Aggression Pact Allied invasion (1943) 367 267, 458 (1939) 335 Byzantine attack on Muslim forces 82 Smolensk, battle of (1812) 217 Soviet–Japanese Non-Aggression Pact Sidi Barrani, battle of (1940) 345, 347 social media 466 (1941) 358, 385 siege engines and Arab Spring 447 Spain 90, 178 assault towers 75 see also internet Carolingian conquests 74 battering rams 75 Social War (90–89 bc), Rome 57 Christian reconquest (1492) 109 early gunpowder artillery used as 111 soldiers 107, 159, 188 Muslim conquest (711) 73, 78, 149 late Roman 66 citizen-soldier (French) 204, 205–207, 217 Peninsular War 216–217 Macedonian 45 German use of methamphetamine (World Visigoths in 71 onager (catapult) 75 War II) 341 Spanish Armada (1588) 130, 131, 132, 157 stone-throwing 75, 111 late Roman soldier-farmers 67, 71 Spanish Army of Flanders 119, 155, 158, 159, torsion catapult (Greek) 35 and nationalism 198, 217 162 traction trebuchet 91, 101, 111, 480 payment of 108 Spanish Civil War 333, 334, 462 siege warfare 66, 117, 170 provision of arms (by state) 108 Spanish conquest of Americas 137, 138–139, against Incas 146 provisioning of 168, 175 box 148 Alexander the Great 43 and standardized equipment 160–161 Incas 143–146, 147 artillery defence 115, 119 see also discipline; training; uniforms ‘Spanish Flu’ (Grippe), German army Bronze Age Somalia (1918) 322, 323 duration 117, 120 al-qaeda in 427 Spanish warfare early modern 154 Black Hawk Down incident 417 military medicine 157 French (17th cent.) 177 civil war 417, 422, 447 naval galleys 127, 129, 132 and gunpowder artillery 6, 101, 111, 115 Somme, battle of the (1916) 305–308 ratio of infantry to cavalry 104 late Roman 66–67 sonar, Royal Navy ‘Asdic’ system 332 Sparta 24, 28, 42 manpower for 118, 120 Soult, Nicolas, French marshal (Napoleonic Peloponnesian War 27, 28 medieval 75, 89, 90–92, 100–101 wars) 208, 215 professional hoplites 26 Ostrogothic Italy 72 South Africa 262, 267 Spartacus, slave uprising (73–71 bc) 57 see also artillery; artillery fortress see also Boer War Spee, Maximilian von, German admiral (World Siegen, Germany, Schola Militaris 163 South Carolina, Greene’s campaign 201, War I) 299 Siegfried Line (Hindenburg Line) 312, 323 202–203 box Speer, Albert, German minister of armaments Sierra Leone, civil war 422 South China Sea, Chinese militarization (World War II) 364 Sigel, Franz, Union general 246 of 469 Spickern, battle of (1870) 254 Sigismund, Holy Roman Emperor, and Hussite South Korea Spion Kop, battle of (1900) 269, 270 wars 104 see Korean War Spotsylvania Courthouse 247 Silesia 189, 193 South Sudan, civil war 447 Spurius Ligustinus, Roman citizen-soldier 47 Singapore, Japanese capture of (1942) 360, Sovereign of the Seas, English warship Srebrenica, massacre (1995) 420, 421 361 133 Sri Lanka Sinop, battle of (1853) 232 Soviet Union civil war 422 Sioux nation, American campaign against 265 annexation of Baltic states 349 ISIS bombings 452 el-Sisi, General Abdel Fattah, Egyptian Cold War capabilities 362, 390 Staden, Hans 131 president 447 collapse (1989–91) 413, 417 Stalin, Joseph 329, 388, 389, 393 Six Day War (1967) 406–407 Cuban missile crisis (1962) 400 and control of Balkans (1944) 374 skirmishers 207 Eastern Front (1943–4) 373–374 invasion of Poland (1939) 337 Roman legions 48, 56, 480 and Egypt 406 and logistics 356

