CBD Strategy and Action Plan
Biological Diversity of Tajikistan 1.2.2. Specific diversity For thousands of years, people of Tajiki- stan lived in harmony with the natural diversity of flora and fauna. In the process of historical de- velopment, they created many new forms of food, medicine, and forage crops, and domestic animals, promoted their conservation, thus en- riching the natural biodiversity. The recent cen- tury was marked by an increased human nega- tive impact on biodiversity, due to the population Ruderal-degraded ecosystems growth and active land mastering. The conservation of vegetation biodiver- Ruderal ecosystems of the foothills are sity in the mountains prevents the fertile soil generally represented by one species open plant layer from erosion and destruction by mudflows, communities: caper (Capparis spinosa), frag- and regulates groundwater formation. ments of wall barley (Hordeum leporinum), an- nual saltworts (Salsola pestifera, S.turkestanica, A. Vegetation world S.forcipitata), and camel’s thorn (Alhagi kirghi- The vegetation world is represented by a sorum). great genetic and environmental diversity, and a Ruderal communities of the low-mountain unique specific diversity; it includes 9771 species zone are represented by Cynodon dactilon, Pro- and 20 formations. sopis farcta, cousinia (Cousinia Olgae, The processes of xerophytization, C.polycephala, C.ambigens, C.dichromata, ephemerization, mesophyllization, cryophytiza- C.microcarpa, C.radians, C.pseudoarctium, etc.), tion, and migration processes in Tajikistan and forbs. caused an extensive formation of flora species Licorice, together with reed (Saccharum and forms. This resulted in the appearance of spontaneum) and camel’s thorn (Alhagi kirghi- numerous vicarious plants, altitudinal and eco- sorum), are formed after cuttings in the forest logical vicariants that considerably enriched the ecosystem zone.
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