Polarforschung 70: JJ5 - J22, 2000 (erschienen 2002)

Modern Annual Deposition and Aerial Pollen Transport in the Lena Delta

by Larissa A. Savelieva', Marina V. Dorozhkina' and Elena Yu. Pavlova'

Summary: Studies of the annual pollen and spore deposition in different Iong-distance pollen transported by air masses, atmospheric areas of the Lena Delta were undertaken for the first time in the Asian sector precipitation and factors influencing pollen preservation of the Arctic during the Russian-German "LENA 98" and "LENA 99" expedi­ tions in the framework of the International "Laptev Sea System-2000" Project. (HICKS 1999). The study of recent spore-pellen spectra allows To achieve this objective, three spore-pellen traps were set up along the meri­ us to determine the factors influencing their composition dional delta profile in accordance with the European Pollen Monitoring Pro­ under arctic tundra conditions, which will make it possible in gramme for the period July 1998 to August 1999. A comparison betwcen the the future to more correctly interpret fossil palynospectra from results of spore-pellen analysis of the contents of traps and the surrounding vegetation was performed. The results confirmed the current spore-pollen Holocene age deposits. spectra are comprised both of pollen and spores of the local and of long-distance pollen and spores. The dependence of the long-distance pollen Specific studies of the problem of pollen presence in the air of deposition on the character of the wind regime of the region was established. high latitudes began in the 1930s (KIL'DYUSHEVSKY 1955). In The prevailing southerly and southeasterly wind direction determines the main pollen influx of tree species from the areas of their growth south of the , this problem was considered in articles about pollen delta. The features of the morphological structure and fossilization of pollen transport to the Arctic from the south and its detection in the and the features of the productive capability and growing conditions are surface soil sampIes of the arctic regions (TIKHOMIROV 1950, of large significance in the pollen transfer and deposition. KUPRIYANOVA 1951). In subsequent years, studies of current Zusammenfassung: Im Rahmen des internationalen Projektes "System Lap­ pollen rain, pollen and spore transport and their relationship tewsee 2000" wurden während der russisch-deutschen Expeditionen "LENA with sub-fossil spectra and current vegetation were carried out 98" und "LENA 99" erstmalig Untersuchungen zur jährlichen Deposition von on Severnaya Zemlya, Novaya Zemlya and Spitsbergen (KA­ Pollen und Sporen in verschiedenen Regionen des Lena-Deltas, im asiatischen LUGINA et al. 1981, SEREBRYANNY et al. 1984, VAN DER KNAAP Sektor der Arktis, durchgeführt. Drei Pollen/Sporen-Fallen wurden entlang ei­ nes meridionalen Deltaprofils aufgestellt (Juli 1998-August 1999) im Ein­ 1990). klang mit der Methodik des "European Pollen Monitoring Program". Die Er­ gebnisse der Pollen/Sporen-Analyse des Inhaltes dieser Fallen wurden mit Due to the European Pollen Monitoring Pro gram developed in dem umgebenden Pflanzenreich verglichen. Die Resultate zeigten, dass sich 1996, it became possible using one common sampling and die heutigen Pollen/Sporen-Spektren aus Pollen der lokalen Pflanzen und windeingetragenen Pollen zusammensetzen. Die Abhängigkeit der Ablage­ processing methodology to determine the composition of an­ rung windeingetragener Pollen vom Charakter der Windbedingungen in dieser nual recent spore-pollen spectra, compare them, investigate Region wird deutlich. Die dominierenden südlichen und südöstlichen Winde their change in time and space and identify and investigate the im Delta bedingen den Eintrag von Holzpflanzen-Pollen, deren heutige Ver­ factors that determine the formation character of different breitungsgebiete sich südlich vom Lena-Delta befinden. Die Besonderheiten der morphologischen Struktur und der Pollenfossilisation, sowie die Bedin­ spectra. gungen des Pflanzenwachstums und ihre Produktivität sind von großer Bedeu­ tung für den Transport und die Ablagerung von Pollen. This study at the present stage aims to analyze data on the poI­ len rain deposition throughout the year in the Lena Delta, compare the results obtained with the composition of local ve­ getation and the wind regime character of the study area and INTRODUCTION reveal the factors influencing the formation of current spore­ pollen spectra (SAVELlEVA et al. 2000, 2000a, DOROZHKINA et Pollen and spore analysis is widely used in paleogeographical al. 2000). studies to reconstruct the vegetation and climate in the past. However, the results of paleogeographical reconstruction based on the interpretation of palynological data can be METHODS AND SITES distorted to a great extent due to inconsistency between the spore-pellen spectrum and the actual vegetation that existed at Field methods a given time. The composition of the fossil palynospectrum depends on several factors. These are the composition of local To reveal the pollen transfer character, three traps were set up vegetation at the time of spectrum forrnation, the abundance of in the Lena Delta along the meridional delta profile (PAVLOVA & DOROZHKINA 1999) (Fig. 1). The pollen traps were estab­ lished in compliance with the requirements of the European I Geographical Research Institute, St. Petersburg State University, Laboratory Pollen Monitoring Program (HICKS et al. 1996). of Investigation of Environment Evolution, 41 Sredniy str., 199004 St. Petcrsburg. Russian Federation. State Research Center of Russian Federation Arctic and Antarctic Research A pollen trap presents a container (plastic bucket) of 5 liters Institute (AARI), 38 Beringa str., 199397 St. Petersburg, Russian Federati­ with a tightly closing cone-like cover of 30 cm in diameter. In on. , the center of the cover there is a hole of 5 cm in diameter. The Manuscript received 07 December 2000, accepted 30 July 2001 container bottom is 3-5 cm covered with glycerin to which se-