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Stalin, Joseph (cont.) Sun Tzu, Chinese theorist 5 Tannenberg, battle of (1914) 296 and non-aggression pact with Germany 335 Süntal, battle of (782) 88 Tapia, Gonzalo de, Spanish conquistador 146 and North Korea 391, 393 surgeons, early modern 156 Taranto Operation Bagration 374 Svensksund, battle of (1790) 129 Allied landing (1943) 367 purges of military 331, 350 Sweden 157, 169 destruction of Italian warships 347 and ‘Statement on Atrocities’ (1943) 386 wars with Russia 183, 184 Tarawa, naval battle (1943) 381 Stalingrad, battle of (1942) 362, 363–364 Swedish warfare taxation Standish, Miles, English colonial leader 164 17th cent. 119 and funding of wars 7, 8, 107, 455 Stanton, Edwin, Union secretary of war 246 artillery fortresses 119 Rome 62, 63 states, and warfare 7, 107–108, 120, 455 Breitenfeld (1631) 166–167 technology 5, 413, 456, 461 Statute of Winchester (1285) 108 Swetenham, Matthew Chinese 468 Stealth technology 414, 415, 480 Switzerland 96, 102 computer revolution 390, 460 Stern, Fritz 285 Syracuse campaign (415–413 bc) 28 counter-weight 91 Steuben, Augustus von, patriot, American War Syria and Crimean War 233 of Independence 200 civil war 447, 451–452 future of 466 Stopford, Frederick, British general (World Six Day War 407 and Gulf War 414 War I) 303 and Yom Kippur War (1973) 407–409 miniaturization 390 Strabo, Roman geographer 19 Szigeth, siege of (1566) 118 and modern warfare 388 Strasbourg, to France (1681) 179 Szilard, Leo, Hungarian scientist and atomic ‘singleton techniques’ 461 strategy chain reaction 461 and trade-offs 461–462 Alexander the Great 43 Western superiority 2, 260–262, 455–456 American Civil War 239 Tacitus, Roman historian 52 see also missiles; science American War of Independence 200 tactics Tel-el-Kebir, battle of (1882) 262 Bismarck 253 and adoption of irearms 163 telegraph 233, 234, 237 gunpowder revolution and 119 chevauchée (raid) 99, 477 undersea cables 298 Peloponnesian War 28 early medieval 68 wireless 298 Roman imperial 61 feigned retreat 85, 87, 477 and World War I 286 World War I 283, 289, 291 manoeuvre sur les derrières Tenochtitlan Xenophon and 29 (Napoleon) 212, 213 conquest of 9, 140 see also grand strategy mass infantry attacks 98 siege of 140, 141 Straw, Jack, British foreign secretary 431 naval 222 see also Aztecs Stutthof (Sztutowo) concentration camp 337, 387 Roman 49, 68 tercio (Spanish regiments) 158, 162, 480 submarines 333 surprise attacks 361 disbanded in Lombardy (1589) 158 American 381 World War I 312, 313 terrorism, problematic Western response and depth charges 369, 477 battleield 317 box to 431, 464 Polaris nuclear 390 decentralized infantry 317 see also suicide bombings World War I 261, 298, 299, 309, 311 see also infantry terrorist organizations 431 World War II 361, 368, 369, 480 Taginae, battle of (552) 72 see also Hamas; Hezbollah; ISIS; al-qaeda; Sudan Tainos people, Caribbean 139 Taliban campaign (1896) 262 Takahashi Korekiyo, Japanese inancier 272 Testi, Fulvio 155 civil war 422 Tal Afar, Iraq 443 Tet Offensive, Vietnam (1968) 403–404 Suez Canal 262 Taliban, in Afghanistan 428, 448, 450, 480 Thapsus, battle of (46 bc) 58 Bar Lev Line, Yom Kippur War 408, 476 Tallard, Camille, duc de, French general 186 Thatcher, Margaret, British prime minister, and Suez Crisis (1956) 397, 406 Tanagra, battle of (457 bc) 26 Falklands 410 suicide bombings 464 tanks Thebes 23, 24, 41 Chechen 419 World War I 289, 315, 323 Themistocles of Athens, admiral 23 Palestinian 423 British Firespit II 318 Theodoric the Great, king of Ostrogoths 67 US embassies in Nairobe and Dar-es-Salaam World War II Theodosius I, Roman emperor 62, 70 (1998) 428, 464 and German Panzer corps 330, 373, 479 Thermopylae, battle of (480 bc) 24 Sulla, Roman general and dictator 57, 59 T-34 (Russian) 351 Thespians 24 Sumerians 12 Yom Kippur War 409 thetes 480

