Xt/I JfVO »«««'»» in advance. The Portland Dally Press BONDS. 6Vei ’aJ _INSURANCE. BONDS. MISCELLANEOUS^ th«PUbUahed (SuTjay8e*oepted) b: ^ business DIRECTORY. Portland ANNUAL STATEMENT OP THE Publishing Co., SIX PER CENT. THE TREA81R1 DEPABTHENT, DAILY PRESS* 109 Wasiiijofon, Feb 4,1871. Advertising Agency At Exchange Portland. MUTUAL ATWELL & CO.. Street, LIFE INSURANCE 171* Middle v POBTLAN I>. Public nolice i9 hereby given, that bools will be ments inserted a COMPANY, in (tapers inE Terms:—Eight Dollars Tear In advance opened on thesixLh day of March next, in this coun- OF NEW YORK. mthe country at mi PublisbeCs toy*" Central Railroad try and in r.nrope, lor subscriptions to tbe National r^e's GOLD under tbe Act F. 8. President. Loan, approved July 14, 1870,entitled The Maine State Press WINSTON, H. A. Vies BONDS, **An Act to the WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22,1871. NtCIBDV, President. authorize Ketuodmg ot the National Agricultural Implements A Seeds Free from Debt,’* a^d the Act in amendment Government Tax. OF thereoi, approved 8AWYElt ft WOODFORD, No. 119 Is published every Thursday Morning at CO., IOWA. January 20. 1871. Exchange St] Made $2.50 a year; if paid in advance, at $2.00 a January 1st, 18M, to the Commissioner of Maine. satwh-.".’.v.v:."'::::::::It Principal and Interest week after. Balance due in Payable Bakers. lands in Maine in 1800 was $12.04 one week. $1.00; 50 cents per byAgenU,' course' or irausmission;.':::.':;: :.\V:.\V.\V::.V.V.V.'.V.V.7." ‘m.I&S 2 per acre.— one third additional. in First W. C.COBB, No. 12 Pearl Street. Special Notices, Gold. Through Line Across the State at ^ In 1800 in was $13.73. Under head of “Amusements,” $2.00 per “ annum!0’ Add Interest accrued, but not Ashes is fertilizer for week; three insertions oy less $1.50. due. ,42*2Svl» from north to south, and, by making a detour Boots and Shoes—Gents agood strawberries. square per Tfc* slight Custom Work. Advertisements inserted in the Maine undersigned bare nulhcriiy la alfov at one point, WALTER Prime corn delivered at the stores Premiums due bat Dot yet they give BERRY. No. 101 Middle Street. in south- (which has a reported..V.’.V.V ".V.7.V.'.V.' 7"'. 3*2*1 30 far aale iae o the United states, alter State Press” large circulation Deterred, and Bauds of the Portland and thirty years from the *atS ern Illinois is worth cents Quarierly, Semi-aDnual Premiums... 1 119.573 77 Dsrect ot t> eir t-rae, and 20 a bushel.; in every part ol the State) for $1.00 per square Present market value ol Bailraad nl Communication Between §(• Louie bearing interest, pay ib'e qiar- Stocks in excess ot cost.7.77777.77.! 428,(124 00 Otdratkari Company teriy iu coi», at tbe rate or t*cr Booksellers and for first and 50 cents uud S'l. percent. per annum Stationers. The Commissioners appointed the Gov- insertion, per square for Ibe Tory law af 90 with ac- Paul. Sub crihers to the by price Lean will have i reference iu ihe HOYT. FOGO ft each subsequent insertion. Gross Dec. 78 foil-wing order, BREED, *2 Middle Street. ernors of thi3 and other States to Assets, 31st, 1870,.$44,609,155 crued interest in currency. Thi? line of Railroad will namely: investigate Address all communications to have very special advan- first Subscribers tor Increase equal amounts of each class the cattle disease, met in on the in net assets for 85 tages tor both local and thiough besides of Bonds. Albany 0th PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. 1870,.$7,170,853 Tills road is business, Book-Binders. Dividend surplus to policy holders, over... 00 now completed to West Baldwin, such Second. y,00d,(Mi0 superior railroad connections as will secure to Subscribers for equal amounts ot honds inst. On a full comparison of notes among the Rece pis fjr premiums ami in 34 and trains are Pr'Dt''‘s policies, 1870.12,I69,7!7 running to that point, 33 miles hom it bearing mtere.i at ibe rate ot lour t nd a half ^No. Exchange Keceints for a large portion of the trade ot the per Street." were interest, ien*e, 2 477.7T2 68 Portland. B* carrying great cent, and Ol bouds interest at ibe Commissioners they unanimously of the Paid Claims yotd West Baldwin the road is graded North-west bearing raieot SMALL ft No. BUSINESS by death, and endowments matured,. 2j0l0 224 62 The live per cenc. SHACKEDKl>, 39 Plnm Street. CARDsT to Fryebnrg, Bit miles from and the rails opinion that the disease now Portland, Third. Subscribers lor five cent, prevailing As will be the per bends. seen, receipts for interest. &c., being over $400,000 more than its death claims and endow* will be laid to that point as early in tbe as Bonnet and Hat It I amoug the cattle was meor- in 1870. It spring IpST MORTGAGE When a subscription Is made the subscriber will cache easily prevented, provi- policies paid ts prohibited by its charier from investing in any but the safest securities, the weather will ry such as is permit. From Fryebnrg tils Tend be required to wo H. E. No. ded that here exhibited. It is low as will be seen, the largh-ht, not io say the safest, institution of deposit per cent, of rbe amount UNDERWOOD, 310* Congress Street. prompt sanitary and restrictive meas- JOHN 0. WINSHIP its kind IV ij under contract to thereof. 10 be accounted ior ibe the world.—I is average expenses being less than anv other company in the country. CoDway, N. H„ to which point oy Government ures were wben tbe bonds are adopted. The Having beeu Agent tor this gieat company lor more than ‘27 we are to lurnDh trains will ran in delivered; and Dayment may be following prescrip- at years, prepared facts, July, 1871. 7 Per made eieber eveiat classes aforesaid, and Ihe Kendall ft Whitney. WESTON F. interest thus: Ten of M1LLTKEN, thereon, are exempt trom the payment ot pounds copperas, 20 gallons of Parties all taxes or We now offer these Bonds tor sale and desiring to secure a first-class dues or the United as well as ATLANTIC. confidently security, States, Dye House. water and one-balf of 30 cent car- Commission based Irom taxation *n lorm or gallon per Merchants, recommend them as a sale and upon a railroad dooe, and in the any by under State, muni- Y. profitable invest- practically cipal, or I oral SYMONDS, Inilia St.,(the only oue In bolic acid. hands ot authority. Portland.) Stephen L. Goodale was For the and tale ment for these reasons: leading capitalism who bare a Alter POSTER’S present purchase large pe- maturity, the bonds last issued will be first DYE HOUSE, No. 79 Middle it., “ear from Maine. Mutual Insurance 1 . _w D.I.. aiil,.n..E.n,Mi„. ,1 cuniary and business redeemed, cia9*e9 and the corner ot Comp’y, interest in its success, will do by numbers, as may be de- Exchange. well to at tie signated by the Secietarv ot the FOREST The fanners Cotton, Bice, Grain,Hay, Produce, (ORGANIZED IN 1842.) U. S. Bonds, these Bonds pay one per cent, apply office of the Compaoy, or any of Treasury. CITY DYE HOUSE, 315 Congress it.} of.Renton have recently or- its advertised GEO. 8. BOUT WELL, AMD- more interest in on the aecnts, lor a pamphlet and ganized a farmers’ club to be 51 Wall comer New gold investment. map, sow- feblOdlw w4t-7 Secretary of the Treasury. called the Bea- st., of William, York. ing the characteristics ot the Dentists. Merchandise ef 2. Ample ttrearity. The entire mort- enterprise. ton Farmers’ Club, with the Every Description. Holders of DRS. following officers: Insures Marine and Inland the road when Government Bonds them EVANS A' STROUT, 8 Clapp Oon 0 Against Navigation Bisks. gage upon completed to.Bart- may exchange Block, A. G. Vice lor Central lowas at a JOSIAH No. 106 President, Clifford; Presidents, 90 BAY le>t will be only $12,600 per mile, a sma'ler large present profit, beside a Aid for the Destitute in France. HEALD, Middle Street. ST., 18 handsome increase of interest DR. W* R. Henry Eames, John B. J. PURELY MUTUAL. The whole PROFIT reverts to the ASSURED, and are divided Incumbrance than upon any other railroad for a long term ot JOHNSON, No, 13}, Free Street. Clifford; Secretary, u ALLY, upon tin* Prom urns terminated the tor which Certificates are years. Parties such PACKARD A Fluent Savannah, Georgia. during year; issued, bearing to Maine, with a single exception, and lees making exchange will receive At a meeting held HARDY, Block, Corner Con- L.True;Treasurer, W. G. Luut. They interest until redeemed. February 1st, 1871, in rooms ot gress an 1 pro- tor each $1,000 Bond, a Central Iowa Exchang* bts. to hold E^Coosigiiments and orders solicited. I* than tbe value of Its rails and equipment. $1,000 Bond, the Massachusetts Hospital Lite Office, to consider weekly meetings during the eve- 1870, the Aaaets Accawalated frew if a Business were ni fellows, Tin and the long Briers permission to Messrs. DANA & CO., 3. and Preamble i following difference iu cash (lees the accrued the and by barge Lecal question of sending a cargo ot Provisions to ana nings, monthly in the Portland, dc2*6mo United States and State of New-Ysrk Stocks, Bank and ether 00 nterest in uruKgHis Apoinecaries* meetings spring t,t,s City, Stocks,.07,856.*190 TrafBc. Tbe business currency upon the latter and in for Ldans secured by Stocks and OO npon tbe line al- bond,) France free distribution, it was de- JOHN A. 143 and summer. otherwise,...3,148,100 annual this unanimously MONTGOMERY, Congrw Street. Premium Notes and Bills Real Bond and more than meets Interest, calculation based cide-i that an Receivable, Estate, Mortgages and other securities.. St,'931.0*11 ready completed tbe expec- being upon appeal ought to be made to the citizens A Farmers* f?lnh U’iW nrfronlvad n» HAWES & Cash in market prices of 1871: CRAGIV, Bank,.f. 533,797 tations of its most sanguine and se- February 1st, oi Boston to Flour Dealers—Wholesale. lriends, raise,atonce,by subscription,alund sul- New cures a doubt Difl’rnc in Increased ann’l Corner, Gloucester, Feb. 1st The lol- (SUCCESSORS 10 WM. PAINE,) Total amount ot beyond the interest on (its int. fleient to load a large vessel with flour and other LATHAM. BTTTLER & CO.. 78 Assets.914,409,508 itxch nge. pro- No, CoKDtrclal St Bonds. The line is the natural upon iuvesim’t visions. lowiug are the officers: William L. AGENTS FOR W. H. H. 2d Vlco-Prest. outlet |ot This appeal has already been so liberally Shurtleff, Moobe, John D. Jobes, President. Coupon, $237 80 2.5 per rent. J. D. 3d some of the finest in the * ,'?i’ •• gold. L. C. Hewlett, Vice-Preet. Chahlbx Denbis, Vice-President. waterpower State, 5-20’s, ’62, 6 per cts., 207 50 2.36 " •• responded to, that the U. S. steamer ••Worcester” Furniture—Wholesale and Retail. President; Curtis, Sullivan «• Hackett, J. H. Ua ATM on the and •< McPHAIL ah, Secretary. Presumpscot Saco rivers, hither- ’61, 202/0 2.33 the use of which for transportating the supplies has BEALS A CO., cor. cl Middle and Franklin Streets. Vice Presidents; Jacob Merrill PIANOS, M5, 203 75 2 31 « Secretary. JOHN W to unimproved on account of the difficulty ot been granted by the will WALTER COREY A CO., Arcade No. Free AND TDK CELEBRATED MUNGEB, Corresnondent, ’65, •‘new" 191.25 2.28 *• •. Government, immediately If St* A remedy lor scratches on horses or cows the sea-board. It In- reaching taps the large ’67, 19-2.55 2.28 <• begin loading. We now invite the citizens ot New N. TARBOX, corner Federal and Market sts. 1G6 Fore Portland. <• '• is an ointment made of Office, Street, terior >• « equal parts of sul* navigation otLake Sebago and Its trib- ’68, 197.50 2 31 England to join us in the means for tar, arch 3 a dllm&w6w '• furnishing Burdelt ,1870._ utarier.over 31 miles ol inland 10-10’s, 197.50 2.31 •< Furniture and phur and lard, Organs* waters,drains promptly despatching her upon her errand of peace House Furnishing applied every day. a Subscriptions will be received In and The ALSO, DEALEBS IN Annual Ntatement very l’rge agricultural distiict lyingon the Portland good will. We needat least twenty-five thousand Goods. farmers of East Wintbrop are moving shores of Sebago and ou tbe baL ks ot by dollars more to effect our ot in the ject satisfactorily. BENJ. ADAMS, cor. Exchange and Federal sts. matter of establishing a Cheese Factory — op — the Ossipee and Saco rivers, and A carelut and Uelodeons,Guitars,Violins & penetrates SWAN Ac experienced agent ot our Committee HOOPER A EATON, No. 130 Exchange Street. at that place. Strings the heart of the White Mountains at HAURETT, will precede the Conway vessel, for the purpose ot consulting DWELL A HOYT, No 11 Preble Street. Of the Beet Quality. other An farmer saw a and Bartlett, the most popular summer re- relief committees who are on stranger tearing Cetser Biddle wad Flams Street*, and already the field WOODMAN A WHITNEY, No. 56 Exchange St Call and examine the extensive stock of new North American Insurance ot and down his rail and Co., sorts of the region. suffering, there making arrangements tor Ju- fence, hailed him to know Furniture and 4. Prwapeetive connections. This HENRY P. WOOD. diciously distributing the aid furnished. Upholstering. the reason. The reply was that he was sud- BOSTON, December 1870. DAVID W. 31st, road is to torm nattot a With the facilities thus we DEANE, No. 89 Federal street, all Sheet Music and Music Books. trunk line from Lake provided hope to make denly seized with the and was Corner of Fore and 8b. kinde ol Uuholstering and Repairing done to shakes, holding Music sent to the seabord. Its sister Exchange every ten dollars supply one person with lood |y by mail. Champlain corpo- cheap order. on the tence for support. Gross Amount of at this as ration In is lor an hundred Assets, time, Cash value, stated below, viz: Vormont, rapidly building the days. E. 101 and 103 77 Middle Portland. H. M. RAY LORD, JB., Federal St. Repairing The following gentlemen are the officers of Street, Western divisiou ot tbe road, fiom Swanton SON, New subscriptions may be sent to the Treasurer, or all kinds clone to order at short notice. notUdSm Mr. the Elm street Farmers’ to the Connecticut Biver, and the entire line 33 Exchange Street. PATRICK T. JACKSON, No. 24 Fiankliu st., (Biddeford) Club: or to meml er of Simon M. when completed, will he the shortest connec- any the Executive Committee, or ot Provisions and Groceries. President, Blake; Vice Presidents, HOLMAN’S Assets, January 1, 1871. RAILROAD ot whom pamphlets and full information the I. T. 135 STOCK. tion between Ogdensbnrg, the great dis- may Subset iptlon Committee. Persons who have al- JOHNSON, Comberland St., near Wilmot Stephen A. Seavey, Joseph Hill; BONDS. be had. St., and cor. Oxiord and Wilmot Streets. Secretaries, I Boston and Albany, f 12 ?00 tributing point of the , and tide water. ready subscribed, will lighten the work ol the Com- Charles General Insurance United States 5-20 Registered Bonds, 1802, (37.625 00 W. B. E. Hill, A. L. John *• Boston and 8HATTVCK, Ayer; Treasurer, Agency, 6-20 1864, 16,060 00 Lowell, 2,340 We offer these Bonds for the present in denomina- mittee if they will send checks as soon as convenient Boston and Providence, 3,100 Hair Goods and Toilet Huff. Central Block, Lewiston, Me. 6-20 1870. 00 tions of or at to the Treasurer. Articles. 53,626 Eastern, COO $1000 $630, Uulted Stales 10 40 Bonds, 5 337 CO Treasures, J, F. 9 The New Fair for BPTir* insurance effected in the New Fitchburg, 11.200 33 JOHN M. SHERRY,No. Clapp’a Block, Conmeaa St England 1871 will proba- leading St Louis 1851-1871 Bonds, '2,001) 00 Pine Street, New York, FORBES, old on all kinds ol on and opposite City Hall, be held at England companies, property St Louis City Bonds, 4 300 00 Ninety Accrued Interest H. H. HUNNEWELL, bly Lowell, Mass. most favorable terms. *31,680 Eastern Railroad Bonds, 9,500 00 WILLIAM The New nov2l D. HORACE HOLMAN, Proprietor. in SWEET A Co ENDICOTT, JH., Horse Shoeing. England Poultry Club holds its INSURANCE STOCK. Currency. BREWSTER, MARTIN S. (128,437 50 BRIMMER, TOTING,187 Comm’l St. Firet Premium awarded annual exhibition at Worcester, Mass., early Neptune Insurance Co. AVERY at New laud Fair for Beet WILLIAM A. GOODWIN, BANK STOCK. *1,800 Any further information will he PLUMKR, Bug Horse Shore. in Allas National John Hancock Lite Ins. Co. gladly given by 40 State March. Bank, (21.000 1,453 the subscribers. Street, Boston, B. B. FORBES, CIVIL Blackstone National Bank, and Fine Frankie L. Paine ENGINEER, 28,400 Executive Committee. Jewelry Watches. of Beau’s Corner, Boston National Bank, 18,704 *3,255 General Agents for tbese Bonds. ABNER conference in the line of his Feb 13-dlw LOWELL, 301 Congreaa Street. Ag.n' lor writes to the Maine Farmer as profession Columbian National Rank, 19 050 Howard Watch follows: and on the tot transmission Fanonii Hall LOANS. J. B. BROWN Governments and Company. INVITESparticularly snbje National ank, 13.300 4 SONS, other marketable secuiities re- of power whether of steam or water, and its deliv- Freeman’s National “Last spring father gave me some and Bank, 22.680 Mortgage, *44,485 07 ceived in at the market land, ery at remote irom the source. 210 exchange highest rates. We Manufacturers of told u.e 1 should points power Globe National Bank, 3.237 60 Co lateral. 21,500 Commercial street, Portland. “GENUINE” Trunks, Valises have all I could raise on it. Office SO Exchange Street, Room 8, Hamilton National recomend these bonds as entirely as well as Bank, 9,150 Town ol Winthrop, 500 sale, and Carpet I harvested two bushels of nice shelled corn, dcldtf How ard Nal local Bat k. 16.200 FOB 8ALE ALSO BY profitable. Bags. DURAN St 171 one bushel ot and five Maverick National Bank, SWEET & JOHNSON, Middle * lit F*d’l Sta. yellow-eyed beans, 16,240 *06,489 07 BREWSTER, CO. bushels of 1 J. H. LAM SOX, Iferrhuit’s National Bank, 19,950 Ieb7d&w3m potatoes. am nine years old. National Bank or * SWAN & ELIAS HOWE Go PHOTOGRAPHER, Commeice, 31,000 Real Estate, *12,49117 BARRETT, Masons and Builders. you think any little boy that reads the National City Bank, 2,725 Other investments and 60 Farmer has done From assets, 12,981 N. E. REDI.ON, 233 1-2 Congreaa at. any better.” Philadeldhia, National Eagle Bank, 9,225 Cash on hand, 10,047 74 Corner Middle and Plum sts. National If little in Has opened a new and completely appointed Hide and Leather Bank, 17 550 any boy Maine can do as well or National Bank oi North dcldelodeon America, 14,630 *601,746 58 Organ Manufacturers. better the we will Second National Bank, 13.526 BONDS during comiDg season, pub. SMALL St FIRST-CLASS GALLERY ! Sbawmut Nations] Bank, 16 359 No unsettled claims egainst the HENRY P. WOOD, Machine KNIGHT, No. 154 Exchange Street. lish his account of it in the Press next fall. Tremont National Company. Sewing IN PORTLAND, Bank, 20,480 National Corner and At the recent of the N. E. Washington Bank, 7,050 Exchange Fore sts. Paper Hangings, Window Shades meeting Agri- No. 152 Kiddle 8t, oor, Grose St Webster National Bank, 16,200 7 PER CT. FIRST cultural Hob. Dec 30-dll MORTuAGE and Weather Society Thomas Lang ot Au- Motto—Good Work and Moderate Prices. .trips, *336.358 50 L. was feb21dtf GEO. LOTHROP & Co., No. 97, Exchange Street gusta chosen Vice-President, with tbe Loiicm. AND LAND BONDS, following members of the Board of Trus- DAILY PRESS PRINTING HOUSE. Photographers. First. Losses and Claims unpaid, $2,200 COMPLETION tees: S. L. Goodale, Saco; Columbus Stew- (Registered if desired.) 1845. A. 8. DAVIS A CO.. No. 80 Middle street. Second. Losses and claims unadjusted a jd reported, none. North Seth of mi J. H. LAMSON, 182 V-ddle St„ cor Croga, ard, Anson; Scammon,Scarboro’; WM. M. MARKS, Income Daring 1870. Calvin J. F. Ander- Cash received during the Fire and from other Thirty Tears to Chamberlain, Foxcroft; year, Piemiums, Interest, Dividends, soirees, $121,718 G7 Cedar Kan, Plumbers. South Amouot ot losses paid tor year 1870, 52,815 30 Burlington, Sapid* son, Windham; Geo. W. Ricker. Port- Oard and Job Printer. PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST JAMES MILLER, 91 Federal Street. Erery dee Book, Par value of this Last Sales. of Israel B. Stock, $100. $250, rription Water Fixtures arranged and set up ii land; Norcross, Charleston; Asa Tills does a & Minnesota 11. It. 109 Exchange Street, Co general Insurance business on best risks Perpetual Policies issued on Brick.or Frame the best malit er. Jobbing promptly attended to — Smith, Samuel Dwel.ing Houses. The cost is about one-halt the present price paid tor insurance in first-class Stock In- PAYABLE IJS GOLD, -Aim Mattawamkeag; Wasson, Ells- PORTLAND. surance Companies. The First Plasterer, Stucco Ac. worth. ALBERT BOWKKR, President. Mortgage FREE OF GOVERNMENT TAX. Worker, Every description of Job Printing neatly IRVING MORSE, Secretary. BUTTERICK’S P. FEENEY, Cor. Cnmherland and Franklin Sts. A correspondent of the Ploughman writes at the lowest ISSUED and promptly executed, and possible af BY THE as follows: State namchnwtu, County of Suffolk, »s.—January 31, 1871. Personally appeared IRVING Restaurant for Ladles and prices. MoKSie, Secretary ot ibo uouve named Company, and made oath lo the truth ot tbe forego'Q* statement Gents Orders from the country solicited, and promptly The farmers of all New have and answers by him subvrieed. Before me, J. H. REfcD, Justice ot the Peace. 7 Per Cent. Gold Patterns of NICHOLS A BLAKE, 92 Exrbange street. England attended to. Ja7dtf ATCHISON, TOPEKA Garments, tauaht themselves to believe mat nothing AND -AT short of Portland Office, 166 Fore Street. Real Estate Agents. a trotter is tit or profitable to raise, W. K. CLIFFORD, BONDS, JOHN 0- U* Villa /in In nnn r\F n .... __— __ SANTA FE E. R 173 Middle Stairs. PRO TER, No,, 93 sebange Street. 00 St., Up UNO, tt. cess. This is the and all the Counsellor at JOHN W. HUNGER & Son, Agents. COUPON OK REGISTERED, DAvGa,' No, 301} Congress street, only trouble Law, Feb. G-if FOB SALE. PLIUJIKB A WILDER, with the profits of the business. Silver .Smith AND SOLICITOR O ATENTS, FREE OF l>. S. TAX. feb 13-dit and Gold and SUvei Theie never was a greater demand than 7 General Agent* Has remove to % Plater. now mr first class business and STATEMENT Hon. GINERY TWICE ELL, President. horses, they and Interest in M. are as scarce as “hen’s teeib.” I mean a No. do Middle Street, Principal Payable Gold II. w. SIMONTOTT & PEARSON, No. 22 Temple St., near Congress. GEORGE OPDYKF, CO., All kinds Silver horse wilh two ends to at least fif- BOYD BLOCK. >024 ON A FINISHED ) 331 CONGRESS STREET. of and Plated iTon Repaired. good him, Union Insurance of San HOAD, EMMONS RAYMOND, {....Trustees. leen and a ball hands high, good lirnos and Comp'y, Francisco, OLIVER W. PEABODY ) Silver and with J. SCHUMACH FOR SALE AT Plated Ware. feet, body to malch, and Stylish witbal. C. EB. ABNER December 31, 1870. Ainnal Cash Sale of Goods LOWELL, 301 Congress Street. Such horses are watched tor by dealers hnd OO AND ACCRUED INTEREST business men, and are sure to briug lrorn $300 FRESCO PAINTER. Tbe road is now being built from Atchison, Kan- New York 111 At Seduced Schools. to $500, and no trouble to bring a buy°r.— dice the of Messrs. A. G. Schlotter- Office Broadway. IN sas, to tbe Arkansas river. miles are al- Prices, at Drug Store CURRENCY. Sixty-two ENGLISH and FRENCH SCHOOL, 130 Congresi «t Such colts as I describs are able to earn their ready built aud in successful and tbe net beclr & Co., Cash Capital, Paid in, Gald,.9730,000 operation, living on a (arm at three with care- The last rail of tills important road was laid on tbe For Ten years old, Port Grin of A at tkia caak earnings are more than double the interest on its 1 Stair Builder. lul 303 Congress St,, land, Me., .amount .act., time, value,.91,113,37326? 26rb ot January, thus completing tbe enterprise and XDays Only handling and right management. They which are ®* F. will find Jan 12-dti One door above Brown, ASSETS, in detail. establishing a connection between St. Paul and St. Mortgage Bonds, limited to $15,000 per Consisting of LIBBY, 17} Union Street, op stairs. their way 10 market at tour or five Lou s 90 mile# shorter than Cash on hand and In Bank,.$41,234 6G any existing route and S5 mile of completed road. years of age. The climate and soil of New Real Estate owned the 90.500 miles rhor'er than contemplated route between Ladies’ and Iaianta’ Furnaces A SHERIDAN & GRITPITHB. i by Company,. any IClotking, Hamburg Stoves, Kitchen Goods England, Maine is the Amount o t First Mortgage on Real Estate.73*.2* 0 the same points. Tbe has a and valuable especially, just place Company Urge Land Edging*, Apron*, Vlannela, Udkfa., 0. O.TOLMAN, 29 Market sq. under Lancaster hall lor the Amount ot Loans seemed by Collateral and Personal Security.-2,120 By tuis line a so the distance from Chicago to the business. Let every young faruit r of PLA8TEKER8, Grant, and are now placing the lands on the market Cellar* and Am uDt of U. S 6 pe ct great gra n fields ot Minnesota is thorteneu 45 Cuflb, Maine himself with a Bonds.50,000 miles, tor provide good, rugged, Amount ot Binds of Slate ot Soutb Carotin and transport a tion and sale. Teas, Cotrees, Spices, Ac. PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL *,.15 <73 85 proportionately quickened AND A GREAT VARIETY OF healthy pair of brood mares, aud breed irora Amount ot Interest 47 cheapened. The First Bonos assume J. DEEMING A Co, 48 India ft 162 ft 164 st 1 due,...44.851 Mortgage Cor grass mem a horse such as 1 thereiore at once on tbe a The road runs through a rich and fertile describe, and be can ‘TUOOO & MASTIC WORKERS, I Amoui t due from Agents. 3 031 22 compieiion ot the line conn'ry, in FANCY GOODS! at home and sell Office Premiums due.41,2 K 31 portion equal intrinsic value 10 those ot tbe Fort which, with the Coal Mines on its due, and its large Watches, Jewelry, Ac. stay all the colls he can *0. 6 80V TU MR. Office Furniture, and other claims due 4.382 54 Wayn**. Central, Illinois Central or Feb 14-dto2« raise at ST., PORTLAND, Stamps, Salvage, Co,. Pennsylvania nmber and Cattle and the enormous emi- good round prices. In short let him other busines®, J, AMBROSE MERRILL, No. 139, Middle street. attention aid to allklndsot Jobbini any First Mortgage Bonds ot completed trunk use the same HT Prompt p into insure a A judgment in horses that • 513 69 lines—not one ot which sell below par. gration Kansas, constantly increasing Dissolution ot J.W, H. H .MCDUFFEE, cor Middle A Union sti raising n our line- apr22rttf $1,115 Copartnership. he uses in The C. R. & M. Bonds are a First rearing dogs aud cats, and tlitie f'TTOT A 17B* TATTrin A DTI mrinr do r» a trn\r c_a_ B., Mortgage, business. copartnership heretotoie existirg betwcei amounting only to $20,COO per mile on a line or road tbe will be no trouble about the of the the THE undersigned under the name and style ot profits B RES NAN & MOOFBR, State of of San Francisco 1871. Charles wh»ch ha« cost $40,ti00 per mile. Tbe balance The Cattle trade ol Texas is also tributary to ► he , County —January 16th, Personally appeared having CLEMENT & business; will certainly succeed. D Haven. Secretary above named, and made oath to the truth of the foregoing St nemenc l>y him sub- been supplied by liberal subscriptions to tbe stock at Road, and (he ex ension ol the road to tbe gieat Cat- GOODRIDGE, SPRING & SUMME I * I scribed. J. B. M. par, made by larmers and interested Is this day dissolved bv mutual consent. All hav. 