Registration 15.09.2008 Partners of the RENEW project Motivation Registration is necessary and will be Volkswagen AG, Germany, Co-ordinator In the ongoing public discussion biofuels are confirmed by E-mail. Participation is free of Abengoa Bioenergia S.L., Spain often considered a homogeneous group with charge. BKG GmbH & Co. KG, Austria similar properties. However there are Deutsche BP AG, Germany substantial differences between the fuel types. How to register: CERTH, Greece Biomass feedstock can differ in a wide range { via internet at: Chemrec AB, Sweden of properties as well as its availability and UET Freiberg GmbH, Germany sustainability. Fuel type and quality of fuel { by fax to: +49 4222 947 988-9 STFI-Packforsk, Sweden production as well as the suitability of the (please use this form) CRES, Greece biofuel to be applied in todays and future CUTEC Institut GmbH, Germany engines can vary widely. { by email to:
[email protected] Daimler AG, Germany Instytut Paliw i Energii Odnawialnej, Poland Within the RENEW project different production processes for 2nd generation biofuels were National University of Ireland, Ireland investigated and compared. RENEW showed Answers from the RENEW Electricité de France, France Registration Form the potential for biofuel production in Europe project to the biofuel debate EEE Güssing GmbH, Austria and evaluated most suitable technologies and Answers from the RENEW project Lunds Universitet, Sweden costs for the production of synthetic biofuel. to the biofuel debate ESU-services Ltd., Switzerland Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany The results achieved in the RENEW project Brussels, Belgium AICIA, Spain are of high relevance in the present debate on Institut f.