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‘thin red line’ for volley iring of irearms (counts of unconditional surrender (World War II) 379, at Alma 236 Nassau) 163, 165 385 Isandlwana 264 Transvaal, British annexation 263, 267 uniforms 108, 159–160 Thirteen Years War (1654–67), Poland and Trasimene, battle of (217 bc) 50 British adoption of khaki (1881) 264 Russia 183 Trebia, battle of (218 bc) 50 mass production of 159 Thirty Years War 157, 172–173 trench warfare 282 Napoleonic army 210 atrocities 170 American Civil War 241, 243, 247 United Nations battles 165, 167 Boer War 264, 268 Human Rights Council 446 see also Westphalia, Treaty of sieges 117, 162, 181 and Korean War 392, 393 Thomas, George, Union general 245, 248 World War I 289, 292, 306, 312, 315 and partition of Palestine 405 Thucydides, historian 18, 20 Trenchard, Hugh, Viscount, chief of Air Staff 331 and Second Gulf War 431, 432–434 on Greek warfare 20, 457 Trenton, battle of (1776) 199 and Srebrenica 421 History of the Peloponnesian War 4, 28 Tricameron, battle of (535) 72 and Suez 406 Ticinus, battle of (218 bc) 50 Tripartite Pact (1940, Axis powers) 346, 476 United Nations forces Tiglath-Pileser, Assyrian king 12 trireme, Greek 25, 26, 480 Korea 392, 393 Tilly, Jan Tserklaes, count, Catholic army Truk, Japanese naval base 381 Yugoslavia 420 commander 166, 170 Truman, Harry S., US president 389, 393, 451 United States of America 192, 260, 417 Tilsit, Treaty of (1807) 216, 220 and Korean War 391 and Crimean War 234, 236–237 Time magazine, on Vietnam War 402 and MacArthur 392, 393 Emancipation Proclamation (1862) 241 Timucua Indians, Florida 139 Trump, Donald J., US president 450 and Falklands 410, 411 Tippu Sultan, ruler of Mysore 225 Tsushima Straits, naval battle (1905) 274 Federal Navy 242, 243 Tiran, Straits of 406 Tugela River, battle of (1899) 268 and First Gulf War 413, 416–417 Tirpitz, Alfred von, German admiral (World Tunis inter-war War I) 276, 288, 311 Axis surrender (1943) 366 isolationism 329 and Tirpitz Plan 276 naval assault (1573–4) 129 loans to Europe (1920s) 329 Tlaxcala peoples, Mexico 140, 141 Tunisia, Arab Spring 447 and Iraq (2003) 432–434 map, 436, Togo Heihachiro, Japanese admiral, Russo- Tupac Amaru, Inca leader 146 438–440 Japanese War 272, 274 Tupi peoples, Brazil 141, 147 failure of planning for reconstruction and Tokugawa shoguns 6, 270 Turenne, Henri de la Tour d’Auvergne, state-building 437–438, 440, 445 Tokyo vicomte de, French general 178 Ofice of Reconstruction and bombed (1945) 384, 459 Turin, battle of (1706) 185 Humanitarian Assistance (ORHA) 437 war crimes trials 386 Turing, Alan 339 and Korean War 389, 393 torpedo 480 Turkey, and and invasion of Iraq (2003) of ‘Military Commission to the theater of war Torres Vedras, Lines of 216 Iraq 432 in Europe’ (1855) 234, 237 Torrington, Arthur Herbert, Lord, British Turnhout, battle of (1597) 165 post-war power 388 admiral 134 Tutsi 417 anti-communist campaign 394, 399 Toulon, battle of (1793) 208 Tyre, taken by Alexander (332 bc) 44 and foreign policy 390 Tourcoing, battle of (1794) 208 Tyrtaeus, Greek poet 16 railways 231, 237 towns reaction to al-qaeda attacks 427, 428, cost