A Reform Congregation Practicing Progressive Judaism Member, Union for Reform Judaism February 2012 Vol. XXI No. 6

President’s Message page 2 From the Rabbi’s Study page 3 BIW , Men’s Club page 4 Social Action page 7 92nd St Y page 8 Miniversity page 10 Library page 11 Recent Events page 14 & 15 Yahrzeits page 16 Birthdays & Anniversaries page 17 Donations page 16-18 Advertising page 19-23

2011 – 2012 Board Officers Earl Gordon, President Katherine Brooks, Vice President Elise Galinsky, Vice President Dr. O. David Solomon, Vice President Richard Levine, Treasurer Shirley Fein, Financial Secretary Ruth Engman, Recording Secretary Joseph Miller, Corresponding Secretary Nessa Levine, BIW President Robert Vigder, Roger Goldstein, Men’s Club Presidents Suzanne Lutkoff, Endowment Maye Lavinson, WOOO Elaine Weill, Immediate Past President February 2012 page 2 Worship Services Friday Evenings 8pm* Saturday Mornings 10am *Early service Friday, President’s February 24, 5:30pm Message Also on February 24, As we enter the ninth month of our fiscal year, there is Temple members with February birthdays so much we can say about the strength and success of our will be called to the bima Temple. I have noticed larger attendance at Shabbat ser- vices, more participation in our programmed events and for a Rabbinic Blessing. increased volunteerism of our congregants in working on these programs. We have recruited more first-time mem- fully, by the time you read this message, we will have suc- bers due to a very active membership committee under cessfully installed a “hearing loop” in our sanctuary, social the team leadership of Kathy Brooks, a Vice-President. hall and large meeting room. This device will enhance the We have had very active social action programs hearing capabilities of those of us who wear hearing aids managed by Dr. Lois Barson, Chair of the Social Action or have cochlear implants by transmitting sound directly Committee, including the food drive conducted during to these in-the-ear appliances. Loop systems have been the High Holy Days period and the Linus Project to ben- installed in several venues in our area such as the Van efit sick children. Rabbi Jonathan Katz, through his own Wezel and Sarasota Opera House. The cost to install this efforts and with assistance from the Rabbi Discretionary wonderful innovation was through the generous financial Fund, has helped those in need in our community, and contribution of an anonymous congregant. has volunteered his services to other Jewish service orga- From my vantage point as President, I can see and nizations. Bob Chalphin is spearheading the volunteers “kvell” about all that is happening at Temple Beth . for the Meals-on-Wheels program. TBI is the only Jewish Our success is due to those of you in the congregation organization in our area supporting this cause. Al Gross- who contribute your time and/or financial support and man has worked diligently to organize contributions our rabbi who really care about the continued success of through our Temple of aid to disabled veterans. Efforts our synagogue. These people can take pride in what they already are underway to provide a Passover Seder to the have accomplished. I hope that anyone else who wishes Russian community of Sarasota later this year. There are to participate with his or her time or wishes to donate to so many of our congregants who are actively participating upgrade our facility will be moved to do so. We will all be in a myriad of community service organizations. Many grateful and benefit from your “mitzvah.” thanks to all those involved in “Tikum Olam.” Regards, Earl Our Rabbi Michael B. Eisenstat Miniversity is un- paralleled in the number of offerings this year through the combined efforts of Nancy Eisenstat, Rabbi Jonathan GIFT SHOP NEWS... Katz and the Continuing Education Committee. The 92nd St “Y” continues to grow in number of presentations and Visit our Temple gift shop for your Judaica and has been greatly received by the community-at-large. Due gifts. We will be happy to gift bag your pur- to the efforts of June and Art Stein and Gerald Daniel and chases. Visit our back wall, featuring all items the financial contributions of the Sanford E. Saperstein reduced 50%, crystal, Judaica and general (z”l) Fund and the Gulf Coast Community Foundation, items. Inventory arriving daily including our this program will continue to flourish in the foreseeable new handbags, more chillit wine bags in new future. designs and colors. Also, we need help . . . so You may have noticed the new lighting adorning and please volunteer if you can. enhancing our Temple walkways and parking lot. This effort was made possible through the contributions of our We are open Monday thru Thursday “newer” members to our Temple’s “Capital Fund,” now 10:30am to 1pm called “Building Maintenance Fund,” and with generous and Friday nights and during appropriate events. donations of Garry Brooks and Suzanne Lutkoff. Hope- Temple Beth Israel Bulletin page 3 From the Rabbi’s Study

Revelation in Belgium the head of Belgian security forces Center’s Commission during WWII, not only denied the for the Designation of the Righteous.” family’s request to remain in Belgium Apparently, de Foy arrested, deported What Sonia Pressman Fuentes but recommended they be deported or blocked the immigration of hun- discovered on a trip to Germany and to . dreds of Jews even as he may have Belgium last fall has made interna- When Antwerp’s mayor refused helped some. tional headlines. to carry out the deportation order, In just the last few weeks, the Pressman Fuentes’s parents were de Foy sought to have Sonia’s family English and Belgian press, as well Polish Jews who’d built a successful arrested. In 1926, seven years before as other international media outlets, clothing company in Berlin. However, Hitler gained control of Germany, have featured Pressman Fuentes’ ef- following Hitler’s rise to power, the paperwork shows that de Foy dispar- forts to deprive de Foy of the eminent family fled to Antwerp, Belgium in aged Belgium Jews who assisted illegal honor Yad Vashem bestowed on him. 1933. Later, after barely escaping the Jewish immigrants as people “without In conjunction with the Rabbi Nazis, they found refuge in the United scruples.” Michael B. Eisenstat Miniversity of Sates where Sonia went on to become Though she had not previously Judaism, we are most grateful that a successful lawyer, prominent civil even heard of de Foy’s name, she Sonia will speak at the Temple on rights advocate and founder of the was shocked to learn that he had Thursday, February, 23 at 2pm about National Organization of Women. been recognized by Yad Vashem in her recent trip to Europe and the In September, Pressman Fuentes 1975 as a “Righteous Gentile” for his swirling de Foy controversy. She will returned to Europe to participate in a perceived role in saving hundreds offer an audio-visual component as special “Jewish Life in Germany” tour of Jews from the death camps. In part of her presentation. sponsored by the German govern- light of the historian’s revelations, I look forward to hearing her ment. She also visited Belgium, where she quickly contacted Yad Vashem compelling story, not only of her nar- the City of Antwerp and the new Red to request that the now deceased de row escape from the Nazis, but her Star Line Museum hosted her. The Foy be stripped of his distinguished fascinating return to Germany and museum will feature her family in a designation. Belgium and current struggle to ex- special exhibit about Jews who made In a front page article that ap- pose de Foy. I hope you take advantage the passage to the U.S. on the line’s peared in the Forward last month of the opportunity to learn about the ships between the 1870s and 1930s. regarding Pressman Fuentes’ ap- gripping and inspiring experiences While in Ghent, Belgium she met peal, a Yad Vashem spokesman said this remarkable woman will share. a historian who showed her docu- that de Foy’s case would “officially ments indicating that Robert de Foy, be resubmitted for examination by

