J~:T~K DEMPSEY IS INDICT FIREMEN GIVE LIE to Fire Laddies with Being -Slackers
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On Ssle.at Omshs'!I Greateat AU New. Staads and Best Five Centa EDIATOR Weekly Newspaper VOL. XVI. OMAHA, NEBRASKA, FEBRUARY 27, 1920. NO. 14. Edwards for President 1. 4 Petition Ready to· File ===="",~<$;. J~:t~K DEMPSEY IS INDICT FIREMEN GIVE LIE TO fire laddies with being -slackers. IFED E'"RAL ACCUSERS AT FLORENCE There. has not been recorded .an in- 'lEW JERSEY LEADER --- stance In Omhaa Where one fIremen I GRAND JURY Attempt t.o Show Firemen lMreliet in has laid down on his job and a lot I VilL'lge Suburb Fire Falls ,of them have been killed in their ef- I Flat. fforts'.to reduce fires and save other I AUTHORIZES ACTION --- lives. This man WiIIiams is in poor I GOES AFTER FIGHTER They had a fire out in our village business putting out this sort of stuff. I suburb of Florence the other morning fOf course the Whole matter v,ill be and a couple of persons came near cleared up after investigation but it Evidence Personal Liberty and Political Free losing their lives. Some enthusiatic I is to no man's credit to attempt to I Offered by Discarded Wife knocker out there said to Chief ~lter "jam" some of the best men that I dom Will Be Slogan at Primary. that it was no fault of the firemen serve the city. Makes Trouble for Pug. that these two persons were not I burned to death. His name' is J. W. J£ORE OMAHAl'"S' RECEIVE . I' WiIIiams, a garage man, who posed! GOOD OIL INFORMATION PERJUHY WELL BALANCED EDWARDS MACHINE as the hero of this "great" conflagra-! Several Omahans who have inter- I KEEPS HIM OUT OF ARMY tion and who told 1\11'. Salter that if tested themselves in the development Hitchcock Good Fellow But He Will Not" Get Anywhere Say it had not been for 'his own efforts of Montgomery county, Kansas, oil a woman and chiln would have been lands are happy as the result of an Moving Picture Men's Big Offers of Half :Million Bring Big Slacker Leaders of Movement-Bryan Dead Letter burned to a crisp. oil strike on the property in which Before Federal Authorities-Incliminating Letters in Nebraska Politics. As a matter of fact the Florence they are interested. Don De Pow has 1 firemen worked like trojans and two jsent word that a well producing 100 to Wife in Evidence of them w~re in the burning building barrels daily has been struck by his The petition of Governor Ed-l New Jersey chief executive for the when the two persons referred to concern, in which so many local peo- ' wards as presidential candidate will presidential nomination. It is now ~ere carried out. There ~ are O~IY IpIe are intereste~. A federal grand jury in San Fran-' to fOl'Ce wifey int~ an affidavit that soon be filed in this state and the believed that he will carry the state nve men at the Florence fire statIOn j De Bow and hIS partner, George O. CISCO has brought out the truth as to kept him out of the war. From her merry warfare to give him the Ne- delegation by a large majority. and th:Y we~e on the job as quickly IEselin. with offices in th~ paxt~n the fighting ability and the gameness he secured signature to a paper which braska preferential vote as against For Senator Hitchcock, it is said, as P?sslble after the alarm was turned block, have been promonng thiS of Jack Dempsey, who claims the stated that he was the lone supnort Senator Hitchcock and an~- other there has been a kindly feeling in. ,This man Will.iams, who ~as been l pr~pert~· f~r mor~ than a year and heavyweight championship of the: of herself and his aged parents. After democrat who may file for that of- among his friends but he is not con_putting out a.ll thIS bragadaclO st~'l thIS stnke IS th~ ~rst good result re: Iworld. Jack has been indicted by that i that he passed up his wife and went fice will then be on. sidered a logic.al candidate and it is happened to be there about the tlille ported. The 011 IS salable at $3.0D body as a slacker in Uncle Sam's I on a high lonesome to entertain the H~ I~er b~r::e~. Recently representative Nebraska not believen he will have a look in the fi:e start:d. did a fine bit of '-:he shares have jumped I army, on evidence, it is said, securedIboys and girls and keep himself democrats have visited Governor when the votes are counted. The work m carrymg OUt a nurse who was trom ::;la to SaO each. from Dempsey's wife. ! strong with the public with a view to Edwards and secured his approval of drY forces, led