'Tub Utica Observer says that the Clearfielu UPHOLSTERERS Beioreme, KENZIE, Notary Public. wealthy parties le Trail, to which point it is expected to be complet- along the line, and by similar subscriptions on tbe ing elaims against the la'e firm are tequested to pre- lair ed will insure an inerease ot this consisted of a calf a a pump- The proportion that the Gold Assets ol this Co. bears to the amount at risk. Fire aud renders the part ot Towns and Counties through which the Road by May next, sent the ip, and those indebted to make immcdlaU DRESS go^^and Ifo. 33 Free Street, Marine, GOODS kin. policies as reliable as any Issued by any company doing business in this State. pas-es, which have .adopted this system of giving profitable business. payment. We are told that it rai^T so hard the ^“Policies issued oa Fire Risks at current rater. their aid rather than issuing Town and County EDWIN CLEMENT, in tbe Row No. 369 first night that the swam the calf (Formerly Congress Street.) Bonds. The Capital Stock is owned by responsible capi- GEORGE GOODDllGE. Less than I goose off, MAaUFACTUItlRS OT Tbe of tbe Road In its Cost broke loose earnings incomplete state, talists in New England and elsewhere, and they Portlaud, Jannary 2d, 18il. and ate the pumpkin, and a thief Portland Office, 166 Fore Street. and while deprived entirely ot through counec.ion, Suits, Sprikg Bibs each section of the road around stole Pablob Lounges, have been for tbe past three months m excess ot 12 complete and equip before prowling the calf, and that end- cent, on tbe amount of the Copartnership. Mattresses, &c. JOHN W. & per Mortgage Bonds, issuing a bond upon it. We have a final! lot of Dress Goods umainin r ed the fair. HUNGER SON, alter expenses. No Road in the Tho subscribers have this day associated them- from >att All kind, or neatly done. Furnl Agents. deducting operariug year’s s'ock, which we will fell at mud 1 gy Repairing Feb 6dtt United States can show a better record its is aud owned selves under the and Hoos confined in -A during The road managed principally together, name style ot less than pens require nre boxed and matted. by cost, something oe25-’6»T,TA«tt inception. When is added to this lucrative way well-known New England business men, unde , more than is accessible to them it traffic the rrotit which will arise irom the transpor- CLEMENT, BENSON A CO., TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW GOODS here, hence Extract Annual Statement whose it is being constructed aud tor tation ot the vast wheat crop ol Northern Iowa and supervision the purpose ot continuing the butlues ot the lab is well to furnish them with a little salt now Southern Minnesota, all ot which must set*k a mar- equipped in the most thorough manner, and when firm of Clement & Goodridgo JV U T 1 C M -OF- ket over this re-ud cannot but be a EtrWtN J. IN. DYF.R A aud then, and ashes aud are also Hue,tbe showing completed, iis track and equipment will compare fa- CLEMENT, CO., sulphur Tbe best in Portland to which will give large Dividends on the Stock of the ANDREW M. place buy those ot Western BENSON, good. There is little danger of their eating C.unpany, at'er paying tbe interest to the bond- vorably with any road. ELIBU LIBBY, No. 6 Free Street Block. holders as heretofore. The which attaches FRANC M. too much of either of these substances. Tobacco & Fire & marine Ins. Co. privilege CLEMENT. feb21-dtw Cigars, Pipes Narraganset to the Bonds ot conversion into btoek at par will Portland, January 2d, 1871. telillm A -is AT assume as this farmer residing in Erie county, N. Y., shortly practical value, by privilege Further will i>e lunished on tbe Bond-boldeis the be entitled particulars applica- Executor’s Sale ot u 01 I Providence, December 31, 1870. will, by conversion, tion to Dissolution of Copartnership. Building sold a pair of steers to an Indian named John E. PONCE, to share in any excess of earnings which piay accrue Leased Land. coportn*rehip heretofore existing betweei on near Cneh to the Road. ANT Smoke, living the Indian reservation No, SO Capital, pnld in,. .$500,000. the undersigned under tbe name and or to a license from the Judge ot Pr< Exchange St Crow Aiuonnt of nt trne Market 89 A small amount. $400,000 in all ot the issue TI1E style Ancle, Value,.$701,154 yet PURSUbate tor the County ot Cumberland, 1 btret y Buffalo, who was to for them if suit- He bas bought ont the whole stock of Mr. C. 1 unsold are siiII offered at the subscription price ol KIDDER, PEABODY & CO., MARBETT, POOR Sc CO., pay they offer at Private Sale, on the day < who used to be at337 Mi 90 and accrued interest in the Monday ed. After what he Tuero, Congress street. ! Mortgages,....*202,000 currency. Although 40 State is this dav dissolved by mutual consent. February, inst, at my office in Cabr.on Block, tt jj waiting thought was time Tuero’s customers are to make a call a t Bank comi any feel warranted in the present condition ol Street, Boston, All requested Mocks. 3n7,5M 60 having claims agaimi the late firm are request wooden building on Plum Street, stand ng on lea: enough, he went to Smoke and said; Ponce’s Store where they will tiud the best stock i » Ctty their affairs in advancing ihe price or’ their ed to and those to make im ed F. M. “Now, Bonds..169,326 bonds, OB TO present them, Indented, lsnd, lormerly occupied by Patten. Sal be marktt, and ns cheap or cheaper than they ca Premiums in course of collection.61,767 66 yettbev have concluded ro continue tor ihe pro ent mediate payment JAMES S. MARKET'!', building bekngiugto ilie estate oiEdwaid Kobiusoc John,it's time those steers were paid for; you find else. Cash on baud. 4(192 74 the tubscripuou at tne same price as heretofore, in FRED A. POOR. deceased, anywhere must either me return or take IS^Don't forget the number and street. dclO f Cash in Bank. 3,633 50 order to effect rapid sales and thus tree themselves SWAM & Portland, January 2d, 1871. Ja3d2m WM. H. JERK’S. Executor. pay now, them, Accrued Interest,. 5,373 511 immediately from ail floating indebtedness. BARRETT, Dated th>e2l9t. day oi Fab. 1*71. tet,21dlw* an infernal licking." The Indian wilh char- Other Assets. 6,438 54 All marketable Securities taken in payment free The uudersianed would the lir ot Commission and lOO Middle Portland. Copartnership. acteristic ol urge Income for 1870. Express charges. Street, The subscribers have this day assoidated them Atlantic A St. Lawrence It. U, Cc stolidity countenance, replied, portance of more attention to the chi \ jntSulm eod selves together under the name and style ot after thinking a moment: “Y e s, I guess first teeth, and in doing 0 First. Cash Received during year, Fire 71 HENRY CEE (FS ,1* Cn.. (T^HPflBkdrtn's Premiums,.‘.*295,094 BilLEI * SPECIAL MEETING. T T would announce to parents ot Por Second. Cash Received during year, Marine Premiums,. MABRETT, CO., that’s the best to settle it 1” 126,80874 A Special Meeting ot the Stockho.ders of tbe A1 way land and that be is prepared to give speck ,1 Third. CaBh Received during year, lnterear, Dividends, prtmiuma on Gold and other lor tbe purpose of tbe business of th , vicinity 39 Wall Siren,New Verb, continuing ajl l«ntic&St. —- attention to tbe children. The a late drm of Poor & Co. Lawrence Railroad Company wi i general impressio earnings.|.05,689 58 Marrctt, ■ in be be*d at tbe office of the Treasurer in Por'land, o with parents is that the first teeth are of little FOB B4T.B BY ,1AME8 S. MABRETT, iru«4» suffrage.— mere la Tuesday, March 1th, 1871, at ten o'clock in the fort _ cot the portance, and they seem surprised when tbe dentil t *487,593 03 TO WEB, BIDDINGS A MOSES DAILEY. < Fourth. TORREY, noon, least doubt that tbe recommends tilling, bru.diin ’, and other means 1 Premium Notes Received...*42,759 80. Portland, Jan'y 2d, 1871. ja3d2m strong-minded leaders of SWEET A To see if the Stockholders will au thorize a Mori Every one should know that a dig BREWSTER, CO., preservation.' liOues Paid Year 1870. gage tor of tbe Bonds to be issued under tb tbe Woman Suffrage question in New York eased condition ot the teeth and gums, and a prt Be. security l ten, r/1... ri,1, contract with tbe Grand Tru k Com mature loss o> the first teeth, cause contraction < 1 First, Paid daring th» year for losses, Fre.*285,750 13 General Hallway pan really mean to vote, and when a woman Agent, for New England. of Canada, of 10. and to take sue the Jaw, wiih which it is im{»os8ihle to have 1 Second. Paid dming the year tor losses, Marine. 83,672 42 February 1855, J AND FOB further act'on thereon as tbe stockholders deei , makes her mind to a ob- and set oi SALE BY I may up accomplish given healthy handsome permanent teeth. suitable. With tiiteeu in tb 5 W. II. WOOD A 1 all yeais' practical experience *369,422 55 SON, Portland, & Melodeons order of tbe Directors. ject history proves that she usually suc- profession, I am to treat and fi « Organs By tally prepared ALLEN O. PECK, Pres dent. HENRY SWAN A BARBE1T, F. R. C eilr. teeth, or insert artificial teeth I am Wesf J HARRIS, Secretary. BARNETT, ceeds. At the stated of the New using HENRY P. « Feb meeting ern s Metal, which lor under has ad Nlate of Bhode Inland, County of Providence, s». WOOD, Portland, 16,1871. dtmr7 plates many January 1st, 1871. Personally appeared Hen- WM. P. HASTINGS, York Woman Suffrage Society on Friday, Mrs. vantages over every o.c Was; shall bp to Company every day receivedf$118.1?0 45 PERKINS, 192 rpHE the Amazons, showing prepared administer it at al of losses for same time. These lacts show Fore Street, X on the 22 I, in»t, and Stockholders wl'l he “ fife Premiums lnoie than ihe amount that this Co. aifords good se- passe women and had a year8* ^P®1 fence in its upe a RICHARDSON. BILI, A CO., Boalon. free to and from that on the trail really existed, government ^“Policies issued on Insurable property at current rates. meeting regular amUan®sthes«* curity. ROl.LI.VN •< UP STAIRS. ot the dav and on alter their own hearts. The men were now E. horse a CO , previus succeeding, exhibiting o OffiM at my residence, 74 Free the street, near Con ATT WOOD A “ conductor ot the train their certificate of stoc t. here under this Amazonian grew Square, Portland. 166 Fore CO., MAINE. dispensation, and Portland Office Street. PORTLAND, By order ot the Directors, held P HIBBARD BROS. A CO «« there is no doubt that they male ocl4-newcow_O. McALASTER. D. D. S. made in Arti- EDWIN NOYES. Snp'f. suffrage BACK « important improvemtnts Feb. and that if HAy wMch »re Pa- Iebi8td meetings agitated, believing they BROTHERS, m secured by Letters OF JOHN W. HUNGER & dated Ve88 14,1371,_ were smaller and weaker than the STATE MAINE. SON, Agents. STONE A DO WNES. tent, Juiy 6th, 1870, will continue to receive Amazons, Feb 6-tr and execute orders C. P. still had E. A. HAWLEY A •< tor legs adapted to all the various Kimball Co. they rights. However, of this hiato- CO., tormsot in or material amputation, which the best ten per cunt will be to tl ie ry saith not. M. D. STIRTH i'ANT, “ and mechanical skill paid Executive Department, will be employed. These legs ADIVIDENDofstockholders of the C. P. Kimball on ai u Dr. Morvin was « are Co., disposed to consider the Augusta, Feb. a, uni. OF MAINE. WOODMAN & WHITNEY i gso. w. warren a co., light, noiseless, and natural iorm and ac tion and after ibis date at tbe National Tiadeis Bauk. } STATE do not obstruct the Amazons as in the Finest and mos Or ot g circulation. Models, measuring M. Treas’r. mythical beings. Mrs. is hereby given that Peiition tor tt , Manufacturers and dea’ers any the Banks n Portland, wheie pamphlet ill J. GOULD. Sowerby NOTICE and plates, stratious, and leccmmendations may be Feb. thought that woman’s A.v Pardon ot Jacob d. Coitcn, a convict in tl c CITY OF SS. Fashionable intormalion may by obtained. 20,187t. tcbkl-lw effeminacy is the curse PORTLAND, se n at his place or will be sent to who State under sentence for the crime of After a careful of tha merits ot tb any fnaj of society. Women think Prison, rape To the the Investigation apply. somebody must now befote the Governor and Electors ol City of Portland* BLACK Cedar and B. R. Fin [ pending Conned, ar J WALNUT, Burlington, liapius Minresoia support them and so ac- thereon a Legs repaired on the shortest notice. YELLOW COHN. get idle, and then, a bearing will be granted in the Coui Febbuaky 11,1871. Mortgage bonds we confidently recommend them a S^OldPatterns Ac Melodcons a to aud and as us ml. _ cording Dr. Chamber at ot a sate and Models Jobbing Organs Satan finds some mis- oil Augusta, Friday, 24ih Inst., it TM1E Abteimen ot tlie of Portland, hereby desirable investment. Watts, 10 o’clock a. m. J. City PARLOR w3m I WS. YELLOW CORN now lam I- c or them. give public, m,tire that tLey have Al- TOWER, OIDDiNUS* TORREY, jnlBdlaw I received the highest premium at tie New En< RHOn Woman must be developed M. prepared feleodtf nol from Scb Abbie Plimau.foi sa le and FRANKLIN DREW, Secretary of State, phabetical lists of Buch inliahitan's as appear to them BREWSTER, SWEAT* CO. 2___ land and State Fair m 1t*69. 1 also have the excli ing helped to do al! that she is of do- teb to be capable 13,20 qnaliBed to vote In the elec- sive ridht 10 use the Wilcox Patent Bellows an d by constitutionally TREE & ing- feiuators, and to Tremolo, which is pronounced by judges to be 11 e GEO. W. CO., R-presentalives The was women Business for Sale tor ‘he several Wards best in use. All instruments manufactured by n opiuion given that ought Manufacturing In the. ,® 1X0 Commercial St., bead Wh irl. sal“c«V^fhaf '“i’I’L" are lull? warranted Price list scut mail. Wi 11 Long to be able to delend a or whole ot a first-class manmacturii 'R Aldermen’s II want a for makiuf by Feb 11-.12W themselves, knowledge Room Jhe MAINE b BFIPITPPQ you recipe sell 1o instalments. and la onTUKSnA°ften,1 fe8,>i0n tat-first STATE BEQISTEI u\j ar- pay by _ of the means of self defence often useful HALFbosiDess; sate, reliable, profitable; g.o dav ol February instant, trim fb SOS READY. an IMMENSE it References exchanged. Psrticulars. purpose receiving evidence ot Ot new and original desigos, PROFIT, name it, and receive bj Dress woman who can is much the onfiifl1, r°r tbe»-°* return mail dcISeodly Cutting if protect herse'f feU-3t TaY LuK & HO State street, Bostc n. persons c'sinnnz the right to style and finish. by sending 28 cen.s to Taughi CO., vote 8ucl1 ,onaS BY X. more let alone. and for correcting said li»ts. e*ection, us increased facilitie NcwTswnJInp, I3ill. Census.. 1ST4 €. g^*Our New Factory gives HILL & 00., Portland. Me. Coal Sitters. BROWN, women Given under our hands the d«v The relative of men and For Sale »n(i 7 * _ for business. mako strength $1000 to $2000.- written. abov® Agents $10.00 a day. telSdlw* Vi ORRISON’S Patent Cool Si iter the best thing who thought WM.CURTia to Order. 364 pp. Cloth, wthMap, $1,25. Pater Covers (2 was discussed by Mrs. Sowerby, or whole ot a first-class Stoi e» T K Upholstering Done l"l the market. 'I hose iu watu ot a Sitter wilt ° Grocery ToLFoko. f^-Pattcrna lor Sale, that some for instance, HALFlocated ou a loi > well to call at lootofCro^s and exai telCl]3w women,washerwomen good corner, good store, t chas. McCarthy jr Nos. 52. 54 and 56 Exchange st Sent post paid in receipt of price. Pettingiii’e, st, men. 1 — some lease, low rent Best of reference given and r i- JAMES * ine one be lore purchasing any o*hcr kind, Ni< are as strong in muscle as Copy. BAILEY, N. M. A. WB1TNEY. 1 wouId quired. Parlicu’ar*, GKO P. WOODMAN. GEO, Oroasdale’s things lor Christmas or New Years present. thought the marriage relation febl8-3t WE8COTT. Feb 11-utf Agents Wanted ! Super-Phosphate, DR. , TAYLOR & Co., 20 State St., Boston. M M. SEN PER, MANUFACTURED BY dc20tt___ DERR 1 WM A. Enclose lor to WINSHIP, IF' $1.25 Sample copy, WATTSON A Iel3ld Aldermen of the City oi Portland. Molasses and CLARK, Philadelphia. TO BAKERS. v 1 Provision Store tor Sale. Syrup H. A. No. 2 Elm st r,*EK 8TKEET, McKENNEY, We are n.w to sell this Standard Per l‘“'at*'d- a nrepared Ha* so far doing first-class payii ---- ,‘*,*er at • lecoicred f.om recent as to bu es good Greatly Seduced Price to iuee a Rread Cart, nearly new and in pe Injuries 8ton», long« lease wwlow rent.rtnt »asa t- nOTT, FOGG d! BREED, the tunes. SALE, able to iglgetory teanonator Qua'i > guarantee*! 10 be equal to tha ie,’t «rder. Will be sold at a bargain. attend to sel’iog PUBLISHERS. of any FOR meeting adjourned. * is that the subscriber has 25«>~Hlids. bupei.phospbate in the market. to IRA WITH AM, Argus Office. efJeeUvellhe C0- 20 Stat« St., Bostoi hereby given, ru Portland. Nov 2Clb, 1870. dtt Apple K P“teb“ 8"tTArL°a NOTICEbeen duly appointed Eiecutor of the will oi Choice Feb 17dJtwtl PROFESSIONAL CALL ELIZA L. late of Portland, Molasse: I-- CONANT Ac HAND, VAU3HAN, Cienfuegos which must in and nas BY BAY OB NIGH a paper, certainly b«- Millinery Store lor the County oi Cumberland, deceased, t Hartford Sale. as the 75 Wholesale and A foi econd-Hand, No. *he of nailing an old horse-boe add taken upon himself that trust by giving bonds Kegs Com St. Luke’s Scciet f Grocers, gents 3, — l ere Id efficacy Fancy Goods. Location ot Employment tel:* ica gre it law directs. All persons having demands upon the FOB SALE Syrup, over tbe door to keep away wilchea, value: good more with a well selected BY COULD s*oc k, estate of said deceased, are required to exhibit the t . OaOA8DALL’S SUPER-PHOSPHATE, Empire Sewing Machint Battalion. that >f of them have somnambu- and * erood paving Best iurnisbed deserving sewing-women I, Attention, readers any doing business. 01 reaso is same: and all indebted to said estate are 2 t-2 o persons SMITH, DONNELL & WORKheretofore, every Friday afternoon at 133 Commercial ^ FOB all kin Is listic tendencies, a pair of steel scissors pieced given tor selling* Particulars, CO. 7 Street, SALE AT GOODS and R.mling Matter of called upon to make to clock. Room in Government over tl Oo »- eapltal. TAILOR Sc CO., pavment 95 city Building, FANCY■old cheap at Denton's Varieiy Si ore, 2*9 uoder tbeir pillow will certainly keen them SAMUEL E. SPRING, Executor, 93 and Commercial st. Mayor’s Oflice. ME. FBED Via* lelWt 20 State it, PORTLAND, PROCTOR’S, 109 middle 81. gress street, Portland, ne^r City Building. from in any nocturnal Boston, Maas Portland, January 17tb, 1871. leb7J14,21 n25-4w 1871. i feb!7eod3m w3m ^ indulging wanderings. Portland, January 11th, Jnlltf l*M7-lw qualntances are cordially invited to call. under constitutional A Constitutional Convention. four attention, restraint, guage which give a peculiar charm to her writ- SPECIAL NOTICES. ■ SPECIAL NOTICES. . Saiioi. kfijj HiciiJ V. •vuin or, Portland tot is rnoie than I can comprehend. legs. Her characters are powerfully and Sew York; Willard u ratten, Baker, Calais tot do; The great railroad interest with its invest- touchingly drawn, and we learn to love them Maggie Maker. Allen Savannah for Fall River ; Y. PRESS. T tor Philadel- DA LL are more l'aylor & Mellila* Cbeesmao, Portland ment ot as because they natural than affected. Notice. COGIA HASSAN StEJIAKIiS OF IIOA. C. J. MOKBIS $23,000,000, b^ins, already stated, dphia. “'Cruel as the Grave” will be issued in a to GiA hassaw $3,000,000 more than the large TUe Republicans ol DViluiLam are to POBTLAISD. original valua- requested COGIA HASSAN FALL RIVER—Ar 20tli, sobs Hatt'e, Mcfntlre, State Senate Tuesday, duodecimo volume, and S"'d at the low price E„ Cumberland, in the tion ol the whole neet at the Town Douse in said on Brunswick; M.igaie Muivey, Allen, Savannah. -- of State, has sprung Town, TDURS- COG LA his Resolutions J oran of $1.75 in cloth, or $1 50 in paper cover; or NEW Feb. 21st, in support of into existence since the the 2nd or M A. CouIA BEDFORD—Ar 19tu, sell Mary Edwards, jo> a formation of will be seut by to DAY, day >rch, D. 1971, at 3 o’clock c,uraen'eai. amendment to the Constitution providing tur copies mail, any place, post- COOL A Baltimore. FEBRUARY 22,1371. constitution. It is now outside ot any the on of P. M„ to select candidates tor Town Officers. h*»sAN Holmes* Fish Mc- WEDNESDAY, Constitutional Convention. paid, by publishers receipt the price COtilA t HOLE—*r 17fh, sebs Hawk. constitutional and to re- work in a letter to them. Per Order HA'iSAV New York «.»r Irom regulations, wishing of the fe22d&wtd Rep. Town Com. COiilA {;fecan* Portland; Canary, Clark, main so, is opposed to a constitutional con- COGIA HASSAN Kl^ahaunock or Backport. I,carter HASSA V ^ Thos The Democratic and hi* Doctrine*. vention. not mesas bv Latest mails. SCBENCK ADVISES (u iii a F°X’ Bower», Fish, commencement of the session, I It will probably oppose it open- PR. CONSUMPTIVES andNelfie#DAe,,Ce is the most At the TO OO TO FLORIDA IN WINTER. COG! A la It natural thing in the world for of amendments to ly, but the opposition will be none the less The late Abel Minard, of has HasSAN Cora end J submitted a series proposed Morristown, the last COGIA Dull Tlm:s KpfMpp81 bJ,f°h8 Morrison, Jones, L»»ey and made. And here Having for thirty-five years devoted my whole HAS'AN2 ass an Gen. Frank I’. Blair, who has once more en- of this State, ihe surely effectually may left $100,000 ,otbe Drew and attention to the of diseases and con- COG A the t tl,e constitution changes Theological Scmiuary time study lung AN’ numerous aud be the of that contest which is I feel that I understand fully the course that CoGiA People HA'** tered life as a United Siates to sunoesled were so radical iu beginning yet at Madison, to be used as a permanent fund in sumption, public Senator, and these ought to bo pursued to restore a tolerably bad case of COGIA HASSAN I Morriion’ character, that the almost universal re- to be waged between the people siaoyJ a-sume the ot ilie in the thcfr aiding indigent young women in obtaining diseased lungs to healthy soundness. The first and most COUIA t0 HASSaN hV leadership minority aud Busied with our is. for the to avoid taking »stix' from Port Horn the press people was for a great monopolies. private important step patient cold; COG'A cet HASSAN ct’e Pa x'or K’,lr,'jK“' C1‘rt'0r<1. to no- sponse ministerial education. ana the best of all on this continent for this Boit™.1*'8 body which he His political to of a' affairs we are liable to lose ot the exist- places pur- COUA HASSA S belongs. convention revise,instead tempting such sight in winter, is Florida, well down in the where euols Wo, arrested on pose, State, COGIA 2°lb’br‘8 Nall,e Maloney* tions aDd his social aie both of the tra- and when dangers and the importance of this mat- Schullz, Sunday suspicion the is regular, and not to such varia- CHEAP! HASSAN Mes«ina°^"”Ar1 Hoeteed, habits extensive amendments, amovement ing temperature subject CouIA is an in of tions as in more northern latitudes, l'alatka Is a hence HASsAN Ar 2l*t, brig Delmowt Lock* nn.»u ^ to the iu the other branch ter. We lorget that there intensity being the Brooklyn girl stahher, proves to point ditional Democratic and lie wus;made intbisditection, can recommend. hotel Is Peter- COGIA Ha»saN sch stamp, goes to never I A pood kept there by toe C'Jd 21st. Delia the action ol human bo a German tailor from New •» HID!Kw;il7c2«?e0W,01III“ not wishing it to go to the committee on a thought day York city, who man. Last winter I saw several persons tliero whose * CU1A Goon Trade HASSaN GLOUCESTER-Ar 20th. extreme at that. It was not surpiising, or it we do not we had been diseased, but under the heal- tele s^ Fl» n_ a ** bare ortler, I submitted a bill for the witnessed belore; forget, went to iu seareb of work. lungs badly who, COGIA it HaSSAN Calais( tor New York: the Sen- providing Brooklyn ing influence of the climate and were get- ..***"*£ fe'jj* 5?S* to find him standing up in think ot it in connection with such devel- my medicines, cogia cogia iiassan’s hassan •or. Norlolk; I? rank Barker. therefore, calling of such a convention. A. H. at a ting well. Wiley, Bootbbav“Day, °Mva- increase of knowl- Bogardus, pigeon shooting match COGIA in IIASSAN Farren, Deer Isle, NB. Mys ate to to Senator Morton, opments as the general One hundred milo9 farther down the river is a point tict Tie, tbe other day reply The question lias since atiseu, as t,o the au- near the Uuion course. HAS AN new discoveries in the domain of sci New York, killed 3G which I would prefer to Palatka, as the temperature is £r!^fA Hosiery, bis more discreet and abler as- of the to call edge, more even and the air and Mcllonville and Dress HASSAN FOREIGN while all older, thority legislature a.coDvenlion, our a b.rds out of 50. dry bracing. Goods, PORTS. in laws, higher toue are located a COGIA is not Thurman hut one ol our most eminent that ence, improvement Enterprise there. I should give decided K.d Gloves, HASS IN Leone 6th wit, Nellie sociates silence. It judges believing and efforts for the well to Mellonville; it Is two miles from river or COO IA At Sierra brig Gay, Smith, kept it of mcrality, general There «asa meeting at Concord of Handkerchief, HASSAN 4 we have that power, another who has given Tuesday ftreferenceake, and it seems almost impossible to take cold there. COGIA for1 New vora days. Blair who is now to speak the voice of the of the race; but, we must bear in mind and HAS-AN J H confident that we being the subscribeers to a fund for the establishment The tables in Florida might do better, and patients com- COGiA Sid tm Messina 22d nit, brig Lane, Shuto tor attention, being equally coolest the at times; but that is a as it indicates a the HaSSAN Harvest We have referred in a to tbat the heads, keenest and plain good sign, CgGIA Boston 2«th, barque Moon, lor Democratic pally. have not. As it would be very unfortunate of an orphans’ borne in New of when this is the tooo HASSaN Vidtilich, most far-seeing intellects in the Hampshire. return appetite: and, case, they genr New1 York. article to some of the conse- fee ot doubt connected with so land, singly erally increase in flesh, and then the lungs must heal. ana HASSAN previous logical have any ins are A Laudon announces the death of CO;.lV in p »ri 23th ult, barque Lucv Frances, Upton, for that and combined, laboring with a zeal aud dispatch Jacksonville, Hibernia, Green Cove, and many other COGIA 1 HASSAN his taut a movement, and believing in various of Florida can be New Vor> : brigs Myron us. Higgins, lordj; Carrie quences ol creed, hut it is north while to iuipot earnestness a better Madame Schneider, an actress. places parts safely recom- COGIA articles His-AN would occasion worthy cause, to cor- to In winter. reasons sav- Pickering. irom Malta ar27th. the which it mended consumptives My for COGIA la HASSAN E1 Torre/, consider somewhat ;n detail re- ycat’s.de'ay or overawe and to John is so are, that are less liable to tako cold there 30th ult. Freeman Bos- the necessary tor a more dis- rupt legislatures, secure Bright’s health pi ogroesiag steadily ing patients COUIA bis At Valencia ship Clark, would be tavorable thoiough than where there Is a less even temperature; and It is UaoSaN one great and exclusive COGIA worth, irom Gaanape dlsg. sults ol doctrine the amt would monopolies privileges tor towards restoration, but be will not not to where a unequaled HAS 'AN prominent promulgated cussion ot the subject by pres*, probably necessary say, that, consumptive person At Antwerp 2d Inst, mirqnca Crmus. Pet’ftDgiil. for their own special aggrandizement. is himself to frequent colds, he Is certain to die COGIA stuck. HA'SAN and lead to a calmer and clearer expies- What- rtturn to this session. exposes New1 York Arlington. Newcomb, tor by him, eudorsed by the significant silence probably parliament therefore mvadvice is, go well down into the COG A ; Philadelphia; the to be the result of that contest shortly: IIASSAN tor ot the'views of the people, I called great which is out of the reach of east winds and Josie Mj dred. H*»iriman Bos on. Idg. of the re sion On in New coal advanced to State, prevailing fogs. COGIA HASSAN other Democratic Senators. We ter not tar in the between Tuesday, York, or almost other of the Ar at Buenos Dec 29th, ship *«ary GoodelJ, atteulion of the committee to such tacts as future, the jreople and Jacksonville, any localities I liavo COGIA HASSAN Ayres and 50 in of tbe will benefit those who arc troubled with a 2d Emma L Hall, to that famous okl doctrine of his that the and these none but $15 $15 per ton, consequence named, torpid COGiA HASsaN Sweetser, S« •report; inst, brig had come to my knowledge, requested great monopolies, infinite wis- a disordered bow sore liver, stomach, deranged els, throat, COGIA Blanchard,1 New York; 10th, barque Isa >el, Moody, had dom knows. Whether action ot the railroad companies for those whose are a HaSSAN reconstruction acts are null and void. instead of the hill which been sub- they will finally yield carrying or cough; but, lun^s diseased, more Portland1 them, is recommended. COGIA 120 HUDDLE HASSAN an amendment to 'he to law, or m their fancied and secur- freight from tbe mining regions. southern point earnestly In 13th Ruck, Nichols, and 'The three constitutional amendments adopt- mitted to,them,to tepait strength For fifteen years pror to 18G9,1 was in COUIA aid HASSAN port nit, barque Henry rush professionally Tibbe ts. tor New York. Sarah Hobart. consititution giving the necessary power to ity will blindly on in their selfish Tbe Jockey and Koyalo clubs of Paris have New York, Boston, Baltimore, and Philadelphia every COGIA O TE9IPLE ST*. HASSAN Archer, lug. ed since the cicse ol the war are an integral where I sawr and examined on an average five COGIA Wrote, tor Bo-ton. Idg Hawthorne, Carpenter, for call such a convention. 