Shabbat Cafe Shabbat Cafe will be held on February 18, 2012. Please feel free to attend the Saturday Shabbat morning services and stay for a lovely sit-down lunch. Sponsors for the February Shabbat Cafe are Leonie & Dr. Norman Goldfarb. Anyone wishing to sponsor a future Shabbat Cafe for a life cycle event please contact Elise Galinsky 358-6323. February 2012 page 4 Beth Israel Women presentation. Reservations are required for the 9:30am Here are the BIW Calendar dates for February & March: breakfast. Please send in the coupon provided in the Bulletin along with a check for $10 to cover food costs. Mon. Feb. 6- Noon - BIW Fashion Show at Michaels on East Monday, February 13th, Rabbi Michael Eisenstat will be our guest for a very special “Lunch with the Rab- Mon. Feb. 13- 11am - BIW Board Meeting bi.” Come hear all about the history and modern day Sun. March 4- 5pm - BIW Theater Night/Van Wezel- Sold Out realities of Jewish communities in Italy as Rabbi Eisen- Mon. March 5- 11am - BIW Board Meeting stat shares stories of his adventures abroad last year. Wed. March 14- 11:30am - BIW Game Day This event is open to the entire TBI family – men and women. Please send in your reservation coupon in this Fri. March 16- 8pm- Sisterhood Shabbat month’s Bulletin to reserve your place. Mon. March 19- Noon- BIW Luncheon Mtg.-Video Our third event is the annual Opera Night fund- and Live Presentation describing the future Sarasota raiser on Tuesday, February 22, 2011, featuring the 2012 Museum of Art. Winter Season Studio Artists of Sarasota Opera. These As you can see, we have a very busy time coming up. talented performers will delight the audience with a se- Please mark your calendars. lection of well known opera and Broadway show tunes. If you have not yet mailed in your $40 dues for this season, please send them in now so that we may continue our charitable activities in the community and our com- mitment to our wonderful Temple. Our Alice Taich Gift Shop is looking for a few more volunteers to staff the shop so that we can remain open Monday through Thursday from 10:30 to 1pm and Friday evenings during Oneg. Please contact any of our shop managers: Arlene Krum, Leah Barker, or Anita Devine. TheHy will show you around and train you. If you can bake one of your specialties for our March 14, March 16, or March 19 events please contact me and let me know for which date you can bake. Thanks so much. 2012 Studio Artists Photo by Cliff Roles Nessa Levine, BIW President Proceeds from this fundraiser benefit Sarasota Op- era and help fund local, national and international char- Men’s Club itable programs and projects selected by the Men’s Club. The Beth Israel Men’s Club is hosting not one but Sponsorships are available for just $60 and include three terrific, Temple-wide programs this month. On priority seating and recognition in the event program. Sunday, February 12, the Men’s Club will host a con- Ticket pricing for general seating this year is again $30 tinental breakfast for the final Scholar In Residence Con’t on page 6

The Men’s Club southern Lebanon. It chronicles the daily routine of a group of soldiers positioned at the 12th century Cru- Presents sader stronghold of Beaufort Castle, their feelings and Movie Night their fears, and explores their moral dilemmas in the Thursday, February 9 at 7pm days preceding the withdrawal and end of the 18-year $3/Free for TBI Members South Lebanon conflict. Beaufort Upcoming Movies (on the second Thursday) Beaufort is a 2007 Israeli war film based on Ron February 9 Beaufort Leshem’s book, If there’s a Heaven. The film takes March 8 Bonjour Monsieur Shlomi place in the year 2000, the year of the Israeli Defense April 12 Left Luggage Forces’ withdrawal from the Israeli Security Zone in May 10 For My Father Temple Beth Israel Bulletin page 5 Temple Beth Israel’s Speakers Committee is honored to present the 2012 Scholar-In-Residence Dr. Mark Washofsky The overall theme of the weekend is The Halakhah and Reform Judaism In the Broad- knowledge of life and creation. We are sponsibility, among others. way produc- honored to have as our Scholar-In- TheTorah portion for this week- tion Fiddler on Residence Dr. Mark E. Washofsky, the end’s Shabbat is named Yitro – it the Roof, based Solomon B. Freehof Professor of Jew- contains the original set of the Ten on Sholem ish Law and Practice at the Cincinnati Commandments, the very starting Aleichem’s campus of the Hebrew Union college- point for what we lovingly refer to Yiddish tale Jewish Institute of Religion. as our tradition. Dr. Washofsky will Tevye and his Dr. Washofsky has been a member present 3 lectures during the course Daughters, Te- of the HUC-JIR faculty since 1985, most of the weekend: recently serving as Professor of Rabbin- vye the Milk- Shabbat Evening Service man tries to ics, and specializes in the literature of February 10th at 8pm explain the customs of the Jews to the Talmud and Jewish law. He received Reform Judaism and the Halakhah: his five daughters. He tells them, in his rabbinical ordination (1980) and The Enduring Connection song, that everything is ordained by Ph.D. (1987) from HUC-JIR. He suc- God and based on Tradition. All of ceeds his teacher and mentor, Dr. Ben Shabbat Morning Service this takes place in the Russian shtetl Zion Wacholder, as holder of the Free- February 11th at 10am of Anatevka, in the year 1905, where hof Chair on July 1, 2006. The Responsa Literature: their lives are as precarious as the Dr. Washofsky chairs the Respon- How Jewish Law Responds to the perch of a fiddler on the roof. sa Committee of the Central Con- Challenges of Every Age Fast forward to 2012; still, today, ference of American rabbis, which Sunday Morning Breakfast Program we Jews ask the same age old questions, was founded in 1906 by Kaufmann February 12th at 9:30am seeking to understand the “whys and Kohler and empowered by its most Cloning and Human Stem Cell Re- wherefores” of our ancient tradition in prolific writer, Rabbi Solomon B. search: What Halakhah Can Teach Us an ever changing modern world. As the Freehof. His extensive publications French saying goes – plus ca change, plus include Jewish Living and Practice The Scholar-In-Residence program c’est la meme chose - “the more things (URJ Press, 2000), Teshuvot for the is free and open to the public. Please change, the more they stay the same!” Nineties (with W. Gunther Plaut, note there is a $10 charge for the conti- The weekend of February 10th – CCAR, 1997), and essays and articles nental breakfast provided by the Men’s 12th will provide us with the oppor- on Reform rabbinic responsa, Jewish Club February 12. Contact the Temple tunity to study and better understand bioethics, outreach and conversion, office to sign up for this compelling our tradition, as well as wrestle with prayer in the vernacular, abortion, weekend to ensure proper room set-up. some modern issues that seem to chal- medieval and liberal Halakhah, the Phone 383-3428 or send in the coupon lenge the very basis of our traditional right to die, and AIDS and ethical re- provided in this month’s Bulletin.