115 N

• pollen trap station (L-1 -Yugus-Jie; L-2 - Sagastyr Island; L-3Samoilov Island)

.... meteostation Fig. 1: Location of spore-pellen traps in the Lena Delta and wind rose-diagrams. (1- Dunay; 2 - Samoilov Island; 3 - Stolb) Abb. 1: Lage der Sporen-Pollenfallen im Lena-Delta und die zugehörigen Windrosen.

Fig. 2: Pollen trap set up on Sagastyr Island.

Abb. 2: Pollenfalle auf der Insel Sagastyr. veral thymol crystals and 10-20 ml offormalin are added. The The pollen traps were set up for aperiod of 1 year from July trap is buried into the ground so that its cover is at the same le­ 1998 to August 1999. The content of the pollen traps when vel with the surrounding surface (Fig. 2). they were recovered, presented water (atmospheric precipita­ tion) with numerous remains of insects (mosquitoes, caterpil­ A herbarium was collected within a 30 m radius (according to lars, etc.), excrements of mammals (musk-ox, lemmings) and guidelines for mapping the vegetation around the pollen traps, a mineral fraction (clayey-sandy particles). The volume of the HICKS et al. 1996) from each trap and the species composition samples comprised 0.5-2 liters. was determined (Tab.1).

116 Plant species L-l L-2 L-3 Plant species L-l L-2 L-3 Graminaceae (Poaceae) Saxifragaceae Arctagrostis latifolia x Chrysosplenium tetrandrum x Arctagrostis arundinacea x Saxifraga cernna x Deshampsia caespitosa ssp. borealis x Saxifraga foliolosa x Dupontia fisheri x Saxifraga hirculus x x x Dupontia psilosantha x Saxifraga nelsoniana x x x Hierochloe pauciflora x Koeleria asiatica x x Rosaceae Poa arctica x x x Dryas octopetala x x x Poa paucispicula x Dryas punctata x

Cyperaceae Fabaceae Carex aquatilis ssp. stans x x Astragalus umbellatus x Carex concolor x Eriophorum polystachion x Ericaceae Eriophorum vaginatum x Arctous alpina x

Juncaceae Vacciniaceae Juncus biglumis x Vaccinium uliginosum x Luzula confusa x Luzula multiflora x Plumbaginaceae Luzula nivalis x Armerio maritima x Luzula tundricola x Polemoniaceae Salicaceae Polemonium boreale x Salix glauca x x Salix nummularia x Boraginaceae Salix pulchra x Myosotis asiatica x x x Salix reptans x x x