of defence 120 U-boats 429–434 Greek walled 93 see submarines relations with Soviet Union 390 French walled 101 Ukraine 179, 354 and Syria 451 Roman fortiied 66, 67 Russian intervention (2014) 452–453 treatment of Native Americans 192, 264–267 and urban militias 71 Ulm, Napoleon and 212, 213 Vietnam War 401, 402, 413 trade, seaborne 137, 298 ‘Ultra’ 339, 376, 494–495 anti-communist regime 396, 399 Trafalgar, naval battle (1805) 222, 223 Ulundi, battle of (1879) 264 catastrophic failures 405, 413 training Umezu Yoshijiro, General 388 and French in Vietnam 394, 396 compulsory archery practice 108 UN Security Council Resolutions Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (1964) 402 German army (World War II) 347, 350 1701, on Israel 446 MACV (Military Assistance Command medieval warfare 88, 91 1973, on Libya 447 Vietnam) 401, 403, 479 Roman army 56, 61, 62 see also ICTY treatment of Vietnamese 401, 403

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Index 543

United States of America (cont.) and death of bin Laden 450 ‘Rolling Thunder’ bombing campaign 401 and War of 1812 224 SEALS 480 Tet Offensive (1968) 403–404 World War I US Army 399, 400, 402 aid to Allies (1918) 321 Vaal Kranz, battle of (1900) 269 declaration of war (1917) 311, 316 Valens, Roman emperor 67 Alfred the Great and 79 refusal to ratify Versailles 328 Valentinian, Roman emperor 70 Lindisfarne stone 78 and sinking of Lusitania 299, 311 Valerius Maximus, historian, on Marius 56 Vilcabamba, Peru 146 troops in France 321, 323 Valley Forge, George Washington at 200 Villars, Claude de, French general 185 World War II 344, 357, 369 Valmy, battle of (1792) 206, 207 Villeneuve, Pierre-Charles de, French admiral, Operation Olympic (proposed invasion of Vandals 67, 71, 72 Trafalgar 223 Japan) 384 Varus, Publius quinctilius, loss of legions in Virginia Capes, battle of (1781) 202 war economy 364, 365, 455 Germany (ad 9) 57, 62 Virginia Company, recruitment of Englishmen and war in Paciic 379–381–382 Vauban, Sébastien le Prestre de, military from Dutch army 164 see also American Civil War; American engineer 118, 178, 185 Visigoths 67 War of Independence; United States of Vegetius, Flavius Renatus 457 in Spain 71 America, warfare; US Air Force; US Concerning Military Matters 4, 66, 68, 89, in Thrace 70 Army; US Marines; US Navy 109 Vitoria, battle of (1813) 216 United States of America, warfare on Roman army 55, 61 volley ire 4, 163, 165, 461 application of systems analysis to 399, Venice 116 Voltaire 203, 222 402 Austrian advance on (1917) 316 concept of air power 332 naval warfare 82, 127 Wagenburgen (wagon fortresses) 100, 101, 480 contempt for past experience 401 trial of Kesselring 387 Wagram, battle of (1809) 218 and ‘groupthink’ 400 Verdun, battle of (1916) 305 Wake Island, Japan and 361 and just-in-time logistics 435 Fort Douaumont 304 Wall Street Crash (1929) 329 open-ended commitments 434 Fort Vaux 305 walled towns 71, 93, 101 rearmament 390 Verdun, Treaty of (843) 74, 78 Wallenstein, Albrecht von, military reliance on nuclear weapons 389, 390 Versailles, Treaty of (1919) 328–329 entrepreneur 157, 167 US Air Force 390 Vespasian, Roman emperor 61 Wallhausen, Johan Jakob von, director of campaign against North Vietnam 404 Vicksburg, battle of (1863) 244, 245 Schola Militaris 163 and Korean War 393 Victoria, queen of United Kingdom, and War of 1812 224 and war against ISIS 452 telegraph 235 war crimes World War II 370–371 Victory, HMS, lagship