Books And Brown Bag The next meeting of the Books and Brown Bag group will be held on Monday, February 13. Nemesis by Phillip Roth - Linda Berliner, facilitator. Participants can bring lunch and coffee and dessert will be available at noon. The discussion will take place from 12:30 to 1:30 pm. Gloria Sabin and Linda Berliner, Co-Chairs February 2012 page 6 Nuremberg Comes to Sarasota-Manatee at Temple Beth Israel Following the Nuremberg trial of senior Nazi henchmen like Herman Goering, Rudolf Hess and Albert Speer ended in 1946, the Allies used footage of the dramatic proceedings to produce a film to show the irrefutable guilt of those responsible for the most unspeakable “crimes against humanity” the world had ever seen. The aim was to document the trial as a high example of civilized world citizenship (since fierce hatred and the desire for harsh revenge were then consuming most of Europe) would serve as an inspiration to others in the fight against the potential for future tyrannical brutality. Shown extensively in Germany, where it was a key component of the Allies de-Nazification campaign, "Nuremberg" was also supposed to be screened in the U.S. as well. But, this did not happen. Apparently, with the Cold War becoming more intensified, Washington thought twice about distributing a film that enhanced the Soviet Union’s image while at the same time cast a dark light on our newly vested ally, West Germany. Now, however, this powerful film is being seen again. Thanks to a masterful reconstruction of a copy (the original negative and soundtrack were lost or destroyed) by Sandra Schulberg and Josh Waletsky, Nuremberg: Its Lesson for Today is returning us once again to the courtroom where evil itself stood on trial. The film has garnered high praise at film festivals throughout the world, including three months ago, in Tehran, Iran. executive while her uncle, Budd Schulberg, authored The New York Times wrote that the film’s raw imme- the novels What Makes Sammy Run?, The Harder They diacy “nearly closes the gap between past and present… Fall and the Academy-award-winning screenplay for Narration read by Liev Schreiber gives the film coher- On the Waterfront. ence and drama, but most of that comes from the im- On Sunday, March 18, Nuremberg will be shown in ages themselves. What this documentary shows, from our area for the first time at Temple Beth Israel at 2 and an unmediated, eyewitness perspective, is how a vital 7pm. Sandra Schulberg will be present to discuss the and indispensable principle of humanity was restored.” film following its presentation. There is no cost to TBI An accomplished film producer, Schulberg is an members. The non-member charge is $10.00 in advance adjunct Assistant Professor at Columbia University and $15.00 at the door. Reservations are requested. where she teaches Feature Film Financing and Interna- To help offset the cost of the program sponsors are tional Co-Production in the graduate film school. In needed. Sponsors contributing $250.00 or more will 1946 the U.S. War Department asked her father, Stuart enjoy dinner with Ms. Schulberg prior to the evening Schulberg, to make the original film. screening. Please contact the Temple office if interested Filmmaking runs in the Schulberg family. Sandra’s in being a sponsor for this important program. father was a pioneer producer and motion picture studio

Men’s Club Con’t from page 4 (advance ticket pricing is $25 month’s Bulletin. The Opera Night for TBI members so don’t wait!). performance begins at 7:30pm, Look for the mail in coupon in this doors will open at 7pm. Temple Beth Israel Bulletin page 7 Social Action TBI’s Project Linus is under- Sheldon Paley, Joyce Paley, Christa contact me if you wish to help serve on way. The first meeting, held January Fineshriber, Sharon Baker, Howard that day. We will need 5 or 6 of our 4th, resulted in the creation of our Baker. members to be available from about first group blanket, the submission 11am to 3pm. of a knitted blanket by one of the Finally, please attend our annual members, and the exchange of many Social Action Shabbat on Friday, ideas for additional blankets. Project February 17th, 2012 as we highlight Linus will meet on the first and third some of the many worthy causes in Tuesday mornings at 10:am of each Sarasota/Bradenton and the TBI month in the Board Room of TBI. members who give of their time to Additional participants are invited better our community. to attend. There is no cost. Please continue to bring your Carole Klionsky, Lois Barson and Nancy Our Temple Beth Israel “Wonder food donations to our All Faiths Cohen Workers” received the following note Food Bank barrel in the Social Hall from Kay Harper, Volunteer Coordi- If you would like to be contacted at TBI. Our contributions are picked nator for the Manatee County Branch for future volunteer opportunities up monthly. of the Salvation Army: with the Manatee Salvation Army, We continue our support for “We are so grateful to each one please contact me via email or phone the Galvano One Stop Center in of you for your time, energy and (see the new TBI directory). Bradenton. Donations of clothing, commitment to our Christmas Our Temple continues to be the travel size shampoo and lotion and cause. Children benefitted all only Jewish organization in Sarasota soap, good condition shower towels over Manatee County. Thank to participate in Meals on Wheels. are among the items we are collect- you again and again.” Robert Chalphin has coordinated ing. this effort for many years and while Our monthly link: This month the group of volunteers has expand- we feature our own Temple Beth ed for the season, there is always a Israel. Please refer to the new di- need for additional assistance. With rectory for a listing of the many a full team, the actual time for each Temple funds to which you may Joyce & Sheldon Paley, Arlene Krum and person is a trip once every four or contribute in honor of a simcha, to Cecila Dalton five weeks for one morning. Please memorialize a loved one or friend, contact the Temple or Bob if you or to celebrate the return to health About a dozen of our members would like to participate in this most of someone significant in your life. participated in the three day event rewarding experience. Go to www.tbi-lbk.org for further during which toys and holiday gifts Another volunteer opportunity information. were distributed to over 1200 families for TBI will be to assist us as we join in Manatee County at their Toy Shop. with Federation to host the annual Lois H. Barson, Our thanks to Cecila Dalton, Arlene Seder for members of the Russian Social Action Chair Krum, Carole Klionsky, Nancy Cohen, Jewish Community on April 1. Please [email protected]

