L'*7*(^ {R ' Q.Lrtb Jutl 1 3 1G7g U(Jlt T Z'tg?G D4/44 GIET &

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L'*7*(^ {R ' Q.Lrtb Jutl 1 3 1G7g U(Jlt T Z'tg?G D4/44 GIET & '$lD * , j e,r . .. .,) i,&l ffilh{":, '-*.t.. , "i ;4r,* " COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNlTIES ,t V cou(fg) )o final - Part r \- ! 3ruesele' ja"nuary 19?9 J Jl- ' lt'-'tt r'' 3 ';*'': '"- - UNIVET'::"Iit i ' 'r l'*7*(^ {r ' q.lrtb JUtl 1 3 1g7g u(Jlt t Z'tg?g d4/44 GIET & THI SITI'ATIOI.I OF.THF AGR]CUTTURAtr, MARKETS 1978 REPORT PART I (srrbmitted to the Council by the Conunission) I : ,:l r: t i; .;/tl:ri i:. , ..rt ' :..: t i.i'1: I :Jiiri l{il'.i,. ; :1 . i:r coil(?g) 50 PROPERTY OF HILLMAN LIBRARV 4 lII FLOOR $TACKS coM (78) 5oolr Prcfaqory : $1u, '.,.t' " dlff,crcnt The present docuncnt rcir ,out 1a dctail ibc, rituaqi'os-ori ttt€ agricultural narkcts i"-igl8 ena thcrr outlook,for 1979 aad 1980' by the The 1978 report on the Agricultural Situation, which is-guUlished Europesn Coilruni:i9f in relation to the prUfi""itoo-r OfCi.e'of tf,e oomdniti:{: pTwerflh Generel-i"peit on the i"li"Ltl"g ot ^tuc-[uropean -- .""Iii"", besi,des:o--tU"t data, a shotteaed v&sion of the.Pr€sent' document' 4t4"'='-\'-,.<. "*.t_- t{ Il 'l-,t 'i. --- t a I,i- , i tij . I il {r tI I. I' r:i ,l: il t. t. I i .-2- CONTENTS q +The situation on the agricultural 1978 REPONT Part I Page Table no A. General survey I. Situation on the principal agri- cultural markets 4 II. The market outlook 6 B. Analysis by sector 10 I. Products subject to c.omon market ;ffi ro 1. Cereals 11 il. 1. 1. to }t.1.19 2, Rice 24 17.2,L. to t{.2.5 29 M.3.1 M.3.9 i 3. Sugar to I 4. Olive oil 35 l'1.4.1 to H.1+,4 5. Oit seeds 42 M.5.a.1 to M.5. c. 1 i 6a.Dried fodder 51 5b.Peas, broad beans, and field beans for use in animal feed 54 7. Fibre flax and hery 55 tr.7. 1 to 11.7.7 8. Seeds 58 M.8. 1 to M.8.3 9. Wine 62 H.9.r to 1,1.9.4 10. Raw tobacco 67 M. 10. 1 qo M. 10.8 lla.fresh fruit and vegetables 77 1,1.11.1 q" M. 1r. 15 llb.Processed fruit and vegetables 81 llc.Live plants 85 1,I.11.17 12. Hops 87 u. 12.1 to tt.L2.5 i 13. l'lilk and milk products 90 M.13.1 to u. 13.29 \ 1,4. Beef and veal 104 M.14. r. to l{.14.8 i 15. Pigmeat 119 M.15.1 to H.1s.8 i 16. Eggs L29 M. 16. 1 to t4.L5.7 17. Poultryneat 133 !1.17.1 to u. r7.5 18. Silk worms 137 H. 18. 1 II. Products not.subject comon _.lli-- to markeL organization r,38 19a. Agricultural alcohol 139 M. 19. a 19b. Potatoes r41 M. 19.b. 1 to t{. 19 .b.3 19c. Sheepmeat 145 M. 19. c. 1 to !1. 19, c.7 19d. Honey 149 l,I. 19. d (:. su 150 20. lleat 151 r{.20. 1 to M.20.4 21. 0ils and fats 157 t{.21 . 1 to u.zr.2 22. Feediagetuffs r53 tt.22.\ to \t.22.8 -1-, - :' :.- GETEaAI #A. TUNSEY ' t, ti, ;l Irt 't ,l -4- 1, SITUATION IN 1978 ON TI{E PRINCIPAI AGRICULTT]ML I'IARKETS OF THE COMMWIII TI.!s : Thc dairy hcrd renained virtually unclranged; the premiume,for thc non-markbting of milk and for the conversion of dairy berda did not have the results initially expected, but did prevent a nel4t increase in headage. The good weather in 1978 and the relatively low prices for cat,tle feed led to a substanti.al increase in milk production. Consumption of butter remained unchanged while production inereased, cheese production rose nore than consump- tion and sales of skirnmed milk powder expanded. Butter stocks increased while cheese stock$ renained large but stable and skimrred milk powder stocks declined slightly. BEEF AI{D \mAL : The cattle herd and meat production both stabilized; consumption increased very s1ightly. Intervention buying-in dosn on previous years. Net imports totalled about 200 000 tonnes sHsrpt'Eer : Production picked up, consumption renained stable'aad prices increased, particularly in the United Kingdom and Ireland. PIGMEAT : The breeding herd continued to increase, as did the total herd and the production of pigmeat; production will reach the 9.2 rnillion tonne inark in 1978. Per capita consumption of pigmeat - unlike that of beef and veal and poultrymeat - is increasing steadily in nearly all regions of the Cormunity. The fall in prices from January 1978 meant that intervention measures in the forn of private storage aid were required from June onwards. POUTTRYMEAT : Placings increased in 1977 and 1978 and the parent stock w'as enlarged L; 1977 I exports fell sharply in L977, Lut were more satisfactory in 1978. Improved profitability led to increased production; prices have been falling since Septenber 1978. EGGS : In 1978 production increased and prices fell; the latter trend was accentuated in mid-sumrer by seasonal price novements. Demand was very inelastic and more or less stable. Exports were low. CEREALS : The harvest showed a big increase over the previousj year. Iluman consumption contioued to decline slightly, while animal consump- tion remained stable because of the increased inports of substitute products, notably nanioc. Market prices for 1977 and the beginning of 1978 were under pressure; onLy a slight increase is forecast for the 1978 harvest. IBLE!-IODDEB : Production was better than usual in 1977 and 1978; prices were reLatively low. -5- j i OIISEEDS i Exports of colza oil were particularly high in 1977/78, which helped sales from the 1977 harvest. The sunflower seed crop rlras disposed of as ususal without difficulLy. Community production of soyE bcans, although rieing slightlyr st'ilI accounLs for only a srnal,l part of Community requirements. Supplies were obtained at low prices following the very abundant harvest in the United States OLIVE OIt : Production in 1.977 /78 was double that of the previous year (alternate bearing). Market prices were lower than the inter- vention price in the case of olive residue oil, equal to it in the case of lampante grade olive oil and above iL in the case of edible oils. SUGAR : Both Community and world production !