at Trafalgar 133, 223 Bosnia 421–422 US Army Vienna Operation Cast Lead (Gaza) 446 and 2003 invasion of Iraq 435–436 food riots (1915) 324 World War I 290–291 deployment in Arabian peninsula 417 Napoleon at (1805) 212 World War II 385, 387 Leavenworth staff college 261 siege of (1683) 3, 179–182 post-war trials 386, 387–387 reductions after Gulf War 416–417, 436 Vienna, Congress of (1815) 230, 231 see also massacres Surge in Iraq 443–445 Viet Minh (Viet Cong) 394, 396, 480 War of Liberation (1813) 250 Vietnam 399, 400, 401 Chinese and Soviet aid 395 War of the League of Augsburg (1688– protests against draft 402 and Dien Bien Phu 395 97) 184–185 World War II Vietnam 394–396, 405 War of the Spanish Succession 185–187 advance to Rhine 378 battle of Dien Bien Phu 395, 396 war reporting and Battle of the Bulge (1944) 377 Ho Chi Minh Trail 399, 478 Crimea 235, 236 and Normandy landings 375 Red River Valley 395, 399 insurgents’ ‘media cells’ 439 north Africa 366 Vietnam War 399–405 and internet 426 US Army in the Iraq War, The 416 defeat of South (1975) 405 on Iraq insurgency 439 US Marines, in North Korea 392 Gulf of Tonkin 401 modern 426–427 US Navy 333 My Lai massacre 402 photography 235, 426 aircraft carriers 332, 380 North Vietnamese inal offensives (1972–5) Warlimont, Walter, OKW deputy chief of battle of the Coral Sea 379 404–405 operations 373 battle of Midway 379 peace negotiations 403, 404 Warsaw uprising (1944) 374

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Washington, George, American patriot Westmoreland, William, US general women commander and US president 4, 198, (Vietnam) 401–402, 403 in industry (World War I) 297, 325 199, 200 Westphalia, Treaty (Peace) of (1648) 119, in industry (World War II) 364 Washington, battle of (1861) 239 167, 182 suffrage 325 Waterloo, battle of (1815) 219, 220 ‘Great European War Ballet’ 172 Women’s Royal Naval Service (Wrens), Wawro, Geoffrey, US historian 297 Weygand, Maxime, French commander-in- intelligence work 338 weapons 108 chief 341 World Trade Center, New York 427 adapted from farm tools 97, 102 Whicker, Alan 368 9/11 attacks 429, 464 axe 97 White Company, mounted knights in Italy 99 world reaction to 429 bronze 12 White Mountain, battle of (1620) 164 World War I in Americas 141 Whitney, Courtney, US general (Korea) 389 Armistice (1918) 324 clubs 97, 140 Widukind, chronicler 80 bad weather 324 gladius (Roman short sword) 46, 47, 48, Wilderness, battle of the (1864) 246 centenary 287 56, 478 Wilhelm I, king of Prussia 250, 252, 258 countdown to war 284–286 halberd 97, 478 Wilhelm II, Kaiser 275, 324 crises precipitating 278–280 from hunting tools 141 character 288 Dardanelles and Gallipoli 302–303 iron (conquistadors’) 138, 149 declaration of war on Russia 285 darkest year (1917) 312–316 javelin (Roman pilum) 47, 48, 56, 478, 479 and naval arms race 276 Eastern Front 300–302, 308–309 lances 56, 68, 97, 138, 150, 478 rejection of ‘Reinsurance Treaty’ with German victory (1914) 295–297 couched 69, 87 Russia 276 economic legacy 325 machetes 462 and Tsar Nicholas 272, 284 effect on view of civilization 326 missile 3 and United States 311 inal stages (1918) 317–324 Native American 148, 149 William I, the Conqueror, king of England 86 Flanders campaign (1917) 313–315 pikes 97, 479 and battle of Hastings 84–85 box, 86, 87 food shortages and famine 324–325 decline in use of 164 box, 176 defence in depth 90 industrial mobilization 297 Macedonian 38, 45 use of