OOPS! Gala Program Correction

Should you want to contact the Scott Blum Ensemble - the band that played for the Betty Boop Ball - here is the correct information:

Phone: 941-778-0392 email: [email protected] February 2012 page 8

Presented at Temple Beth Israel Gloria Steinem Admission: FREE ($5 for non-temple members) with Budd Mishkin Tuesday, February 28, 8pm Lawrence Summers Gloria Steinem, the world with Thane Rosenbaum renowned feminist leader, talks Thursday, February 2, 8pm about her travels in this and oth- As economic concerns weigh heavily on Americans’ er countries as an organizer, lecturer and frequent me- minds, Lawrence Summers shares his thoughts on the dia spokeswoman on issues of equality and her work or- debt and housing crises, the collapse and bailout of Wall ganizing across boundaries for peace and justice. Street, economic stimulus initiatives, free trade, global- Budd Mishkin is the host and reporter for NY1’s ization, anti-Semitism and perhaps even the upcoming “One on 1 with Budd Mishkin.” This event is part of the presidential election. Summers was director of Presi- Ruth Stanton Illustrious Women Series, supported by dent Obama’s National Economic Council, Secretary of The Ruth Stanton Foundation. the Treasury in the Clinton administration, and former president of Harvard University. Thane Rosenbaum is a Sandra Day O’Connor novelist and law professor at Fordham University and Stephen Adler, moderator the director of the Forum on Law, Culture and Society. Thursday, March 15, 8pm Sandra Day O’Connor served as Unprotected Texts: Controversial the US Supreme Court’s first female Elements in the Bible justice. During her 24-year career, Bart Ehrman & Jennifer Wright Knust she often cast the deciding vote in landmark decisions. Justice O’Connor discusses her civics education project with David Gibson along with her extraordinary career and what attributes, Tuesday, February 7, 8:15pm skills and approaches are necessary for success in the Examine the Bible’s many mixed messages on sex future. and sexuality, and its lasting influence on hot-button Stephen Adler is the editor in chief at Reuters News issues from the priesthood to gay marriage, with two and executive vice president of news at Thomson Reuters. leading Biblical scholars whose recent books touched a Adler examines the impacts of our decisions, how we ap- nerve with readers and set off fierce public debates. Bart ply our knowledge and how these intelligent choices steer Ehrman is the author of more than 20 books, including events that affect so many lives across borders. The New York Times best sellers Forged and Misquot- ing Jesus. Jennifer Wright Knust is an assistant professor of religion at Boston University. An ordained American Baptist pastor, she is the author of Unprotected Texts: The Bible’s Surprising Contradictions About Sex and Desire. David Gibson is an award-winning religion writer. His latest book is a biography of Pope Benedict XVI. Temple Beth Israel Bulletin page 9 2012 TBI Membership Directory Corrections

New Member Milton & Florence Harr Boards, Committees & Other BUXBAUM DR. Milton & Florence Harr Corrections Linda Buxbaum Listing for James Herrington Continuing Education Committee: (Spouse, John Graben, not a member) James Herrington & Carol Camiener Dr. Ira Singer is a member 235 Golden Harbour Trail 5951 Emerald Harbor Endowment Board: Bradenton, FL 34212 Longboat Key, FL 34228 Merrill Zinder, no longer on the board Phone: 941-896-9130 941-383-8840 Marvin Morse, new member Cell: 865-748-0548 e-mail: [email protected] 29671 Nova Woods Leadership Circle 2012 Farmington Hills, MI 48331 Bronze Tribute: Carol Camiener Corrections to Member Listings: (248) 661-3223 & Jim Herrington Kathy Brooks Bonney Libman: Cell phone correction First name is spelled Bonney Men’s Club Kathy: 928-1640 Dr. Ira Singer, member, Harriett Marks Board of Directors Carol Camiener & Jim Herrington New e-mail Address: Local telephone: (941) 383-8840 [email protected] Past Presidents: Robert Chalphin Sheldon Paley Morton Bloch(z”l) Delete (302) 656-8830 Cell phone: 941-356-1857 Joseph Boardman (z”l) Nancy Cohen Arnold Fein (z”l Helen Rauch Donald Kayton Summer telephone listing: Home phone: 941-383-1783 (508) 430-7020 David Lutkoff (z”l) Cell phone: 941-400-3055 Howard Sabin Cecille Dalton Ruth Rothchild’s listing is out of order, Bruce Sands (z”l) Local telephone: 383-9682 look for her listing before Amy Roth Abraham Shames (z”l) Susan & Phillip Gaynes Dr. Ira Singer New address and phone: Molly Schechter Bernard White 551 Harbor Cove Circle FAX (941) 383-7724 disconnected Temple Coordinator (Calendar) Longboat Key, FL 34228 Morton Siegler Roger Goldstein 941-383-6514 New fax: 941-387-9007 Sanford Milter Gelwarg/Zippert Nancy Skadron is no longer a member of TBI Cell phone correction: 266-7018 Summer address: Rudolph Forchheimer Eugene & Toby Halpern emails: 1830 Eagle Ridge Drive, #1008 is no longer a member of TBI Toby’s E-mail: St. Paul, MN 55118 [email protected] (651) 454-1144 Eugene’s E-mail: [email protected] Please take a moment to review your Directory listing. If you have any changes, please contact the Temple office: call: 383-3428 email: [email protected] or send a note Attn: Conella, 567 Bay Isles Rd Longboat Key, 34228. February 2012 page 10