1 wish now to sub- schemes, till the people goaded to madness resolved that all candidates of German birth week, HASSAN Tbe hundred patients a week. A practice so extensive, em- COGIA United States, d >; br.es Carrie Winslow. Welsh, and part or the recoustruelion legislation. mit a few retnatks the shall rise iu their and hurl them of has HASsAN upon general question might per- shall be excluded in the election. bracing every possible phase lung disease, enabled cogia Mary A Davis, Tucker, for Boston, do, Mauson. Gil- coming to understand the disease fully; and hence my caution hassan first of these abolishes the second ol revising the as the most haps with deeds of bloodshed and violence me COGIA key.1 un2: and others slavery, constitution, being There are are seventeen to taking cold. A take vast HASSAN armed vessels in the In regard person may quanti- Ar at St Thomas 13lh Maria White, Bry- ol from and we but ■ ult, brig born or in the practical manner the merits of place power cannot tell, ties of Sehenck’s Pulmonic Seaweed Tonic, and ———- brings all I eisons naturalized discussing Syrup, ant. Boston. the amendment with the ot which deals with French port of Dunkirk. Mandrake Pills,” and yet die if he does not avoid taking United States wirhin tbe of proposed which is the ques- light history SM 4tb, brig Minnehaha, (Dr) .Mitchell, Turks Isl- definitely pale the same human nature in It is settled that the Prussians will cold. tion really before us. all ages, with the occupy In Florida, nearly everybody Is using Schenck’sMan- ands, to load tor Portland. and forbids the States to laws citizenship pass This question of revising or the developments of the last few years in New aud retain Metz. The line of annexation will drake rills; lor mo ciiumie is more nxeiy 10 prouuco THE At Ponce 5fh inst, sobs Marv B Harris. Crowley, amending than more northern latitudes. It is a well- COME IN MOKMNGr for Boston ol such bilious habits 12ih; Keokuk. Gates tor New York tvtb; the lights persons, while is one of inierest York, Pennsylvania and the Western States a abridging constitution, deep to the include Point Mousson. established fact, that natives of Florida rarely die of con- Onward, irom Por.land. FN Tow- of the southern On the Bunker, Just ar; crowns tbe of this It is no matter to to guide us, we shall wrong ourselves and sin sumption, especially those part. er. lor Nev York 12th. the third regenerated structure of people State, tr.fling Since 3d there has entered Paris on one-third at least of the AND AVOID THE CROWD IN THE AETERKOON / Perry, come February other hand, in New England, At Baracoa 7ih set aside or that which been the against those who after us, if we tail In the Middio lust, ech Geo B McLellan, for Bal- oar Government with equal political modily thas the Great Northern railroad 14,352 population die of this terrible disease. timore, Idg rights while we have the power to erect such con- oxen,15,352 it does not prevail so largely; still there are many primary law and the ioundat'on lor the legis- States, Cld at St John, 16th for all adult male citizens. These as 1775 3768 and thousands of cases there. ’What a vast percentage of NB, Inst, brig L L Wadsworth amend- lation ol this for two stitutional barriers we may, against the sheep, cows, pigs immense stores For a SHORT TIME ONLY, we .ball take pictures at tlie lollowing LOW prices: commonwealth genera- life would be saved If consumptives were as easily alarm- Shacklord, Matanz&s. ments have all been ratified from time to time The constitution dues back to selfish and unscrupulous power of these of grain, floor and biscuits. ed in to fresh colds as they are about scar- tions. present great regard taking LiBGE PICTURE IN This be let Ac. I but are not: tako 8x10 OVAL FRAME,.81.00 [Per steamer at more than our commencement as a Slate. Whatever ot monopolies. may regarded by some The of fuel is much felt in Paris.— fever, small-pox, they they Siberia, Boston.] by three-fourths of the scarcity w liat term a little cold, which they are credulous Stales; but as said for or as they LARGE PICTURE IN 8x10 RUSTIC FRAME,.1.00 Ar at Liverpool 2d Inst, W F New Gen. Blair and advancement we have made, our increase in being merely effect, being The administration of the Northern enough to believe will wear off in a few days. They pay Siorer, Bryant, his friends say that the to railway and lienee it tlio foundation for York; Dingo, Staples, Bom. ay. people and aud our applicable Camden and Amboy, Hartiord no attention to it; lays LARGE PICTURE IN RUSTIC FRAME,. 0O of knowledge, wealth, numbers, shares with the population the coal another and another still, until the lungs are diseased be- Sh 4th, Anna t'amp L ncoln. Savannah: Albert tbe Soul hern States o id not act in and Erie, and the New York arriving LARGE PICTURE IN RUSTIC freely standing among the sister States of this Re- Pennsylvania yond all hope of cure. FRAME,.73 Gallatin, Chandler, Mobile; Sami Watts, Williams, Centrals railroads. I daily. Paris will be lighted with gas on Sat- I whose are even the matter, hut under the compulsion ol tbe public, sbas all been accomplished under the wish with all my heart My advice to persons lungs affected, SIX PICTURES IN CARDS,. 50 Key West. that there was no cause slightly, is to lay ina stock of Schenck’s Pulmonic Syrup, Cld 4rh. H F aud .ot this instrument. for alarm: but let us urday. and Selienck’s Mandrake Egeria. Cook, Calcutta; 6fb, Bussey. general Government, aud that the whole authority provisions Kchenck’s Seaweed Tonic, Pills, FIFTEEN PICTURES WITH CARDS,.50 Ulmer, body bear in mind that a combination has been All the German wounded capable of hearing and to Florida. I recommend these particular medi- Philadelphia. Well has it served us thus tar, and and go PICTURES WITH at Loudon 6 Jos of the uew good I am with their TniRTY.SIX CARDS,.50 C'd h, Fish. Carney, New Orleans organic law, constituting the veri- must be advanced formed within our own arms are to he sent to the front. cines, because thoroughly acquainted sufficient reasons belore the borders, embodying action. I know, that, where they are used In strict ac- Sid tm Newport 3d inst, Clara Eaton, Mcrriman, table American an ot will do the work that Magna Charter, is made void people will consent to abandon or materially amount wealth and talent, such as has The woolen manufacturers and woolen com- cordance with my directions, they Frames of all Kinds I Galveston never beiore been kuowu in tbe ol is required. This accomplished, naturo will do tlio rest. very Cheap Passed Anjier Dec 15. John Wooster, Knowles, tm from this cause and from the fact that it was mouuy u. duu u is surnwr ui no small mo- history mission merchants before the and Means who for or Ways The physician prescribes cold, cough, night Whampoa I »r Hong Kong 2Vh, Nellie Abbott, Jor- ment to to trame an instrument this State; already they coutrol to sweats, and then advises the patient to walk or ride out in all its branches attended to as usual! not submitted for ratification to attempt property Committee asked the uniform Photographing dan, from Shanghae tor New York. Legislatures Tuesday, duty every day, will be sure to havo a corpso on his hands which shall lor tbe and the amount of $10,000,000. They also con- Pariicular attention to No matter bow Email or how Sid fm Boinbav Jan Galle. provide preseut pro- ot three as on or free. before long. given copying. poor a picture yen have, biicg it 11, Bertha Humphrey. especially elected for the of consider- trol a ol the best cents, carpet wools, wool, us and we will make a nice one troui it. finished in Inaia Ink or Sul im purpose spective wants ofTbe Stale lor (perhaps fifty large proportion legal talent My plan is, to give my three medicines In accordance to Water Colors. Aden Jan in, Hercules. Lincoln, Aky&b and consent to a reduction of 30 per cent, ad with the directions, in some cases w here We would call attention to the BEAUTIFUIj CHBON OTYPES taken at Aral 3d M ing it. to a is made in our cou iu the State, and they further claim to possess printed except only No. SO fWiddle Mrect. Flushing lost, Alice Mioott. cowell, years cume.,If change a freer use of the Mandrake Pills is necessary. My object AIeo tl.e n new and beautiful picture, ’aken ia the that the of the valorem on manufactured woolens. a Alba-Type, only by FlnUdelpI Tt. }'»lit. a trior,na tft con ilia !niman*!t» siiiution it will be a decided and knowledge Judges Su Is, to give tone to the stomach,—to get up good appe- Ar at C- -- umloutit'dly Antwerp 5th Nettie Mcrriman, Rollins. are to tite. it is a good sign when a patient begins to inst, so uast and far would be preme Court lavorable their schemes; Some unknown person entered the yard always of tbe reaction radical one, reaching of hungry: I have hopes of such. With a rch&h for A. b. DAVIS & Philadelphia. indicated by Gen. Blair’s au- now that was obtained grow Off ibe the intluence tor or evil which such a knowledge they do the Slater Woolen in food, and the gratifleation of that relish, comes good CO., Wtser 3d inst, Lincoln, Trott, New Orleana good Company, Webster, tor thoritative declarations. To one who has not would that it would beat- not see lit to iniorin us, whether blood, and with it more flesh, which is closely followed Hamburg Wallace. .Jordan, do tor Bremen. change produce; they put and cat sixteen ot fine of the —then the loosens and No. 80 Middle Street, Boyd Block, Opp. New Post Sid tm Dec this lorth lor or Mass., recently, pieces by a healing lungs, cough Office. Hong Kong is, s D Carlton, rreeman, watched the of Con in own with a ot re- merely effect, have sweats no narrowly proceedings tended, my mind, feeling actuully abates, the creeping chills and clammy night Feb 22-d2w sn Manila. with tbe broadcloth, valued at $1300. A knile or some and and the servatives lhat have which docs not attach to the tampered members ot the court longer prostrate annoy, patient gets well, 8 d tm Singapore Dec 23, lor gained power since tbe sponsibility pas- lie avoids cold. Alcyone. Patterson, 1 cannot we have no sharp instrument was and a hole cut in provided taking Batavia sage of common laws. Never in the (which believe) means used, are who have not the war it may seem absurd to tbat history Now, there many consumptives 81d tm Batavia Deo Hosea suppose they of but no of the to to Florida. The be Is 21, Rich, Pomeroy, lor of our State was tnere a lime which more im- knowing, longer ago than the sec- every yard cloth. means go question may asked. Montevideo. mean all tbat is in there no for such ? there is. M advice IIENRY P. indicated their theories. demanded firmness of ond ot last month, one who irom a hope Certainly y WOOD, peratively wisdom, pur- day beiug Worcester is to have a telegraphic fire alarm to such fct, and ever has been, to stay in a warm room But it seems to us if bitter ot with a of about lhat invested with the pose, euiighieued and lar-seeing statesman- opponent consolidation, by some un- at a cost of during the w inter, temperature seventy NPOKE.V. $14,500. which should be kept at that and a means became a warm Iriend of degrees, regularly point by Dec lat 30 46 Ion 31 13 power of the and with ship generous abandonment ol party explained of a thermometer. Let such a take his BROKER, 18, S, E, barque Clara, 30 da general Government, A fire occurred at Buffalo morning, means patient from lor tbe measure, and has a Sunday the limits of tlio room and J«va tor Osieud. a prejudice the general good than at the occupied very promi- exercise within by walking up DEALER IN STOCKS, BONDS, NOTES, AMERI- majority of the Slates under their control) which the offices of Post as his will in to Jan 7. lit 3 53 N. Ion 25 33 lime and lor this nent position in this desiroyed the Evening down as much strength permit, order Goods and W, ship Juventa, 37 da present particular purpose. a-ransiug combination, a circulation of the blood. I liavo cured CAN AND FOREIGN COIN, Sporting Tackle, fiom tor they would one short of abolish either "in the real and and several and occasioned keep up healthy Flsbiog Liverpoo1 Bombay. stop just step He who would advocate such a change, mere- security arising trom a Courier, stores, thousands by this system, and can do so again. Con- is as cured as other If it is AflENT FOR ing the of 1871 and re tor tbe excitement a lor knowledge of the laet, or iu the fancied secur- a loss of $30,000. sumption easily any disease, Powder, Shot, Cape, Cartridge*, Pocket democracy establishing ly attending change, taken in time, and the proper kind of treatment Is pur- ot his in a Cutlery, Piak- the of I860. would tbe purpose of gaining a briei notority lor any ity supposed impregnable position, In the Nova Scotia Assembly, on Saturday, sued. 'lhe fact stands undisputed on record, that Sciasora, Razor*, Skate*, NEW oligaichy They probably Mandrake and Sea- ADVERTISEMENTS or selfish views public conveyance, confidently slated that the the Sclicnck’s Pulmonic Syrup, Pills, Messrs. Clews & N. Y. ing Iron*, Machinist*’ Fine Took, not undertake to restore personal aggrandizement government amendment on the fishery weed 'Ionic have cured very many of what seemed to bo Henry To., slavery, though they not to a Court was all lor the Solid all whatever, is worthy be called citizen Supreme right cairying cases of Co where Emery Whcek, sizes. I question was 30 to 5. It in hopeless consumption. you will, yea For ihe Bale cf Exchange an Office of Light- H mjse hold tbat it still has a since nor can we as out the ot their combination. *ln adopted, protests, will be almost certain to find some poor consumptive Engineer, legal existence, of the Stale, regard any more purposes Ihir-i D view of the ol the com- who has been rescued from the very jaws of death by their srrlcr, no he who from closing I most disclaim appointment joint high COPPER FACED STAMPS, they certainly have more respect for the deserving, timidity, anticipated earnestly any leeling use. ENGLAND, Tbompklosviile, N. Y. Feb. 16,1871. or absurd his aid of opposition to this vihich lias done mission, against the transfer of the fisheries to difficulties, prejudices,refuses interest, SCOTLANDand one for Granite. unauthorized edicts ot Abraham Lincoln on '1 the (Fur marking Clothing) stamp answers for a Proposals in this work. There is a so much to our or ot cnler- without fhe of should keep a supply of them hand. hey act on very general feeiiog dfvclope State, any foreign power consent the better than and leave none of Us hurtful whole family. sealed proposals wilt be received at than for the solemn decisions of a vast ma- of liver calomel, IRELAND. ot veneration for that which is old, which has tainiug any leeliug hostility towards those colonies. effects behind. In fact, they are excellent In all cases SEPARATEthis office until Wednesday, 15th oi March, 1871, a medicine is If havo Drafts on bund and for immediate delivery, Wholesale and -O* at 12 as jority of the people ot lire United States ex- the authority 01 age and the sanction of the who control it. i only ask in the name ol where purgative required. you ready 93T* Retail. oVIoclc M., folio vs: too of fruit, and diarrhoea ensues, a dose in sums to suit. « 1st. abjut two so of and common sense Personal. partaken freely For thousand five hundrel (2900) in a constitutional But lathers, and especially in the case of con- law, justice that this of the Mandrakes will cure you. If you are subject to A fur ot American Gold Coin of pressed way. holding supply constantly Sign the ^“GOLDEN RIFLE." tons ot gran te, in iriegnar blocki, varjriug la stitutional law. It is a interest, like ail oilier interests A is sick headache, take a doso of the Mandrakes, and they on that kind of sentimental great shall be subscription in circulation in Richmond, hand. weight troai three quarters oi a ton to two theoretically slavery still exists, it is to will relieve you intwohours. If you would obviate tho <8 St., G. L. tons, with which I can subjected to constitutional regulation. for Miss Rosa sister of To parties maturing issues ot Marne Cen- Exchange BA1LET. d'd'verod In a leeltng sympathize to quite Va., Poe, ouly Edgar effect of a change of water, or the too free indulgence in holding “rip-rap** lonndation, far L. 8TEYEN8, ANNUAL STATEMENT lation of this State at the ol tbe He says: I first encountered this man Brews- subsidies and a growing business from New SCHKNCK, M.D., reflex wave. From a adoption pres- No. 15 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia. freedman,” a citizen ler at Great Falls in a Zealand. OF TBI ent constitution was 298,335. in 1870 it was rum shop kept by Mo- OF THE- Room No. 6 Printers’ Exchange, and a GEORGE C. GOODWIN & Co., Boston, Agents. voter the African would And ses Hayes. He, Brewster, was drunk at tbe instantly 020,695; valuaiionj $20,902,778. In a report Secretary Seward meets with an Ad- Wo. Ill Exchange Street. ie'.6tf lime, and Hayes refused to give him rum. Manhattan Insurance himself once more degraded to his old submitted by the authorities ol the State to any Jocven’s Kid Glove Cleaner re,tores Company, place He asked me where be venture.—An assault was made on ex-Secre- the of could get if. I told him Portland & Rochester OF NEW YORK. as a servant and a at the department the interior in 186S it was soiled to new. For sale all “nigger,” mercy of dowu to Berwick (which is two and a half tary Seward and their recent gloves equal by estimated at on a or party during WAR DEPARTIHEMT. FIRE, MARINE,AND INLAND. such 8344,035,000 gold basis, t dit him was and apprentice and vagrant laws as would miles); that I bound that way visit to Woo druggists fancy goods dealers. Price 25 more than times than in Chang, China. The North China Assets, December 31,1879 ^seventeen larger myseit. He weut out, but I overlook him ou Railroad Co. DIVISION OF TELEGRAMS AND REPORTS FOR THE reconsigu him to virtual'if not Herald the cents per bottle. mr28-dly Bonds and Mongigej, 3 7,030 09 nominal slav- 1820. The number of against tbe toad and we walked on says visitors went over the river BENEFIT OF COMMERCE. polls 59,368 together,arrived at Loaus on Stock, IBft.oOO 80 ery. Under the new order of 130,307 in 1860. The amount invested in Berwick, went to Samuel Dixon’s rum from Hankow to Woo and thence Free ot Government Tax! United States and things the shop Chang, pro- Weather State Benda, in,"24 u) manufactures I have not been able where we cards in nojyns Repart Feb. 41 at. Cash on band and in Southern States would become as to ascer- played company with sev- ceded up the hill to the On their ar- Bank, 33,301 60 unwbol- pagoda. ytyiJYTEn Interest and October! ^Observations taken at exact local time Premiums lam, um u uju?l nave ueen wnile eral others until near midnight, when I started Payable April midnight, at Unpaid (Kite and Maiine 84,112 91 some resi lences very small, rival found the usual crowd of aDd each fer Northern citizens as in to to bouse. Brewster they boys place.) Interest due and accrued, 17,3to 78 they 1868 it was $81,287,695. There was not a go my boarding wauled in were all of $so7ooo Principal Payable 1687. Bills receivable ( narine IS I '9 03 in 1859. Rebel aud not mile ot railroad at to go with me. I told him be could as it beggars, whom were clamorous for Premiums,) Union soldiers that time in the State.— not, Salvages to be collected, 11,200 00 would receive There is was a lactory boarding but I would see “camsbaw”—cash. The were not This Loan ot 17 to run alt the honors, StaLe and na- to day 700 miles costing $22,000,000 hou-e, party pro- Atlantic & St. ILaw- only 350,000 having years him sale to ibe public house. When we ot more than the got to vided for such a and after is now being rapidly sold by the undersigned at 95 g f I Is Total assets, $1,407,788 39 tional, while the dead Lee and and $3,000,000 original value of tbe tavern be refused demand, enjoying Place | J * ° | Floyd, not to go aud would not 1 V a fe LIABILITIES. the whole State. in, and accrued and is recommended as a sate hi 3 Op ** M S3OB'3 S the view from their commenced their renccfiS. II. interest, W © Thomas and leave me, so I put him in tbe woodshed attach- position, Blonds, S 02 © l-i T3 a? Losses snd Claims adjusted, but unpaid, 6,000 00 have their burial ° Farragut,would These statistics are sufficient to the ed to the and reliable investment, being amply secured to the of tt © -=0 a © ^ Losses an I Claims and 31 place bouse, ami told bim to be- hoqjeward descent. On the way how- at Par and © go* unadjusted reported, 30,203 decked with get away down, (Extended,) acerncd Interest. ■*? S ® * a ~ places immortelles. condition aud wants of the State in fore the tn Amount required to reinsure oU'Standlag 1820 in bell raDg the as the the the chairs with Trustees, «* morning girls ever, boys pelted observation* -«_» © .^o» © oi © « vrz: 00 cent Those who will us Pvtriu. conLrast those, oi ua, Aui ™-<.ui.i n.- Messrs. H. J. LIBBY, .a 2 risks, per cl premiums accuse of nuerile striking with would find Joint there and there a-TVAN d? m S' c3 =>a considerably damaging them, but discon tinued liATlKETT, received on Fbe Risks. Whole »- whiie the present constitution may have met troub'e. I never SPehim again, as FRED. FOX, agance on account of these but well expecpetrto their O m mount received on Marine and ln- grave want of those be told me be was going to Dover tbe next amusement on being yelled at by the .1 A WATRRMAN £ every early days, and was an 100 Middle Street. £ |S laud. 363,100 30 grounded we reier to what the morning; be said his coat was there at coolies. Mr. Iebl6sn3fr Other apprehensions houoi to those who framed it,its provisions are Eph- Hobson, the commissioner of cus- by a first mortgage on tbe who’e Road, Equipments, S3 Liabilities, viz: Unclaimed divi- raim Sands’ saloon on the Portland...... 30.36 9 NE Clear Democracy, North and have doue very inadequate to tbe wants ot the landing (so called). toms, has since received a letter of Station all built and dends, 1,006 00 South, present The next I did net for apology Rolling Stock, Houses, etc., etc, Boston.30.34 14 N Clear time. me morning stop breakfast While in a Fennit to call attention to some of and from the finished in tbe most and substantial man- New l.ondon....30 37 It NE hopeless minority in (he but staited for Dixon’s to get a on tbe regret taota of Hankow for the thorough Clear $820,437 61 nation, the drink; Made New 42 changes which I regard as or Ready Clothing! ner. York.30 24 N\V Clear WM. P. President. and iu necessary road I agaiu met he asked -me occurrence. __ PALMER, subject the Southeiu States lo the in- Brewster; Charleston,S.C..30.12 56 Calm Fa’r UEO. B. desirable, saying first, that there is no necessi- where I was HODGSDON, Secretaiy. going. I told bim and be joined The road baa for a long timo been finished and Washington.... 30.34 29 NE stant control of the Federal Government. in the Clear ty ferany change declaration ot n.e. We cards all tbelorenoou in eom- *5 Gents. an New ...30.0* NW lights. played State IN wis. Furnishing Goods. doing extensively payirg business to Allred, 32 Oilcans. 62 Fair BOW, oomn & LIBBY. Agents. Georgia the members from her Human which are the same in all panv with otuers. At coou Dixon Buffalo.30.42 17 expelled negro rights ages closed to miles from Portland. Trains now run regulaily to SB Clear whether or his Ketioil.>0.42 16 N*. 49 Tbonaas New when their recognized not, are add get dinner, when Brewster ami myself took AROOSTOOK NE Clear Exchange Nt., Black, Legislature right to be there is as plainly COUNTY. Springvale, five miles beyond Allred with a corres- .30 40 31 set forth in this a bottle of turn aud weut out on the side of the MATS Aftb CAPS. Chicago NE Fair l*22eod3w as definitely instrument. _POBTLAND. Incontestable now. The rebels of North sat Benjamin Biiber, one of the oldest settlers in pondu g increase in traffic. Beyond Springvale tbe Cincinnati.30 27 37 NE Fair The first 1 will as nec- street, dowu and played cards. The sun change suggest being died Feb. 9ih. He was 78 St. Paul, Minn..30.21 28 8F. Cloudy CITV OF and South Carolina are lather warm we Linneus, years old, The balance of our stock of Winter Goot .So.16 70 restrictions aud raised a of fifteen all ot sold at NE Fair wmi ivn mroutv went over a of fami'y children, of 1871. Distance in all miles. IN Bo&RDOK M Ai k the the form ot All who have by clump pines near the road early spring 52} Barometer corrected lor temperature and elevation carpet-baggers now, though the latter legislation. had (leg- whom are living, but one. Fourteen ot* them February 1$7I. acd in sight of two or three and so Ibis road forms an in tbe 20, J islative are aware that bouses, were married aud have had 68 Less than Auction Frices / important part pro- PON the of Baxter Scott have the of the United experience many near a man children, 54 ot petition lor pei mission army States at their who was working with an ox team line via thence abuses in under ol whom are living. There are also ten posed through Worcester, Mass., via U,*™,to extend hi. wbart at Peak’s Island, in said creep suspension the rules, that we could bear him great the 00008 MUST BE 801.0. 1UAUBIED. hack. Gov. in the former State is speak to his oxen. We of the Rail or Me sm boat routes Portland, sixty feet timber into tide water. Holden, and hasty near the close grand childreu now living. Mrs. Blither is any present to New legislation, especially were both excited by the and cheated Ordered J bat tho sixth diy ol on ot the rum, liviug. Mr. B. never was sick a until the YoikCity avoiding transfer in Boston and Monday, March impeached charges trumped up the session many a bill is without each we day 31. materially next, at seven a by passed other until commenced to quarrel bv C. HI CM & In Athens. and hair o'clock. P. M at tbe Alder- a belore bis death. CO., tlio 40 The com- Feb. 11. William Summers, oI Pitts- men rebels who are for his division, which could not Jrave a each other bard Saturday reducing distance, (say miles.) s Room, be fire » as tbe time and place tUi bear- impatient place, they become calling names, aud be sai d be field. and Vesta Dore, or A. Mr. A. A. of one pletion of tbe short link from Rochester ing sajd peti ion. and that notice be law had the vote been taken and would “rip me we both came to our Burleigh Oakfield, of the connecting in Gouldsboro. eeb. giyao thereof by having already eiected to the United by yeas open;’’ 81 3Iiddle Street. 8, Capt. Wm. II. Fernald and fh s order States Countv was a oNasauis doubt at an Lizzie L publishing fou>teeu day a in ibe Dad? Ad- nays. It is as an that it leet together; as be approached me I struck Commissioners, severely injured guaranteed beyond eariy Hamilton. ver Senate urged objection wouid jn31snto iser. and ibe Dai y Pres*. ibar all Zebulon Vance, the most obnoxious of bim with a stone which short time since by falling from a load of hay date. Ill Augusta, Feb. 19, E. S. and Miss Carrie S. parties inter- make legislation lengthy and tedious. But it I.held in my liaDd; be Fogg ested may appear and be beard thereon. their ieli toward I as it was passing uuder a bridge. -— At Hodges. Attest: number. We need not refer to is an old and sound that whatever is me; supposed that be was trying JSO MORE tbOoprice named the Bonds nett the investor at In JJ. I. ROlilNSON, City Clerk. again maxim, to butt Auburn, Jan, 28, Kimball V. Sanders and Miss me, and I struck bim either once or CUMBERLAND COUNTY. least one and a lebiX-td the action of the in worth doing at ali is of sufficient importance halt per cent more interest than Gov- Estella A. Small. Virginia Legislature ap- twice more, but I am now convinced that the Nathaniel of to demand that it sball be done well. Berry West Gorham, after re- Boiling: Clothes ernment Bonds at present prices and tbe present propriating money to a trait of Srst blow thatl struck was When I saw buy pot herrebe1 fatal. turning home from Portland with his rate ot Gold. Wi'h Girl* Wanted. | Second.