b}' William J. Bryan near suffocation when found. :H.e Former Mayor Dahlman, George Dempsey and his manager have Iraking off a big pUrse in a champion- ihe filing of his petition in this state. and William H. Thompson of Grand would be entitled to some credit if Esel.in, JUd~e Fitzgerald and the been dickering with supporters ofIship match after the war was ovel·. Incidentally, much was learned about Island, will, of course, support an he had not made a grandstand play Mediator edItor are among Omaha Georges Carpentier, French fighter. Within the last month or two there conditions in the east which indicate outsider. They have been attempting I.O_f_it_R_ll_an_d_,c_h_R_r_g_e_d_a_f_in_e_b_u_n_C_h_o_f_s.,..h_a_,1"_eh_O_I_d_er_S.________ for a world's championship match.! have been bids reaching half million that the' wet and dry issue has by no to secure control of the democratic The true bill of the California grand 1 dollar figures for a match between means been settled. Governor Ed- machinery in this state but have [)9inos In Omaha, fifty Years AdO jury will probably put an end to the! Dempsey and Carpentier. Moving pie- 'W:!trdam .~ totaj'abstamerbut mIt failed dismall$" tl)ma~eany showing· ~ ':;, moneta~- ambitions of Dempsey and i ture men have even entered the pro- great respeetOr of the rights of other thus far. should put the mark on him that is I motion business with a view to secnr- people. He is a highly educated man Within the last few weeks Gover- H. A. Roth was again entertain-j Han'Y Claibourne displayed a banel coming to such fellows who are will-I ing and staging of this proposed fight, and is·ona of the financial lights of nor Edwards has shown conclusively ing friends in his new place of busi- of Kansas oil received by express ing to grab the money, desert a wife! which, it was estimated, would net the the east. that he is much bigger in the hearts ness on North Sh.-teenth street. He from Don De Bow. His friends said and refuse to go to the front for I participants and promoters consider- There is now before the New Jer- of the people and in the councils of recentl~' lost his auctioneer. Ihe bought it ftom Rockefeller's Uncle Sam. Iable more than a million dollars. sey legislature a bill ,to l>ermit the the democratic party than Bryan ___.'agents. The Dempsey case has been hang- Now Uncle Sam has, very properly, manufacture and sale of 3.75 per cent ever was. He has given voice to John Corby was a caller on fliends I ing fire for some time. Dempsey Istepped in and put an end to the whole beer. It has already passed the sentiments that indicate he is repre- in the 'I.-icinity of Sixteenth and Daven-I "Dad" Weaver was again speaking found it convenient to get into a de-l business. The true bill against Demp- house and is expected to pass the sentative of a great majority of the port last Thursda~" ' 1to some of his old friends. He often ferred class when the draft law went sey was to be returned today. Testi- senate within a few days, which in- people and not of a clique of selfish Ichanged his mind about things. into effect and managed to keep away mony has been brought out before the sures it becoming a'law of that state., political grafters and worthless pro- Joe \Vright, popular North End I from the battling front, despite his grand jury, according to best report, The governor has taken a decided motel'S of vagaries that have always barber, denied the report that he I Dick Schneider entertained news- boasted prowess as a fighter. AI-l that this big hunk of cheese did every stand tor liberalism; states' 'rights characterized the ideas of men like would buy a drug store when the Han- !paper friends at a little "at home af- though he had used his wife like a Ithing dishonorable knov-;n to the cnm- and every other original provision. Bryan. ley permits were given out. Ifair'" this week. Dick was some en- chattel and had flirted with all the jnal calendar to keep away from the Of our national constitution. He will Representative democrats in Ne- --- ,teTtainer. be-powdered girls he met, he managed· (Continued on Page Three.) wage his oam.paign. for the demo- braska realize that one of the biggest Ida Ryan, well !rnO\\"R political! cratic nomination along those lines issues in the forthcoming national booster for the Women's Sbcteenth! The story about Johnny Ragan and Nebraska democrats will be campaign will be whether or not OtIT Street Edwards-for-President club, ex- 'seeking a ne'\\' job was all 'wrong.