horse transport 82, 84 opening moves 284–286, 290–295 poisoned darts and arrows (Americas) 147 use of horsemen 88 ‘race to the sea’ (1914) 294 Roman 54 William I, prince of Orange, and Dutch Somme 305–308 spears 39, 97 Revolt 162 stalemate (1915) 299–303 see also arms trade; artillery; bows and William III, of Orange, king of England 130, technological changes 289–290, 298 arrows; chemical weapons; irearms; 173 trench warfare 315 gunpowder weapons; shields armada 130, 134 Verdun (1916) 304–305 weapons of mass destruction (Iraq) 416, 431, William Louis of Nassau, Dutch war at home 324–325 432 commander 163, 165, 461 war at sea 298–299, 310–311 weather Williams, Roger, American colonial Western Front 292, 294 Russia 217, 354, 356, 362 governor 5 1918 offensives 319–321 World War I 324 Williams, Sir Roger, on gunpowder warfare World War II Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, duke of, British (1590) 110 aftermath 388–390 general 219, 225 Wilson, Woodrow, US president 299, 311 air war (1943–5) 370–373 Peninsular War 216 and sinking of Lusitania 309 Battle of Britain 343–345 Waterloo 220 and Versailles 328 Battle of the Atlantic 368–369 Wessex 79 Winchester, Anglo-Saxon defences 79 Combined Bomber Offensive 370, 389, West Africa, view of Europeans’ warfare 5 Wingate, Orde, British general 405 477 West Bank, Palestine 426 Winter War with Finland (1939–40) 338 Eastern Front (1943–4) 373–374 West, the Winthrop, John, and Massachusetts militia 164 fall of France (1940) 339–343 China as threat to 467–470 Wissembourg, battle of (1870) 254 fall of Germany (1944–5) 376, 377–379 declining global economic power 463 Wolfe, James, British general 194 fate of collaborators 386 national self-doubt 466 Wolfowitz, Paul, US deputy secretary of German aggression leading to 333–336 need for reform and renewal 470 defense 435 German invasion of Soviet Union 348, 349, rise of 9, 454 Wolseley, General Sir Garnet, British general 354–355–357, 363–364 see also Europe; modern (Western) warfare (Tel-el-Kebir) 262 Japan and 358–360

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World War II (cont.) on phalanx 35 World War II 347 legacy of 388 and strategic theory 29 see also Balkan Wars Mediterranean (1942–3) 364–368 Xerxes, king of Persia 21, 23, 24 Normandy landings (1944) 375–376 zama, battle of (202 bc) 51 outbreak of war 336–339 Yamashita Tomoyuki, General 361, 383 zapatero, José Luis Rodríguez, Spanish pursuit to Rhine (1944) 376–377 trial 387 politician 441 race to Channel (1940) 341 Yanukovych, Viktor, Ukrainian al-zarqawi, Abu Musab 440 US–British Combined Chiefs of Staff president 452 zeitzler, Kurt, German army chief of staff Committee 360 Yardley, Sir George 163 (World War II) 363 war in Balkans 345–349 Yeltsin, Boris, Russian president 419, 426 zela, battle of (47 bc) 58 war crimes 385, 386–387 Yemen, civil war 447 Zero, Japanese ighter aircraft 380, 481 war in Paciic 379–381–382 Yezidi people, Syria, ISIS and 452 zhilong, Chinese warlord 126 Winter War (1939–40) 338 Yom Kippur War (1973) 407–409 zhukov, Georgy, Soviet general 356, 358, 361 York, walls 93 zionist movement 405 Xenophon, historian 20 Yorktown, battle of (1781) 202 Žižka, Jan, Hussite leader 101 on cost of war 35 Ypres, battle of (1917) zulu warfare (impi) 263, 478 on hoplite warfare 15, 16, 19, 32 Yugoslavia zulu Wars (1877–9) 263–264 oeconomicus 15 ethnic divisions 419 Isandlwana 263, 264

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