—The prohibition or all was team, further decline in Govern- while special what. I had done I immediately sobered, on the 14th Gold, DIED. geueral Lee, At the iast Tuesday insfc., complained of slight the UNION contemptuously refusing legislation. session 745 acLs and re- md I obeyed my first impulse which was to NO STEAM ments must decline with their rates of interest. STRAW WORKS, In. illness and was soon affl eted with numbness BY 25 to confpr the like honor on solves were more one jouceal the more ®—r—> Mam., experienced Girls immediate- her glorious son o* passed, than half of crime. I dragged the body into a all over the In No lavorable opportunity will he offered to In 1 body. spite of medical aid he this City, Feb. 21. Eliza C. ly. For parucu ars call upon which Were and small ot alders, aud took his hat and IN THE Twombly, daughter loyal fame, Gen. Thomas. private special laws. it has clump died ou the following Tne nOUSE! pirrehase these Bonds iban now, and I he unprece- ot Wm (jr. l'womblv. aged 2t» JOHN E. vest aud them Friday. physicians year*. PALMER, been suggested that th s cou d be done stamped into the broken the dented of [Funeral on feb20newlt We think the recital of these by pronounced disease to bo erysipelas, which sale about $200,000 within ihe past mouth, Tbur-day alternoon, at 2} o’clock, at U5 Middle Sueet. facts, taken in without a change ot tbe ground; his pauts I took in my band (which had the huiisd No. 1ft Cedar stteet. ! general law, consti- spread to the brain. But Little Labor! to our safest and wealthiest connection were au old to largely citizens, guaran- In Auburn, Feo. Mis. with the Democratic tution this be the case to some pair patched), intending tbtow 1/, Lydia A., wife ol CyrusJ BV SPKCUI. leader’s dec- ; might extent, The members of the an ARRANGEMENT them iuto tbe liver, but 1 weut to board- Congregational church tees almost immediate closing up of the loan in Hal], aged 34 rears. laration that he but it would never become aDd there my In would the to general, and at New Gloucester visited the Norway, Feb. 16, Mr. J. W. with the Pc blis tiers am ‘'compel army lug house and to the room where my woman congregation BY T11E USE OF market. Hobbs, aged 06 yrs. I enabled to oilier is great danger that such general laws would the for In Wasm. Feb. 1. Mrs. Emma undo -- 1U parsonage time” on wild ot » its usurpations in the will be PUC UIU IJUl a-“good Thursday Denominations and Prico 95 L., Weary South,” be $200, $500 $1000. H. L well, aged 19 vears. mudified, suspended or repealed under the to that in I evening, Feb. 16, leaving behind them one sufficient tc clear us from the of testily court, then went to D x- and accrued interest. In Pbippburg. Feb. 16. Three Thousand charge ex influence of a pjarerful lobby. returned his bur hundred dollars in cash with other substantial Ephraim R„ son of Join Chromos. ou’s, tie, spoke for a cab, and WaTfield’s GOVERNM ENT and Sarah t. Muse, aged 16 travagance. So as these tokens of will. Cold Water BONDS at latest full N. Y. quo- years. (ERAMEtr.) long things rpmain Third—To provide (or biennial left next morning for my home in Veimont. good Soap elections, Fou save labor, boiling clothes, fuel, steam In the tations, aud all marketable securities at current At Seventy-five Cent* Bach. unchanged it will not be difficult and biennial sessions of tbe Was soon after arrested and tried and on tile OXFORD COUNTY. certainly to legislature. The bouse in winter; you can a1 most instantly remove circumstantial corivictod rates, lakon in exchange lor the above. ogpariukb of ocean st e a tiers find an excuse for the continued reference made to this subject by the Govern evidence, of murder. Wellington Hobbs died in ir ase, dirt, paint, etc. It washes equally a* well in FREDERICK F. HALE, existence of If this sad very suddenly statistics and fall information NAME. WHERE FROM. or in bis and his statement is true, clearly Smith on He bad ;old, bard, or sab, as in warm water, and is with- Circulars, furnished, DESTINATION. the message, suggestion ot tbe Norway Friday. been out of health feb!7 new Ct COR. FREE Republican party. Gen. Blair seems to was only guilty oi the extent of >ut rival in wa.-iiing Silks, Laces, Woolens, etc. and correspondence solicited. Abyssinia.New A. CROSS STR. saving it would make in the expenses of the manslaughter some weeks and about a fortnight ago. while at York..Liverpool.Feb?2 have been raised punishment for which crime is ten up by has been jears im- the breakfast he had an some- so to »-oloraiio.New Kork..Liverpool.*M>22 providence especially State, received with much marked table, attack Not Clothes as Common * often not Injurious Missouri.New York..Havana.Feb 23 $5 to $LO to save that prisonment, more than three or four thing like an apoplectic fit. ral- per Day. Hen, Women, parly from being prematurely approval by the press and people. That there He, however, Soap. HENRY F. Calabria.New York.. Liverpool.Feo 23 pears. lied from it and became comfortable. Oq WOOD, Hoys aud Girls disbanded belore its can be no question but wlrat such a quite Austrian.Portland.. .I*iverpool.....Feb /5 great work i3 done. prevision Smith has suffered sixteen 8^* For Sale all Grocers. in our new fully will be already long Friday, when Mrs. Hobbs rose to prepare break- by Pereire,.r...New York. .Havre.Feb 2ft e"gige business make from 65 incorporated into the revised constitu- rears of WHOto 810 in their o»n imprisoDmeDt, during all of which fast her hu*band was as well as for several BROKER, Angira .New York.. Liverpool.Ftb25 per day locaiHc. Fml tion and witu a oi pirtirulars and The news of of the such provisions in to me his conduct has been such as to merit and FOHN City Pans.New Yc-k..Liverpool.... Feb gft in-dructions sent Iree by mail those th^fety Tennessee regard days, but when she returned to call him he was DENNIS & C0-, 77 Commercial St-, in*[ as lias ■eceive th>-best of Corner Fore and Slle8,a.. New need of permanent, prodtabie should a.1- sent back to editorial special legislation been adopted recent- rtcommeudalians Irom ex- dead. Exchange Sts., York..Hamburg.Feb 26 -nrk, pigeoD-holes a Sole Agents for Maine. ——' „rC'8 at once or call on W M. A. MANsFiki.D. 16 good ly in other Slates our bienniel sessions would SVardenTbos. H. Hiv and Warden Rice who I elaborate PENOBSCOT COUNTY. feb!7snlm PORTLAND. JaBsntf Free etreet. Portland, Maine. Ieb22*3t many obttuarv notices of low has him in cu _ the party not be as as our aunual sessions now tody. miniature lengthy A The first meeting for of the Pen- Almanac.February 22. on board that which are. petition signed by‘the leading men of all organization 8un vessel, were ready to go obscot will be held at Rush ton’s Pectoral Troches I. K. KIMBALL, rises.0 47 | Moon seta.9.00 PM Dissolution ol irolessious of Guildhall, Vermont, his'native County Poultry Society Cherry San Sets. Copartnership. into the hands of the FocBTH-'lhe of the Common Council 5.411 High water. 1.30 PM HE compositors the mo- abolishment the council dace, also one from the citizens of York coun- room, City Hall,Bangor, rill be tound superior to all others lor Copartnership heretofore exirtlnsr between on Coughs,Colds, MANUFACTURER OF rj tbe ment the and a State auditor therefor. with Saturday, March 4th. undersigned, under the firm name and style intelligence of the anticipated dis- substituting y, together escelleut recommendations Asthma, Croup and Bronchial Difficulties generally, of While I believe this wculd be received with rorn many influential men have been barren of aster was received; and so the present- Blake, formerly Corinth, ixceedingly palatable, having none of that nauseat- RAND & leading jour- lavor the it would involve so 1 id to the Governor and Council lor his died Nov. 27,1870, ii. MARINE NEW8. WESTON, by people, many pardon Brownsville, Texas,where ng, cuheb and act Carriages andTSleighs, nals of the cities are tud we be beid unpleasant, taste; very soothing is this dissolved larger deprived of the other changes in ot the hope that the day is soon to dawu alter the office of of Customs since day by mutual consent. tbe| operations gov- Inspector ike a ehaim. he of sorrow the of Also Kushtou's [ F. V.) Cod Liver Oil, 13 Preble Me. john k. evidences of their enterprise and of the fruit ernment, that it would only be practical in long night caused by rum drink- early part 1868. St, Portland, PORT or PORTLAND. rand, 1 or &c. The J, N. WBhiON. case ot a revision or aS- C. We learn from the Consumption, Scrofula, oldest, purest of their labor. We commend general the constitution. Voice that C. Bradford's ty*Special attention to in all its Feb 10,1871. Ie22-lw* any legitimate From md best in the market. Use no other. Sold given repairing Fifth.—To provide for the best we have been was entered in the by branches. dc2L-nti Tuesday, ill. exhibition of on the of minority represen- informattpn recently February energy part newspa- tation. I night time, and two a )ruggist8 generally. oc2Ssn-d&w6ra mention this as something I think ible to get, from letters from the prisoa offlci- watebe* and quantity of ARRIVED. PATAPSCO FLOUR ! pers, but in this iustance we scrip-all of tbe value of rejoice in their desirable, and a fit and proper to be ils and conversation $75-were stolen.— Poisonous Medicines. Steamer Carlotta, ColbT. Halifax. change with gentlemen familiar Ihe criminal was of Rase. NS,—with 10 tailure. it is detected the next and Change passengers, anil mdse to John BEST made, though very doubtful if the day The that ih-3 virus disease can Porteous. BUCKWHEAT, _ people vitb all the faets in tbe case proved to be a of theory of bo safely Seh Fred of this are touching the good boy 15 years, belonging to a Walter, Atwood, to State yet to ( Tangier,—oysters Mr. Morris’ in prepated accept this onduet of tbe very respectable ounteracted by doses of poison, is false and danger- Jas Freeman. BEST OAT speech the Senate yester measure. prisoner at Tbomaston, we are family. MEAI., c us. Within Sen su .beam, nclined Voice a the last twenty-five years not less than ROLLINS^ Booker, BaUimoie-corn to Wal- day in support of his resolution tor an amend- to think a pardon to Smith will De says lady in Patten, observing BOND, dron & True. PIGS Sixth.—Some constitutional that score of viru TONGUES, provisions in ber cat was c© d, put her into the stove ent poisons have been added io the Sch Fish ment to the ioth just and expedient.—Ed. Pbess. OFFER TIIEIR Hawk, McLean, to Wal- Constitution, to a com- regard to tbe interest of which was 1 ot Baltimore,—corn looking important education. oven, moderately warm, to “bring epository the medical profession. They are dron <& True. RUMP PORK! revision of that Fifteen lines aud her tu a little. In a ivan plete instrument by a conven- printed very general in tbeir ■A Valuable Book.—Messrs. short time a good fire i in small doses, otherwise they would destroy Diamond' lBr) Pa««foh, Boston lor Sampson, was built FOB SALE II character is all the tbe in ihe stove but the cat was 1 StSJohn°lfB tion is printed in full in recognition constitu- ] & Co. of fergot- fe immediately; but eveo in minnte quantities, anothercolutnn. The )avenport Boston have just issued ten. At on Sch Emeline, tion now gives to the of education. length, opening the oven oh! t Stock of Roberts, Wiscasset,—heading to A L House on subject f door, bey produce, ultimately, very disastrous effects, UoOcon. Monday voted to post- Seventh.—To ■oui the press tbeir New England Business horrors! the cat was not Clothing, CHASE indefinitely or muni- only brought “tu''but A t i9 prohibit regulate was unwise and uuphilosophical to as reme- BROTHERS, the 1 for a done; had a bake. employ, -AT- 0, CLEARED. pone resolution, but Mr. Morris had bet- cipal authorities aid or takin" iirectorv 1871, mammoth octavo volume good granting to, c ies, powerful and insidious whi in Sell Georgie Peering, Willard. E G re‘!2eodlw 130 Commercial St. stock c i[a drug*, h, subju- Philadelphia- ter success in his own the Senate in private corporations. I should be” I almoit 1500 pages, full „f tbe information it Willard. branch, ating cne diseas^sow the seeds of another sti’l more 30 PER CT. BELOW COST glad to see a constitutional to New it the decisive vote of 24 provision prohib- I urports convey to business It is a None ot «.Sch,.Annie Bennett, York—Charles passing by to 2. Mr. it people. nmanageable. these trrrib.c mediea- FOR THE NEXT 30 RATS. Merrill. iting altogether,and I have serious teats t SPECIAL NOTICES Morris’ is OoroQgb directory of the six New lents with as much speech worthy ot a careful that tbe time will come England | operate directness and cer- S sebs perusal, (and in some cases it s SAILED—BiigGeo Berry: Maracaibo,T the upon ihe causes of disease as Cbilion, Wm aDd reasons he for a has when of fates, carefully arranged, properly diviled unty Hostettei’s Benedict, Arthur, Senator crimes, Gen assigns thorough already come) many the towns This is no ! and a nd well Batchelor’s Hair tomach a tonic and Humbug Grant, Vintage, others. D in our who have engaged in this will indexed, and in regard to accuracy of Bye. s Bitters, corrective, without a D 5 law are that Iebl8sn2w change organic sound and well regret This splendid Hair la the there had not been c so far Dye beat in the s ngle deleterious ingredient in bs such a provision in our intents, as we have examined this vol- world; composition, FROM MERCHANTS EXOIIANGE. 0_N presented. the true and j only perlect Dye; harmless, i rsenic and quiuia are for interm original constitution. t me, it is Of reliable,in- given ttents; bro- at ^ unobjectionable. course iu a no Cld Mobile 16th, brig Martha, tor Portland, with state of Maine stantaneous; disappointment; no ridiculous n iide ot potassium lor nervous LIGHT! LIGHT! 0cti Haiti/*, y.g was submitted at the close ot Boston Mates, they sell as low as Let for Winterport. very the session, appears to he unfortunate in ber any t] lem. inva'ids their own sakes, try the 79 Riddle Ar at brig Boston. Maine Central R. R. ject. He described the relations between Can- kind oi a Rubbe Boot can be Street, Cientuegos, Harry Stewart, 7’s both ot which were rejected. school purchased in this i rters before refort to-the Currency ppublic system, and there is a a city. E they poison3. The re- ada and the United and the circum- call for Portland1 Kennebec States, dlmhcl will a DOMESTIC FORTS U. It. Ninth.—Provision (or and con- cchange that shall be c delsneodti_11 Square. li ?t they experience from course of the harm- I* Em stances that regulating reasonable, fleetive and SKILLIN, Gen’l jifj’t* • had rendered it Deceseary that the the ed rpndf-r a. Tv>r*rm»cu Irolling action of so far as honest.h The other B-nprifir*, will I RAN FRANCISCO-SId lllh Inst, ship St Joseph, urrency 0>g rights of corporation's day we recorded the fact We the to control its waters be to secure referred have many testimonials of its merits. [teed. Yokohama. country may necessary the of the o to quite Atchison, Topeka & should rights of a general protest against the present BIRDS! preparations unnecessary. CALVES PON—Ar llfh, sch Marcia S Lewis Lew- Santa Fe be asserted. He In no direction has system BIRDS! S3r“ A lew good agents wanted. feb3-lm explained how tbe sys- people. there been so of s B ston. R. R: Gold te” ° marked and “cramming" scholars, which prevails in that BAH’YIJB & WOODFORD 7*s lceD8inK American fishermen bad been decided a change since the for- MOBILE—Ar 13tb,«cbs Rusan Stetson. Yates fin ( C Central Iowa R. estab and mation of the consiitutiun as city. Yesterday we read that a parent had IX 'HAXGr! have (nst ItUns, lew Vork; Ralph Carlton, Curl is. Pensicola. R., Gold 7's isbed, proved jt3 t0(al theie has been 1 1 O ST., received from Revolvers, tai]ure; 364 a I I it a lot 01 PENSACOLA—Ar Utb, soli Kato I asked for importers, B n regard to corporations, then pecuniary compensation for “dam- German Conan“""t FOR SAliE. Orant, Grant. Burlington & Cedar Rapids in 1866 25 comparatively Birds; splendid singers. and Pocket lavana miXo the only inknown, now the medium which a aages received” in the death of his the re- Parrs’ Rifles, Bunting Knives, SAVANNAH-CId sch R. 1869, ,t'DgTUcensenumber through son, Aeeutfoi prepared food and powders for 16th, Helen M Condon, R, Gold 7’s gradual,y until FISHING 1 New decreasing proportion of the business of our sulta: of disease on an estonng Canarv to sine; also seed of TACKLE, /ondon. York. ^ Amencan, had arge brought by unreasonable pure all kinda1US PORTLAND West Gold d.sregarded them ieb9snejd2«v 6’>, CllARLESTON-Cld 16th, sch Wisconsin R. R., 7's Jute is and in our Skates Mollie, Plummer * The alJet “e transacted; yet primary anda inhuman method of enforced Powder, Shot, and Sleds, in Varitey. PORTLAND A ROCHESTER »’■, lackAonvitle. 1 ” *• Imperial government assented discipline by Northern Pacific 7 3-10 to the pr0D: aw, there is no provision to regulate COOK om.ou that tbe Canadian them, t|the teachers by order of the Committee; and .1. 13- COUNTY 7’., 17th' barqueGeor£e s fisheries md they are r.ot even recognized, and the The LUCAS, lrYyILLfye^LN_Cld Hunt, •FOR SALE BY nnow Mr. Alderman Battle and the CENTRAL IOWA GOLD 7’*, preserved lor the Canadian 1 to their in Conner charges the Com- BALIl JtORE—Ar I8ili,brig O H fishermen and inly limitation power that instru- Victory. 69 Exchange street, near Middle. Kennedy Dodge amittee with Viliuington; tebs C A Hendricks. placed a naval squadron to aid in 1 nent is in the broadest of extravagance, as authorize The fight is over. Competition is at an Northern Gold 7-30*s Green a-r,I? SWAN & cardin’™ out general principles “they end. The to at reasonable Pacific \ oa; M D Marston. BARRETT, ,^*Skatos let. rates. Marston, Matanzas■ °J **G* Craio that policy. Sir John contained in tbe declaration of 11the erection of costly and ornamental school Huntings who have disfigured so i laxwell. Washington. Craig believed that rights. many heads and _ tbe”pro- The now are we Inhouses at are Cld lelb. brig 100 Street. tection had been and question arises, to continue cettainly one-third greater ndangeredso many lives, “whipped and Wcuonab, Stone. Ponce• sch Middle efficient, complimented o expense oat," Portland. ce’ Eagle, diitt in this and sufTer these H eavey, iebSSDCOdOm tbe and discretion of along manner, tlthan would be amply to answer all ALUS activity the officers of the neat necessary jL&SiSiJ WANTED. PHILADELPHIA—Belaw 90ih v„ — aterests to exist among us, subject to tithe ; 'ox. Rose, irnm Cardenas- s»n> British squadron. With to purposes required.’’ The Journal thinks Mstadoro’s Excelsior Hair «vbarqneB respect the treaty VEGETABLE SICILIAN! STATE OF MAINE DONDS, I om cientuegos: Kfan'- regulation aud control? I ,i Dye $30,000 brig Ha'irva«<.r?^eppard'y' of 1818, the Americans did not this direct charge can be sustained. * :h Annie Sed-,ley. '-om Sagua; Sale l dispute they the attention of the emains master of tho field, and is $10,000 BANK STOCKS, Murcble. —__a Buildings renounced the is called i!lt.iVllen people acknowledged to HAIR Jor had right to fish within three matt« e ATLANIC A ST. LAWRENCE R. R. they w.ll take pron.pt the Standard llair Dye of America. A , Ich, Kingston, n1'11:; “Cruel as the Grave’’ is the name of Mrs. AId,e miles from our shores. The headland question to it- The 1 SONRS, ac par and accrued interest. jf'‘Sevei^IMa E|Tnb°ir' EEmma D. E. N. Southworth’s new of jRenewer. a >bort as novel, now List the Killed and by y n I .rwi.bln time, tbe had remained in but it was press'i:% a,ld Wlril Wounded low pare applied abeyance, under- great dediy in and to be published on WlninH'r. Poniard. unanimity in favor ,df press, Saturday, PHYSICIANS AND Ar'imh .',.hj :d,Vaux- land}\ la wanted lor other rould show scores of charlatans CLERGYHEN H. M. PAYSON, Stock Hall. Matanzas stood that it was nut abandoned. Id tbe cor- convention, and I MMarch 11th, by T. B. Peterson & stretched on their j Broker, i late Weiii.m'h1 ®|uu>Bh, lOdavs; P"^Jol|ERBY Leliove the mem!Sl'tU Brothers, c F At Can"1 are thls It will command a Endorsed Prolessjr ' AJam8'Xu6paD' i,ea; "*"• nOI Is Bank. respondence that had been the Cana- body too to pPhiladelphia. very large acks, by C1IIL.TON as pure and Itestify to its merits in restoring GRAY HAIR to its 33 Exchange Street. ielT nSS’ fe2i going on, intelligent ^w i^,01 Cld record against it. tl.tmselves ou sasale, as it is one of Mrs. Southworth's most armless, and the as (original color and promoting its growth. It makes 20tb, laird dian governments were in accordance accepted by public matchless bmque Clarendon. Lavender, Bue- complete written f and seusa- the hair soft and glossy, be old iu appearance are w H Bickmore. The so P(powerfully Hurts, exciting its the Excelsior n brigs Birkmore, Maran- and opposition, far as it t„= ^ operation, Dye laughs all It is the as; ,v',rt's‘ the Imperial government had given re- and is if not to rivalry Jmade young again. best Haydn Association. ? claraheile. Tracey, Cieiituegos; sch Alleu Lew- itself, is non. the tioual, fully equal, superior ) scorn. As an atter * HOUSE legal profession exquisite dressing djicg, U9e Members wfil me^t on i, Lewis, Norfolk. peated assurances that tbeir should not andThiTj? "The“i Maiden “The Doom,” Wednesday (Feb. 22d) at rights road interest. «•' Widow,’’ Family The first is to a HAIR DRESSING i fluent’s Hall lor rehearsal. A lull PROVIDENCE—Ar 20tb. brig Jan, M Wiswell. in limited ex'l “The Changed “The Bride’s Fate,” CRISTADORO\3 HAIR attendan e 1 os EUBOPEAN PLAN. any way be surrendered. ent. Theie are ot the Brides,” PRESERVATIVE. requested as important bu.-tness wdl eckie. Mobita. many profession who “1‘Fair and “Hew Won which It removes Dm Irn f come beior.ueiore ire warm Play” He Her,” leblSeodlm w9,ll t ?ver u?ed. and Scurvy Erup- t le assoc ation. Per Order NEWPORT—Ar lSih, seb Suubeam, Irom aud earnest have does not slain Bunker, supporters of this proved to be six of the best novels ever tions. It the skin. Iei2usu3t EKED H. 1 ft I ti more tor Portland. 187 Washington 8t., Boston. neasute; but how an pl and CLOVES, Sec’y. Ar schs* M A Coombs, The London the intelligent lawter act published, which ate uuprecedent- Our Treatise on the flair sent free by mail. lHtb, Coombs, Barbadoes tor rooms. 71 fetus and oo papers say tbe bealtb of in the having TO LEI. Snaie, Porihnn Good single $1 rer day Dg capacity ot a loston; Kingleaaer. ior New York; the lowest of any mperor of legislator,can give his tl !',,r .Mr3- Southwortb, as a novelist, Beware of numerous preparations which are sold Vegetable do Biiloi laro hotel to theciV Germany leads to rote and \ 89R Pul- Join a Newcomb, Harding, for Tangier; Cora Mor- to grave apprehen-1 influence against these head of al1 female writers. Her * our I 040 in.nary coming Bosuin, will find sions. placing great e, STORAGE and Wharfage od Cnstom apon reputation. Balaam.” The old r [son, Jones. do for Noi tolk; Hiram gjy-Parties the Parkl our concention^6 * 1870 Tucker, Curtis, the most neutrally j nteresls of State to which I have and Ifhart. to LUNCH. Jft. P. HALL & CO. N. H. nd Wm Jones. Babb. Providence lor New *'House located, quiet, and orderly called tltheremere ?sis a by or'Einality, Apply BARKER &cnM Nashua, Proprietors. York. in the purltvpurity andiJf irkc'1 sn sch Lena “clouse city. sweetness about her lan- oelCtt 139 Commercil St“ For gale by all druggists. Ar 20th, Hunter, Perry, tm Portland for Jn27eodlm,w5,7 hiladeJphia. | ec2fisn6mtt*s BOYNTON & CO., Proprietor!. t ■i *■» imwmi > ■ rin >WBL '""'■iiTW* rtri” V *i Tbe Atlantic Ac At. I.awrenc' Railron d j The New Esoiasd Mutual Life Isa. Co XLIst Session. 555tfLiLL_llJi'JLLJ. >. CONGRESS—Third FOREIGN; COMM EB CIAL. ..«*! THEFRE88, Bead*. —For twenty years this well known com pari’ ! I ecelpts by Hailronds Bad miraniboet, f ENTERTAINMENTS. The is the made b has insured about lives to the amoUD ALCTlOiN SALj^S. following arrangement 50,000 SENATE. | c u 3caIi tween tbe Solicitor. J. W. Symomls, of a hundred millions. More than five milioni France* i baY“iSido“shI!okISAiIL.W’AT~199can,mllk- WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY City Washington, Feb. 21.—Mr. Rice’s bill for a >,ake8’ 1 ',0 beil<,8> 1 dc 22,1871 and M r- THIERS PLAN. j bark?2 do sundries 2° behalf of tbe and Mr. Hickson have been on deaths and the sam 2do « «■ as n by city sharp compet'tion lor business, tin to tewing maobinrs, Matin-SOS, early Friday •■on. previous day the of $12 Germany. He is pressing Thiers very bard 50 bbls sugar, C bbls 5 lili*f* FeMheV *u‘4' »-« payment made by tbe Sinking Feud; giviD New ugaiust appiopiiaiiou to flour, mobi*-es, 42 p e -es t’gl't Stoves, Glas* England has not that to ii s conclude a and 1 0 credit toibe railroad endorsemeL ^ forgotten pubiit 000 tbe Bureau ot Education, because of peace is employing even lumber, »i«e, 1 tojl cbed, 14 bbis'TTl.-, 140 pks to K.O Ware.'t'*o„lr?yl*iV.uok I*®w company b.v oidei For HAILEY rcV’O.: Anci|,„ confilence and inefficiency in dc Canada and country. 119 _ vet*. To-I>iir. on its the balance t f permanent success are so'Hiei and He criticited threateuiuglawgu.gr. tip bbls phos- CITY-HALL | mortgage bonds, ouly for inutility. tail the defecis and of tb 3 phate 01 lime, 7 pcs marble, 2u0 bales 18 tbe paymeuts made by the Fund, ri gained by to those fundamental misrepresentations PRUSSIAN INDEMNITY. inanilla, I3 uenteel Siukiug adhering prin- casks spikes, 2n bdls leatcer, 10 casks oil, hobs o Ptrrx. Furniture ar after such deduction. report ot the commissioner, and said that muc A.TST 33 AartIon. ■paining ciples of which underlie financial se- ! Gauloig states that uuder* sheep skins, 90 ndls leather, t Lhd molasses. 159 bdls auction column. bouesty of ibe report was a rehash of the report Luxembourg On Thursday, at IO A. At au interview with Mr. Uicksou and Mi only iron, G bales wool, 9 do G baskets JI,, F*b 33d, Erccutov’i <£ Co. than a 01 State Pr,,Si,ia 2,000,000 francs for Its cotton, champagne, I8T1, St'e... ,F. O. Bailej Barnes siuce to them t f curity, by course of recklessness and scliooi superintendents, and comment w?®»!0ureacb cpay 12o to Ibe communication of and allows the pkgs order. At House C3 Cumberland, corner ol ed upon the alleged comrnis neutrality Prussiau Anderson Ms KNTKKTAINMKNT COLUMN. the passage ol the eder by your Board, it wa s extravagance which it may be brilliant attempt of the though sioDer to «.i°VPSL.t0iOCCUPv Luxembourg fortress. JRotbs- FOUR to this as the tru 3 is override the Jaw the lim Inld itrrw THE ENTIRE HOUSEHOLD EURMTURR Lecture... .Mrs. Livermore. agreed accept proposition sooner or later alike to the com- prescribing had advanced francs to k,rlt sites ati.s .Make? nsrkn JYIGtRTS! ruinous, Us ot the bureau the c 800,000 pay the St. Female Minstrels_Music Hal*. * construction ot tbe obligation of the A. & Si by general supervision tMiis demand. New Frb. 21— a pauy and the A wh!cb has the common indemnity York, Vorninn.—Gold opened at family relinqaMiin' Iinu^o-keeplng. cnuiistioK L. railroad to tlie ami to act it as insured. company school system of tbe country. in rr COLUMN. city, upon ^ will not have for the next 111}. Money easy at 3 Jj 5 cent. E.- purt Parlor and Cham oer Hrt?, arpets, Mar* SPECIAL NOTICE earned an Mr. Thurman said of seboo I gas filteen per Sterling Wed..clay, Thursday, and bio final basis of settlement. houorablo position like the above, tbe collection (lays. change lo9j @ no}. Friday, H.iur Tod Table?, Ka>y Cuairs,Parlor an I took .Slopes. Notice... .Caucus... .Windham. statistics was the c ^ Ike loll,m day, Februnry aad Jviteben Tbe precise .erms agreed upon in regaitl t ) we can commend to ail. It; only legitimate business mg are the forenoon quotations of South- 33,33,34, 35. Furniture, &c. conscientiously I MUNICIPAL OFFICERS HELD AS ern States NEW ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN. the interest are as follows: tbe bureau, and denied tbe right of Congre? HOSTAGES. securities: _MCt«* K. Q. b.