Polygonaceae Scrophulariaceae Lagotis glauca ssp. minor x x Polygonum bistorta ssp. ellipticum x Pedicularis lanata x Polygonum tripterocarpum x Pedicularis oederi x Polygonum viviparum x Pedicularis sudetica ssp. interioroides x x x Pedicularis villosa x Caryophyllaceae Minuartia arctica x Valerianaceae Stellaria ciliatosepala x Valeriana capitata x x Ranunculaceae Compositae Caltha arctica x x Artemisia tilesii x Caltha caespitosa x Nardosmia frigida x Delphinium brachycentrum x congestus (arcticus) x Ranunculus alpinis x Taraxacum ceratophorum x Ranunculus pygmaeus x

Papaveraceae Equisetaceae Equisetum arvense ssp. boreale x Papaver angustifolium x x Papaver pulvinatum x x ~ Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Aulacomnium turgidum x Calliergon giganteum x x Cardamine digitata x Drepanocladus sp. x Cardamine pratensis x Hylocomium splendens x Draba borealis x Sphagnum orientale x Draba hirta x Tomenthypnum nitens x x Draba juvenilis x Parrya nudicaulis x Tab. 1: List of plants observedin the area of establishment of pollen traps. Tab. 1: Liste der Pflanzenin der Umgebungder Pollenfallen.