Casting Call! Our Purim show is in pre-production right now. We would love to re-unite the Bima Players and any others who might be willing to read lines. No singing or danc- ing required, except for two parts. You can read from your script. Nothing to memorize. There will be only a few rehearsals. Sound easy? It is!! Please call Judy Goldstein at 387-0776 if you are willing to be a star. Purim is on Wednesday night, March 7. There may be a hamantashen or two in it for the cast and audience.

The Rabbi Michael B. Eisenstat Miniversity of Judaism Miniversity In February at Temple Beth Israel Rabbi Richard Steinbrink examines If God is Diane Steinbrink delves into the uncommon life Constant Why Do Prayerbooks Change? on Tues- of playwright Wendy Wasserstein Thursday, Febru- day, February 7, 2pm. ary 16, 2pm. Nate Jacobs, Artistic Director of Westcoast Black Join civil rights advocate Sonia Pressman Fuentes Theatre Troupe presents History of Black Theater in as she tells of A Journey of Re-Discovery to Germany America with a Jewish Twist Thursday, February 9 and Self-Discovery to Belgium on Thursday, Febru- at 2pm. ary 23, 2pm. Bob Collins, returns to lead a historical tour Rabbi Jonathan Katz begins a 2-part series that revealing Sarasota’s circus and Jewish connections explores the Ethical Will on Monday, February 27, Wednesday, February 15 at 10am, $30. 2pm and Monday, March 5, 2pm. 2012 Course Schedule Date Instructor Title Feb 7 Rabbi Richard Steinbrink If God is Constant Why do Prayerbooks Change? Feb 9 Nate Jacobs History of Black Theatre With a Jewish Twist Feb 15 Bob Collins Riding Through History: The Circus Side of Sarasota Feb 16 Diane Steinbrink The World of Her Women (and Some Men) Feb 23 Sonia Pressman Fuentes A Journey of Re-Discovery to Germany & Self-Discovery to Belgium Feb 27, Mar 5 Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz The Generational Force of an Ethical Will Mar 1 Film Lonely Man of Faith Mar 6, 20 Dr. Thomas Hecht An Insider’s View Mar 15 Nancy Cohen The Wonton & The Kreplach Mar 22, 29, Apr 2 Rabbi Richard Klein 4,000 Years of Judaism Evolution or Revolution? Temple Beth Israel Bulletin page 11 A Wonderful Group of Books Added to the Library Collection Casting Call! It’s always a pleasure to add interesting books to the Temple Library collection, and this month is no excep- tion. We have received Give Me Your Heart: Tales of Mystery and Suspense by the immensely talented writer, Joyce Carol Oates. It is a fine collection of ten tightly fo- cused stories about love and its traumas, The author re- ceived the PEN/Malamud Award for Excellence in Short Fiction and is also a National Book Award winner. Another mystery is Shadow and Light by Jonathan Rabb. The author connects the advent of talking movies Author Tim Bonyhady’s meticulous research of with the rise of . Focused on the years between the Vienna as an important center of European culture re- wars, when the Weimar Republic was hanging by a thread, sults in Good Living Street: Portrait of a Patron Family and Hitler’s brownshirts were gathering steam, Kriminal- Vienna 1900. The book provides new perspectives into Oberkommisar is called to a movie studio to rubber-stamp Holocaust and immigration studies. the suicide of an executive. Only it is murder. Also new to the library is Ruth Gruber’s Exodus Going back in time to the era between 1391 and 1947: The Ship That Launched a Nation. The author 1492, The Lost Minyon by David M. Gitlitz, profiles ten witnessed the events of July 18, 1947 in Haifa as the ship Crypto-Jewish families coping with the trauma of liv- Exodus 1947 crammed with more than 4,500 Holocaust ing between two worlds, neither wholly Catholic nor survivors was prevented by the British navy from seek- wholly Jewish. ing refuge. Another fascinating novel is The Jump Artist by In a lively narrative, author Harold Meek unfolds Austin Ratner. The plot is a fictionalized version of the story of the synagogue from its origins in Solomon’s the story of Philippe Halsman, a renowned photogra- Temple to its Baroque phase in Venice, and finally to the pher who was accused of murdering his father. His life classic simplicity of modern architecture. The Synagogue was changed by an anti-Semitic kangaroo court, which provides comprehensive details of worldwide syna- whipped a frenzy in the community of interwar . gogues. I’d also like to thank the congregation for honor- ing me at the Temple Gala last month. I consider it not only an honor for me, but also an appreciation for the Library staff, and the Temple Library for its fine collec- tion. Come into the Library and enjoy! Marjorie Sandy, Librarian Charles Fox Wednesday, February 29, 2012 7:00 p.m. - Temple Beth Israel, Longboat Key Tickets: $10 (order online at www.jfedsrq.org/events.aspx) In his memoir, Charles Fox, one of the most performed composers in the world, whose work includes the Grammy Award winning song, “Killing Me Softly,” recounts his early musical studies while growing up in the Bronx. The son of an Israeli-born mother and Polish, shtetl-born father, Charles includes extraordinary letters he wrote home to his family while living in Paris from 1959-1961, studying with the most renowned music composition teacher of the 20th century, Nadia Boulanger. Fox reflects on the highlights of his ca- reer, working with some of the greatest names in entertainment, film, television, records and ballet, including: Barry Manilow, Jim Croce, Roberta Flack, Lena Horne, and Fred Astaire. February 2012 page 12 Special Shabbat February 3 On Friday, February 3, Temple Beth Israel will celebrate the 12th an- niversary of Women On Our Own (WOOO) at a special Shabbat Service featuring Jewish author and physician Dr. Bernd Wollschlager. As we honor this dis- tinguished and vital group, we acknowledge the role these ladies have played not only in the formation of TBI but also in the growth of the Jewish community here. Many are founding members of this congregation. In addition, these women have contributed to the growth of our important Jewish institutions, including the Jewish Federation of Sarasota Manatee, Kobernick-Anchin Retirement Community, the Jewish Museum of Florida and the Holocaust Museum. Please join us at the 8pm Shabbat Services as we salute the accomplishments of these pioneers and show our gratitude for their important gifts to TBI and the greater Jewish community.