\ | CKY & CO Aoc*iowcer?. General Agent, James M. Palmer, of this city under ibe de Feb. 21.—The J ennessec Gs.... Girls Wanted.... John E. Palmer. As soon as tbe exact amount, paid by tb constitution to build up a great London, Mayor and ten A. needs no worl councillors of Alencon Virginia >10 a Day.... Wm. MansQdld. citv prior to lor ibe I introduction of ours, as a gentlemen partment of education or enter upon tbe have been held as bosta- Gs.77717. G51 Pest No. 2, G. A. R., respectfully nnnounce lln >a,e of Beal Estate. February 1st, 1870, gob Re. in ™m!£Ytor'* Propoaals lor Granite. difference of ot educating the American consequence of the relusal of tbe city to N. rth repeiiiion oi the Great Miliiaty Drums, in six acts *1,ce,'8c of upon the coupons of tbe bond! marked and worth. people. Carolina 6-.. ». .,t P l aie tor ,r°ni»tie Jud'e Pro- of Portland—H. I. Robin?ou. city ability I>vy frcsli contributions entitled the the 1° City issued in aid of that can be Mr. Sawyer defended tbe report of the com imposed by the Ger- Lnui-iaua its. .• Manhattan Ins. Co.Dow, Coffin & Libby. road, computet! b mans. .. tbe tbe Persons machines to be re- missioner and advocated the increase as in Alabama 8s.... nie M0N' Dissolu'ien.... Rand & Weston. City Treasurer, railroad company is ti having sewing .. 99 DAY, tw.nty seventli davl*"iI,il'es* tended to mako tbe mori I RECOGNITION OF THE FRENCH GOVERNMENT. Missouri three o'clock o >,‘,'ch* W. &c... .Cbsse Bros. pay that amouut to tbe would a call subsequent report Gs.\\ y. Tbl « ^ “ „ Flour, city. paired do well to give Mr. Hobbs S8 No- Dress Goods, &c—Cogia Hassan. All such valuable. All tbe European States will tbe ChcMnut .trout, >oi tl«5 sld 'or, coupons on Februar at r»cognize at to 0,“ *1U,J outstanding No, 12 Markot Square, over Gilson’s Apotb. Mr. in tbe of uni new French S®4E)J,eidKKFxcl|1>no»l—Eveni”9 —Money easy ing the estate ol Edward lat, 1871, are to be paid in and are do\ Cole, closing debate, spoke government. Buffet, the new Rotation .“£s*t'ong‘ gold, versal 1 Terms Cash. h. being iu when ecary. His work i’aud prices give general sat- education as oue of tbe of thi Minister ol has arrived at DRUMMER .lEttKl*i*. a* paid principles Fiuance, Bordeaux w tu. Bnperisr Court. gold presented, by the rail BOV, F O l»AP.aii I laK Vv Y &' £ Co .K*«cutor. to which the Democrat and bis ‘ Auctioneer* company. This at once of thi i 2t ltepublicau party, appointment announced in tbe Assem- PortUniL 20. 1871. CIVIL TERM—GODDARD. J., PRESIDING. roi)J disposes isiaction._ were Or, flic February laiswil -- — Shenandoah. ■■ -- instinctively opposed. Pacific Spy of “o!« irt gold difference upon the coupons. On tbe 1* t bly. W^eruU^n^i^rr?:Mail. *8j W light et al. vs. Edward Mr, out tb< 1 an ■ _ — _ Tuesday.—Margaret day of Business Casserly’s amendment to strike 1,,ls°" Feoruary, 1871, the Sinking Fuod | Notices. GERMAN VIEWS IN REGARD TO PEACE, H'*eV'consolidated.'.'.' 91* «*’■ Roach. Action tor deceit. Plaintiffs pan increase to tbe was tbei S' \• £?“a!^CU la a“u„U* Auciion. allege that in tbe sum of about, in educational bureau Hudson ttiver consolidated 9 $264,000 currency upon tin tin Luke de Broglie lias been Am- Erie scrip } SATHROAV FehSS Feb. 1868. the. defendant fraudulently represented principal of tbe The of tbe most interest- rejected; and Mr. Williams’, to increase appointed h.atSo-e'ockP M w. debt due from tbe railroai I Microscope.—One the In bassador of France at Loudou Erie New ONshall sell at pub!!.- auction ihe to salaries of comptroller and auditors of preferred.7.*.!'.. si8 Stage! New Baaery ncei tl* to them that the homestead tarm of Roarh in Fal- company tbe as hv — city. From that sum, soot ing experiments, and one which is per- terior Tbe Crown Prince ol Prussia bus Harlem. Scenery! occupied Stephen Ph lines, No. Cumberland as the easily and Treasury departments, Assistan returned to mouth was of the value ot two thousand and computation cau be made, the wbol< 1 Versailles Heading. m street, Portlin'i, Ale. Ihe shop contain. H.r.e dollars, formed, is to watch the change in the blood of Postmaster General and Commissioners o from Tours after tour absence. good amount paid tbe for tbe oi days Michigan ovens, ano sale.pru.mi, wi ll dwelling. stable was excellent fanning that it was in an excel- by city premium Ibe National Guard in Central.77.’ ‘7'pm Admission 35 cent.. The ,_. and land, adelicato or Customs and Pensions to annum wai Paris is to be dissolv- Lake shed connec'e'i. This tbe principal of the debt is to be deducted ant very pale person while using $4000 per ed Shore & Micbiguu Southern. 944 property is centrally located. lent and not at all run that 30 to and remodelled before the J he condition, out, it pro- tbe adopted, 21. thoroughly Ger- Illinois so.ts.SnI,Ve<1'ii1!''S,;‘Ve,IS'a's50ce",s will commence !>aleho* reserved sale proe its an rx-ellect opp-rtantiy ,or B remainder will then be credited by indorse Fellows’ Compound Syrup op Hypohos- mans enter the Central.‘" 'l is at 9 o'clock a m duced a of and ot the and Mobile were iu tbe bill a! city, Tbe prefeot of Nice lias Cleveland & Lanou J' K' man wishing to engage m ihe Business. large crop hay, best quality, meut on tbe bonds ot tbe railroac Pittsburg Pittsburg.77.105J 142 Exchange Uukwg mortgage phites. The colourless or dead are to which in bone ordered ail Garibalcian volunteers to Chicago* North S.rccV.c^o^VSeral Pur particular* enquire ol and that the on the tarm were in corpuscles places goods may be imported leave that Western.77. 7u* sar-(.»llery entrance lor Reserved Seats buildings good con- company held by the city. Qii r. A. or city. under tbe law of last session. Chicago * North Western preferred. 76* icblotd HUNT, I Tr„,lamm dition and and These steadily removed from tbe system, and are re- Tbe bill passec repair, thereby induced the plaintiffs computations cannot be made at ouce and the Senate Chicago * Hock Island. lo75 SILVESTER HAKR, $Irns,“*- to because some of tbe bonds are still placed by the red or vitalired so nec- adjourned. Carsruthe, Feb, 21.—Bismarck is desirous feh.eid F. o. purchase the farm for $1800. Whereas, in tact outstaud particles or Pittsburg * Fort WajDe..7.’ BAloEY ' lh6 “re Testimony tor plaintiffs all out. cerning M. Thiers’ proposition to conclude Resolved, so suspended thal tbe ,ollu*ln« tb“ -AT- no French and released have reached l;?ng qumadous':‘Ua J. D. Fessenden. O’Donnell. 1 ing Fund, and indorsement whatever is to the Committee of ibe Whole be discharged Orleans be made the peace shows that this gentleman is rapidly" ou their way borne. United States coupon Webb. upen mortgage bonds until it cau from further consideration of the several regu G’s, 1881. 1141 BROWN’S Bradbury. a Uuited States Mil's .HI* HALL, be made exact. achieving complete triumph over the Napole- lar appropriation bills and ibat be consid- Great Urifaiu. isoa...... w i. * .1 o r,. they United States e«.*igned bv I 5-2’s 1864. February March and SnndrylmortzasejDoi Albert G.Corlis and Gentleman of the Bar are requested to attend at onic In he has beeu ered in the House as in Committee of the reb. ibe House United 31, 33, 7, 8,14, 15, Hciirie.ra Coi lisa for an dynasty. politics always (he iX)jfpoN, 21.—la of Lords t*>- States fi-20*s ISor, old.. ..7.,1 $775 Co; promi nrv noiei Lawrence railroad the lull benefit ol Whole in the order tbe was Uni ted at 7 1.3 P. M. ■•2ned said Albert G. »* the opening ot the Court this morning, at 9 o’clock. company an and his election to the Presiden- reported fiom the Commit- night sitting mainly occupied with the States 5 20’S, .Imiuaryand a’clack, by Ccylissf ft 172 9i: bjlance the of extension ot Orleanist, tee on United Jniv.7.7.liol on L. P. Brown’s agreement 1863, it at the Appropriations, and that alter 2 o'clock consideration of the ecclesiastical titles bill States5-20*8, 1807. .I ,,* 1st. On the note, ot aooui $234 *K), balance on Oue hour will be devoted to the bearing ot motions, was a for that and Method ol Mental Culture. same time bolds them to their obligations un- cy victory family; and he will to take recedence other other measures of Uuited Stales 5-20’s I81J8... .\ mortgage note signed by O. s\. Hill and Mary A. before the com- day they j of all orders local iwuortauce. Earl 2nd. tros’ee disclosures, exceptions, «&c., der United Slates Astronaut, and its Lesson.. Hid of $2*0 75; not* oi Stephen Par ten lor that contract, and protects the city from not scruple to use all his power for a restora- until disposed ot. Alter some conversation as Granville defended tbe the I0-10<.,7.f.V1 $1,. in the withdrawal of Brit, Union Pacific 1st 3rd. Same account v. J. B. Hufi?nn ing ot jury. loss fluctuation in to the more.7.7.. so* ccntinned. 000; lor $ '8 17. any possible by gold. tion of that It will be remembered effect of the resolution it was agieed to. isb egation from Paris. He said Lord U, ion Pacific government. Lyons landigrauts. 713 4th. Way to be • WM. il. JEitRIS, Fxe*utor. 127 to 50. could better serve the interesu of resi- Central Pacific Happy. Municipal Court. that he was so in his to English bonds.77 941 Bell, Soul ot F. O. BAILEY & Co.. Aucfrt. The Rossini Club Conceht.—We al- outspoken opposition Mr. Wheeler of New back the dents outside than within Union Pacific things. 22. 1871. have York reported the walls of Paris. income bonds...... February fe32ul JUDOE MORRIS PRESIO’KO. 77.7yj 6th. The I declaration of war Prussia tbe Uuion ~ ways felt “free to maintain” that Napoleon’s against Seoate bill to incorporate a Texas Pacific Bail- In House of Commons Mr. Gladstone Pacific slock.773! 22* Coming Day. Todsdav.—State vs. Francis Cardiff and James Reception Tickets that he was to secrete himself for road Co. and aid in the road. objected to the instructions tor the Course 31.00. tickets 28 Hall was not for concerts. In compelled constructing producing given Single K. K. HUNT, Cardiff. Search and seizure. Francis was fined adapted shape Mr. Wheeler the Bostou cems, to be had at the door. $50 awhile to from the of New York cxolamed that Anglo-American commission. He be- Bank Wlalament. it is a escape outrage frantic mob 1871. and and was with heavy beams the amendment him to lieved that the Portland, February 4th, Ieb21 Oommisflion costs, James discharged. parallelogram runuing ieported by the improvement ol the maritime Boston, Feb. 21.—The Can't statement is as fol- Merchant and Anotionee^1 who cried “On to Berlin,” and spoke of the hill from the international law lows: State vs. Patrick Clary. Search and aciznre. Res- atbwatt the ceiling—against which sound Senate provided Icr six different would certainly be one of the war as a pleasant excursion across tbe Rhine. lines. The amendment for a topics lor their deliberations. SlCCouzrew at., will Fell pondent discharged. strikes and its acous provides siugle Mr. Trevelyan 9api,al.$ 47,550.000 Portland Theatre. \0. every evening! reverberates—rendering trunk from a on introduced a •MOrtnicm of S and Goods. It was not that Thiers had horror of the point the Eastern boundary of resolution lavorin*. an or- 113 *50,381 aple Fancy Frank. tic but what any army SfS?!:... Goods wni be boiu the properties anytbiug they should Texas at or near Marshall to the channel ganization on a plan during day in lota 10 auil State vs. F. or doubts ship different from that pro- I urenasers at wholesale Benjamin Larrabee. Common drunk- any about its justice. He saw in in ot prices. Cash advanced on mi be. It is therefore matter for particular com- the Bay San Diego, Cal., the posed by the government. from 1 ons 01 ard. lo the pursuing A long debate fol- Du« other Bauks. Tuesday, Wtdneedav, and Eve- t*00'!* Consignment* not limited. Sent county jail ior 80 days. war a united which he labored to route-known as the lowed which 16.486,365 Thursday Februaryu?°iT,,,t ment that the concert last night should have Germany, 33J parallel of north lati- was ciosed by Cardwell in an elo- l>ue to oilier Bauks. i-» 70® 291 U, lsr.u dlt State vs. Allred Clark. Drunkenness and disturb- nings, 21, and 23- and knew that France was not tude. quent speech against the February 22, been such a and that both the vocal prevent, pre- resolve. The resolve ueposHs.. ance. S*nt to ror 30 success, The Senate amendment was lust. jail days. and would he > provided tor a guage Circulation. 24,744,280 and instrumental effects should pared overmatched. Thiers Not State ve. Thomas ilone. Search and seizure.— have been so of five leet. The main was or- UaMBcred u Reported! TAYLOR’S BAZAAR. has been question then Switzerland, excellent. We policy always war-like, and he has dered. Domestic iVlarkeis. Bat Still -A**D Fined 15J and costs. Appealed. hope, however, that if another FRENCH Livlna.cxcellmg Competition. Nineteenth done as much as statesman Mr. Allison’s OFFICERS IN DURESS. Annual four nf die Famous concert is it take any to keep alive amendment excluding from New York, Feb. 21.—Cotton more arrive and 4 given may place in Fluent’s leb. Di PKEZ & BENEDICT’S AZJCTIOX the French love of and desire for the consolidation such railroads as may hereafter Geneva, 21.—A number of Frenchsol- higher; sales 38*0 bales; Middling uplands 152c. ROOMS, Uriel Jotting*. Hall, which is suited for the territory dieis who F»ou admirably pur- be chartered was agreed to, 74 to 51, and the surrendered to the Swiss troops on —sales.8) 0 bols. Mate and western dull and MAMMOTH GIGANTIC MINSTREL). ffn. No. 11 has re- “natural boundaries,*' aud while he was min- our in buver’s Mate 5 14 and 10 Allen, Exchange street, pose. hill as reported from the committee entering territory have been sent under tavor; 80@70o; Round hoop Coming from their Beautitul and Elegant Opera Exchange Street, ister of passed, Ohio 6 7 Southern 6 ceived a lot of fresh and The audience Louis Phillippe,he several times al- 134 to 70; the New guard to the eastern cantons to (5@ 30; 75 @8 75. Western House. Philadelphia. dates, just imported last night was very brilliant only Euglaud members vot- prevent their 5 80^7 45. Whe t BYUBNKV escape into lower; fa'es 35,000 bush. No. 2 Double mourn and TtUWKtCO. toothsome. most involved Europe in war. He is a man of iug nay heiug Messrs. Hale, France. bunuk 1 Brass Band, very and critical, and fully tested ihe seating capac- S'evens, Willard, 52153; n^w Wiuter lied and Amber Buffiogton, Stroug and and Iho Western 1 581 Composed of Twenly^cven The Port Office will be at of the keen perceptions, marvellous industry, an Starkweather, Germany. CO; Corn dull; sales 3*000 bush.; Artiste, Auction and open to-day only ity auditorum. The programme was Southern members new mixed Commisaion Merchants. only were Adams, Jones, APOLOGY FOR Western *3@84o. OatsuuU; Ohio and Recen;'y returned fmm their Graml Extensive the usual hours. The House energy far exceeding ordinary men of his yearf, Bice and BISMARCK. Western f»6 holiday Custom very carefully prepared and the selections were Degener. @ 68Je. Pora dml; new me?s 22 37; old Calilornia Tour, Crowned with success and new lau- and Berlin, lugardu*l; 92 ; member, $5000 Shields lor does not tair to goon refining 9 @ 9|c; No. 12 Dutch Most re'iab'e, complete in existence. Also, NEW and SECOND M AND C'ARDIAUES. will none the les3 lor bring the peace to as Sl*nd- Troop*) and Satarday eveniogs. The with Weber's pies prove strong the in- expenses was adopted and the House negotiation? is- ar.l Or flee Rio See our oiiuinal .sensation programme opened “Invita- adjourn- sue, which the after their 9Jc. firm; 13£ @ 16j. Molasses inac- Programmes. terests of the ed’ people sacrifices have Doors open at 7; The first performance of the “Drummer tion a la which has become fa- Origins princes. a to ®8c sPirll» Turpentine commences at 8 p. m. Danse,” lately ___ right expect. ni-m a> AdmUaioa 59 53J@54c. Hosm quiet; at CO tot 65 101 cents. Gallery 3J cents. Reserved Boy” takes place at City Hal! tc-night. From miliar to our readers the treat- strained. Petroleum cruue sea 8 73 cents. by exquisite WAkfllNGTOK. Belgium. dull; 141c; relined 2411 Xal.ow steaoy at 81 @ 9c. C1IAS- n- present indications they will have a rinsing ment it received from the Thomas orchestra. THE HOLY SEE TO BE TRANSFERRED TO BEL- DUPUEZ, Manager. New 7-30 Gold Loan WRECK OF A RELIEF 8IIIP. Freights ui Liverpool dull. Cotton 5 161. ffcblg 20 St I audience. We had the of a It was on this occasion lor GIUM. pleasnre glimpse arranged eight BY TELEGRAPH Washington, Feb. 21.—U. S. Consul Jack- Cambridge, Feb. tl.—Cattle Market.—Beef Cat- Feb. 21.—It is 714 at the new stage and new scenery bands, and its seductive measures were admir son at Halifax telegraphs that the British Brussels, rumored that nego- tle, receipts bead; improvements ibis week is Safe! Profitable ! Permanent! yesterday, ship tiations TO THE DAILY PRESS. which cleared are pending between the court ol Home and quality; stie. oc extra at $11 eofii HIO STJMXJ8 which is the best that Portland has seen and a interpreted by Mrs. Alien and the Misses Zoe, lately from Boston with IS1- I„^"Pplyllrsi ably and tbe Catholic here for the 60; (.ualitv $1U UO@1u CO; slcoiui 00 provisions for the French, was wrecked last party traosler of quality $8 great addition to City Hall. Dyer, Libby and Nichols. Their precision of the See to @950; third quality $6 CO® 7 60. Sheep andLums night ou Bell Bock, near Halifax. The vessel Holy Belgium. 2894 Hook and The Old Folks —receipts head; he supply is a tnfle lighter Washington Ladder JAY COOKE & Choir are rehearsing (or a time, of shading and excel- Maine Legislature. and are a LOSSES OF MEN IN tliau CO., delicacy general cargo total loss. JANUARY. last week’s but price* are } to 1 lower; Sales in No. concert to take lois at 2 75 Company, 1, Otter lor Sal. at Par antt Accrued Interest tb» p'ace shortly for the benefit of lence of execution must have been OFFICERS OF THE NEW Official returns reooived at 50@9 each; extra 4 i>0@u 75. especially Western HOUSE. the war office Will celebrat* the 139th ’.Special Dispatch by Union Line.] On ICAGU. Feb. 21 Anniversary o» theY. M. C.A. of mention since it evoked so here, show during the month of a —Flour at 5 Washing- FIRST nORTGAOE woitby much The Bepuhbeau members ot the 42d Con- January, quiet 25@0 25.Wheat ton’s Birtu wlcu a Grand SENATE. Freucli loss of dull; No. 2 Spring at 1 2IW1 Corn Day, Dr. Franklin will hold a 800 pieces of aitiherv and 353 nj. quiet; No. it Staples, formerly of Portland, pleasure, while the reminiscences of that su- gress caucus on Thursday, March BOc. Oat< UI Feb. 21,—Bills 000 men; of the latter Cbanzv lo.-t quiet 18@48Jc lor No 2. H.e steady: Land Grant Gold Bonds has been elected President of Augusta, exempting Augus- 2d, for nomination of officers of the House. 25,000 Roye No. 2 at 90c. flrmer'et the Minnesota perb body of musicians still haunted the mem- Findberbe ISarley J8c. High Wines e.s- Fireman’s Military and Civic Bail! ta Dam from a for 12,000, 11,000, Buurbaki 30,000, the ier at 86c. Mess Pork at 2150. -OF TBB — State Medical Company building fishway THE CARNIVAL ol Lard at l’kaivle Society. ory. The graceful Franz Woods” army Paris 150,000, and of the of Live dull at 7 song—“The three to the army the hog. OOffi 8 35. Dressed at -AT- years, incorporate Parker’s Head festivities closed this afternoon a East 8 bogs heavy To-day is Washington’s Bi.th-day. Every- —exhibited the sweet contralto of Miss Farley, with tourna- 80,000 entered Switzerland. The loss of 3o. Cattle quiet ai 4 uo @5 50. Ice Compauy, to Mechanics’ Sav- ment and procession ol maskers. Both Houses the Germans during the same Receipts-2 uii bbis. Northern Pacific Railroad l»o will a incorporate month wore 10.- tloui, lu.OOO bush, wheat. 54 LANCASTER HALL body enjoy legal holiday except the while the duett of Mendelssohn, entitled the ot 000 push, Bank of were Congress adjourned iD time to see the latter 000. corn, 16,000 bush, oais, I; 00 bush, rve ings Bath, passed to be enacted. 5000 These bond* are secured, firat, bv a First Mort newspaper offices. “Autumn Song,” was full of the soft tender performance. To-night Avenue West Indies. barley and 5,Ooo boss ON- Resolve relating to an Industrial School for Pennsylvania gn«e on the Railmad irse't. its r olling stork, and all We are informed is illuminated and two balls are in bbK 6000 bush. Wheat, 12.- (hat we were in error in re* spirit that is such a remarkable feature of the progress. EARTHQUAKES IN CUBA. 000ss?bJpl:e“,s-20a# equipments; atcond. by a First Mortgage on Ua Girls was to be buch. coin and 4000 hogs. Wednesday Evening-, Feb. 22d, *71. to the paused engrossed. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. eutire Land Grant, being more than gard advertising sheet of the “Drum- composer breathing forth a pathos that told of Havana, Feb. 21.—Several shocks ol earth- Twenty-Two Messrs. Cleaves and Toledo, O., Feb. 21.—Flour steady and in mod- Thousand Acres u Land to ea< h mile oi road. Foster, Laue were ap- The Presided has occurred at erate FLOOR MANAGERS: mer Boy.” It was got up by two other gentle- the dying year, and admirably adapted to the signed the bill providing quake Santiago de Cuba to-day,but demand; Corn a shade higher; High Mixed The Bonds are ire* itoui Uidied States Tax; the a committee ot a no rt. L. men pointed conference on hill au territorial government for the District of Co- damage was done. unchanged. No. Sawyer, Foreman, 'l’. A. Arnold, Clerk. Princip I and luterest are payable in gold, the connected with the G. A. It. sympathetic voices of Mrs. and Mrs. 57k3 :i'ST e ,9?ta Wbeatjiower; prin- Farley act to lumbia. 2 Red Wabash 135. J.E. Br.zier, J. E. Campbell, cipal at the end ot Tfcirty years, and the Imeiest The incorporate the West Watcrvillc Fire IXSUBQENT DEFEAT. carboa photographs at Hale’s still at. Webb. The latter was from a Feb. B. T Libov, E. H Pnirson. Semi-annually, at the rate >t Seven and Three- lady suffering THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD Cincinnati, 21.—Pork dull at 22 00S22 50. Department. BILL. A force of 600 or 700 under Laid dull at F. W. Batch, Win. tent its per cent, per annum. tract the as should for severe but it was insurgents Britel 12J icu'le. Bulk meats, McDonald, people, they do, they cold, hardly perceptible in Tbe Southern were defeated at unsettled; Edwin are issued in denomination* of Tbe of the cost of was Pacific railroad bill passed Maoacas in the jurisdiction of shoulder. 8c.; clear rib clear si >es Ue. Sawyer. They $100. $500 * are a careful her report immigration by lOJc: li.cn $1,010. and I’eserviDg inspection. rendering of the music. Miss Burpee ex- the House tbis afternoon the Moron with a loss of 15 killed. Two dull; sbauideis clear sides #5,000 $10,<>00. referred to the Committee on requites corpora- Spaniards 9Jc; lli@12c. W Maker The under Immigration. at 87c. Tickets One Dollar. Ladies Free. Trustees the Mortgag* are Messrs. Jay The Transcript says a family in the suburbs hibited a delicate touch and an tion to meet iu New York wi'hin were killed. The are steauy I crisp excellent The Committee on Affairs ninety days insurgents awaiting the Cooke, of Philadelphia, and ,1. Fdgar Military repotted from the enactment of the arrival of Salome Herandez with 400 Peb Thomson, is blessed with the services of two young ladies Her of the “Rondo” fioallv aud were bill, open subscrip- men and 21.—Cotton Aim; Middling Music Chandler’s Full Band. President of the Pennsylvania Central Railroad Co. technique. interpretion discharged. tion books and cannon from uplands by Quadrille organize the company when Camaguay with the of 14Jc. men These Northern Pacific 7-30 Bonds will at ail times from Nova Scotia who have consented to do Hiller was the and Bili an act to establish Slate of purpose Fite and Military are requested to appear in by very smooth, equality uniformity $2,000,000 in stock are subscribed and attacking isolated .iloBiLK. Feb. 21.—Cotton Deloic maturity, be receivab e at TR Per Cent. Pre- text books was laid over to be printed. $20,000 Spanish detachments and quiet; Middling up- luiiorui. Dancing to commence at 8 o’clock. Closi- the housework on condition that the fact is of the iu. Tbe lands mium (or 'n lur ibo Con poise fingers being noticeable, the time paid capital ot the company is limited protecting the debarkation of the Qnesado ex- at14cJ. ng checked free. febIStd 1.10,) exchange pany's lands Mr. Morris presented au am'endment to the at their >owe&t cash price. kept a profound secret and are also to $50,000,000 unless authorizes an pedition. Savannah, Feb. 21.—Cotton they permitted being carefully observed without hurry- Constitution, which provides for the Congress steady ; Middling In addition ts their absolute these keeping increase. The purchase and consolidation of Snnin. apiands 14Jc. safety, Bends to pass, in the presence of strangers, as friends ing. The sextette of Campana’s, which closed polls open from 9 a. in. to 6 p. m. on election yield an iucome larger, we b. lieve, tnau any other any existing railroad companies on the Madrid, Feb. 21.—A CHARLESTON, Fob. 21.—Cotton MR. A. B. ORE first-class Persons of the or the days, commencing with the next Legislative route, report prevails iD this strong; Middling security. hold! ug United States family sewiDg girls. first part.was both brilliant and melodious, with all their franchises and au- uplands land grants is City Of tbe death of Maria Victoria — 14|c. 5-2o*acan, bv convertiLg them into No-them Pa- election, which was adopted. He spoke in fa- Queeo WILL COMMENCE AN The District School at Morrill’s Corner the voices and most thorized, forbidden with Several cifies, increase their yearly income one-third, and harmonizing blending vor ol his former amendment to the Constitu- though any compet- persons suspected of complicity in an line to the and a to Krialiion, Cambridge and [Medford Cilllc stm have a perfectly reliable investment. a examination last and this was ing Pacific, right purchase attempt to assassinate Louis Zovilia have passed very satisfactory perfectly, especially noticeable in tion, giving the Legislature authority to call a been HOW TO GET THEM.—Your neatsst or accept State or individual grants of land for imprisoned. Harktls. School Bank ar week. These scholars have been under the the combination of the clear tones of Miss convention for the purpose of amending the Evening Dancing Banker will aupp'y ihoso Bonds iu desired tbe legitimate purposes of the company are Banin. [Special Dispatch Interua.innal Unoi any Constitution, which was passed to be engross- by A T li litt fry ’S IF amount, aud et anv needed denomination. Per on* same instructor for fonr with excellent Lewis’ with the rich flute notes of conceded. A of wa.y, foui nullified feet boston. Wednesday, F’eb. 22. ALL, years, soprano 24 to 2. right SANITARY PRECAUTIONS. At wishit.g to exchange stocks or other hoods tor ed, market this week:—187# 8i36 and these, wide, through the public lands, forty acres of c.ntile, oheep can do so w.th our results. Mrs. Brown. Bill an act to tbe of Pittsfield St. Feb. 21.—Io Laa bs, 4u0» last 1 any of Agents, who will allow the legalize doings land wherever a Petersburg, consequence Swlue; week, lCSCattle, C9o5 sheep necessary for station or other and 5200 highest current price for all marketatd* tecurui s. was a with a The second was the most in voting aid to manufacturing of apprehensions of an in the Lambs. Swine. FRIDAY FEBRUARY Yesterday very bright day part striking pot* corporations with alternate sec- epidemic Europe EVENING, *4, Ibose living in localitL's remote irom came purposes, together twenty Russian week:-l609 0910 and Banks, mty up by assignment, and were Government has ordered to be Cattle, Sheep Lambs.