117 Laboratory methods shape and a size of up to 12-15 m in diameter. The central parts of polygons are swampy. The vegetation is represented The content of pollen traps was treated using a method de­ by herbaceous-dwarf shrub tDryas octopetala, Salix reptans, scribed by HICKS et al. (1996, 1999), which includes the Poa arctica, Papaver pulvinatum, Saxifragafoliolosa, Valeria­ following stages: centrifuging, filtering, boiling in 10 % na capitata) (Sphagnum orientale, Tomenthypnum niten) NaOH and acetolysis. Before treatment, one tablet of tundra in combination with polygonal and herbaceous-hyp­ Lycopodium spores was added to each pollen trap to calculate num bogs. The sarnple volume at recovery was 2 liters. the concentration of pollen grains per unit area deposited during one year. For this, the pollen quantity contained in a The northwestern and northeastern segments of the Lena Delta trap was calculated relative to the quantity of spores added so present in general the herbaceous-dwarf shrub (Dryas that the final result can be expressed as a number of grains per octopetala, Salix po/aris, S. nummularia, S. reptans, Carex cm'/year. To reveal the fraction of participation of each pollen stans, Poa arctica, Lurula nivalis, L. confusa, Saxifraga and spore taxon in the spectrum, its percentage of the total foliolosa) moss (Hylocomium splendens, Drepanocladus sum of pollen encountered was calculated. The pollen and unsinatus, Tomenthypnum nitens) and liehen southern arctic spores were calculated in the entire precipitate formed in tundra in combination with herbaceous-hypnum and the test-tube after treatment. The results of the spore-pollen polygonal bogs. The main delta territory belongs to dwarf analysis are shown in tabulated form (Tab. 2). shrub and herbaceous-dwarf shrub iDryas octopetala, Salix glauca, Carex stans, Poa arctica, Luzula nivalis, Papaver pulvinatum, Valeriana capitata Saxifraga foliolosa) moss Sites tHylocomnium splendens, Aulocomnium turgidum, Tomenthypnum nitens) and liehen northern sub-arctic tundra, For location of traps from south to north (L-3, L-l, L-2) along in places in combination with herbaceous-hypnum and the meridional delta profile see Figure I. Trap L-3 was set up polygonal bogs (LABUTIN et al. 1985). in the southern delta area on Samoylov Island (n° 22'43" N, 126° 31'08" E) at the first-above-the floodplain delta terrace, whose absolute height in the southern part comprises 10-13 m. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The flat tussocky surface of the first-above-the floodplain ter­ race is characterized by the development of the polygonal and Pollen and spores were found in all traps, but their quantities, polygonal-roller microrelief. The polygons are up to 11 m in concentrations, proportions between the groups (AP = arbo­ diameter. The swampy polygon segments are often occupied real, NAP = non-arboreal, Sporae) and preservation differs be­ by lakelets. The vegetation is represented by herbaceous­ tween locations. The pollen and spores counted in each sarnple dwarf shrub and dwarf shrub (Dryas octopetala, Poa arctica, were conventionally subdivided into local and long-distance. Carex concolor; Salix glauca, S. reptans, Saxifraga hirculus ) All counted pollen grains and spores of the families and gene­ moss (Calliergon giganteum, Hylocomium splendens, Tom­ ra, whose representatives were encountered in the local flora, enthypnum nitens) tundra in combination with polygonal bogs. were referred to the pollen of local plants. The long-distance The sampie volume at recovery is 0.5 liters. pollen includes plant species that do not grow in the Lena Del­ ta with the northern boundary of their areas located much mo­ Trap L-l was set up in the central delta area on Dzheppiries­ re southward. Sise Island, urochishche Ugyus-Dzhie cn: 50'17" N, 125° 49' 15" E). The trap is located in the high floodplain (with an The quantity of the calculated pollen and spore grains for trap absolute height of 8.6 m) at whose surface the polygonal and L-3 comprises 319 grains, for L-l 530 grains and for L-2 300 polygonal-roller microrelief is widespread. The polygons are grains (Tab. 2). characterized by a quadrangular shape reaching 10-11 m in diameter. The central depressed segments of polygons are In trap L-3 set up in the southern part of the delta on Samoylov swampy. The high floodplain is characterized by widespread Island, 319 pollen and spore grains were identified with the to­ mort and thermokarst lakes. In general within the Lena Delta, tal pollen and spore influx rate comprising 529.3 grains per a high floodplain (4-9 m) is developed everywhere over the cm'/year (Tab. 2). The tree and shrub pollen detected in the entire length of the channels presenting a water-flooded sur­ trap comprised 57.8 %, herb pollen 40.6 % and spores 3.5 %. face during the spring floods only in the individual rare years. The concentration of the deposited tree pollen for the trap The vegetation is represented by herbaceous-dwarf shrub and comprised 48.6 grains per cm/years, shrubs 257.7 grains per dwarf shrub (Dryas octopetala, Carex stans, Salix glauca, S. cm'/year, herbs 209.1 grains per cm'/year and spores 13.9 reptans, Poa arctica, Papaver angustifolium. Draba borealis, grains per cm'/year. The pollen of shrubs and herbs dominates. Saxifraga nelsoniana, Delphinium brachyccentrum, Myosotis Among the deposited pollen of arboreal species, pollen of Pi­ asiatica, Valeriana capitata, Artemisia tilesiii tundra in nus s/g Haploxylon and Betula sect. Albae (13.4 grains per combination with polygonal bogs. The sample volume at reco­ cm'/year each) predominate. Single grains of Picea pollen very was 2 liters. were detected. Among the deposited shrub pollen, pollen of Alnaster (130.5 grains per cm'/year) and Betula na na (107.1 Trap L-2 was set up in the northern delta area on Sagastyr Is­ grains per cm'/year) prevails with the insignificant presence of land (south coast of the Laptev Sea (73° 23' 14" N, 126° Betula sect. Fruticosae (11.7 grains per cm'/year) and Salix 36'53"E) at the first-above-the floodplain terrace whose abso­ (8.4 grains per cm'/year). Among the deposited pollen of her­ lute height in the marginal delta area comprises 4 m. The baceous plants, the pollen of the families Poaceae (12 grains microrelief of the first-above-the floodplain terrace was per cm'/year), Cyperaceae (40.2 grains per cmi/year), Astera­ formed by roller polygons that often have a regular triangular ceae (20.1 grains per cm'/year) and Scrophulariaceae (16.7

