RECENSÃO Fascism and Ideology: Italy, Britain and Norway, by Salvatore Garau, by Carlos Manuel Martins Análise Social, 225, lii (4.º), 2017 issn online 2182-2999 edição e propriedade Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa. Av. Professor Aníbal de Bettencourt, 9 1600-189 Lisboa Portugal —
[email protected] garau, Salvatore Fascism and Ideology: Italy, Britain and Norway, New York and London, Routledge, 2015, 298 pp. isbn 9780415732192 Carlos Manuel Martins This book by Salvatore Garau is a very were developed and negotiated” (p. 11), useful work for those interested in know- the result of a complex process of syn- ing more about the dynamics of fascist thetization and redefinition of different ideology. It is the result of a doctoral dis- concepts and elements drawn from most sertation supervised by David Cesarini, varied political traditions. the recently deceased historian whose These three perspectives, so Garau field of expertise was the Holocaust and argues, are useful to understand fas- other aspects of Jewish history. cism’s ideological dynamism (that is, With 298 pages, the book is divided the contradictory drives that could lead into two main parts, each of them with the movements to either radicalism or three chapters, plus an introduction and to compromise with existing institu- a conclusion. The first part deals with tions, either to totalitarianism or to an Italian Fascism (which is seen as a case authoritarianism more similar to the one of success, that is, a case in which the fas- espoused by its conservative conflicting cist movement actually attained political allies), and its “aggregative power” (its power) in both its movement and regime capacity to aggregate different elements phases, while the second part deals with from several political traditions).