* send or northeast wind. The tbermometar was -. ... -.. -* ..V- ... .V, ... speeches tions mile of reports money, other Bond4, to us ex- sharp .J per public lands through the ter- made its 400(1 Swine. Tickets, Gents. $6.00; Ladies $4.03. directly bv made by Messrs. Foster and Webber. It was by agents or the sanitary condition ot pre-s.and wo will send back Northern Pacific Bonds lower than for several ranged for soprano, alto and tenor Costa ritories and ten sections per mile in California Prices—Beeves—Extra quality $11 50 @ 12 00: considerably days past, by passed to be engrossed, 23 to 3. tho countries aflected tbe war. Should the first An afternoon class tor Masters and Misses. onSat- nr. our own iisk, aud without cost fo investor. For are granted to tbe company, with tbe provision by quality $11 25 @ $11 75; second quality 10 00(51 bnt 12° above at 8 A. M. and sung Mrs. Miss and Bill an act to tbe Boom reports render it advisable Russia will 10 third urd>iy, Feorua*y 25th, at Brown’s Hall tickets $5. lurther intormation, pamphlets, maps, etc., ca'l oa indicating by Farley, Farley incorporate Jay Cg. that tbe land be not sold within propose 25; quality $9 00 @ $9 75; poorest -es three years gra Private classes received at all hours from 9 a. m or address the or ot is Ash the first of Mrs. Webb be called was indefinitely postponed after much discus- a sanitary conlerence. ot coarse oxen, hulls, Ac., $6 no @ 8 75. undersigned, any the Banks or To-day Wedesday, day might appropriately from the completion of tbe entire road, and laSpm. fcb201w Bankers to sell this Loan. sion. 25 to 3. Brighton Rides 8c; Brighton Tallow employed and our and Eoman Cath- “linked sweetness,” while Rossini’s “Taran- shall he subject to settlement and pre-emption 6@C!c: Lent, Episcopalian AFTERNOON SESSION. Couuirv bides 7J@8c; Couutry 'Xaliow Cali FOB SALE BY at not over 50 acre. Tbe construction ARKANSAS. 6c, ue tella” with its clear-cut staccato and $2 per @ 18c olic citizens will debarred from participat- passages Mr. Foster in the Read and ®'u,n" I® lb.; Sbeepand Lumb Skins$i25 chafr. assigned: bonds are secured by mortgage on the road, THE POLITICAL TROUBLES. @ I 75 $9 skin. Portland JVInsic Hall. in all fostivities until Easter brilliant “chromatic fireworks” was admira- An act to ol BREWSTER, SWEET & ing Sunday,which relative the inspection herring; rollirg stock aud franchise, and the land bonds Sheep and Lambs—The sn from the CO., Little Rock, IVb. seven Sena- pply West was suited to Miss and was exe- act additional to an act to the Suit- are secured on tbe land 21.—Only large, neai all of occurs this year on the 9th of April. The bly Boyd’s voice incorporate by mortgage grants tors were ly wh'cb were bought by bn cbers pr.sent agaiu to day, aDd tbe onlv or taken at a 40 1TATF water Canal Company; act to authorize tbe authorized. Tbe construction of the road is business commission. t»e quoie sales of selec- STREET, BOSTON, usual religious services will be observed in the cuted in a manner that caused tue audience to transacted was a resolution instruci,- Return of the Favorites. formation of railroad coroorations. to be begun at both ends; a laud patent to be tbe **8 ”*”»’**« insist on a Gadi's in iog secretary to notify Gov. General far New Episcopalian and the special services in the repetition. “Symphony The conference cummitiee on tbe Agricultu- Clavtou and @4noo“ma3r.o8“c^{b® Agents Maine, Ha asp- issued on tbe comDietion of every 20 and Lhiel Justice McOluie that articles Churches. C minor” is considered the best of his works ral concurrence miles, of im- H°"S 'n tie mirkC'' Price9 shire and Massachusetts. Catholic College appropriation reported the entire road to be finished in ten peacbmeut would be with tbe House in Tbe years. presented against them JrSj'SjVsj?VS.*'* nav mane rue and somewhat recalls Menr'ehsohn iu appropriating $6000. the ueorge warren, c,«q., gener- style. Only American iron, excepting that already by House. Tbe secretary performed tbe 17@l8c; medium poor conference committee on tbe Slate Library ap- 15P0UlUy—^trh 16J@17c; FORD & GREEN’S PORTLAND AGENTS: The first movement was of the purchased, to be used. The government is to duty, Gov. Clayton remarking teat he will re- ous donation to the Maine Missionary Society dreamy relig- propriation reported concurrence with the Sen- have the use of the road oo tbe same terms as ceive the notice, hut not In H. P. Cor. Fore Sc of $300. ious wbilo the second was rather ate ot officially. the Droves trom Mame-Daniel WOOD, Exchange Sfa,, order, vigor- $500. to House a bill was Wells, 30. private individuals, and have precedence in introduced to provide tor tee Ills supply of cattle in the Famous Female Minslrels. Hook & Ladder ous and dramatic in with very marked Resolve transferring geological cabinets,&c, nmr.et this wetk was H. M. PAYSON, 39 St., Washington Company give style its set vice, and Congress has tbe right to fix the corniDg vacancy in tbe office of govrrnur. It hiiger than t ir any one wetk for Exchange from tbe Stale House to tbe ol tome i?ml%5,7“ a Ball at Lancaster Hall time and a march. It received College Agri- passenger and freight tariff’s, though -hall authorizes the Legislature to order an election Th-.o were but a lew from Maine. W. E. 67 grand Masquerade introducing culture was tabled. they P.ices were from WOOD, Exchange St., a to } ot a cent lower rhan they were not exceed those of tbe Ceutral and Union in case of a vacancy, and it a occur last w ek The TWO this evening. A good time is in prospect. full justice at tbe hands of Misses Libby and An act to autlioiizo to vacancy ben obtained RIGHTS ONLY. SWAN & lOO Middle St. railway corporations Pacific to when toe prices thac we bave beard of w i9 12c RARRETT, railroads. Full liberty is givt-n other Legislature is not io session, the A Tbe steamer Deering, will Millett and was the most elaborate selection of extend branches in towns through which they ^•Ib. tew ol Ibe very bc?t may haxe so'd a trifle tls3mjn27 wl2t-4 Lewiston, Capt. companies to counect and intersect the South- Secretary ot State is authorized to convene pass was amended. more. Tbe sheep tiane li.sheen dull, and al«rge commence her weekly trips to Machiasport, tbe evening. Tho gem of the entertainment ern Pacific, and the latter is forbidden to dis- that body. The bill was ordered to be poniou ot f bem have been FRIDAY Sc Passed to be engrossed—Bill an act to extend printed taken by hatchers to kill. SATURDAY, Ftb. 34 Sc 35. criminate in favor or in a week. A bill a From Norm at in the Penobscot on was tbe solo Mrs. which dis- against any such compa- appointing committee of the tbe was *nd the tr* e touching landings Bay, by Weatherbee, the Somerset railroad was passed to be engross- supply large, ALLAN nies. The directors of the are three to ascertain where tbe absent at Cambridge dull. We e sales 01 14 at 61c LINE. Friday, March 10th. played her best qualities of voice and her mag- ed 18 to 9. company pro- members quo $>lb hibited from all share or interest in the con- ol tbe Seuate are and to report them to the average weight 1514 lb*; 72 at 7Jc, live weight, 11 With an Satire Change of Programme ! to than Hon. John B. Neal'v of Yoik, was excused 37 »t 16 at lie* ar. CARRYING THE CANADIAN Don’t forget tbe Temperance meeting this nificent execution greater advantage tracts for construction, or runmug Hou-e and to their own ll}c, 10c, if 101 34 percent, shrink- from further attendance. equipment families was de- 7 AND UNITED STATES the clared out. age, at lOJe, 35 cent, shrinkage, 17 at 111c, 33 p-r at tbe Allen Mission Chapel, Locust anything we have heard her sing for a long toad, and any such existing contract will of order. MAIL. evening Vofed to-meet to-morrow at 9 a. m. cent shrinkage, 10 at 17 ai be annulled. In tire Supreme Court 7JC, igbt weight; 11c, 35, Orchestra chiirs numbered and t r safe at fbe box street. There will be interesting speeches and time, it being the “Faust’s sicmpre” of Doni- to-day a motion by per esnt sliiinkage, 10 ar. luc, 35 cent HOUSE. tbe counsel of Lieut. per shrinkage. >ffi e. Box office oi tn tiom 1U to 12. Doors open at SYNOPSIS OF WEATHER REPORTS FOR* THE Gov. Johnson for a trial 12 at 12c, drease I weight. Passengers Rooked to Londonderry and singing. All are welcome. zetti which, we believe, is sometimes intro- commence at 8. Oichestra chairs 75 cen»s; lie- good Senate papers disposed of in concurrence. PAST TWENTY FOUR HOURS. by jury under the 14lh amendment was over- Liverpool. Return Tickets granted as of "Dou Giovanni.” This icrvcd >taonskai Mestizo Monday Evening, March 6th# the readiest with their answers. There is gen- favor of tbe State Library, and resolve in fa- 27@35c, nulled JAS. L. FARMER, 3V Iudla St. fiesh winds in the Eastern States. 50(eg‘6'C. Ths in The Late Suicide.—A brother of Mr. Ed- vor of CALIFORNIA. great interest ihe subject, and the unrivaled very little questioning by tbe committee, Agricultnral College. Remarks—The market lor fl ece and pulled wool ul the erally has ibiiity lectuier, will, no doubt, make tins win A. tbe man who committed Resolve relating to tbe preservation of the A TERRIBLE STORM WITH again been quite aclive, and when we It is but tbe of strangers pro- Pattee, young M2 W YtfBK. LOSS OF LIFE. consiuer lie lecture of the season. true, presence colors ip the rotunda iu concurrence. ourre*uied slock ana small suicide at ibe Commercial Hotel passed San assortment to ee'ert Doors open at 7, lecture t« commence at to 8. Orcssed duces more or less embarrassment and renders Sunday CITY AND VICINITY. Francisco, Feb. 21.—A heavy rain pre- trom ibe sales bare been j Hogs! The councillor districts report was larg# Pile«s are gradually Admission 35 cents. Tickets be ha-l at the arrived in this for tbe approved. vailed in this State last arid at 10 A. M. teu.Pug may to answer night, city yesterday, Bill to for a new term of couit in New 21.—Ex night, upward, ptr.icularly lor X and medium usual and ai the door. it difficult readily tbe questions pro- provide York, Feb. Secretary Hugh a places leb2Dd terrific southeaster burst on tbe accom- grade- fleec *, t r which tu iiibiauces an LOT ot choice Dressed purpose of conveying tbe remains borne to Al- Lincoln county was to be engrossed and McCulloch, J. S. and city, many ad- Hoge, arrived, by tbe teacher. this pas:ed BeDj. Moran, Morgan panied raiD, thunder and vance ot )@2c ^ tbbas been realized over last aud lor sale pounded Notwitstanding tabled. Russell from London by hail, lightning, week’s ANOTHfcR by N. H. From him we learn that tbe Sturgis, telegraph their much prices. There is no no a we were very much pleased with the exandria, doing damage. Hitherto the ^habi- Michigan to be bad i good opinion The House insisted on its action passing the conseut to act as an Americao committee to contrition under and m some DANCING SCHOOL* deceased was a man of good character, a tants ol Calilornia have been accustomed to 5»»c, instances Blic has WOOdBUkY, LATHAM & GLIDDES, recitations to which we listened. The young bill to tbe administration of and receive and distribute funds for the relief of been realized during the week pupils relating oatbs, faint flashes of aud grades have become member of the church and much esteemed in lightning low rumbles ot ssc.rce that a 137 Commercial St. seemed to understand what were talking asked a conference. tbe starvation in France. Tbe total amount most any reasonable price could he they thunder, hardly recognizable, in intervals of obtained ior a desirable Portland, Feb 16th, 1871.relftjiwtg his native town. He was 21 years of age and Resolve authorizing the Attorney General to now collected in this city is $100,751. lot, sayirom 52to55cCfl>. about in several took years. The flashes last Tbe bal ot a and, instances, questions certain claims of the Peck The trial of the suit of tbe United States night were vivid aurl ', receive names for the new at 430 St., near State. to to a to-day | Mr. Bliss presented an act to increase the graduated tbis evening from the medical de- Apply Congress listen tbe recitations, she seemed to be streets a wall twelve leet appearing rapullv. In New York and classes, and dispose ot tickets lor the Rehearsal of tbe of Lincoln ot the New York Three high and sixty feet Philadelphia Ieb13 Iw salary County Attorney partment University. was siocks are al>o much reduced and Exhibition Ball. Rehearsal at 3 o’clock Wed- valuable acquisition to tbe school and to be The Minstrels.—Portland Theatre was long blown from the top of a three *storv very and minutaciur- county. were from the West Indies, and one each from ers have now a smaller assortment I5tb. 17th at 8 pre- bouse on a frame crusb- to select trom nesday. Dali, Friday, o'clock, well qualified for the responsible va- filled with a and audi- Mr. Haskel' a reso've to fix the and Siam. building adjoining it, than tor doors at 7 o’» Jock. 'J he Tickers position very large respectable presented Turkey, Syria tbe many yeais previous. cisely, open pur- tng latter into ruins, beneath which were chased for the Rehearsal will be received at the Ball CABLE SCREW WIRE cated the death of tbe lamented Miss Small. ence last at the entertainment valuation of Westbrook and|Deering; read by evening given buried from fifteen to without extra twice and tabled by Mr. Cleaves. MASSACHUSETTS. twenty persons. All got Vsreiss Market*. charge. Her appearance is by no means an index of her & Benedict’s Minstrels. The com- out safe or not The entire trout row in gallery will be reserved by Duprez from tbe fatally Injured, except Mrs. L. London, Feb. 21—4 30P. Al.—Conso's closed at 92 BOOTS AND Repoits respective county delega- BOSTON ITEMS. wife of seats. SHOES. she being petite in figure, but she numbers over lourteen who to Leonard, the watchman at the State tor money and account. power, quite pany performers, tions reduce the valuation of Perkins Plan- Tickets for the Rehearsal aid Ball, 50 cents; Feb. 21.—A movement has been in- Prison, her child, 10 months a d 12 American securities firm-U. S. 5-20s, has a dignity of her own joined with a are masters of their art. The tation aud Brickfield, and resolves, were pass- Boston, old, inghter 1862, 91; Tickets tor Children, 25 ceuts; Reserved Seats 73 quiet undoubtedly and Mrs, all of do 1865 old. 904; do do Stocks The or ed. Several bills to be euacted. augurated looking towards a union of all tbe years old, Slogan, whom were 1867,89}; 10-4*4*-, 87} cenis. Most Coinf (able decided manner in the recitation was well selected and made of passed Erie Illinois Central yet pleasant programme up Catholic societies in Massachusetts instantly killed and Sev- steady; 18}. 109; Atlantic & For Reserved Sea's and Tickets applv at HAWES AFTERNOON SESSION. temperance frigbtfully mangled. Great Western 29. room tbat convixces you tbat she is which seemed to be for a better eral others were Three alarms & CRAG IN’S Music Store itilttr A nd Dui*al>le quickly many novelties, greatly promulgation of the temperance iLjured. of Cloverserd Linseed Refined The to introduce tbe of fire the storm 56«6d@584; 01131s; of management while—as far as appreciated. The Rival Hotel Runners was proposition study cause. during aided to make tbe night Petroleum Vow made. fully capable into the tbe most 17@i7}d. physiology schools of tbe State and Tbe Transcript learns that the in- remarkable ever experienced. There For Male we could under the circumstances—ber and all the songs were through ^Liverpool, Feb. 21—evening.—Cotton firmer; by all Dealer*. Ja23dla judge particular amusing, examine te icbers in that rcieuce was defeated. was more thunder and in one hour strumentality of tbe National Bauk Examin- lightning Middling upla ds Sales 10,COO bales; Tur- PORTLAND RAND scholars to excellent One well On the whole it was a Tbe bill than ever 7f@7j{c. appeared advantage. given. capital per to amend the charter of ihe Port- ers in this district several in tbe before in San Francisco all together. pentine 37s delinquencies The 6d@38s. thing struck us about tbe school yesterday and formance. land, Rutland, Oswego& Chicago Railroad Co. conduct of officers of Boston national baDks shipping in the harbor generally escaped MAN UFA CTUBEBS was under discussion. Messrs. Robie of Gor- without serious The storm in CONCERTS ! tbat was tbe of the They have been brought to light. The extent of the damage. the Iloilan Slack LUt. apoarent youth girls. Westbrook examination and of mountains was Seminary.—The ham, Burgess Portland, spoke in favor misapplication ot funds has not been exactly severe. Telegraph lines were Sales at the Brokers’ Board, Feb. 21 seemed below the age. We trust that ol in The Portland Bind will gire their lG li PROMEN- average of classes at Westbrook will occui tbe restriction, limiting the eastern termin- but it is ascertained damaged all directions. Seminary ascertained, confidently United States 5-20s, 1862 .. ADE CONCEKT at not us to wi-st Insurance an anxiety to get into tbe High School is of Saco river and north ot Stand- the banks will not loss a loss of an follows: suffer except 1867 110} Company, and to the isb; Smith of Parsonsfield, Bradbury of the services of unfaithful officials. PENNSYLVANIA. Union Pacific R R sixes. causiog parents adopt forcing process WEDNESDAY, P. M. 8’} ! • Limington, Cleaves of against. The Boston French to blattern Kauroao... 121 LANCASTER HALL OF BOSTON, MASS, with tbeir children. Portland, relief fund amounts girl shot by an unknown assassin. 1.30— Os motion of Col. Robie tbe bill was indfi- Michican Central Railroad. Geography, English, German, Algebra, $79,000. 117} -ox- At tbe ot Gre;k Feb. 21.—Ada a servant Portland. Saco & Portsmouth Railroad. 120 close of tbe examination in tbe after- 2.30— Hisiory England, Lessons, niiely posiponed, 56 to 53. Pittsburg, Earle, Statement made to th. Commissioner of the .Slat, at Union Pacific ltailioad. 2V4 noon Anabasis. Tbe act to abolish the State Commis- LOUISIANA. girl the White House tavern at East Liber- complimentary remarks on tbe efforts of Liqudt Vermout Central 1st mortgage Bonds. Feb. 25th. of Maine, as required by law, Jan. 1, 1871. sion was ty, was shot in tbe side an nnkuown 87} Saturday Evening:, tbe scholars 3 80—French, German, Heading. taken from the table and discussed by A CARNIVAL IN NEW ORLEANS. fatally by Vermont Central 2d bonds. were made by Dr. Sbailer, chair- person who fired the window. mortgage 46j A. M. Messrs. Carleton. Knapp and others in favor, to-day, through man, C. B. THURSDAY, New ORLEANS,Feb 21.—The carnival passed Five Capital, #400,000. Merrill, Esq., Bev. Mr. Boot, Dr. and Bonney of Portland against. Defeated, arrcs.s bave been made but tbe girl de- 9— Advanced Algebra, Cicero. oft’quietly. Seventy-five thousand strangeis clines to the who shot TICKETS—Gents.50cents; Ladies 25 cents, Gordon, Bev. Mr. Smith and others. The fol- give name ot her person Grom Amount of Amu nl their 10— Beginning Latin, Geometry. are in the city. her. ba obtained at tbe door. Cauh are the term There still , lowing statistics: 11— Book-keeping, Virgil. remains a large amount of un- l'oors open at 7. Concert commence at 7 1-2 and Value, settled it is TlSIiBI.UAI'UlU HE US. close precisely at tl. dc26td ...... business, but understood Bovs. Olrls. Total. p. M. generally ILLINOIS. EP-No postuonement on account ot weather. r-r.rvuivHBn were to death AIR Three hundred OXYGEN nu«'B«w;v. 233 497 sheep burned #1,480,404.40. that an adjournment will be reached this week. CHICAGO ITEMS. Average No. belonging tor tbe 1.30— Natural Philosophy, Advanced French in the destruction ct a New Ycrk slaughter There a «em, 161 216 377 2.30— Latin Prose, Geometry, English Analy- are large number of arrivals from bouse on Tuesday morning. Loss $42,000; in- Chicago, Feb. 21.—The Fourth Presbyterian 344- I.iabilitie.138,070.44. attendance. 157 210 Congress Street, Average 307 sis. different parts of the State to attend the sured for $17,500. church in this city, just organized by the uu- NEW CROP Percentage ot attendance, 97 5 97 97.21 3 Human party ion of the Agent at Portland, the term. 61 30—Advanced Arithmetic, History, in North and Westminster churches No. not ab-ent during go 127 given Colonel Bliss of which Government bought $2,000,000 of bonds Established for the cure of Natural by Washington, has elected Prof David at an an- I Average rank ot tbe school, 3,792 3.773 l'heologv. New York a 92. Seving pastor NATHAS EL P. 3.737 to be a brilliant affair. Tuesday at 109 02 109 nual DEEBISIG, Number el days in teim, 138 FRIDAV, A. M. promises salary of $0000. Merrimac river at Lowell has risen three CATARRH, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, No. 100 Middle St. 9— Moral Science, Beginning Arithmetic. The matters affecting our school interests are Andrew Ryan to day recovered $2500 of $10,- Molasses S Tbe numbet*of girls that have received 4, the 000 for Cienfuegos tebtUoo Urn 10— English Literature. still on the table. There is much opposition, tcet from recent rains. which he sued the Chicago & North Pebruaiy 4iii, 1871._ highest mark, is eleven; the number of boys is but it is generally believed that there will not The Democrats ol Syracuse, N. Y.,elect#d Western railroad for injuries received while C ONS UMPTION, The public are invited to attend. out in the examinations he radical their Mayor on Tuesday by 134 majority, riding in a street car. six. Tbe greatest interest any changes. lai HUBS 1 Prime Clenftse. J. C. Snow, Principal. five ot the Aldermen are B. Lewis has sued the Cen- DYSPEPSIA, SCROFULA, Grocery The of tbe eiyht Republicans. Henry Michigan lO receir- Famous “Weber” centres always in those at tbe end year tral railroad for of TIEBCEg I (os Molnmee, ju»« MAINE. Both houses of the New Jersey Legislature for $20,000 non-deJivery And all diseases arising Irom impure blood. ed and for the wintei sale by rather than in those at tbe close of UliKtlluiHni over bir'h- freight. Is now regarded the N«lice«. RAILROAD ACCIDENT. refused to adjourn Washington’s Treated by Breathing “OXYGEN the has the resolution AIR,' Western Union day,but Governor signed GFO. S. HUNT. term._ under [Special by Line.} NEW It A HIPS 81 IKE. Webster, Fluent’s Hall, is prepared ratifying the 15th amendment. Feb 20>dlw BEST BIAN J MADE I to furnish all Lewiston, Feb. 21.—Patrick Haley, of this PORTSMOUTH ITEMS. Personal.—Our esteemed townsman, Ed- kinds of Pastry, Cake, Ic« A new trial has been denied to Ruloflf, the ED* B. while the track at Danville 21. —Ex-Gov. Cbamber- Medicated Inhalations BOBINSOET, Bole Agent, now absent our Cream and all city, crossing murderer. Portsmouth, Feb. ward P. Gerrlsh, E«q is from Oysters; kinds of Fancy Dishei Bingbampton laiu ot at 3 was run Maine, lectured before the Kittery Ly- machinists Has also first-class in.tmuieats at reduced for Junction this afternoon, o’clock, one was obtained at Albany in prices on an excursion for bis health, which has weddings, private and public at tin Only juryman ceum last connection willi other The ate city parties, tvening, and visited the navy yard publle a over by the down train. One arm and one leg on Tuesday for the trial of Filkius, the railroao invited to call and Will find complete assortment of Waie Rooms,Caboon Block next Building. been feeble tbe so shortest to-day where lie was received and investigate City quite during ysar past, robber, although over twenty were examined handsomely notice._janlleodtf was horribly crushed and wero amputated by Ccmmaudant Pennock. tel>2eom1y is much so that be has been unable most of tbe the by the Court. gained by FREE OF CHARGE Fine Tools, Twist Drills, Brilliant.—See Brilliant at J after brought to Ihere will be no the on Lamp surgeons immediately being W m. C. Governor of Rhode Islanc business at yard time to attend to his business as President of old Gibbs, Letters ol and treat- CHUCKS AND F. Land & Co.’s, opposite douhtiul. He has a Washington's inqu.ry promptly answered HAND VICES. For post-office, an] this city. His rtcovery is from 1821 to 1824, died at Newport Tuesday Birth-day. ment sent it desired. Rotklaud. Casco Bank. He is now fn New as we The contributions for the White Rover suf- Address. York, until 8 o’clock. aged 84 years. 69 evening wile and eight children. ferers now aod Exchange street, near Allddle. PLANET. C.pt K.nnUlon. learn, attended and this Part ot a ot amount to almost $4400, dona- Schooner by his wife, should train destined for Fitchburg, tions Chance for Business.—An appothe- THE MURDER CASE. are comiog in encouragingly from Boetou ®r. J. Freight A co movement have tbe desired it is his in- Hare the Boston & Providence Railroad,was throwt P. BROWER, J. B. kFor ObO..np^.oTBpB effect The ot for the murder of and elsewhere. LUCAS. Wbart. of best stands in the examination Daley from the track near the Slate Farm in eoutb 1444 Farllaad, Me _> wa#||4j Lo1ig tention, we to extend his cary store. One the city Cougrraa Street, understand, journey over one week on ac- boro and in order. Wil L Kinney has been put Tuesday morning and pieoip tated dowi H. Portland. Feb 11. lengthen the time of his the stock fresh; fixtures good CONNNECTICUT. Drs. E. Clark. J. M. Cummings and C. Burr I*TI._'elVJod, Alfred. jt t e n. Exchange Street. of No* 14 Preble Street, Ho wandere-l mriii intent on doing good Propr e >r. in the County Richard H. Coding, -OB- FBOJI NEW YORK As was bis wont. And market place House, Nest Ike Preble Hoim, dose gathered in oue An barn. A MAN with a of tour to six tbou- House and Lot tor $1800. / He saw a crowd, space, capita) (cash) he can he consulted privately. and wtt Pennsylvania Central Railroads -FOB- wth eager eyes tlie A. I sand dollars, to take an interest in a man- keat to Consumers G zing upon gtound. E..m Houhk, Com I. St. W. S. & i’oun*, roj,ri- large one and a quarter story house, located Saving WHEREthe utmost confidence by the emitted, at i.ea ami iln-reon he louud u'acturirg business, estabd'hed. which can Tlie best and roads on the cont- QUEENSTOWN AND Jesus drew er, already AGOuDrear 27 Green Street. Apply to By Beilins up Clubs. tours daily, and from 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. quickest running LIVERPOOL. — or lower A noisome creature, n bedr wiei k be easdly increased to a much larger extent. The inent. Sure connections, and rates as low to ij»gi*-«l Davis Jt Dal-e, Proorietora el3*d3w WM. H. JER1L1S, Real Estate Agent Dr. *i. addressee those who are suffering under the Pagscugcrg embark at the a HurlL. can be si lent would be a for our new Price Li9t and a ban other rou Canard A uead dog with bailor lound liis neck. party active. The above (3F" Send Club torm fcftllotioA of irlvate diseases, whether arising fren any e. Wh’i.JerwyCity tnose who stoid im eked goou investment for the alist. with contain Ins mil directions—mak- Aud by tl e object there, cap! Addrei-s, ill accompany it, mpure connection or the terrible rice ol self-abuse. When you go south ask lor tickets via « Angusis* tor Sale. An » oue sai scotting, It polities ihe a !” rtal name,-‘MAN U FACT UKErt,” P. O.. Portland, House J ig a large s«vmg to consu>*»<»rs and rcnmneiative Devoting his entire time to that branch of State St. particular THURSDAY. Another, jeering, asked. How long to-nieht auouhta House, Hanlson Barker,Pro Maine. febl7*tmarll ft'HE three story Brick No. 43 f ) club organizers. ihe medical profession, he feels warranted in (Iuas- Home, WiimotSt., Great Southern Mail Route l Shall such a m>ciea*it cur ofteud our sight?” prietor. A containing 10 finished rooirs, besides halls and AHTicKiHa Cun* IH all whether of RUSSIA.February BtTav!. "S.**1 2 * CASKS, long CHINA.Kebruar a February l/ook at hu tom hide,” sneered a Jewish wit, T. B. closets. Is well with water and rhe Great American Tea or Which has been in eRlPorf^ Oushnoc House, Ballard,Proprietor. Wanted! supplied has good Compa’y, ■tending recently controcted, entirely removing the put tlie most excellent repair is “V iU cuil n t even a irom it.” ALGEKIA...February 8,M™ cut shoe G. A. & H. drxinage. 35 lregs of disease from the system, and making a per" rod now makes connections By this bleed,” Cony House, Cony, Proprietors. Grand Trunk Hall, an 31 and Vcney Street, New York. promptly. ABYSSINlA.Pebru.ry 22 CALAB TJ5 Aud tu ued away. ‘*3choid Lis tars that Dining experienced For particulars inquire ot JOHN No 77 bet and permanent our*. rou*e vou arc privileged to at D.C. (Vt!A'* indeed! Mansion also Girl to DENNIS, 543. stop Washington, CUBA.March I 'ourin chimed in,‘‘.an unclean wretch House, Augusta Me., W. M. Thayer AT Pastry Cook,(Woman prefer?ed,) Commercial st, or P.O.Box ju28t4w He would call the attention of the afflicted to the rod visit places ot interest. SIBBrTa * all cuea, the febl7cf t 1'A He hath been hanged lor thieviug, they Proprietor. do table work. Apply on premises. act of his long-standing and well-earned RUSSIA.March Kill, A. 9 to s,de- JOniV C. reputation When go to New York always ask for tickets via Aud spurued tho loaihsome beast »rom side PROCTER, sufficient assurance of you | felG-d3w Agents urnlshing nil skill and sue- The Jems, standing by them in the street, 93 Exchange street. Wanted, sess. FALL RIVKft LINK, Carrying Carrying Cabin his leer. Bancor* Agents Wanted and Looked on the poor .