{ere high; consumption increased very slightly. Preferential imports and increased pr:oduction of isoglucose meant that a very large quantity (3.7 million tonnes) had to be exported. WINE : Production vfas very low in 1977 and still fairly low in 1978 (25 and 18$ respectively down on 1973 and 1974). Consumption was stable and prices increased. AGRICULTUML ALCOHOL : Production and consunption lrere stable I there were no marked variations in prices, which tended downwards. I FRUIT AND VEGETABTES : In 1977 fruit production declined and vegetable rcwasnorma11consequent1y,relativeIyhighpriceswere recorded for fruit and lower prices for vegetables. TOBACCO : There were structural difficulties for certain varieties (particularly oriental tobacco and Beneventano). -5- II. TI{E MARIGT OUTTOOK Sumrnary of Communicy outlook : Crop production : high (in some cases very high) levels of productionl prices slightly higher than in the past year. Cost of animal feed : comparable with that in the past y€ar; some ' uncertainty regarding the oilcake situation from March/April 1979 onwards. Livestock production : increase in the production of pigneat, poultry:rneat and milk and niLk products, no change for eggs and beef and veal; some pressure on profitability in the livestock sector as a whoIe. Specialized crops : no major changes are expected at this stage as regards wine, fruit and vegetables, hops, seeds aod other specialized crops The Commission agrees on the whole with the conclusions reached by the OECD Comrnittee for Agriculture at its meeting on 16 to 18 October 1978 as regards the world outlook for the markets in cereals, animal'feed aad Iivestock products for 1978/79. .{n abundant supply of cereals, particu- Iarly coarse grainr is forecast in almost all the major producing regions, together with another large soya harvest in the United States. l.lorld wheat production is expected to exceed 410 million tonnes, thus almosL reaching the 1976 level. Having regard to the expected increase in world consumpLion, little change in world stocks is to be expected; there will probably be a decrease in the United States and a slight increase elsewhere. The world price will therefore be steadier than in the past. year, but will probably not be more than half the Comrnunity price for wheat. As regards feed grain, the expected increase in supply will not be conrpletel"y offset by an increase in demand, although the latter will continue high, particularly in respect of pig and poultry feed. Stocks in the United States are therefore likely to expand and there will con- sequently be more pressure oa world stocks of feed grain than on wheat stocks. The situation as regards protein products for use in animal feed is more balanced than the situation in the cereals sector. Record production of soya in the United States, increased production of grouadnuL, dunflower and colza cake, and stable production of fishmeal and cotton seed cake should be seen in the light of the relatively low stocks at the beginning of the marketing year, sustained or increasing demand, and above all the uncertainty surrounding soya productioa ia the soulhern hemisphere at the beginning of 7979.
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    ISSN: 2158-7051 ==================== INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RUSSIAN STUDIES ==================== ISSUE NO. 2 ( 2013/2 ) SHORT HISTORY OF THE CYRILLIC ALPHABET IVAN G. ILIEV* Summary This work describes the history of the Cyrillic alphabet, which is one of the oldest, and one of the most widespread alphabets in the world nowadays, from its creation at the end of the 9th century AD to present-day times. At the beginning, the author discusses the name of the alphabet, its probable creators, and the period it was created in during the First Bulgarian Kingdom, as well as the model for the alphabet. Then he traces the spread of the Cyrillic letters to other countries and regions: Russia, Serbia, Croatia, Romania, the Caucasus, Siberia, Alaska, etc. Particular attention is dedicated to tsar Peter's orthographic reform in Russia in 1708, its influence over other Slavic and Orthodox peoples, and, at the end, to the withdrawal from the Cyrillic alphabet at the end of the 20th century. In the article there are also notes on Cyrillic hand-writing styles (uncial, semi-uncial, quickscript) and typography. Maps and a list of the languages which have used the alphabet are included, too. Key Words: Cyrillic alphabet, Bulgaria, Russia, Slavic countries, Cyrillic typography. The Cyrillic alphabet is one of the oldest, and one of the most widespread alphabets in the world nowadays, alongside with the Latin (or Roman) alphabet, the Chinese characters, the Arabic alphabet, and the Devanagari script. It originated during the 10th century in Bulgaria, on whose present-day territory several other alphabets were born even before this one: the Gothic alphabet of Wulfila (4th century AD), the alphabet of the Thracian tribe Bessi, invented by St.
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