The Legacy Society Corner Administrative Note Don’t Be A Hobby Horse!! In a concerted effort to make our Temple . . . there’s reason to hope a man’s memory may outlive office operate more efficiently, the Admin- him by six months. But he’s got to build churches for that istrative Committee has some “suggestions” to happen, my lady, or else he’ll have to put up with be- (strongly suggested) for all of us who ask ing forgotten, like the hobby-horse in the popular song Conella, Mary, and JoAnn to help us with that goes, “Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, the hobby-horse is for- our Temple work: gotten.” …...... Act 3 Scene 2, Hamlet - Shakespeare 1) PLEASE do not congregate in the office. We ALL like to do this, and we all en- Of course we would rather have TBI supported, but you joy talking to our very pleasant office people, get the message. The following people didn’t build churches but they can’t get anything done when we are but are members of our Legacy Society by virtue of either a interrupting them. bequest in their wills or the purchase of an annuity, the re- 2) PLEASE plan on 3 days to get a job mainder of which is in favor of TBI. If you have remembered TBI or intend to do so, your name should be on this list. Please done, whether it be copies, mailings, or lists call the office and leave a message. Legacy Society members of information. If they can do the job sooner will have a special listing in our future directories. than that they certainly will, but they have a Morton Bloch, Lois and Willard Cohodas, Selma Flanzbaum, priority list, and they CANNOT stop every- Florence Katz, Rosalie Krone, Marion and Stanton Lipshutz, thing to do your job at any given moment. Suzanne Lutkoff, Marion and Louis Kreshtool, Lillian Maltzer, 3) PLEASE put all requests in LEGIBLE Donald and Judith Markstein, Sylvia and Sanford Milter, Mari- writing or printing. Forms are available for lyn and Irving Naiditch, Frances and Sidney Pomer, Edith and this purpose. Jay Rudolph, Nathan Sharon, Freida and Ed Shapiro, Estelle If you have any questions or suggestions, Schilane, Morton Schindel, Sanford Solender, Joyce Solo, please contact Sheldon Paley, Chairman Marjorie Tick, Claire and Harold Yablon. of the Administrative Committee. Many thanks!! Temple Beth Israel Bulletin page 13

Irving & Marilyn Shuman Irwin & Sylvia Pastor Donald & Elaine Weill Judith Feldman Barbara Blumfield

Doris Millner Sylvia Bea Friedman Carol & Morton Siegler Kaplan Cohodas Bill & Marjorie David & Louise Solomon Sandy

Shirley Fein Patrons and Honorary Co-chairs Irving & Marilyn Herman & Sharon Betty Schiff & Betty Schoenbaum Naiditch Frankel Patrons Not Pictured Harriet Allweiss Bruce & Ann Bachmann Nathan Benderson & Anne Virag Aaron & Janis Brenner Alice Berkowitz Carol Camiener & James Herrington Leon & Rhoda Cooper Alan & Lois Thank You Schottenstein Ruth Engman Norman & Leonie Goldfarb TBI Gala Dorothy & Sue Jacobson Richard & Nessa Levine Sponsors! Donald & Judith Markstein Marjorie Tick Northern Trust Bank Richard & Sheila Olin Sheldon & Joyce Paley Benjamin & Sandra Harold Ronson & Molly Schechter Krause Howard & Gloria Sabin Leonard & Suzanne Weinstein Mimi Edlin & Florence Katz Eve Kommel David Young February 2012 page 14 Recent Events

Bob Collins gave a fascinating presentation at the Temple on Jewish links to the circus world. Al Goldis, guest speaker at last A few seats remain for the “Big Top Tour” Wednesday, Febru- month’s “Lunch with the Rabbi,” chats ary 15 from 10:00-12:30. This bus tour, lead by Collins, will leave with Dr. David Marcus. from the Temple and the cost is $30.00. Call the Temple office to make your reservation TBI’s Project Linus Kickoff Project Linus is a non-profit organization, dedicated to “Providing Security Through Blankets,” for ill or traumatized children and teens.

Above: Florence Harr, Amy Roth, Arlene Krum, Rhoda Cooper, Nancy Cohen and Sandy Steele

Left: Rhonda Cooper and Sally Steele. Temple Beth Israel Bulletin page 15

Left: Gerry Daniel, Rabbi Peter Kasdan, Eli Groner, Sy Klionsky. Below: Arthur & June Stern, Jerry Daniel, Eli Groner & Sy Klionsky.

Eli Groner, Israel’s Minister of Economics to the United States, addresses a crowd of nearly 500 at Temple Beth Israel.

Left: Roz Fleischer is TBI’s “Candy Lady.” She makes sure the Temple is always welcom- ing with plenty of warm smiles and a never ending bowl of sweet treats. Rabbi Katz working hard for ORT as a celebrity bartender at their fundraiser last month held at the Polo Grill in Lakewood Ranch. February 2012 page 16

Yahrzeits Our Perpetual Yahrzeits are in order of the date of death. To be read on each of the following Fridays:

February 3, 2012 Bill Rosen Shirley Goldman William Briefer Joseph Edlin Lillian G. Salk Shirley Jacobson Michael Friedberg Nathan Lewen Rose Yanowitz Mary Scheer Herman Ansel Bernat Nelson Anna Goldberg Selma Black Esther Stein Stuart M. Rosenfeld Philip Halpern Morris Haas Mike Steinberg Freda Siegler Robert Morrison Lee S. Kreindler Nettie Zippert Anna Berliner Della Brodsky Louis Leibowitz Sherwin Fox Bertram Horowitz Minnie Carten Jeanne Lerman Etta Rose Irving Kline Eleanor I. Maskell Rose Sandy Harry Rosenfeld Etta Feldman Selma Flanzbaum Charles Benenson Rabbi Julius Goldberg Selma Gordon Rose Miller Jean Krum Irma F. Markstein Marvin Morrison Sydney Flanzbaum Eva Seigel Carl Rosen Max Garelick George Siegler Robert H. Ross Alan Schulman Louis Shenkan Goldijean Turow William Cohen Isidore Kirshenbaum Benjamin Weisblat Victor Ben Berger Samuel Schechter Hilda Ackerman David Raynes Joseph Adlman Gladys Grossman Emanuel Steinberg Pearl K. Miehl Louis Katz Robert Smith Richard M. Kaye February 17, 2012 February 24 Frank Morse February 10, 2012 Herbert Benderson Philip Assiran Rebecca Rodack Israel Becker Paul Massik Leo Wenk Anna Radner Stanley Zeeman Irvin Blumfield Yahrzeit Donations (con’t) Yahrzeit Donations In Memory Of Donated By In Memory Of Donated By Louis Adelman Stanley Adelman Charles Gass Rosalyn Gass Elsie Adlman Alice Wolkenberg Celia Gorfinkel Evelyn Lerman Philip Assiran Celia Assiran Leo Gottlieb Gabrielle Miller Sam Berman Ida Wilkof Albert Green Jean Green Zachary Bloomfield Estelle Sank Sophie Green Marcie Mackman Larry Blumenthal Richard Blumenthal Norma Greenberg Mrs. Sheridan Libby Rose Blumenthal Richard Blumenthal Lilo Hutzler Heinz Hutzler Steven Brown Judith Garelick Julian Hytken Mary Ann Bernstein Freda Burstyn Betty Morse Israel Sydney Isaacs Bernard Isaacs Sandra Clement Jay Clement Morris Israeloff Robert Israeloff Abe Cranman Rosalyn Fleischer Sam Kalowsky Nora Balk Sadie Cranman Rosalyn Fleischer Berti Katz Bea Einstein Lillian Davidson Celia Assiran James Katz Barbara Struth William Davis Ada Eisenfeld Moritz Katz Bea Einstein Hedwig Einstein Ralph Einstein Lisa Klein Ed Brickman Marvin Fein Shirley Fein Samuel Lazorow Marilyn Naiditch Temple Beth Israel Bulletin page 17

Happy Birthday!* Anniversaries 2 Mrs. Marlene Frank 12 Mr. Gerald Seigel 7 Dick & Ruthie Schumeister 2 Mrs. Nessa Levine 14 Rabbi Aaron Koplin 10 Samuel & Sally Shapiro 14 Norman & Pam Reiter 2 Mr. Robert G. Schwartz 14 Mr. James D. Raymond 15 Robert & Frankie Nelson 3 Mrs. Barbara Horowitz 14 Mrs. Sally Yanowitz 18 Ralph & Nancy Cohen 4 Mr. Ralph Einstein 14 Mrs. Bonnie Zeeman 19 Sheldon & Ann Glickman 4 Mrs. Joan Koplin 15 Mrs. Nancy Cohen 21 Norman & Marilyn Weinstein 22 Harvey & Susan Gleeksman 4 Mr. Jules Rose 19 Mrs. Mardy Cohen 24 Leon & Rhoda Cooper 6 Mr. Arthur Stern 20 Mrs. Marcie Mackman 27 Gerald & Ursula Bamberger 8 Ms. Barbara Adler 21 Mr. Richard Burton 28 Coleman & Sylvia Raphael 9 Mrs. Gloria Bergman 21 Mrs. Gloria G. Sabin 10 Mr. Walter Frank 22 Mrs. Shirley Klein 10 Mrs. Betty Loeser 23 Mr. Jerome Lee 10 Mrs. Sandra Marks 24 Mr. Donald M. Weill 10 Mr. Ted Simon 25 Mrs. Sharon Schreiber 11 Mrs. Betty T. Schiff 28 Mr. Howard Fishman

*At Shabbat services on February 24, which begins at 5:30pm, Temple members with February birthdays will be called to the bima for a Rabbinic Blessing.