-pent creature at l»r>rJKA MONTH; by the AMERICAN Only Cabin Passengers Steerage the men : Ha uni man House. J. K. Harriman & The best book of the season STEAMERS BRISTOL AND PROVIDENCE, Passengers An ending o’er spak** unto Co., Prop's AlUWreadv! is, KNITTING MACHINE CO.. BOS- i)*ud««« to I, him, Auu tlie War.” $1200 Cash and a ifihlis, his teeth. Penobscot “Prussia and the F acco-Pruss'an By Working Fart- ! or ST. Mo. 4w State Rooms secured without extra charge FIRST FI»Sv ••Pearls are not whiter than Exchange. A. Wood ward, Proprietori JaI V>N, MASS., LOUIS, ju28 Every intelligent and thinking person must know CABIN. C4B1IT, Askiug, John S.C. Abbott. No other will sell so well. Now ner Gold Single The people at each oilier gaseo. Hat remedies handed out for general use should have Alo Through Tickets to NEW YORK by tlie SingleTit k*... .$130 Ticket. .$«o Oold *■ the vile thing? is the lime to make money. Who speaks first? Gold Return *-Vho is this sirai.gei pitying Hath 25 to 35 years ol ags ard the best of Iheir established by well tested In Return Ticket-*.. 250 Tickeis. 150 Gold with awe a»aie I breath, U. A. McKENNEY & CO., bringing efficacy experience Stonington Line, Then ne exclaimed, IjniOMreieieuces esu associate himse f with a the hands of a regularly educated whose SECOND CABIN. Mai* ot Nazareth. Bara Hotel, Washington St.C. M. Plummer, Pro- 2 Elm s;., Portland,s the janftfu&w man oftde same age in «□ a < Has the makes lie studies tit him for all the duties he must Springfield Boute, rail, Single Ticket.. ..?'0 Gold steerage. none e B: hut he prietor. ready stabiished mana- ;HINE. ‘tsoeb-iehd," preparatory This n.usi he -»e>us, tor Picturing busme-s secured on hotn and is the is flooded with Return Tickets.. 150 Gold dead lo* by letters patent and liar- ■L-tCK" stitch,” (alike sides,) fully fulfil; yet country poor nostrums Shore Line, all Rail, Currency. to praise in a coold -see!’* Sagadahoc John S, Proprietor. 3255 Ike best and tsomotMiug House, Milliken, ing agents intbe Umtel Stiles. Also 1 .icensed. cheapest lamiiy hewing and cure-alls, parf • rf ig to be the best In the Can be tcund An ashampd, ea< b s- ofler Lowed his publish- world, at the being head, Kiildeford. WANTED. ing a>. Illustrated piper to help agents sell Ilaeb'lie in the market. Ad ress JOHNSON, which are not on. seleas, but always injurious, And from the sgtitol Je»us lurued and fled. goon,, at redaced rates 'o Glasgow, N.B. to attend 'o all the t LARK & CO., Boston, Mass., Piusburgn. Pa.. Cbi- rte unfortunate •B.c'i ibt particular in Railroad Ticket Passages granted — Atkinson. Inability business is the ueloctiny Agency, Atlantic for March. Hiddeeford House, K.. Mo. London, Antwerp, Havre, and other European cnies caus-oi this sale. BEAD MAN UFAC1U king c III., or St. Louis, jan3U-4w his physician, as It is «. lamentable yet inoontroveru. Young, Pro- CO., ago, an also to Mediterianean ports, connecting at Liv. Dining Rooms, SLaw’s Block,Lane.& 161 Federal Bottcn. ble that manv patients are made mis- 175 Fore and 1 St., febl8.2w fact, syphilitic Exchange Sts., Portland. with ibe and jectors, erable with rain d constitutions by maltreatmet t erjtooi Conpanv’a steamers, Through The History of a Hag Carpet.—A con- ISiddeford Pool. Press of 'j he Business Index, Bills of given lor Daily February 10. FOR SALK ! from inexperienced physicians In general practice; fur I1RJSRY P. WOOD, Agent. Lading Cargo. tributor to Yates Hovse. F. Yates, Proprietor. PARK ROW, N. Y. lor Jin. rontsins list ol is a conceded by the best syphilogrt- the Toledo IS lade having set forth 317 ft point generally al1 / 30.000 Business Opporiuni ies, West and South, that the study and management of these corns Map8’and Tickets sold tor passages the Canard steamers Klls worth House. G. L. Evans, Proprietor. Pleasant 3 dhers, by the of a rag “Jane Bran- Home, No 14 Pine street. Enquire monthly only SO it,-, a year. jngj-lwt diamts should the whole time of those who necc,,arjn,!for- sailing from ami trom advantages carpet, thereorat pages engross Liverpool eveiy Tuesday Wanted ! A JAMES (ached. would cut no more, but alter a brief He would refer abroad to General Agents Wanted. hether it be the solitary, vice of youth, or the ling- they St. James Hotel—J. P. M. parties tbe following Stages will connect as follows: COMPANY’S 13 returned to Stetson, Proprietor. Wanted Immediately! ac- rg rebuke of misplaced confidence In maiurer years, OFFICE. son of repentance they invariably named geutlemen ot this city: Hon. Geo. F. Shep- Groe3heek*s Calculating Machine, rapid At So. Windham tor broad strfkf. Bustos Trkmont House. Tremonr st. MAN to drive Bread Cart. One wuo has several 8JERK BOR AH ANTIDOTE IN SEASON. daily Brldgton via. Ray- Ibe Mother's bands were blistered, Brigham, Wrisley ley, Hon.A.W H. Clapp, Hon. Benjamin Kingg- FORcurate, reliable, simple. Easily operated, cheap mond a*'d Naples. chaige. Co., Proprietors. A years experience No one need apply Hon. Hou. md beautiful. instautaneus additions or The Fains and Aches, and Lassitude and Nervous orr»r> intv ALEXAXDEB, Ag’l, the blistered preferred. bury, Jr., Woodbury Davis, John Lynch, Giving At White Rock for Great Falls and Portland io mine were blistered, boys theirs, without the best of reterence, as to ability, integrity trom one to five columns ol Prostration that may follow Impure Coition, daily subtractions, taking fig- Nonh Standish. • took the but axe the Barometer to the whole T. 9VeGOWAX. and then father up he and Portland Nov 1.1870. a and its own system. _ shears, Bryant’s Pond. honesry. noltf ires at time, carrying borrowing tens, At Steep Fads dailv for L'niington. it mat “the tarnal Iebl4dlw GEO. W. H. BItOOKS. without 'be least on the Do not wait for the consummation that is sure to (fel- soon gave up saving thing Bryant’s Pont Uduse—N. B. Kindreds, etc, thought At Boldwin for Falls via No. Crockett, Proprie- Address low: do not wait for Unsightly Ulcers, for daily Effingham BO would cost more than it would he worth.” Hou«e and Lot tor Sale. uart of the operator. and K Partousfieltl. 8TON ZIEGLER & Mass. disabled Limbs, for Lose of Beauty were all hfcCUKDY, Springfield, At Baldwin tor N. via The rags cut, sewed, colored and Flour Barrels Wanted GOOD two story hou e on Portland Slreet, con- and Complexion. daily Freedom, H., Bethel. tain, ten finished jh‘j5-4wt Cornish. Kenzar Fal s and Porter, and wound into bal.s at last. Aunt Dolly spun A rooms, pined lor gas. Brick Tuesdays, cistern and well water. Lot about C5 asv VhSMaiisCan Veatify <« This Thursdays au Saturdays tor Ossipee Centre. the warp ot wool from our lamb’s Chandler House, F. S. Chandler & Co., Prop’rs. good by 85 pet back, paid tor Flour Barrels suitable for wet. by Uahayy? Bsyerience! At E. Baldwin, Tuesdays, Thursdays and PHILADELPHIA and wove the It looted well Chapman House, S. H. Chapman, Proprietor. carpet. enough Sugar, by febl8d3w* WM. H. JERBIS, Beal Estate men troubled with emissions In Saturdays, (returning alternate days.) tor Se- CASH Agent. Young sleep,—a South and we bad to cover the floor complaint the result of a bad habit In bag *, Brldgton and Bndgton Certre. enough parlor JURUBEBA generally At W. Buluwin Steamship Line. and the be-t iirislgtoa Center, Hie and a cure war- danv tor No. Coawav, N. H., bedroom—all lorty yards in all. Farm tor Sale. youth,—treated scientifically perfect via Cumberland House, Marshal Proprietor! ju25-4wt lanted or no charge made. lliram, Brownfield, Fryebuig, Denmark, While we were tacking down the one Bacon, Eagle Sugar Bejinery, Lovell and East carpet Offered at a great bargain; 1h a passes but we are consulted by one ov Fryeburg. of the Hardly day these Leave each ■ anti neighbor’s girls came in, and after gaz- Me. Opposite Grand Trunk Depot. Lamb Homestead farm in West .Free to Uook Asrents. more young men with the above disease, some of Passengers by stages b» the t2.30 p. m. port every Bunswitk, train irom W. Baldwin arrive in WednesdavASatnrday ing our cat said: brook, three and half miles tmna win st ad a handsome of our New whom are as weak and emaciated aa had Portland in season pet P. &K. Dining Booms. W. K. Prices according to quality. jnlC-tf Prospectus though they to connect wiili “We Field, Proprietor. Portland on tbe road to Saccarappa. WE11U8fraUd Family Bible containing over 2B0 the consumption, and by their friends are supposed te the 3 p. m. n am lor Boston. have got a new carpet Tickets lor sale at Ticket rom wnarr, at 3 Said excellent farm consists ot Bne Scripture Illusirations to any Book Agent, free have It. All such cases yield to the proper and Office ot P. &. K. R R. isong Koston, pm. “When did make, it?” mother Boarders Wanted. only K'Ofo Pin* Mrett you asked: tsrauowick, Vi, abour seventy-five acres divided into rhuriro AildroM Correct course of treatment, and in a short time are 8AM’LJ. ANDERSON, Pres’t ^0tr-mf§L Wharl, Pliiludel- convieutly Tlpppinlippyv 9ft 1070 at to we didn’t make is a car- and wood b as a well of National Phila. Pa. In health. a. m. “Why! it,it bougten Mineral Springs House *W. J. S. Dewey, Pro- mowing, pasture land; good Jn25-4wf Publishing Co., made to rejoice perfect jjhgdU£l£-Z£pbi'4,*^®“*®-* water,a laig- vient bouse and out buildings; Insurance one-hall the rate ot tail- pet.” prietor. Furnished Front Rooms barn,con ing vessels. bas also a valuable orchard ot 150 young trees in AGNT8 WANTED FOR nMdi*-A|«4 Ffen. |‘We couldn’t afford a bougbten caipet”, re- good bearing condition. Another valuable source ot Freight tor the West by the Penn. R. R. and South Bants. To Let with Board, Share are many men 01 the age or thirty who art GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY mother. cost so much.” to tbe farm is an excellent gravel l>y connecting Udcs torn anted iree ot plied “They profit belonging troubled with too frequent evacuations from the blao; LOW commission. Berry's Hotel, C. H. Berry, Proprietor. jel2dtf At 50 Free street. bed,tbe only one in tbe vicinity, and one Irom whi«b CANADA. “Ours only cost two dollars a yard, and it’s der, often aocompamed by a slight smarting or burn- passage, ten dollars. tbe town buys Situated so near real we braided tor aud it largely. Portland, and weakening the system In a man- For Freight or nice; girls it only Cape Elizabeth. Boarders tbe main road troro tbe to the FREE LOVE ing sensation, ▲Iteration ot Trains. Passage apply to Permanent upon country city, took us a ner the patient cannot account for. On cxamininf year.” P. this larm offers inducements such as iew others can Ocean Hods*—J. Chamberlain, Proprietor, / 1 AN obtain gtn tee I accommodations at reasona- AND ITS the urinary deposits a ropy sediment wil 1 often be WHITNEY * NAWPMOX, Moiber looked at me and I looked at moth- Oder to one a farm either tor or VOTARIES. Agntt, V. ble prices, at No. 55 Franklin st. seplltt auy desiring profit, and sometimes small particles of semen or al- WINTER Jnii t-ly 7Q For ct found, ARRANGEMENT. l,Bng Whnrt, er, neither ol us spoke but our looks spake a Garnish. eqjoyment. particulars inquire by Dr. Jno. B, Fllis. Large Sales, Immense Profits bumen will or the color will be of a thin milk- G. <& L. P. appear, whole Jones and her sisters J'jbhibu House—P. * WARREN, Stupendous revelations and startling disclosures, lsh changing to a dark and turbid appear- library. Mary Durgin, Proprietor mrl6d«Srwtf M hue, again Saccarappa, Oneal execration. Written in tbe imerests of Civil- SECOND STAGE OF SEMINAL WEAKNESS. Passenger tram at 7.19 A. M. lorSoatb Paris and teen cents Mains Sanborn & miermediate Eastport. Calais and St. apiece. When the last tack had Hotel, Jacobs, proprietors. ization, Christianity aud Public Morality. Send tor I can warrant a perfect cure in such cases, and a stations. Arriving at South Paris at John, 9,30 A. Ale been driven into its place we rose from our ss Merrill’s Wharf! Tbe subscriber offers tor sale bis circa1 ars and terms. U. S Pnblishing Co full and healthy restoration of the urinary organs. DIGBY, WINDSOR AND HALIFAX Damarikcotta mills. modern-built residence situated on 411 Broome St., N. Y. Mail Train at all knees sadder and wiser woman. jn25-4wf Persons who cannot personally consult toe Dr., (stopping stations) for Island jAMAPistoTTA the eminence overlooking Wood- ean do so by writing, In a plain manner, a descrip- Pond, connecting with night mail train for Bousp, Alexander McAllister Montreal and Quebec, Winter Proprietor. To let. ford’s Corner, Westbrook. It cou- tion of their diseases, and the appropriate remedies the West, at 1.10 P M. Arrangement. The llev. J- F. Ware, witting of supersti- __tains 12 good-sized rooms, with an CUFFROY’S COD LIVER DRAGEES. will be forwarded immeJ ately. Accomodation tor South Paris and intermediate Travelers Home, Simcn A. front office? in sec< nd of ihe stcre excellent is wiib an stations at 5.30 P. M. tions Hahn, Proprietor. large story cellar, supplied abundance ot .All correspondence strictly confidential ana will says: ‘‘So if a bride stands before a look- bard and soit and A to 11-2 & • ONE TilIP TWOat head ot the Wharf. Also one large Room in water, it is in a good stare of re- Box.GO Dragees equal pints C.L.011,75c he returns 1, if desired. Passenger rains will arrive as follows: ~PER WEEK. Danville Junction. rear s There is a ~ From ing-glass (here is woe in store! I declare to the suitable for orage. pair. large stable on the premises. The § The** Dragees (Sugar Coated Pills)of Address DU. J. B. H (TGHEb, «*»uth Paris and Lewiston, at 8.15 A M. Cod Liver aconcen- On Ol.arr'8 Dining Grand Trunk Also Warehouse? tor the Storage ot Merchandise grounds embrace two actes, laid Q -| Extract,ouutaiuiu tc O U °ntreai' Worhaia and and alter Hall, Hallway handsomely out, trated form, al1 the medical virtues No. Preble Street, Quel>ew» Hangar at MONDAY, January you that of all the I have married in M W in Bond, or-utbemise and on which is a fin- vegetable the of £ *> 210PM 2d, the Steamer New couples Depot, Clark, Proprietor. garden, vegeta- <«»3 Cod Liver Oil. Ther are tbe best remedy iL £ext door to the Preble House, Portland, Ma. Brunswick Good at all times at reasonable rates. bles to be sold wiih the house. 8 H Dockage, S R that can be used for Consumption, in £ Ai a for Accomodation from South at7 P.M. Cap! Pike, will leave Bail- these five and I don’t believe ® ISP* fiend Stamp Oirnuiar. Paris, twenty years, Apply at the Wharfinger’s Offi-e,at toe head of the This is one of the finest locations in the ot -J Its first stages. Debility, Scrofula, Con* ij Cars on ail road Wharl, loot ot Slate Oilfield. vicinity ~ bleeping night Trains. .ireet, one has ever stood and not one Whait, or ot DANA & CO.. Porilano—-within five minutes’ walk of tbe horse- ^ 3 stipation and Nervous Diseases, are ft -'every MONDAY at 8o'clock PM anywhere else, Androscoggin 3 not to never *? PlecMc Medical House, L.D. Kidder. Proprietor. fc21d2mo Commercial street. caus. and aflouding a fine view ot the ^ unpleasant take, disagree InHrmarv. lor Kantian aod St. John. of them ciiy, harbor, ill 5 with the stomach. Try them. ® 7" .fhe Company are not lor baggage to has turned out except in one ocean and ihe Price 'JO THE LADIES, responsible le“’eSt' JohD »“d badly, surrounding country. $9000 TliisisthewavPhyaiciunsspealroftbeni £ ^ any amount exoeeding in value that Easlport every One-third of the « $50 (and persor- THURSDA ctse Farmington. purchase money may rctnaiL on M O Paris, Kdgar Co., 111. Aprils, 1«70. -J OH. invites all wa VW‘“ wheie there wasn’t at ™ HUGHES particularly Ladies, *1) unless notice is and tor at any looking-glass For Sale or Rent. it ^ G»:nts Please send at ©nee to Rev. c given, paid the rate of Forest house, J. S. Milliken, Proprietor. mortgage desired. Possession given immediately. m need a medical to call at his No. Eastport »ith Steamer 111 Sam'l Nowell. D.D.PAri*.111. two boxes E. adviser, rooms. % One passenger for every $500 additional value, a.‘ all, and where the had one foot in Enquireot SAM’L g oRWM-'aAndrew8 “O'* Calais and bridegroom Stoddard S. F. JORDAN, ESQ o« or your excellent Cod-Liver Dragees. £ Q treble Street, wbicb they wll find arranged for thel C. J. BRYDGBS, nr u*V with Hotel, Stoddatd, Proprietor. two story Brick House French roof contain- P. S. A grove twe acres ^ ® Managing Director* C* ,or the and the bride containing adjoining on They nrotho best thing in the shape of M especial accommodation. B. BA1LB f ocal Ku,lway Woooatock and UouIiop. grave the tartar both No. 13 Mvrile between Con- ■ a Y, Superintendent. staibius [in THEing 13rooms, St., the south, also an acre ot land un the mediciue my father I as ever used. •= __ tillage uonh, — Dr. H.*e Klectic innovating Medicines aro unriva- Portland, Oct. 2Ph 7» Gorham. gress and Cumberland. The house is tew will be sold witb m You. *, W. M. Kewill M. D. « V oc27islw-ostf a* eyes; and I blamed myself for Dot hav- nearly the premises, it desired. aug25-tf led in and virtue in al 8t- J»bn with the glean er EM- always has a 2 To be bad of Druggists oud “H efficacy superior regulating Gorham II. B. ve.y large Cistern ot filtered water and Pur- generally p p^™u«'in,K thence had House, JohDson, Proprietor. Q Q of the Whole*ale Agcut* fur the U. S. r* • Female Irregularities. Their action is specific ane *'lg£? ft"0 Ann»l"''». by radio ing the moral courage to refuse to have Dace m cellar, and gas in every room. on the wlSlWlnriaoi and Hainan ami with Apply A s M. WARD & CO., late C fT osrtain of producing relief m a short time. tbc.E. i N. A premises or to tor Schedlac and to do with but I had been led a Great N. H. Ward. Southfrland & Co.. P ry LADIES will find it invaluable in all cases of ob IfYou are West Railway intermediate*stations anything it; Falls, L 1UJ received R.MESERVE, Geo. R. Wo William Strck^N. Y. •tractions after all other remedies have been tried In Going on nav. of sailing until 4 o at a total in a Great Falls Hotel, O. A. Fre«t, Proprietor. le2G*lw No. U6 Com’1 Street. Davis & Co.’s c'oekS^hremhi P. M. Winter rate, will long way night by stranger, left vain. It is purely vegetable, containing nothing In be chargeds on and ?^^^^^ctrtbyro»l^on^recetp'^o^prleej^^^ q Procure Tickets by the alter December 18th. house Hiram. the least injurious to the health, and may be tata strange by myself a long while, and for Cod liver **l Mt. Cutler House—Hiram Baston, Proprietor. To Let. b uLLEina. |_APgrfectjjtj]stjjmto Oil, with perfect safety at all times. Safest, Best and Most Reliable Routes I dc2toltf_ A.R.8TPBBS, Agent when finally the old man hobbled in with that Bent to an part of the with frill directions, rooms with the country, House, containing right by addressing DE. HUGHES, THROUGH TICKETS shrew on his who had lewiiton. modern siiuated on Oxford to loan i money to loan ! vinegar-visaged arm, ANEW improvements, St., JinLlNCd&w. No. M Preble Street. Portland. For Nova near tor of MoneyWe are to loan in CARBOLIC TABLETS. Prom Halifax, Scotia. done one I could DrWitt House, Lewision. Waternouse & Mellen, Eim; particulars enquire F.H.WIDBER, prepared money PORTLAND, yia BOSTON, to all points In already husband, only gasp 220 Commercial ■urns from •l2itf Rejl Estate & Mortgage Brokers. wonderful Heating and Cleansing agent tor all dis- Exchange Street, trator of the estate of oDe of now lor at oc our citizens, up- FIVE ready occupancy, tbe Safloril House, eases or tfeakners the Kespiiatory organs, Sure ° MTT1‘* * *««■»« on mechanic Falls.] Mo. 35 High street. Iebl7*lw Sudden Catarrh. application for the lile insurance due the Boarding House to Let, Throat, Cold, Hoarseness, Asthma, MarM-d^’ The Steamship. CHASE and CAK- Bag lb Hotel, N H Peakes, Proprietor. Dryness of tbe T.iroat or Windpipe, diseases ol ihe deceased irom a company in anolhei FIRST-CLASS Boarding House, on Free St., LOTIA wdl Iravr ,HaiPr Wbart State, Lungs and tor all irritation ot the mucous membrane 'everv learned th-t the concern A containing 25 moms, gas, Setago water, and all at 4 P.M. only received prem- For Bent, All vocalists and public speakers wlio speak and Reduced Rates. NATURDAY, modern improvements; bouse heated by furnace. A 'weather permiitiug tor Hamaa dl- iums, and did not losses.” Tenements in Block on Green without effort, use ihcse Tablets, their effect in reci. pay Elm House, Nathan Church & Sous, Propriesors, St., 7 most desirable borne for business menand their tam- sing making close connection, wnh the Nova Scotia Rooms ea< h; Sebago water aud gas. Also Two c'ear’mr the vo ce is simply as can be GENTEEL ilies. Immediate t-o^ession given. astonishing Windsor, Truro, New Glasgow and Tenemeuts in house on St. Lawrence conven- shown by numerous certificates. —One hundred and fifteen persons were Nnrrldgewock* Street., Apply to RhO KC. •'AVIS Sr CO. | For g^Co^r iently airanged. Will be rented to small families ielCeodlw Real Dr. WELL’S CARBOLIC sgpgg California. leave killed and eiehty-six on the New Jer- Dansortn D. Estate and Mortgage Brokers. TABLETS Ketu’rulng.will Pryor'. Wharf. Ilalllax. ev- injured House, Danlortb. Proprietor. and permanent, tenants at low rates A pply to Overland via. PaciOc ery Tueedav, at 4 P. M„ weather railroads in act on the mucous membrane and should be Ruilrwnd. permitting. sey 1S70. JOHN T HULL, Room No. 12 Fluent Block. directly CaMu passage, with state and ta^en in ail Or Steamer via. Panama to Sam Room, **g no Nor b Anson. feblSeodSw To Let. promptly freely exposure or violent by Francisco. Meals extra. cba» ol weather. as ihe Circulation Through Tickets lor sale at REDUCES HALL having been leased for five years gf they equalize Somerset Hotel, B .own & Hilton. Proprietors. ot the Blood and thus BATES, by ‘Pr"y 10 U BROWN'Sby tb« undersigned and put in order, waid oft all tendency to colds BlLUNGa, To J et. perfect and AtUntteWhL^?10*1*" EDUCATIONAL. will be let lor Lectures, Concerts, Levets, and other Lung difficulty. W. D. LITTLE A ocl28tt JOHN North The would all first-class CAUTION.—All genuine has the name Peruvian CO., P0RTE0D8, Agent ifrldgton. first-class entertsiuments, at a low rate. Tbe Hall proprietors say, medicine M have their imitations, and Syrup,” (not Peruvian Bark,”) blown in the glass W yomegon 10 House, O. H. is one ot the finest in t he anu will seat 500 tney would UNION TICKET Perry, Proprietor. to A. K. city, per- A 32-page sent free. J. P. Din smoke OFFICE diately. Apply -sHURTLEFF, sons. Two ante-rooms are ri A *be public against imposition by pamphlet Casco SI. large eonnec.ed with the TTrPTriAr 36 St., Nfew York. ocdawlwis-tostf 49 1-2 Maine Seminary. lebl4-lw No. 2k Union Wharf. and UO.U llUIl hav ng other men! ines thrust Proprietor, Dey Exchange street North Windham. Hall, furnished, supplied with ‘‘Sebago,” and bold by oil Druggists. Steamship Company The Spring Tern) will water in or upon them in place ot these admirable Tablets. open Nemasket W. W. closets, Apply person by letter to NEW House, Stanley. Booms to Let! GEO. R. DAVIs & CO., ARRANGEMENT. Monday, Feb 971b, J. Q. KELLOGG, 34 Platt N. Y., Sole & ROOMS, furnished or without jan24tf Maine. [St., Agent. Portland,Saco, Portsmonth R. R. For particulars at Norway, unfurnished, __Portland, DR. R. J. JOZJRDAIN, 4eml- apply TWOboard, on Congress st, opposite the Park. Weekly Line j 98 Elm Main SOLD B\ DRUGGISTS. Price 25 cts. a box. PROPRIETOR OF THR High St., House, St. W. W. Wbitmarsb, Pro- Enquire at this office. sep22d3w*tomr7 m: vi uciiu WINTER ARRANGEMENT. !hl4eod2w ELIZA C. Dl'BUIA. prietor. lebl-4w of five rooms on Preble Strept. s,eam®'» Dirigo and win To be Rented. ATENEMENTAls» two Cottagps at Wood fora’s Corner, West- Parisian of Franconia, Norton It, Gallery Anatomy,Boston, Commencing Monday, Dec. 1,’70. «ntil further notice, run a! follows; Mill*, NICE modern within five minutes’ brook. GEO. K. DAVIS & CO., just published a new edit ion oi his lectures, Young Ladies / Tenement, Leava Galt. W bar i, Portland. *verv Seminary Norton Mills Hotrd—Frank walk in2ltf Real Estate and Brokers. most valuable information on tbe CggBfflap PASSENGER TRAINS lenve Port- Davis, Prop'r. A ot Clly Bali. Pri e $265 Enquire oi Mortgage 8 O’CLOCK. HAScontaining “,,d at 4 P. and and treatment ot diseases oi land daily loi HURSDAY, M., laav* 19 Pino Portland. GEO. C. FttYE, causes, consequences (Sundays excepted) Ptetiv* j M0NDAY Street, _, yaid MEDFORD subject ever yet published, comprising 150 pages.— Portland at 10.00 A. M 2.30 and Principals ai tbeir residence 12 Pine St. I'elOtd Bussell House, B. S. Boulster, Proprietor. on the 20 Pleasant or 13 Dan- RUM, 5.30 p. and K°°“ •*' C*bl° Apply premises, si, NERVINE Mailed free to auy address for 25 cents. m, on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Faa*ag« $4, fort b st. T. tbe of Andress, at 8.00 Meai.*extra> P. HARTNE1T. g>till enjoy reputation manufacturing Has relieved thousands ot p.m. Oxford, Jan Cough, Co’d, Fever,Ague, *"d 13-dtf Dr. Jourdain’s Consulting Office, Tbe 6.00 p. m. trams from Boston and from Montieal, The Best Rum in the States Headache, Neuralgia, wiih loss ot appe- (Express) Hallux. St,a,rVrced and t0. all Quebec. Dyspejsia Portland run via Eastern Railroad John, part, of Maine. Shipper* Lake House—Albert G. tite, Piarrluea, <&c. 51 Hancock Street, Boston9 Mass. Tuesday,Thurs are Bridgton Academy. Hinds, Proprietor. [Duly Authorized by State Constipation, Sleeplessness, and requested to seua their Height to the STORE TO LET License.] Price SI See recoman ndatioi s with each bottle. junl4dlyr day Saturday, stopping only at Saco, Steamer* l Biddeiord, *8 *v- “• ™ «>e «ay. Tbe superior and ot Re«d one Kennebunk, Salem and they leave Peak’s Island, < quality purity wbat Druggist says: We have sold Portsmouth, Newburyport, For or PortlaxdT) .V O 236 ongress Street, very central location In- Lynn; and on Height passage apply to The Spring Term of this Institution will commence Dodd’s Nervine tor the last six years and can truth- Monday, Wednesday and I'riuay T. x.v qui.e at John F. Hammei’s new Picture LA WREHCE’S MEDFORD RUM & Maine Galt’s Union_Hou8E—W. Jones, Pfbprietor Gallery full v s*y it has enlue satisfaction in Railroad, stopping only at Saco. FOX, Wharl, Portland. corner of and Chestnut Streets. given every ”.a,“°?,on Cr3® TUESDAY, FEBRUARY Congiess Jan. 6tt tor tbe past -seven has made it every- instai so we Biddeiord, .Kennebunk, South Berwick E- K' Mew Yorlt- 98th, 1871, forty years, ce, tar as know. During ihe last year Junction. May »-dtt where known as tbe rum No Dover, and and continue el^vee weeks. Portland, standard pains wi'l we have sold over Nineteen Thousand bottles, and Exeter,flaveiliill Lawrence. be to maintain iis trains each LEONARD Adams John spareo puriiy and li'gh rtpuia- consider its immense sale a sufficient ptooi of its n- CORNS! Freight way daily (Sundaysexcepted). D. A. House, Temple St., Pro'tr. CARVER, B., Principal, Sawyer TO LET. tion. The CORNS,Lite lias its sorrows and Norfolk public is cautioned against imitations GEu. C. GOODWiN & temptations, trials, and FRANCIS CHASE, and Baltimore and Miss MARY C. albion 117 Federal liability. Co, Wholesale Superintendent, Washington D. 0 LO*VE, A. B., Preceptress, House, Street, J. G. Perry* and couni enei is. Boston. Sold all the greatest ot all, aitboi^gh not dangerous,yet it will Portland, April 2*. Ih70. CONVENIENT Druggists, by Diuggists. tbTtlw Bteamshn) MisB L.YDIA M. FOLLANSREE, Proprietor. FRONT BOOM, with large tST Order direct from us and we will warrant sat- be readi-y admitted, that CorLS, Bunions. Ingrow- Line. room in tlie with steam Amerioan House, India St. J. -H. Dodge, Prop’r. A 'ear, power. isfaction. Please address orders by mail to MED- ing Nail* and o'lier ailments ot the feet are a source Music and Drawing. at this office. olI it. Maine Enquire FORD, MASS., and orders by expiej-s or otherwise The OombJMrMrSt gre anno.vance. In Vain you scrape, cut and Central Railroad ,4.