118 Pollen trap L-1 Pollen trap L-2 Pollen trap L-3 (1) (2) (3) (1) (2) (3) (1) (2) (3)

Picea 5 8.4 1.6 Pinus s/g Haploxylon 5 62.8 3 5.8 1.5 8 13.4 2.6 Pinus s/g Diploxylon 3 5.8 1.5 Pinus sp. 5 8.4 1.6 Betula sect. Albae 8 15.5 4.1 8 13.4 2.6 Betula sect. Fructicosa 2 27.3 0.4 2 3.9 1 7 11.7 2.3 Betula sect. Nanae 14 191.1 2.7 8 15.5 4.1 64 107.1 20.8 Salix 1 13.6 0.2 4 7.8 2 5 8.4 2.6 Alnaster 25 341.2 4.9 26 50.4 13.2 78 130.5 25.3 cf AInus 4 7.8 2 3 5 1 Cyperaceae 31 423.1 6 57 110.5 29 24 40.2 7.8 Poaceae 157 2142.7 30.4 54 104.7 27.5 43 72 14 Artemisia 4 54.6 0.8 11 21.3 5.6 3 5 1 12 20.1 3.9 Rosaceae 92 1255.6 17.8 1.9 0.5 2 3.3 0.6 Scrophulariaceae 10 16.7 3.3 Caryophyllaceae 2 27.3 0.4 Fabaceae 10 136.5 2 Fabaceae (cf Oxitropis) 8 13.4 2.6 Brassicaceae 28 382.1 5.4 Brassicaceae (cf Cardamine) 6 10 1.9 Ranunculaceae 44 600.5 8.6 Ranucu1aceae (cf Delphinium) 3 5.8 1.5 Ranunculus (cf lapponicus) 1 1.9 0.5 Raununculus sp. 2 3.9 1 Valeriana cf capitata 2 3.9 1 Lamiaceae 5 68.2 1 Saxifragaceae 8 109.2 1.6 1 1.9 0.5 1.7 0.3 Ericaceae 3 5.8 1.5 Po1ygonaceae 5 68.2 1 Polemonium sp. 1 13.6 0.2 Viola sp. 2 27.3 0.4 cf Papaveraceae 20 273 3.9 cf Crassulaceae 12 163.8 2.3 cf Gentiana 2 3.3 0.6 cf Orchidaceae 4 6.7 1.3 cf Juncaceae 1 1.9 0.5 Unknown pollen of herbs 46 627.8 9 3 5.8 1.5 10 16.7 3.3 Total pollen grains counted 514 7056 197 382 308 515.4

Lycopodium clavatum 1 1.7 0.3 Polypodiaceae 2 3.3 0.6 Sphagnum 1 13.6 0.2 3 5.8 1.5 3 5 1 cf Bryales 15 204.7 3 100 193.8 50.7 5 8.4 1.6

Tab. 2: Pollen trap results 1998/1999. (I) number of pollen and spores grains counted; (2) influx (cmi/year); (3) pollen and spores percentages from total sum of pollen grains counted (%).

Tab. 2: Ergebnisse der Pollenuntersuchungen 1998/1999. (I) Anzahl der Pollen und Sporen; (2) Eintrag (cmVlahr); (3) Pollen- und Sporenanteile an der Gesamtzahl der gezählten Pollenkörner (%). grains per cmvyear) predominate. The pollen and spore grains cm'/year (Tab. 2). The percentage of arboreal and shrub pollen are weil preserved. detected in the trap comprised 8.8 %, herb pollen 91.2 % and of spores 32 %. The maximum influx of pollen and spore In trap L-1 set up on Dzheppiries-Sise Island in the centra1 grains was determined in the trap both in general and within delta area, 530 pollen and spore grains were observed with the the AP, NAP and Sporae groups. The pollen of herbs and pollen and spore influx rate comprising 7,274.3 grains per shrubs dominate. The arborea1 pollen influx for the trap com-