Yahrzeit Donations (con’t) In Memory Of Donated By In Memory Of Donated By Dr. Herbert Lee Linda Albert Irwin Skirboll Morton Skirboll Gertrude Levie Dr. Bernard Levine Anna Taub Melvin Taub Sarah Levine Richard & Nessa Levine George M. Thomas Bernice Thomas Martha Libien Lois Lowsky Berthold Triest Margot Coville Ernest Lichtenstein Rae Lichtenstein Ly Triest Margot Coville Cecelia Elman Liebow Elise Galinsky Justin VanGuilder Joyce & Dr. Sheldon Paley Mollie Mackman Dr. Sanford Mackman Harriet Vogel Herbert Vogel J. Simpson Marx Florence Zox Ruth & Irving Vogel Herbert Vogel Tillie Mazor Marjorie Sandy Paul Wallace Margot Wallace Joseph Oper Sharon Oper Paul Wechter Dr. Elizabeth Wechter Albert Plaut Margot Wallace Joseph Weinberger Edith Weinberger Brad Ploener Phyllis Ploener Deborah Weinstein Esther Kettler Edith Portman Rochelle Diamant Morton Weiss Barbara Blumfield Maurice Prolman Lois Barson Edward Wilkof Ida Wilkof Mary Refkin Sylvia Scheiner David Wolowitz Annette Black George Rosenberger Mildred Rosenberger Hannah Zinder Merrill Zinder Charles Shapiro Carol Siegler Milton Zinder Merrill Zinder Rabbi Robert Shapiro Bernard White February 2012 page 18 Donations General Fund Harriet Allweiss Connie Halickman, by Sidney Weiner, by Shirley In Appreciation: Cecelia Elman Liebow, by Eileen & Albert Bronstein Fein, Florence Abuza Barbara & Aaron Rosenzweig Elise Galinsky Alfred Mazor, by Marjorie Beloved husband, Joseph JoAnn Durham-Kilcullen Myrtle Pearlmutter, by Sandy Weinberger, by Edith Frank Lewis Phyllis & Nelson Garnick Weinberger Herbert Vogel Jeff Camiener, by Linda Choir Fund Beloved mother, Bernadine Rita Dubrow Albert In Honor Of: Holland, by Mirabai Holland Seymour Farber Ira Zippert’s 90th Birthday, Speedy Recovery: by Celia Assiran Speedy Recovery: In Honor Of: Rosemary Myerson & Rich- Rose Tynan’s 101st Birthday, Ruth Engman, by Shirley Betty Schiff & Family ard Myerson, by Rochelle & by Ruth Lerner Fein, Doris & Joe Miller, Car- (Suzanne, Patti I& Laura), by Robert Diamant ole & Sy Klionsky Susan Shimelman Ruth Engman, by Nancy In Memory Of: Sheila Zinder, by Shirley Fein, Barbara Blumfield, by Laeh Skadron, Marsha Ross Granddaughter of Audrey & Carole & Sy Klionsky Grant To my brother, Joseph Miller, Milt Lucow, by Ruth Lerner Beatrice Michaels, by Shirley Sy Klionsky on the Anniver- by Shirley Solot Sydney Weiner by Jean Betty Fein sary of his Bar Mitzvah, by Sheila Zinder, by Nessa & Weiner Joseph Miller, by Shirley Catha & Martin Abrahams Richard Levine, Stephanie & Fein, Ruth Engman Ira Zippert’s 90th Birthday, Marvin Anzel, Leonie & Speedy Recovery: Gabrielle Miller, by Doris & by Pearl and Irving Kushner, Norman Goldfarb Marcia & Dr. David Joe Miller Marian Dietch, Leonie & Dr. Phyllis Ploener, by Rochelle & Goldberg, by Ruth Lerner Edith Weinberger, by Doris Norman Goldfarb Robert Bernard Mary Ann Simon, by Nessa & Joe Miller Nessa & Richard Levine, by Joseph Miller, by Dorothy & Richard Levine Mary Ann Simon, by Nancy JoAnn Durham-Kilcullen Jacobson Skadron Carole & Sy Klionsky, by Mary Ann Simon, by Marsha Beth Israel Women Fund Ruth & Curtis Manasse Ross In Appreciation: Visitor Donations Betty & Marvin Morse’s new JoAnn Durham-Kilcullen In Appreciation: grandson, by Sandra & Lou Continued Good Health Maxine Spitzer, Deborah Co- Levy Rabbi Katz, by Evelyn Gala Fund: hen, Linda & Ronald Cohen, Carole & Sy Klionsky’s 25th Koshner Suzanne Weinstein Irwin Kaplan, Lila F. Her- Wedding Anniversary and on bert, Lois & Martin Marcus, the beautiful rendition of Sy’s Social Action Fund: In Honor Of: Lawrence W. Milas, Rhoda & beautiful Torah davening and Project Linus Richard Levine, Rising Star, Jack Rosenfeld Carole’s Haftrah davening, by Dorrace Zucker by Christa & Frank Andrea & Jack Sukin Fineshriber In Memory Of: Torah Book Fund My Father, by Evelyn B. In Memory Of: In Honor Of: Rabbi Discretionary Edwards Helen Baer, by Harriet Marks Marjorie & Bill Sandy Dis- Fund My Loving Parents, Loris & tinguished Services, by Ruth In Appreciation: Endowment Fund Theodore Birnkrant, by Janet Engman Rabbi Katz, by JoAnn Dur- In Appreciation: Birnkrant Levine Sandi Cutler Cohen’s Special ham-Kilcullen JoAnn Durham-Kilcullen Robert Blumenthal, by Birthday, by Kathy Brooks, Laverne Kuttner Nancy Eisenstat, Elise In Honor Of: Keeping In Sidney Weiner, by Nancy Galinsky, Susan Morin, Ruth Alice Taich complete recovery, Skadron, Sheila Nitzberg, Engman by Ruth Engman Touch Betty & Julius Loeser, Alice The TBI office routinely Berkowitz, Joan Kretchmer, Library Book Fund In Memory Of: sends out announcements to Evelyn Koshner, Dorothy In Honor Of: Fredrika Plotkin, by Howard help keep members informed. Jacobson Marjorie & Bill Sandy’s Gala Lowsky If you don’t have an email, Irving Kushner, by Betty & Honor, by Gloria & Howard Irving Kushner, by Shirley please contact the office (941- Julius Loeser, Sara Freeman Sabin Fein 383-3428) so we can add you Sandra Augulnik’s Mother, Granddaughter of Audrey & to our phone tree. Connie Halickman by In Memory Of: Milt Lucow, by Shirley Fein Temple Beth Israel Bulletin page 19 NUREMBERG “THE REASON IT HAS THE POWER TO SHOCK, APPALL AND INFURIATE IS BECAUSE OF ITS TRUTH.” —Stuart Klawans, The Nation.

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Made for the U.S. Dept of War in 1948, this historic film about the first Nuremberg trial was widely shown in Germany but suppressed in the U.S. Why was it banned? Come see for yourself, then go to the website to learn why one of the most important and dramatic films of our time was buried for more than 60 years. www.nurembergfilm.org SCHULBERG PRODUCTIONS & METROPOLIS PRODUCTIONS PRESENT “NUREMBERG” [THE SCHULBERG/WALETZKY RESTORATION] WRITTEN & DIRECTED BY STUART SCHULBERG PRODUCED BY PARE LORENTZ & STUART SCHULBERG EDITOR JOSEPH ZIGMAN PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR ERIC POMMER MUSIC SCORE HANS-OTTO BORGMANN RESTORATION CREATED BY SANDRA SCHULBERG & JOSH WALETZKY EXECUTIVE PRODUCER LEON CONSTANTINER NARRATED BY LIEV SCHREIBER

NUREMBERG: ITS LESSON FOR TODAY [THE SCHULBERG/WALETZKY RESTORATION] © SCHULBERG PRODUCTIONS, INC February 2012 page 20 Maggy Regis Home Health Services Professional, dependable, compassionate care. 9 Years Experience In Nursing Field, Fully Licensed Around-the-Clock Care Available Contact Maggy Regis 941-773-6676 [email protected]

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