„ Ste.mship* oftbi. Line sail Iron end Board and tuition reasonable. rJ exr Books lur- BRADLEY HOTEL, Cor. India and Com. to 107 Magic die at at Len.rml Whan. opposite S'ate stieet, Boston, and they will receive a them, every changing atmosphere they will Boron, EVERY nislied the the Grand Trunk o permanent black or brown. It corfams no poisoo. oy Principal at Poitland prices. Railway. rJ Lt t prompt attention, Still send their pieicing darts innb like flashes ot PORTLAND AND BANGOR DAYS lor NORf6la and One comb sent by mail for $1. Dealers at LINE. Trios H. ommercial Cor. Fore a supp'itd lightDing in sharp, pierring, and umelentiug HGSSkB^SlBALl'l&liniE, MEAD, Secretary. House, and Cross Streets, board, front chamber on New High st. lianiel reduced rates. Addre s Wm. pain. North Bridgton, Feb. 3d, 1871. ieb7-2aw&v»3w Chamberlain Lawrence & Sous. Patton, Treasurer, Thev r. rment a to a ater thau Trains &»e*mship#:— & Foss, Proprietors. WITHAddress P. O. Box 1917. dc7tl ftpringfieid, Mass. (erson gr* degue oth- gggggKl will leare Grand Trank Depot jnl9rt'3m Iebllt4w er attentions. Dr. J. the wrli-known Cbiro- '-William Wm. A. City b Corner and Biiggs, 'brAubUrn ai,«o. H Hallett. seminary Falmouth P. E. French roofed Cottage, c m’aining five Capitalist too Rich, This By sending >0 CENTS with age (Moosebead “A/cUel/an” Cart, frank The Tr-rm 14 Hotel, Wheeler, Proprietor. color of and Dexter, Lake; and Bangor, at 1 65 p AJ. Howes. J'pring of weeks, will open ANEWrooms, on ibe lire of the Horse near height, eyes bair, you will receive, by M. Freight forwarded Portland 71 Green St. R. Railroad, return Connecting with tbe European & North Ameri- Irom Noiiblk to Washington House, Potter, Prop’r. Wood lord’* corner Rent mail, a correct picture of your future hus- * MONDAY, MARCH 13. Low. Apply to No Farmer is too can R. R. tor towns north and east. by Steamer Lady oi the Lake. Preble st. W. M. Foor, band or wfe with name and date of Ad- The several House, Congress Lewis Co., noviztf WARREN SPARROW, 72 Exchange St. maniage. Freight train leaves Po-tlauu Freight .o/w Aided fVom Norfolk to uepaitmentsot tnis ns taut ion, em- Proprietors. dress W. FOX, P. O. Drawer No. 24, Ful'onvilie. tor Bangor and in- Petersburg and »». No is too termediate stations at A. Ktcnmond, by river oi sail; and the bracing Mechanic Foor N. Y, teb13t 6.33 M. by Va. k Tenn St. Lawrence India St. PILES. Trains leave Lewiston Air Ur* to all in House, J. O. Kidder. To Let. _4w APILES, common aotl Auburn points Tennessee. to very artcct'on, there being but few tor Portland Virginia, Ala GOLJLEGIAriJ and Stores on Pearl and buy an Eartb Closet, which is a substitute tor the and Boston al 6.20 A. bama aiid Ann over DEPARTMENT St. Julian cor Middle and Plum Street Cum- persons who are not troubled with them *t some M., 12.04 4*. M. Georgia; the Seaboard «ua Ho Hotel, Sts. G. water-closet or common wiih>n the pe- FOB YOUNG E. HOUSESberland Terrace by privy,and places riod ot their life. The exists Train Irom Bangor and intermediate ami South LADIES, Ward, Proprietor. reach of lich and in town MIXJSESOTA: disease insmal tumors stations is S? Mw.' S t1' Carolina J. L. FARMER. all, poor, and in ibe coun- dne in Portland at 2.10 oy the Halt, k Ohio H. R. to in addition to the S. sep27-ly in tie rectum or about the anus, whim aie d-vided P. M.,and Irom Lewiston Washington and at tJ. Hotel, Junction ot Congress and FedeT*l Sts try. a simple means lor providing, in the a and Auburn at H.10 places West. house, It* RcHonrccH and Profgrc**— It* into, lir*t, those which aie to a dister.dnd only A. M. Normal and Gibson, Burrell & Proprietors. comfortable private closet, a neat- Beauty, owing The rates Seminary Co., To be Hording comfort, HealthfuIncMN and and it* At- stale ot the veins ot the only route by which tickets are Through given to South ami West. Department*, Let, mss ana health. to Fertility, nart,and second, those whi* b through sold are under the Walkee Boston Geo. Prices $9 $35. Send lor circu- traction* and to Bangor, Dexter and all Fine Passenger acco direction ot experienced teachers, and House, Opposite Depot, whole or ot the block ot Stores on Advantage* a* a Home for present the character of a sold tumor. When the intermediate stations -odauons. Jr part Brick lars to 1116 the utiu, st is a me; at iu all the Bridgham Proprietor. new Book free of tumors ars within the are inter Keunobec KiTer> an<1 checked 8451111 a,,u Meaia 9'* *>: time ta efficiency branches THEPortland Pier. Immigrant*—A cost, rectum, they called hoggago w£Sr?Ju?iuJl,nK48 taught. The •rom official source.-and through Norioik, hours. To Baltimore 65 building-recently erected oflordfiist- Apply at the Merchants National Bank. compiled published oy di- nal piles: when without, and aiouno the anus, ex- hours. ctdba recion For further information scqooI a con modal! ms Paris Hill, jy!8tl Earth Closet of Governor Horace Austin. ternal. When they discharge blood thev are te m- decierfEDWIN NOYES, Sapt, apply to Hoard, Its ti le indicates its including iuel an 1 lights. $3 50 per week. Hubbard Hotel, H.HubDard, Proprietor. contents. It exhibits the in- ed bleeding piles; a d when no blood bjqvars, Miud ,A. SAMPSON, Agent, Good at con m.dauons ior ducements ottered Minnesota to and Central seli-b»ardin*. To Let. by persons seeking pi'es; excessive itching ab*ut the auus. Itching Jnne2tf_33 IV/tarr, Bottom, Add less, «J, C. new b( me?, her wonderful piles. BRIGGS* PILE REMEDIES BOBTUHOt SNOvV, Pr'tcipal, Raymond’* Village, Store co., resources, unexampled Nothing equals ROCHESTER B.B ven’s Plains, Me. recently occupied by MARK progress and magnificent 'uture. it teds how and for thetr cure. wt(16_St- central House. W. H. Smith *J OH Proprietor BASEMENTBROTHERS. Possession given immediately whtre, under the Homestead” Law, to obtain free WINTER BOSTOIN. of MARK BROl over ]9 Deane ARRANGEMENT. | Enquire HERS, Davis, Has- St, homes andjret /arms, “without money and without Gorham am* kell & Co. corner Market and Middle streets. it is what The new and Seminary. BOSTON. price.” just every man— Fanner, Me °n a,1'l atter *u]>6cior sea-going ago House—J T. Cleaves & Son. Proprietor, Portland, Oct. 5th. 1870.oc5tf cbanic. and Laborer—who Tuesday, Not 1, 1870, ',0HN Tradesman, desires to will run i*®"?*rB BROOKS anJ better his condition should wwC^f^Nwwtrains as lollows: Spring Term ot thi9 iustitn’ion will com- ^AR*.' c* etui I v read. CATARRH. Passenger trains leave MONTREAL, having been’fitted n o. China. Puitlaud ex THKeuc« on Tuesday, and continue This book wi'l be sent to any addtess in daily,(Sundays up at great experts* with a February ‘Z8Ji, TO LET. HENRY TAYl OR & CO., 14 and 10 Exrhang Amcr^ra With all of its and cepted) lot Springvale and intenuediate large eleven weeks juake J. or Eur pe, tree of pus; age or ctber on disagieeable disgusting symp- Stations al number oi beautiful House, Savage, Proprietor, street, Portland, Agent for the State of Maine. expense, appli- 7.1f A. 2.00 P. M. llt State Rooms toms, rc.ieted and cuied with Dr at, will run the season The Teachers’ Training Department will be con- cation to E. PAGE Da VIS, Commissioner of Immi- instantly spetdily as follows: IN FLUENTBLOCK, oc3eod1y the and most Leave Portland lor Saco River at 6 30 P. tinued as tor the oenetit ot gration tor the Slate of Minnesota. No. IfC Broad- Brigg>* Allevantor, cheapest, quickest M. Atlantic Pertl.no at bereiolore, special suv.h ikewbegan. QFFJCES aareenblo Leave tor Whan, T o’cioat as wish to tit New where ail remedy before the frlOOO will be Springvale Portland and intermediate »ndD«Vl“* India ior the proie.-sion of teaching. OF THE way, York, iutoimation in regard to public; stations at 9 Whart, Boeton, .eery da? at 5 Turner House. T. H. & Either or in METROPOLIS paid when this fails to ure Caianh Head- 30, A. M. o'clock P For lurtber ulais bend tor citculai to Hussey Co.,Proprietors. Single Suita. the State will he remedy M, (Sundays pari j^ANK cheerlu'ly given. tebGNw KiTer Iur excepted.) are the ache, Neuialgia, <£c., if used according to directions. Portland at 3.30 A. M and d. B. WEBB, Principal, or Brewster’s Hotel. S. B. Brewster, Prepnetor. These offices most desirable in the city Non. 41 and 4 3 Stale Street, J.10 r. ML. Oataniare,... s1M There are many remedies 101 the cure ot those d s- Jn30w and money bus spent perfecting this remedy,and Springvale P. M. BILLIKDa, Agent. by 100,'K 0; en- connect as Mae 1.1869-dtlL- Stages _ Itowdoin tor, 1 it one ot tbe most convenient edition ot the wsu'.r is mor than follows: College. eiiements to Let. making pleasant and )aig?d The National Hand Book of s»tisfactory. At ol Each • o't e make two tor use. Gorham tor West Gorham, access in the will continue to receive de- Fact* and < quarts Sold by M. Standbh. A T from $4 to $12 per for ot cor. Middle and GK ». C a River, Limerick, Parsons- Wot Now tf^HE JanSdtt114 St. frankfort-on-the-Main, and all other cities Price, $1 50. CHAPMAN, Exchange sts, NewfielQ, York, Philadelphia^ Baltimore.Wash fitty-fitst Annua* Course °t Lectures at this j Exchange FRY cor. Frankliu aud fleld and Ossipee, Europe, Asia and and issue Letters ol Credit E. B. TREAT & C54 N. E, Congress sts, MAKK & tri-weekly. ington, and all tbe A institution win commence Stand i*b, Airica, CO., Broadway, Y, At Center principal point. FEBRUARY 16th, tor travelers (which will be honored in the ler*t74w DAVIS, cor. Congress and North sts, and Waterborougb for Limerick, Parsons- ml. and continue sixteen To Let. any partot Druggies West, South and weeks. Standisu House—Capt Chas Thompson, Prop’r. world,) upon tbe most favorable terms. Parties generally. Tra<'e suppled W. H. PHILLIPS field, daily. South-West, class Store aDd Offices by At Via FaCCLTY. on Exchange Street would do well to beiore elsewhere. IGENT9 & CO., J. Wr. PERKINS & CO., W. W. WHIPPLE springrale tor Sanford Corner,E. Lebanon (Lit- Taunton, K.|| Hirer mud lt.wp.ra between Middle and Fore Streets. to apply engaging WANTED, Q A C* U L' I \ tle River West 4-orhnm, FIRST App’y We are the loilow- Tor the 1 & CO. Falls), So. Lebanon, E. Rochester and Cabin, $S,00; Deck (4.U0 President, Samuel Harris, D. D. constantly receiving letters ot LAND OF & A \ ) JY Vj I linpnpftvttr Baypnge checked W. H, ANDERSON, _no!7-dly and in West Gorham Jedediah Pio ing import: Bev*w*L*GAGjE* through transferred N Y tree ol charge Medical Jurisprudence, Johij LD. D. House, Graflam, At Office ot Nathan 59 By THOS. New Appleton, Webb, Esq, No, Exchange “Sam A. Way. Esq.: yi y QUINBY, Superintendent. Yorktrainele.ee the Old and New- prietor Street. dec30dtf jstERY DR. S. Jan 1,1*71, Colony Obstetrics, Wm. C. Robinson, M. D. Having travelled in and other part9 The grandest *nd most new book out. FITCH, att port Railway Depot, corner ol Sooth and KneeJand ol Asia, Turkey popular Europe, with a Letter of Credit issued by your Hundreds of superb illustrations, Steel, etc. No streeis.da'ly, (Sundays excepted,ias lollowa: nt4 30 Anatomy atd I take to leave the on f M, in Fali River 40 Physiology, T. T. D. Bank, pi vasure in acknowledging the uniform )ther book like ii—none selling half «o last Agents City SATURDAY, for a FARE arriving minutes in advance ol { SABrnsfSL and INTENDSshort visit and REE U CEE the reiralar Steamboat LOST AND FOUjmT courtesy attention shown bv your correspon- ell GO to 150 per week o» it and Pk< f. Stowe’s 8e[f- away, Train, which leaves Boston Chemistry, C. F. Bb A jkett, M.D. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, dents. at 3.30 P ,1 EDWIN HADLEY/ Interpreting Bible. Extra inducements TO M, connecting Fall Rl“ Wm. large offered. r>n. t. s. new and wiX»5 Surgery, Wabben Gbelne.M. D. For Diseases of the Jena tor cnculais to bui-pn «!t men, rnagnmeent sieamers PaoviDisch. Cant. Throat and Dungs, WoithiLgton, Co., B. M. Materia G. L. M. Lost. N. B. A will be allowed to Banks or Conn. ieb7t4w Simmons, Bbistol, Capt A. Medica, Goodale, D. such as Dog commission dartlord, is expected to attend to his patients. Simmons!- Coughs, Colds, Whooping Bankers who order efters or bills tor their triends. These steamers are the laslest and most reliabla Pathology and Therapeutics, size black Newfoundland dog, marked Feb 15-d2w Detroit, boats on the Cough, teb28-2aw26r&law39t_ty |CJliioag-o, Scand, built expressly lor speed. Mietv A. B. Palmeb. M. D. Bronchitis, MEDIUMwith white spot on breast aod white on tore thea-nectar uni comiort. This line connects with all the A. Mitchell. M. D. and loot; collar marked “J. F. Tebbe's, Bosion.” Who- Sonth- Consumption. Isa Fnre Bmck Tea with Avoid ern Boats and Railroad Lines irom New York ever w ill leave notice at this < flic e where he be Quacks. going Demonstrator of Anatomy, B. B. Foster, M. D. never before in may NOTICE. Green Tea flavor. VICTIM CALIFORNIA, We»i *nu South, and convenient to ih. Probably the whole history of found will be suitably rewarded. feb!7*Jw of early indiscretion, causing nervous CalUoraj* O-Circiilars foil Warranted to suit, all tastes. Sttsnion. containing information may be medicine, has anything won so and so • A debility, premature decay, Ac., liav ng tried in |And all points via the had widely deeply Portland Dry Dock and Ware-House Co.” For sale everywhere, and tor west, “Tw -kippers of by applying to the hecre-aty. the vaineverj advertised remedy, has a means Fre.gkt.” this Line, with upon confidence of mankind, as this excellent X h *ve leased their Docks aDd other in sale wholesale by th** simple Its new and extensive C. F. Lost! prop' rty on'y ol sell-cure, which he will send tree lo bs lellow- depot accommodations inBoa- BRACKETT, M. D., Secretary, remedy for a Care Elizabeth to Jame9 fi. for one Great Atlantic & Pacific ton, and in pulmonary complaints. Through long Wednesday between Hall Simpson yeai suflerers J. H 78 larpe pier New York, (exclusively for tbe Nor. series of evening, Deenng from Jan. to Jan. TEA ( O Address, TUTTLE, Nassau-st., GRAND TRUNK business oi ibe Brunswick, 1870. dcCOwGc jan24TT&S3w years, and among most of the races of and Park 1.1871, i, 1872, ard during said New York. RAILWAY Line), is supplied wuh facilities tor ON street, a Coral Ear Ring. The tindtr t*n*e tbe P O box 55'G ° dc2l-6m men it has risen and will Company will not be responsible tor any Cburch-st.,N.Y. freight and passenger business which cannot be sur- higher higher in their estima- he well rewarded on leaving it at the office ol debts ^— contracted in their name or on their GSEP’cieijd for Tbta Nectar Cir- THROUGH EXPRESS TRAINS passed. Freight taken at low rates tion, as it lias become better known. Its uniform this pater. recount, always and for- unless authorized or approved by the President of cu.ar. warded with dispatch. Norlh character and power to cure the various affections Portland, December £9, 1870. dc30tf Leave Portland nd Danville Yarmouth Academy. therein par y. CliAS A. La MB ARD. « feb!5l4w Junction, dally, (Sun- Njw York Kxi ress Train leaves Boston at 1.30 P of the lungs and have made it known as a President p. d. Dock and days excepted)lor arrive in New York The Spring Term will commence Feb- throat, re- Ware-house Co. Cannot M; goods nexf morning about I Wednesday, liable hi« Money Buy It, ruary 22nd, an l clone May 3d. 1871. protector against them. While adapted to By Attorney, L. D. M. SWEAT. C5 A M. Freight leaving New York reaches Boaton on 1871. ~J3 at 9.45 A M. J. F. milder forms of disease and to it is Portland, January *8th, jn30it C A. 1ST A. D A. die tollowing day MOODY, Principal; young children, m berths and at the same For tickets, staterooms, apply at tha Mias M. B. time the most effectual that can 3S» For is Priceless! And ol the 1 A**i*tant remedy Notice of Foreclosure. Sight allfparts office at No 3 Old State corner 8HEPLRY, be for roi cs company's House, of | given incipient consumption, and the dan- 3 Washington and Stale streets,aud at Old MimM.H.THOnPgOfi, Teachers; is to give public notice that Charles P. Rob- Colony and MOSS, gerous affections of the throat and As a rpHIS West Railroad Depot, corner of South and jples chan. h. 9IORAZAIM, lungs. pro- I inson. ot Portland, county ot -< and North-West. Newport Knee- vision Cumberland, and land streets, Boston. Teacher of French ; against sudden attacks of it should -and- Stateoi Maine, did on the m Pullman’s Croup, twenty-seventh oi Pa'ace Sleeping and Hotel Cars run New York on day Steamers leava daily, eicen- G. C. be kept hand in every and indeed as all September, 1867, by bis mortgage deed oi that date through irom Detroit to San (Sundays PURBINGTON, family, Francisco. ed) from Pie* 30 *wrlb toot of Teacher and are sometimes cpnvev to the ? lerfam lot ol land *a,e8 this River, Chamber Penmaumhip Book-keeping ; subject to colds and coughs, all undersigned sit- "I iouie atwaysliss than by any at, at 3.00 P IH. uated in said < n tbe side of other route Irom £. • should be Portland, westerly For- _11 Maine. Nil** M. provided with this antidote for them. the finest Gno. Shivebick, Passenger and TBAXTER, est said deed Produces Cookery inown to* tickets can Freight Agent. Teacher of Mnaic. settled street, being acknowledged Uct. 1st, be obtained at the Grand Trunk •IAMKS Although Consumption is in- 18G7, and recorded in Cumberland of makes ell articles more HSK, JR., President thought Registry Deeds, Science; tender, wince, opposite Preble House, and Depot. M. R. Director Teachers *n and curable, still great numbers of cases FURNACES! book SIMONS, Managing Narraganaata«»uawn Drawing, Painting, Gymnastic* where the dis- 355, page CPI, to which reference is saves O oct3dt4D.H. lurnistied if hereby light and delicious; one-third the BLANGHaKD, Agent. Steamship Co. desired. ease seemed settled, have been made tor a moie accurate description ot the premi- Pailicu'ar aUenuon will be to completely cured, takes less to do tho al- n«;vo uijr paid Botany, Sur- and the patient restored to sound ses, and the condition of said mortgage deed being Shortening; work; and health by the VING ^ veying and Narigation, Tenman&bip Book-keep- enlarged our Store, we are now prepar- broken, I therefore Haim a foreclosure ol the same reliable; full weight; best in use. Cherry Pectoral. So complete is its ed ways ing mastery HA to exhibit.to our customers the largest assort- according to the statute. Pacltic Mall over the disorders of the ment ot GjLD MEDAL 3 Steamship For lunliei pa ticu'ars address the Principal or Lungs and Throat, that LEVI WEYMOUTH. SALEBATUS, Company’! the most obstinate of Inina Man’s lea oirre __ them to clioico of the —St CT«v Dr. J. M. BATES, fcec. ot Trustees. yield it. WTien noth- Pnrlor, Portland, Feb. 15th, 1871. febl7,24,mr3* The Universal best House- Yarmouth Ppi» 1*r iwVi fph.a.lm else could reach TUR DIAMOND Through Line ing them, under the Cherry Pec- wives in America; stands without a rival3 GLASSES, toral they subside and Oilicc, NEW TEAMD disappear. OAUTIQ 3sr~ for parity, bealtbfulness, economy and flno (/) Manufactured by COFFEE, XO Singers and Public CALIFORNIA, Speakers find great pro- Cooliine Stoves, cookery. Depot 112 Liberty St., Hew York. 7* From China and Japan to San china tection from it. J. E. and japan. Fryeburg Academy. Ami I have reason to believe that one J Spencer & HT. Francisco thence by rail to this Ranges, Co., Y., All T0UCI1INU AT Asthma is always relieved and ollen WHEKEAS,S Newcomb fraudulently obtained irom ire AGENTS WANTED FOR Ciry. goods warranted. Money MEXICAN POBTS Sl>rmit T“tm of wholly in the market. We have added new to tlie ,h* Institution will com- cured it. many latterns on tbe first day oi December last, my note ot f r SHffc"6offered public,are pronounce r**rundeu it goods do not piove as Aid Carry i|,« mend by to our former assortment ot that t)y all the celebrated tag, B.ii.a state.. Mail. large Stoves and Fnr- date, lor tbe sum oi two hundred d ihis Opticians oi the world to be tb AR KUO, China Tta Merchant, Bronchitis Is n»' all of liars; i, to generally cured by the es, which we warrant to give perieet satis- caU'ion all aaa M taking persons against purchasing the same as MOST «w»>ere».» Wednesday, March 1st, Pectoral in small and taction. PEUFECT, Fares and cont nue eleven Cherry frequent doses. stid rote was obtained as aforesaid and is without Greatly Reduced. weeks. Gratelul tor past favors we solicit a share ot For a Cough and Cold, no better can the consideration. DAVID O. Natural,Artificial to the human ever kno* remedy same in the HOLT. WONDERS help eye tutu BLieskcll’s C. A. A. re, North Yarmouth. Magic Salve Steamships on the on th PAGE, IK., be had. Take small doses three times a and January 2Ftli, 1871. *w6 Ihev are ground under their own surervisi Connecting Principal day OF THE Atlantic: Pacific with the2 Mi*« warm F.d B. WOEZD,” Iron: minute an CURES ^ mobbux, put the feet in water at night, until the C. NASH, Crystal Pebbles, inerted together, , A»i.,anl derive their on account ot thei COLORADO, MIh FKA\K disease is broken up. 173 A 371 Pore Ml. ver one thousand illustrations. Th<* largest, best name, “Diamond,” CUABLE., haidees* ami ARIZONA, and most attractive book ever brilliancy. For when it affects the P. S. Please call ano exam no s*ling, subscription H NKY Tcucher Influenza, throat or our laige stock b Hard and White Pine The Scientific on which aTe con- OHAONCY* CONSTITUTION. of atu.Sc fore Timber. ublished. One agent, in' Denver, Colorado, sold 100 I’nnciple they Tetter I Tetter ! Tetter I NEW same course. purchasing elsewhere. 5 structed core or YORK, GOLDEN CITY. lungs, take the on hand and sawed to the centre oi the ter s direct &T Board, an be obtain, d iu private Oct 24th. dimensions. •pies in iour days. One apent m MilwauMe sold brings '■CEAN families For small (jtf I.V in front oi the eye producing a clear and distinct QUEEN, SACRAMENTO. reasonable Whooping Cough, give doses three HARD PINE PLANK. 3 ) copies in 1-2 day, and a large number from 20 to nok i iiekn omrt as in the ano ITCIl! ITCH! light, golden age, rates._ju25 or four d*y. Send lor circulars, with terms vision, natural, healthy sight, prevent- ITCH! times a day. BABD PINE VI..VO AND ) copies per at COSTA K1UA, MONTANA. Ac STEP, U. S. ing all unpleasant sensations, such as glimmering JULES CM. L. p<’r and doses until Coal and Wood ! jj nee. Address, PUBLISHING CO„ 411 One of the above large and rplenlid Steamships MOliAZAIxT Croup, give large frequent N. Y, md wavering oi sight, dizziness, &c., peculiar to ail Scald the BOARDS. For Sale by I iroome S Jet21-4w Erysipelas, Hrad, Ringworms, Ulcers Rmn. will leave Pier No. North loot of Canal from rAUrs, disease is overcome. >thers in use. *»>t Rbeum. Chill 42, River, hi., of Blair’s. Scald.,Pimple, at 12 o’clock noon, on the 5m and 21st of every should be without the Peeto- Coal, brig Hattie E. Wheeler, suitable STETSON & 7 hey ure mounted in the best manner, in frames of Frosted Limbs, Inflamed BiS?h«’'*' Teacherotthe trench Cherry tor POPE, FOR 2*A,jL.l£. Ly.s, n.es,Pi (. 2ana .iall t month (except when tall on Sanaa?. ana Language, 40 (1ARGOJ turnaces, ranges,cook ng purposes, &c., &c. !he best quality of all mateiials used lot that pur- Ions or the Skin. Krup. (hosedays protect in case of Wharf and Dock, First, corner of E Street. on Late Master ot Modern Languages in the from thea'!'1 them, attack, Also cargo Nova fecotia Wood, delivered in Offlc* est. tbeu ibe preceding >atur«iay,Uor ASPlNwALL, Provin- any No. 10 State Street. Boston. rori Wan anted to Cure or with one claJ and «, complainta- Its use often oi both lor d\yr Schooner GKO. BltOOKS.carries about Money Refunded via. Panama Railway, oi the Ttauing School, High ram mar Schools spares the timely part the city, cheap cash. OT“Their finish and durability cannot besnrpas- “ connecting, us,T° N 10'J l\I i* in iron* Panama tor SAN- Si. John, N. B. amount of suffering and WM rl. WALKER, lumber, good conditou,and ed. Company’* Sicamsl ips J. M risk, which 242 well for the trade. ByHEISKTFlS'ep,Ui at MANZANILLO. Relertuces: Gen. Brown, J. W hon^a4Teat octlldf No. Commercial Street adapted coasting CAUTION.-None genuine unless For sale l.v (• if Jr®P,i«or. Rangor, Me. FRANclSCO, touching Symonds could waitinF untiI he NOTICE. to bearing c-tLL- connect* at Panama with Esq. get other aid Apply rade mark ■< > stamped on every irame. & Departure* of the 2lsl Paren.'V’7 w-Giikty and for the person is authorized to purchase goods or con- J. A. MERRILL A Steamer** lor South Pacific Ameri- front one P. M. to three oVloek r. m at 58 exigencies'that O y A YEATON & BOYD, Co., central Apply ariBs’keeIVtlnJou'-honse8Llvea dear 10 REM L ! NOtract debts ob our account, and we will not. 139 can Ports. Those oi the §th touch at Maiuzam- be * or in P. O. Box 2059. may saved it. y°n pa" No 111 Middle Street, Sprit g freet, writing by such nebis unless a written * -81 jand&w3w Commercial st. • So any by or»'er trom us Jewelers and Opticians, are 6ole Agtnts tor Port- illo. sepiodly generally arc its virtues teb16*iw known G. F. H1TOHINGS & CO. I and, Me from whom iLc.y c»n only b-» obtained, ► or Japan and China. Steamer AMERICA leaves not publish certificates of need S~~0 1870. them are not to TICE! San Feb. 1st, h^i^ *7® FOR ^ JL. E. rbese goods supplied Pedlers, at any piiee Francisco, .... than assure the public that the W. F. CII1SAM One hundred baggage allowed each adnlt. best q Churchill’s JN 8ep13d«2fcw ly pound* qualities0.,^0™Uitles*tevcr Voffctable Medicated HEREAS 9 thr< ST. AUGUSTINE’S possessed are strictly maintained. Schooner HARRIET \Aj I have reason tobe’lcve that one J. Baggage Mastei accompan} baggage ugh, and OIL. Call tor it and will never he FULLER, car- S. wthout Dr. HAS BEHOVED II IS you without it 110 hit-wconib fraudulently obtained irom me atteud t«» ladies and children male protec- Prepared bv J. C. Ayer a m r, ries aboui M lumber, well lonnd in in « W. W. WbIgple has it; also the tveu*., seventh dav ot Dnember instant, m? tor*. Baggage received on the dock the day betors HOOL and Analytical druggists generally sa Is ami rigging, ami well lor FOB BOYS, Chemists, Lowell, Mats.’ d sold adapied Portable Steam to^e of that date t r tbe sum of two hunured dol- fom steamboats, railroads, and passengers all round the world. amf Bold j coasting trade v;».jdne, dcl6eodly Engines. iirs; lhi8 is to caution all persons against purchas- wih prefer to send down early. »No 45 Iran forth Establishment TEATOH & COMBINING the St., Portland. Tailoring BOYS, maximum of ng said note, as it w is obtained as aforesaid and is An experienced surgeon on board. Medicine and Sold bv Druggists in Portland 111 Commercial st., efficiency, dura- an 8. Johnson, >ility aud economy with the without consideration. attendance free. K«v. Oonicl -TO- SAWYER, Commercial st. Je1mi.£w3w minimum ot weight F. Mmiib, A. Kvfr«whrre< and JON ATHAN BURNELL. For freight or passage tickets or further informa- M., Kecior; adjuster of accounts a imi price. They are and »Ii». widely known December 28, t*7U.dcdldJw tion apply at tbr ticket office on tbs Mn.y F. Holme, BOOK-KEEPER,office Ol Joeepl: H. Webster, Ins fcS favorably Baldwin, company’s Aa.i.iaai; pla>n #r Agt., i’jd Wood nore than R00 being in nse. wharf, toot of Cana) North to B. Her. H. Fa,,cy dob Printing No. 118 la Wood, I All warranted street, River, F. W. I'nvlor A. M willIKln, find ^i?04.?'it to their Middle satistacl or for New Root, , TH advantage to call on Wu M Street, t.__au20iltt .ry, or no Bale. Descriptive Shuttle Machinery tor Sale. BABY, Agent, to the Agents England. at the circulars sent on L. BARTLETT « Easter Term Masks, Daily Press Job Printing office Ex- YARPand SLtTWOOP, lor sale at No. 43 Lin dication. ap-^ FULL sett ot new ana improved shuttle C. CO., begin. |Sf”Send your Orders for Job Address IS Broao or Ja"nT,“I?” :hange Street, Portland. ralmoulh Printing to 1 stieve. all in running order can be seen at Sticet, lionon, 4c3oYHder Hotel,) J 1 coin Also, ury edgings. C' A machinery W. D. LITTLE A tiie Pres. Job (MHcr. I H0ADLEY * No. 5t Street. Worcester Maes CO., WM..WUSE, jalldem 00., Lawrence, Mass.t mr shop, Exchange I*nl3tl 491 Exchange Portland! f h» 12 w POLLARD, WILDEK & CO St.,