119 prised 62.8 grains per cm'/year, shrubs 573.2 grains per The main transfer of arboreal pollen of Pinus, Picea and Betu­ cmvyear, herbs 6,420 grains per cm'/year and spores 218.3 la sect. Albae, is probably from the south and southeast along grains per cm'/year. The pollen of tree species was exc1usive1y the Lena River valley from the areas of tree species growing represented by Pinus s/g Haploxylon. Among the pollen of south of the delta (Fig. 3). Thus, a clear relationship between shrubs, pollen of Alnaster (341.2 grains per cm'/year) and Be­ the concentration of the deposited long-distance tree plant pol­ tula nana (1,911 grains per cm'/year) prevai1s with the pre­ len and the wind regime character in the territory is traced. sence of pollen of Betula sect. Fruticosae (27.3 grains per cm'/year) and Saht (13.6 grains per cm'/year). The herb pollen We note that in general, the largest influx of long-distance ar­ dominates in the spectrum being characterized by a diverse boreal pollen is observed for Pinus s/g Haploxylon (between species composition of the pollen of herbaceous p1ants (pollen 5.8-62.8 grains per cm'/year). This is probably due to the pine of 15 families and Genera was defined in the trap). The pollen pollen morphology features (the presence of two large pollen of the fami1ies of Poaceae (2,142.7 grains per cm'/year), Rosa­ bags) and as a result, its ability to overcome significant dis­ ceae (1,255.6 grains per cm'/year), Ranunculaceae (6,005 tances with the wind air flow (TIKHOMIROV 1950, KUPRIYANO­ grains per cm'/year) and Cyperaceae (423.1 grains per VA 1951, FEDOROVA 1952). cm'/year) prevails. All pollen and spore grains were weil pre­ served. The minimum frequency of occurrence among the deposited tree species pollen in the traps was noted for Picea. In trap L­ In trap L-2 set up in the northernmost delta area on Sagastyr 3, the pollen influx comprised 8.4 grains per cm'/year, while Island, 300 pollen and spore grains were detected with the pol­ the pollen of Picea in the traps located northward was not ob­ len and spore influx rate comprising 558.2 grains per cmi/year served at all. These data are in agreement with the opinion that (Tab. 2). The percentage of arboreal and shrub pollen in the the pollen of Picea is mainly deposited within the area of its trap comprised 28.3 %, herbs 71.7 % and spores 33.5 %. The growth with only a very small quantity being transferred by air arboreal pollen comprised 34.9 grains per cm/year, shrubs to the nearby territories (FEDOROVA 1952). 77.6 grains per cm'/year, herbs and dwarf shrubs 246.1 grains per cm'/year and spores 199.6 grains per cm'/year. Pollen of The pollen of shrubs Betula sect. Nanae and Salix growing herbs and dwarf shrubs dominates. A typical spectrum feature throughout the delta and Alnaster, whose northern boundary is the abundance of spores. Al110ng the tree species, the pollen passes across Samoylov Island was encountered in all traps of Betula sect. Albae (15.5 grains per cm'/year) predominates, (USSR AREAS 1977). In general, the tendency for decreasing grains of cf. Alnus (7.8 grains per cm'/year) are noted and in concentration of the deposited pollen from south to north is al­ equal proportion (5.8 grains per cm'/year), the pollen of Pinus so observed for the pollen of shrubs, which can be related to s/g Diploxylon and P s/g Haploxylon is present. The pollen of the wind regime character in the territory. However, there is shrubs is mainly represented by Alnaster (50.4 grains per one typical peculiarity. In all three regions of the established cm'/year) and Betula nana (15.5 grains per cm'/year) with par­ pollen traps, several shrub species of the genera Salix (Salix ticipation of Salix (7.8 grains per cm'/year) and Betula sect. glauca, S. nummularia, S. pulchra, S. reptans) are noted in Fruticosae (3.9 grains per cm'/year). Among the pollen of her­ herbaria collected near the traps, which playa significant role baceous plants, the pollen of the families Cyperaceae (110.5 in the formation of the vegetation cover of the delta in general. grains per cm'/year) and Poaceae (104.7 grains per cm'/year) But the concentration of the deposited pollen of shrubs of the sharply dominates with a significant presence of the Ar­ family Salix in all three traps is minimum at this (7.8-13.6 temisia (21.3 grains per cm'/year). The participation of the grains per cm'/year). Probably, the low pollen concentrations herb pollen of other families and genera is minimal. Among of are connected with the features of its preservation 01' the well-preserved spores and pollen, some mineralized and a low productivity of plants in the observation year. deformed grains are noted. Most herb pollen species found in the traps present the pollen In all pollen traps, the pollen of tree species tPinus, Picea, Be­ of plants growing in direct proximity to the trap location. The tula sect. Albae) was revealed. However, these tree species are distribution of the deposited pollen concentrations among dif­ completely absent in the vegetation cover of the Lena Delta ferent families (with the lead role of pollen of the families Po­ whereas the northern boundaries of their areas are located aceae, Cyperaceae, Rosaceae. Ranunculaceae) corresponds to many kilometers (between 200-1800 km) southward of the the plants dominating in the vegetation communities of the ter­ delta (Fig. 3). The pollen of tree species detected in the traps is ritories under consideration. entire1y long-distance pollen. The maximum concentrations of the herbaceous plant pollen When comparing the deposited pollen concentrations in the are typical of the central delta area (trap L-l). This can be at­ traps, one observes a tendency towards the decreased deposi­ tributed to the best plant vegetation conditions within the high tion of long-distance pollen of tree and shrub p1ants from floodplain in the vicinity of the Ugyus-Dzhiye urochishche. In south to north within the delta (Tab. 2). To revea1 the character general, the concentration of the deposited herbaceous plant of the wind regime in the Lena Delta over the period July 1998 pollen is in good agreement with the character of the local her­ - August 1999, the wind rose-diagrams were plotted for Sa­ baceous vegetation. moylov, Dunai and Stolb Islands. Data on the wind direction and speed for Samoylov Island were kindly provided by J. The spore influx in the traps range from 13.9-218.3 grains per Boike (AWI, Potsdam) and for Dunai and Stolb islands by A. cm'/year. The maximum concentrations of the deposited Gukov (TUGKS). The wind rose-diagrams for Samoylov, Du­ spores are typical of the northernmost delta area (trap L-2). We nai and Stolb islands show the prevailing southerly and note that the low plants occupy a significant place in the vege­ southeasterly wind direction (Fig. 1). tation cover of Sagastyr Island.

120 Pinus sylvestris L. (P. s/g Haploxylon) Picea obovata Lebed

Betula sect. Albae Pinus pumila(Pall.) (P. s/g Diploxylon) (B. pendula Roth.+B.pubescens Ehrh.)

Fig. 3: Northern boundaries of current areas of the tree species whose pollen were detected in pollen traps (modified from USSR AREAS 1977).

Abb, 3: Nördliche Verbreitungsgrenzen der Bäume, deren Pollen in den Pollenfallen nachgewiesen wurden (modifiziert nach USSR AREAS 1977).

We intend to continue pollen monitoring on Samoylov Island The pollen of tree plants within the Lena Delta is long­ which will allow us to obtain data on the change of intensity of distance and does not reflect the character of the local vegeta­ the annual pollen deposition over time. New data will make it tion. The pollen influx of tree species depends on the wind possible to more accurately reveal the role of long-distance regime character of the territory, location of the northern pollen in the formation of the current spore-pollen spectrum boundary of the tree species development areas and the and specify the int1uence of the productive capability of local morphological pollen structural features. The character of the plants on the annual deposition of their pollen. In addition, it is wind regime accounts primarily for the decreasing concentra­ necessary to undertake studies to compare the results of a tion of the tree plant pollen from south to north of the delta. spore-pollen analysis of the trap contents with the surface The prevailing southerly and southeasterly wind direction samples to clear up the pollen and spore fossilization determines the main pollen influx of tree species from the processes. areas of their growth south of the delta. The pollen of shrubs in the traps is both long-distance and local.

CONCLUSIONS The detected pollen carresponds to a great extent to the char­ acter of local vegetation in general. However, the deposited The results of the executed study have confirmed the conclu­ pollen concentrations da not reflect quite accurately the com­ sion that the current spore-pollen spectra are comprised both position of dominating species. For the long-distance shrub of pollen and spores of the local plants and of long-distance pollen, the dependence on the wind regime is also established. pollen and spores (KALUGINA 1979).

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